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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biodiversidade e estoques de carbono de um Cerrado stricto sensu na Reserva Biológica de Mogi Guaçu-SP / Biodiversity and carbon stocks of the stricto sensu cerrado in the Mogi Guaçu (SP) Biological Reserve

Risante, Ana Paula de Oliveira 10 March 2017 (has links)
O desmatamento para uso agrícola é uma das principais causas da devastação dos biomas brasileiros como a floresta amazônica, o cerrado e a mata atlântica. A grande extensão do desmatamento com a derrubada e a queima das vegetações é a principal fonte de emissão de gases do efeito estufa do Brasil - quarto maior emissor mundial. Uma grande porcentagem do carbono estocado encontra-se na biomassa aérea das fisionomias florestais, enquanto que, nas vegetações de cerrado, a biomassa subterrânea corresponde à maior parte. São ainda poucos os estudos realizados a respeito de estimativas de carbono na biomassa subterrânea, ou mesmo na biomassa aérea, de vegetações de cerrado. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi relacionar os estoques de carbono aéreos e subterrâneos de um cerrado stricto sensu existente na Reserva Biológica de Mogi Guaçu (Martinho Prado - SP) com sua biodiversidade. Para isso estabeleceu-se, de modo sistemático, 10 parcelas de 10x50m subdivididas a cada 10m. Todas as plantas com diâmetros à altura do peito (DAPs) dos troncos maiores que 5 cm foram medidas e identificadas ao nível de espécie calculando-se posteriormente os índices de: diversidade de Shannon-Wiener, equitabilidade de Pielou e riqueza. A biomassa e o carbono aéreo destas árvores foram calculados com o auxílio de equações estabelecidas pela literatura. Foram coletadas amostras de raízes utilizando-se uma cavadeira manual para determinar seus estoques de biomassa e de carbono. Também se retirou amostras indeformadas de solo em diferentes profundidades (0-30cm) para cálculo de densidade do solo e determinação do carbono orgânico. A área de estudo apresentou um total de 64 espécies distintas e 773 indivíduos. A espécies vegetais mais recorrentes foram: Xylopia aromatica (pimenta de macaco) (10,9%), seguida por Syagrus flexuosa (coco babão) (8,8%), Copaifera langsdorffii (pau de óleo) (8,67%), Qualea grandiflora (pau-terra) (8,41%). Houve uma correlação positiva e significativa entre diversidade de Shannon e biomassa e carbono aéreos. Os maiores índices de diversidade de Shannon apresentados foram 2,966 e 2,927. A biomassa área média de foi 37,412 Mg.ha-1 e o carbono aéreo médio foi de 19,65 Mg.ha-1. Já a biomassa média de raízes foi de 3,20 Mg.ha-1 com um teor de carbono variando de 48 a 54%. O estoque médio de carbono do solo foi de 8,51 Mg.ha-1. A porção do solo nas profundidades de 0-10cm apresentaram as maiores concentrações de carbono orgânico. Por outro lado, a densidade do solo apresentou os maiores valores nas camadas de 20-30 cm de profundidade. Houve uma relação negativa significativa entre a densidade e o carbono orgânico do solo. / Deforestation for agricultural use is one of the main causes of the devastation of Brazilian biomes such as the Amazon forest, the cerrado and the Atlantic forest. The big extension of the deforestation with the felling and burning of vegetation is the main cause of the greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil - 4th largest worldwide issuer. A large percentage of the stored carbon is found in the aerial biomass of the vegetable physiognomy, while, in the cerrado vegetation, the underground biomass corresponds the most of part. There are few studies carried out about the carbon stimates in the underground biomass, or even in the aerial biomass, of the cerrado vegetation. The purpose of this research was to relate aerial and underground carbon stocks of a stricto sensu cerrado existing in the Mogi Guaçu- SP Biological Reserve (Martinho Prado Junior-SP) with your biodiversity. For this has been established, systematically, ten plots of 10X50 meters subdivided every 10 meters. All the plants with breast height diameters (DAPs) of the trunks larger than 5 centimeters were measured and identified at the species level calculating the indices of: Shannon-Wiener diversity, Pielou equitability and species richness. The aerial biomass and carbon of these trees were calculated with the aid of equations established in the literature. Root samples were collected with the use of a manual digger for to determine their biomass and carbon stocks. Undisturbed soil samples were collected in different depths for calculating of the soil density and the determination of the soil organic carbon. The study area presented 65 different species and 773 trees. The most recurrent plant species were: Xylopia aromatica (monkey pepper) (10,9%), seguida por Syagrus flexuosa (coconut baboon) (8,8%), Copaifera langsdorffii (oil dick) (8,67%), Qualea grandiflora (dick-sand) (8,41%). There was a significant positive correlation between Shannon diversity and aerial biomass and carbon. The highest indices of the Shannon diversity presented were 2,966 and 2,927. The medium aerial biomass was 37,412 Mg.ha-1 and the medium aerial carbon was 19,65 Mg.ha-1. The medium roots biomass was 3,20 Mg.ha-1 with a carbon content is varying from 48 to 54%.The medium soil carbon was 8,51 Mg.ha-1. The portion of the soil in the depths of the 0-10 centimeters presented the highest organic carbon concentration. On the other side, the soil density presented the higher values in layers of 20-30 cm depth. There was a significant negative correlation between soil density and the soil organic carbon.

