Spelling suggestions: "subject:"deway"" "subject:"denway""
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Response of Reinforced Concrete Reservoir Walls Subjected to Blast LoadingFan, Jin January 2014 (has links)
Recent events including deliberate terrorist attacks and accidental explosions have highlighted the need for comprehensive research in the area of structural response to blast loading. Research in this area has recently received significant attention by the civil engineering community. Reinforced Concrete (RC) water reservoir tanks are an integral part of the critical infrastructure network of urban centers and are vulnerable to blast loading. However, there is a lack of research and knowledge on the performance of RC reservoir walls under blast loading. The objective of this research study is to experimentally investigate the performance of reinforced concrete reservoir walls subjected to blast loading and to analyze the structural response. This study provides experimental test data on the performance of reinforced concrete reservoir walls under blast loading and complementary analytical predictions using the Singe-Degree-Of-Freedom (SDOF) analysis method.
The reservoir walls in this study were designed according to the water volume capacity using the Portland Cement Association (PCA 1993) methodology. The design was validated using software SAP 2000. The experimental program involved the construction and simulated blast testing of two RC reservoir wall specimens with different support conditions: (1) two opposite lateral edges fixed, bottom edge pinned and top edge free; and (2) two opposite lateral edges fixed, and bottom and top edges free. The first boundary condition was intended to promote two-way bending action, while the second was dominated by one-way bending. The two specimens were each subjected to a total of six consecutive incrementally increasing blast tests. The experimental program was conducted in the shock tube testing facility that is housed in the University of Ottawa. Wall displacements, reinforcement strains, and reflected pressures and impulses were measured during testing.
Analytical calculations were conducted using the equivalent SDOF method to simulate the dynamic response of the RC reservoir wall specimens under different blast loadings. Published tables, charts and coefficients contained in Biggs (1964) and UFC 3-340-02 (2008) were adopted in the equivalent SDOF calculations. The analytical results were compared against the
experimental data. The SDOF method predicted smaller displacements than those recorded during testing. The approximate nature of the parameters and tables used in the equivalent SDOF calculations contributed to the discrepancy between the analytical and experimental results. Furthermore, assumptions regarding the support conditions and neglecting residual damage from previous blast tests contributed to the underestimation of the displacements.
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Řízení paletového hospodářství v automobilovém průmyslu / The pallets management in car industry.Korotkova, Iryna January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the transport packages in Škoda Auto a.s.The aim of the thesis is to show the importance and problematic aspects of planning packages in the proces of logistics planning in the automotive industry. In the first part of the thesis are described the automotive industry as a whole, the packaging industry, its history, current trends, package types and functions, materials for their production and life cycle of the package. In the second part are introduced firm Skoda Auto, a.s.including its history, current information on the financial condition and produced quantity. There are described the types of transport containers and the process of their planning.On the example of the project CKD GAZ - Yeti is explained the development process of transport containers and then general management ot packages in circulation.
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Modely s Weibullovým rozdělením / Model with Weibull responsesKonečná, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá Weibullovými modely, přesněji dvouparametrickým Weibullovým rozdělením. Práce se zabývá odhady parametrů, a to čtyřmi variantami kvantilové metody, metodou maximální věrohodnosti a grafickou metodou Weibullova pravděpodobnostního grafu. Je uvedeno odvození odhadu parametrů pro jednovýběrovou analýzu rozptylu pro Weibullovo rozdělení. Jsou zde odvozeny vztahy pro model s konstantním parametrem alfa, s konstantním parametrem beta a s oběma konstantními parametry. Také jsou uvedeny testové statistiky pro rušivé parametry - skórový test, Waldův test a test založený na věrohodnostním poměru. V poslední kapitole je provedena aplikace jednotlivých představených metod. Srovnání metod je ukázáno pomocí grafů, histogramů a tabulek. Metody jsou naprogramovány v~softwaru R. Jejich funkčnost a vlastnosti jsme ověřili na dvou simulovaných souborech dat. Diplomová práce je zakončena příkladem tří simulovaných náhodných výběrů, na kterých byla provedena analýza pomocí zavedených metod.
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Holografický modul pro světelnou mikroskopii / Holographic module for a light microscopyŠkrabalová, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
The new arrangement of the off-axis holographic module, which is using polarizationactive diffraction grating divides signal into reference and subject wave of an interferometer based on their polarization. However, current design of the module does not have a possibility to tune a length of the optical paths. Thus the inability to tune optical paths leads to a reduced quality of interference structure during observation of biological samples. The current module is only suitable for technical applicating due to this limitation. Possibility of tuning branches is key step in biological applications. Therefore a new computer-controlled module is created in order to enable use for biological samples.
