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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Code Generation in Java : A modular approach for better cohesion

Forslund, Emil January 2015 (has links)
This project examines how the quality of a code generator used in an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework can be improved in terms of maintainability, testability and reusability by changing the design from a top-down perspective to a bottom up. The resulting generator is tested in a case study to verify that the new design is more cohesive and less coupled than an existing code generator.

Refactoring Nordyr : ReactJS + Laravel

Färholt, Fredric January 2020 (has links)
This independent work includes refactoring a website application. In simpler sense, it means modernizing existing code by increasing its quality and making it more understandable; to exchange old knowledge of methods and concepts into something that is more relevant to its time. This refactoring has also meant to transform the UI into something that is more appealing, and more userfriendly. The website that has gone through the refactoring is Nordyr (”https://nordyr.com/”). Nordyr is a Nordic Film & Series Database that shares information about Nordic films and tv-series, and everyone involved. They also offer social tools such as user profiles and various tools to simplify the exploration and interaction between Nordic movies and consumers. This was made possible by using vanilla PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, and the MariaDB database for information storage and management. The implementation of the refactoring meant retaining PHP for the backend, but applying the Laravel framework, and likewise for JavaScript, but applying ReactJS (a powerful JavaScript library). Nordyr retains MariaDB for its information storage and management, however, its SQL queries have been adapted to Laravel’s query-builder and Eloquent ORM, which means that the majority of SQL queries have been rewritten and the majority of data tables are now represented by models. The restructuring of Nordyr has shown that the website now has the ability to scale better, and the development environment will also be more pleasant for those involved. / Det här självständiga arbetet har innefattat att omstrukturera en hemsida. Det innebär i enklare mening att modernisera kod och öka dess kvalité; att byta ut äldre kunskaper om metoder och koncept till något som anses vara av mer relevans för sin tid. Refaktoreringen har också inneburit att dess UI gjorts om till att bli mer tilltalande och användarvänlig. Hemsidan som gått igenom refaktoreringen är Nordyr (”https://nordyr.com/”). Nordyr är en Nordisk Film- & Serie-databas som delar information om nordiska filmer och tv-serier och alla inblandade. De erbjuder även sociala verktyg som användarprofiler och diverse verktyg för att förenkla upptäckandet och interaktionen mellan nordiska titlar och konsumenter. Detta gjordes möjligt med hjälp av vanilj PHP, JavaScript/jQuery, och databasen MariaDB för informationslagring och hantering. Genomförandet av refaktoreringen innebar att behålla PHP för backend men tillämpa ramverket Laravel, och likaså för frontend, JavaScript stod kvar men ReactJS (”JavaScript bibliotek”) tillämpades. Nordyr behåller MariaDB, men dess förfrågningar i SQL har anpassats till Laravels query-builder och Eloquent ORM, vilket innebar att majoriteten av SQL frågor skrivits om och majoriteten av tabeller representeras nu av modeller (”Models”). Omstruktureringen av Nordyr har visat på att hemsidan nu har förmågan att skala bättre, och utvecklingsmiljön kommer även bli mer behaglig för de inblandade.

Generátor databázové vrstvy aplikací / Application Database Layer Generator

Kuboš, Jaroslav Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a framework for the database persistence layer development. This framework is easy to use while keeping the code elegance. It supports object oriented programming features such as inheritance and collections. Other features include versioning of objects and lazy loading. The object metadata are obtained through reflection provided by the .NET framework. The framework is not using any literal for identification (classes, attributes) even in object queries. Most of checks are done by compiler.

A company’s ability Not to default on a loan : Does the location have an impact? / Ett företags förmåga att återbetala ett lån : Har lokaliseringen betydelse?

