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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

13–18 metų našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socializacijos ypatumai / The socialization specifics of 13-18-year-old orphan children who live in foster homes and with foster parents

Dailydaitė, Aušra 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti 13–18 metų našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socializacijos ypatumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socialinės adaptacijos ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. 2. Išryškinti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, vidinės būsenos ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. 3. Išsiaiškinti našlaičių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, ateities perspektyvos suvokimo ypatumus 2006 ir 2008 metais. Išvados 1. Nustatyta, kad respondentų, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje ir pas globėjus, socialinė adaptacija yra skirtinga. Išryšk��jo, jog didžioji dauguma našlaičių, gyvenančių globos namuose pagalbos prašo draugų (2006 m.– 50 proc., 2008 m.– 40 proc.), tuo tarpu, pas globėjus gyvenantys našlaičiai dažniausiai pagalbos prašo pas savo giminaičius (2006 m.– 41 proc., 2008 m.– 43 proc.). Pastebėta, jog 2006 metais 25 proc. globos namuose gyvenančių našlaičių pagalbos prašė auklėtojų, tačiau 2008 metais tokių buvo tik 7 proc. (p<0,05). Paaiškėjo, jog 2006 metais globos namuose gyvenančius respondentus įžeidinėjo pažįstami asmenys – 25 proc., vyresni– 19 proc., aplinkiniai – 13 proc. Tuo tarpu, 2008 metais juos jau labiausiai įžeidinėjo klasiokai ir vyresni žmonės – 13 proc. Pastebėta, kad pas globėjus gyvenančius našlaičius 2006 metais įžeidinėjo klasiokai – 12 proc., o 2008 metais jau labiau įžeidinėjo aplinkiniai žmonės – 23 proc., klasiokai – 17 proc. (p<0,05). Pastebėta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Goal of the Study: to determine the specifics of socialization processes observed in the 13-18-year-old orphan children who live in foster homes or with foster parents. Objectives of the Study: 1. To determine the specifics of social adaptation processes observed in the orphans who live in foster homes or with foster parents in the year 2006 and 2008. 2. To emphasize the specifics of the inner state observed in the orphans who live in foster homes or with foster parents in the year 2006 and 2008. 3. To reveal the specifics of the future perspective perception in the orphans who live in foster homes or with foster parents in the year 2006 and 2008. Conclusions 1. It was determined the respondents who live in foster homes and those who stay with foster parents differ in terms of social adaptation. The study suggested that the majority of the orphans living in foster homes look for help among their friends in case of need (50% in 2006; 40% in 2008), whereas the orphans who stay with foster parents usually ask their relatives for help (41% in 2006; 43% in 2008). It was noticed that in 2006, 25% of the orphans living in the foster home approached the teachers of the institution when they needed help, however, in 2008 the number of such children dropped down to 7% (p <0.05). It turned out that during 2006, 25% of the respondents who lived in foster homes were offended by the familiar people, 19% were offended by elder people and 13% of the respondents experienced offence from... [to full text]

The Portrayal of Orphanage Voluntourism in the Global South : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Two Voluntourism Websites Under Human Rights Aspects

Wasserzier, Elena January 2023 (has links)
Orphanage volunteering in the Global South has experienced worldwide criticism in recent years as children’s rights violations have surfaced. This thesis examines the discourse of two organizations (“Global Crossroad” and“uVolunteer) that still offer orphanage voluntourism and assesses in what ways they display neo-colonial characteristics on their websites. The theoretical framework entails Said’s Orientalism, development aid critiques, and colonial discourse theorizing to contextualize interpretations. With Fairclough’s CDA method, this thesis aims to highlight how orphanage voluntourism is portrayed and how it may influence addressees to engage in short-term help, contributing to perpetuating orphanage voluntourism and its negative effects as well as unequal power structures. The CDA findings indicate the discourse primarily benefits the organizations, which profit from the erection of neocolonial power structures and ideological “truths” about the Global South, which are not in the best interest of the children. Finally, this thesis discusses the social implications of this discourse promotion and ways to improve child protection.

