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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A inovação aberta nas empresas do Índice NASDAQ-100: um estudo das redes de cooperação formadas a partir das patentes / Open Innovation in NASDAQ-100 Index firms: a study of cooperation networks formed from patents

Maria Angélica Oliveira Luqueze 16 October 2017 (has links)
A inovação apresenta-se, primordialmente, nas indústrias intensivas em tecnologia que, nos últimos anos, criaram redes globais de parceiros para melhorar o alcance e a gama de seus produtos, serviços e tecnologias. Em virtude de o conceito de inovação estar intimamente ligado à tecnologia, o presente trabalho toma por base o ambiente de negociações de ações na maior bolsa de valores do mundo das empresas de tecnologia, a NASDAQ. Por ser a representação das maiores companhias na bolsa, o Índice NASDAQ-100 constitui o universo da pesquisa que buscou estudar as empresas quanto ao grau de inovação aberta por meio da construção e análise das redes de cooperação. Em vista disso, apresenta-se um estudo sobre essas empresas denominadas de alta tecnologia para o período 1995-2014 analisando suas patentes protegidas em parcerias com o objetivo de classificá-las em uma matriz de inovação aberta, bem como, mapear a configuração e abrangência das suas redes de cooperação. Além disso, propicia discussão sobre a evolução dos investimentos em P&D e as áreas tecnológicas priorizadas pelas empresas. Por abordar extenso horizonte de 20 anos e adotar como paradigma o vínculo dos agentes nos pedidos de patentes, as análises permitiram o diagnóstico dos diversos padrões de comportamento no tocante às redes de cooperação para inovação dentre as empresas. Fundamentalmente, como resultantes das estratégias particulares e específicas adotadas por cada companhia, as redes de cooperação são distintas, entretanto, as principais métricas das redes são convergentes quanto ao grau de inovação aberta. Além disso, os resultados indicam que as áreas tecnológicas de interesse das empresas da amostra pesquisada estão mais concentradas na tecnologia proprietária, o que reforça a postura em manter investimentos em P&D na sua principal área de atuação. Assim, as parcerias são firmadas no sentido de intensificar o domínio tecnológico, na busca das complementaridades necessárias. / Innovation is primarily present in intensive technology industries, which, in recent years, have created global networks of partners to improve the scope and range of products, services and technologies. Because the concept of innovation is closely linked to technology, this study is based on the environment of trading of shares in the largest stock exchange in the world of technology companies, NASDAQ. Being the representation of the largest companies in the stock exchange, the NASDAQ-100 Index represents the universe of this research that focused on studying the companies according to the degree of open innovation by means of constructing and analyzing cooperation networks. In view of this, we present a study of the so called high-tech companies for the 1995-2014 period by analyzing the patents protected under partnerships in order to classify the firms into an open innovation matrix and map the configuration and scope of their cooperation networks. In addition, it presents discussions on the evolution of investments in R&D and the technological areas prioritized by companies. Addressing an extensive horizon of 20 years and adopting the relationship of the agents in patent applications as a paradigm, the analysis brought the diagnosis of the various behavioral patterns with regards to cooperation networks for innovation among these companies. Fundamentally, as a result of particular and specific strategies adopted by each company, cooperation networks are distinct, however, the key metrics of networks are converging towards the degree of open innovation. Moreover, the results indicate that technological areas of interest of the surveyed sample are more focused on proprietary technology, which reinforces the stance in maintaining investments in R&D in the main area of expertise. Thus, partnerships are signed to intensify the technological field and seek the necessary complementarities.

Designing Communication Artefacts

Iqbal, Imran January 2010 (has links)
Communication and information sharing are two inseparable ideas: communication isessentially information sharing. The aim of the present study is to find improved means ofcommunication, collaboration and information sharing among multiple number projectsoperating in Swedish municipal sector in various locations. The research employs design scienceresearch to improve effective communication that corresponds to an ‘action research loop’where the intervention is envisaged as introduction of IT in organization (Sein et al, 2010). Fourcycles of design and evaluation resulted in a web-based tool for communication and sharing ofinformation, a collaboration model (represents the collaboration among Stakeholders), a DPVCmodel (documents-parts-versions-comments represents different methods of sharing documents),a process flow model (represents the way the proposed artefact may be used by people) and a setof design principles (rules for the development of collaboration tool). The designing of the webbasedtool, collaboration model, DPVC model, process flow model and design principles areinformed by pragmatic evaluations as well as informed arguments from the fields of knowledgemanagement, (multiple) project management, information systems actability theory, and openinnovation.

