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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Gonçalves, Rodrigo Alff 02 March 2015 (has links)
One of the major problems and difficulties in the production process is to monitor / predict the presence, intensity and abundance of these pathogens under field conditions in a timely manner to avoid significant damage to production. In this sense, the objective of this research was to characterize the changes in the spectral pattern correlated with the incidence of foliar diseases in wheat. The experimental design was a factorial (5x3) randomized blocks with five doses of nitrogen (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg N ha-1) applied at tillering and three management programs with fungicides in the shoot, the untreated control. Scores NDVI readings were performed with the optical sensor GreenSeeker Handheld Crop Sensor in six predetermined locations within each plot of 11 m2 (2,2mx5m). It is possible to detect the presence of Puccinia triticina Erikss from the readings with NDVI GreenSeeker sensor. Scores NDVI can demonstrate that there is a strong correlation between AUDPC and reduced productivity. The GreenSeeker sensor proved efficient in detecting spectral changes from signs and symptoms of Puccinia triticina Erikss. / Uma das grandes dificuldades dentro do processo produtivo é monitorar/prever a presença de patógenos em nível de campo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi caracterizar as alterações no padrão espectral correlacionando com a incidência de doenças foliares em trigo. O delineamento experimental foi um fatorial (5x3) de blocos ao acaso com cinco doses de Nitrogênio (0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg de N ha-1) aplicados no afilhamento e três programas de manejo com fungicidas na parte aérea, além da testemunha sem aplicação. As avaliações e leituras de NDVI foram realizadas com o sensor óptico GreenSeeker Handheld Crop Sensor, em seis pontos pré-determinados dentro de cada parcela de 11 m2 (2,2mx5m). As leituras do NDVI demonstraram alta correlação entre a AACPD e a redução da produtividade. O sensor GreenSeeker se mostrou eficiente na detecção de alterações espectrais provenientes de sinais e sintomas de Puccinia triticina Erikss.

Etude d'un spéctromètre intégré SWIFTS pour réaliser des capteurs optiques fibrés pour les sciences de l'observation / Integrated spectrometer SWIFTS for photosensitive fiber sensors applied to observation sciences

Mengin Fondragon, Mikhael de 18 November 2014 (has links)
SWIFTS (pour Stationary-Wave Integrated Fourier-Transform Spectrometer) est un concept de spectromètre s'appuyant sur l'optique intégrée pour proposer un système de mesure compact et de très haute résolution. Il combine une technique d'interférométrie développée par Gabriel Lippmann avec des technologies de microélectroniques actuelles. La technologie SWIFTS sera ici utilisée en tant qu'interrogateur de fibre de Bragg. En effet, combiner ce spectromètre avec des fibres de Bragg très sensibles, telle qu'une cavité Fabry-Perot à réseaux de Bragg (GFPC) d'une longueur de 20 mm, permettra de mesurer des variations de température et de déformation très précises. Les applications des fibres de Bragg sont nombreuses, particulièrement dans la surveillance de structure de génie civil ou dans la sureté nucléaire avec des précisions de l'ordre du microstrain. Cependant, les capteurs par fibres de Bragg n'ont jamais atteint la sensibilité nécessaire aux observations en science de la terre. Une précision de quelques dizaines de nanostrain serait pourtant d'un intérêt majeur dans l'étude des processus volcaniques et sismologiques. Je présente dans cette thèse la première utilisation d'un tel spectromètre de Fourier associé à des capteurs de Bragg pour mesurer des déformations dans différentes gammes allant du millistrain au nanostrain. Dans un premier temps, des déformations sur une petite structure en béton armé amenée jusqu'à l'état limite de fissuration permettront de qualifier différents capteurs à fibres de Bragg dans leur milieu d'usage. Dans un deuxième temps, des mesures de déformations liées au phénomène de la marrée terrestre sont proposées. Ces mesures, effectuées au Laboratoire Souterrain à Bas Bruit (LSBB) de Rustrel, donnent des précisions de l'ordre de 30 nanostrains sur une courte base et ouvrent la voie à d'autres mesures de phénomènes géophysiques pour cet instrument. / SWIFTS, or Stationary-Wave Integrated Fourier-Transform Spectrometer, is an extremely integrated very high resolution spectrometer. This spectroscopy technology represents a major advance in the field and will be used here as a Fiber Bragg Gratings interrogator. Combining such a spectrometer with very sensitive Bragg sensors, like grating Fabry-Perot cavity (GFPC) as long as 20 mm, will allow to measure high precision temperature or strain variation. Applications of Bragg sensors are numerous, especially in structure monitoring and nuclear power plants safety. Despite promising capabilities, Bragg sensors never reached the desired sensibility for earth-science observation purposes. Present applications are restricted to civil-engineering strain-gauge sensors with microstrain sensitivity. However, the ability to detect and record signals of the order of a few tens of nanostrain is of great interest to monitor and model the volcanic and seismological processes. I demonstrate in this thesis the first use of a Fourier-Transform spectrometer combined with Fiber Bragg Sensors in a field configuration to achieve extremely high precision measurement on earth's crustal deformation. Precisions of thirty nanostrains on a very short base were achieved in the Low-Noise Underground Laboratory (LSBB) at Rustrel. Crustal monitoring opens the way for numerous applications especially in geophysics. A second study presented in this thesis aims at benchmarking several strain sensors based on optical fiber Bragg grating. For this purpose, two reinforced concrete beams have been tested in three points bending up to ultimate limit state.

