Spelling suggestions: "subject:"effice"" "subject:"cffice""
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A knowledge engineering approach to ACMHahn, Randy G. January 1986 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1986 H33 / Master of Science / Computing and Information Sciences
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En aktivitetsbaserad kontorsmiljö : med fokus på arbetsmotivation, samverkan och kommunikation / An activity-based office-environment : focus on work motivation, cooperation, and communicationKazeroony, Beatrice January 2016 (has links)
Aktivitetsbaserade kontor blir allt vanligare men de har blivit kritiserade av ett flertal anledningar för att inte fungera effektivt och det behöver läggas mer fokus på att ta reda vad som blir problematiskt. Syftet med denna studie var bidra med kunskap hur den aktivitetsbaserade arbetsmiljön har för påverkan på arbetsmotivation, samverkan och kommunikation hos medarbetare som arbetar på ett sådant kontor. Med en kvalitativ undersökningsansats har jag utfört elva semistrukturerade intervjuer tillsammans med observationer på medarbetare som arbetar i Kungälvs stadshus. Litteraturöversikten innehåller tidigare forskning över aktivitetsbaserad kontorsmiljö och dess påverkan på faktorerna: arbetsmotivation, samverkan och kommunikation. Studiens resultat visade att motivation positivt av kulturen och arbetsmiljöns utseende tillsammans med det flexibla arbetssättet. Oväsen hade däremot en negativ påverkan på arbetsmotivationen när medarbetare inte kunde arbeta i en helt lugn arbetsmiljö och koncentrera sig. Fokuserade och hängivna ledare motiverar medarbetare till att vilja arbeta. Medarbetare kan sitta var som helst på kontoret och ledarna behöver lita på dem då de inte ser dem lika mycket, när medarbetarna känner att ledaren förlitar sig på dem ökar deras motivation. De grupporienterade ytorna på kontoret skapar en fysisk kontakt som stimulerar samverkan och höjer motivationen. Motivationen har ett samband till både samverkan och kommunikation. Grupporienterade ytor stimulerar även kommunikationen på kontoret men den överstimuleras inte. Kontoret som är kreativt på ett flertal sätt effektiviserar samverkan. Medarbetare kommunicerar mycket med hjälp av modern teknik på aktivitetsbaserade kontor för att ta kontakt med kollegor och ledare, men tekniken överanvänds inte. Avsaknaden av väggar på kontoret gör det öppet och synligt för medarbetarna att se varandra, då förbättras samverkan och effektiviseras kommunikationen mellan medarbetarna. / Activity-based offices are becoming more common, but they have been criticized by a number of reasons for not function effectively and it needs to be focused on finding out what the problems are. The purpose of this study was to contribute knowledge how the activity-based working environment has influence on work motivation, cooperation and communication among employees working in such offices. With a qualitative research approach, I have done eleven semi-structured interviews together with observations on employees working in Kungälvs Hall. The literature review includes previous research on activity-based office environment and its impact on the factors: motivation, collaboration and communication. The study results showed that motivation positive culture and work environment appearance along with the flexible working. Noise other hand, had a negative impact on work motivation when employees could not work in a completely peaceful environment and concentrate. Focused and dedicated leaders motivate people to want to work. Employees can sit anywhere in the office and leaders need to trust them when they do not see them as much, when employees feel that the leader relies on to increase their motivation. The group-oriented surfaces in the office creates a physical contact that stimulates cooperation and increase motivation. The motivation is related to both cooperation and communication. Group-oriented surfaces also stimulate communication in the office but not over stimulated. The office that is creative in numerous ways streamlines cooperation. Employees communicate a lot with the help of modern technology on activity-based office to get in touch with colleagues and leaders, but the technique of not used. The lack of walls in the office makes it open and visible for the employees to see each other, which improves cooperation and efficient communication between employees.
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From biblical fidelity to organizational efficiency: The gospel ministry from English Separatism of the late sixteenth century to the Southern Baptist Convention of the early twentieth centuryMoore, William Gene 17 November 2003 (has links)
This dissertation provides a historical and theological examination of Baptist views of the gospel ministry from English Separatists of the late sixteenth century to the Southern Baptist Convention of the mid-1920s. Chapter 1 provides the thesis of the dissertation, background material to its being written, and the methodology by which its conclusions are reached.
Chapters 2 through 4 provide overviews for the ministry among English Separatists, British Baptists of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and American Baptists of the mid-seventeenth through the mid-nineteenth centuries, respectively. Each chapter focuses upon primary writings revealing each group's understanding of such issues as the office of the minister, the divine call to the ministry, ordination, preparation, the call by a congregation to a local church, and mutual responsibilities of ministers and church members.
