Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ostentation"" "subject:"ustentation""
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Les lits ornés d’ivoire de Cumes : art et mémoire dans les funérailles aristocratiques romaines (Ier s. av. J.-C. - Ier s. ap. J.-C.) / Beds adorned with ivory from Cumae : art and memory in the Roman aristocratic funeral (1st century BC - 1st century AD)Cormier, Anselme 25 June 2015 (has links)
Les lits funéraires de l’époque romaine sont issus d’une tradition ancienne dont les origines, au-delà des Grecs, remontent aux périodes historiques les plus reculées, en Égypte et au Proche-Orient. Depuis le XIXe siècle, les fouilles ont livré de nombreux vestiges chronologiquement situés pour la plupart entre le IIe s. av. et le IIe s. ap. J.-C. ; ils font écho à ceux découverts en contextes domestiques, certes moins nombreux, mais dont l’étude autorise des comparaisons intéressantes et une meilleure compréhension du sujet. La grande variété des modèles répertoriés m’a donc conduit à l’élaboration d’une typologie détaillée, incluant les formes les plus anciennes jusqu’à celles de la période romaine. Les publications consultées ont fait évoluer de manière significative notre connaissance des lits ornés de bronze et ceux rehaussés de décorations en os sculpté. En revanche, les attestations de lits en ivoire demeurent extrêmement rares, que ce soit en Italie ou dans l’ensemble du monde romain. La découverte à Cumes des restes de trois exemplaires, dont les décorations étaient sculptées en ce matériau précieux, constitue par conséquent un témoignage essentiel et de premier ordre. Les fragments étaient mélangés aux ossements des défunts et contenus dans des urnes, elles-mêmes déposées au sein d’importants mausolées. La remarquable qualité de facture et la grande finesse d’exécution, bien visibles sur certaines pièces conservées malgré la destruction engendrée par la crémation, ainsi que les thèmes iconographiques mis en scène, attestent des intentions ostentatoires des propriétaires, soucieux de montrer aux vivants leur statut social, leur richesse et leur vertu. La mise en contexte de ces trois lits et leur étude approfondie, au regard des occurrences connues, a permis pour chacun d’entre eux d’aboutir à une proposition de restitution graphique, préambule indispensable à une analyse iconographique et iconologique. Les résultats obtenus, mis en regard des mausolées dans lesquels ils furent découverts, ont conduit à une compréhension plus précise de la place prépondérante qu’occupaient ces lits dans le cérémonial des funérailles. / The funerary beds of the Roman period come from an ancient tradition, whose origins, beyond the Greeks, can be traced to the earliest historical periods, in Egypt and in the Near East. Since the 19th century, excavations have produced many vestiges, most of them dating back to between the 2nd C. BC up to the 2nd C. AD ; they echo pieces found in domestic contexts which, though less numerous, allow interesting comparisons and a better understanding of the topic. The large variety of the identified models led me to develop a detailed typology of these forms, from the most ancient ones up to those of the Roman period. The consulted publications significantly changed our knowledge of the beds adorned with bronze as well as those adorned with bone carvings. By contrast, instances of ivory beds are extremely rare, whether it be in Italy or in the whole Roman world. Thus, the discovery at Cumae of the vestiges of three ivory beds, adorned with this precious material, serves as essential and unique testimony. The fragments were mixed with the bones of the deceased and placed in urns, themselves located in important mausoleums. Their remarkable quality and meticulous workmanship, clearly visible upon some pieces, which survived the destruction caused by the cremation, as well as the iconographic staged patterns, testify to the conspicuous intentions of their owners, anxious to show their social status, their wealth and their virtues to the living. The contextualization and close study of these three beds, along with a comparison with the known examples, led for each of them to an attempt at a graphic restoration, as a prerequisite for an iconographical and iconological analysis. The achieved results, correlated with the mausoleums where they were found, led to a much more precise understanding of those beds and of the prominent position they enjoyed at the funeral ceremony.