Sistemas computacionais de apoio à monitoração de estruturas de engenharia civil. / Computational systems to support monitoring of civil engineering structures.

Wayne Santos de Assis 24 May 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais de apoio à aquisição, visualização e tratamento de dados provenientes de monitoração de estruturas de Engenharia Civil. Por meio dos sistemas construídos, torna-se possível adquirir, visualizar e filtrar informações com facilidade, ao mesmo tempo em que se permite avaliar a influência da temperatura, da retração e da fluência nos elementos estruturais monitorados. Buscando desenvolver as ferramentas computacionais em uma perspectiva alinhada com necessidades reais do setor, foram monitoradas duas pontes rodoviárias e uma estação metroviária, sendo utilizada instrumentação avançada baseada em sensores e equipamentos ópticos e elétricos, permitindo a medição de grandezas como deformação, temperatura, deslocamento e rotações. A experiência adquirida em campo encontra-se descrita, apresentando-se a estrutura e componentes dos modernos sistemas de monitoração e os principais resultados decorrentes da sua aplicação nas obras monitoradas. Nesse contexto, os sistemas computacionais construídos demonstraram ser úteis ferramentas, auxiliando nas diversas fases da monitoração estrutural, desde a aquisição até a interpretação dos resultados. / This work presents the development of computational systems to support acquisition, visualization, and treatment of data from health monitoring systems of civil structures. With these systems, it is possible to acquire, to visualize, and to filter monitored data. It is also possible to evaluate the influence of temperature, shrinkage and creep in structural elements. The goal is the development of tools to fulfill real needs. For that, two bridges and a subway station were monitored using advanced instrumentation based on optical and electrical sensors. The acquired experience in field is described, presenting the structure and the various components of modern structural health monitoring systems, as well as the main results of application in the monitored structures. In that context, the built computational systems demonstrated to be very useful, aiding in the several phases of the structural monitoring from the acquisition to the interpretation of the results.


