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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upgrading concrete bridges : post-tensioning for higher loads

Nilimaa, Jonny January 2013 (has links)
There are a great number of old structures around the world, some of which were designed for completely different purposes than in their current application. Swedish railway bridges were for example only designed for maximum axle loads of 200 kN in the beginning of the 20th century, while the highest axle loads of today are twice as high. The traffic intensities have also increased dramatically and the velocities are now higher than ever before. Reinforced concrete trough bridges were typically designed and built in the mid-20th century and it is still one of the most frequent railway bridge types in Sweden. The trough bridges were normally designed for traffic loads which were smaller than the loads today and in order to maintain an old structure as the loads increases, structural upgrading of the load bearing capacity might be necessary. Upgrading the load carrying capacity can be performed in two ways, namely administrative upgrading or strengthening. Administrative upgrading refers to refined design calculations, using real material data, geometry and loads, which provides a higher capacity than the original design and the bridge can thereby be upgrading with minor physical impact. Upgrading by strengthening on the other hand, refers to, often, larger physical alteration of the structure in order to enhance the original load carrying capacity.Upgrading methods for increased flexural resistance of concrete trough bridges has been developed and tested previously, but strengthening methods for increased shear resistance in the bridge deck are still absent. The objective of this thesis is therefore to find an existing- or develop a new strengthening method which can be applied in order to enhance the shear resistance of concrete trough bridge decks. The difficulties associated to strengthening of existing railway bridges include traffic during the strengthening work and concrete surfaces concealed by the ballast.The State-of-the-Art indicated that none of the existing strengthening techniques were sufficient for this application and internal unbonded post-tensioning in the transverse direction was nominated as the most promising method. The research was thereafter focused on testing the possibilities and strengthening effects of post-tensioning. Two laboratory investigations were performed during the research project and the method was finally tested in a field test on a 50 years old trough bridge in Haparanda, Sweden. The strengthening procedure of internal unbonded post-tensioning consists of four consecutive steps:1.Transverse drilling of the horizontal holes through the bottom slab.2.Installation of the prestressing system.3.Post-tensioning of the system.4.Sealing of the prestressing system.The laboratory and field tests were successful and the results proved that the internal steel reinforcement within the concrete was compressed when the trough bridge was post-tensioned. Due to the compression, a higher load could be carried by the bridge deck before the tensile reinforcement yields and the bridge fails. In other words, the flexural capacity of the bridge deck was increased. The field test actually showed that eight steel bars, post-tensioned with 430 kN per bar on the Haparanda Bridge, completely counteracted the tensile stresses caused by a train with 215 kN axle loads. The effect on the shear resistance was however not as easy to measure, but the laboratory test recorded a significant strain reduction in the tensile reinforcement which was bent up at the transition zone between the bridge deck and the main girders. The reduced strain might be interpreted as lower shear stresses and post-tensioning can thereby be considered to have a positive effect on the shear resistance of the bridge deck. Shear design according to the protocol of Eurocode 2 or BBK was however found to be restrictive in predicting the post-tensionings