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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Exploratory Study of the Influence of Contemporary Performance Management Research on CurrentOrganizational Practice

Gorman, C. Allen, Meriac, John P., Ray, Joshua L. 24 October 2016 (has links)
Performance management (PM) research has traditionally been criticized because of its supposed lack of impact on PM practice. A survey of PM practices in 101 U. S. organizations was conducted to determine the current state of PM and to evaluate the gaps betw een PM science and practice. Results revealed that gaps do exist betw een PM research and practice, but there were several instances of clear impact of contemporary PM research on the practice of PM. Moreover, exploratory analyses indicated that practicalPM considerations (e.g., PM purpose, employee participation, ongoing informal feedback) were more important to human resource executives’ perceptions of PM fairness and effectiveness than technical considerations traditionally found in the academic PM literature. Implications for the science and practice of PM are discussed.

Målformuleringar i en offentlig organisation : En studie om relationen mellan mål och praktiker

Palm, Josefin, Szabo, Monika January 2017 (has links)
From findings of diverseness in the formulations of organizational goals, the purpose of this study is to understand if and how these differences affect the relation between organizational goals and practices. The empirical data consists of eleven interviews with representatives of a municipality. Two of the informants were local politicians, five were executives and four white-collar workers. The data was analyzed in light of Neoinstitutional Theory an its concepts of goals. Based on these conceptions we understand the goals to have various attributes. The result of this study indicates that the combination of goal attributes affects whether the relation between goal and practice can be understood as strong or weak, explicit or ambiguous. It also shows how weak relations can be understood as the organization is decoupling the goals from the practices to avoid conflicts and to preserve its legitimacy.

The impact of technological and organizational changes on the labor market

Moreno Galbis, Eva 26 October 2004 (has links)
This dissertation tries to gain insight on the possible impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) in economic and social relationships. Can we really talk about a revolution?. It is probably too early to conclude so. In any case, the social impact of ICT seems evident: the daily life of most individuals, firms and public administrations in developed countries is nowadays linked to new technologies. Regarding their economic impact, this dissertation has investigated the role played by ICT in explaining some of the stylized facts that have characterized European economies over the last 25 years. Using Spanish data, chapter 1 shows that capital accumulation, and especially ICT introduction over the last 20 years, has led firms to internally reorganize themselves. Furthermore, the implemented organizational changes have been skill-biased and have, thus, stimulated the demand for high-skilled workers. Based on these results, in chapter 2 an inter-temporal general equilibrium model endogenizing the capital-skill complementarity relationship has been developed. The model distinguishes between two types of jobs, complex and simple, and two types of workers, high- and low-skilled. Complex jobs can only be occupied by high-skilled while simple jobs can be filled by both, high- and low-skilled workers. High-skilled workers in simple jobs continue to search for a job in the complex segment (on-the-job search). Matching processes are represented by matching functions à la Pissarides. Workers search intensities are endogenous. Calibrated on the Belgian economy, the model is able to reproduce the observed increase in unemployment rates and relative wage rigidity. Chapter 3 extends this theoretical setup to an endogenous growth framework, where embodied and disembodied technological progress are differentiated and endogenized through a learning-by-doing process based on capital accumulation. The new model also provides a realistic representation of the labor market and it considers growth issues. Chapter 4 analyzes the effects of technological and organizational changes within firms on the turnover of different professional categories. Empirical results, based on a unique French data set, suggest that ICT introduction increases labor flows of manual workers and employees, whereas most of the new workplace organizational practices raise the turnover of managers. / Cette dissertation cherche à déterminer le possible impact des nouvelles technologies de l'information et la communication (TIC) sur les relations économiques et sociales. Est-ce que c'est correct de parler d'une révolution ? Il est sûrement trop tôt pour en conclure. Pourtant l'impact social des TIC semble évident : la vie quotidienne des ménages, entreprises et administrations publiques dans les pays développés est aujourd'hui liée aux nouvelles technologies. Concernant son impact économique, cette dissertation a cherché à signaler leur rôle dans les faits stylisés qui ont caractérisé l'évolution des économies européennes sur les 30 dernières années. En se servant des données espagnols, le chapitre 1 montre que, sur les 20 dernières années, l'accumulation de capital, particulièrement de TIC, a mené aux entreprises a se réorganiser internement. D'ailleurs, ces changements organisationnels ont été biaisés en faveur des travailleurs qualifiés dont la demande s'est vue stimulée. En se basant sur ces résultats, le chapitre 2 développe un modèle inter-temporaire d'équilibre général endogéneisant la relation de complémentarité entre capital et travail qualifié. Le modèle distingue entre deux types de postes de travail, complexes et simple, et deux types de travailleurs, qualifiés et non qualifiés. Les postes de travail complexe peuvent être occupés seulement par les travailleurs qualifiés alors que les postes simples peuvent être occupés par les deux types de travailleurs. Les travailleurs qualifiés en postes simples continuent à chercher du travail dans le marché complexe pendant leur temps libre. Le procès de matching est représenté par des fonctions de matching à la Pissarides. Les intensités de recherche de l'emploi sont endogènes. Les modèle, calibré sur l'économie belge, reproduit de façon satisfaisante l'augmentation du chômage et la stabilité des salaires relatifs observés en Belgique pendant les dernières décades. Le chapitre 3 étend ce cadre théorique à un modèle de croissance endogène où le progrès technologique incorporé et désincorporé sont différenciés et endogèneisés à travers d'un procès de learning-by-doing fondé sur l'accumulation du capital. Le nouveau modèle fourni une représentation réaliste du marché de travail et il considère en même temps le sujet de la croissance. Le chapitre 4 analyse les effets des changements technologiques et organisationnels au sein des firmes sur les flux de travail de différentes catégories professionnelles. Les résultats empiriques, obtenus à partir d'une base de données française, suggèrent que l'introduction des TIC augmente les flux de travail des travailleurs manuels et les employés, alors que la plupart des nouvelles pratiques organisationnelles stimulent les flux de travail des cadres.