Photo-oxidative degradation of bisphenol A by H2O2/UV: process study and kinetic modelling. / Degradação fotooxidativa de bisfenol A por H2O2/UV: estudo de processo e modelagem cinética.

Araujo, Leandro Goulart de 06 April 2018 (has links)
Bisphenol A (BPA) is widely used in the production of plastics, epoxy resins and polycarbonates. It is a toxic, endocrine disruptor compound. Different studies have shown the presence of BPA in several environmental systems, classifying it as a worldwide persistent pollutant which may act synergistically with other pollutants. In this context, advanced oxidation processes (AOP) have received great attention due to their ability to degrade pollutants with such characteristics, through their transformation into less hazardous compounds or even their mineralization. Although there are investigations on the use of AOPs for BPA degradation, systematic studies on the effects of process variables, coupled with the statistical interpretation of the results are virtually non-existent. Furthermore, to the best of our knowledge, a rigorous kinetic model has not yet been proposed for the degradation of this pollutant by the H2O2/UV process. The objective of this work was to evaluate BPA degradation by the H2O2/UV process, investigating the effects of the initial H2O2 concentration and the specific rate of photons emission (EP,0) by means of a Doehlert experimental design, combined with the response surface methodology. The experiments were performed in a photochemical tubular reactor equipped with a 254-nm UV lamp, for [H2O2]0 and EP,0 in the ranges 1.6-9.6 mmol L-1 and 0.87 × 1018-3.6 × 1018 photons L-1 s-1, respectively. Total BPA degradation was achieved after 60 min of irradiation in all experiments. The best conditions were [H2O2]0 = 7.6 mmol L-1 and EP,0 = 3.6 × 1018 photons L-1 s-1, for which the best performance was obtained regarding the BPA degradation rate, BPA degradation after 15 min, and the second highest TOC removal after 180 min. However, in most experiments less than 75% TOC removal was observed, with 95% mineralization obtained only for the superior [H2O2]0 and EP,0. A mathematical model was developed, considering the reactor characteristics and the radiation field, based on the line source with parallel emission (LSPP) approach, in combination with the radiative transfer equation (RTE), mass balances, and a detailed kinetic model of the H2O2/UV process. The steady-state approximation was applied for all radical species. In the estimation of unknown kinetic constants, the non-linear least squares method was employed. The model was able to satisfactorily fit experimental BPA and H2O2 concentrations as a function of time. This work shows that the H2O2/UV process is a good alternative for BPA removal from aqueous streams, with total degradation of the target compound and adequate percent mineralization under optimal operating conditions. Such conditions may serve as first guidelines for pilot-plant and industrial processes operation. In addition, simulations using the proposed kinetic model may provide useful information for the design and scale-up of pre- or post-treatment of effluents containing this pollutant. / O bisfenol A (BPA) é amplamente utilizado na fabricação de plásticos, resinas epóxi e policarbonatos. Trata-se de um composto tóxico e um desregulador endócrino. Diferentes estudos evidenciam a presença do BPA em diversos compartimentos ambientais em todo planeta, identificando-o como um poluente persistente e resistente à degradação biológica, que apresenta efeitos sinergéticos com outros poluentes. Nesse contexto, os processos oxidativos avançados (POA) têm recebido atenção devido a sua capacidade em degradar poluentes com tais características, transformando-os em compostos menos perigosos ou até mesmo mineralizando-os totalmente. Apesar de haver trabalhos na literatura acerca da utilização de POA para degradação de BPA, estudos sistemáticos dos efeitos de variáveis de processo junto com a interpretação estatística dos resultados são virtualmente inexistentes. Além disso, até onde se sabe um modelo cinético rigoroso ainda não foi proposto para a degradação desse poluente por meio do processo H2O2/UV. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a degradação do BPA pelo processo H2O2/UV, investigando os efeitos da concentração inicial de H2O2 e da taxa específica de emissão de fótons (EP,0) por meio de um projeto experimental Doehlert, combinado com a análise de superfície de resposta. Os experimentos foram realizados em um reator tubular fotoquímico equipado com uma lâmpada UV de 254 nm, para [H2O2]0 e EP,0 entre 1,6-9,6 mmol L-1 e 0,87 × 1018 - 3,6 × 1018 fótons L-1 s-1, respectivamente. Todos os experimentos sob H2O2/UV resultaram em total degradação do BPA após 60 min de irradiação. Nesse caso, as melhores condições foram [H2O2]0 = 7,6 mmol L-1 e EP,0 = 3,6 × 1018 fótons L-1 s-1, para as quais se obteve o melhor desempenho quanto à taxa de degradação de BPA e à remoção após 15 min, e a segunda maior remoção de COT após 180 min. Entretanto, na maioria dos experimentos menos de 75% de remoção de COT foram observados, com 95% de mineralização obtida apenas para os maiores [H2O2]0 e EP,0. Elaborou-se um modelo matemático que considera as características do reator utilizado e o campo de radiação, baseado no modelo de fonte linear de emissão em planos paralelos (LSPP), combinado à equação de transferência radiativa (RTE), aos balanços materiais e a um modelo cinético detalhado do processo H2O2/UV. Foi empregada a aproximação de estado estacionário para todas as espécies radicalares. Na estimativa das constantes cinéticas desconhecidas, utilizou-se o método de mínimos quadrados não linear. Esse modelo foi capaz de ajustar satisfatoriamente as concentrações experimentais de BPA e de H2O2 em função do tempo. Este trabalho mostra que o processo H2O2/UV constitui uma alternativa conveniente para a degradação de BPA em matrizes aquosas, com total degradação do composto alvo e porcentagem de mineralização adequada nas condições ótimas de operação. Tais condições podem servir como diretrizes iniciais de processamento em escalas piloto e industrial. Por sua vez, simulações empregando o modelo matemático proposto permitem gerar informações úteis para projeto e aumento de escala de processos de pré- ou pós-tratamento de efluentes contendo esse poluente.

