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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equitable Early Childhood Education for Young Bilingual Learners in North Texas: Examining Kindergarten Entry Assessments for Bilingual Children

McEntire, Celina Angelica 05 1900 (has links)
A considerable amount of research has been done surrounding education in classrooms from kindergarten to Grade 12, but little research has been done surrounding early childhood education (ECE) beginning with birth to age 4. As a result, research is needed that examines interventions aimed to improve the quality of early childhood education for young bilingual learners at the earliest stages of schooling. The present study examines current efforts to serve the specific population of young bilingual children entering classrooms in an urban school district in North Texas. The focus of this study includes the access and examination of quality ECE programs (defined by the extent to which bilingual children have access to bilingual education programming). The present study also observes the visibility of young bilingual children who receive services that are responsive to their characteristics, experiences, and specific needs. Lastly, this study used a multiple regression analysis to examine the Kindergarten Early Assessment test that has been put in place to measure the school readiness performance of bilingual children in this urban district. Specifically, the analysis included program type, language of assessment, socio-economic status and gender variables.


卓秀冬, Zuo, Xiu-Dong Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探討台灣省高級職業學校教務行政續效與教學效能之關係,及學校行政人員、學校資源對教務行政續效之影響,並且嘗試建立教務行政續效及教學效能評鑑之指標。本研究以台灣省教育廳統計所編有關高級職業學校的統計資料為主。 並且自編高級業學校教務行政暨教學效能調查表。調查全省八十個公立高級職業學校的教務行政既教學效能有關資料,共得有效樣本七十五個。在研究方法上,以多元迴歸預測高級職業學校行行人員人口變項、學校資源、教務續效指標對教學效能之影響。以單因子多變量分析(One-Way MANOVA)探討高級職業學校不同的教務續效、學校行政人員人口變項、學校資源對教務續效的影響。以因素分析(Factor Analysis) 抽取各變項之共同因素,並且以共變數結構分析(LISREL)探討其因果關係。以 群分析(Cl u ster Analysis)探討各學校教務行政續效、教學效能是否有差異? 玆將主要研究結果臚列於下: (一)學校行政人員的學歷、召開教學研究會的次數、辦理教師進修的次數、教學圖書冊數、依教師專長排課面分比對教師教學知能競賽獲獎有顯著的影響。 (二)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、教師總人數、召開教學研究會資料、辦理教師在職進修資料、教務行政電腦化百分比、教學圖畫冊數、依教師專長排課面分比對百位教師研提報告篇數具有顯著影響。 (三)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、教師總人數、召開教學研究會資料、辦理教師在職進修次數、教務行政電腦化百分比、教學圖劃冊數、依教專長排課面分比、教師教學知能競賽獲獎數、面位教師研提報告篇數百分率對學生升學率具有顯著的影響。 (四)學校行政人員的學歷、教務經費、召教學研究會次數、辦理教師在職進修資數、教學圖書冊數依教師專長排課百分比、教師教學知能競賽獲獎數、百位數師研提報告編數對學生操行成續達八十分的通過率具有顯著的影響。 (五)教務行政電腦化百分比、依數師專長排課面分比、百位教師研提報告篇數、學校行政人員的學歷對學生技能檢定的通過率具有顯著的影響。 (六)校長學校行政知能、學校行政人員行政知能、學校資源、教務行政續效、教學效能間之因果關係在本研究中并未獲得完全證實,但教務行政續效及學校產能之各評鑑指標都達極顯著水準。 (七)有關高級職業學校教學效能之研究,全部七十五個學校將學生表現投入群集分析共可分成優秀學校(十二個)、良好學校(二十一個)普通學校(二十個),欠佳學校 (二十二個)。將教師教學知能投入群彙分析共可分成優秀學校 (四個)、良好學校 (十二個)、普通學校 (五十八個)。 最後根據研究結果,本研究提出強化教務行政續效、教學效能之具體建議,並對未來之研究方向提出建議。