effect on the shear capacity and further research is proposed in chapter 8. / Det finns ett stort antal gamla konstruktioner runtom i världen och många byggdes för helt andra användningsområden än vad de numera används till. Som ett exempel kan nämnas att svenska järnvägsbroar i början av 1900-talet byggdes för att klara av att bära axellaster på maximalt 200 kN, medan några av våra nybyggda broar är konstruerade för dubbelt så stora axellaster. Även traffikmängden har mångdubblats och tåghastigheterna är nu högre än någonsin. Trågbroar i armerad betong är en typisk bro som byggdes i Sverige framförallt på 50-talet och den är fortfarande en av de vanligaste brotyperna i Sverige. Trågbroarna konstruerades normalt för att bära lägre laster än vad vi har idag och för att kunna ha kvar dessa broar när lasterna ökar kan det krävas någon form av uppgradering av bärförmågan. Det finns två sätt att förbättra bärförmågan på en gammal bro, nämligen administrativ uppgradering eller förstärkning. Administrativ uppgradering innebär att nya förbättrade beräkningsmetoder används tillsammans med verkliga materialhållfastheter, geometrier och laster för att mer noggrant räkna ut brons bärförmåga. Normalt visar det sig att bärförmågan är högre än vad de ursprungliga beräkningarna antydde. På så vis höjs kapaciteten med minimal fysisk åverkan på bron. Uppgradering genom förstärkning innebär däremot att konstruktionens bärförmåga höjs genom att förändra bron ur ett rent fysiskt perspektiv. Metoder för att öka böjkapaciteten på trågbroar i betong har utvecklats och testats tidigare, men förstärkningsmetoder för att höja tvärkraftskapaciteten saknas däremot fortfarande. Målet för denna avhandling ligger därför i att utveckla en förstärkningsmetod som kan användas för att förbättra tvärkraftskapaciteten för bottenplattan på trågbroar i betong. Det finns dock några svårigheter sammankopplade med förstärkning av befintliga järnvägsbroar, t.ex. tågtraffik under förstärkningsförfarandet och att viktiga betongytor är skyddade av ballast.Inga befintliga förstärkningsmetoder bedömdes däremot som lämpliga för det avsedda användningsområdet vid ”State-of-the-Art’’ studien. Invändig efterspänning av broplattan i tvärledd bedömdes som den bäst lämpade förstärkningsmetoden och efterföljande forskning fokuserades på att reda ut möjligheter för och förstärkningseffekter av efterspänning. Två olika laboratorieförsök genomfördes under forskningsprojektet och förstärkningsmetoden testades slutligen vid ett fältförsök på en 50 år gammal järnvägsbro i Haparanda.Själva tillvägagångssättet för förstärkningsmetoden består av fyra viktigaoch sammanhängande arbetssteg:1. Borrning av horisontella hål tvärs igenom trågbrons bottenplatta.2. Installation av själva försstärkningssystemet.3. Efterspänning av förstärkningssystemet.4. Förslutning av förstärkningssystemet.Både laboratorie och fältförsöken blev lyckade och resultaten visade att stålarmeringen inuti betongen trycktes ihop när trågbron efterspänndes. Tack vare denna kompression så kan broplattan bära högre laster innan dragarmeringen börjar flyta och bron slutligen går sönder. Med andra ord så höjdes brons böjkapacitet. Fältförsöket visade att de åtta spännstagen, efterspännda med 430 kN per stag, helt och hållet motverkade dragarmeringens påkänningar av ett tåg med axellasten 215 kN. Förstärkningsmetodens effekt på tvärkraftskapaciteten är däremot inte lika lätt att påvisa men laboratorieförsöken visade att töjningen reducerades betydligt i den uppbockade dragarmeringen, i zonen där plattan fäster i huvudbalkarna. De lägre töjningsnivåerna kan tolkas som lägre skjuvpåkänningar och efterspänningen kan därmed ha en positiv effekt på broplattans tvärkraftskapacitet. Laboratorieförsöken visade däremot att både Eurokod 2 och BBK är restriktiva när det gäller att uppskatta efterspänningens effekt på tvärkraftskapaciteten. En ny förstärkningsmetod för trågbroar i betong har därmed föreslagits i och med denna avhandling, men en del frågetecken kvarstår och i kapitel 8 ges därför förslag på fortsatta forskningsområden.

