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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Sample of Selected Secondary School Leader Perceptions of Necessary Skills Before, During, and After the Coronavirus Pandemic

Strittmatter, Matthew James 26 March 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of principals from around the world regarding the perceived skill set necessary for success before, during, and after the coronavirus pandemic. While many school facilities closed during the public health crisis, the learning continued. During the pandemic, educational leaders were tasked with creating environments that allowed students to thrive academically, behaviorally, and emotionally from beyond the classroom walls. By identifying the perceived skill set required to lead an effective school building before and then during the pandemic, a greater understanding of the future of education can be ascertained. The study involved interviewing fourteen school leaders from around the world (seven from the United States and seven internationally). The interview questions probed the perceived necessary skills for the functioning of successful school buildings prior to, during, and then after the coronavirus pandemic. The outcome of the study provides opportunities for school leaders and human resource personnel to identify characteristics essential for success in a world changed by the global pandemic. By analyzing the perceptions of necessary skills to lead successful schools during the coronavirus crisis through a comparative approach, a dedication of resources for improving the quality of the leadership within school buildings moving forward can be adapted. / Doctor of Education / The global coronavirus health crisis greatly impacted schools, learning, and leadership. Through a comparative approach, we have an opportunity to learn from each other and make crucial changes moving forward to garner more success. The influence of comparative education on school leadership preparation was identified in the review of literature. American and international school leaders who were impacted by the coronavirus was the specific area the researcher focused on for this study. This qualitative study focused on the perceptions of school leaders on the skills necessary for success before, during, and then after the health crisis. Data was collected through the interviews of fourteen school leaders (seven from the United States and seven from around the world). Through this study, the researcher identified seven findings and four implications. One limitation for this study was the small sample size. A suggestion for future research would be to investigate how important the vision of a school building is to the overall leadership attributes by interviewing the leadership teams and then the teachers they serve to discover if there is alignment by triangulating student assessment data, staff climate surveys, and student climate surveys.

Fatores críticos para o desenho e implantação de e-business por empresas tradicionais. / Critical factors to the design and adoption of e-business by traditional companies

Zilber, Silvia Novaes 04 December 2002 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou verificar como uma empresa tradicional, que opera no mundo real respondeu ao desafio de ingressar nos negócios do mundo eletrônico, representado por transações de negócio realizadas sobre uma rede pública, na maioria das vezes, a Internet Para isso, utilizou-se o conceito de modelo de e-business, como uma ferramenta que auxilia na análise do fenômeno. O que se quis verificar foi como as atividades de e-business adotadas afetaram a estrutura organizacional já existente da empresa que o adotou. Para isso, num primeiro momento verificou-se se a empresa adotou algum modelo de negócio para conduzir suas atividades de e-business e num segundo momento quais foram as estruturas organizacionais utilizadas para operacionalizar as atividades adotadas . Para isso foram realizados três estudos de casos em montadoras de automóveis. Os resultados indicam para cada montadora situações diferentes: uma adotou um modelo pata conectar sua cadeia de valor, dando ênfase nas atividades B2B, outra buscou entregar valor ao consumidor, através de atividades B2C, com o uso de métricas e de uma infraestrutura de TI, a terceira não se valeu de um modelo específico, mas sim da implantação de uma vasta gama de atividades de e-business. As estruturas organizacionais utilizadas também variaram: apesar de todas estarem integradas às empresas, a primeira utilizou uma estrutura matricial, a segunda uma estrutura com atividades espalhadas sem coordenação ao longo da estrutura organizacional e finalmente a terceira adotou uma estrutura coordenada pela área de marketing. Quanto a resultados, uma delas ainda está iniciando suas atividades, com resultados baseados em diminuição de custos usando leilões reversos, outra tem muitas atividades, porém dificuldade em mensurar resultados e uma terceira teve uma bem sucedida iniciativa de vendas diretas pela Internet, com receitas acima da expectativa. / Although many established companies are well positioned to succeed at e-business thanks to strong brands, customer relationships and logistical systems, the toughest challenges of e-business are less strategic than organizational. The thesis focuses on how companies in the “real world" tackle the challenge of doing business on the Internet in organizational terms and how e-business initiatives affect existing organizational structures in such companies. For this, in a first moment, it was utilized the concept of “e-business-model", as a tool to better understand the phenomena of e-business adoption. The concept of e-business is preferred to that of e-commerce because it is more all-embracing. E-business refers to all business transactions on the Internet between a company and its suppliers, partners and customers, as well as inside the company. It were researched three case studies in the Brazilian automotive industry. In a first moment, it was identified if the enterprise has adopted any business model to conduct the e-business activities and it was identified the characteristics of the business model, when it was present. After this, it was identified what kind of organizational structure were utilized to implement the e-business activities, defined by a business model or not. The results show us different situations: one company has adopted a model based on supply chain integration, another has adopted one model focused in the consumer, with IT activities integrated whith e-business activities and another company hasn´t adopted any business model at all. There were differences among the organizational structures too: one has adopted a matricial structure, another any activities distributed by the firm and the third has adopted one coordinated structure under Marketing area.

