Spelling suggestions: "subject:"offset"" "subject:"voffset""
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Prise en compte de la variabilité dans l’étude et la conception de circuits de lecture pour mémoires résistives / Design for variability of read circuitries for resistive memoriesMraihi, Salmen 26 September 2018 (has links)
De nos jours, la conception des systèmes sur puce devient de plus en plus complexe, et requiert des densités de mémoire sans cesse grandissantes. Pour ce faire, une forte miniaturisation des nœuds technologiques s’opère. Les mémoires non-volatiles résistives, tels que les RRAM, PC-RAM ou MRAM se présentent comme des alternatives technologiques afin d'assurer à la fois une densité suffisante et des faibles contraintes en surface, en latence, et en consommation à l’échelle nanométrique. Cependant, la variabilité croissante de ces cellules mémoires ainsi que des circuits en périphérie, tels que des circuits de lecture, est un problème majeur à prendre en considération. Cette thèse consiste en une étude détaillée et une aide à la compréhension de la problématique de variabilité appliquée aux circuits de lecture pour mémoires résistives. Elle propose des solutions d’amélioration de la fiabilité de lecture de ces mémoires. Pour ce faire, diverses études ont été réalisées : revue générale des solutions existantes d’amélioration du rendement de lecture, au niveau circuit et système ; développement d’un modèle statistique évaluant la contribution à la marge de lecture de la variabilité de chaque composante du chemin de lecture de la mémoire résistive ; analyse, caractérisation, modélisation et optimisation de l’offset d’un amplificateur de lecture dynamique pour mémoires résistives ; proposition d’architecture d’amplificateur de lecture permettant un rapport signal à offset optimum. / Nowadays, Systems on chip (SoCs) conception is becoming more and more complex and demand an ever-increasing amount of memory capacity. This leads to aggressive bit cell technology scaling. Nonvolatile resistive memories (PC-RAM, RRAM, MRAM) are promising technologic alternatives to ensure both high density, low power consumption, low area and low latencies. However, scaling lead to significant memory cell and/or memory periphery variability. This thesis aims to address variability issues in read circuitries of resistive memories and propose solutions for read yield enhancement of these memories. To this end, several sub-studies were achieved: overall review of the existing solutions for read yield enhancement, at both circuit and system level; development of a statistical model evaluating the contributions to read margin of the variability of each component of the resistive memory sensing path; analysis, characterization modelling and optimization of the offset of one particular dynamic sense amplifier for resistive memories; proposal of a sense amplifier architecture that features an optimum signal to offset ratio.
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Tillståndsbaserad dynamisk korrigering av produktionsvärdeBergsten, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
Detta arbete har med hjälp av logiska samband tagit fram en matematisk formel samt logiska villkor för att tillämpa en dynamisk offset för ett felvisande produktionsvärde. Arbetet grundar sig i hur en känslig konsistensgivare påverkas vid avsaknad av tillräcklig blandning av pappersmassa, liksom hur en dynamisk offset kan korrigera produktionsvärdet och vara en temporär lösning tills en mer långsiktig lösning kan implementeras i produktionen. Konsistensen på massan används för att få fram koncentrationen fibrer, vilket i sin tur är en del av uträkningen för produktionsvärdet i pressen. Genom att analysera vilka parametrar som identifierar en stabil produktion kunde ett tillstånd hittas där produktionsvärdet ska vara densamma som i produktionen för föregående press. Om en parameter ändrar sig så kommer inte värdet att korrigeras utifrån produktionsvärdet i pressen innan. Behovet av ett korrekt produktionsvärde är kritiskt då det används senare i processen för en korrekt blandning av kemikalier och spädvätska, med hjälp av denna metod har den uppmätta produktionsskillnaden mellan press 6 och 7 minskar med cirka ≈ 16 ton/h i snitt till enbart ≈ 0,200 ton/h. / This study has developed a mathematical formula as well as logical conditions for applying a dynamic offset for an incorrect production value using logical conjunction. The study is based on how a sensitive consistency sensor is affected in the absence of sufficient mixing of pulp, as well as how a dynamic offset can correct the production value and be a temporary solution until a more long-term solution can be implemented in production. The consistency of the pulp is used to obtain the concentration of fibres, which in turn is part of the calculation for the production value in the press. By analysing which parameters identify a stable production, a condition could be found where the production value should be the same as in the production for the previous press. If a parameter changes then the value will not be corrected based on the production value in the press before. The need for a correct production value is critical as it is used later in the process for the correct mixing of chemicals and diluents. Using this method, the measured production difference between presses 6 and 7 decreases by about ≈ 16 tons/h to an average of only ≈ 0.200 tons/h.
