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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sköna, gröna och eko-logiska pensionärer

Pettersson, Tove January 2015 (has links)
Den konventionella maten har stor påverkan på miljön, vilket har medfört att allt fler konsumenter väljer ekologisk mat. Detta är ett noggrant undersökt fält. Kunskap saknas dock om pensionärer väljer ekologiska matvaror. Föreliggande studies syfte har varit att undersöka svenska pensionärers konsumtion av ekologiska matvaror, något som undersökts genom metodtriangulering av enkäter och semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer. Resultatet tyder på att pensionärer konsumerar ekologisk mat av samma anledningar och hindras av samma orsaker som yngre konsumenter. Enda skillnaderna som uppvisats jämtemot yngre konsumenter är att pensionärers ekologiska konsumtion sker oberoende av könstillhörighet och familjestruktur. / Conventional food has a major environmental impact, which has caused more and more consumers to choose organic food. This is a thoroughly researched field. However, there is insufficient knowledge regarding whether senior citizens choose to buy organic food or not. The aim of the present study has been to examine the consumption of organic food among senior Swedish citizens. The study was conducted through surveys and semi-structured qualitative interviews. The results suggest that senior consumers have the same motives as younger consumers. They are also hindered by the same reasons as their younger counterparts. The only difference between the two groups is that senior citizen´s gender and family structure influence their organic food consumption less.

Uplatnění biopotravin ve školních jídelnách: základní školy (České Budějovice) / Use of bio-food in school canteens: primary schools in České Budějovice

RUSFELOVÁ, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
School canteens can significantly influence children?s eating habits and can demonstrate them perfectly good principles in food selection. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the interest of school management and pupils? parents in the introduction of organic food in school canteen menus. The questionnaire survey was targeted at primary school and their school canteens that lie in the statutory city of České Budějovice and its immediate surroundings.

福爾摩莎的糧食民主: 台灣有機食品自耕農的問題與前景 / Food Democracy in Formosa: Problems and Prospects for Independent Farmers in Taiwan’s Organic Food Sector

辛介石, Peter Singer-Towns Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的主要是根據參與有機事業的觀點更進一步了解台灣有機領域的狀況。 訪問七位於北台灣的有機領域的參與者進行非正式訪談:有機農戶、店家、有機商品認證機構回答相關有機領域的問題和消費者問卷調查。研究結果顯示獨立有機農戶所面臨一些挑戰和台灣糧食民主機制下運作的潛力—獨立有機農戶處理大部分財團的競爭和有機標誌混淆消費者的狀況下。由於真正問題並非在食物的品質本身於是焦點可轉向對於有機農戶或其他獨立生產機構有利的狀況。最後,本研究將提供一些建議給未來的研究以及提供目前問題的可能解決方法。 / The purpose of this study is to further the understanding of the state of the organic food industry in Taiwan with special consideration given to the perspectives of those participating in it. Seven participants in the organic foods industry in Northern Taiwan were selected for informal interviews. Farmers, store owners, and an organic food certification authority answered questions about the organic food industry, and consumers were surveyed as well. The findings uncovered several challenges that independent organic farmers face, and that the rate of Food Democracy in Taiwan is operating below its potential, as independent farmers deal with competition from dominant corporations, while the organic labeling system confuses consumers. Since the problem is not with the quality of the food, focus can be shifted toward ensuring a level playing field for farmers with smaller independent operations. Finally, this study gives several suggestions for avenues of future research and offers possible solutions to the problems uncovered.

”Det borde liksom räcka med att man röstar” : 90-talisters attityder till ekologisk hållbar konsumtion / “It Should Be Enough to Vote” : 90’s Generation’s Attitudes to Organic Sustainable Consumption