Chapters 5 through 7 examine the ministry among Southern Baptists from about 1865 to 1925. While the fifth chapter follows the same pattern as the previous three, Chapter 6 examines the beginning of a shift in the focus of the work of the minister from 1865 to 1900 with the introduction of organizational efficiency. Chapter 7 demonstrates that this shift became denominationally accepted during the early twentieth century.
This work maintains that the heritage of Southern Baptists expressed consistent views concerning the office of the minister into the latter decades of the nineteenth century. The minister's call to the ministry, preparation, ordination, call to a congregation, and mutual responsibilities with church members were derived from clear biblical statements and principles. The end of the nineteenth century, however, witnessed a shift in the Southern Baptist view of the work of the ministry regarding the ability to produce quantifiable outcomes-a shift which became firmly established during the first two and a half decades of the twentieth century. This shift fueled a Baptist concern for organizational efficiency, a concern which viewed successful churches as those which were optimally organized to produce quantifiable results. Because pastors were seen as the key to organizational efficiency, they were judged according to the success of their churches' achieving those results. / This item is only available to students and faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
If you are not associated with SBTS, this dissertation may be purchased from <a href="http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb">http://disexpress.umi.com/dxweb</a> or downloaded through ProQuest's Dissertation and Theses database if your institution subscribes to that service.
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Comfort Climate Evaluation with Thermal Manikin Methods and Computer Simulation ModelsNilsson, Håkan O January 2004 (has links)
Increasing concern about energy consumption and thesimultaneous need for an acceptable thermal environment makesit necessary to estimate in advance what effect differentthermal factors will have on the occupants. Temperaturemeasurements alone do not account for all climate effects onthe human body and especially not for local effects ofconvection and radiation. People as well as thermal manikinscan detect heat loss changes on local body parts. This factmakes it appropriate to develop measurement methods andcomputer models with the corresponding working principles andlevels of resolution. One purpose of this thesis is to linktogether results from these various investigation techniqueswith the aim of assessing different effects of the thermalclimate on people. The results can be used to facilitatedetailed evaluations of thermal influences both in indoorenvironments in buildings and in different types ofvehicles. This thesis presents a comprehensive and detaileddescription of the theories and methods behind full-scalemeasurements with thermal manikins. This is done with new,extended definitions of the concept of equivalent temperature,and new theories describing equivalent temperature as avector-valued function. One specific advantage is that thelocally measured or simulated results are presented with newlydeveloped "comfort zone diagrams". These diagrams provide newways of taking into consideration both seat zone qualities aswell as the influence of different clothing types on theclimate assessment with "clothing-independent" comfort zonediagrams. Today, different types of computer programs such as CAD(Computer Aided Design) and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)are used for product development, simulation and testing of,for instance, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)systems, particularly in the building and vehicle industry.Three different climate evaluation methods are used andcompared in this thesis: human subjective measurements, manikinmeasurements and computer modelling. A detailed description ispresented of how developed simulation methods can be used toevaluate the influence of thermal climate in existing andplanned environments. In different climate situationssubjective human experiences are compared to heat lossmeasurements and simulations with thermal manikins. Thecalculation relationships developed in this research agree wellwith full-scale measurements and subject experiments indifferent thermal environments. The use of temperature and flowfield data from CFD calculations as input produces acceptableresults, especially in relatively homogeneous environments. Inmore heterogeneous environments the deviations are slightlylarger. Possible reasons for this are presented along withsuggestions for continued research, new relationships andcomputer codes. Key-words:equivalent temperature, subject, thermalmanikin, mannequin, thermal climate assessment, heat loss,office environment, cabin climate, ventilated seat, computermodel, CFD, clothing-independent, comfort zone diagram. / <p>QCR 20161027</p>
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Analýza vývoje a vymáhání daňových nedoplatků / Analysis of the Development and Recovery of Tax ArrearsVejmělek, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The object of this graduation theses is the analysis of tax arrears registered by Financial Headquarters in České Budějovice. The theoretical part of this study contains the description of key concepts with the introduction of tax functions and stages of tax proceedings. The practical part contains the analysis of tax arrears in given period. Tax arrears are analysed in separate offices which fall within ghe copmetence of Financial Headquarters. Tax arrears are captured according to separate tax sorts. This study contains ways of blocking tax arrears and possibilities of tax execution. The aim of this study is to warn against rising amount of tax arrears, problems and barriers connected with tax execution. There are clear proposals and recommendations that could lead to positive changes and favourable development of followed problems.
