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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The standard of review under the North American free trade agreement chapter 19 : a comparative study with particular emphasis on the law of Mexico

Laporta, José Luis. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The expanding role of the United States Senate in Supreme Court confirmation proceedings /

Dolgin, Anthony Shane. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

RBAC Attack Exposure Auditor. Tracking User Risk Exposure per Role-Based Access Control Permissions

Damrau, Adelaide 01 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Access control models and implementation guidelines for determining, provisioning, and de-provisioning user permissions are challenging due to the differing approaches, unique for each organization, the lack of information provided by case studies concerning the organization’s security policies, and no standard means of implementation procedures or best practices. Although there are multiple access control models, one stands out, role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC simplifies maintenance by enabling administrators to group users with similar permissions. This approach to managing user permissions supports the principle of least privilege and separation of duties, which are needed to ensure an organization maintains acceptable user access security requirements. However, if not properly maintained, RBAC produces the problem of role explosion. What happens when security administrations cannot maintain the increasing number of roles and their assigned permissions provisioned to the organization users? This paper attempts to solve this problem by implementing a scalable RBAC system and assigning each permission a risk value score determined by the severity of risk it would expose the organization to if someone had unauthorized access to that permission. Using RBAC’s role and permission design, each user will be assigned a risk value score determined by the summation of their roles’ risk based on permission values. This method allows security administrators to view the users and roles with the highest level of risk, therefore prioritizing the highest risk users and roles when maintaining user roles and permissions.

Biodrivmedelsproduktion i Sverige: Utvecklingen av svenska styrmedel och politiska mål / Biofuel production in Sweden: The development of Swedish policy instruments and political goals

Kjellvertz, Viktor January 2023 (has links)
I det här examensarbetet har utvecklingen av den svenska politiken kring biodrivmedel under perioden 1975–2020 undersökts. Detta i syfte att öka förståelsen för de politiska motiv som legat till grund vid utformningen av politiska styrmedel samt hur sambanden mellan styrmedel och biodrivmedelsproduktion utvecklats. I rapporten ingår granskningen av de propositioner och underlagsrapporter som varit grund till svenska styrmedel riktade mot biodrivmedel. Styrmedelsförslagen har beskrivits och vissa skillnader mellan underlagsrapporter och slutgiltigt förslag har diskuterats. De motiveringar och politiska mål som hänvisas till i styrmedelsförslagen har satts i en bredare kontext för att beskriva hur utvecklingen sett ut. Utvecklingen av biodrivmedelsmarknaden har samtidigt undersökts med hjälp av Energimyndighetens årliga rapporter samt årsredovisningar och offentliga uttalanden från de största biodrivmedelsproducenterna. Vad denna genomgång visat är att biodrivmedel använts som ett medel för att minska användningen av fossilbaserad bensin och diesel för att nå målen inom ett flertal olika politikområden. I början av tidsperioden var det främsta målet att öka den svenska energiförsörjningstryggheten, det målet kompletterades sedan med mål om att minska hälso- och miljöskadliga utsläpp. Att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser började sedan bli allt mer prioriterat och har under de senaste 20–30 åren varit det främsta målet. Vilka målsättningar som biodrivmedel kopplats till har skiftat under tidperioden och det har även funnits skillnader mellan olika styrmedel under samma tidsperiod. Forsknings- och utvecklingsstöd har varit fokuserade på att omvandla inhemska råvaror till biodrivmedel. Finansiella- och administrativa styrmedel har i stället främst varit utformade för att öka andelen biodrivmedel i den totala mängden drivmedel och inte för att öka den inhemska produktionen. Efter Sveriges inträde i EU har en stor del av den svenska biodrivmedelspolitiken varit utformad till att uppfylla de EU-direktiv som funnits. De styrmedel som existerat har haft en tydlig koppling till hur den svenska biodrivmedelsmarknaden utvecklats men sambandet är komplext och det har även funnits andra faktorer så som oljepriset som också haft en påverkan på utvecklingen. / In this thesis, the development of Swedish biofuel policy during the period 1975–2020 were investigated. The goal was to increase the understanding of the political motives behind the formulation of policy instruments and how the links between policy instruments and biofuel production have developed. A review of policy instruments targeting biofuels were conducted and presented in the report. The basis for the policy proposals has been summarized and some differences between the suggested policy and the final proposal have been discussed. The justifications and policy objectives referred to in the proposals have been put in a broader context to describe the development. The development of the biofuel market was investigated using the reports compiled annually by the Swedish Energy Agency, as well as previous compilations from several journals. What these reviews have shown is that biofuels have been used as a means of reducing the use of fossil-based petrol and diesel to achieve the targets in several different policy areas. At the beginning of the period, the main goal was to increase Swedish energy security, which was then supplemented by the goal of reducing harmful emissions. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions then became an increasing priority and has over the past 20–30 years been the main goal. The objectives to which biofuels have been linked have both changed during the period, and there have also been d¬ifferences between different policy instruments during the same period. Research and development support have been focused on converting domestic raw materials into biofuels, while financial and administrative instruments have mainly been designed to increase the share of biofuel use within the total use of transportation fuels and not to increase domestic production. Since Sweden's entry into the EU, a large part of the Swedish biofuels policy has been designed to comply with the EU directives that have existed. The policy instruments that have existed have had a clear connection to how the Swedish biofuels market has developed, but the relationship is complex and there have also been other factors that have affected the development, such as the oil price.