Eriksson, Rebecca, Olsson, Lisa, Thomsson, Ida January 2019 (has links)
I denna studie presenteras forskning om 90-talisters attityder till ekologisk hållbarkonsumtion. Studien är skriven utifrån ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där datainsamlingen har skett genom två fokusgrupper, en med män och en med kvinnor. Syftet är att undersöka 90-talisters attityd till ekologisk hållbar konsumtion och besvaras genom tre frågeställningar. De två första frågeställningarna berör motiv och ansvar för ekologisk hållbar konsumtion och den tredje är en jämförelse mellan kön. Analysen grundar sig i ett teoretiskt ramverk med Schwartz grundläggande värderingar och Locus of Control. Studiens resultat visar att 90-talisters attityder till ekologisk hållbar konsumtion i allmänhet är positiv och komplex. De värderingar som framkom i diskussionerna tar uttryck i motiv som pris, smak, hälsa och omvärldsrelaterade motiv. Attityder till vem som har ansvaret till att utveckla en ekologisk hållbar konsumtion skiljer sig mellan individerna men de är överens om att situationen är komplex och svår att reda ut. Några av deltagarna vill att staten eller företagen ska ta tag i problemet medan andra anser att de själva som individer har ett stort ansvar. Vissa attityder och värderingar skiljer sig mellan männen och kvinnorna, men i bådagrupperna finns olika argument och det går inte att dra direkta slutsatser mellan könen. Gemensamt för båda grupperna är att de själva anser att de saknar kunskap om vad ekologiskhållbar konsumtion innebär. Denna studie bidrar med en viss förståelse för hur 90-talister ser på ekologisk hållbarkonsumtion och vad de anser krävs för att utveckla en hållbar konsumtion. För att få ett mergeneraliserbart resultat skulle en kvantitativ studie rekommenderas till framtida forskning. / This study presents research on 90's generation’s attitudes to organic sustainable consumption. The study is written from a qualitative approach where data has been collected through two focus groups, one with men and one with women. The purpose is to examine the attitude of the 90’s generation to organic sustainable consumption and will be answered by three questions. The two first questions concerns the motivation and responsibility for organic sustainable consumption and the third is a comparison between gender. Analyzes are based on a theoretical framework with Schwartz Theory of Basic Values and Locus of Control. The results of the study shows that the attitudes to organic sustainable consumption are generally positive and complex. The values that emerged in the discussions expresses motives such as price, taste, health and environmental motives. Attitudes toward who is responsible to develop an organic sustainable consumption differs between the respondents, however they understand that the situation is complex and difficult to solve. Some of the participants believes the state or companies should deal with the problem, while some believe it is themselves as individuals who has the responsibility. Some attitudes and values differ between men and women, but there are different arguments in both groups and direct conclusions cannot be drawn between the genders. Both groups believe they have a lack of knowledge about what organic sustainable consumption means. This study contributes to a certain understanding of the 90’s generation view on sustainable consumption and what they consider necessary to develop a sustainable consumption. In order to achieve a more generalizable result, a quantitative study would be recommended for future research. This study is written in swedish.

Organic food boom - Biofoodkonjunktur als Reaktion auf medial vermittelte Risiken beim Lebensmittelkonsum