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Struktura pozičních míst pro absolventy vysokých škol na krajských úřadech / The Structure of Positions to be occupied by Higher School Graduates at Regional AuthoritiesMarková, Aneta January 2009 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the structure of positional places for graduates in the regional offices, particularly in the Jihočeský Region, Jihomoravský Region, Karlovarský Region, Plzeňský Region and Region Vysočina. It examines the requirements that are imposed on candidates for the position of the regional office. Then the thesis focuses on the profile of the graduate School of Management, specializing in public sector management and regional development, and determines whether the knowledge are applicable to positions in the regional offices.
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Ústavní zakotvení a postavení státního zastupitelství jako orgánu veřejné žaloby / Constitutional framework and position of the Public Prosecutor's Office as institution representing public prosecutionHabily, Yannick January 2019 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to provide comprehensive analysis of constitutional framework and position of the Public prosecution. By term constitutional framework of the Public prosecution. I understand its definition and subsumption under the Constitution of the Czech Republic. By position of the Public prosecution I understand its degree of autonomy and its position within the system of public administration bodies including its relations with them. In relation to the goal of this thesis I also deal with the historical development of public prosecution and consideration over the possible amendments of its framework. The public prosecution service is a system of state offices which represent the state in protecting public interest. The constitution entrusts the Public prosecution office with the task of representing public prosecution in penal proceedings. And that is what makes the Public Prosecution office unique and irreplaceable institution, which together with the courts takes part in the exercise of penal justice and shall be therefore considered as necessary institution for the state governed by the rule of law. The thesis is divided into six main chapters except for its introduction and final part. The first chapter provides the overview of historical development of public prosecution with...
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Why people run for elective office? : Study of political motives among local elites in KebumenWidhianto, Agung January 2019 (has links)
Why do people run for elective office? Indeed, it is a central topic in political science that arguably is controversial to reveal, but always appealing since public authority remains in office. This study provides an explorative analysis to investigate local elites’ motives running for local parliament and village offices respectively in Kebumen, Indonesia. In examining individual’s motives, experiences and meanings of candidates are analysed using thematic analysis methods to capture emerging ideas of initial motives, enabling and constraining factors that affect the motives, and how both motives alter. The empirical findings of this study show that “people demand” and “community service” are both socially driven motives which act as a catalyst for the initial motives in candidacy process. In contrast, “monetary incentives” and “personal satisfaction” are both individually driven motives, which in turn replace the initial motives in response to high-cost political competition, that is so-called money politics. This study also captures the emergence of religious motive in the shifting process of the socially driven to the individually driven motives. Eventually, the study affirms that both motives, in combination, constitute a political motive as a desire of power to hold an elective office.
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Syfte: Idag har det blivit allt mer vanligt att verksamheter använder sig av aktivitetsbaserade kontor, så kallade ABW-kontor. En anledning till detta är att kontorsformen är mer yteffektiv då den oftast är utformad för ett färre antal medarbetare än vad verksamheten har anställda. Problemet med många av dagens aktivitetsbaserade kontor är att utformningen inte är rätt anpassad till verksamhetens behov. Detta grundar sig i att det finns en kommunikationsbrist i utformningsprocessen vilket medför att arkitekten inte får den information om verksamheten som behövs. Målet med arbetet har varit att komma fram till ett hjälpmedel som kan undvika kommunikationsbristen för att i framtiden ge arkitekter ett bättre underlag för att utforma ABW-kontor. Metod: Studien har bestått av en kvalitativ undersökning där fallstudier, intervjuer och dokumentgranskning använts. Studiens största datainsamling består av semistrukturerade intervjuer med arkitekt och personer som arbetat hos de tre verksamheterna under utformningsprocessen. Utöver detta utfördes en dokumentgranskning av planlösningarna hos verksamheterna. Dessa datainsamlingsmetoder kunde därefter analyseras och generera svar på studiens frågeställningar. Resultat: Undersökningen visade att det funnits en kommunikationsbrist i samtliga utformningsprocesser hos de tre verksamheterna. En av verksamheterna hade använt sig mer av medarbetarna i utformningsprocessen vilket kan kopplas till att de anställda var nöjda med kontoret. Från intervjuerna framgick det vad i kontorets utformning som var viktigt för att kontoret skulle bli så anpassat till verksamhetens behov som möjligt. Utifrån den här informationen skapades en checklista för arkitekt, beställare och anställda. Checklistan kan användas i utformningsprocessen för att få ett bra underlag till att anpassa kontorets utformning till verksamhetens behov. Konsekvenser: En slutsats av den här studien är att alla ABW-kontor inte är anpassade efter verksamhetens behov. Under utformningsprocessen involveras inte alla medarbetarna tillräckligt mycket vilket har visat sig vara nödvändigt för ett fungerande resultat. För att ge en arkitekt möjlighet att utforma ett