Adoptive Identity: Emerging Adult International Adoptees’ Narrative Coherence Following Early Institutional Care

Highland, Samuel Vladimir 23 July 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Safe Haven Orphanage and School

Williams, George Brian 30 June 2016 (has links)
Pro bono work has always appealed to me. The prospect of being able to help those less fortunate with my knowledge and skillset is uplifting and gratifying. There is something truly rewarding about taking the architectural knowledge and training I have received and finding a solution to a problem for a nonprofit or a group of people that could not easily afford to hire someone. It gives me the opportunity to explore creative solutions with a low budget while still making something beautiful and thoughtful, that not only provides the spaces needed but also adds the detailing and uniqueness that gives the place and its users a sense of pride and pleasure. This thesis seeks to present the programmatic needs, local building materials and resources, a study in efficient building, the local needs and customs, and ways to improve people's lives with an orphanage in Savanette, Haiti. The goal is to explore the fundamental needs of an orphanage and a school in a developing country and develop strategies to address these needs. A successful orphanage needs to provide comfortable housing but also a sense of safety and security, a loving environment where orphans can grow and heal, a self-sustaining community that can care for the facility, and a means to train and educate orphans for adulthood and the working world. Since education is such a central need for an orphanage, and since schools are limited in Haiti, it only made sense to open this up to children in the surrounding area as well. The purpose of this thesis is to develop an architectural language of building components that can be utilized to answer the programmatic needs of the orphanage and school. This system creates the overall structural layout and is intended to be an easily constructible and expandable model while providing good design that is culturally sensitive. / Master of Architecture

The orphan and the saviour- a relationship of love, gratitude and commodities : A critical discourse analysis of the construction of the narrative about the helper and the orphanage child.

Holmberg, Britta January 2014 (has links)
This study explores the construction of the orphanage child and the helper in the context of voluntourism, orphanage tourism, support and establishment of orphanages. Since residential care is rarely put forward as a “good solution” for children without parental care in Sweden or other Western countries, the purpose of this study is to understand how orphanages for children from the South are legitimised as a solution in narratives about the helpers and the orphans. Through Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) I have studied the widespread narrative about the helper and the orphan and its relation to larger global development strands, such as neo-liberal discourses, post-colonial discourses and globalization discourses. The study found that the narratives about the helper and the orphanage child are constructed in a way that reinforces stereotypes about the active, caring helper from the global North and the passive and needy yet happy orphanage child from the South. The underlying assumption in the testimonials and stories about the helper is that there are no other options and that the orphanage placement is in the best interest of the child

Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių, išėjusių iš vaikų ir jaunimo globos įstaigos, sunkumų įveikos strategijos / Difficulties coping strategies of young people with dysfunction of intelligence from orphanages and foster homes for children

Lileikienė, Alma 07 September 2010 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė sutrikusio intelekto vaikų ir jaunuolių, gyvenančių globos įstaigoje, psichosocialinės charakteristikos ir salutogenezės, kaip sunkumų įveikos metodologijos, bei vidinės darnos ir jos komponento – sunkumų įveikos strategijų struktūros analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad sunkumų įveikos strategijų pasirinkimas priklauso nuo jaunuolių asmens savybių ir socialinės aplinkos. Neįgalūs jaunuoliai, įveikdami sunkumus, mažiau naudoja adaptacinių gebėjimų reikalaujančias strategijas. Interviu ir anketinės apklausos metodais buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – ištirti, kaip įveikia sunkumus sutrikusio intelekto jaunuoliai, išėję iš vaikų ir jaunimo pensionato, kokias įveikos strategijas jie naudoja. Atlikta nestandartizuotos medžiagos turinio (duomenys kategorizuoti pagal semantinius ryšius) ir statistinė (aprašomoji vidurkių, standartinių nuokrypių, faktorinė) duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo 7 jaunuoliai, turintys intelekto sutrikimą, ir 110 pensionatų darbuotojų, globėjų ir jų šeimų narių (atitinkamai – 99, 8 ir 3 respondentai). Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjamos sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių asmenybės ypatumai (psichologinės ir būdo savybės, gebėjimai, vertybės ir nuostatos), socialiniai resursai (socialinė aplinka), stresinės situacijos ir jos subjektyvaus vertinimo ypatumai, įveikos veiksmai (strategijos), kuriuos individas atlieka, norėdamas prisitaikyti prie esamos situacijos. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių įveikos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Theoretical analysis of structure of psychosocial characteristics and salutogenesis as the methodology of coping with difficulties and the analysis of the inner harmony and its component – difficulties coping strategies of young people with dysfunction of intelligence from orphanages and foster homes for children is presented in this Thesis. The hypothesis claims that the choice of difficulties coping strategies depends on personal characteristics of young people and the social environment. When coping with difficulties the disabled young people use fewer strategies requiring adaptation abilities. The research was conducted using the methods of interview and questionnaire. The aim of the research – to study the ways the young people with the dysfunction of intelligence from orphanages and foster homes for children cope with difficulties and the coping strategies they use. The analysis of the content of nonstandard material (the data were categorized according to semantic relations) and statistic data analysis (descriptive analysis of averages, standard deviations, factorial analysis) were done. 7 young people with the dysfunction of intelligence and 110 employees working in the boarding-school, guardians and members of their families (99, 8 and 3 respondents respectively) participated in the research. Personal peculiarities of young people with the dysfunction of intelligence (psychological and temper peculiarities, abilities, values and attitudes), social resources (social... [to full text]

“We like them to see themselves as a family” : En mikroetnografisk studie om vilka möjligheter och begränsningar det finns för utveckling av resiliens på ett barnhem i Tanzania. / “We like them to see themselves as a family” : A micro-ethnographic study on what possibilities and limitations there are for developing resilience at a children’s home in Tanzania.

