Spelling suggestions: "subject:"olfactory atemsystem"" "subject:"olfactory systsystem""
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Conexões aferentes da área de transição amígdalo-piriforme (APir) no rato. / Afferent connections of the amygdalopiriform transition area (APir) of the rat.Adriana Celestino Santiago 17 November 1999 (has links)
A área de transição amígdalo-piriforme (APir) está situada na confluência dos córtices piriforme, periamigdalóide e entorrinal lateral (ENTl). Com técnicas de rastreamento retrógrado foi observado que as principais aferências da APir se originam do bulbo olfativo, dos córtices piriforme, insular disgranular e agranular posterior, perirrinal, da formação hipocampal e da amígdala. Outras estruturas como o núcleo da banda diagonal de Broca, o pálido ventral, a substância inominada sublenticular, o tálamo da linha média, o núcleo dorsal da rafe, o locus coeruleus e a área parabraquial são fontes de aferências mais modestas a esta área de transição. A APir e o ENTl diferem no que diz respeito à origem de suas aferências mesocorticais, amigdalianas e talâmicas. Assim, a APir está em condições de integrar informações olfativas, gustativas, interoceptivas gerais e polissensoriais complexas e, através de suas projeções para a amígdala expandida, striatum ventral e formação hipocampal, influenciar a expressão de comportamentos motivados. / The amygdalo-piriform transition area (APir) lies at the junction of the piriform, periamygdaloid and entorhinal cortices. The afferent connections of this olfactory district were studied with retrograde tracing methods using the cholera toxin B subunit and Fluoro-Gold as tracers. Our retrograde experiments showed that the main input sources to APir derive from the olfactory bulb, mesocortical and allocortical areas including the dysgranular insular, posterior part of the agranular insular, piriform, lateral entorhinal and perirhinal cortices, temporal field CA1 of Ammon horn, ventral subiculum, as well as the endopiriform nucleus and the amygdaloid complex (anterior basomedial, posterior basolateral and anterior, posterolateral, posteromedial cortical nuclei). Several other structures among which the diagonal band, ventral pallidum, sublenticular substantia inominatta, midline thalamic nuclei, dorsal raphe nucleus, locus coeruleus and parabrachial area provide more modest inputs to APir. Our results suggest in addition that projections from mesocortical areas, hippocampal formation and the posterior basolateral amygdaloid nucleus to APir are topographically organized. Fluoro-Gold injections in the ventrolateral entorhinal cortex indicate that the afferent connections of this district differ in many regards from the afferent connections of APir. Cortical and amygdaloid inputs suggest tha APir is chiefly involved in the processing of olfactory, gustatory, visceral and somesthesic information, whereas the ventrolateral entorhinal cortex seems to be more crucially related with visual and auditory processes. APir is also less densely projected upon by midline thalamic nuclei than the lateral entorhinal cortex. Taken as a whole our results suggest that APir is in position to relay highly integrated olfactory, gustatory, interoceptive and somesthesic information to the extended amygdala, ventral striatum and ventral subiculum, and as such modulate the expression of motivated and emotional behavior.