Fatores críticos para o desenho e implantação de e-business por empresas tradicionais. / Critical factors to the design and adoption of e-business by traditional companies

Silvia Novaes Zilber 04 December 2002 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou verificar como uma empresa tradicional, que opera no mundo real respondeu ao desafio de ingressar nos negócios do mundo eletrônico, representado por transações de negócio realizadas sobre uma rede pública, na maioria das vezes, a Internet Para isso, utilizou-se o conceito de modelo de e-business, como uma ferramenta que auxilia na análise do fenômeno. O que se quis verificar foi como as atividades de e-business adotadas afetaram a estrutura organizacional já existente da empresa que o adotou. Para isso, num primeiro momento verificou-se se a empresa adotou algum modelo de negócio para conduzir suas atividades de e-business e num segundo momento quais foram as estruturas organizacionais utilizadas para operacionalizar as atividades adotadas . Para isso foram realizados três estudos de casos em montadoras de automóveis. Os resultados indicam para cada montadora situações diferentes: uma adotou um modelo pata conectar sua cadeia de valor, dando ênfase nas atividades B2B, outra buscou entregar valor ao consumidor, através de atividades B2C, com o uso de métricas e de uma infraestrutura de TI, a terceira não se valeu de um modelo específico, mas sim da implantação de uma vasta gama de atividades de e-business. As estruturas organizacionais utilizadas também variaram: apesar de todas estarem integradas às empresas, a primeira utilizou uma estrutura matricial, a segunda uma estrutura com atividades espalhadas sem coordenação ao longo da estrutura organizacional e finalmente a terceira adotou uma estrutura coordenada pela área de marketing. Quanto a resultados, uma delas ainda está iniciando suas atividades, com resultados baseados em diminuição de custos usando leilões reversos, outra tem muitas atividades, porém dificuldade em mensurar resultados e uma terceira teve uma bem sucedida iniciativa de vendas diretas pela Internet, com receitas acima da expectativa. / Although many established companies are well positioned to succeed at e-business thanks to strong brands, customer relationships and logistical systems, the toughest challenges of e-business are less strategic than organizational. The thesis focuses on how companies in the “real world” tackle the challenge of doing business on the Internet in organizational terms and how e-business initiatives affect existing organizational structures in such companies. For this, in a first moment, it was utilized the concept of “e-business-model”, as a tool to better understand the phenomena of e-business adoption. The concept of e-business is preferred to that of e-commerce because it is more all-embracing. E-business refers to all business transactions on the Internet between a company and its suppliers, partners and customers, as well as inside the company. It were researched three case studies in the Brazilian automotive industry. In a first moment, it was identified if the enterprise has adopted any business model to conduct the e-business activities and it was identified the characteristics of the business model, when it was present. After this, it was identified what kind of organizational structure were utilized to implement the e-business activities, defined by a business model or not. The results show us different situations: one company has adopted a model based on supply chain integration, another has adopted one model focused in the consumer, with IT activities integrated whith e-business activities and another company hasn´t adopted any business model at all. There were differences among the organizational structures too: one has adopted a matricial structure, another any activities distributed by the firm and the third has adopted one coordinated structure under Marketing area.

Změna stávající strategie rozvoje firmy Hennlich / Hennlich-Company development strategy change

Šumerová, Iva January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the company organization from the global point of view. It defines models of possible organizational schemes and factors which influence the company's strategy. It shows us the types of development strategy, describes the trends in organizational structures and talks about the legal aspects connected with organizational process.