Lippl, Maria 17 April 2012 (has links)
Seit Jahren lässt sich in Deutschland und Italien eine Zunahme des Biolebensmittelkonsums beobachten. Die Ursachen für diesen Anstieg werden in den meisten Analysen auf rationales Entscheidungsverhalten oder wissensbasierte Ansätze zurückgeführt. In dieser Arbeit wird hingegen von komplexen, wechselseitigen Zusammenhänge zwischen Handlungen auf individueller sowie kollektiver Ebene und der medialen Berichterstattung ausgegangen: Die gesamtgesellschaftliche und die individuelle Ebene sind durch die mediale Berichterstattung, hier insbesondere durch die Lebensmittelskandale, wechselseitig miteinander verknüpft, indem sie das Naturverhältnis und somit das Konsumverhalten in Bezug auf Essen öffentlich konstruieren. Das gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnis ist auf der einen Seite von sozialen Strukturen und auf der anderen Seite von kulturellen Vorlieben, die zusammen einen bestimmten ‚way of life’ ergeben, abhängig. Diese Annahme geht auf die Cultural Theory von Mary Douglas zurück. Um das Modell zu flexibilisieren und der Komplexität moderner Gesellschaften Rechnung zu tragen wurde der Gruppenbegriff der Cultural Theory in dieser Arbeit durch das Konzept der Netzwerke ersetzt. Aus Sicht der Netzwerkanalyse kann die soziale Umwelt als Muster von Beziehungen zwischen interagierenden Einheiten betrachtet werden. Die sogenannte phänomenologische Netzwerktheorie von Harrison White schenkt dabei aber nicht nur der das Individuum umgebenden Netzwerkstruktur Aufmerksamkeit, sondern auch der phänomenologischen Ebene von symbolischen Deutungsmustern und Praktiken. Durch die Berichterstattung in den Medien entstehen Koppelungen von Naturbildern, die erwarten lassen, dass sich auf der Mikroebene der VerbraucherInnen neue Anschlussmöglichkeiten für ihre Konsumentscheidungen ergeben, die die Grenzen des Biodiskurses über die engen Grenzen einer egalitaristischen ‚alternativen‘ Lebensform hinausschieben helfen. Aus diesem theoretischen Rahmen lässt sich die These der Arbeit ableiten, dass Biolebensmittel nicht mehr nur in den kreisförmigen/egalitären Netzwerken konsumiert werden, sondern der Biolebensmittelkonsum diese Grenzen über sogenannte ‚broker‘ durchbrochen hat. Dadurch wird er zunehmend auch in anderen Netzwerktypen (hierarchisch, sternförmig/indvidualistisch) praktiziert. Je institutionalisierter diese broker sind, um so schneller ist die Verbreitung des Biolebensmittelkonsums. Die These wird anhand einer Netzwerktextanalyse von Lebensmittelskandalen in Deutschland und Italien überprüft. / For many years there has been a rise in the consumption of organic food in Germany and Italy. The causes for this increase are usually illustrated by rational choice theories or knowledge-based approaches. In this research, however, it is assumed that the increase in consumption is based on a complex and reciprocal connection between an action on either an individual level and/or societal level and coverage in the media. The individual and societal levels are interlinked and influence each other while being externally influenced by news coverage, especially food scandals reported in the media, publicly constructing the relationship with nature and behaviour patterns in relation to food consumption. The societal relationship with nature is conditioned, on the one hand, by social structure and by cultural biases on the other, which form together a certain "way of life". These assumptions are based on the Cultural Theory by Mary Douglas. To better cope with the complexity of modern societies and to make the model by Mary Douglas more flexible, the concept of groups has been replaced by the concept of networks. In the perspective of network analysis, the societal environment can be seen as a pattern of relations between interacting entities. Thus the so-called Phenomenological Network Theory by Harrison White pays attention not only to the network structures, but also the phenomenological level of symbolic interpretative patterns and practices. When mass media platforms are coupled with images of nature which are expected to rise on the individual level, provide new connection opportunities for consumers and influence their decision making regarding consumption. These connections transcend the boundaries of egalitarian, ''alternative'' lifestyles. Following this theoretical framework, it can be derived that organic food is no longer consumed only in egalitarian networks, but has also crossed the boundaries into other network types via so-called ‚brokers‘ and is increasingly practiced in these other networks. The more institutionalized the "brokers" are, the faster the spread of organic food consumption becomes. These assumptions are empirically tested on the basis of Network Text Analysis of food scandals in the mass media in Germany and Italy.

Ekologisk aspekt som mervärde : En studie om långsiktig överlevnad för ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsföretag