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Le style comme monstre. La virtuosité ostentatoire dans l’œuvre de Cyrano de Bergerac / Cyrano de Bergerac and the ostentatious virtuosityLevesque, Mathilde 06 November 2010 (has links)
Depuis quelques années Cyrano de Bergerac bénéficie d’un regain d’intérêt dans les études littéraires. Toutefois, ce vaste champ bibliographique se centre essentiellement sur les deux romans ou sur le recueil de lettres, sans prendre en compte l’ensemble de l’œuvre d’un écrivain pourtant polygraphe. Le présent travail se propose à la fois de trouver la cohérence d’un geste d’écriture au-delà des variations génériques, et d’analyser la dimension idiosyncrasique d’un style : la singularité de l’écriture cyranienne mérite d’être envisagée hors de tout rattachement à un groupe littéraire ou idéologique (qu’on pense, notamment, aux « burlesques » ou encore aux « libertins »). Les perspectives croisées de la stylistique et de l’analyse du discours permettent de faire émerger une quête permanente de la virtuosité langagière, dont l’écriture de la pointe est le support privilégié.Cyrano écrit pour susciter l’admiration, comme il en convient lui-même : l’ensemble de son œuvre porte la trace de cette aspiration. Toutefois, la recherche obstinée de la fulgurance comporte en soi un coût pragmatique : l’artifice, nécessaire mais risqué, témoigne de la fragilité de l’éclat. / For a few years now, Cyrano de Bergerac has been considered with renewed interest by literary scholars. However the many studies published recently have mainly focused on his two novels or on the collection of his letters, without really taking into account his body of works in its entirety. This study offers both to find, beyond generic variations, the coherence of his writing, and to analyse the idiosyncratic dimension of his style; the singularity of Cyrano’s writing deserves to be considered for itself, without linking it to any literary or ideological movement – be it the “Burlesques” or the “Libertines”.The combined perspectives of stylistics and of discourse analysis reveal a constant quest for linguistic virtuosity, writing conceits being its most used device. Cyrano writes to arouse admiration, as he confesses himself; his whole body of works bears the mark of this endeavour. However, aiming constantly for dazzling wit comes at a pragmatic cost; literary devices are necessary but risky – they bear witness to the fragility of the writer’s feat.
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Entre o olhar da pobreza e o som da ostentação : o consumo das narrativas midiáticas do funk ostentação por crianças em contextos de vulnerabilidade social / Between the look of poverty and the sound of ostentation: the consumption of the mediatic narratives of funk ostentation by children in contexts of social vulnerabilityRezende, Aline da Silva Borges 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2017-11-13T13:20:00Z
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ALINE REZENDE.pdf: 38828605 bytes, checksum: 0ead72ad4734caf2505a6873f7973b55 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-22T13:01:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / In the cultural circuit of funk ostentation, the periphery overflows and fades territorial delimitations, making it possible to transpose, through the imaginary paths of songs and audiovisual aesthetics of this musical genre, the reality of poverty experienced by children and young people peripheral to the symbolic universe for the consumption of Lux. It is with this contextual panorama that this research aims to investigate the uses and modes of appropriation of the mediatic narratives of the funk ostentation by a group of children, from 6 to 12 years of age, living in the largest favela on stilts in Brazil, community of the Vila Gilda Dam, in Santos, a coastal municipality of São Paulo. Based on the theoretical reflections on peripheries, childhood and social vulnerability, articulated to the studies on entertainment narratives and media consumption, in consonance with the concepts of bastardy, music listening, sound landscapes, performativity and mimesis in culture, this research endeavors to explore specific contexts of reception of funk ostentation, as well as the cultural and social circuits that engender this musical genre. Thus, the study problematizes whether the expressions that refer to the imagery of consumption, celebrity and social projection, embodied in the productions of funk ostentation, corroborate the maintenance of a capitalist and exclusive status quo or, in some way, refract the reality of poverty and precariousness experienced by these children. / No circuito cultural do funk ostentação, a periferia transborda e esmaece as delimitações territoriais, possibilitando transpor, pelas vias imaginárias das canções e das estéticas audiovisuais desse gênero musical, a realidade de pobreza vivida por crianças e jovens periféricos para o universo simbólico para o consumo de luxo. É com este panorama contextual que esta pesquisa objetiva investigar os usos e os modos de apropriação das narrativas midiáticas do funk ostentação por um grupo de crianças, de 6 a 12 anos de idade, moradoras da maior favela sobre palafitas do Brasil, a saber, a comunidade do Dique da Vila Gilda, em Santos, município litorâneo de São Paulo. Partindo das reflexões teóricas sobre periferias, infâncias e vulnerabilidade social, articuladas aos estudos sobre narrativas do entretenimento e consumo midiático, em consonância com os conceitos de bastardia, escuta musical, paisagens sonoras, performatividade e mimese na cultura, esta pesquisa empenha-se em explorar contextos específicos de recepção do funk ostentação, bem como os circuitos culturais e sociais que engendram esse gênero musical. Assim, o estudo problematiza se as expressões que aludem aos imaginários do consumo, à celebrização e à projeção social, incutidos nas produções do funk ostentação, corroboram para a manutenção de um status quo capitalista e excludente ou, de alguma maneira, refratam a realidade de pobreza e precariedade vivenciada por essas infâncias.