SUNDQVIST, ALYCIA January 2018 (has links)
This thesis aims to answer the question if the type of region or category of a municipality in which a company is located in, impacts the company’s ability not to default on a loan. Previous literature is used to find which determinants have an impact on a company’s survival from five levels: Macro, Industry, Regional, Company and Individual entrepreneur. The data used is in collaboration with a financial company offering small businesses credit products. They have contributed with loan data. A statistical analysis has been done and the method used is a logistic regression, where the dependent variable is if the company is defaulting on their loan or not. The conclusions that can be drawn are that in correlation with the previous findings the age of the firm, employees, and capital had a positive relationship to a company’s probability of not defaulting. Furthermore, the regional factors does have an impact on a company’s ability not to default on a loan. The commuting regions have a positive relationship to the probability of a company’s ability not to default on a loan. / Denna masteruppsats syftar till att svara på frågan om typen av region eller kategori av kommun ett företag är belägen i, påverkar företagets förmåga att inte återbetala ett lån. Tidigare forskning används för att finna vilka faktorer som påverkar företagets överlevnad i fem nivåer: Makro, Industri, Regional, Företag och Individnivå. Den data som används kommer från ett finansiellt företag som erbjuder småföretag kreditprodukter och har därmed bidragit med lånedata. En statistisk analys har gjorts och den använda metoden är en logistisk regression, där den beroende variabeln är om bolaget har kunnat återbetala på sitt lån eller ej. Slutsatserna som kan dras är att i linje med tidigare forskning där företagets ålder, antal anställda och kapital haft ett positivt inverkan på ett företags sannolikhet att kunna återbetala ett lån. Dessutom har de regionala faktorerna påverkan på företags förmåga att kunna återbetala ett lån där företag i pendlingsregionerna har större återbetalningsförmåga.

3D obstacle avoidance for drones using a realistic sensor setup / Hinderundvikande i 3D för drönare med en realistisk sensoruppsättning

Stefansson, Thor January 2018 (has links)
Obstacle avoidance is a well researched area, however most of the works only consider a 2D environment. Drones can move in three dimensions. It is therefore of interest to develop a system that ensures safe flight in these three dimensions. Obstacle avoidance is of highest importance for drones if they are intended to work autonomously and around humans, since drones are often fragile and have fast moving propellers that can hurt humans. This project is based on the obstacle restriction algorithm in 3D, and uses OctoMap to conveniently use the sensor data from multiple sensors simultaneously and to deal with their limited field of view. The results show that the system is able to avoid obstacles in 3D. / Hinderundvikande är ett utforskat område, dock för det mesta har forskningen fokuserat på 2D-miljöer. Eftersom drönare kan röra sig i tre dimensioner är det intressant att utveckla ett system som garanterar säker rörelse i 3D. Hinderundvikande är viktigt för drönare om de ska arbeta autonomt runt människor, eftersom drönare ofta är ömtåliga och har snabba propellrar som kan skada människor. Det här projektet är baserat på Hinderrestriktionsmetoden (ORM), och använder OctoMap för att använda information från många sensorer samtidigt och för att hantera deras begränsade synfält. Resultatet visar att systemet kan undvika hinder i 3D.