LUIZ CARLOS DA SILVA NUNES 31 August 2004 (has links)
[pt] A análise da técnica de demodulação usada para interrogar sensores a rede de Bragg em fibras ópticas baseadas em filtros fixos foi realizada teoricamente e experimentalmente. Diferentes configurações de sistemas foram analisadas modificando a posição espectral dos filtros, assim como os níveis de potência óptica obtidos nos fotodetectores. Foram realizadas medidas com o tempo de integração que variavam de 0.01 a 1s e estimado o limite de baixa freqüência. Comparação entre os resultados experimentais e simulados mostram boa concordância, e extrapolações indicam que seria possível chegar a uma faixa de medida da ordem de 7 nanômetros, com incertezas equivalentes menores que 2 picometros, na medida da posição de pico do sensor. Foi feita uma análise da possibilidade de utilização desta técnica para medida simultânea de pressão e temperatura com uma única rede sensora. Na realização experimental foi usado um transdutor de pressão que transferia uma força transversal à fibra, proporcional à pressão atuante, gerando birrefringência na região da rede de Bragg. Foi possível obter valores de pressão com a faixa dinâmica de 400 psi com incerteza máxima de 4 psi e simultaneamente temperaturas com variação de 28 a 50 graus Celsius com incerteza máxima de 0.1 graus Celsius. Adicionalmente, foram estudados os efeitos gerados em uma multiplexação temporal (TDM) de sensores a rede de Bragg quando os sensores se encontram superpostos na mesma posição espectral. Nesta análise é confrontada a técnica de demodulação utilizando dois filtros fixos com a técnica baseada na posição espectral. Os resultados indicam que a técnica baseada em filtros fixos apresenta vantagem, permitindo um número significativamente maior de sensores. E também, foi analisado o distúrbio provocado no espectro da rede sensora quando a fonte de luz usada para interrogar a rede tem uma modulação espectral que varia com a temperatura. Finalmente, foi apresentado um sistema de multiplexação (TDM/WDM), completamente polarizado, capaz de interrogar dezenas de sensores a rede de Bragg escrito em fibras de alta birrefringência. O sistema de multiplexação consistiu em uma chave óptica integrada, baseada em um interferômetro de Mach-Zehnder com configuração X-Y, e em um espectrômetro com um CCD linear como elemento de detecção. / [en] The analysis of a demodulation system for fiber Bragg grating sensors based on two fixed spectral filters has been carried out both theoretically and experimentally. Different system configurations were analyzed by modifying the spectral position of the filters as well as the optical power-level of the signal reaching the two photo-detectors. Measurements with integration times that varied from 0.01 to 1 second have been compared with the low frequency limit predicted for long-term operation. Comparisons between simulated and experimental results show good agreement, and extrapolations indicate that it should be possible to achieve a dynamic range of the order of 7 nanometers, with uncertainties equivalent to less than 2 picometers, in measurements of the sensor peak position. Applications based on this system were carried out. An analysis of simultaneous measurement of temperature and pressure with only one FBG sensor using transducer of pressure to transfer a lateral force to the fiber, proportional to the applied pressure, generating birefringence at grating Bragg region has been realized. The proposed system allowed to measure pressure range of 400 psi with uncertain of 4 psi and simultaneously temperature range of 22 Celsius Degree with uncertain of 0.1 Celsius Degree. In addiction, generated effects in the temporal multiplexing (TDM) of fiber Bragg grating sensors when the sensor spectra are fully overlapped have been analyzed. In this study, it is compared the demodulation technique based on two fixed filters with the conventional technique based on the peak position. The results show that the technique based on fixed filters presents advantage to conventional, allowing a greatest sensor number. It was also analyzed the generated disturbance in the Bragg grating sensor spectrum when the source used to interrogate the sensor has a residual modulation which changes with the temperature. And finally, a polarized multiplexing system (TDM/WDM) able to interrogate a large number of Bragg grating sensors written in high-birefringent polarization-maintaining fibers has been realized. It is based on integrated-optic switch Mach- Zehnder interferometer in X-Y configuration and a CCD line array spectrometer.

Deposition and Characterization of Solution-Processed Chalcogenides for Photovoltaic Applications