From closed to open : ICT as an Enabler for Creating Open Innovation Systems in  Industrial Settings

Nylén, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
Most forestry machines being produced today include a PC that monitors and controls the harvester head, and an information system that stores data on every action the driver or the machine performs. ICT thus provides an opportunity to improve efficiency and competitiveness and possibly also opens up for new ways of working for actors in the forestry industry. The purpose of this study is to investigate how ICT can enable the transformation from selling products to selling services in the forestry industry. We investigate this through performing a Case Study including a number of actors from the Forestry industry in northern Sweden. First, we investigate the barriers for establishing an Open Innovation system in forestry. Then we describe the main steps to be taken and how the use of ICT can enable the establishment of such a system. The case study shows that the forestry industry is committed to working according to a traditional value chain and is committed to a closed innovation paradigm. We argue that the ICT component in Timbercut’s forestry machines constitutes a latent potential that cancaptured through changing the business model and setting up a joint venture with Rewire.

Imaginaires d'ambiance automobile et sémiotique des récits : une approche d'innovation expérientielle digitale en Chine / Imaginaries of automobile atmospherics and narrative semiotics : an approach of digital experiential innovation in China

Taupin, Philippe 27 November 2017 (has links)
L’innovation d’expériences accroît la valeur perçue des offres et constitue un levier marketing stratégique pour les automobiles autonomes. Les jeunes chinois représentent une cible élective d’innovateurs pionniers. Nous interrogeons la co-création d’expériences de valeur et la construction de la signification de l’imaginaire expérientiel qui résulte de l’innovation d’une ambiance en écho aux besoins d’hyperesthésie des passagers. L’objectif est de comprendre comment se construit cette signification en analysant le système symbolique de l’ambiance en Chine et la structure du récit de l’imaginaire expérientiel, à l’intersection des concepts d’ambiance, d’expérience et d’imaginaire. Après un détour par les pensées chinoises et japonaises pour enrichir les concepts d’ambiance et d’atmospherics défini en marketing, nous mettons en évidence leurs systèmes d’interactions et d’énergies pour conclure que l’ambiance est un système sémiotique, décrit par la sémiotique structurale. Par une approche empirique associant la technique des collages projectifs et une approche sémiotique des descriptions narratives qui les accompagnent, nous déterminons les structures des imaginaires expérientiels des jeunes chinois dans l’automobile de demain en environnement urbain. Nous apportons une contribution nouvelle de la sémiotique au marketing de l’innovation expérientielle et à la génération d’idées. Cette approche théorique valorise les clients lead-users en tant que co-créateurs d’expériences innovantes dont les récits imaginaires constituent la matière brute créative. Elle constitue une alternative aux approches de type brainstorming pour relever les défis de l’innovation en rupture. / Innovating new experiences is an innovation strategy that increases product differentiation and the perceived value of offers for the future autonomous cars. Young Chinese customers are a relevant target group of lead users to co-create those experiences. We address the co-creation of valuable experiences with targeted potential users and the building of the meaning of experiential imaginary that results from innovations (based on digital medias) echoing the need for sensory atmospherics while strolling in the city. We aim at understanding how meaning is built and first analyze the ambiance in China in terms of symbolic systems. We analyze the narrative structures of the experiential imaginary, considering the narratives as a major component of ambiance experiences and imaginary. Preliminary research on Chinese and Japanese ambiance concepts highlights a system of interactions and energies, major components of the experience of the atmospherics. We adopt the structuralism point of view of atmospherics as a semiotic system. With an empirical approach that associates projective techniques to semiotic analysis of the corresponding narratives, we describe the structural system of the experiential imaginary of young Chinese customers when imagining driving in the city in tomorrow’s cars. Semiotics offers a novel contribution of to innovation marketing and idea generation of experiential innovations. This theoretical stance valorizes the outside-in paradigm of future lead-users as co-creators of innovative experiences, whose imaginary narratives are raw materials for creativity. This approach is an alternative to brainstorming and its limits for creating disruptive innovations.