Nilsson, Mikaela, Herrala, Carolin January 2009 (has links)
<p><strong>Background: </strong>With the increased globalization food prices went down for a while, only to skyrocket to new levels. Prices of organic food, which already were more expensive than conventional, are now even more expensive. The current financial crisis results in reduced consumption which creates a threat to the smaller grocery stores. Globalization and the increased competition have had a negative impact on the environment but at the same time the desire to solve these issues has increased appreciably. The environmental aspect has been given higher priority by the individual, which led to a wider range of organic products and dramatically increased the number of stores selling organic products, leading to a greater competition among the stores selling organic food. <strong> </strong></p><p><strong></strong><strong>Problem definition: </strong>What factors are important for organic retail business long term survival?</p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> Trough case studies analyze and evaluate the organic niche retail companies’ strategies of marketing.</p><p><strong>Methods:</strong> This study is based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative data has been gathered through interviews with each company, on the management and employee level, at five different companies. The quantitative data has been gathered through a customer survey with the customers of each company.</p><p><strong>Results:</strong> All of the studied companies used development as their marketing strategy, offering surplus values to the customers by integrating the organic aspect into all levels within the company. Four out of five cases had high involved customers and a high level of interaction between the customers and the personnel. High involved customers with development as comprehensive strategy creates a combination leading to long term survival.</p><p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> On the very competitive retail market following factors are important for the long term survival of the companies with organic niches; that the organic aspect is integrated with all involved parties, that the company has a well working internal marketing, that the staff generates a high level of service for customers and that they can provide customers with high level of knowledge about the organic products.</p><p> </p><p> </p> / <p><strong>Bakgrund: </strong>I takt med den ökade globaliseringen har livsmedelpriserna pressats för att sedan ha vänt och istället nått rekordhöga höjder. Ekologiska matvaror som redan varit dyrare, blir ännu dyrare. Den rådande finanskrisen leder till en minskad konsumtion vilket hotar de små livsmedelsbutikerna. Globaliseringen och den medförda konkurrensen har haft en negativ påverkan på miljön i form av miljö- och klimatproblem, däremot har viljan att lösa dem ökat markant, vilket avspeglas genom ett globalt engagemang för miljöfrågor. Den enskilde individen prioriterar miljöaspekten allt högre, vilket har lett till att fler aktörer, både stora kedjor och små affärer, gått in på den ekologiska livsmedelsmarknaden, vilket medför en starkt ökad konkurrens för de små ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsföretagen.<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Problemformulering: </strong>Vilka faktorer är viktiga för miljönischade livsmedelsbutikers långsiktiga överlevnad?</p><p><strong>Syfte: </strong>Genom en fallstudie analysera och utvärdera de ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsbutikernas marknadsföringsstrategier.</p><p><strong>Metod: </strong>Studien är baserad på både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Kvalitativ data har hämtats genom intervjuer på två nivåer, ledning och anställda, hos fem olika livsmedelsföretag. Intervjusvaren jämförs sedan i en GAP-analys för att upptäcka eventuella gap. Kvantitativ data har insamlats genom enkätundersökning med kunder till respektive livsmedelsföretag.</p><p><strong>Resultat: </strong>Samtliga livsmedelsföretag i undersökningen använde utveckling som marknadsföringsstrategi, genom att den ekologiska aspekten integrerades i alla nivåer i företaget. I fyra av fem fall var kunderna höginvolverade och en hög interaktion förekom mellan kund och personal. Den ovanstående kombinationen med höginvolverade kunder och utveckling som övergripande strategi för företagen, ger resultatet långsiktig överlevnad.</p><p><strong>Slutsats: </strong>För att de ekologiska livsmedelföretagen skall kunna överleva på den konkurrensutsatta marknaden, är följande faktorer viktiga; att den ekologiska aspekten integreras hos alla inblandade parter, att företaget har en fungerande intern marknadsföring, att personalen har en hög servicenivå gentemot kund och att personalen har en hög specialkunskap om de ekologiska produkterna att tillhandahålla kunderna med.</p><p> </p><p> </p>

Ekologisk aspekt som mervärde : En studie om långsiktig överlevnad för ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsföretag

Nilsson, Mikaela, Herrala, Carolin January 2009 (has links)
Background: With the increased globalization food prices went down for a while, only to skyrocket to new levels. Prices of organic food, which already were more expensive than conventional, are now even more expensive. The current financial crisis results in reduced consumption which creates a threat to the smaller grocery stores. Globalization and the increased competition have had a negative impact on the environment but at the same time the desire to solve these issues has increased appreciably. The environmental aspect has been given higher priority by the individual, which led to a wider range of organic products and dramatically increased the number of stores selling organic products, leading to a greater competition among the stores selling organic food.   Problem definition: What factors are important for organic retail business long term survival? Purpose: Trough case studies analyze and evaluate the organic niche retail companies’ strategies of marketing. Methods: This study is based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative data has been gathered through interviews with each company, on the management and employee level, at five different companies. The quantitative data has been gathered through a customer survey with the customers of each company. Results: All of the studied companies used development as their marketing strategy, offering surplus values to the customers by integrating the organic aspect into all levels within the company. Four out of five cases had high involved customers and a high level of interaction between the customers and the personnel. High involved customers with development as comprehensive strategy creates a combination leading to long term survival. Conclusion: On the very competitive retail market following factors are important for the long term survival of the companies with organic niches; that the organic aspect is integrated with all involved parties, that the company has a well working internal marketing, that the staff generates a high level of service for customers and that they can provide customers with high level of knowledge about the organic products. / Bakgrund: I takt med den ökade globaliseringen har livsmedelpriserna pressats för att sedan ha vänt och istället nått rekordhöga höjder. Ekologiska matvaror som redan varit dyrare, blir ännu dyrare. Den rådande finanskrisen leder till en minskad konsumtion vilket hotar de små livsmedelsbutikerna. Globaliseringen och den medförda konkurrensen har haft en negativ påverkan på miljön i form av miljö- och klimatproblem, däremot har viljan att lösa dem ökat markant, vilket avspeglas genom ett globalt engagemang för miljöfrågor. Den enskilde individen prioriterar miljöaspekten allt högre, vilket har lett till att fler aktörer, både stora kedjor och små affärer, gått in på den ekologiska livsmedelsmarknaden, vilket medför en starkt ökad konkurrens för de små ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsföretagen. Problemformulering: Vilka faktorer är viktiga för miljönischade livsmedelsbutikers långsiktiga överlevnad? Syfte: Genom en fallstudie analysera och utvärdera de ekologiskt nischade livsmedelsbutikernas marknadsföringsstrategier. Metod: Studien är baserad på både kvalitativ och kvantitativ data. Kvalitativ data har hämtats genom intervjuer på två nivåer, ledning och anställda, hos fem olika livsmedelsföretag. Intervjusvaren jämförs sedan i en GAP-analys för att upptäcka eventuella gap. Kvantitativ data har insamlats genom enkätundersökning med kunder till respektive livsmedelsföretag. Resultat: Samtliga livsmedelsföretag i undersökningen använde utveckling som marknadsföringsstrategi, genom att den ekologiska aspekten integrerades i alla nivåer i företaget. I fyra av fem fall var kunderna höginvolverade och en hög interaktion förekom mellan kund och personal. Den ovanstående kombinationen med höginvolverade kunder och utveckling som övergripande strategi för företagen, ger resultatet långsiktig överlevnad. Slutsats: För att de ekologiska livsmedelföretagen skall kunna överleva på den konkurrensutsatta marknaden, är följande faktorer viktiga; att den ekologiska aspekten integreras hos alla inblandade parter, att företaget har en fungerande intern marknadsföring, att personalen har en hög servicenivå gentemot kund och att personalen har en hög specialkunskap om de ekologiska produkterna att tillhandahålla kunderna med.