David J Rokke (12468882) 27 April 2022 (has links)
<p> </p> <p>Combating climate change requires society to shift to using clean, renewable sources of energy as quickly as possible. Photovoltaics (PVs) are a promising source of renewable energy due to the broad availability of solar radiation over the Earth’s surface and the low cost of PV modules. While silicon solar cells dominate the current PV market, some drawbacks motivate the search for other solar materials. Silicon’s indirect band gap necessitates using<br> thick (>100 μm) absorber layers which limits applications to rigid substrates, and manufacturing silicon wafers suitable for solar cell applications requires slow batch processes,<br> hindering the rapid deployment of PV technology.</p> <p><br> One opportunity for realizing rapid manufacturing of PV modules is solution processing, wherein a solar cell is deposited with the use of liquid solutions containing the necessary constituent elements. A solution processing approach could be done in a roll-to-roll format in which a flexible substrate is coated at high speed to create a thin, flexible PV device. Such an approach is expected to dramatically increase the throughput capability of a photovoltaic manufacturing line. To realize the benefits of solution processing, suitable liquid-phase chemistries must be developed to enable the deposition of the desired absorber material while minimizing the incorporation of undesirable contaminants. One such approach is the<br> amine-thiol solvent system which is notable for its ability to solubilize not only metal salts, but also metal sulfides, metal selenides, and pure metals. This makes the amine-thiol system a promising candidate for the deposition of metal chalcogenide absorber layer materials.</p> <p><br> In this work, the chemistry of the amine-thiol system is studied in detail and reaction mechanisms governing the interaction of amine-thiol solutions with precursors relevant to the Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2 material system are investigated. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Mass Spectrometry, and X-Ray Absorption measurements are performed to study this system. Structures for the metal thiolate species that form in these reactions are proposed, along with the products of the pyrolysis reaction that converts the thiolate species to the desired metal sulfides. The utility of this understanding is discussed.</p> <p><br> The amine-thiol system is further applied to the synthesis of AgIn(S,Se)2, a material with some similarities to the more common metal chalcogenide CuInSe2 but studied far less<br> thoroughly. The material and optoelectronic properties of AgIn(S,Se)2 are characterized. X-Ray Diffraction, Hall Effect Measurements, Kelvin Probe Force Miscropscopy, and Quantitative Photoluminescence are all performed on AgIn(S,Se)2 thin films. AgIn(S,Se)2 films are found to exhibit high carrier mobility, benign grain boundaries, and strong photoluminescence emission, suggesting that AgIn(S,Se)2 may function as an effective absorber layer<br> material for thin-film solar cells. Challenges facing its successful adoption as a solar cell material as discussed.<br> </p> <p>In this work, a novel method is developed to calibrate photoluminescence spectrometers for absolute photon counts, enabling one to calculate the absolute number of photons leaving a photoluminescence sample. This enables an estimation of the Quasi-Fermi Level Splitting of an absorber layer (and hence open-circuit voltage of a solar cell) while only measuring a bare absorber layer film. The experimental method and required numerical analysis of the<br> data are described herein.</p>

Tapered Optical Fiber Platform for High Sensitivity Refractive Index Sensing Applications

Ben Harush Negari, Amit January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Multiwavelength Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Designs for Chemical and Biochemical Detection

Earp, Ronald Lee Jr. 08 July 1998 (has links)
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors using multiwavelength light coupling are investigated to probe changes in refractive index that occur as a result of chemical or biochemical processes. Traditional SPR sensors have used angle modulation to facilitate detection at the sensor surface; however, the multiwavelength approach is novel and brings new functionality to SPR sensors. The multiwavelength sensors are constructed on both fiber optic and bulk waveguides such as prisms. A thin metal film is deposited on the waveguide surface to support the surface plasmon (SP) mode. The evanescent field produced by light propagating through the waveguide can be coupled into the surface plasmon mode thus attenuating the transmitted light. This coupling is dependent upon phase matching between the light wavevector and the surface plasmon wavevector. The wavevectors are directly related to the wavelength of light, thickness of analyte on the sensor surface and the refractive index of the analyte. As these parameters change, the light output from the sensor will be affected. Other thin films can be subsequently deposited on the metal to functionalize the sensor surface for a particular analyte of interest. A theoretical background and details of the sensor construction is given. The developed sensors are tested in a variety of application systems. Experimental results for refractive index sensing in bulk liquid applications is shown. Observed sensitivity approaches that of conventional SPR techniques. Alkyl-thiol monolayer systems are studied to investigate kinetics of formation and the thickness resolution of the sensor. A biochemical system is investigated to compare the sensors with other immunoassay techniques. Ionic self-assembled monolayer (ISAM) systems are investigated to probe structure and determine their usefulness as an immobilization layer for biochemical species. A mathematical model based on Fresnel reflection equations is developed to predict sensor response. This model can be used to selectively vary sensor parameters to optimize the response for a specific analyte system or to calculate system parameters based on experimental results. Results from the various experiments are compared with the model. Experimental results and interpretations are discussed along with future work and potential improvements. Classical SPR sensors are also discussed along with comparisons with the multiwavelength sensors. Future improvements to SPR sensors design are considered, as is the application of the technology to high-throughput drug screening for pharmaceuticals. / Ph. D.

Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Arsenic Sulfide for Photovoltaic Applications

Scott A McClary (7027802) 15 August 2019 (has links)
<div>Global warming poses an existential threat to humanity and is inevitable unless significant efforts are made to eliminate its root causes. The need to replace fossil fuels with renewable sources has been obvious for many years, yet the world still receives the vast majority of its energy from non-renewable reservoirs. Harnessing solar radiation is the most promising route to ensure a carbon-free energy future, as the sun is the sole source of energy that can meet humankind’s energy demands for generations to come.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The most widely recognized technology associated with the sun is a photovoltaic (PV) cell, which converts electromagnetic radiation directly into electricity that can either be used immediately or stored for later use. Silicon-based solar cells currently dominate (>90% market share) the global PV market, driven in part due to parallel research in the microelectronics industry. However, silicon is an indirect bandgap material, resulting in inflexible solar modules, and it requires high capital expenditures and high energy inputs for terawatt scale manufacturing.</div><div><br></div><div>The remainder of the commercial PV market consists of thin-film technologies based on Cu(In,Ga)Se<sub>2</sub> (CIGSe) and CdTe. These materials have a direct bandgap, so they can be used in flexible applications, and they are readily scalable due to their amenability to low-cost, roll-to-roll manufacturing. The power conversion efficiencies of CIGSe and CdTe cells have exceeded 20% and are nearing those of silicon cells, but concerns over the long-term supply of indium and tellurium cast doubt on whether these materials can be deployed at large scales. Alternative materials, such as Cu<sub>2</sub>ZnSnS<sub>4-x</sub>Se<sub>x</sub> (CZTSSe), have been researched for many years; the allure of a material with earth abundant elements and properties similar to CIGSe and CdTe was quite enticing. However, recent work suggests that CZTSSe is fundamentally limited by the formation of defects and band tails in the bulk material, and the efficiencies of CZTSSe-based devices have been saturated since 2013.</div><div><br></div><div>New materials for the PV market must meet several criteria, including constituent earth abundant elements, outstanding optoelectronic properties, and low propensity for defect formation. In this regard, the copper-arsenic-sulfur family of materials is an attractive candidate for PV applications. Cu, As, and S are all earth abundant elements with sufficiently different ionic radii, suggesting high defect formation energies. In addition, previous computational work has suggested that several ternary phases, most notably enargite Cu<sub>3</sub>AsS<sub>4</sub>, have appropriate bandgaps, high absorption coefficients, and high predicted efficiencies in a thin-film PV device. The system must be investigated experimentally, with attention not only paid to synthesis and device performance, but also to characteristics that give clues as to whether high efficiencies are achievable.</div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation studies the Cu-As-S system in the context of thin-film photovoltaics, with an emphasis on Cu<sub>3</sub>AsS<sub>4</sub> and detours to related materials discussed when appropriate. The first synthesis of Cu<sub>3</sub>AsS<sub>4</sub> thin-films is reported using solution-processed nanoparticles as precursors. Initial device efficiencies reach 0.18%, which are further boosted to 0.35% through optimization of the annealing procedure. Several limitations to the initial approach are identified (most notably the presence of a carbonaceous secondary phase) and addressed through post-processing treatments and ligand exchange. Cu<sub>3</sub>AsS<sub>4</sub> is also rigorously characterized using a suite of optoelectronic techniques which demonstrate favorable defect characteristics that motivate continued research. The current limitations to Cu<sub>3</sub>AsS<sub>4</sub> performance stem from improper device architecture rather than material properties. Further development of Cu-As-S thin films must focus on identifying and fabricating ideal device architectures in parallel with continued improvements to film fabrication.</div><div><br></div><div>This dissertation ultimately demonstrates high promise for Cu<sub>3</sub>AsS<sub>4</sub> as a thin-film PV material. It also may serve as an example for other researchers studying new materials, as the examination of fundamental optoelectronic properties early in the material’s development phase is key to ensure that limited scientific resources are invested into the compounds with the highest potential impact on society.<br></div>