The Emergence of Crowdsourcing and Open-Source Models in Drug Development / The Emergence of Crowdsourcing and Open-Source Models in Drug Development

Evaldsson, Johan, Ljungdahl, Thomas, Suter, Fredrik January 2012 (has links)
Contemporary cases of crowdsourcing (CS) and open source development (OS) related to drug development have been selected and studied. Contemporary examples of CS/OS from within and outside of the pharmaceutical industries have been presented to give a background and suggest possible benefits and problems. The main criteria for selection have been that the case must seek to advance drug development and must use crowdsourcing or open source as a mechanism. The cases found in our search show a large diversity in terms of application, usage, and possible implications for the pharmaceutical industry. We found that crowdsourcing within a scientific problem context produced good results, but that open source initiatives were either poorly financed and not successful or focused on neglected diseases made possible through strong backing by non-profit organizations. An analysis of which the pharmaceutical companies where that showed activity on the platforms identified R&D-intensive and biotech companies as the most active. Contract research organizations (CROs) and generics manufacturers (GMs) showed almost complete absence. We argue that GMs are not likely to be interested in this kind of R&D, but CROs are an untapped resource. Finally we propose a hypothetical model that takes into account all the findings from our study and the literature. This model is based on a limited type of open source with a limited number of partners making use of the untapped CRO resource through crowdsourcing. / Ett antal pågående fall av samverkans-modellen crowdsourcing (CS) samt fenomenet av ”öppen-innovation”, open-innovation (OI) har studerats i kontexten läkemedelsutveckling. I denna fall-studien presenteras ett antal fall där CS och OI används både inom och utom läkemedelsindustrin. Detta har gjorts för att skapa en bättre förståelse för fenomenen samt att tydliggöra problem och att belysa fördela med öppen-innovation och olika typer av samverkans-modeller. Huvudkriteriet för utvalen av fall har varit ett avancerat stadium i läkemedelsutvecklingen samt att något av de två verktygen OI eller CS används aktivt i utvecklingsarbetet. Fall-studien klargör en tydlig differens mellan olika applikations-typer och hur man i verkligheten implementerar dessa verktyg i forskningsarbete. Vår fall-studie indikerar goda resultat då man använder samverkans-modellen CS inom forskningsarbete, men att ”öppen-innovation” OI inte gav samma goda resultat då immateriella mekanismer bromsar öppenheten i läkemedelsindustrin. Inom läkemedels-utvecklingen för Negleted Diseases fann vi däremot en större aktivitet vilken grundar sig på icke-vinst-drivande aktörers intressen. Genom en analys av aktörer inom läkemedelsindustrin har vi kunna framtyda att forsknings-och utveckligns-företag samt Biotech som de som mest ser och utnyttjar potentiallen i CS och OI. Contract research organizations (CROs) och Generics Manufacturers (GMs) är nästan uteslutande frånvarande i resultaten från vår analys. Våra resultat visar att GM-företagen inte har mycket intresse av varken CS eller OI, men att för CRO-företagen finns det vinning i att utnyttja dessa resurser. Slutligen förespråkar vi en fortsatt forskning i ämnet baserat på fall-studien för att kunna ta fram en hypotetisk-CS modell, vilken skulle baseras på ett begränsat antal av samarbetspartners vars potentiella vinning skulle visas genom utnyttjandet av samverkans-modellen CS. / Johan Evaldsson +733-706822