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A comparison of frequency offset estimation methods in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) systemsKaraoglu, Bulent 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / OFDM is a modulation technique that achieves high data rates, increased bandwidth efficiency and robustness in multipath environments. However, OFDM has some disadvantages, such as sensitivity to channel fading, large peak to average ratio and sensitivity to frequency offset. The latter causes intercarrier interference (ICI) and a reduction in the amplitude of the desired subcarrier which results in loss of orthogonality. In this thesis, the effects of frequency offset are studied in terms of loss of orthogonality. A number of techniques for frequency offset estimation are presented and tested in computer simulations. / Lieutenant Junior Grade, Turkish Navy
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Design of Comparator with Offset Calibration for High-Speed ADCsBaby, Basil January 2024 (has links)
High-speed ADC is essential in radio network systems for communications. However, accuracy is an important feature for them, their precision can be affected by minor discrepancies, e.g., offset voltage of comparators, which is a primary contributor to these discrepancies. This master thesis focuses on evaluating offset calibration techniques used for high-speed comparators. To start, a literature review is performed to learn about high-speed comparators and various offset calibration techniques, which helps to understand existing problems and new ideas in offset calibration. As the next step, evaluation and implementation of the reviewed literatures are done, which involves the implementation of schematics at the transistor level, where the calibration procedure's controller is implemented in Verilog-A. Finally, an extensive set of simulations, i.e., done by the electronic design automation tool, is conducted on the designed offset calibration techniques and how they affect the general operation of high-speed ADCs. Among the reviewed calibration techniques, two discrete adjustment methods (trans-conductance and capacitive DAC) and three voltage-controlled methods (unbalanced clocks, second differential pair, and body bias) are implemented and evaluated. The discrete methods use digital circuits, which have large variations in step sizes due to mismatches, leading to higher offsets after calibration. Monte Carlo simulations are done to show this drawback clearly better. However, using thermometer code instead of the binary-weighted would help by making the step sizes more consistent, which yields better-offset calibration results. On the other hand, the voltage-controlled methods rely on external voltages, which require more design work because of the Digital-to-Analog Converter (DAC) units. During a calibration test with various input offsets, the 'Body Bias' technique exhibited the highest precision by achieving the smallest remaining offset.
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Εφαρμογές της διαφορικής γεωμετρίας στην οδήγηση εργαλείων εργαλειομηχανών CNCΠατρικουσάκης, Μάριος 10 June 2014 (has links)
Στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η παρουσίαση ενός νέου μαθηματικού πλαισίου, βασιζόμενου στις γνωστές από τη Διαφορική Γεωμετρία κανονικές εξισώσεις (συντετμημένα ΚΕ) της καμπύλης. Όντας πολυωνυμικές εκφράσεις του μήκους τόξου s, οι ΚΕ παρέχουν ακριβέστερο έλεγχο της ταχύτητας πρόωσης σε σύγκριση με τους υπάρχοντες παραμετρικούς αλγορίθμους της ίδιας τάξης. Το ανωτέρω γεγονός, σε συνδυασμό με την εφαρμοσιμότητά τους σε όλες τις συνεχείς καμπύλες με συνεχείς παραγώγους, ανεξάρτητα από τον τρόπο αναπαράστασής τους, καθιστά τις ΚΕ ένα ιδανικό εργαλείο για την ανάπτυξη γενικών αλγορίθμων παρεμβολής, ικανών να εργάζονται επί οποιασδήποτε επίπεδης ή χωρικής καμπύλης σε πραγματικό χρόνο.