Evaluation of Precast Portland Cement Concrete Panels for Airfield Pavement Repairs

Priddy, Lucy Phillips 23 April 2014 (has links)
Both the identification and validation of expedient portland cement concrete (PCC) repair technologies have been the focus of the pavements research community for decades due to ever decreasing construction timelines. Precast concrete panel technology offers a potential repair alternative to conventional cast-in-place PCC because the panel is fully cured and has gained full strength prior to its use. This repaired surface may be trafficked immediately, thus eliminating the need for long curing durations required for conventional PCC. The literature reveals a number of precast PCC panel investigations in the past 50 years; however precast technology has only recently gained acceptance and increased use in the US for highway pavements. Furthermore, only limited information regarding performance of airfield applications is available. Following a review of the available technologies, an existing panel prototype was redesigned to allow for both single- and multiple-panel repairs. A series of various sized repairs were conducted in a full-scale airfield PCC test section. Results of accelerated testing indicated that precast panels were suitable for airfield repairs, withstanding between 5,000 and 10,000 passes of C-17 aircraft traffic prior to failure. Failure was due to spalling of the transverse doweled joints. The load transfer characteristics of the transverse joint were studied to determine if the joint load test could be used to predict failure. Results showed that the load transfer efficiency calculations from the joint load test data were not useful for predicting failure; however differential deflections could possibly be applied. Additionally, the practice of filling the joints with rapid-setting grout may have resulted in higher measurements of load transfer efficiency. To determine the stresses generated in the doweled joint, three-dimensional finite element analyses were conducted. Results indicated that the dowel diameter should be increased to reduce stresses and to improve repair performance. Finally, the precast repair technology was compared to other expedient repair techniques in terms of repair speed, performance, and cost. Compared to other methods, the precast panel repair alternative provided similar return-to-service timelines and traffic performance at a slightly higher cost. Costs can be minimized through modification to the panel design and by fabricating panels in a precast facility. Modifications to the system design and placement procedures are also recommended to improve the field performance of the panels. / Ph. D.

Differences in the relationship of heart rate and blood lactate values between running on track versus inclined treadmill : Improving laboratory testing to accurately prescribe exercise intensities

Bramell, Axel January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the generalisability of the heart rate-blood lactate relationship determined in laboratory testing in comparison to running over ground. This plays a crucial role to prescribe exercise intensity from laboratory results. Ten well trained runners performed a maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) pre-test and an incremental submaximal test performed at a two degrees inclined treadmill and a running track. Statistical analysis included student’s t-test of heart rate at interpolated blood lactate levels and comparison of second order polynomial regression lines. VO2max was 60,4 ± 6 ml/kg/min for men and 56,3 ± 4,3 ml/kg/min for women. There was no significant difference in heart rate at interpolated blood lactate of 3 and 4 mmol/L. There was no significant difference between heart rate values at any running velocity. A significant difference between blood lactate values was observed 14km/h (p=0,04). When considering blood lactate values up to 6mmol/L, heart rate-blood lactate relationships were similar. In conclusion, lactate threshold testing on treadmill through incremental test protocols on a two degrees incline gives similar heart rate- blood lactate relationship as running over ground and may be used to prescribe intensity in training performed over ground.

Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Energy Piles: Full-Scale Field Testing and Numerical Modeling

Sutman, Melis 09 September 2016 (has links)
Energy piles are deep foundation elements designed to utilize near-surface geothermal energy, while at the same time serve as foundations for buildings. The use of energy piles for geothermal heat exchange has been steadily increasing during the last decade, yet there are still pending questions on their thermo-mechanical behavior. The change in temperature along energy piles, resulting from their employment in heat exchange operations, causes axial displacements, thermally induced axial stresses and changes in mobilized shaft resistance which may have possible effects on their behavior. In order to investigate these effects, an extensive field test program, including conventional pile load tests and application of heating-cooling cycles was conducted on three energy piles during a period of six weeks. Temperature changes were applied to the test piles with and without maintained mechanical loads to investigate the effects of structural loads on energy piles. Moreover, the lengths of the test piles were determined to represent different end-restraining conditions at the toe. Various sensors were installed to monitor the strain and temperature changes along the test piles. Axial stress and shaft resistance profiles inferred from the field test data along with the driven conclusions are presented herein for all three test piles. It is inferred from the field test results that changes in temperature results in thermally induced compressive or tensile axial stresses along energy piles, the magnitude of which increases with higher restrictions such as structural load on top or higher toe resistance. Moreover, lower change in shaft resistance is observed with increasing restrictions along the energy piles. In addition to the design, deployment, and execution of the field test, a thermo-mechanical cyclic numerical model was developed as a part of this research. In this numerical model, load-transfer approach was coupled with the Masing's Rule in order to simulate the two-way cyclic axial displacement of energy piles during temperature changes. The numerical model was validated using the field test results for cyclic thermal load and thermo-mechanical load applications. It is concluded that the use of load-transfer approach coupled with the Masing's Rule is capable of simulating the cyclic thermo-mechanical behavior of energy piles. / Ph. D.