Internal corporate venturing: Overcoming difficulties with organizational structures in the implementation phase

Berg, Alfred, Nykander, Hugoh January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att berika litteraturen kopplad till hur etablerade företag kan överkomma de svårigheter som är förknippade med organisationsstrukturerna under implementeringsfasen av Internal Corporate Venturing. För att uppnå syftet undersöker vi följande forskningsfrågor: RQ1: Hur och varför skapar organisationsstrukturer svårigheter under implementeringsfasen för de etablerade företagen när de bedriver Internal Corporate Venturing RQ2: Hur kan etablerade företag övervinna svårigheter med organisationsstrukturer när de deltar i implementeringsfasen för Internal Corporate Venturing? Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ enskild fallstudie, där ett etablerat företag inom fordonsindustrin i Göteborg, Sverige har undersökts. Sammanfattningsvis har 31 intervjuer genomförts under tre vågor och analyserats via en tematisk analysmetod. Resultat: Resultatet av denna studie är ett ramverk och en färdplan som illustrerar svårigheter, konsekvenser och åtgärder avseende organisationsstrukturer under implementeringsfasen av Internal Corporate Venturing. De mest framträdande svårigheterna är bristen på lack of internal support systems och organizational behavior obstacles. De mest kritiska konsekvenserna är venture strategy obstacles och innovation failure. De viktigaste åtgärderna är att create a supportive culture och develop a learning organization. Implikationer: Denna studie bidrar med insikter i den bristande litteraturen om organisationsstruktursvårigheter under implementeringsfasen av Internal Corporate Venturing. För chefer bidrar den här studien med ett ramverk för hur företaget kan upptäcka och överkomma svårigheterna med hjälp av specifika åtgärder vid implementering av Internal Corporate Venturing. Slutligen presenterar studien en konceptuell färdplan för hur etablerade företag kan utveckla sin Internal Corporate Venturing process, vilket kan nyttjas av företagets chefer. Begränsning och framtida forskning: Denna studie är begränsad till att undersöka implementeringsfasen av Internal Corporate Venturing på ett enskilt företag, i en specifik bransch, vilket indikerar att framtida forskning kan undersöka andra branscher.  Nyckelord: Corporate Venturing, Internal Corporate Venturing, New Venture Creation, Organizational structures / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to enrich the literature connected to how incumbent firms can mitigate the difficulties connected to the organizational structures during the implementation phase of internal corporate venturing. To fulfill the purpose, we examinethe following researchquestions: RQ1: How and why doorganizational structures create difficulties during the implementation phase for incumbent firms when engaging in internal corporate venturing? RQ2: How can incumbent firms overcome difficulties with organizational structureswhen engaging inthe implementation phase of internal corporate venturing? Method: The study is a qualitativesingle case study, where one incumbent firm within the automotive industry situated in Gothenburg, Sweden has beeninvestigated. In sum, 31interviews havebeen conductedduring three waves and were analyzed via a thematic analysis approach. Findings: The result of this study is a framework and aroadmap illustrating the difficulties, consequences and mitigating actionsregardingorganizational structures during the implementation phase of internal corporate venturing. The most prominent difficulties are lack of internal support systemsand organizational behavior obstacles.The most critical consequences are venture strategy obstacles and innovation failure. The most important actions would be to create a supportive culture and develop a learning organization. Implications: This study contributes with insightsto the scarce literature on organizational structure difficultiesin the implementation phase of internal corporate venturing. For managers this study contributes with a frameworkon how to detect andmitigate the difficulties with specific actions that emergewhen implementing internal corporate venturing. Lastly, this study assist managers with a conceptual roadmap for how incumbent firms could develop theirinternal corporate venturingprocess, the roadmapcould be improved and refined over time. Limitation and future research: This study is limited to investigate theimplementation phase of internal corporate venturing on a single company, in a single industry, indicating that future research could investigate other industry settings. Keywords: Corporate Venturing; Internal Corporate Venturing; New Venture Creation;Organizational structures

Advancing teacher leadership capacity: Teacher -leaders' perceptions of social and organizational structures on teacher-leader to teacher interactions

Revis, Jodi Hawkins 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In order to gain insight into developing teacher leadership capacity this study was designed to surface how tasks and interactions unfold from the perspective of the practitioners. The central focus of this study was to investigate the ways an elementary teacher-leader takes a stance toward instructional leadership while negotiating professional norms and organizational structures within the context of a public school setting. This investigation sought to identify instructionally related teacher leadership actions and opportunities; and to examine teacher-leaders' interaction patterns with an interest in identifying how teacher-leaders interact and enact their leadership tasks. Reports of 79 teacher-leaders' perceptions of interactions were collected using a 71 item questionnaire designed for this study based on the literature. Factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were conducted and confirmed the measuring instrument's reliability and validity. Sample data were analyzed for descriptive statistics and the relationships between the latent constructs: organizational structure, social context, and professional values. Results of the bivariate correlations revealed that both social context and organizational structure accounted for a small percentage of the variance in teacher-leader to teacher interaction. Interaction shared an 8% variance with social context and shared an 8% variance with access for interaction. Professional values did not have a statistically significant correlation with interactions . Moreover, social context had a 30% shared variance with access for interaction and a shared variance of 37% with professional values . In summary, professional values had the greatest variance with social context (37%) and social context had the greatest variance with access for interaction (30%) which represented organizational structure. An implication of the results suggests social context is central for shaping and reshaping values and norms.