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Étude anatomique de la relation entre les neurones exprimant l’hormone de relâche des gonadotrophines et le nerf terminal lors du développement postnatal de l’opossum (Monodelphis domestica)Hour, Naussicca Lakena 01 1900 (has links)
Quoique très immature à la naissance, l’opossum grimpe de l’orifice urogénital de la mère jusqu’à une tétine à laquelle il s’accroche pour poursuivre sa maturation. Des informations sensorielles sont nécessaires pour que l’animal atteigne la tétine et que le réflexe d’attachement soit déclenché. Une modalité sensorielle envisagée est l’olfaction. Or, des expériences physiologiques effectuées au laboratoire sur des préparations in vitro suggèrent que le système olfactif central est trop immature pour influencer les comportements moteurs. Une étude immunohistochimique employant un marqueur de maturité axonique (NF200) a montré une absence de marquage dans le cerveau antérieur, à l’exception d’un mince faisceau reliant les bulbes olfactifs aux régions caudales du cerveau. L’implication de l’olfaction dans les comportements du nouveau-né est donc peu probable, mais la présence de ce faisceau est intrigante et l’étude de son développement est approfondie dans le présent travail. Le développement du faisceau exprimant NF200 est décrit de la naissance jusqu’à la fin de la 2e semaine postnatale, âge auquel le marquage NF200 n’est plus observé à ce niveau. Il est aussi montré que le trajet de ce faisceau se superpose à celui de fibres nerveuses exprimant GnRH1, une neurohormone exprimée par des neurones hypothalamiques chez l’adulte. Les résultats indiquent que ce faisceau est le nerf terminal et pourrait servir de voie pionnière pour la croissance des fibres GnRH1. Aucun marquage NF200 dans le cortex olfactif n’est observé avant P15, supportant l’idée que le système olfactif n’influence pas les comportements de l’opossum nouveau-né. / While quite immature at birth, the opossum is nevertheless able to crawl from the urogenital opening to a mother's nipple to which it attaches to pursue its development. Sensory information are required to guide the newborn to the nipple and induce attachment. Olfaction is one of the sensory modalities often proposed. However, recent physiological experiments in the laboratory using in vitro preparations suggest that the olfactory system is too immature to influence the newborn behaviors. Furthermore, an immunohistochemical study using a marker of axonal maturity (neurofilament 200kDa, NF200) has shown that the prosencephalon is nearly devoid of mature fibers except for a thin fascicle running from the olfactory bulbs to more caudal areas of the brain. Olfaction is thus unlikely to guide the locomotion of the newborn, but the presence of this fascicle is intriguing and its development is studied in the present thesis. This fascicle is described from the day of birth to the end of the second postnatal week, when NF200 labeling is no more visible in this region. It is also shown that this fascicle superpose with fibers expressing GnRH1, a neurohormone characterizing hypothalamic neurons in the adult. The results indicate that this fascicle is the terminal nerve, and might serve as a pioneer pathway to GnRH1 fibers cells. Until P15, the olfactory cortex was devoid of NF200 projections, supporting that the olfactory systems is too immature to influence the behavior of newborn opossums.
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New determinants of olfactory habituationSinding, Charlotte, Valadier, François, Al-Hassani, Viviana, Feron, Gilles, Tromelin, Anne, Kontaris, Ioannis, Hummel, Thomas 27 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Habituation is a filter that optimizes the processing of information by our brain in all sensory modalities. It results in an unconscious reduced responsiveness to continuous or repetitive stimulation. In olfaction, the main question is whether habituation works the same way for any odorant or whether we habituate differently to each odorant? In particular, whether chemical, physical or perceptual cues can limit or increase habituation. To test this, the odour intensity of 32 odorants differing in physicochemical characteristics was rated by 58 participants continuously during 120s. Each odorant was delivered at a constant concentration. Results showed odorants differed significantly in habituation, highlighting the multifactoriality of habituation. Additionally habituation was predicted from 15 physico-chemical and perceptual characteristics of the odorants. The analysis highlighted the importance of trigeminality which is highly correlated to intensity and pleasantness. The vapour pressure, the molecular weight, the Odor Activity Value (OAV) and the number of double bonds mostly contributed to the modulation of habituation. Moreover, length of the carbon chain, number of conformers and hydrophobicity contributed to a lesser extent to the modulation of habituation. These results highlight new principles involved in the fundamental process of habituation, notably trigeminality and the physicochemical characteristics associated.
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Olfactory threshold and odor discrimination ability in children – evaluation of a modified “Sniffin’ Sticks” testGellrich, Janine, Stetzler, Carolin, Oleszkiewicz, Anna, Hummel, Thomas, Schriever, Valentin A. 14 November 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The clinical diagnostics of olfactory dysfunction in children turns out to be challenging due to low attention span, insufficient linguistic development and lack of odor experiences. Several smell tests have been developed for adults. Most of these examinations take a relatively long time and require a high level of concentration. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to evaluate an odor discrimination and olfactory threshold test using the frequently used “Sniffin’ Sticks” in children and adolescents in a simplified two-alternative-forced-choice version (2AFC) and compare it to the original three-alternative-forced-choice test (3AFC). One-hundred-twenty-one healthy participants aged between 5 and 17 years took part in this study. Within each of the two sessions participants underwent olfactory testing using the modified 2AFC as well as the standard 3AFC method. A better test-retest reliability was achieved using the original 3AFC method compared to the modified 2AFC. This was true for the odor discrimination as well as the olfactory threshold. Age had a significant influence on both tests, which should be considered when testing young children. We discuss these findings with relation to the existing norms and recommend using the 3AFC version due to a better test-retest reliability to measure olfactory function in children.