En jämförande studie av JDBC och Hibernate med avseende på användbarhet

Persson, Henrik, Nilsson, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Två grundläggande paradigm inom datavetenskap är objektorienterad programmering och relationsdatabasteknik. En kombinering av applikationer gjorda i ett objektorienterat programmeringsspråk med den beständighet och funktionalitet som ges av relationsdatabaser är en möjlig vidareutveckling av ens kunskaper inom dessa områden. Kombinationen av dessa båda förutnämnda paradigm innebär åtminstone ett problem som uppkommer då en relationsdatabas lagrar data i tabeller och en objektorienterad applikation lagrar data i objekt. Detta problem kallas objekt/relations paradigmens missanpassning. På grund av detta problem så måste kopplingen mellan paradigmen skötas av ett ramverk av något slag. I vår rapport så undersöker vi två av de ramverk som behandlar kopplingen mellan paradigmen. Specifikt i våran studie kommer vi att fokusera på kvalitetsattributet användbarhet. De ramverk som vi undersöker heter Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) och Hibernate. Båda dessa verktyg är skapade för det objektorienterade programmeringsspråket Java. / Two of the fundamental paradigms within computer science are object oriented programming and relational databases. A combination of an object oriented application with the persistence and functionality provided by relational databases is a further development of one’s knowledge within these areas. The combination of the two aforementioned paradigms will yield at least one problem, which occurs because in a database data is stored in tables whereas an object oriented application stores data in objects. This problem is called the object/relational paradigm mismatch. Because of this problem the connection between the paradigms must be handled by some kind of framework. In our report we investigate two of the frameworks which handle the connection between the paradigms. Specifically in our study we will focus on the quality attribute usability of the two frameworks and conduct a comparison between these two. The frameworks we investigate are called Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Hibernate. Both of these tools are created for the object oriented programming language Java.

Processus d'innovation centré sur l'utilisateur : identification des besoins et interprétation des données issues de l'integration de l'utilisateur dans le processus de co-conception / User-centred innovation process : needs identification and data interpretation coming from the user's integration in the design process

Skiba, Nathalie 03 April 2014 (has links)
Jamais nos modes de vie et les produits qui nous entourent n'ont évolué aussi rapidement. Cette évolution est un facteur nouveau à prendre en compte dans le développement de produits pour s'assurer de leur appropriation par les utilisateurs. C'est ainsi que les approches de conception s'orientent petit à petit vers l'intégration des usages. L'approche Living Lab est axée autour de quatre principes : le réalisme de la situation d'usage étudiée ; la continuité de la collaboration avec les utilisateurs ; la collecte de données d'usage spontanées ; l'augmentation de la capacité des utilisateurs à influencer le développement du produit. Ces principes facilitent le passage de la conception centrée-utilisateurs vers la conception centrée-usages, mais sont difficiles à réaliser concrètement. Pour accompagner et inspirer les concepteurs, nous proposons une méthode de pilotage de projet Living Lab composée de dix-huit opérations visant chacune l'atteinte d'un de ces principes. La méthode proposée est représentée sous forme de diagrammes NIAM-ORM, facilement compréhensibles car proche du langage naturel binaire. Deux projets urbains et deux projets industriels ont permis de tester notre méthode. La pertinence des opérations sur l'atteinte des principes est évaluée par le biais des réseaux bayésiens : selon les résultats obtenus, les opérations sont validées, ajustées ou reformulées puis ré-implémentées dans le modèle NIAM-ORM / Our way of life and the products that surround us have never evolved so quickly. This evolution is a new factor to take into account in the product development to ensure the product appropriation by the users. For that reason the design approaches try to integrate usages. The Living Lab approach is organised around four principles: the realism of the studied situation; the continuity in the collaboration with the users; the collection of spontaneous usage data; the empowerment of users in the design process. These principles facilitate the path from "user-centred design" to "usage-centred design" but are difficult to realise practically. To guide and inspire the designers we propose a Living Lab project method made of eighteen operations; each operation is supposed to reach one of the four principles. The proposed method is represented with NIAM-ORM diagrams which are easily understandable because of its similarity with natural language. We tested our method on two urban projects and two industrial projects. The relevance of the tested operations on the principle realisation is evaluated according to bayesian networks: depending on the results the operations are validated, adjusted or rephrased and implemented again in the NIAM-ORM model

Intégration de services de raisonnement automatique basés sur les logiques de description dans les applications d’entreprise