Hydrobatics: Efficient and Agile Underwater Robots / Hydrobatik: Effektiva och Smidiga Undervattensroboter

Bhat, Sriharsha January 2020 (has links)
The term hydrobatics refers to the agile maneuvering of underwater vehicles. Hydrobatic capabilities in autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) can enable increased maneuverability without a sacrifice in efficiency and speed. This means innovative robot designs and new use case scenarios are possible. Benefits and technical challenges related to hydrobatic AUVs are explored in this thesis. The dissertation contributes to new knowledge in simulation, control and field applications, and provides a structured approach to realize hydrobatic capabilities in real world impact areas. Three impact areas are considered - environmental monitoring, ocean production and security. A combination of agility in maneuvering and efficiency in performance is crucial for successful AUV applications. To achieve such performance, two technical challenges must be solved. First, these AUVs have fewer control inputs than degrees of freedom, which leads to the challenge of underactuation. The challenge is described in detail and solution strategies that use optimal control and model predictive control (MPC) are highlighted. Second, the flow around an AUV during hydrobatic maneuvers transitions from laminar to turbulent flow at high angles of attack. This renders flight dynamics modelling difficult. A full 0-360 degree envelope flight dynamics model is therefore derived, which combines a multi-fidelity hydrodynamic database with a generalized component-buildup approach. Such a model enables real-time (or near real-time) simulations of hydrobatic maneuvers including loops, helices and tight turns. Next, a cyber-physical system (CPS) is presented -- it safely transforms capabilities derived in simulation to real-world use cases in the impact areas described. The simulator environment is closely integrated with the robotic system, enabling pre-validation of controllers and software before hardware deployment. The small and hydrobatic SAM AUV (developed in-house at KTH as part of the Swedish Maritime Robotics Center) is used as a test platform. The CPS concept is validated by using the SAM AUV for the search and detection of a submerged target in field operating conditions. Current research focuses on further exploring underactuated control and motion planning. This includes development of real-time nonlinear MPC implementations running on AUV hardware, as well as intelligent control through feedback motion planning, system identification and reinforcement learning. Such strategies can enable real-time robust and adaptive control of underactuated systems. These ideas will be applied to demonstrate new capabilities in the three impact areas. / Termen hydrobatik avser förmåga att utföra avancerade manövrer med undervattensfarkoster. Syftet är att, med bibehållen fart och räckvidd, utvigda den operationella förmågan i manövrering, vilket möjliggör helt nya användningsområden för maximering av kostnadseffektivitet. I denna avhandling undersöks fördelar och tekniska utmaningar relaterade till hydrobatik som tillämpas på undervattensrobotar, vanligen kallade autonoma undervattensfarkoster (AUV). Avhandlingen bidrar till ny kunskap i simulering, reglering samt tillämpning i experiment av dessa robotar genom en strukturerad metod för att realisera hydrobatisk förmåga i realistiska scenarier.  Tre nyttoområden beaktas - miljöövervakning, havsproduktion och säkerhet. Inom dessa nyttoområden har ett antal scenarios identifierats där en kombination av smidighet i manövrerbarhet samt effektivitet i prestanda är avgörande för robotens förmåga att utföra sin uppgift. För att åstadkomma detta måste två viktiga tekniska utmaningar lösas. För det första har dessa AUVer färre styrytor/trustrar än frihetsgrader, vilket leder till utmaningen med underaktuering. Utmaningen beskrivs i detalj och lösningsstrategier som använder optimal kontroll och modellprediktiv kontroll belyses. För det andra är flödet runt en AUV som genomför hydrobatiska manövrar komplext med övergång från laminär till stark turbulent flöde vid höga anfallsvinklar. Detta gör flygdynamikmodellering svår. En full 0-360 graders flygdynamikmodell härleds därför, vilken kombinerar en multi-tillförlitlighets hydrodynamisk databas med en generaliserad strategi för komponentvis-superpositionering av laster. Detta möjliggör prediktering av hydrobatiska manövrar som t.ex. utförande av looping, roll, spiraler och väldigt snäva svängradier i realtids- eller nära realtids-simuleringar. I nästa steg presenteras ett cyber-fysikaliskt system (CPS) – där funktionalitet som härrör från simuleringar kan överföras till de verkliga användningsområdena på ett effektivt och säkert sätt. Simulatormiljön är nära integrerad i robot-miljön, vilket möjliggör förvalidering av reglerstrategier och mjukvara innan hårdvaruimplementering. En egenutvecklad hydrobatisk AUV (SAM) används som testplattform. CPS-konceptet valideras med hjälp av SAM i ett realistiskt sceanrio genom att utföra ett sökuppdrag av ett nedsänkt föremål under fältförhållanden. Resultaten av arbetet i denna licentiatavhandling kommer att användas i den fortsatta forskningen som fokuserar på att ytterligare undersöka och utveckla ny metodik för reglering av underaktuerade AUVer. Detta inkluderar utveckling av realtidskapabla ickelinjära MPC-implementeringar som körs ombord, samt AI-baserade reglerstrategier genom ruttplaneringsåterkoppling, autonom systemidentifiering och förstärkningsinlärning. Sådan utveckling kommer att tillämpas för att visa nya möjligheter inom de tre nyttoområdena. / SMaRC