Netiesinės algebrinės lygčių sistemos sprendinių skaičiaus analizė / Analysis of number of solutions of an algebraic system of non-linear equations

Michalkovič, Aleksejus 13 August 2010 (has links)
Vienas iš svarbiausių šiuolaikinės kriptografijos uždavinių yra saugių vienkrypčių funkcijų paieška. Dabartiniai mokslininkai skiria šiam klausimui ypatingą demėsį. Šiame darbe yra nagrinėjama viena iš naujausių vienkrypčių funkcijų – matricinio laipsnio funkcija. Ši funkcija yra panaudota netiesinės algebrinės lygčių sistemos sudarymui. Pagrindinis demėsys darbe yra skirtas šios lygčių sistemos analizei bei jos praktiniam taikymui. Nustatysime ar matricinio laipsnio funkcija gali būti panaudota kriptografijoje. Taip pat nustatysime lygčių sistemos sprendinių skaičiaus priklausomybę nuo jos parametrų: matricų eilės m bei grupės Z_p parametro p. / Since the introduction of Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol in 1976 computer technology has made a giant step forward. Nowadays there is not much time left before quantum computers will be in every home. However it was theoretically proven that discrete logarithm problem which is the basis for Diffie-Hellman protocol could be solved in polynomial time using such computers. Such possibility would make D-H protocol insecure. Thus cryptologists are searching for different ways to improve the security of the protocol by using hard problems. One of the ways to do so is to introduce secure one-way functions (OWF). In this paper a new kind of OWF called the matrix power function will be analyzed. Professor Eligijus Sakalauskas introduced this function in 2007 and later used this function to construct a Diffie-Hellman type key agreement protocol using square matrices. This protocol is not only based on matrix power function but also on commutative matrices which are defined in finite fields or rings. Thus an algebraic non-linear system of equations is formed. The security of this system will be analyzed. It will be shown that we can use matrix power function in cryptography. We will also be analyzing how does the solution of the system depend on system parameters: the order of matrices and a parameter p which defines a finite group Z_p. We will also briefly discuss the usage of this system in real life and the algebraic properties of the suggested OWF.