Decomposição de diferentes doses de palhada de cana-de-açúcar e seu efeito sobre o carbono do solo / Decomposition of different amounts of sugarcane trash and its effect in soil carbon

Sousa Junior, José Geraldo de Abreu 31 March 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a decomposição de diferentes quantidades iniciais de palhada de cana-de-açúcar depositadas sobre o solo, sob diferentes práticas de manejo e determinar o acúmulo de carbono orgânico total (COT) neste solo ao longo de três cortes da cana. Para tanto, foram instalados três ensaios em lavoura de cana-de-açúcar no município de Piracicaba. No experimento 1 foram depositadas na entrelinha da cultura, sobre o solo, diferentes quantidades de palhada (3,5; 7; 14 e 21 Mg ha-1) e mais dois tratamentos na dose de 14 Mg ha-1 ora incorporada ao solo e ora irrigada com vinhaça. A perda de matéria seca e a composição da palhada remanescente foi avaliada em seis momentos ao longo de um ano. No experimento 2, utilizando-se os mesmos tratamentos do experimento anterior, foram instalados lisímetros de tensão para coleta da solução do solo e determinação do carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) em 0,20 e 0,50 m de profundidade. Para determinação do COT em função das diferentes doses de palhada depositadas sobre o mesmo ao longo de 3 cortes da cana-de-açúcar, instalou-se o Experimento 3. Para que fosse detectada a entrada de carbono (C) em função do aporte destas doses de palhada ao longo dos 3 anos, o solo original da entrelinha da cana-de-açúcar foi substituído por um solo de uma área adjacente de mesma classe, que não era cultivado com cana-de-açúcar ha pelo menos 25 anos, por isso com baixo delta 13C (?13C). Esta técnica isotópica foi utilizada para determinar e quantificar a origem das entradas do C no solo ao longo dos anos em que foram aplicados os tratamentos. Os resultados deste trabalho sugerem que após um ano da deposição da palhada no campo a decomposição de 65% das maiores doses de palhada (14 e 21 Mg ha-1), chegam a ser de 24 a 39% superiores às menores doses (7 e 3,5 Mg ha-1 respectivamente). A dose 14 Mg ha-1 quando incorporada acelera ainda mais este processo, resultando numa decomposição final de 86%. Já a irrigação com vinhaça não favoreceu este processo. Em relação à composição da palhada remanescente, os tratamentos 14 Mg ha-1 incorporado e 21 Mg ha-1 resultaram no aumento mais expressivo do índice lignocelulósico. O monitoramento do COD a 0,5 m de profundidade durante 120 dias na estação chuvosa detectou a presença de C somente nos 45 dias iniciais da decomposição da palhada. O percentual de COD disponibilizado pela palhada foi inversamente proporcional a taxa de decomposição. O acompanhamento do acúmulo de C no solo ao longo de 3 anos de aporte de diferentes quantidades de palhada da cana-de-açúcar, mostrou um aumento significativo de 80% e 97% nas concentrações de COT nos 2,5 cm superficiais do solo onde as doses de 14 e 21 Mg ha-1 de palhada, haviam sido aplicadas, respectivamente / The objective of this research was to evaluate the decomposition of different initial quantities of sugarcane trash placed onto the soil under different management practices and determine the total organic carbon (TOC) accumulation in this soil over three years sugarcane cycle. Therefore, three experiments were installed in sugarcane area at Piracicaba. In experiment 1, different amounts of sugarcane trash (3.5, 7; 14 and 21 Mg ha-1) were placed between the rows, above the soil. Two additional treatments were installed with 14 Mg ha-1 dose: or incorporated into the soil or irrigated with vinasse. The dry matter losses and the composition of remaining sugarcane trash were evaluated six times over a year. In experiment 2, using the same previous treatments, lysimeters were installed to collect soil solution and to determine dissolved organic carbon (DOC) at 0.20 and 0.50 m depth. Experiment 3 was settled to determine the Carbon (C) derived from the different doses of deposited sugarcane trash. The C input derived from the straw doses after three years was detected replacing the original soil at sugarcane inter-row by a soil from an adjacent area not cultivated with sugarcane for at least 25 years, presenting a low delta 13C (?13C). This isotope technique was used to determine and quantify the origin of soil C input, after the treatments applied over the years. Results of this study suggest that one year after the deposition of the trash on soil, the higher doses (14 and 21 Mg ha-1) lost about 65% dry matter, a rate up to 24-39% higher than the lower doses (7 and 3.5 Mg ha-1 respectively). The 14 Mg ha-1 dose, when incorporated, accelerated this process, resulting in a total breakdown of 86%. However, vinasse irrigation did not favored this process. Regarding the composition of the remaining trash, the treatments of 14 Mg ha-1 incorporated to soil and the 21 Mg ha-1 resulted in the most significant increase in lignocellulosic index. The DOC monitoring at 0.5 m depth over 120 days in the rainy season detected the presence of C only during the initial 45 days of straw decomposition. The percentage of DOC available from sugarcane trash was inversely proportional to the decomposition rate. Carbon accumulation in the soil over 3 years, related to different amounts of sugarcane trash, showed a significant increase of 80% to 97% in TOC concentrations in the upper 2.5cm soil layer where the doses of 14 and 21 Mg ha-1 of trash were applied, respectively

Controle de compostos orgânicos precursores e subprodutos da desinfecção em mananciais eutrofizados mediante combinação de interozonização e sistemas pós-filtros adsorvedores. / Organic precursor and disinfection by-product control in eutrofic water supplies by means of inter-ozonization and post-filter GAC adsorbers.