Klimatanpassning i praktiken : Strategier och hinder för implementeringen av klimatanpassning på lokal nivå i Norrtälje och Umeå / Climate Adaptation in Practice : Strategies and Barriers for the Implementation of Climate Adaptation at the Local Level in Norrtälje and Umeå

Einarsson, Fredrik January 2023 (has links)
The climate is in a state of perpetual flux and we, the public, are constantly reminded of this fact via the latest environmental reports which are wholeheartedly discussed in the media. Communities experience 50-year-rainfalls more frequently than ever, leading to recurring flooding of streets and homes. And yet, progress on adapting to this ever-changing climate has been slow. When discussing climate adaptation, a widely accepted fact is that there exists an intrinsic inertia in the Swedish planning system which largely stems from a governmental path dependance, a general lack of willingness to focus on adaptation measures in favor of societal and economic growth, and inadequate knowledge and communication of climate-related issues within the governing body. The aim of this study is to identify what kind of climate adaption measures are implemented in two Swedish municipalities, and to ascertain whether there is any merit to the use of the term adaptive barriers, which supposedly hinder the implementation of other climate adaptation measures. With respect to climate adaptation, theories regarding contextual vulnerability and adaptive capacity, among others, will be applied to the Swedish planning system with a focus on municipal planning documents via a qualitative research approach. To answer questions regarding barriers to adaptation within the municipal organization, and to strengthen the validity of the study, two semi-structured interviews with relevant authorities on climate adaptation have been conducted. This study finds that there has been some progress in later years regarding the implementation of climate adaptation measures in municipal planning, but that organizational barriers still fundamentally impede efficient implementation of some adaptation measures.

A Model based Design Framework for Interoperable Communication Systems

Kwon, Gyu Hyun 25 August 2010 (has links)
The need for interoperability in emergency communication systems has hastened the development of cognitive radio technology. However, even though a cognitive radio system technically interconnects participating agencies, interoperability depends not only on technical matters but also organizational issues related to the different individuals, working contexts and types of cooperative work involved. In order to support public safety workers such as police, firefighters, and Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers appropriately, it is vital to consider the dynamics of the way they interact in any collaborative situation. The purpose of this study is to develop an in-depth understanding of interoperability and construct a new model based on this understanding, along with a working model of an interoperable communication system to serve as a design framework that (1) supports effective public safety communication and (2) incorporates cognitive radio capabilities to ensure optimal semantic interoperability. An adequate model for interoperability must include multiple dimensions to explain both the concept of interoperability in the public safety domain and its relationships with task characteristics and information needs. This model focuses primarily on the requirements for communication systems. The value perspective reflects the evaluation criteria for effective team communication such as semantic interoperability, task routineness, and information processing aspects. The design framework incorporates the proposed model into Work Domain Analysis (WDA). To achieve these research objectives, a series of studies was conducted. The first was a qualitative exploratory study that identified how the concept of interoperability is manifested in the public safety work domain. Through the use of semi-structured interviews, communication patterns in terms of interoperability were placed in a real world context. The responses from the participants were categorized in terms of the dimensions of interoperability and reinterpreted using sensemaking as a theoretical framework. The dimensions of interoperability identified consisted of information sharedness, communication readiness, operational awareness, adaptiveness, and coupledness. Based on these findings, a new instrument was proposed to measure interoperability for communication systems. This instrument was then statistically validated. The second study identified the effects of different types of operation and types of organization on interoperability, as well as investigating the relationships among interoperability, task routineness and information processing using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Based on this understanding and theoretical perspective, a new interoperable communication structure was delineated in the model. A prototype of a public safety cognitive radio communication system was then developed based on the proposed framework and examined using a focus group in order to validate the proposed model and design framework and highlight any usability issues that may affect the prototype's operational effectiveness. / Ph. D.