Kryptosystémy založené na problému batohu / Variants of knapsack cryptosystems

Kučerová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a cryptosystem, precisely a public key encryption scheme, that is based on the knapsack problem. At first we formulate terms like \mathcal{NP} -complete problem, one-way function, hard-core predicate, public key encryption scheme and semantic security which we connect in this thesis. After that we present the knapsack problem. Then we prove that the knapsack problem with appropriate parameters has a property that leads to semantic security of the encryption scheme which we present afterwards. This public key encryption scheme is based on the scheme proposed by Vadim Lyubashevsky, Adriana Palacio and Gil Segev. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Kihlström, Jenny, Nordström, Kristin January 2008 (has links)
<p>I dagens arbetsliv verkar det, överlag, som att det ställs höga krav på personliga egenskaper. Det som bestämmer vilka egenskaper som tas med i en platsannons är vilka personliga krav tjänsten fordrar för att en anpassning till arbetsgruppen ska vara möjlig. Vid utformandet av en platsannons bör de personliga egenskaperna som anges tas i beaktning då tolkningar kring dem kan se ut på olika sätt beroende på vilken kontext en individ befinner sig i. Utifrån det valde vi att genomföra den här studien vars syfte var att ta reda på om det språkliga budskapet angående de personliga egenskaperna i platsannonser når fram på, ett för arbetsgivaren, önskvärt sätt; samt om det finns skillnader mellan arbetsgivarens och de arbetssökandes tolkningar gällande de personliga egenskaper som återges. Utifrån syftet har frågeställningar formulerats, som besvarats i uppsatsen. Den första frågan behandlade vilka konsekvenser kommunikationskanalen och envägskommunikationen får för hur budskapet i en platsannons når fram och tolkas av mottagaren. Nästa fråga som undersöktes var hur arbetsgivaren och de arbetssökande tolkar de personliga egenskaperna i annonserna. Slutligen besvarar frågorna tre och fyra om det finns några skillnader och samband mellan tolkningarna av de personliga egenskaperna. Vår studie stöds av en teoretisk referensram som bland annat behandlar kommunikation och tolkningslära, rekrytering och platsannonsering samt beskrivningar av de personliga egenskaper som vi har fokuserat på i undersökningen.</p><p>För att få svar på syftet och frågeställningarna använde vi oss av en kvalitativ metod, med intervjuer som tillvägagångssätt. Studien utgår från två platsannonser, vars utformare vi intervjuade. Då syftet var att få två olika perspektiv på fenomenet intervjuade vi även arbetssökande. Under intervjuerna fokuserade vi till stor del på respondenternas tolkningar kring de personliga egenskaperna som fanns i platsannonserna.</p><p>Efter genomförd studie samt analys av den, kom vi fram till en övergripande slutsats; vilken är att det finns skillnader mellan arbetsgivarens och de arbetssökandes tolkningar angående de personliga egenskaperna. Arbetsgivarnas tolkningar inryms i de arbetssökandes, trots det uppstod ett tolkningsproblem. Tolkningsproblemet visade sig i form av att de arbetssökande lade en bredare betydelse bakom egenskaperna än arbetsgivarna. Att de arbetssökande hade en bredare tolkning av begreppen, medförde att de hade ett större urval av tolkningar att välja på. Det ger i sin tur upphov till att den arbetssökande kan välja en tolkning som inte stämmer överens med arbetsgivarens. Vi upptäckte dessutom att det fanns betydande samband mellan egenskaperna. Med samband menar vi att egenskaperna är sammankopplade med varandra och därför upptäcktes en svårighet för våra respondenter att entydigt definiera dem. På grund av att samband mellan egenskaperna existerar så tolkas de på ett brett sätt; därför påträffades även skillnader angående tolkningarna, vilket återkopplas till vår övergripande slutsats.