Regier, RYAN 21 August 2013 (has links)
To better manage deteriorating infrastructure, quantitative data about the performance of infrastructure assets is required. Rayleigh based distributed fibre optic strain sensing (FOS) is a technology that has the potential to offer this type of data and unlike traditional strain sensors it can measure the strain along the full length of the structure. A series of experiments were undertaken to develop installation techniques and evaluate sensor accuracy for typical civil engineering materials: steel, concrete and reinforced concrete. The results of these experiments showed that the choice of sensing fibre and adhesive was dependent on the material being monitored. When the sensing fibre and adhesive are chosen correctly, the Rayleigh system can provide the same accuracy as a strain gauge for steel and concrete, and useful measurements can be obtained even in areas of concrete cracking. The FOS technique was utilized to determine whether distributed strain measurements could be used to detect and quantify localized deterioration of the steel reinforcement (localized area reductions of 0-30%) at service loads. A series of specimens was tested, the sensing system was able to detect the presence of localized deterioration with embedded nylon and polyimide fibres, but the nylon fibre cannot quantify large strain gradients due to slip within the sensing fibre. The strain profiles gave insights to the failure mechanism occurring in the reinforced concrete specimens. The strain profiles for both test series indicated that the tension reinforcement was acting as a tension tie and the strain profiles suggested the presence of compressive struts indicative of an arching mechanism in the specimens. The Black River bridge in Madoc, Ontario was instrumented with fibre optics sensors to determine whether the use of FOS is both practical and beneficial for reinforced concrete bridge assessment when compared to conventional instrumentation. The FOS showed reasonably good agreement with conventional sensors. The fibre optic strain results are used to calculate curvature, slope and displacement but careful consideration of the boundary conditions is required. The results from the fibre optic sensors can be used to show the bridge load distribution and give insights into the support conditions of the beams. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-08-21 11:56:53.276

Comportamento operacional de elementos sulcadores de fertilizante em função da distância dos mesmos para o mecanismo de corte / Operating performance of elements fertilizer furrowers in the function of the distance for the coulter