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Régulation par l’apprentissage de la neurogenèse adulte dans le bulbe olfactif et rôle des nouveaux neurones / Regulation by learning of adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb and role of newborn neuronsSultan, Sébastien 26 January 2010 (has links)
Le bulbe olfactif est le siège d’une neurogenèse adulte permanente. Le nombre de nouveaux neurones issus de cette neurogenèse adulte est modulé par l’apprentissage, ce qui suggère un rôle des néoneurones dans la mémoire olfactive. Au cours de ce travail, nous avons montré que l’apprentissage olfactif associatif recrute des nouveaux neurones granulaires dans des régions de la couche granulaire du bulbe olfactif spécifiques à l’odeur apprise. Nous avons également mis en évidence un lien entre la force de l’apprentissage olfactif, sa rétention et la modulation de la neurogenèse qui en résulte. En bloquant la neurogenèse bulbaire à l’aide d’un agent antimitotique nous avons montré que les nouveaux interneurones ne sont pas indispensables à l’acquisition d’une tâche olfactive associative, mais le sont pour sa rétention à long terme. Puis, en utilisant une approche comportementale, nous avons aboli l’association olfactive acquise lors d’un apprentissage et nous avons observé que les nouveaux neurones initialement sauvés dans le bulbe olfactif par cet apprentissage disparaissaient prématurément, confirmant ainsi leur rôle dans le support de la mémoire olfactive. Enfin, nous avons montré que suite à un apprentissage olfactif, une régulation locale de la mort cellulaire est mise en jeu qui pourrait être à l’origine de la sélection des néoneurones dans les régions traitant l’odeur apprise. Dans l’ensemble nos données indiquent un rôle crucial des neurones formés à l’âge adulte dans le bulbe olfactif dans la mémoire olfactive / Adult-born neurons are added to the mammalian olfactory bulb, and their number is modulated by learning suggesting that they could play a role in olfactory memory. In this work, we demonstrate that retrieval of an associative olfactory task recruits newborn neurons in odor-specific areas of the olfactory bulb and in a manner that depends on the strength of learning. By blocking neurogenesis during this olfactory task, we then demonstrate that acquisition is not dependent on neurogenesis while long-term retention of the task is abolished by neurogenesis blockade. In a second part, using an ecological approach, we show that behaviorally breaking a previously learned odor-reward association prematurely suppresses newborn neurons selected to survive during initial learning. Our results indicate that the newborn neurons saved by olfactory learning die when the odor looses its associative value, thus confirming that these newborn neurons support the memory trace. Finally, during and after learning, cell death and BrdU positive cells were mapped in the granule cell layer. We find that regions showing high BrdU-positive cell density exhibit the lowest rate of cell death indicating local regulation of cell death shaping the spatial distribution of newborn neurons in the granule cell layer of the olfactory bulb. Taken together, our findings reveal the crucial role of bulbar adult born neurons in olfactory memory
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Ric-8B, uma GEF putativa do sistema olfatório, interage com Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13 / RIC-8B, a putative GEF of the olfactory system, interacts with Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13Kerr, Daniel Shikanai 05 December 2008 (has links)