</p> / <p>Today it seems like it is important with individual personal qualities in the labour market. The factor that determines what kind of qualities that ought to be included in a work ad are which personal demands the position requires, in due to the individuals’ possible adjustment to the work group. When forming the work ad the personal qualities ought to be considered because the interpretations regarding them can appear in different ways depending on which context the individual exist in. On this basis we chose to go through with this study. The purpose of the study was to find out if the linguistic message regarding the personal qualities reaches the recipient in a, for the employer desirable way; and if there are any differences between interpretations regarding the personal qualities through the two perspectives, employer and the persons looking for jobs. On the basis of the purpose of the study, some questions have been formed. These questions have been answered in this essay. The first questions discuss what consequences the channel of communication and the one-way-communication cause regarding the messages ability to reach and be interpreted by the recipient. The next question examined was how the employer and the jobseeker interpret the personal qualities in the work ads. The last thing examined is whether or not there are any differences or connections between the interpretations of the personal qualities. The theoretical reference supports our study. The theoretical references consist, among other things, of communication and the knowledge of interpretation, recruitment and job advertisement and descriptions of personal qualities.</p><p>In order to answer and approach the purpose and the questions of the study, we used a qualitative method with interviews. The study is based on two work advertisements. The creators of these ads were interviewed. Because of the purpose we wanted to have two different perspectives on the phenomenon, thus we interviewed jobseekers as well. During the interviews we focused on the respondents interpretations about the personal qualities in the work ads.</p><p>After completing the analysis and the study, we came to an overall conclusion; which was that there are differences between the employer and the jobseekers interpretation about the personal qualities. The employers interpretations is included in the jobseekers, despite this a problem regarding the interpretations occurred. These problems were shown in the form of the jobseekers wider view of the qualities, than the employers. The jobseekers wider interpretation of the qualities resulted in a larger selection of interpretations. The jobseeker can choose an interpretation that might not be equal with the employers. We also discovered that there are significant connections between some of the qualities. These connections result in a difficulty for the respondents to define the qualities in a homogeneous way. Because of the existence of these connections they are interpreted in a wider way; thus differences was also discovered, which reconnects to our overall conclusion.</p>