KI-Einsatz und Anwaltsrecht - Harmonie oder Dissonanz?

Mähler, Melina Felicitas 12 July 2024 (has links)
Das Thema Künstliche Intelligenz ist allgegenwärtig und macht auch vor dem juristischen Bereich keinen Halt. Die Dissertation mit dem Titel „KI-basierter Softwareeinsatz und Anwaltsrecht – Harmonie oder Dissonanz?“ untersucht die Auswirkungen des KI-Einsatzes auf das Berufsbild des Rechtsanwaltes und auf seine anwaltlichen Pflichten. Zunächst gibt die Arbeit einen Überblick über das anwaltliche Berufsrecht sowie über Legal Tech. Als Grundlage und Ausgangspunkt werden die verschiedenen Erscheinungsformen von KI vorgestellt und anschließend die Funktionsweise eines KI-Systems im Detail herausgearbeitet. Darüber hinaus zeigt die Dissertation auch die Risiken des KI-Einsatzes und etwaige Regulierungsvorschläge auf. Des Weiteren skizziert die Arbeit beispielhaft den Einsatz von KI in der juristischen Praxis in Deutschland und im Ausland. Im Hinblick auf den theoretischen Softwareeinsatz auf dem deutschen Rechtsmarkt werden technische Möglichkeiten und Grenzen erörtert. Schwerpunkt der Dissertation ist sodann die kritische Prüfung der Vereinbarkeit des KI-Einsatzes mit verschiedenen anwaltsrechtlichen Normen und Grundsätzen. Von besonderer Relevanz sind in diesem Zusammenhang mögliche Konflikte mit der Unabhängigkeit des Organs der Rechtspflege i.S.d. § 1 BRAO, der gewissenhaften Berufsausübung gemäß § 43 BRAO beziehungsweise dem Gebot des sichersten Weges, den anwaltlichen Grundpflichten i.S.d. § 43a BRAO und der Freiberuflichkeit gemäß § 2 BRAO. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass der zukünftige KI-Einsatz – eine zukünftige rechen- und speicherleistungsstarke Technik vorausgesetzt – im Einklang mit dem Anwaltsrecht steht. Schließlich sollte die KI nicht als Bedrohung, sondern als Chance betrachtet werden, wobei Mensch und Maschine ihre Fähigkeiten symbiotisch optimal zum Einsatz bringen – zur Stärkung und Neuausrichtung der Anwaltschaft zum Nutzen des Mandanten und der Rechtsordnung als Grundpfeiler unserer Demokratie. / The topic of artificial intelligence is omnipresent and does not stop at the legal market either. The dissertation entitled “AI-based software use and legal professional law – harmony or dissonance?” examines the impact of the use of AI on the legal profession and on professional rules and regulations applicable to lawyers. First, the paper provides an overview of the legal professional code and legal technology. The various forms of AI and their functionalities are set out as a starting point. In addition, the dissertation sets forth the risks of using AI and at the same time considers regulatory options such as the AI Act. Furthermore, the paper outlines examples of the use of AI in legal practice in Germany and abroad. With regard to the theoretical use of the software in the German legal market, technical possibilities and limitations are discussed. The focus of the dissertation is then to critically examine the compatibility of the use of AI with various legal norms and principles. Of particular relevance in this context are possible conflicts with the independence of the judicial body (“Unabhängiges Organ der Rechtspflege”) within the meaning of Section 1 BRAO, the conscientious practice of the profession (“Gewissenhafte Berufsausübung”) in accordance with Section 43 BRAO or the principle of the safest path (“Gebot des sichersten Weges”), the basic legal duties (“Grundpflichten”) within the meaning of Section 43a BRAO and the principle of a liberal profession (“Freiberuflichkeit”) pursuant to Section 2 BRAO. The paper concludes that the future use of AI – assuming a future technology with high computing and storage performance – is in line with legal professional law. As a result, AI should be seen as an opportunity rather than a threat, with humans and machines each using their skills in the best possible way and in a symbiotic manner. This will strengthen and realign the legal profession for the benefit the legal system as a cornerstone of our democracy.