Understanding Academic Advising at Institutions with a First-Year Engineering Program

McGlothlin Lester, Marlena Brooke 05 June 2019 (has links)
Academic advising has been a part of United States (U.S.) colleges and universities since their inception, yet academic advising as we know it today is a relatively new profession. Over the last several decades, many colleges and universities have employed professional advisors, rather than teaching and learning faculty, to carry out the academic advising functions however little is known about the structures of these advising programs. Academic advisors often serve on the front lines (i.e., high student contact hours) and advocate for student success by supporting students in learning about their institutions, uncovering their personal and professional goals, and encouraging them to pursue life goals. However, the responsibility of academic advising and advisors varies at institutions of higher education across the country and this variation is not well understood. The purpose of this research was to better understand the structures of engineering academic advising at large four-year, primarily residential institutions with a first-year engineering program. To accomplish this purpose, the following overarching research question guided my study: How do first-year engineering programs structure academic advising, and what services, programs, and support are in place for academic advisors and students? To answer this question, I used a qualitative multi-case study design to understand the landscape of advising in first-year engineering programs and the organizational structures of their advising programs. I used Habley's Organizational Models for Academic Advising (1983) as a way to categorize the structures of academic advising and Frank's (1993) Integrated Model of Academic Advising Program Development as a conceptual framework for understanding how academic advising programs develop, the services provided, programming available, and how to enable the advisors to better support the student population. My findings include identifying: 1) several similarities between case sites' organizational structures of advising, 2) new student orientation and major exploration as main services offered at all sites, 3) a lack of formalized planning across all case sites, and 4) the prominence of advisor training with a desire to have more formal advisor recognition programs. Recommendations for future research, practice, and policy are provided along with a proposal for a new model for First-Year Engineering Advising Programs. / Doctor of Philosophy / Academic advising is a function within higher education that serves students by providing guidance to navigate the higher education system. Academic advisors often serve on the front lines of the higher education environment and advocate for student success by supporting students in learning about their institutions of higher education, uncovering their personal and professional goals, and encouraging them in their academic pursuit. Academic advising has been a part of the United States (U.S.) higher education system at colleges and universities since their inception, yet academic advising, as we know it today is a relatively new profession. Over the last several decades, many colleges and universities have employed individuals to serve as professional academic advisors. These individuals spend the majority of their time and availability on the sole function of academic advising. However, the responsibility of academic advising and advisors varies at institutions of higher education across the country and this variation is not well understood. The purpose of this research was to gain a better understanding of the responsibilities and organizations of first-year engineering academic advising programs at large four-year, primarily residential institutions with a first-year engineering program. I interviewed individuals at universities and analyzed relevant advising program documents to understand the evolution of their advising programs, the services they provide, their program goals, and professional development available to them. My research uncovered 1) several similarities among the organization of the advising programs, 2) key academic services such the onboarding process for students known as new student orientation and methods to help student select an academic major, 3) a need to develop program planning initiatives and 4) the existence of training and lack of advising awards. Recommendations for future research, practice, and policy are provided along with a proposal for a new model for First-Year Engineering Advising Programs.

Análise e resultados da aplicação de modelos de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos em uma organização: um estudo de caso. / Analysis and results from the project management maturity models application in an organization: a case study.

Harrison, Paulo Dias 15 December 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa os resultados e o papel da maturidade no gerenciamento de projetos em um ambiente corporativo por meio do estudo de três modelos de maturidade. Durante o processo de estudo, identificação e análise de cada modelo, será realizado um mapeamento de seus principais pontos fortes e fracos, bem como das oportunidades e ameaças identificadas pela aplicação de cada um desses modelos de maturidade. Para complementar, um estudo de caso real foi aplicado com o objetivo de avaliar o nível de maturidade no departamento de engenharia de novos projetos em uma grande empresa multinacional de manufatura eletrônica. Esta dissertação aborda ainda a contribuição positiva que as estruturas, ferramentas e técnicas de gerenciamento de projetos representam na conversão de projetos em sucesso e crescimento organizacional. Crescimento esse, sendo acompanhado e medido por meio do nível de maturidade em gerenciamento de projetos. Outro ponto também explorado está na importância do alinhamento das estruturas organizacionais com os objetivos corporativos da empresa, sustentado pelo planejamento estratégico de médio e longo prazo, mediante planos e estratégias organizacionais. / This dissertation analyzes the results and the maturity role in project management in a corporative environment through the study of three maturity models. During the study, identification and analysis process of each model, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and threats identified in the application of each one of these maturity models will be mapped. In addition, a real case study was applied aiming to evaluate maturity level in new products engineering department?s of a large electronic manufacturing company. This dissertation also addresses the positive contribution given by project management, on helping projects turning into success and organizational growth by means of its structures and supporting tools. With such growth being tracked and measured by the project management maturity level framework. Other aspect also analyzed, is the importance on aligning the organizational structures within the company\'s corporative goals, supported by the medium and long term strategical planning, using the organizational plans and strategies.

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