Δοθέντος ότι οι συντελεστές των ΚΕ συναρτώνται με τις διαφορικές ιδιότητες της καμπύλης (δηλαδή την καμπυλότητα, τη στρέψη και τις παραγώγους τους ως προς το s), αναπτύσσονται αναλυτικές εκφράσεις για τον υπολογισμό των εν λόγω ιδιοτήτων, ανάλογα με τον εκάστοτε τρόπο αναπαράστασης της καμπύλης. Στα αντικείμενα της διατριβής συμπεριλαμβάνεται και ο υπολογισμός των διαφορικών ιδιοτήτων των επιφανειακών τομών, ενός δημοφιλούς τρόπου αναπαράστασης πολύπλοκων χωρικών καμπυλών στα συστήματα CAD. Επιπλέον, εξετάζεται η εισαγωγή διορθωτικών όρων στις ΚΕ, μέσω της οποίας επιτυγχάνεται η βελτίωση της ακρίβειας στον έλεγχο της ταχύτητας πρόωσης, χωρίς το επιπρόσθετο υπολογιστικό κόστος που επιφέρει η χρήση υψηλότερης τάξης όρων της σειράς Taylor.
Σημαντικό πλεονέκτημα των προτεινόμενων αλγορίθμων είναι, επίσης, το γεγονός ότι για την εφαρμογή τους δεν απαιτείται η γνώση της αναλυτικής έκφρασης της παρεμβαλλόμενης καμπύλης. Κατά συνέπεια, επιτρέπουν την παρεμβολή πολύπλοκων γεωμετρικών τόπων, οι αναλυτικές εκφράσεις των οποίων είτε είναι δύσκολο να προσδιοριστούν με τις τρέχουσες μεθόδους απαλοιφής αγνώστων από μη γραμμικά συστήματα εξισώσεων, είτε είναι δύσχρηστες, εξ αιτίας της πολυπλοκότητάς τους. Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διατριβής, μελετάται το πρόβλημα της παρεμβολής δύο γεωμετρικών τόπων με σημαντικές εφαρμογές στον τομέα του αριθμητικού ελέγχου των εργαλειομηχανών, καθώς χρησιμοποιούνται, μεταξύ άλλων, για την αντιστάθμιση της ακτίνας του κοπτικού εργαλείου και τον προγραμματισμό των διαδοχικών διαδρομών του κατά την κατεργασία θυλάκων: των καμπυλών offset και των ισαπεχουσών δύο επίπεδων καμπυλών.
Πραγματοποιείται μία εκτενής εξέταση των διαφορικών ιδιοτήτων των προαναφερθέντων γεωμετρικών τόπων και παρουσιάζονται εκφράσεις για τον υπολογισμό τους, βασιζόμενες αποκλειστικά στις αντίστοιχες ιδιότητες των γενετειρών καμπυλών. Γίνεται, επίσης, μία ανασκόπηση των μεθόδων που έχουν προταθεί στη βιβλιογραφία για την αντιμετώπιση των τοπολογικών ιδιομορφιών τους (αυτοτομών και εσωτερικών βρόγχων), ώστε να εξασφαλιστεί η παραμονή των παραγόμενων σημείων επί του πραγματικού γεωμετρικού τόπου.
Παράλληλα, συζητείται η επέκταση των προτεινόμενων μεθόδων παρεμβολής των καμπυλών offset για τον έλεγχο της διαδρομής του κέντρου ενός σφαιρικού εργαλείου, ώστε αυτό να διατηρείται σε μόνιμη επαφή με δύο προκαθορισμένες επιφάνειες – μία τεχνική που χρησιμοποιείται συχνά από τα συστήματα CAD/CAM για την επιφανειακή κατεργασία πολύπλοκων εξαρτημάτων. Το εργαλείο μπορεί να εφάπτεται οποιασδήποτε εκ των δύο επιφανειών είτε μέσω του ημισφαιρικού του άκρου, ή μέσω του κυλινδρικού του στελέχους. / The present dissertation aims at introducing a new mathematical framework, based on a curve’s canonical equations (abbreviated as CE), which are known from Differential Geometry. Being polynomial expressions of the curve’s arc length s, the CE provide greater feedrate accuracy, compared to the existing parametric algorithms of the same order. The above fact, combined with the canonical equations’ applicability on any continuous curve with continuous derivatives, regardless of its representation, renders them an ideal tool for the development of general-purpose real-time interpolation algorithms.