Question & Answer EU Law

Guth, Jessica, Mowlam, Edward T. 2017 July 1931 (has links)
No / EU law is not a subject enjoyed by most students but it really does not have to be difficult. Every EU law question is likely to ask you to apply your knowledge of the law to a particular context – either a practical one, as in problem questions, or a more theoretical one, as in essay questions. For both you need to remember that EU law does not exist in isolation but is inextricably linked with the national legal systems of the Member States. The interaction between European law and these systems is crucial to understanding how EU law works. EU law is often considered in a political context and this has become very apparent in the UK following the referendum in June 2016 and the vote for ‘Brexit’. At te time of writing Brexit negotiations are continuing and for now EU law applies as it always has in the UK. Recognising that your political stance is likely to influence your views on EU law is valuable and something which can make your answers stronger, particularly in relation to questions on historical, constitutional or institutional issues.

La responsabilité extracontractuelle et le couple : regards sur l’immixtion de la faute civile dans le contentieux conjugal

Bernier, Etienne 08 1900 (has links)
La présente étude trouve son point d’ancrage dans l’observation de l’honorable Nicholas Kasirer selon laquelle une incompatibilité d’humeur régnerait entre le droit de la responsabilité civile et la vie conjugale, rendant difficile la sanction des fautes commises entre conjoints sous l’égide du régime général de la responsabilité extracontractuelle. Pont jeté entre deux disciplines juridiques – le droit familial et le droit de la responsabilité extracontractuelle –, la réflexion ici proposée s’articule autour des inflexions subies par la norme en fonction du lien conjugal unissant les parties. Afin de cerner ces inflexions, l’auteur tourne d’abord son regard vers le passé, mettant en exergue les obstacles techniques et moraux ayant historiquement endigué l’effectivité du droit de la responsabilité extracontractuelle dans l’enceinte conjugale. Un tableau du traitement jurisprudentiel contemporain faisant état des diverses fautes relatives à la vie conjugale est ensuite dressé. Par cet exercice, certains comportements récemment assimilés à la commission d’une faute civile, comme l’aliénation parentale, sont mis en relief. À l’issue du portrait ici brossé, le lecteur sera à même de constater le glissement subi par les visées du droit de la responsabilité extracontractuelle dans ses interactions avec la cellule conjugale. D’abord utilisé comme outil de protection de l’institution matrimoniale, le régime général de la responsabilité extracontractuelle se présente de plus en plus comme un vecteur incontournable dans l’instauration d’un civisme conjugal élémentaire. / The present study revolves around an observation by the Honorable Nicholas Kasirer according to which an incompatibility of temperament exists between civil liability and conjugal life, making it difficult to sanction faults committed between spouses or de facto spouses by virtue of the extra- contractual liability regime. Drawing a connection between two legal disciplines - family law and civil liability - the proposed reflection revolves around the deviations incurred by the norm depending on the bond uniting the parties. In order to identify these deviations, the author first turns their gaze to the past, highlighting the technical and moral obstacles that have historically hindered the effectiveness of the law of extracontractual liability in the conjugal context. A picture of the contemporary jurisprudential treatment of the various faults relating to conjugal and married life is then drawn up. Through this exercise, certain behaviors recently assimilated to the commission of a civil fault, such as parental alienation, are highlighted. At the end of this portrait, the reader will be able to observe the shift incurred by the aims of the law of extracontractual liability as it interacts with the conjugal and marital cell. Initially used as a tool to protect the institution of marriage, the general regime of extra-contractual liability is increasingly seen as an essential vector in the establishment of a fundamental conjugal and marital civility.

Revisorns roll i att förebygga ekonomisk brottslighet. :  - En kvalitativ studie utifrån revisorernas perspektiv.