Processus sociaux de légitimation et pratiques organisationnelles des filiales de firmes multinationales : l'étude des banques étrangères en Inde / Social processes of legitimation and organizational practices of MNE subsidiaries : a study of foreign banks in India

Caussat, Paul 22 May 2018 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier le rôle des processus sociaux de légitimation sous-jacents au développement local des filiales de firmes multinationales (FMN) dans des environnements lointains du siège. Notre thèse explore la façon dont les filiales tentent de modérer les pressions simultanées issues de leur environnement d'accueil et de leur environnement organisationnel. À partir d'un cadre théorique institutionnaliste fondé sur une littérature pluridisciplinaire. nous étudions la nature des processus de légitimation de huit filiales de banques étrangères en Inde un contexte caractérisé par une forte «Liability of Foreignness» (i.e. LOF : handicap du fait d'être étranger). Nous identifions ensuite les pratiques organisationnelles mobilisées afin de réduire les tensions entre le «central» et le «local». Nos résultats suggèrent que les stratégies de légitimation des filiales -passives (isomorphisme, transfert), réactive (lobbying politique) et proactive (rhétorique)- varient avec le degré d'exposition à la LOF et l'intensité des pressions internes: certaines filiales recherchent un « ancrage local» prononcé tandis que d'autres filiales utilisent plutôt «l'ancrage mondial» en s'appuyant sur la légitimité du siège. Dans un second temps, la thèse développe une estimation de la performance organisationnelle d'une filiale de FMN, en lien avec son processus de légitimation dans l'environnement d'accueil. Les résultats suggèrent qu’un niveau« d'ancrage local» élevé est associé positivement à la performance externe de la filiale et négativement à sa performance interne, ce qui conduit la filiale et le siège à opérer des arbitrages entre performance externe et interne. / The aim of this thesis is to study the role of social processes of legitimation underlying MNE subsidiaries' loci development in distant environments from the headquarters. Our thesis explores how subsidiaries attempt to mitigat simultaneous pressures from both their host and their organizational environments. Using an institutionalist theoretical framework based on a multidisciplinary literature, we investigate the nature of the legitimation processes for eight subsidiaries of foreign banks in India, a context characterized by a strong «Liability of Foreignness» (i.e. LOF). We the identify the organisational practices mobilised in order to decrease the «central/local» tensions. Our results suggest that subsidiaries' legitimation strategies -passive (isomorphism, transference), reactive (political lobbying) and proactive (rhetoric)- vary along with their degree of exposure to the LOF and according to the intensity of internal pressures the face: certain subsidiaries seek a deeper “local anchoring” while other subsidiaries rely more on a “world anchoring” benefitting from the headquarters' legitimacy. In a second development, this thesis sketches an estimate of the organisational performance of an MNE subsidiary in relation to its legitimation process in the host environment. Our results suggest that a higher level of local anchoring' is associated positively with a subsidiary's external performance and negatively with its internal performance. This leads the subsidiary and the headquarters to arbitrage between external and internal performance.

Mellan varumärke och gemensamt raster : Skilda sätt att se verksamhetsidéer för pedagogisk verksamhet / Between trademark and shared perspective : Different ways of seeing verksamhetsidé within the Swedish educational context