O sistema olfatório de mamíferos é capaz de detectar milhares de substâncias químicas diferentes, mesmo em baixas concentrações. Um odorante disperso no ar pode se ligar a um receptor olfatório (OR) iniciando o processo de detecção. Os ORs são membros da super família de receptores acoplados a proteína G (GPCRs). Apesar de a via de transdução de sinal de odorantes estar bem descrita, pouco se sabe sobre os seus moduladores. Em 2005, nosso laboratório identificou RIC-8B como um possível fator de troca de nucleotídeos de guanina (GEF) que poderia amplificar a atividade da proteína G olfatória (Golf). No presente trabalho mostramos que RIC-8B é capaz de interagir com Gγ13. Procurando os outros componentes desse complexo identificamos Gβ1 como sendo a subunidade Gβ mais expressa no epitélio olfatório. Além disso, RIC-8B, Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13 encontram-se concentrados nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios e se co-localizam nesse compartimento celular. Nossos experimentos de co-imunoprecipitação mostram que RIC-8B interage mais fortemente com Gαolf, na presença de GDP do que na presença de GTP, como esperado para uma GEF. Curiosamente quando Gβ1 e Gβ13 estão presentes, RIC-8B e Gαolf co-imunoprecipitam igual, independente do nucleotídeo de guanina utilizado. Apesar de, na presença de Gβ1 e Gγ13, não observarmos dissociação física de RIC-8B e Gαolf com a mudança do estado de ativação, o efeito de RIC-8B na produção de AMPc não é afetada. Também mostramos que a quantidade de Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13 presentes na membrana celular aumenta quando estas são co-transfectadas com RIC-8B em células de mamíferos. Nossos resultados apontam para um papel duplo da RIC-8B. Primeiro, RIC-8B poderia funcionar como uma chaperona auxiliando na formação e transporte do complexo heterotrimérico, Golf, em neurônios olfatórios. Em segundo lugar, RIC-8B também atuaria como uma GEF sobre Gαolf, aumentando a produção de AMPc e portanto amplificando a via de transdução de sinal de odorantes. Por fim, acreditamos que um possível papel para Gβ1 e Gγ13 nesse complexo seria funcionar como um andaime molecular, aproximando RIC-8B de seu alvo, Gαolf, potencializando ainda mais a atividade de GEF. / The mammalian olfactory system detects small amounts of thousands of different chemical compounds. Odorant perception starts when an odorant in the air binds to an olfactory receptor (OR). ORs belong to the super family of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Even though the odorant signaling pathway is well known, little is known about its modulators. In 2005, our lab identified RIC-8B as a putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that is able to interact with the olfactory G-protein (Golf) and amplify its activity. Here we show that RIC-8B also interacts with Gγ13. We also found that Gβ1 is the Gβ subunit that is predominantly expressed in the olfactory epithelium. Furthermore, RIC-8B, Gαolf, Gβ1 and Gγ13 are highly concentrated in the cilia of olfactory neurons and co-localize in this cellular compartment. We also show that RIC-8B interaction with Gαolf is stronger in the presence of GDP than GTP, as expected for a GEF. Curiously, in the presence of Gβ1 and Gγ13, RIC-8B and Gαolf remain associated, in the presence of both GDP or GTP, probably through an indirect interaction via Gβ1/Gγ13. We also showed that the amounts of Gαolf, Gβ1 and Gγ13 in the cell membrane increase if RIC-8B is cotransfected in the same cell. Our results suggest that RIC-8B plays two roles. First, it may act as a chaperone which assists in the assembly and trafficking of the G protein complex. Second, RIC-8B would also act as a GEF to increase Gαolf dependent cAMP production and thereby amplify odorant signal transduction. Lastly, we believe that Gβ1 and Gγ13 may act as a scaffold to position RIC-8B close to its target, Gαolf, further enhancing the GEF activity.