Food environments in Islamabad, Pakistan

Hasnain, Saher January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation examines how concerns about food system transformations affect how middle class consumers in Islamabad, Pakistan, perceive and approach food consumption in their everyday lives. The dissertation is situated in the context of risky food environments and food fears resulting from intensified, industrialised, and increasingly lengthened global food systems. Working within food geography and food environments paradigms, this dissertation explores how the transformation of food systems is associated with increasing anxiety about food security and safety for middle class urban consumers in Islamabad. Qualitative data gathered from semi-structured interviews and participant observation is used to illustrate the effects external influences, such as energy scarcity and violent events, have on everyday food environments. The dissertation examines the ways in which conceptualisations of 'good food', and trust relationships are negotiated in these dynamic food environments. The intensely geographical nature of these food environments and food systems, and the role of place-specific contexts on perceptions and adaptations related to food anxieties are emphasised. Situated in literatures on food anxiety and food consumption emerging from geography, food studies, and anthropology, this dissertation challenges dominant discourses on alternative and ethical consumption in a globalising food system. The results of this research not only contribute to literature on South Asia, but also contribute to consumption practices of a burgeoning middle class in developing countries.

Ekologické zemědělství v ČR (geografické analýzy) / Organic farming in the Czech Republic (geographic analysis)

SEDLÁKOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is processing ÚZEI data for organic agricultural production in individual regions of the Czech Republic in the form of maps and graphs that provide a basic overview of the territorial deployment of crop and livestock production of organic farming. For crop production are given the following information: sown area in the conversion period and in the full organic mode, organic production and the average yield. Data of livestock in organic farming provide information about the numerical status of the individual categories of livestock. Part of the thesis is also devoted to the realization of crop and livestock organic products on the market in 2012. The thesis is part of the project Gaju 019/2013 / S.

Konverze rodinné farmy na ekologický způsob hospodaření / Conversion of family farm on organic farming system

ŠVOJGR, Josef January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the evaluation of current situation of farming and making a plan for a transition of Angus farm to an organic way of farming in plant and stock farming. During the period of conversion that takes 2 years for arable land, meadows and grazing the farmimg has to be in compliance with the law No. 344/2011 about organic farming. The theoretical part contains basic information about organic farming history in the Czech Republic, basic concept specification such as organic farming, ecofarm, organic product, organic food. The other information deal with the main goals of organic farming, legislation, check, certification and last but not least the subsidy of organic farming. The second part of the thesis analyses the current situation of the farm where the plant farming structure, stock farming structure, used machinery and agrotechnological operation, staffing, balance of nutrients, balance of forage, chemical means using, and SWOT analysis of the current situation are described. In the final part of the thesis there is offerred the structure of plant and stock farming for the conversion where balance of nutrients, balance of forage, staffing, operation modernization, introducing the agritourism, economic evaluation and SWOT analysis of the current situation after the conversion are described.

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