Given that the CE coefficients consist of the curve’s differential properties (namely, the curvature, torsion and their arc length derivatives), the present dissertation deals with the expression of the aforementioned properties in closed form, depending on the chosen curve representation. This includes the study of surface intersections, which are frequently used by CAD systems in order to represent complex space curves. Moreover, it is proven that the proposed algorithms admit to corrections, supplying a means of improving feedrate accuracy, without the additional cost of employing higher order Taylor series terms.
An additional, important advantage of the proposed algorithms, lies in the fact that they do not require knowledge of the curve’s analytic expression. Hence, they allow the interpolation of complex geometrical loci, whose analytic expressions are either difficult to deduce, using current elimination methods for non-linear equation systems, or are extremely impractical, due to their complexity. This dissertation addresses the problem of interpolating two such loci: offset curves and plane bisectors. Both of these entities play an important role in CNC machining, with applications that include the tool’s radius compensation and path planning during pocket clearing.
It is shown that the differential properties of the above loci can be linked to the respective properties of their generators and may, hence, be easily computed through successive derivations of the generator curve’s position vector. In addition, previously suggested methods for the handling of possible topological irregularities (self-intersections and internal loops) are reviewed, so as to ensure that the generated points remain on the true locus.
Furthermore, the presented offset interpolation methods are extended, in order to accommodate the path planning of a ball-end cutter, moving in constant contact with two given surfaces – a technique which is widely adopted by CAD/CAM systems to guide the tool through the surface machining of complex parts. The tool may contact any of the two surfaces through either its tip, or its cylindrical periphery.
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Offset Banking in New Zealand: towards sustainable development, with insight from international modelsDenny, Jemma P Simon Stewart January 2011 (has links)
Biodiversity loss is an important issue for New Zealand: for the domestic environment, economy and society, but also for New Zealand as a member of the international community. Biodiversity offset banking is making an important contribution to addressing such issues in a number of countries around the world. Developing the ability to participate and take advantage of possible benefits requires comprehensively understanding both the fundamental principles and varying concepts, and supports the analysis necessary for New Zealand to progress towards offset banking. New Zealand can learn much from observing and investigating overseas models and use them as valuable templates. California and New South Wales provide examples of potential policies and frameworks (both economic and social) to establish and operate successful offset banking systems.
Discussions of offset banking, both in theory and practice, frequently concern the potential failings of the system. These issues can be conceptualised as various forms of risk. Considering offset banking as sustainable development, this thesis addresses such risks to reflect the tripartite biological, financial and social framework of sustainable development. Biologically, risk is in the potential biodiversity outcomes are inadequate, unexpected or undesirable. Scientific uncertainty underlies this, both inherently and from the limits of current scientific disciplines. Through expanding scientific knowledge and experience, measures for reducing or accommodating the risk of uncertainty are emerging. Financial risk represents concerns that individual banks may lack the monetary support to achieve the specific biodiversity conservation required for the site. Also the system of interacting banks, bankers and traders may fail to produce financial outcomes that support effective and efficient biodiversity conservation over the breath of the scheme. Social risk lies in the potential that societies’ individuals conduct themselves in ways that conflict with achieving biodiversity conservation through malfeasance
or negligence. Additionally, there is social risk that an offset banking system fails to respond
appropriately to broader society and human, such as equity and intergenerational justice.
Here, deliberating these risks is primary to appreciating how design elements and emergent properties minimize risks. Given comprehensive understanding, components of a system can be designed and allow informed policy, regulations and rules to offer successful risk mitigation. For this reason policy, rules and regulations observed within California and New South Wales helps to discuss this and establish guidance for New Zealand offset banking design to draw upon. Californian systems are achieving promising conservation and continued growth; New South Wales’ Biobanking scheme is robustly designed and in its early stages. Each contrasts in design and carries varying criticisms. California has been observed as potentially shortcoming biologically, whereas New South Wales Biobanking has been questioned based on the strength and character of its economic underpinnings. In addition to these considerations, New Zealand has significant societal perspectives to incorporate given current popular, socio-democratic conservation modus operandi.