Johansson, Frida, Johansson, Sandra, Lindgren Källström, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
Tidigare forskning har visat att mer än hälften av alla barn som utsatts för risk under uppväxten inte utvecklar allvarliga psykiska problem. Uppväxt på barnhem kan anses vara en sådan risk då det typiska samspelet mellan barn och vuxna saknas. För att förstå vad det är som gör att barn på barnhem ändå kan växa upp och få en tillfredsställande vardag tar denna studie sin utgångspunkt i begreppet resiliens. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka möjligheter och begränsningar det finns för utveckling av resiliens på ett barnhem i Tanzania. Studien har en kvalitativ metod med mikroetnografisk ansats. Data har samlats in genom deltagande observationer som kompletterats med semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre informanter från personalen på barnhemmet. Studiens resultat beskriver barnhemmet som en institution där rutiner och en tydlig struktur var en viktig del av vardagen. Kristendomen hade en central roll på barnhemmet och i barnens uppfostran. Resultaten visar att aga och disciplinering användes i uppfostrande syfte. Vidare synliggjordes ambitionen att barnen skulle bli självständiga och de äldre barnen lärde sig att ta hand om de yngre. Betydelsen av kärlek lyftes fram i många sammanhang och barnens känsla av att tillhöra en familj ansågs vara betydelsefull. Personalen arbetade för att uppväxten på barnhemmet skulle bli så lik uppväxt i en biologisk familj som möjligt. I resultatet framkom även hur barnens tid med vuxna var begränsad. Slutligen redogjordes för betydelsen av de personliga egenskaper som barnen bär med sig från sina biologiska familjer. Med begreppet resiliens som teoretisk utgångspunkt blev slutsatserna att barnhemmet har potential att utgöra en god grund för utveckling av resiliens. Samtidigt som en begränsning för utvecklingen av resiliens kan vara den brist på tid med vuxna som framkommer i resultatet. Den här studien lyfter både faktorer inom den sociala kulturen och sociala relationer som kan underlätta och försvåra utvecklingen av resiliens. Hur dessa faktorer påverkar resiliens skiljer sig mellan individer vilket kan försvåra att nå en generell slutsats.

Děti z dětských domovů a jejich začlenění do třídní skupiny / Children from orphanages and their integration into the class group

Pejclová, Simona January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: The thesis name The children from orphanages and their integration into the class group is focused on taking the role of student by children from orphanages. The thesis is divided into a theoretical, methodological and practical part. The theoretical part is devoted to family, school roles and long-term researches of Matějček and Langmeier on the psychological deprivation and sub-deprivation. The methodology section contains objectives of the thesis and structure of the research project. The practical part examined differences in the conception of the role of pupil children from orphanages and children from family care using observational, questionnaire and socio-metric method and verifies that the monitored pupils from the orphanage have difficulties with social integration into the class group. Keywords: school socialization, a student from the orphanage, disadvantaged student deprivation, subdeprivation, family


