Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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Vi har bytt adress : medarbetares upplevelser av nya kontorslokaler / We’ve changed address : employees’ perceptions of their new officeRäftegård, Simon, Sandin, Rickard, Segerbom, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Kontorsmiljön kan variera beroende på arbetsplats, därför anses det viktigt att studera hur den fysiska kontorsmiljön kan påverka arbetstagarnas trivsel, gemenskap och arbetssituation. Tidigare forskning har visat att faktorer så som antal personer som delar kontorsrum eller individens möjlighet till att sitta avskilt kan ha en påverkan på arbetstagarens känsla av sammanhang i sitt arbete. Till och med arbetstagarens upplevelse av kontorets luftkvalitet och belysning har visat påverka arbetstagarnas beteenden i arbetet. I januari 2016 bytte arbetstagarna inom Hälso- och Sjukvårdssektorn i en av Göteborgs stads stadsdelsförvaltningar kontorslokaler, de flyttade från kontorslokaler i ett äldreboende till ett av kommunens kontorslokaler. Syftet med denna studie var att få en bättre förståelse över hur deras nya kontorsmiljö kan ha påverkat arbetstagarnas arbetssituation samt känsla av gemenskap och trivsel. Studien genomfördes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med nio av Hälso- och Sjukvårdssektorns medarbetare samt en mindre observation av den fysiska arbetsmiljön i deras nya kontorslokaler. De mest framträdande slutsatserna som drogs i studien var att det nya kontoret bidrog till att alla sektorns funktioner nu delar kontorslokal. Något som haft en stark påverkan på arbetstagarnas arbetssituation, gemenskap och trivsel. Då de nu fått en förbättrad kommunikation mellan funktionerna, vilket även bidragit till bättre förutsättningar för samarbete. Studiens resultat visade även att kontorens storlek, struktur och fysiska attribut hade en påverkan av arbetstagarens känsla av sammanhang, genom att skapa bättre förutsättningar för ordning, kontroll och samarbete. / The office environment can variate in different workplaces, therefore it’s important to research how much the physical office environment can influence the employees’ work situation and feeling of community and wellbeing. Previous research has shown that factors such as the amount of people in an office space or the possibility to privacy can influence the employees’ sense of coherence in their work. Even the employees’ experience of the air quality and light has been shown to affect the employees’ behavior at work. In January of 2016 the employees at the Health Care sector in one of the city districts in Göteborgs stad moved their offices, from offices in an old retirement home to a county office building. The purpose of this research is to get a better understanding of how the new office environment have influenced the employees’ experience in regards to their new work situation and feeling of community and wellbeing. The research was conducted with the help of quality based interviews with nine employees and a small observation of the physical work environment at the Heath Care sector’s new office spaces. The major findings in this study showed that the new closeness, were the different functions within the sector now share the same office space, has had a clear influence on the employees work situation and feelings of community and wellbeing. Where the communication between the functions has improved, something that also has improved their conditions for cooperation. The study also showed that the size, the structure and the physical attributed of the office space has had an influence on the employees’ sense of coherence, by creating better conditions for organization, control and cooperation.
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Ett annorlunda cellkontor: En studie i hur ett kontor kan omformas för att stödja en kommunal innovationssatsning.Hvetlander, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Detta arbete är en studie i hur ett cellkontor kan omformas för att stödja en kommunal innovationssatsning. Jag har samarbetat med Eskilstuna kommun och de har arbetat med en innovationssatsning sedan 2010. Syftet med innovationssatsningen är att innovation ska genomsyra hela organisationen och bli en naturlig del av arbetet där både medarbetare och ledare kan utvecklas. Syftet med arbetet är att ta fram ett kontorskoncept, en pilotmodell, för hur ett kontor som stödjer en innovationssatsning kan se ut. Det praktiska problemet är att det idag saknas en rumslig identitet och visuell koppling till satsningen. Kontoret är trångt och saknar tydliga förvaringsutrymmen samt funktioner som underlättar för möten. Genom metoderna rumsanalys och intervju har jag kunnat kartlägga rummets förutsättningar och användarens behov. Med stöd från teorier kring kreativitet och innovation i kombination med designprinciper har ett gestaltningsförslag tagits fram. Gestaltningsförslaget är framtaget och anpassat till ett cellkontor på stadshuset i Eskilstuna. Resultatet har blivit en pilotmodell som ska fungera som ett inspirationsunderlag för ledare inom innovationssatsningen. / This is a study on how a cell office can be transformed in order to cooperate with, and support a municipal innovation initiative. I have worked closely with the municipal of Eskilstuna, who since 2010, have been working on an innovation initiative. The purpose of this initiative is to integrate innovation and innovative thinking amongst the whole organization, and make it a natural part of the work process and work environment where both employees and executives can develop and thrive. The purpose of my analysis and study is to create a beta version of an office landscape that supports innovative thinking. The practical problem is that, today, there is no real spatial identity or visual connection between the room and the initiative. The office space is limited, there is a lack of smart storage spaces, functions that could make it easier to conduct meetings and other solutions that would ease the day-to-day operations. By carrying out the methods of spatial analysis and by conducting an interview with the user, I was able to create an understanding of the room’s potential and restraints. I created a design proposal based on support from theories concerning creativity and innovation, combined with design principles. The design proposal is created and tailored to a cell office inside the town hall of Eskilstuna. The end result is meant to work as beta version and as a inspirational base for the innovative initiative.