Identifying the three forms of risk present highlights the importance of allocating appropriate
consideration and expertise to the biological, economic and social components of offset banking.
Successful sustainable development, biodiversity conservation and risk mitigation may be achieved through designing mechanisms, regulations and governing policy for offset banking. New Zealand may therefore expand the success and application of current offsetting by taking guidance from examples and analysis presented here.
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Inventário do ciclo de vida do papel offset produzido no Brasil. / Life cycle inventory of the offset paper produced in Brazil.Galdiano, Guilherme de Paula 12 September 2006 (has links)
A Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) é uma ferramenta da gestão ambiental que identifica os aspectos ambientais e avalia os impactos ambientais associados aos produtos, durante todo o seu ciclo de vida, em outras palavras, do berço ao túmulo. O ciclo de vida inicia-se quando todos os recursos requeridos (sejam eles materiais ou energéticos) para a manufatura de determinado produto são extraídos da natureza e finaliza-se após o cumprimento da função pelo produto, retornando ao meio ambiente. Devido à quantidade de dados que necessita ser coletada, um estudo de Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida somente torna-se viável caso exista a disponibilidade de um banco de dados nacional constituído por inventários do ciclo de vida dos principais insumos empregados pela sociedade - matérias primas, energia, etc. Estes inventários possuem caráter de regionalidade e representatividade, podendo tornar novos estudos mais completos, confiáveis e fáceis de serem concluídos. A ACV vem assumindo uma importância a nível global, o Brasil vem se aprimorando na capacitação e uso desta técnica. O GP2 - Grupo de Prevenção da Poluição do Departamento de Engenharia Química da Escola Politécnica da USP, tem como seu principal objetivo a contribuição para o aprimoramento de recursos humanos necessários e consolidação do uso da ACV no Brasil. Desse modo, as atividades do GP2 têm se concentrado na construção de um banco de dados que deve ser adequado, obrigatoriamente, às condições regionais. O presente estudo está inserido nessa linha de pesquisa e tem como propósito a elaboração do Inventário do Ciclo de Vida (ICV) para o papel offset produzido no Brasil. O papel offset pertence a categoria de papéis de imprimir e, atualmente, representa o tipo de papel mais produzido no país. O resultado deste estudo consiste em um inventário consolidado dos aspectos ambientais considerados significativos para a produção da madeira, a extração da celulose, a fabricação do papel offset e outros subsistemas associados, sob as condições tecnológicas típicas dominantes no Brasil. A qualidade do estudo está intrinsecamente ligada à cadeia produtiva do papel offset, que se baseou primordialmente em dados primários. Os resultados do estudo mostraram-se coerentes com um estudo parcial realizado no Chile. Uma análise mais apurada para os resultados encontrados no estudo, com base em pesquisas internacionais, não se fez necessária, considerando as diferenças tecnológicas e de matérias-primas empregadas no ciclo de vida do papel de outros países. / The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for the environmental management which identifies its aspects and evaluates its environmental impacts related to the products during its whole life cycle. In other words, a cycle that goes from cradle to grave. The life cycle begins when all the required resources (material or energetic) to manufacture a certain product are extracted from the nature and it ends after accomplishing its function, returning to the environment. Due to the amount of data to be collected, a study of the life cycle assessment is only viable in case there is a national data base available formed by inventories of the main input used by the society, such as raw material, energy, and so on. These inventories have a regional and representative character, allowing new studies to be fuller, more reliable and easier to be concluded. The LCA has taken on a world wise importance. Brazil has been improving its competence and usage of such technique. The GP2 - Preventing Pollution Group from the Chemical Engineering Department of Escola Politécnica at USP - has as its primal objective the contribution to an improvement of necessary Human Resources and the consolidation of the LCA usage. In this manner, GP2 activities have to be focused on a data base construction, which should be compulsorily adequate to the regional conditions. The present study is inserted in such line of research and has as its purpose the elaboration on a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for the offset paper made in Brazil. The offset paper belongs to the printing paper category and, lately, represents the most used type of paper in this country. The result of such study consists in a solid inventory of the environmental aspects considered meaningful for wood production, cellulose extraction, offset paper manufacture and other related subsystems under typical predominant technological conditions in Brazil. The quality of this study is significantly related to the production chain of the offset paper, which was based mainly on primary data. The results of this study showed to be coherent to the ones achieved in a Chilean study, even though they were partial results. A more refined analysis on the pursued results in the study, based on international researches, isn't necessary, considering the technological differences and raw material used in the paper life cycle in other countries.