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Computational Modelling of Early Olfactory ProcessingSandström, Malin January 2010 (has links)
Chemical sensing is believed to be the oldest sensory ability. The chemical senses, olfaction and gustation, developed to detect and analyze information in the form of air- or waterborne chemicals, to find food and mates, and to avoid danger. The organization of the olfactory system follows the same principles in almost all living animals, insects as well as mammals. Likely, the similarities are due to parallel evolution – the same type of organisation seems to have arisen more than once. Therefore, the olfactory system is often assumed to be close to optimally designed for its tasks.Paradoxically, the workings of the olfactory system are not yet well known,although several milestone discoveries have been made during the last decades. The most well-known is probably the disovery of the olfactory receptor gene family,announced in 1991 by Linda Buck and Richard Axel. For this and subsequent work, they were awarded a Nobel Prize Award in 2004. This achievement has been of immense value for both experimentalists and theorists, and forms the basis of the current understanding of olfaction. The olfactory system has long been a focus for scientific interest within several fields, both experimental and theoretical, and it has often been used asa model system. And ever since the field of computational neuroscience was founded, the functions of the olfactory system have been investigated through computational modelling. In this thesis, I present several approaches to biologically realistic computational models of parts of the olfactory system, with an emphasis on the earlier stages of the vertebrate olfactory system – olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and the olfactory bulb (OB). I have investigated the behaviour of the enzyme CaMKII, which is known to be critical for olfactory adaptation (suppression of constant odour stimuli) in the ORN, using a biochemical model. By constructing several OB models of different size, I have shown that the size of the OB network has an impact on its ability to process noisy information. Taking into account the reported variability of geometrical, electrical and receptor-dependent neuronal characteristics, I have been able to model the frequency response of a population of ORNs. I have used this model to find the key properties that govern most of the ORN population’s response, and investigated some of the possible implications of these key properties in subsequent studies of the ORN population and the OB – what we call the fuzzy concentration coding hypothesis. / Detektion av kemiska ämnen anses allmänt vara den äldsta sensoriska förmågan. De kemiska sinnena, lukt och smak, utvecklades för att upptäcka och analysera kemisk information i form av luft- eller vattenburna ämnen, för att hitta mat och partners, och för att undvika fara. Luktsystemet är organiserat efter samma principer hos nästan alla djurarter, insekter såväl som däggdjur. Troligen beror likheterna på parallell evolution – samma organisation verkar ha uppstått mer än en gång. Därför antas det ofta att luktsystemet är nära optimalt anpassat för sina arbetsuppgifter.Paradoxalt nog är luktsystemets arbetsprinciper ännu inte väl kända, även om flera banbrytande framsteg gjorts de senaste decennierna. Det mest välkända är nog upptäckten av genfamiljen av luktreceptorer, som tillkännagavs 1991 av Linda Buck och Rikard Axel. För detta och efterföljande arbete belönades de med Nobelpriset år 2004. Upptäckten har varit mycket värdefull för både experimentalister och teoretiker, och är grunden för vår nuvarande förståelse av luktsystemet. Luktsystemet har länge varit ett fokus för vetenskapligt intresse inom flera fält, experimentella såväl som teoretiska, och har ofta använts som ett modellsystem. Och ända sedan fältet beräkningsneurobiologi grundades har luktsystemet undersökts genom datormodellering. I denna avhandling presenterar jag flera ansatser till biologiskt realistiskaberäkningsmodeller av luktsystemet, med tonvikt på de tidigare delarna av ryggradsdjurens luktsystem – luktreceptorceller och luktbulben. Jag har undersökt beteendet hos enzymet CaMKII, som anses vara kritiskt viktigt för adaptation (undertryckning av ständigt närvarande luktstimuli) i luktsystemet, i en biokemisk modell. Genom att konstruera flera olika stora modeller av luktbulben har jag visat att storleken på luktbulbens cellnätverk påverkar dess förmåga att behandla brusig information. Genom att ta hänsyn till nervcellernas rapporterade variationer i geometriska, elektriska och receptor-beroende karaktärsdrag har jag lyckats modellera svarsfrekvenserna från en population av luktreceptorceller. Jag har använt denna modell för att hitta de nyckelprinciper som styr huvuddelen av luktreceptorneuron-populationens svar, ochundersökt några av de tänkbara konsekvenserna av dessa nyckelprinciper i efterföljande studier av luktreceptorneuron-populationen och luktbulben – det vi kallar ”fuzzy concentration coding”-hypotesen. / QC20100723