Almasri, Ahmad, Alkwamla, Mohammad January 2024 (has links)
Syfte: Denna studie undersöker revisorernas roll i att förebygga ekonomisk brottslighet för att öka kunskap och medvetenhet om arbetsuppgifterna och effektiviteten hos revisorer i ett brottsförebyggande syfte. Metod: Studien utgår från en abduktiv forskningsansats med kvalitativ forskningsmetod som används för att få in olika perspektiv med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer från olika intressenter. Studien samlade in primärdata från tre auktoriserade revisorer, en förundersökningsledare från finanspolisen och en ekobrotts revisor från Ekobrottsmyndigheten (EBM).  Slutsats: I slutsatsen framkommer att revisorer spelar en kritisk men komplex roll i brottsförebyggande arbete, som inte alltid är i linje med intressenternas förväntningar. Att stärka revisorernas funktioner och förtydliga lagkraven och etiska normer kan överbrygga förväntningsgapet. Dessutom skulle ett förbättrat samarbete mellan myndigheter och kontinuerlig utbildning av revisorer i nya trender inom ekonomisk brottslighet kunna förbättra revisorernas effektivitet när det gäller att förebygga ekonomisk brottslighet. / Purpose: This study examines the role of auditors in preventing financial crime in order to increase knowledge and awareness of the duties and effectiveness of auditors in crime prevention, to understand the ongoing conflict surrounding the role of the audit industry in these efforts. Method: The study is based on a deductive research approach with a qualitative research approach used to collect in-depth perspectives through semi-structured interviews with respondents from various actors. The study collected primary data from three chartered auditors, a financial police investigator and an economics crime auditor from the Economic Crime Authority (EBM). Conclusion: The conclusion shows that auditors play a critical but complex role in crime prevention work, which is not always in line with actors' expectations. Strengthening auditors' functions and clarifying legal requirements and ethical standards can bridge the expectation gap. In addition, improved cooperation between agencies and continuous training of auditors in new trends in financial crime could improve auditors' effectiveness in preventing financial crime.

Pflichtenkollisionen bei christlichen Leitern in Gemeinde und Geschäftswelt: Lernen von Jesus und den Aposteln bei Lukas = Conflicting duties with Christian leaders in churches and business: learn from Jesus and the apostles by Luke

Viselka, Martin 30 June 2006 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Diese Untersuchung besteht aus sechs Hauptpunkten. Nach der Einleitung (I.) zum Thema, werden unter II. verschiedene Begriffe definiert und die Inhalte gegenüber verwandten Gebieten abgegrenzt. Als dritter Hauptpunkt (III.) folgt eine Untersuchung zu den klassischen Typologien der Pflichtenkollisionen. Dieses Thema wurde in der Vergangenheit in der Theologie und Philosophie immer wieder breit diskutiert. Unter IV. werden die Pflichtenkollisionen im lukanischen Doppelwerk untersucht. Diese exegetische Analyse soll aufzeigen, wie Jesus und die Apostel solchen Situationen begegnen und damit umgegangen sind. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch die Frage nach möglicher Schuld, als Konsequenz, untersucht. Der fünfte Hauptpunkt (V.) beschäftigt sich mit dem richtigen Verhalten in Pflichtenkollisionen. Einerseits wird die Position des Autors näher begründet und andererseits ein Vorschlag für eine Wertreihenfolge als Richtschnur im Konfliktfall angeboten. Im letzten Teil (VI.) werden die Erkenntnisse der Untersuchung auf sieben konkreten Fälle von Pflichtenkollisionen aus der Gemeinde und der Geschäftswelt praktisch angewendet. / This analysis consists of six main sections. Following the introduction of the theme (I), various terms are defined (II), and the contents are distinguished from related topics, with pertinent reasons given. The third (III) section consists of the results of my research on the classic typologies of conflicting duties. In the past, this subject has been widely discussed in the theological and philosophical circles. In the fourth (IV) section, conflicting duties are examined in light of Luke's writings. The goal of this exegetic analysis is to show how Jesus and the apostles met such situations, and how they dealt with them. In connection with this topic, the question of possible guilt, as a consequence, is researched. The fifth (V) section deals with proper behaviour toward conflicting duties. On one hand, the position of the author is established, and on the other hand a proposal is offered for a prioritization of values as a guiding principle in conflict situations. In the last section (VI), the findings of the research are applied practically to seven concrete examples of conflicting duties within the church and society. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / M. Th. (Theological Ethics)

Srovnání pracovních poměrů hráčů ledního hokeje v ČR a zahraničí / Comparison of the ice hockey players working relationship in Czech Republic and abroad

Vaňousová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
Title: Comparison of the ice hockey players working relationship in Czech Republic and abroad Goals: Comparison of duties and rights of individual work-legal relations for ice hockey players in the first two best national competitions in different European countries. Method: For the treatment of this topic has been used secondary data analysis and desk research in economics, management, and professional sports. For qualitative research sample of hockey players and managers interview method was used. Results: They simulate application of individual abroad work-legal relations into the Czech conditions, even commentaries and comparison to nowadays conditions. They suggest more favorable conditions for the national competition. Key words: professional sport, ice - hockey, professional ice - hockey player, non- amateur ice - hockey player, self - employed - definition, right and duties, players contract, dependent activity - rights and duties, work contract, ice - hockey league.

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