Thelin, Katina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore the ways in which verksamhetsidé is seen within the Swedish educational context. In Sweden, the concept verksamhetsidé is used for an idea or a set of ideas related to the practice of an organization, for instance a school or a school district. Although the importance of such shared ideas is often pointed out by practitioners as well as researchers within the field of school development, there is little consensus about their meaning. When it comes to questions about the actual function and character of such an idea, or set of ideas, little guidance is found in the literature. This thesis seeks to contribute to such knowledge. In order to describe variations in the ways such ideas are seen as well as in the ways working with such ideas are seen, a phenomenographic study was carried out. The empirical data consist of deep interviews with 14 school directors of education in one larger city in Sweden; each responsible for several schools and preschools in one district. As directors they were all involved in the process of developing a verksamhetsidé, to guide all educational activities in the area. Results suggest that verksamhetsidé can be seen as a trademark, as putty, as a compass, as a map, or as a shared perspective. Each of these conceptions is used as a label for a category of description, and together they constitute one of the study’s outcome spaces. When it comes to working with such ideas, another variation is found. This variation is described through the concepts of top-down implementation and bottom-up sensemaking. Moreover, the data suggest no correlation between a certain way of seeing a verksamhetsidé and a certain way of seeing how to work with it. / Människors sätt att se varierar. Samtidigt verkar det vara av betydelse att medarbetare i skolan och förskolan utvecklar gemensamma sätt att se åtminstone vissa aspekter av verksamheten. Att bygga upp och fördjupa förståelsen av en gemensam idé framställs i skolutvecklingsforskningen som en viktig aspekt av skolans och förskolans ledarskap. I den här avhandlingen beskrivs variationen i sättet att se verksamhetsidéer, och arbetet med sådana, som den framträder i en grupp skolchefer med övergripande ansvar för pedagogisk verksamhet. Variationen diskuteras sedan i relation till olika sätt att se skolutveckling och ledarskap, samtidigt som avsaknaden av koppling mellan specifika sätt att se verksamhetsidéer och specifika sätt att se arbete med sådana problematiseras. I den avslutande diskussionen framhålls särskilt betydelsen av att de som befinner sig i skolans eller förskolans praktik utvecklar kunskap om variationen och använder sig av den för att bygga upp ny kunskap med relevans för verksamheten och arbetet i den. Till grund för de resultat som presenteras ligger en intervjuundersökning genomförd i en större svensk stad, i vilken det vid tiden för studiens genomförande pågick ett arbete med att bygga upp en, för all pedagogisk verksamhet i staden, gemensam verksamhetsidé. / <p>The original ISBN number of this work ( 978-91-7063-520-5 ) has been replaced by a new one: 978-91-7063-571-7.</p>

UX-designers i förhållande till organisation, etik och ansvar : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om UX-designers etiska ställningstaganden i förhållande till dark patterns

Skoglund, Ingrid, Pettersson Nordqvist, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Dark patterns have the ability to influence unconscious decision-making of users and manipulate them to make decisions that go against their own interests. While dark patterns have led to an increase in sales and optimization of advertisement within companies, the users are affected negatively since they don’t reach their goal with the interface interaction and may be forced to navigate in complicated interfaces or be lured into doing impulsive purchases. Despite numerous negative consequences for the users, dark patterns are frequently found in interfaces. This study investigates this problem by focusing on the UX designer’s role in this, and thereby aims to answer the following questions: What ethical responsibility does UX designers consider themselves to have, in terms of the use of dark patterns? How do UX designers experience that individual practice, organizational practice and applied ethics, according to the framework by Gray and Chivukula (2019), affect the use of dark patterns? The study also investigates if the framework completely covers the design complexity of UX designers in relation to dark patterns. These questions are answered by conducting five semi-structured interviews with professional UX designers. The results showed that organizational practice have the biggest influence on the use of dark patterns by UX designers. Individual practice may inhibit the use of dark patterns and applied ethics can affect the work style of UX designers. During the analysis of the research result, yet another factor was identified. This finding considered the structure of society as a factor greatly affecting a UX designer and also the use of dark patterns. This study therefore aims to further develop the framework by Gray and Chivukula and take the structure of society in to consideration. / Dark patterns har en förmåga att påverka användares undermedvetna beslutstaganden och manipulera användaren till att fatta beslut som går emot dennes egenintresse. Samtidigt som dark patterns har lett till ökad försäljning samt optimerade reklaminsatser hos företagen, drabbas användarna negativt då de inte uppnår målet med interaktionen och bland annat tvingas navigera i komplicerade gränssnitt eller lockas till impulsköp. Trots flertalet negativa konsekvenser för användarna är dark patterns vanligt förekommande. Den här studien undersöker denna problematik genom att fokusera på UX-designerns roll och därmed syftar studien till att besvara följande frågor. Vilket etiskt ansvar anser sig UX-designers ha kring användningen av dark patterns? Hur upplever UX-designers att individens praxis, organisationens praxis och tillämpad etik, enligt Gray och Chivukulas relationsmodell (2019), påverkar användningen av dark patterns? Studien undersöker även om relationsmodellen är heltäckande och fångar UX-designers designkomplexitet i förhållande till dark patterns. Studien besvarar dessa frågor genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma UX-designers. Resultatet visade att organisationens praxis (B) har störst påverkan på att UX-designers använder dark patterns. Individens praxis (A), kan istället hämma användningen av dark patterns medan inhämtad kunskap om etik (C) har påverkan på UX-designers arbetssätt. Under analysen identifierades ytterligare en huvudfaktor, samhällsstruktur, som också har stor påverkan på en UX-designer och därmed även på användningen av dark patterns. Studiens forskningsbidrag är därigenom en vidareutveckling av Gray och Chivukulas relationsmodell som tar samhällsstrukturerna i beaktande.

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