Francetto, Tiago Rodrigo 25 April 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The objective was to determine the effect of longitudinal distance between coulters and furrow openers about the operational performance of these associations working in different forward speeds, with regard to the energy requeriment and the amount of furrow, with the purpose of identifying the integration mechanism/regulation that presents the lowest energy consumption without compromising the quality of the furrow. This was carried out in an agricultural area located in the municipality of Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul), belonging to Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. The soil of the experimental area was classified as Ultisol and sandy. The experiment was composed of 24 combinations of treatments, in a factorial scheme of 2x3x4. These were composed by the interaction of the factors groove opening mechanisms (hoe furrow opener and mismatched double discs), longitudinal distance from center to center of coulter and furrowers (0,50,1,0 e 1,50 m) and forward speeds (1,11, 1,67, 2,22 e 2,78 m s-1). The variables responses of the performance of the mechanisms associations were obtained directly or indirectly, through the application of different methods by different tools. After the acquisition of the data, they were submitted to statistical analysis of variance and verified the significance of the factors through the F test. In addition, a mathematical analysis of the instantaneous rate of change, with the use of the differential calculus. The furrow, distance and velocity factors had a statistically significant influence on the primary performance variables resulting from instrumentation, except the distance factor on the slipping of the driving wheels. For the variables of soil mobilization, the furrow factor provided a significant change in all, while the distance factor significantly modified only the raised area and the maximum furrow depth. Already the velocity, interfered significantly in the latter and in the area of mobilized soil. In addition, in the secondary variables, the modification of the furrow and speed factors did not provide significant change only in the variable soil swelling, while the distance did not change the specific fuel consumption. The traction, the hourly consumption and the skating were higher for the configurations that employ the hoe furrow opener, present greater distance and work at higher speeds. The distance did not modify the mobilized area, the width and the depth of the furrow, and the reduction of this reduced the elevated area. The use of lower speeds and distances provides greater efficiency in the use of traction per unit of depth and of soil mobilized for both furrowers. / O objetivo foi determinar o efeito da distância longitudinal entre disco de corte e sulcador de fertilizante sobre o desempenho operacional destas associações trabalhando em diferentes velocidades de deslocamento, no que diz respeito ao requerimento energético e a qualidade de sulco, com o propósito de identificar a integração mecanismo/regulagem que apresente o menor consumo energético sem comprometer a qualidade do sulco. Este foi realizado em área agrícola situada no município de Santa Maria (Rio Grande do Sul), pertencente à Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. O solo da área experimental foi classificado como Argissolo e textura franca. O experimento foi composto por 24 combinações de tratamentos, em um esquema fatorial de 2x3x4. Estes foram compostos pela interação dos fatores mecanismos de abertura de sulco (haste sulcadora e discos duplos desencontrados), distância longitudinal de centro a centro do mecanismo de corte e dos sulcadores (0,50, 1,0 e 1,50 m) e velocidades de deslocamento (1,11, 1,67, 2,22 e 2,78 m s-1). As variáveis respostas do desempenho das associações de mecanismos foram obtidas de forma direta ou indireta, através da aplicação de diferentes métodos por distintas ferramentas. Após a aquisição dos dados, os mesmos foram submetidos à análise estatística de variância e verificado a significância dos fatores através do teste F. Além disso, foi realizada uma análise matemática da taxa de variação instantânea, com o uso do cálculo diferencial. Os fatores sulcador, distância e velocidade apresentaram influência estatisticamente significativa sobre as variáveis de desempenho primárias oriundas da instrumentação, exceto o fator distância sobre o patinamento dos rodados motrizes. Para as variáveis de mobilização do solo, o fator sulcador proporcionou alteração significativa em todas, enquanto que o fator distância modificou significativamente apenas a área elevada e a profundidade máxima do sulco. Já a velocidade, interferiu significativamente nesta última e na área de solo mobilizada. Ademais, nas variáveis secundárias, a modificação dos fatores sulcador e velocidade não proporcionaram alteração significativa apenas na variável empolamento, enquanto que a distância não modificou o consumo específico de combustível. O esforço tratório, o consumo horário e o patinamento, foram mais elevados para as configurações que empregam a haste sulcadora, apresentam maior distância e trabalham em maiores velocidades. A distância não modificou a área mobilizada, a largura e a profundidade do sulco, sendo que a redução desta diminuiu a área elevada. O emprego de velocidades e distâncias menores propiciou maior eficiência no uso da tração por unidade de profundidade e de solo mobilizada para ambos os sulcadores.

Master Teachers’ Critical Practice and Student Learning Strategies: A Case Study in an Urban School District

Paulmann, Greg G. January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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