Exploring business models in ecosystemic contexts

Iivari, M. (Marika) 31 May 2016 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the emergence of ecosystemic business models. Ecosystemic thinking has surfaced as a concept to explain the complexity and interconnected nature of modern business. It reflects a fundamental change in the way we view innovations in particular. Innovations are no longer considered to rise within organizational boundaries alone. Modern business is characterized by a diversity of innovation stakeholders from private and public backgrounds, from large organizations to users and citizens. To further the understanding on the research phenomenon of ecosystemic business models, this study relies on two streams of research: Open innovation and business model research. These fields of academic literature mirror well the paradigmatic shift on how the dynamism and change of modern, interconnected business context impacts innovations, value creation and capture and subsequent competitive advantage. The empirical part of this study has been conducted as qualitative case studies. Also conceptual frameworks have been based on empirical data. Drawing from ecosystem analogy, this study investigates different types of ecosystemic contexts, namely that of business ecosystems and innovation ecosystems, in order to determine not only how and why business models emerge, but also how they develop and transform in such a context. An ecosystemic view on business models emphasizes that value co-creation and co-capture need to be steered by a common motive based on mutually connected opportunities and collective value proposition. This research finds that in a complex, multileveled configuration of ecosystems, striving for synergy within the ecosystem is a prerequisite for successful building of ecosystemic value and competitive advantage as a whole. The results of the study indicate that business models are valid not only at organizational level but at the ecosystemic level as well, as ecosystem synergy and successful orchestration can be achieved through utilizing the ecosystemic business model. / Tiivistelmä Tässä tutkimuksessa esitellään ekosysteemisten liiketoimintamallien käsite ja tarkastellaan ekosysteemisten liiketoimintamallien syntyä. Liiketoimintakontekstin monimutkaisuutta ja monitahoisuutta selitetään yhä useammin ekosysteemisen ajattelun avulla. Innovaatioiden ei nähdä syntyvän enää vain yritysten rajojen sisällä, vaan moderniin liiketoimintakontekstiin kuuluu monia eri sidosryhmiä yksityisistä julkisiin toimijoihin, suuryrityksistä yksittäisiin kuluttajiin ja kansalaisiin. Lisätäkseen ymmärrystä ekosysteemisistä liiketoimintamalleista, tämä tutkimus nojaa kahteen tutkimusalueeseen; avoimeen innovaatioon ja liiketoimintamalleihin. Näiden tutkimusnäkökulmien katsotaan peilaavan hyvin modernin liiketoimintakontekstin dynamiikkaa, muutosta ja näiden vaikutusta innovaatioihin, arvon luomiseen ja hyödyntämiseen, sekä kilpailuetuun. Tutkimuksen empiirinen osuus on toteutettu laadullisena tapaustutkimuksena. Myös käsitteelliset julkaisut pohjautuvat empiiriseen dataan. Määrittääkseen miten ja miksi ekosysteemiset liiketoimintamallit syntyvät, sekä selvittääkseen kuinka ne kehittyvät ja muuttuvat, tämä väitöskirjatutimus kohdistuu erilaisiin ekosysteemisiin konteksteihin, erityisesti liiketoimintaekosysteemeihin ja innovaatioekosysteemeihin. Ekosysteeminen liiketoimintamalli korostaa, että arvon yhteinen luominen ja hyödyntäminen tulee perustua yhdessä määriteltyyn mahdollisuuteen ja kollektiiviseen arvolupaukseen. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa, että mutkikkaissa, monitahoisissa ekosysteemeissä, synergia on edellytys ekosysteemisen arvon ja kokonaiskilpailuedun rakentamiselle. Tutkimuksen tulokset indikoivat, että liiketoimintamalliajattelu pätee ei vain organisaation, mutta myös ekosysteemin tasolla, sillä ekosysteemin synergiaa ja onnistunutta orkestrointia voidaan edistää liiketoimintamallia hyödyntämällä.

Management stratégique des brevets et Open Innovation : Le cas du Licensing / Patent Strategic management and Open Innovation : The case of Licensing

Azzam, Jamal Eddine 04 December 2015 (has links)
Si l’Open Innovation a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux soulignant la pertinence de ce modèle pour la recherche et la pratique, nous disposons d’une compréhension limitée de ce que signifie l’ouverture, des différentes formes qu’elle peut prendre et des processus de sa mise en œuvre, en particulier les processus inside-out et couplé.La présente recherche doctorale, située à l’intersection des recherches sur le management stratégique des brevets et celles sur le modèle de l’Open Innovation, est dédiée à l’étude des pratiques de licensing, considéré comme le principal mécanisme d’ouverture. Elle est menée sous la forme d’une thèse sur travaux consacrés aux logiques stratégiques et aux capacités organisationnelles du licensing dans les deux processus inside-out et couplé. Ces travaux mobilisent différentes perspectives théoriques (capacités organisationnelles, coopétition, écosystème) et s’appuient sur un design qualitatif pour répondre individuellement à des questions spécifiques dérivées d’une problématique générale. L’analyse transversale et la mise en perspective des résultats de ces travaux permettent de combler les limites des travaux existants et d’enrichir la littérature sur le modèle de l’Open Innovation. Plus précisément, les résultats permettent de: a) clarifier la notion d’ouverture, b) dépasser la conception dyadique et collaborative de l’Open Innovation, b) mettre en évidence de nouvelles logiques stratégiques du licensing dans les processus inside-out et couplé et c) de comprendre les modes d’interactions et dynamiques sous-jacentes aux capacités d’absorption et de désorption, ainsi que l’origine de cette dernière. / While much research defend the relevance of the Open Innovation model for both research and practice, we know surprisingly little about the meaning of openness, the various forms it can take and its implementation processes, in particular the two processes known as ‘inside-out’ and ‘coupled’. This dissertation aims to fill these gaps through four essays. It binds researches on patent strategic management with those on the Open Innovation Model and analyzes the practices of licensing viewed as the main mechanism of openness. The essays address the strategic motivations and organizational capacities of licensing in the inside-out and coupled processes. They draw on various theoretical perspectives (ecosystem, coopetition, organizational capacities) and use a qualitative design to individually tackle specific issues derived from the general problematic. The transversal analysis of the results of these essays fills the gaps of existing works and contributes to the literature on Open Innovation model. More precisely, the results clarify the meaning of openness; overtake the dyadic and collaborative view of open innovation; highlight new strategic logics of licensing in the inside-out and coupled processes; and improve the understanding of desorptive capacity by disentangling its microfoundations and origin as well as its articulation with absorptive capacity.