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Evenemangsorganisationer : upplevelser av digital kommunikation / Event organizations : experiences of digital communicationNyman Järhult, Josefin, Rosén, Matilda, Le, Caitlin January 2021 (has links)
Personer väljer att volontärarbeta för många fler anledningar än för att ideellt arbete måste genomföras för en förening. Volontärarbete kan ge en individ erfarenheter, social gemenskap och få känna sig behövd samt uppskattad i det arbete som utförs. En utmaning underCovid-19-pandemin var att olika restriktioner tillsattes och de flesta evenemang ställdes in. De enda evenemang som var tillåtna att genomföras var elitidrottsevenemang med hårda förhållningsregler anpassade efter pandemin. En förhållningsregel var att inga fysiska träffar fick genomföras vilket betydde att alla förberedelser med volontärerna fick organisationerna genomföra digitalt. Detta problem ansågs intressant och därför valdes detta fenomen att studeras mer ingående. Studiens syfte var att utifrån ett digitalt kommunikationsperspektivundersöka hur evenemangsorganisationer upplevt den sociala interaktionen via digitala kanaler. Studien har använts sig av en kvalitativt intervjumetod där fem olika specialister harintervjuats samt övrigt material som studien tilldelats från respektive respondent. Med hjälp av intervjuerna undersökte vi hur organisationerna har upplevt den social interaktionen och tillhörigheten via de digitala kanalerna samt om de digitala kanalerna kunde upplevas som enenvägskommunikation. Studiens resultat visar att det finns både fördelar och nackdelar med att förbereda sina volontärer inför ett fysiskt evenemang med hjälp av digital kommunikation. Evenemangsorganisationer anser att det digitala inte kan ersätta det fysiska mötet förvolontärerna eller för organisationerna, men det digitala kan definitivt vara ett komplement till de fysiska mötena i framtiden. / There are many reasons for why people choose to volunteer and carry out non-profit work for an association: socialization, gaining experience and a feeling of being needed and being appreciated for the work they do. Due to the challenges that arose during the Covid-19pandemic, strict restrictions were implemented, meaning that companies and organizations had to adapt and therefore cancel most of their events. The only events that were allowed to take place were elite sports events with strict rules and they had to follow the authorities guidelines of the pandemic. These guidelines encouraged people to not attend physical meetings, which meant that all preparations with the volunteers had to be carried out digitally. This problem was considered interesting and therefore this phenomenon was chosen to be studied more in detail. The purpose of this study was to examine, from the perspective of digital communication, how event organizations experienced social interaction through digital channels. A qualitative interview method has been conducted for this study. Five different specialists who were in charge of the digital communication to their volunteers have been interviewed as well as other material that the study has gained access to from each respondent. During the interviews the respondents explained how they worked with different digital tools in order to reach out and communicate with their volunteers digitally. In addition, we have studied how the event organizations have experienced the social interaction through digital channels and the overall experience of these different channels. The results of this study show that there are both advantages and disadvantages when preparing volunteers digitally for a physical event. Event organizations believe that the digital aspect is something that can not replace the physical meetings for volunteers and organizations. However, digital meetings can instead be seen as a complement to the physical meetings in the future. The following essay is written in Swedish.
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Náhradní hlasivky pro generování zdrojového hlasu / Artificial Vocal Folds for Source Voice GenerationVašek, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The first part of this work focuses on ways to replace missing source voice in case of patients after total laryngectomy. The commonly used methods of voice rehabilitation are mentioned. Simple computational models are used to explore several principles of generating artificial source voice. Based on the knowledge of how a healthy human voice is generated, one of the ways to generate artificial source voice was chosen – a reed-based element in the configuration (-, +). The function of the reed-based element is based on a periodic bending of the reed and in the airflow cutoff created by this motion. The (-,+) configuration of the reed-based element causes a different behaviour, when compared to healthy vocal folds, important is, however, whether the generated acoustic signal has the right spectral characteristics, which enable the generation of voiced vowels of the human speech. Both experimental and computational models are used to study the behaviour of the reed-based element. The design of the experimental model is based on the preliminary experiments with simple reed-based elements, which were carried out at the beginning of my studies. The new experimental model is designed in such a way, that it enables changes to the reed geometry and its position towards the reed stop. The measurements carried out on the experimental model are mainly acoustical (measurements of the generated acoustical signal), but optical measurements of the reed´s movement and position are possible and used as well. Because of the nature of the reed-based element´s behavior, the fluid structure interaction must be taken into consideration in the computational model. A two-way model of fluid structure interaction is used between the fluid part of the computational model and the structural one. A partitioned solution is used to solve the fluid-structure interaction. The effect of specific input parameters on the function of both models (experimental and computational) is monitored. The influences of input parameters on the basic frequency of the generated signal (source voice), on the stability of the function and on other important characteristics are evaluated. The final chapters focus on the design of voice prosthesis in general. Some specific issues, which need to be solved when designing voice prosthesis, are highlighted.