aktivitetsbaserat kontor så bra som möjligt behövs information från medarbetarna som förklarar deras arbetssätt och behov. En rekommendation utifrån resultatet är att göra checklistan digitaliserad så att större företag kan använda sig av den också. Begränsningar: Studien har avgränsats till att undersöka tre verksamheter med olika typer av organisationer, ekonomi, IT och marknadsföring. Antalet intervjuer på de olika verksamheterna har även avgränsats till att intervjua personer som endast varit med under bytet till ABW-kontor. Den resulterande checklistan är lämpad att användas i små företag eftersom checklistan är i pappersform. För stor insamling av checklistor kan minska effektiviteten i utformningsprocessen. Metodvalen är anpassade för studiens omfattning men arbetet hade stärkts om intervjuer även utförts med arkitekter som utformat de valda ABW-kontoren. Nyckelord: ABW, Aktivitetsbaserat kontor, Kommunikationsverktyg, Utformningsprocess. / Purpose: Nowadays it is more common to use activity based work offices, known as ABW-offices. One of the reasons why it is getting more popular is because of the space efficiency. ABW-offices are often designed for less people than number of employees. The problem with many of today’s activity based work offices is that it is not suitable for every type of work environment and its needs. The reason is lack of communication during the design process. That can lead into less information about the working environment for the architect. The goal with the case study has been to produce a userfriendly communication tool so the architect has a better base to start the design process. Method: The study is a qualitative survey with case studies, interviews and document analysis. The largest data collection has been semi structured interviews with architect and employees. The document analysis is based on the layouts of the different work offices. These data collection methods could thereafter be analyzed and generate answers to the questions of the case study. Findings: The study showed that there has been a lack of communication during the design process in every ABW-office. One of the three offices involved the employees during the design process, and the employees seemed to be happy with how the office turned out. The interviews gave information about what factors that can be most important to make the ABW-office as suitable as possible for the work office. After analyzing the empiricism a checklist was created for architect, client and employees. The checklist can be used during the design process to fill the client and the employees need to make a suitable working environment. Implications: A conclusion of this study is that all ABW-offices are not suitable enough for the work office. All the employees did not get fully involved during the design process which, after research, are the best way to get the ultimate result. Therefore, the architect needs to get as much information as possible from the employees to make a good and suitable layout for plan views. A recommendation is to improve the checklist and make it digitized so bigger companies can use the checklist too. Limitations: The study has been delimited to make a research about three different companies with different types of organizations, economy, IT and marketing. People that has been interviewed have all been a part of the exchange to an ABW-office. The checklist is mostly suitable for smaller companies to use since the checklist is in shape of paper. Too many checklist can lead to a less effective designprocess. The methods are chosen in consideration to time and extent of the study. The study would have strengthen if more interviews with for instance the responsible architects of the chosen ABW-offices were made. Keywords: ABW, Activity based work office, Communication tool, Design process.
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The impact of indoor plants on well-being in the workplaceKalantzis, Anastasia January 2016 (has links)
A research project submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MA by coursework and Research Report in the field of Organisational Psychology in the Faculty of Humanities.
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
March 2016 / There is international growing evidence to support the notion that indoor planters positively impact employees’ emotional states, personal health, work engagement as well as their overall perceptions of their work environment and ultimately impacting employee productivity. However this ground-breaking research has never been conducted within a South African Work Environment. Consequently the following study adopts a quasi-experimental study in order to investigate the impact that indoor plants may have on employee physical well-being, psychological well-being, work engagement and their overall perception of their work environment. Furthermore, the researcher aimed to assess whether the employees connectedness to nature influenced the impact the plants had on them, thus assessing how this covariate may impact the relationship between the absence and presence of plants and the above mentioned dependent variables. A Sample of 32 Global Service Management Centre (GSMC) employees from an internationally recognised organisation, Business Connexion, were assessed over a period of 12 weeks. The first assessment was conducted in the no plant condition, while the final assessment was conducted once the plants were installed in the whole office area. Additionally, SE Controls were positioned throughout the office area in order to measure the fluctuations of the air quality once the planters were installed. The results of a series of Wilcoxon Sign Rank Tests as well as Spearman’s Rank Order Correlations indicated no significant results; however upon closer evaluations of the individual scale items the researcher identified several statistically significant results that were unpacked and discussed. The readings from the SE Controls indicated either an improvement or stabalisation of the air quality variables that were being assessed in the current study. / GR2017
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