Mendes, Ricardo Lazzari 25 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho da combinação dos processos de interozonização e sistemas pós-filtros adsorvedores na remoção de compostos orgânicos precursores e na formação de subprodutos da desinfecção, em particular os trialometanos (THM). Os ensaios foram desenvolvidos com a água filtrada proveniente da estação de tratamento de água do Alto da Boa Vista, localizada no município de São Paulo, tipo convencional, com água bruta oriunda de reservatório com elevado estado de eutrofização. O aparato experimental é constituído de um sistema de ozonização com quatro colunas em série e tempo de detenção hidráulica total de 16 minutos; e, por um sistema de quatro pós-filtros adsorvedores com diferentes tipos de carvão ativado granular, filtros F1 e F3 dotados de carvão mineral (CAG1, betuminoso) e filtros F2 e F4 compostos por carvão vegetal (CAG2, casca de coco) sendo todos operados em paralelo com valores de Tempo de Contato de Leito Vazio (TCLV) entre 15 e 20 minutos. Duas colunas receberam como afluente água filtrada pré-ozonizada (F1 e F2) e as demais colunas apenas água filtrada (F3 e F4). Os resultados indicaram que a ozonização não alterou de forma significativa os parâmetros utilizados para avaliação dos precursores, COT e UV-254 nm, e nem o THM. Inicialmente, os resultados de remoção de COT permaneceram elevados, próximos de 80% caracterizando a saturação dos leitos em torno de 240 dias para os filtros F1 e F3 (CAG1) e apenas 30 dias, com eficiências baixas para os filtros F2 e F4 (CAG2). Para THM a saturação foi próxima de 65 dias para ambos os carvões e as eficiências iniciais foram de 90% e 75%, para os filtros com CAG1 e CAG2, respectivamente. Com todos os leitos saturados, os resultados ainda indicaram boa remoção de compostos causadores de gosto e odor. Neste trabalho, os sistemas de pós-filtros adsorvedores de CAG foram efetivos para o controle das substâncias precursoras e a redução da formação de THMs, com melhores resultados para o carvão mineral CAG1 (betuminoso) independentemente do sistema de interozonização. / The main purpose of this work was to evaluate the performance of a combination of processes - inter-ozonization and post-filter GAC adsorbers systems, on the control of organic precursors and disinfection byproducts, especially trihalomethanes (THM). The experience was conducted with filtered water produced at Alto da Boa Vista conventional WTP, located at São Paulo city, where raw water comes from a high eutrofic lake. The experimental setup consists of an ozonation system with four column shaped contactors arranged in series with 16 minutes total hydraulic detention time; and, a system of four pilot scale adsorbers with different types of granular activated carbon (GAC) media, F1 and F3 filters with mineral GAC media (GAC1, bituminous) and F2 and F4 filters with vegetal GAC media (GAC2, coconut shell), all operated in parallel with empty bed contact time (EBCT) between 15 and 20 minutes. Two columns were fed with filtered and pre-ozonated water (F1 and F2) and the other two were fed with filtered water only (F3 and F4). It was observed that ozonation did not affect significantly results of precursors parameters, TOC and UV-254, and neither THM. Initially, TOC removal remained high, near 80% delineating the bed saturation around 240 days to F1 and F3 filters (GAC1) and only 30 days with low efficiency for filters F2 and F4 (GAC2). The THM bed saturation time was nearly 65 days for both media and initial efficiencies were 90% and 75% to GAC1 and GAC2, respectively. With all beds saturated, still there was a good taste and odor producing substances removal. In this work, the systems of GAC adsorbents post-filters were effective for the control of precursors and to reduce the formation of THM\'s, with better results for the CAG1 (bituminous) regardless of the use of inter-ozonization.

Soil organic carbon dynamics in sugarcane crop in south-central Brazil / Dinâmica do carbono orgânico do solo na cultura da cana-de-açúcar na região centro-sul do Brasil