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Renderingstidsjämförelse mellan One-way data bindning, Virtual DOM och Two-way data bindning, Real DOM inom e-handel / Rendering time comparison between One-way data binding, Virtual DOM and Two-way data binding, Real DOM in e-commerceÖstholm, Caroline January 2023 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har webbapplikationsarkitekturen utvecklats för att möta webbapplikationsanvändarnas krav på sömlösa användarupplevelser (Aggarwal & Verma, 2018). Teknikval och ramverk påverkar prestandan för e-handelswebbplatser vilket i sin tur påverkar användarupplevelsen och e-handelsföretagens lönsamhet (Camilleri, 2021). Ett tekniskt experiment genomfördes för att jämföra teknikkombinationerna One-way data bindning, Virtual DOM och Two-way data bindning och Real DOM för ramverken ReactJS och Angular. Resultatet från de olika mätserierna visade på att hypotesen om att ReactJS med dess teknikkombinationer har en snabbare renderingstid, endast stämmer när en (1) produkt renderas ut i kundvagnen. Men när fler produkter renderas ut i kundvagnen falsifieras hypotesen då Angular med dess teknikkombinationer har en snabbare renderingstid. För framtida arbete skulle ytterligare mätningar behöva genomföras där fler antal produkter testasför att se vart gränsen går för teknikvalen utifrån antalet renderade element, men också att genomföra mätningar i fler webbläsare.
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Networking And Security Solutions For Vanet Initial Deployment StageAslam, Baber 01 January 2012 (has links)
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a special case of mobile networks, where vehicles equipped with computing/communicating devices (called "smart vehicles") are the mobile wireless nodes. However, the movement pattern of these mobile wireless nodes is no more random, as in case of mobile networks, rather it is restricted to roads and streets. Vehicular networks have hybrid architecture; it is a combination of both infrastructure and infrastructure-less architectures. The direct vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication is infrastructure-less or ad hoc in nature. Here the vehicles traveling within communication range of each other form an ad hoc network. On the other hand, the vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication has infrastructure architecture where vehicles connect to access points deployed along roads. These access points are known as road side units (RSUs) and vehicles communicate with other vehicles/wired nodes through these RSUs. To provide various services to vehicles, RSUs are generally connected to each other and to the Internet. The direct RSU to RSU communication is also referred as I2I communication. The success of VANET depends on the existence of pervasive roadside infrastructure and sufficient number of smart vehicles. Most VANET applications and services are based on either one or both of these requirements. A fully matured VANET will have pervasive roadside network and enough vehicle density to enable VANET applications. However, the initial deployment stage of VANET will be characterized by the lack of pervasive roadside infrastructure and low market penetration of smart vehicles. It will be economically infeasible to initially install a pervasive and fully networked iv roadside infrastructure, which could result in the failure of applications and services that depend on V2I or I2I communications. Further, low market penetration means there are insufficient number of smart vehicles to enable V2V communication, which could result in failure of services and applications that depend on V2V communications. Non-availability of pervasive connectivity to certification authorities and dynamic locations of each vehicle will make it difficult and expensive to implement security solutions that are based on some central certificate management authority. Nonavailability of pervasive connectivity will also affect the backend connectivity of vehicles to the Internet or the rest of the world. Due to economic considerations, the installation of roadside infrastructure will take a long time and will be incremental thus resulting in a heterogeneous infrastructure with non-consistent capabilities. Similarly, smart vehicles will also have varying degree of capabilities. This will result in failure of applications and services that have very strict requirements on V2I or V2V communications. We have proposed several solutions to overcome the challenges described above that will be faced during the initial deployment stage of VANET. Specifically, we have proposed: A VANET architecture that can provide services with limited number of heterogeneous roadside units and smart vehicles with varying capabilities. A backend connectivity solution that provides connectivity between the Internet and smart vehicles without requiring pervasive roadside infrastructure or large number of smart vehicles. A security architecture that does not depend on pervasive roadside infrastructure or a fully connected V2V network and fulfills all the security requirements. v Optimization solutions for placement of a limited number of RSUs within a given area to provide best possible service to smart vehicles. The optimal placement solutions cover both urban areas and highways environments