Kihlström, Jenny, Nordström, Kristin January 2008 (has links)
I dagens arbetsliv verkar det, överlag, som att det ställs höga krav på personliga egenskaper. Det som bestämmer vilka egenskaper som tas med i en platsannons är vilka personliga krav tjänsten fordrar för att en anpassning till arbetsgruppen ska vara möjlig. Vid utformandet av en platsannons bör de personliga egenskaperna som anges tas i beaktning då tolkningar kring dem kan se ut på olika sätt beroende på vilken kontext en individ befinner sig i. Utifrån det valde vi att genomföra den här studien vars syfte var att ta reda på om det språkliga budskapet angående de personliga egenskaperna i platsannonser når fram på, ett för arbetsgivaren, önskvärt sätt; samt om det finns skillnader mellan arbetsgivarens och de arbetssökandes tolkningar gällande de personliga egenskaper som återges. Utifrån syftet har frågeställningar formulerats, som besvarats i uppsatsen. Den första frågan behandlade vilka konsekvenser kommunikationskanalen och envägskommunikationen får för hur budskapet i en platsannons når fram och tolkas av mottagaren. Nästa fråga som undersöktes var hur arbetsgivaren och de arbetssökande tolkar de personliga egenskaperna i annonserna. Slutligen besvarar frågorna tre och fyra om det finns några skillnader och samband mellan tolkningarna av de personliga egenskaperna. Vår studie stöds av en teoretisk referensram som bland annat behandlar kommunikation och tolkningslära, rekrytering och platsannonsering samt beskrivningar av de personliga egenskaper som vi har fokuserat på i undersökningen. För att få svar på syftet och frågeställningarna använde vi oss av en kvalitativ metod, med intervjuer som tillvägagångssätt. Studien utgår från två platsannonser, vars utformare vi intervjuade. Då syftet var att få två olika perspektiv på fenomenet intervjuade vi även arbetssökande. Under intervjuerna fokuserade vi till stor del på respondenternas tolkningar kring de personliga egenskaperna som fanns i platsannonserna. Efter genomförd studie samt analys av den, kom vi fram till en övergripande slutsats; vilken är att det finns skillnader mellan arbetsgivarens och de arbetssökandes tolkningar angående de personliga egenskaperna. Arbetsgivarnas tolkningar inryms i de arbetssökandes, trots det uppstod ett tolkningsproblem. Tolkningsproblemet visade sig i form av att de arbetssökande lade en bredare betydelse bakom egenskaperna än arbetsgivarna. Att de arbetssökande hade en bredare tolkning av begreppen, medförde att de hade ett större urval av tolkningar att välja på. Det ger i sin tur upphov till att den arbetssökande kan välja en tolkning som inte stämmer överens med arbetsgivarens. Vi upptäckte dessutom att det fanns betydande samband mellan egenskaperna. Med samband menar vi att egenskaperna är sammankopplade med varandra och därför upptäcktes en svårighet för våra respondenter att entydigt definiera dem. På grund av att samband mellan egenskaperna existerar så tolkas de på ett brett sätt; därför påträffades även skillnader angående tolkningarna, vilket återkopplas till vår övergripande slutsats. / Today it seems like it is important with individual personal qualities in the labour market. The factor that determines what kind of qualities that ought to be included in a work ad are which personal demands the position requires, in due to the individuals’ possible adjustment to the work group. When forming the work ad the personal qualities ought to be considered because the interpretations regarding them can appear in different ways depending on which context the individual exist in. On this basis we chose to go through with this study. The purpose of the study was to find out if the linguistic message regarding the personal qualities reaches the recipient in a, for the employer desirable way; and if there are any differences between interpretations regarding the personal qualities through the two perspectives, employer and the persons looking for jobs. On the basis of the purpose of the study, some questions have been formed. These questions have been answered in this essay. The first questions discuss what consequences the channel of communication and the one-way-communication cause regarding the messages ability to reach and be interpreted by the recipient. The next question examined was how the employer and the jobseeker interpret the personal qualities in the work ads. The last thing examined is whether or not there are any differences or connections between the interpretations of the personal qualities. The theoretical reference supports our study. The theoretical references consist, among other things, of communication and the knowledge of interpretation, recruitment and job advertisement and descriptions of personal qualities. In order to answer and approach the purpose and the questions of the study, we used a qualitative method with interviews. The study is based on two work advertisements. The creators of these ads were interviewed. Because of the purpose we wanted to have two different perspectives on the phenomenon, thus we interviewed jobseekers as well. During the interviews we focused on the respondents interpretations about the personal qualities in the work ads. After completing the analysis and the study, we came to an overall conclusion; which was that there are differences between the employer and the jobseekers interpretation about the personal qualities. The employers interpretations is included in the jobseekers, despite this a problem regarding the interpretations occurred. These problems were shown in the form of the jobseekers wider view of the qualities, than the employers. The jobseekers wider interpretation of the qualities resulted in a larger selection of interpretations. The jobseeker can choose an interpretation that might not be equal with the employers. We also discovered that there are significant connections between some of the qualities. These connections result in a difficulty for the respondents to define the qualities in a homogeneous way. Because of the existence of these connections they are interpreted in a wider way; thus differences was also discovered, which reconnects to our overall conclusion.