Olaya, Adriana Marcela Silva 17 July 2014 (has links)
Sugarcane cropping is an important component of the Brazil´s economy. As the main feedstock used to produce ethanol, the area occupied with this crop has meaningfully increased in the last years and continues to expand in order to attend to the national and international demand of this biofuel. Despite that it has been demonstrated that land-use transition into sugarcane can negatively impact the soil carbon (C) dynamics, little is known about the effect of those land use changes (LUC) processes on the distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) within particle-size classes, and how management practices in sugarcane can contribute to the C restoration. In this sense the main objective of this study was to evaluate through a modelling application the SOC dynamics in the sugarcane crop in response to LUC and different management scenarios. For a better understanding of LUC impact on C content in both particulate organic matter and mineral-associated fraction, we performed physical soil C fractionation in 34 study areas involving the three major land-use systems affected by sugarcane expansion. Also, biometric measurements were executed in sugarcane plant and ratoon crop in order to use those data in the model parameterization as well as to recalculate the payback time of the C debt through C conversion ratio reported in the literature. Finally, we parameterized and validate the CENTURY ecosystem model for sugarcane, pastures and annual cropland by using a data-set previously collected by the Laboratório de Biogeoquímica Ambiental (CENA-USP); then different scenarios of sugarcane management were simulated: i) SC1 - Green harvesting; ii) SC2 - Green harvesting plus organic amendments and iii) Green harvesting + low N inputs. Our results showed that the C content depletion for conversion from native vegetation and pastures to sugarcane is caused by C losses in the labile fraction (37%) as wells as in the stabilized pool associated to the mineral fraction (30%). Above and belowground biomass quantification indicated a total sugarcane carbon inputs ranging from 29.6 Mg C ha-1 to 30.6 Mg C ha-1. Considering a C retention rate of 13% we estimated net carbon changes of 0.58 to 0.6 Mg C ha-1 year-1, which contribute to reduce the payback times for sugarcane biofuel carbon debts in 3.3 and 1.2 years for Cerrado wooded and pasture conversions into sugarcane respectively. The modelling study supported the Century model as a tool to access the SOC dynamics following land-use conversion and different soil management in in sugarcane. Long-term simulations suggested that changes in the sugarcane harvest from burning to green harvesting increase the soil C stock in an average of 0.21 Mg ha-1 year-1; however the potential of C accumulation is still higher when organic amendments as vinasse and filter cake are add to the soil, with mean values varying between 0.34 and 0.37 Mg ha-1 year-1 in SC2 and SC1 respectively. By analyzing the SOC dynamic at each scenario simulated, we estimated a time span of 17 and 24 years for soil C restoration in clay and sandy soils under pastures with priority suitability (SC3). The number of years was projected to be higher in clay soils with regular suitability (40 years). / A cultura da cana-de-açúcar é uma comodity importante para a economia no Brasil. Como a principal matéria prima para a produção de etanol, a área plantada com esta cultura tem incrementado significativamente nos últimos anos e a tendência é de continuar se expandindo para atender a demanda nacional e internacional deste biocombustível. Embora tenha sido demostrado que a mudança de uso da terra (MUT) para cana-de-açúcar pode afetar negativamente a dinâmica do carbono (C) no solo, há pouca informação disponível acerca do impacto dessa MUT na distribuição do C nas frações da matéria orgânica do solo, e como as praticas de manejo da cana-de-açúcar podem contribuir para o acumulo de C no solo. Nesse contexto o principal objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar, através da modelagem matemática, a dinâmica do carbono orgânico do solo (COS) na cultura da cana-de-açúcar em resposta a mudança de uso da terra e diferentes cenários de manejo agrícola. Fracionamento físico para separar o C associado à matéria orgânica partícula (POM) do C ligado à fração mineral do solo (<53 um) foi realizado em amostras de solo de 34 áreas de estudo envolvendo os três principais sistemas de uso da terra afetados pela expansão da cana-de-açúcar. Adicionalmente, foram realizadas avaliações biométricas da cana-de-açúcar (cana planta e soca) que objetivaram a parametrização do modelo matemático assim como recalcular o tempo de reposição do debito de C gerado. Finalmente, o modelo CENTURY foi parametrizado e devidamente validado, para posteriormente proceder à simulação de diferentes cenários futuros de manejo da cana de açúcar: i) SC1 - Colheita de cana crua (sem queima); ii) SC2 - Colheita de cana crua e adição de adubos orgânicos (vinhaça e torta de filtro); iii) Colheita de cana crua e redução da adubação nitrogenada. Os resultados indicaram que a redução do conteúdo de C devido à conversão de vegetação nativa e pastagem para cana-de-açúcar foi causada pela perda de C tanto na fração lábil (37%) quanto na fração mais estável associada a fração mineral do solo (30%). A quantificação da biomassa aérea e radicular indicou entradas de C variando de 29,6 Mg C ha-1 a 30,6 Mg C ha-1, os quais resultariam em uma taxa de acumulo liquido de 0,58 a 0,6 Mg C ha-1 ano-1, que quando considerado contribui a redução do \"payback time\" do debito de C do etanol causado pela conversão de Cerrado e pastagem em 3,3 e 2 anos respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos no estudo de modelagem matemática suportaram o uso do modelo CENTURY como uma ferramenta para avaliar a influencia da MUT e das práticas de manejo na dinâmica do COS. As simulações em longo prazo sugeriram que a supressão da queima na colheita incrementa o estoque de C em 0,21 Mg ha-1 ano-1. No entanto o potencial de acúmulo de C é ainda maior quando adubação orgânica é realizada, com valores entre 0,34 e 0,37 Mg ha-1 ano-1 respectivamente. A análise da dinâmica do COS em cada cenário de manejo simulado permitiu estimar o tempo médio de recuperação do C do solo perdido pela MUT em áreas de pastagens. Os resultados indicaram um período de 17 anos para condições de cultivo sob solos argilosos e 24 anos para solos arenosos (SC3) em áreas de alta aptidão para expansão. O modelo projetou um maior número de anos em solo argiloso sob áreas de pastagem com aptidão média (40 anos).

Gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff an Niedermoorstandorten Nordostdeutschlands

Schwalm, Mayte 11 March 2015 (has links)
Austräge von gelöstem organischem Kohlenstoff (DOC) aus Mooren sind aus Gründen des Klima- und Trinkwasserschutzes unerwünscht. Einflüsse von Landnutzung auf die Höhe der DOC-Konzentrationen werden teilweise inkonsistent beschrieben und überdies sind wenige Angaben zu den stark anthropogen überprägten Niedermooren Nordostdeutschlands verfügbar. Daher sind in der vorliegenden Arbeit Zusammenhänge von Management und Standorteigenschaften zu DOC-Konzentrationen auf Lysimeter- und Freilandebene untersucht worden. Es zeigte sich, dass die DOC-Gehalte des wiedervernässten Niedermoores deutlich und die DOC-Austräge tendenziell geringer waren als am landwirtschaftlich genutzten Standort, und dass die DOC-Konzentrationen im Grabenwasser seit der Wiedervernässung gesunken sind. Die unmittelbar durch Landnutzung beeinflussten Parameter Wasserstand und Vegetation waren in Lysimeterversuchen von untergeordneter Bedeutung. Niedermoore scheinen bedingt durch ihre individuelle Genese ein spezifisches DOC-Potential bzw. einen „Fingerabdruck“ zu haben, weshalb bei Wiedervernässung zwar sinkende, aber nicht unbedingt geringe, naturnahen DOC-Konzentrationen erreicht werden können. / Losses of dissolved organic carbon are of environmental concern, as DOC is a potential source of gaseous carbon emissions and harms drinking water quality. Lack of knowledge particularly exists for lowland fens. Therefore, the influence of land management and site characteristics on DOC was studied at a catchment and a lysimeter scale. A rewetted fen was investigated showing considerabely lower ditch DOC concentrations and slightly lower DOC losses as compared to an agriculturally used fen. The influence of water levels and vegetation was relatively small in lysimeter trials, while each fen soil seems to have a specific potential for DOC release due to its susbtrate quality and genesis.

The fate of 13C labelled root and shoot litter in soil and earthworm casts : a multidisciplinary approach based on a mesocosm experiment / Devenir de litières de parties racinaires et aériennes marquées au 13C dans le sol et les turricules de vers de terre : une approche pluridisciplinaire basée sur une expérimentation en mésocosmes

Vidal, Alix 23 September 2016 (has links)
Le sol représente un puits de carbone important, dont les entrées et les sorties sont gouvernées par de nombreux facteurs biotiques et abiotiques. Nous nous intéressons à deux facteurs biotiques essentiels : la qualité de la litière, principale source des MOS; et les vers de terre, ingénieurs clés des sols tempérés. Nous étudions le devenir de parties racinaires et aériennes, marquées au carbone 13, dans le sol et des turricules de Lumbricus terrestris, au cours d'une expérimentation en mésocosmes d'une année. Nous utilisons une approche pluridisciplinaire à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles pour quantifier, localiser et caractériser le carbone organique incorporé dans le sol et les turricules, pendant les 54 semaines d'expérimentation. La composition chimique des parties racinaires et aériennes a un impact significatif sur le devenir du carbone dans le sol et semble influencer la palatabilité de la litière pour les vers de terre. Après une année d'expérience, la contribution des racines, par rapport aux parties aériennes est plus importante dans le sol et les turricules. Les interactions physiques semblent également jouer un rôle important dans la formation et l'évolution des turricules. Les vers de terre minimisent l'effet contrasté des parties racinaires et aériennes sur le carbone du sol et des turricules. Les invertébrés du sol doivent être pris en compte lors de l'étude des processus d'incorporation, de décomposition et de stabilisation du carbone dans le sol. Les microorganismes jouent un rôle essentiel dans la décomposition de la litière et semblent contribuer au carbone stable du sol, et ce particulièrement dans les turricules. / Soil represents an important carbon sink, which inputs and outputs are governed by numerous biotic and abiotic factors. We focused on two essential biotic factors: litter inputs, the main source of SOM; and earthworms, key soil engineers in temperate regions. We investigated the fate of 13C-labelled Ryegrass root and shoot litter, in soil and epi-anecic earthworm casts (Lumbricus terrestris), based on a one year mesocosm experiment. Soil samples were collected at two depths, as well as surface casts, regularly during the 54 weeks of experiment. SOM complexity and heterogeneous composition was considered, using a multidisciplinary approach at different spatio-temporal scales to quantify, localize and characterize the organic carbon incorporated in soil and earthworm casts. The chemical composition of roots and shoots had a significant impact on the fate of carbon in soil, with an increased contribution from root-derived carbon in soil and casts after one year. The chemical composition tended to influence the litter palatability for earthworms. As organo-mineral associations tended to increase during drying and ageing of casts, physical interactions might have also played an important role in cast formation and evolution. Earthworms tended to minimize the diverging fate of root and shoot residues on both soil and cast carbon, after the year of experiment. Thus, while studying soil carbon incorporation, decomposition and stabilization, the role of soil invertebrates should be particularly considered. We also observed the crucial role of microorganisms in decomposing litter and their potentially high participation to stable carbon pool in soil and particularly in casts.