Floresta, Suzana Rodrigues 06 May 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T11:22:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SUZANA RODRIGUES FLORESTA.pdf: 16109510 bytes, checksum: 3fd88b574f5cc0c79b8f4b4f426a7257 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-06 / This research is research object to social assistance in the St. Joseph Orphanage in the city of Goiás in the period between 1923 and 1969. The theme relates to one of the biggest problems of contemporary society, children in situations of abandonment. After all, despite the law to guarantee the rights and science warn of the damage, why is there such a large number of children in shelters? The hypothesis is that even with advances in relation to social assistance through the implementation of state policies, religious institutions played a key role in the protection of children and adolescents in poverty and abandonment situation. This work analyzes the process of institutional change and organizational structure occurred in social assistance in Brazil focusing mainly on the state s role. Analyses of North (1991), Streeck and Thelen (2005), Hall and Thelen (2009), Mahoney and Thelen (2010) provide a historical approach and an analytical framework to explain how institutions and institutional changes affected social assistance. The first objective is to know the process of institutional change chapter in the macro structural plan highlighting the factors and central actors that precipitate change, social assistance in the city of Goiás; In the second chapter, we seek to contextualize a brief story about the poor children in Brazil, and to characterize the different models used under the Brazilian social assistance; Then, the intention is to understand and analyze the structure and dynamics of assistance in St. Joseph Orphanage. Methodologically, this is a theoretical and empirical research based on bibliographical and documentary research. / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de investigação a assistência social no Orfanato São José da cidade de Goiás no período compreendido entre 1923 e 1969. A temática diz respeito a um dos maiores problemas da sociedade contemporânea, crianças em situação de abandono. Afinal, apesar de a Lei garantir os direitos e a ciência alertar quanto aos danos, por que existe um número tão grande de crianças nos abrigos? A hipótese é que mesmo com os avanços em relação à assistência social por meio da implementação de políticas públicas estatais, as instituições religiosas desempenharam um papel primordial para o amparo das crianças e adolescentes em situação de pobreza e abandono. Assim, este trabalho analisa o processo de mudança institucional e estruturação organizacional ocorrido na assistência social no Brasil tendo como foco principal o papel do Estado. As análises de North (1991), Streeck e Thelen (2005), Hall e Thelen (2009), Mahoney e Thelen (2010) conferem uma abordagem histórica e um marco analítico para explicar como as instituições e as mudanças institucionais afetaram a assistência social. No primeiro capítulo objetiva-se conhecer o processo de mudança institucional no plano macro estrutural destacando os fatores e atores centrais que precipitam a mudança, a assistência social na cidade de Goiás. No segundo capítulo, busca-se contextualizar uma breve história sobre a infância pobre no Brasil, além de caracterizar os diferentes modelos de abrigo utilizados pela assistência social brasileira. Em seguida, a intenção é conhecer e analisar a estrutura e dinâmica da assistência prestada no Orfanato São José. Metodologicamente, trata-se uma pesquisa teórico-empírica baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental.

Assistência social no Brasil: a história do orfanato São José

Floresta, Suzana Rodrigues 06 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2018-12-14T17:27:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Suzana Rodrigues Floresta rev.1.pdf: 9118990 bytes, checksum: 5a455e32773bb51f3c41250a41428488 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-14T17:27:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Suzana Rodrigues Floresta rev.1.pdf: 9118990 bytes, checksum: 5a455e32773bb51f3c41250a41428488 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-06 / This research is research object to social assistance in the St. Joseph Orphanage in the city of Goiás in the period between 1923 and 1969. The theme relates to one of the biggest problems of contemporary society, children in situations of abandonment. After all, despite the law to guarantee the rights and science warn of the damage, why is there such a large number of children in shelters? The hypothesis is that even with advances in relation to social assistance through the implementation of state policies, religious institutions played a key role in the protection of children and adolescents in poverty and abandonment situation. This work analyzes the process of institutional change and organizational structure occurred in social assistance in Brazil focusing mainly on the state's role. Analyses of North (1991), Streeck and Thelen (2005), Hall and Thelen (2009), Mahoney and Thelen (2010) provide a historical approach and an analytical framework to explain how institutions and institutional changes affected social assistance. The first objective is to know the process of institutional change chapter in the macro structural plan highlighting the factors and central actors that precipitate change, social assistance in the city of Goiás; In the second chapter, we seek to contextualize a brief story about the poor children in Brazil, and to characterize the different models used under the Brazilian social assistance; Then, the intention is to understand and analyze the structure and dynamics of assistance in St. Joseph Orphanage. Methodologically, this is a theoretical and empirical research based on bibliographical and documentary research. / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de investigação a assistência social no Orfanato São José da cidade de Goiás no período compreendido entre 1923 e 1969. A temática diz respeito a um dos maiores problemas da sociedade contemporânea, crianças em situação de abandono. Afinal, apesar de a Lei garantir os direitos e a ciência alertar quanto aos danos, por que existe um número tão grande de crianças nos abrigos? A hipótese é que mesmo com os avanços em relação à assistência social por meio da implementação de políticas públicas estatais, as instituições religiosas desempenharam um papel primordial para o amparo das crianças e adolescentes em situação de pobreza e abandono. Assim, este trabalho analisa o processo de mudança institucional e estruturação organizacional ocorrido na assistência social no Brasil tendo como foco principal o papel do Estado. As análises de North (1991), Streeck e Thelen (2005), Hall e Thelen (2009), Mahoney e Thelen (2010) conferem uma abordagem histórica e um marco analítico para explicar como as instituições e as mudanças institucionais afetaram a assistência social. No primeiro capítulo objetiva-se conhecer o processo de mudança institucional no plano macro estrutural destacando os fatores e atores centrais que precipitam a mudança, a assistência social na cidade de Goiás; No segundo capítulo, busca-se contextualizar uma breve história sobre a infância pobre no Brasil, além de caracterizar os diferentes modelos de abrigo utilizados pela assistência social brasileira; Em seguida, a intenção é conhecer e analisar a estrutura e dinâmica da assistência prestada no Orfanato São José. Metodologicamente, trata-se uma pesquisa teórico-empírica baseada em pesquisa bibliográfica e documental.

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