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Full Automation of Air Traffic Management in High Complexity Airspace / Vollautomatisierung der Flugsicherung in Lufträumen hoher KomplexitätEhrmanntraut, Rüdiger 20 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis is that automation of en-route Air Traffic Management in high complexity airspace can be achieved with a combination of automated tactic planning in a look-ahead time horizon of up to two hours complemented with automated tactic conflict resolution functions. The literature review reveals that no significant results have yet been obtained and that full automation could be approached with a complementary integration of automated tactic resolutions AND planning. The focus shifts to ‘planning for capacity’ and ‘planning for resolution’ and also – but not only – for ‘resolution’.
The work encompasses a theoretical part on planning, and several small scale studies of empirical, mathematical or simulated nature.
The theoretical part of the thesis on planning under uncertainties attempts to conceive a theoretical model which abstracts specificities of planning in Air Traffic Management into a generic planning model. The resulting abstract model treats entities like the planner, the strategy, the plan and the actions, always considering the impact of uncertainties. The work innovates in specifying many links from the theory to the application in planning of air traffic management, and especially the new fields of tactical capacity management.
The second main part of the thesis comprises smaller self-containing works on different aspects of the concept grouped into a section on complexity, another on tactic planning actions, and the last on planners. The produced studies are about empirical measures of conflicts and conflict densities to get a better understanding of the complexity of air traffic; studies on traffic organisation using tactical manoeuvres like speed control, lateral offset and tactical direct using fast time simulation; and studies on airspace design like sector optimisation, dynamic sectorisation and its optimisation using optimisation techniques.
In conclusion it is believed that this work will contribute to further automation attempts especially by its innovative focus which is on planning, base on a theory of planning, and its findings already influence newer developments.
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Estimation and Effects of Imperfect System Parameters on the Performance of Multi-Relay Cooperative Communications SystemsMEHRPOUYAN, HANI 17 September 2012 (has links)
To date the majority of research in the area of cooperative communications focuses on maximizing throughput and reliability while assuming perfect channel state information (CSI) and synchronization. This thesis, seeks to address performance enhancement and system parameter estimation in cooperative networks while relaxing these idealized assumptions.
In Chapter 3 the thesis mainly focuses on training-based channel estimation in multi-relay cooperative networks. Channel estimators that are capable of determining the overall channel gains from source to destination antennas are derived. Next, a new low feedback and low complexity scheme is proposed that allows for the coherent combining of signals from multiple relays. Numerical and simulation results show that the combination of the proposed channel estimators and optimization algorithm result in significant performance gains.
As communication systems are greatly affected by synchronization parameters, in Chapter 4 the thesis quantitatively analyzes the effects of timing and frequency offset on the performance of communications systems. The modified Cramer-Rao lower bound (MCRLB) undergoing functional transformation, is derived and applied to determine lower bounds on the estimation of signal pulse amplitude and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) due to timing offset and frequency offset, respectively. In addition, it is shown that estimation of timing and frequency offset can be decoupled in most practical settings.