Influence des cycles humectation-dessiccation sur la minéralisation du carbone : cas de la zone cotonnière du Nord Cameroun / Influence of drying wetting on carbon mineralization : the caseof cotton area north Cameroon

Yemadje, Pierrot, Lionel 28 September 2015 (has links)
Le sol est un compartiment majeur de stockage du carbone (C) organique de l’écosystème terrestre. Il joue un rôle important dans la régulation du climat. Toute variation des flux de carbone entre l’atmosphère et l’écosystème terrestre pourrait avoir un impact important sur l’augmentation de CO2 dans l’atmosphère, mais aussi sur la diminution des teneurs en matière organique du sol et donc sur la fertilité des sols. Au Nord Cameroun, les sols sont exposés à de longues périodes sèches (5 à 6 mois par an) qui alternent avec une saison humide. La période de transition entre ces deux saisons, peut durer de mi-avril à fin juin et est caractérisée par des pluies très irrégulières. Ces cycles d’humectation-dessiccation pourraient selon la littérature accentuer la minéralisation du carbone organique du sol et le cycle des éléments nutritifs. L’objectif de cette étude est de quantifier l’impact des cycles humectation-dessiccation sur la minéralisation du carbone dans un contexte soudano-sahélien. Pour faire des mesures représentatives sur le terrain, il est nécessaire d’étudier la variation sur 24 heures de la respiration du sol après humectation suite à une période sèche. Cette mise au point méthodologique a montré que la respiration du sol présente une courbe quadratique au cours de la journée, devenant presque linéaire au cours de la nuit. La température et l’humidité du sol ont permis d’expliquer au moins 73% des variations sur 24 heures. Ces observations ont été utilisées pour proposer une méthode pour estimer la respiration moyenne diurne et nocturne après humectation des sols. La méthode proposée dans cette étude a l’avantage d’être basée sur un nombre réduit de mesures et est par conséquent plus facile à mettre en œuvre pour suivre la respiration du sol sur 24 heures après les premières pluies. Une première étude expérimentale de terrain a permis de montrer que la ré-humectation des sols et le mode de gestion des pailles ont augmenté la minéralisation du carbone de ces sols. En revanche, la fréquence des cycles humectation-dessiccation des sols sur une période de 50 jours n’a pas augmenté la minéralisation cumulée du carbone des sols. Au Nord Cameroun, la minéralisation rapide des pailles rend difficile l’augmentation des stocks de carbone du sol par conservation des pailles des cultures précédentes à la surface du sol. Dans une seconde expérimentation de laboratoire, en conditions contrôlées, les cycles humectation-dessiccation n’ont pas augmenté la minéralisation du carbone organique du sol et de l’azote (N) par rapport aux sols maintenus humides. Cependant, les émissions de CO2 ont augmenté avec l’addition de paille enrichie en carbone-13. Cette addition de la paille marquée a augmenté la minéralisation de la matière organique du sol (priming effect). La minéralisation de la paille a diminué avec les cycles humectation-dessiccation et la quantité de paille restante était de 102 µg Cg-1 sol sur les sols ré-humectés contre 48 µg Cg-1 sol sur les sols maintenus humides. L’absence de cette réponse de la minéralisation du carbone et d’azote du sol aux cycles humectation-dessiccation pourrait être liée à une baisse de l’activité microbienne durant les périodes de dessèchement et l’absence d’une augmentation soutenue des taux de minéralisation du carbone avec les cycles ultérieurs d’humectation-dessiccation. / Soil as a major storage component for terrestrial ecosystem’s organic carbon plays an important role in regulating climate and agricultural production. Any variation of carbon fluxes between the atmosphere and the terrestrial ecosystem can have a significant impact on the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere but also the decrease in soil organic matter and thus accelarate soil fertility degradation. In northern Cameroon, the transition period between long dry periods with a wet season is characterized by very irregular rainfall that can last several weeks. These wetting-drying cycles can accentuate the mineralization of soil organic carbon and nutrient cycling. The objective of this study is to assess the impact of wet-dry cycles on carbon mineralization in a sudano-sahelian context. From methodological stand field measurements require to study the soil respiration variation over 24 hours after a wet period. This methodological test has shown that soil respiration has a quadratic curve during the day, becoming almost linear during the night. The temperature and soil moisture have explained together the variation over 24 hours (at least 73% ; p< 0.001). These observations have been used to propose a method for estimating the mean daytime and nighttime soil respiration after wetting the soil. Indeed the method proposed in this study has the advantage of being based on a small number of measurements and is, therefore, easier to implement to monitor 24-h soil respiration after the first rains following a long dry period. A first experiment has shown that the wetting of the soil and mulching increased soil carbon mineralization. However, wetting-drying cycles on soil did not increase the cumulative mineralization of soil carbon more than keeping the soil continuously moist. Indeed, in northern Cameroon, the rapid mineralization of crop residues makes it difficult to increase soil carbon stocks by mulching. In a second laboratory experiment, the wetting-drying cycles did not increase organic carbon and nitrogen mineralization from soils added with straw. However, carbon dioxide emissions increased on straw amended soils compared to soils without straw. This addition of the labeled straw increased mineralization of soil organic matter (priming effect). The mineralization of the straw also decreased with the wetting-drying cycles, thus the amount of straw remaining on soils was 102 µg C g-1 soil on re-wetted soils compared to 48 µg C g-1 soil for those with constant moisture. The lack of response for C and N mineralization during wetting-drying cycles may be linked to a decrease of microbial activity during dry periods and the lack of a steady increase in the carbon mineralization rate with subsequent wetting-drying cycles.