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Efectos de los déficits olfatorios sobre las acciones antigonadotróficas de la glándula pinealMediavilla Aguado, María Dolores 31 May 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Imaging-Analyse dopaminerger Wirkungen am olfaktorischen Nerven von Xenopus-laevis-Larven / Imaging analysis of dopaminergic effects on the olfactory nerv of xenopus laevis tadpoles.Baßfeld, Eiko 07 November 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Ric-8B, uma GEF putativa do sistema olfatório, interage com Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13 / RIC-8B, a putative GEF of the olfactory system, interacts with Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13Daniel Shikanai Kerr 05 December 2008 (has links)
O sistema olfatório de mamíferos é capaz de detectar milhares de substâncias químicas diferentes, mesmo em baixas concentrações. Um odorante disperso no ar pode se ligar a um receptor olfatório (OR) iniciando o processo de detecção. Os ORs são membros da super família de receptores acoplados a proteína G (GPCRs). Apesar de a via de transdução de sinal de odorantes estar bem descrita, pouco se sabe sobre os seus moduladores. Em 2005, nosso laboratório identificou RIC-8B como um possível fator de troca de nucleotídeos de guanina (GEF) que poderia amplificar a atividade da proteína G olfatória (Golf). No presente trabalho mostramos que RIC-8B é capaz de interagir com Gγ13. Procurando os outros componentes desse complexo identificamos Gβ1 como sendo a subunidade Gβ mais expressa no epitélio olfatório. Além disso, RIC-8B, Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13 encontram-se concentrados nos cílios dos neurônios olfatórios e se co-localizam nesse compartimento celular. Nossos experimentos de co-imunoprecipitação mostram que RIC-8B interage mais fortemente com Gαolf, na presença de GDP do que na presença de GTP, como esperado para uma GEF. Curiosamente quando Gβ1 e Gβ13 estão presentes, RIC-8B e Gαolf co-imunoprecipitam igual, independente do nucleotídeo de guanina utilizado. Apesar de, na presença de Gβ1 e Gγ13, não observarmos dissociação física de RIC-8B e Gαolf com a mudança do estado de ativação, o efeito de RIC-8B na produção de AMPc não é afetada. Também mostramos que a quantidade de Gαolf, Gβ1 e Gγ13 presentes na membrana celular aumenta quando estas são co-transfectadas com RIC-8B em células de mamíferos. Nossos resultados apontam para um papel duplo da RIC-8B. Primeiro, RIC-8B poderia funcionar como uma chaperona auxiliando na formação e transporte do complexo heterotrimérico, Golf, em neurônios olfatórios. Em segundo lugar, RIC-8B também atuaria como uma GEF sobre Gαolf, aumentando a produção de AMPc e portanto amplificando a via de transdução de sinal de odorantes. Por fim, acreditamos que um possível papel para Gβ1 e Gγ13 nesse complexo seria funcionar como um andaime molecular, aproximando RIC-8B de seu alvo, Gαolf, potencializando ainda mais a atividade de GEF. / The mammalian olfactory system detects small amounts of thousands of different chemical compounds. Odorant perception starts when an odorant in the air binds to an olfactory receptor (OR). ORs belong to the super family of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Even though the odorant signaling pathway is well known, little is known about its modulators. In 2005, our lab identified RIC-8B as a putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that is able to interact with the olfactory G-protein (Golf) and amplify its activity. Here we show that RIC-8B also interacts with Gγ13. We also found that Gβ1 is the Gβ subunit that is predominantly expressed in the olfactory epithelium. Furthermore, RIC-8B, Gαolf, Gβ1 and Gγ13 are highly concentrated in the cilia of olfactory neurons and co-localize in this cellular compartment. We also show that RIC-8B interaction with Gαolf is stronger in the presence of GDP than GTP, as expected for a GEF. Curiously, in the presence of Gβ1 and Gγ13, RIC-8B and Gαolf remain associated, in the presence of both GDP or GTP, probably through an indirect interaction via Gβ1/Gγ13. We also showed that the amounts of Gαolf, Gβ1 and Gγ13 in the cell membrane increase if RIC-8B is cotransfected in the same cell. Our results suggest that RIC-8B plays two roles. First, it may act as a chaperone which assists in the assembly and trafficking of the G protein complex. Second, RIC-8B would also act as a GEF to increase Gαolf dependent cAMP production and thereby amplify odorant signal transduction. Lastly, we believe that Gβ1 and Gγ13 may act as a scaffold to position RIC-8B close to its target, Gαolf, further enhancing the GEF activity.
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