The distributed nature of cooperative relay networks may result in multiple timing and frequency offsets. Chapters 5 and 6 address multiple timing and frequency offset estimation using periodically inserted training sequences in cooperative networks with maximum frequency reuse, i.e., space-division multiple access (SDMA) networks. New closed-form expressions for the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for multiple timing and multiple frequency offset estimation for different cooperative protocols are derived. The CRLBs are then applied in a novel way to formulate training sequence design guidelines and determine the effect of network protocol and topology on synchronization parameter estimation. Next, computationally efficient estimators are proposed. Numerical results show that the proposed estimators outperform existing algorithms and reach or approach the CRLB at mid-to-high SNR. When applied to system compensation, simulation results show that application of the proposed estimators allow for synchronized cooperation amongst the nodes within the network. / Thesis (Ph.D, Electrical & Computer Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2010-07-29 16:52:50.272
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Imprinta, uma gráfica para designers / Imprinta, a print shop for designersThaís Letícia Pinto Vieira 10 September 2008 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A presente dissertação tem como objeto de estudo a Gráfica Imprinta, criada a partir de um projeto cuidadosamente elaborado por seus mentores Aloísio Magalhães e Arnaud Torres, com o objetivo de atender, principalmente, aos designers gráficos do Rio de Janeiro. Enfocando o período de 1969 a 1989, que compreende a trajetória da Empresa desde sua concepção até a mudança de administração, o trabalho se insere na história da evolução da Indústria Gráfica no Rio de Janeiro. Aborda o período que se inicia com a formação dos alunos da Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial, ESDI
UERJ, em 1963, até a década de 1980, com a consolidação da tecnologia offset, como principal forma de impressão em nosso país. Partiu-se da premissa de que a conjuntura
tecnológica pode influenciar no processo de desenvolvimento de um impresso e, também, de que os designers podem interceder no processo evolutivo de uma gráfica. Numa primeira fase foi feita uma pesquisa exploratória na qual entramos em contato com ex-alunos formados pela ESDI, durante a primeira década de seu funcionamento, que apontaram a Gráfica Imprinta como referência de serviços diferenciados. Passando esta, a ser o foco da pesquisa, abordamos seu idealizador, Arnaud Torres, bem como,
mais sete designers e dois antigos funcionários. Os profissionais que participaram da pesquisa, nos forneceram dados por meio de entrevistas não estruturadas, que
ocorreram entre junho e agosto de 2007, foram gravadas e posteriormente transcritas e analisadas. Elaboramos um acervo iconográfico que se refere, tanto à história da
Imprinta como também, documenta parte da produção de alguns designers e a indústria gráfica da época. Consideramos que a história da Gráfica Imprinta demonstra que, naquele momento de transição da tecnologia, a disponibilidade nela encontrada pelos designers para sua experimentação no campo da produção e a troca de conhecimento que ali se verificou, produziram crescimento em termos técnicos e teóricos para todos os envolvidos, bem como, incremento na qualidade dos impressos ali executados e otimização de projetos gráficos futuros / This dissertation has a printshop named Imprinta as the studys object. Imprinta was created from a carefully elaborated project, whose authors are Aloisio Magalhaes
and Arnaud Torres, and that had the goal of offering services, mainly, to Rio de Janeiros graphical designers. Focusing on the period from 1969 to 1989 which encompasses the story of the company since its inception to the moment a new administration took over, this work describes part of the history of the printing industry in Rio de Janeiro. It addresses
the period that starts in 1963 with the formation of new students of the Superior School of Industrial Design (Escola Superior de Desenho Industrial, ESDI) that belongs to the
State University of Rio de Janeiro (Universidade Estatual do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ) and ends in the 1980s with the consolidation of Offset as the main printing technology in Brazil. We started by assuming that the technological environment can influence the process of development of printed matter and also that designers can impact a print
shops evolutionary process. In the first phase of this work, an investigative research where we contacted former ESDI students that graduated during ESDIs first decade of existence, pointed us to Imprinta as a reference for differentiated printing services. With Imprinta as the focus of our research, we contacted Arnaud Torres, its mentor, seven additional designers and also two former employees of the company. From June to August of 2007, the research participants, by means of nonstructured interviews, provided information that were recorder and then transcribed and analyzed. We were able to build a collection of iconographic items that relates to both the history of Imprinta and also documents part of the production of some designers and the printing industry at the time. We believe that Imprintas story shows that, at that moment of technology transition, the availability Imprinta provided to designers for their experimentation in the field of production and exchange of knowledge, has generated technical and theoretical growth for all involved, an increase the quality of the printing services run at Imprinta and the optimization of future printing projects
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