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Energikartläggning och beräkningsstrategier för energiflöden i byggnader : En fallstudie av Vallongatan 1Mickelsson, Anton January 2016 (has links)
Energy audit and calculation strategies for energy flows in buildings: a case study of Vallongatan 1 This thesis involves an energy audit of a building with offices and laboratories in Uppsala, Sweden. The calculations are performed in Microsoft Excel and were later used as the basis for developing calculation strategies for similar, future, energy audits. The building was erected in the early 1990s and the heating requirement of just above 700 MWh is covered by district heating from the city network. The total gross floor area is about 8400 m2 and is served by an air conditioning system consisting of seven ventilation units with rotary heat exchangers, heating and cooling coils, as well as water radiators throughout the building. No significant improvement measures have been implemented since the construction, and the building therefore has a potential to improve its energy performance. The report addresses a number of measures that could be taken, as well as an evaluation of each one. The most economically viable of these would be to clean the rotary heat exchangers, which is deemed to have a potential to save about 70 MWh or 48 700 SEK annually. In comparison to the estimated cost of between 35 000 and 42 000 SEK this is likely to become profitable as early as the first year. The calculation templates that were developed cover three different building standards, these are categorized as low, improved and advanced standard. Here, the desired areas and types of activities are typed in easily for either individual rooms or entire offices or buildings. The templates provide estimates regarding power and energy needs for heating and comfort cooling, recommended air flows, heat development and dissipation as well as carbon dioxide concentration in the room air.
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Möjligheter med sjuksköterskebaserad hjärtsviktsmottagning som arbetar evidensbaserat : en systematisk litteraturstudie / The opportunity with a evidence based office nursing heart failure clinic : a systematic reviewJohannesson, Caroline, Karlsson, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Personer med hjärtsvikt behöver enligt nationella riktlinjer för hjärtsjukvård få individanpassad som är effektiv, jämlik, patientsäker, kunskapsbaserad och tillgänglig. De är i behov av information om behandling, symtom och förebyggande åtgärder. Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka komponenter som sjuksköterskor vid en sjuksköterskebaserad hjärtsviktsmottagning kan använda för att bedriva evidensbaserad vård. I den systematiska litteraturstudien granskades 21 artiklar där två komponenter framkom, utbildning och e-hälsa, där utbildning var den viktigaste komponenten. Som stöd till komponenterna påvisades ett flertal redskap i artiklarna såsom telefonuppföljning, hembesök, grupputbildning, telemonitorering, dagbok, skriftlig information/bok och video/ dataprogram. När komponenterna och redskapen användes av sjuksköterskor sågs nyttan med hjärtsviktsmottagning med signifikant eller bättre resultat för egenvård, livskvalitet, kostnader, nyttjande av vård samt mortalitet. / People with heart failure should according to Swedish national guidelines for heart care get personalized care that is efficient, equitable, patient safety, knowledgeable and accessible. They should receive information about treatment, symptoms and prevention. The purpose of this study was to explore components that nurses at an office nursing heart failure clinic can use to conduct evidence-based care. This systematic literature study reviewed 21 articles in which two components emerged, education and e-support, where education was the most important component. To maintain the components, several tools were found in the articles, these were; telephone follow-up, home visits, group education, telemonitoring, diary, written information/book and video/computer programs. When the components and tools was used together by nurses at nursing office heart failure clinics, significantly or better results were found for self-care, quality of life, costs, utilization of care and mortality.
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The formation of policy in the India Office, 1858-66, with special reference to the political, judicial, revenue, public and public works departmentsWilliams, Donovan January 1962 (has links)
No description available.
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Anthony Todd and the British Post Office, 1738-1798Ellis, Kenneth Leslie January 1954 (has links)
No description available.
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The Foreign Office and international sport, 1918-1948Polley, Martin Robert January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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Employee perceptions of the performance management system at the South African post office in PretoriaMatjila, Thapedi Stephen. January 2016 (has links)
M. Tech. Human Resources Management / The objectives of this research are to determine employees perceptions about performance management system contracting, to determine the performance management system evaluation within South African Post Office. It also looks at the perceptions of South African Post Office employees about the outcomes of the performance management system.
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No description available.
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Investigating coworking spaces in the advertising industry in South AfricaMeyer, Henry 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Why are other industries successfully using coworking spaces while the advertising industry in South Africa does not, or only partially? Can coworking spaces specifically tailored for the advertising industry invigorate the industry or will client confidentiality be the death of coworking in this industry? The purpose of this research study was to determine the viability of coworking spaces in the advertising industry in South Africa, as well as the barriers to entry and the concerns that the typical advertising person would have related to coworking spaces.
This research employed a qualitative approach by means of four structured open-ended face-to-face interviews to obtain primary data about coworking spaces in Cape Town. The participants were randomly selected from advertising staff who had left the corporate environment to work for themselves from a home office, some who were using shared office space or entrepreneurs availing themselves of the advertising space. The researcher asked respondents questions about their experiences and what would be important considerations for making use of a coworking space.
The key findings were that there was a need for affordable office space. Financial considerations were one of the main reasons preventing start-up entrepreneurs or self-employed individuals from moving from their home office. The location of the coworking space was of the utmost importance, because individuals did not wish to be stuck in traffic and preferred to work close to their homes. Confidentiality was a major concern for all the respondents taking part in the survey. The principle of knowledge sharing in a coworking environment is valuable, but it could have limitations in the advertising industry since most of the work is deemed confidential. Moreover, the concept of coworking was still largely unknown and had to be explained during each interview. The way we work has changed, but not the working environment.
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