Determination Of Network Delay Distribution Over The Internet

Karakas, Mehmet 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The rapid growth of the Internet and the proliferation of its new applications pose a serious challenge in network performance management and monitoring. The current Internet has no mechanism for providing feedback on network congestion to the end-systems at the IP layer. For applications and their end hosts, end-to-end measurements may be the only way of measuring network performance. Understanding the packet delay and loss behavior of the Internet is important for proper design of network algorithms such as routing and flow control algorithms, for the dimensioning of buffers and link capacity, and for choosing parameters in simulation and analytic studies. In this thesis, round trip time (RTT), one-way network delay and packet loss in the Internet are measured at different times of the day, using a Voice over IP (VoIP) device. The effect of clock skew on one-way network delay measurements is eliminated by a Linear Programming algorithm, implemented in MATLAB. Distributions of one-way network delay and RTT in the Internet are determined. It is observed that delay distribution has a gamma-like shape with heavy tail. It is tried to model delay distribution with gamma, lognormal and Weibull distributions. It is observed that most of the packet losses in the Internet are single packet losses. The effect of firewall on delay measurements is also observed.

Contribuição à análise de lajes nervuradas em pavimentos de garagem / Contribution to the analysis of waffle slab in garage floors

Tenório, Daniel Almeida 29 September 2011 (has links)
This work is turned to a structural element with a large number of scientific studies, waffle slab. The aim of this study was to elucidate two recommendations of the Brazilian codes that have different values of international codes. The first concerns the accidental loading to garage floor recommended by the Brazilian code, where there is not recommending the use of concentrated loads, the same being recommended by international codes. The second is related to the different recommendations between the Brazilian code and international codes regarding the calculation of the bending of the table of waffle slabs. To meet the objectives of this work, some numerical simulations of floors containing a single waffle slab, modeled as one-way waffle slab and two-way waffle slab, were made using the finite element method and grillage analysis using specific software. The focus of structural analysis turned to determining the maximum bending moments acting on the flange of waffle slabs and arrows. The answers to these simulations showed that for garage floors, it is important to consider concentrated loads (vehicles). As utilization in structural designs of concentrated loads is a process slow and complicated, were defined values of distributed loads to provide arrows and moments in the ribs equal to those generated by the concentrated loads. On the analysis of bending on the table of waffle slabs, some recommendations were found, some of these one being equal to the Brazilian code, and other to international codes and some different compared to all codes. / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Este trabalho está voltado para alguns pontos em aberto sobre verificações de serviço e dimensionamento das lajes nervuradas moldadas no local. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar e elucidar duas recomendações das normas brasileiras que apresentam valores diferentes das normas internacionais. A primeira diz respeito ao carregamento acidental para pavimentos garagem recomendado pela norma brasileira, onde não existe recomendação do uso de carregamentos concentrados, sendo o mesmo recomendado em normas internacionais. A segunda está relacionada às diferentes recomendações existentes entre a norma brasileira e as normas internacionais, no que tange ao cálculo da flexão da mesa das lajes nervuradas. Para atender aos objetivos deste trabalho, algumas simulações numéricas de pavimentos contendo uma única laje nervurada, lançadas como lajes nervuradas unidirecionais e bidirecionais, foram feitas, utilizando o método dos elementos finitos e grelha através de programas de análises específicos. O foco da análise estrutural, voltou-se para a determinação dos momentos fletores máximos atuantes nas mesas das lajes nervuradas e as flechas. As respostas dessas simulações mostraram que, para pavimentos garagem, considerando os carregamentos dos veículos atuais é necessária a consideração de carregamento acidental de cargas concentradas (veículos). Como a utilização em projetos estruturais dos carregamentos de cargas concentradas é um processo lento e complicado, foram definidos valores de carregamentos distribuídos que fornecessem flechas e momentos máximos nas nervuras iguais aos gerados, utilizando o carregamento acidental de cargas concentradas. Sobre as análises da flexão na mesa das lajes nervuradas, chegou-se a algumas recomendações, sendo parte destas em igualdade com a norma brasileira, outras com as normas internacionais e algumas diferentes em relação a todas as normas.

Sistema de mão única considerando a capacidade da rede viária. / One-Way system considering the capacity of road network.

CARVALHO FILHO, Amaro Monteiro de. 02 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-02T15:13:41Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AMARO MONTEIRO DE CARVALHO FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 1976..pdf: 10529018 bytes, checksum: 417ae607a1e27be1c792cbe8edbf9cc2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T15:13:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AMARO MONTEIRO DE CARVALHO FILHO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 1976..pdf: 10529018 bytes, checksum: 417ae607a1e27be1c792cbe8edbf9cc2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1976-11 / Neste estudo, sistemas de mão única são discutidos, do ponto de vista da capacidade da rede viária. A capacidade da rede viária é definida como o número máximo de veículos que pode viajar facilmente, sem congestionamentos grandes e sem paradas significativas. Isso pode ser determinado pela aplicação do método da Divisão de Alocação de Tráfego, no qual o total de viagens 0D é incrementado pouco a pouco, mantendo-se o padrão 0D constante. Através desse estudo, pode-se concluir que é consideravelmente difícil encontrar-se um bom sistema de mão única, possível de aumentar a capacidade da rede viária. / In this study, one-way sistems are discassed from viewpoint of road network capacity. The road network capacity is definid as the maximum number of vehicles that can travel smoothley withoat heavy congestion and unreasonable stoppings. This can be determined by application of Division Method of traffic assignment in which the total 0D trips are increased litteby little keeping the constant 0D pattern. Through this study it can be conclud that it is considerable difficult to find a good one-way system possible to increase the road network capacity.