Μελέτη της μη γραμμικής οπτικής απόκρισης φουλλερενικών παραγώγων και νανοσωματιδίων για εφαρμογές σε διατάξεις οπτικών αισθητήρων / Investigation of the nonlinear optical response of fullerene derivatives and nanoparticles for optical sensing applications

Ηλιόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος 27 May 2009 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία ερευνάται η τρίτης τάξης μη γραμμική απόκριση διαφόρων υλικών τα οποία μελετήθηκαν σε μορφή διαλυμάτων ή λεπτών υμενίων. Αρχικά περιγράφονται βασικές έννοιες της μη γραμμικής οπτικής, μερικών σημαντικών φυσικών διαδικασιών που σχετίζονται με αυτή, καθώς και των διαφόρων μηχανισμών που μπορούν να συνεισφέρουν στο μη γραμμικό δείκτη διάθλασης. Στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζεται η μη γραμμική οπτική απόκριση νανοδομών Au, Pd και Ag. Με τη βοήθεια πολυμερών αποτρέπεται η συσσωμάτωση και καθίζηση του μετάλλου και επιτυγχάνεται η δημιουργία μεταλλικών νανοσωματιδίων συγκεκριμένω διαστάσεων. Επίσης μελετάται η μη γραμμικότητα TiO2, φουλλερενικών παραγώγων και μοριακών μηχανών. Η μεγάλη απόκριση των συστημάτων αυτών σε συνδυασμό με την έντονη εξάρτησή της από διάφορες μορφολογικές/δομικές παραμέτρους καθιστά τα συστήματα αυτά πολύ χρήσιμα για φωτονικές εφαρμογές. / In this work the third order nonlinear optical response of several photonic materials, has been investigated. These materials were in the form of solutions, colloids or thin films. Initially some basic concepts of nonlinear optics, the physical processes related with it, as well as the physical mechanisms related to the nonlinear refractive index are presented. Then, the nonlinear optical response of Au, Pd and Ag nanoparticles is presented. By using polymers, formation of nanoparticles exhibiting specific sizes can be achieved. Furthermore the polymer does not allow metal aggregation in the system. The nonlinearity of TiO2 films, fullerene derivatives and molecular engines is also investigate. The large response of these systems, combined with the strong dependence on several morphological/structural parameters makes them very promising candidates for several photonic applications.

Estudo dos modos de Plasmon em Fibras fracamente guiadas com camadas dielétricas sobre Filme Metálico. / Study of Plasmon modes in fibers weakly guided dielectric layers on Metal Film.

Ricardo Gomes da Costa 15 December 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho são analisados os quatro modos de plasmon, ligados simétrico (Sb) e assimétrico (ab), fuga pelo núcleo (ln) e fuga pela cobertura (lc), que se propagam em uma fibra óptica fracamente guiada envolta por um filme metálico. No filme metálico é depositada uma camada dielétrica extra e acima desta, uma outra denominada cobertura. A análise será desenvolvida para filmes metálicos de prata, paládio e ouro. Esta estrutura é muito útil na confecção de sensores ópticos. / In this work the four Plasmon modes are analyzed, the symmetrical (Sb) and asymmetrical bounded (ab); the core (ln) and covering leaky modes (lc), that propagate in weakly guided optical fibers with a metallic film around that. In the metallic film a layer extra dielectric is deposited and above this, another layer denominated covering. The analysis will be developed for metallic films of the Silver, Palladium and Gold. This structure is very useful to making optical sensors.

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