Bergeron, Jacques 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente un patron d’architecture permettant, dans un contexte orientéobjet, l’exploitation d’objets appartenant simultanément à plusieurs hiérarchies fonctionnelles. Ce patron utilise un reasoner basé sur les logiques de description (web sémantique) pour procéder à la classification des objets dans les hiérarchies. La création des objets est simplifiée par l’utilisation d’un ORM (Object Relational Mapper). Ce patron permet l’utilisation effective du raisonnement automatique dans un contexte d’applications d’entreprise. Les concepts requis pour la compréhension du patron et des outils sont présentés. Les conditions d’utilisation du patron sont discutées ainsi que certaines pistes de recherche pour les élargir. Un prototype appliquant le patron dans un cas simple est présenté. Une méthodologie accompagne le patron. Finalement, d’autres utilisations potentielles des logiques de description dans le même contexte sont discutées. / This master thesis presents a software architectural pattern for use in an object oriented environment to simultaneously access objects in multiple functional hierarchies. A Description Logics (Semantic Web) reasoner is used to classify the objects in the hierarchies. Object creation is simplifed by the use of an ORM - Object Relational Mapper. The pattern effectively allows automatic reasoning procedures to be used in an enterprise application context. All concepts required to understand the architectural pattern and the tools are presented. Usage conditions for the pattern are discussed and research projects are presented to widen the pattern’s applicability. A prototype applying the pattern on a simple problem is presented. A methodology is also presented. Finally, other potential uses of Description Logics based automatic reasoning procedures are discussed.

Intégration de services de raisonnement automatique basés sur les logiques de description dans les applications d’entreprise

Bergeron, Jacques 04 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire présente un patron d’architecture permettant, dans un contexte orientéobjet, l’exploitation d’objets appartenant simultanément à plusieurs hiérarchies fonctionnelles. Ce patron utilise un reasoner basé sur les logiques de description (web sémantique) pour procéder à la classification des objets dans les hiérarchies. La création des objets est simplifiée par l’utilisation d’un ORM (Object Relational Mapper). Ce patron permet l’utilisation effective du raisonnement automatique dans un contexte d’applications d’entreprise. Les concepts requis pour la compréhension du patron et des outils sont présentés. Les conditions d’utilisation du patron sont discutées ainsi que certaines pistes de recherche pour les élargir. Un prototype appliquant le patron dans un cas simple est présenté. Une méthodologie accompagne le patron. Finalement, d’autres utilisations potentielles des logiques de description dans le même contexte sont discutées. / This master thesis presents a software architectural pattern for use in an object oriented environment to simultaneously access objects in multiple functional hierarchies. A Description Logics (Semantic Web) reasoner is used to classify the objects in the hierarchies. Object creation is simplifed by the use of an ORM - Object Relational Mapper. The pattern effectively allows automatic reasoning procedures to be used in an enterprise application context. All concepts required to understand the architectural pattern and the tools are presented. Usage conditions for the pattern are discussed and research projects are presented to widen the pattern’s applicability. A prototype applying the pattern on a simple problem is presented. A methodology is also presented. Finally, other potential uses of Description Logics based automatic reasoning procedures are discussed.

Intelligent Data Layer: : An approach to generating data layer from normalized database model.

Buzo, Amir January 2012 (has links)
Model View Controller (MVC) software architecture is widely spread and commonly used in application’s development. Therefore generation of data layer for the database model is able to reduce cost and time. After research on current Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tools, it was discovered that there are generating tools like Data Access Object (DAO) and Hibernate, however their usage causes problems like inefficiency and slow performance due to many connections with database and set up time. Most of these tools are trying to solve specific problems rather than generating a data layer which is an important component and the bottom layer of database centred applications. The proposed solution to the problem is an engineering approach where we have designed a tool named Generated Intelligent Data Layer (GIDL). GIDL tool generates small models which create the main data layer of the system according to the Database Model. The goal of this tool is to enable and allow software developers to work only with object without deep knowledge in SQL. The problem of transaction and commit is solved by the tool. Also filter objects are constructed for filtering the database. GIDL tool reduced the number of connections and also have a cache where to store object lists and modify them. The tool is compared under the same environment with Hibernate and showed a better performance in terms of time evaluations for the same functions. GIDL tool is beneficial for software developers, because it generates the entire data layer.

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