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Easing the transition from block-based programming in education : Comparing two ways of transitioning from block-based to text-based programming and an alternative way to solve the transition problem / Att underlätta övergången från blockbaserad programmering inom utbildningAbdinur Iusuf, Joakim, Nordling, Edvin January 2023 (has links)
Many learners find the transition from block-based programming to text-based programming difficult. Consequently, research has investigated how block-based languages support learners when making the transition to text-based programming. It categorized the way in which block-based languages support the transition into one-way transition, dual-modality and hybrid environments. This research investigates how one-way transition environments compare to dual-modality environments with regards to learning a text-based language, and how the two modalities differ with regards to the motivational factors satisfaction, enjoyment and easiness. The results show that dual-modality environments could be a better alternative than one-way transition environment when learners make the transition from block-based to text-based programming. The results also show that solving a problem in dual-modality environments could be easier than solving them in one-way transition environments, which could potentially mean that learners experience more motivation when making the transition in a dual-modality environment. This study also investigated if there is an alternative to one-way transition, dual-modality and hybrid environments when helping learners transition from block-based to text-based programming, and what a learning activity in this alternative solution could look like. It found that Blockly Games is an alternative, and describes a learning activity built in Blockly Games. Future research should aim at gaining a deeper understanding of the differences between one-way transition, dual-modality and hybrid environments, and investigate if the approach taken by Blockly Games is a better alternative. / Många elever tycker att övergången från blockbaserad programmering till textbaserad programmering är svår. Följaktligen har forskning undersökt hur blockbaserade språk stödjer elever när de gör övergången till textbaserad programmering. En studie fann att blockbaserade språk stöder denna övergång med hjälp av one-way transition miljöer, dual-modality miljöer och hybrid miljöer. Denna forskning undersöker hur one-way transition miljöer jämför sig med dual-modality miljöer när det kommer till att lära sig ett textbaserat språk, och hur de två modaliteterna skiljer sig åt med avseende på motivationsfaktorerna tillfredsställelse, njutning och lätthet. Resultaten visar att dual-modality miljöer kan vara ett bättre alternativ än one-way transition miljöer när eleverna gör övergången från blockbaserad till textbaserad programmering. Resultaten visar också att det kan vara lättare att lösa ett problem i dual-modality miljöer än att lösa dem i one-way transition miljöer, vilket potentiellt kan innebära att eleverna upplever mer motivation när de gör övergången i en dual-modality miljö. Denna studie undersökte också om det finns ett alternativ till one-way transition miljöer, dual-modality miljöer och hybrid miljöer när elever ska övergå från blockbaserad till textbaserad programmering, och hur en inlärningsaktivitet i denna alternativa lösning skulle kunna se ut. Den fann att Blockly Games är ett alternativ och beskriver en inlärningsaktivitet byggd i Blockly Games. Framtida forskning borde försöka få en djupare förståelse för skillnaderna mellan one-way transition miljöer, dual-modality miljöer och hybrid miljöer, och undersöka om det tillvägagångssätt som Blockly Games använder är ett bättre alternativ.
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Self-locking Brake used in Reversible Sailboat Winches : Development of a self-locking braking system that will be used to allow sailboat winches to reverseAndersson, Lukas January 2022 (has links)
Sailboat winches are used to help sailors manipulate the control lines that control the position and shape of the sails. Unlike most winches sailboat winches usually only have the ability to winch in the rope, but not to reverse. To reverse the line a sailor needs to manually manipulate it, this is both inconvenient and can also be a safety hazard. This master’s thesis will focus on the development of a self-locking braking system that will be used to allow a sailboat winch to reverse. The goal of the thesis is to design a braking system that works with a modified version of the E40i winch produced by Seldén. The braking system that was developed during this thesis is made up of two main parts, a one-way mechanism and a brake. The type of one-way mechanism that was chosen was an overrunning roller clutch. For the brake a wet disk brake was chosen with an outer diameter of 50mm and an inner diameter of 28.8mm. A 3D model of the braking system has been generated and materials have been selected so that the system is ready for prototyping and physical testing.
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