Future Development Strategies : Challenges to adopt Open Innovation Practices

Schitko, Tobias January 2016 (has links)
Living in the era of globalization and the Internet, the demand for faster innovation cycles is increasing. Thus companies have the aim to explore new innovation strategies. Therefore the basis of this study is to investigate the development from the traditional way of innovation to Open Innovation practices. If companies want to get a benefit of Open Innovation, many structural and cultural changes have to be overcome. The protection of company secrecies and the retention of the core competencies are the most elementary factors, which have to be considered if external stakeholders are involved in the innovation process. In addition to that, the purpose of this is to examine and declare the limitations and challenges of Open Innovation strategies. Through a multiple case study of three companies, including semi-structured interviews with key individuals, who have extensive experiences in the research and development department, the empirical findings are deducted and connected with the framework. Furthermore the gathered data is analysed on the basis of a research model, which was developed from the existing literature. The research model contains the most common challenges when adopting Open Innovation. These challenges are intellectual property, flexibility, internal structure, trust, acceptance and integration. In the course of this study, different significant manifestations of the respective factors were determined. Moreover it can be identified that some factors are related to each other or have several similarities. This study shows that the structure and the size of a company is the most crucial challenge by adopting Open Innovation practices in the ongoing innovation process. The challenge of company size is affecting the corporate and process structures. This includes the organization of intellectual property as well as the cooperation with companies of different sizes. The second important challenge is the generic term of trust, which is related to the overall acceptance of the company towards Open Innovation. Moreover, the factor of trust is influencing the level of integration of suppliers and customers in the innovation process. To find the right balance between trusting and supporting the internal innovation department and be open for external knowledge is the key factor for success. Additionally, it can be recommended to implement a central innovation department, which is only responsible for Open Innovation.

Building and managing an innovation hub : A case study of the challenges and opportunities faced by a Northern Swedish innovation hub

Wu, Ka Yan, Eriksson Lantz, Christofer January 2017 (has links)
The concept of innovation hubs are increasingly being adopted by different sectors as a means to accelerate innovation. Previous research on innovation hubs have focused on large-scale and trans-regional hubs on its managerial practices instead of its geographical situation. This paper studies an innovation hub in the Northern Swedish city of Skellefteå, in a region historically relying on heavy industry trying to transform into a high technology economy. The study aims to answer the research question: “what are the challenges and opportunities in building and managing an innovation hub to foster innovation in a geographically isolated region with a relatively small population?” To answer this question, interviews with stakeholders in the innovation hub has been conducted as part of a qualitative case study. The results indicate that the region’s large heavy industry companies provide a fertile ecosystem for startups in the digital industry by enabling the necessary supporting industries and infrastructure. Meanwhile, the lack of certain important elements needed in the startup process, most prominently private funding in the form of angel investors and venture capital, pose challenges to the development of the digital startup community in the region.

Open innovation as an important part of company’s innovation strategy / Open innovation as an essential part of a company's innovation strategy

Skibinska, Olesia January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create an innovation strategy for R&D Department of a company that is operating in IT industry with a special focus on Open innovation. It consists of theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part presents modern literature research on innovation and outlines main concepts. Definition of innovation, its types and different approaches are described. Moreover, main principles of audit of Open innovation readiness and its measurement is presented. The last part is devoted to the description of IT industry and future trends. Practical part is devoted to company's analysis, audit of readiness to implement Open innovation approach and creation of innovation strategy for R&D Department.

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