A Study of Moisture Induced Material Loss of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)

Arepalli, Uma Maheswar 04 December 2017 (has links)
"Susceptibility of Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) mixes to moisture induced damage is one of the main reasons for premature failures of asphalt pavements. Hence, the evaluation of mixes for the moisture susceptibility is an essential part of the mix design. The existing methods are found to be in-sufficient to characterize mixes in terms of their moisture damage potential, and many studies have been conducted to establish an improved methodology that can better address the issue. Most of these methods involve the determination of changes in mix properties due to moisture conditioning in the laboratory or to verify the mix performance in the field or the laboratory. In the field moisture susceptible mixes are also found to lose material to extents that are dependent upon the properties of the mix and materials. So far, there has been no comprehensive study to investigate the loss of materials due to moisture induced damage. The objective of this study was to identify and evaluate a conditioning and a test method that can be used on a regular basis to detect moisture susceptible mixes and to understand the combined problem of moisture induced material loss and change in strength/stiffness of the mix. The Moisture Induced Stress Tester (MIST), Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV), Dynamic Modulus in Indirect tensile mode, and Indirect Tensile Strength (ITS) tests were utilized in the study. The effluent from the MIST was checked for the gradation of dislodged aggregates and the Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) content. A system dynamics (SD) approach was also adopted to investigate the problem and establish a model to reproduce field observations. The results showed that the use of MIST in combination with UPV or ITS is able to identify moisture susceptible mixes, in particular for mixes with the potential of aggregate breakdown. The mixes with a higher loss of asphalt binder during conditioning exhibit higher tensile strengths, and those with a loss of finer materials, which is indicative of aggregate breakdown, show a lower tensile strength. For the mixes used in this study, the rate of change in indirect tensile strength during moisture conditioning was found to be strongly correlated to the pre-conditioning modulus of the mix. A step-by-step framework to characterize the moisture susceptible mixes was presented."

ESPACIALIZAÇÃO DO CARBONO E SUAS RELAÇÕES COM A PRODUTIVIDADE DE CULTURAS EM SOLOS SOB PLANTIO DIRETO DE LONGA DURAÇÃO / Spatialization of carbon and its relationship with crop yields in soils under long-term no-tillage

Gonçalves, Daniel Ruiz Potma 23 July 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-25T19:30:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Daniel Potma.pdf: 2269780 bytes, checksum: 5e498b4886f52a509f48ad0c44a512b3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-07-23 / The total organic C (TOC) of the soil influences their chemical, physical and biological properties, therefore, it's important for the maintenance of soil fertility mainly of tropical soils. But, while the benefits of TOC accumulation on soil quality are well known, there is still little information about its effects on crop yields. The aims of this work were to map the compartments of the TOC on a farm managed for 30 years in no-till system, determine which soil variables that influence the spatial variation of TOC and analyze the relationships between the compartments of TOC and crop yields of soybean, corn and wheat. Deformed samples were collected in all soil classes and all landscape positions in the farm. Were analyzed the TOC, the permanganate oxidized C (POX-C) and the hot water extracted C (HWE-C) and were generated maps with the spatial variation of these variables. The effects of soil properties on the accumulation of TOC and the effect of TOC compartments on yields of soybean, corn and wheat were accessed through regressions and principal component analysis. Aiming to access the contribution of TOC to the crop yields, multiple regressions with the soil variables and yields were adjusted. The higher clay content and the largest biomass apport in Oxisols and the formation of an anaerobic environment in Inceptisols were the main factors that explained the highest contents of TOC observed in the upper thirds of the Oxisols and lower thirds of the Inceptisols. Yields of wheat and soybean showed positive correlation with TOC and total N (TN) and corn yield was positively correlated with HWE-C. The TN and TOC were the variables that contributed most to explain the variations in the wheat yield. / O C orgânico total (COT) do solo exerce influência sobre suas propriedades químicas, físicas e biológicas, sendo assim, importante para a manutenção da fertilidade principalmente de solos tropicais. Porém, embora os benefícios do acúmulo de COT sobre a qualidade do solo sejam bem conhecidos, ainda são escassas informações referentes aos seus efeitos sobre a produtividade de culturas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram mapear os compartimentos de COT em uma fazenda manejada há 30 anos no sistema plantio direto, verificar quais são as variáveis do solo que interferem na variação espacial do COT e analisar as relações entre os compartimentos do COT e a produtividade das culturas da soja, milho e trigo. Foram coletadas amostras deformadas em todas as principais classes de solos da fazenda em todas as posições da paisagem. Foram analisados o COT, o C oxidado por permanganato (C-OXP) e o C extraído por água quente (C-EAQ) e gerados mapas com a variação espacial destas variáveis. Os efeitos dos atributos do solo sobre o acúmulo de COT e dos compartimentos de COT sobre as produtividades da soja, milho e trigo foram acessados através de regressões e análises de componentes principais. Visando acessar a contribuição do COT para as produtividades das culturas foram ajustadas regressões múltiplas com as variáveis do solo e as produtividades. O maior conteúdo de argila e a maior adição de fitomassa nos Latossolos e a formação de um ambiente anaeróbico nos Cambissolos foram os principais fatores que explicaram os maiores conteúdos de COT observados nos terços superior dos Latossolos e inferior dos Cambissolos. As produtividades de trigo e soja apresentaram correlação positiva com o COT e o N total (NT) e a produtividade de milho apresentou correlação positiva com o C-EAQ. As variáveis NT e COT foram as que mais contribuíram para explicar a variação da produtividade de trigo.

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