Design and testing Of blades for small wind turbines with different geometrical correction in root and tip of blade / Projeto e ensaio de pÃs para turbinas eÃlicas de pequeno porte com diferentes correÃÃes geomÃtricas na ponta e na raiz da pÃ

Isaac Diego Pereira de Sousa 01 August 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / The work aims to build , using the BEM (Blade Element Moment) theory , and test three wind rotors , each one consisting of three blades, which were constructed and used for assembling three SWT (Small Wind Turbine) with TSR (Tip Speed Ratio) equal to seven. The three rotors with blades of 2 meters length, distinguished themselves in their geometries as follows: 1) blades without any correction, 2) blades with only tip correction, 3) blades with only root correction. The NREL S809 airfoil developed by the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was used. This airfoil is characterized by having been specially developed for wind turbines. The airfoil experimental data, such as the lift and drag coefficients as a function of angle of attack, were obtained based on wind tunnel test results for Reynolds number of 3 x 105. Also, field tests were conducted to collect torque in the main shaft of the wind rotor [N &#8729; m], angular velocity [rad/s] and wind speed [m/s] data, using proper instrumentation and a data collection system. The data collected in the field for each turbine, were analyzed by statistical inference. The power coefficient data were grouped by TSR ranges, and was observed that the data of the last two ranges were the only intervals that showed a normal distribution of data of the Cp . These data were subjected to a one-way ANOVA. And the results showed no significant difference between the average of the rotors SC and CP. Already the data did not exhibit a normal distribution were analyzed by Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (MMEP). It was also observed that the three rotors showed no difference between the power coefficients, of the statistical point of view. An important finding of the experiments was that the CR blades had higher average values of power coefficients for each band TSR. / O trabalho visou construir, atravÃs da Teoria do BEM (Blade Element Moment), e testar trÃs rotores eÃlicos, cada um destes constituÃdos de trÃs pÃs, as quais foram construÃdas e aplicadas na montagem de trÃs TEPP (Turbinas EÃlicas de Pequeno Porte) com TSR (Tip Speed Ratio de projeto igual a sete. Os trÃs rotores, com pÃs de 2 metros de comprimento, distinguiram-se, em suas geometrias, do seguinte modo: 1) pÃs sem correÃÃo alguma, 2) pÃs com correÃÃo somente na ponta e 3) pÃs com correÃÃo somente na raiz. O aerofÃlio aplicado foi o NREL S809, desenvolvido pelo laboratÃrio norte americano de energias renovÃveis (NREL). Este aerofÃlio à caracterizado por ter sido projetado para uso especÃfico em turbinas eÃlicas. Os dados experimentais do aerofÃlio, como os coeficientes de sustentaÃÃo e arrasto em funÃÃo do Ãngulo de ataque, foram obtidos com base nos resultados de testes em tÃnel de vento para um nÃmero de Reynolds de 3 x 105. Realizou-se, tambÃm, testes em campo, utilizando-se de uma instrumentaÃÃo necessÃria para a coleta de dados de torque no eixo principal do rotor eÃlico [N.m], velocidade angular do rotor [rad/s], e velocidade do vento, por meio de um sistema de coleta de dados. Os dados colhidos em campo, de cada turbina, foram analisados por inferÃncia estatÃstica. Os dados de Cp foram agrupados por faixas de TSR, e observou-se que os dados das duas Ãltimas faixas foram os Ãnicos intervalos que apresentaram uma distribuiÃÃo normal de probabilidade dos dados de Cp . Estes dados foram submetidos a uma ANOVA com um fator. E os resultados mostraram que nÃo hà uma diferenÃa significativa entre as mÃdias dos rotores SC e CP. Jà os dados que nÃo apresentaram uma distribuiÃÃo normal foram analisados pela MÃdia MÃvel Exponencialmente Ponderada (MMEP). Verificou-se tambÃm que os trÃs rotores nÃo apresentaram diferenÃa entre os coeficientes de potÃncia, do ponto de vista estatÃstico. Uma importante constataÃÃo dos experimentos realizados foi a de que as pÃs CR apresentaram valores mÃdios de Cp superiores para cada faixa de TSR.

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