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[pt] O objetivo desta tese é contribuir para o debate da relação entre contexto
socioeconômico e artes a partir da análise do fenômeno do funk ostentação. Surgido
ao longo dos anos de crescimento econômico dos governos do Partido dos
Trabalhadores, o funk ostentação foi entendido como uma representação do que se
rotulou, à época, de nova classe média, um fenômeno socioeconômico que foi
associado ao êxito das políticas econômicas e sociais do PT. À medida que
ganhavam destaque na indústria da música, uma parte expressiva dos artistas do
funk ostentação passou a defender um discurso explicitamente neoliberal,
ressaltando a meritocracia e o empreendedorismo como fatores determinantes de
seu êxito (individual), ignorando o papel das políticas para a formação do próprio
subgênero. No campo da música, foi dada maior atenção à economia do funk e às
inovações de um modelo de negócio engendrado pela produtora Kondzilla
destacando a centralidade do audiovisual e das redes sociais digitais, notadamente
o YouTube. A tese se detém justamente sobre essa aparente contradição entre os
contextos socioeconômico e cultural realizando uma análise interpretativa de
conteúdo de entrevistas de alguns personagens mais destacados dentro do
subgênero musical postadas na plataforma YouTube entre 2011 e 2015. Ainda que
as políticas neoliberais de consumo não produzam necessariamente impactos
políticos lineares, totalizantes e homogêneos, verificou-se nas falas dos MCs a
recorrência de um discurso marcado pelo individualismo e pela cultura
motivacional, aparentemente antitéticos a um contexto econômico de maior
socialização do poder de compra via políticas públicas de Estado. / [en] The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the debate on the relationship
between the socioeconomic context and the arts based on the analysis of the funk
ostentação phenomenon. Emerged over the years of economic growth of the
Workers Party governments, funk ostentação was understood as a representation
of what was labeled, at the time, the new middle class, a socioeconomic
phenomenon that was associated with the success of economic and social policies
of the PT. As they gained prominence in the music industry, a significant number
of funk ostentação artists began to defend an explicitly neoliberal discourse,
emphasizing meritocracy and entrepreneurship as determining factors for their
(individual) success, ignoring the role of policies for training of the subgenus itself.
In the field of music, greater attention was given to the economy of funk and to the
innovations of a business model engendered by the producer Kondzilla,
highlighting the centrality of audiovisual and digital social networks, notably
YouTube, in this process. The thesis dwells precisely on this apparent contradiction
between the socioeconomic and cultural contexts, performing an interpretative
content analysis of interviews with some of the most prominent characters within
the musical subgenre posted on the YouTube platform between 2011 and 2015.
Although neoliberal consumer policies do not produce necessarily linear, totalizing
and homogeneous political impacts, it was verified in the speeches of the MCs the
recurrence of a discourse marked by individualism and motivational culture,
apparently antithetical to an economic context of greater socialization of purchasing
power via public State policies.
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Crime, ostentação e afetividade: um estudo psicossocial sobre o adolescente em conflito com a LeiSilva, Luciana Ferreira 11 September 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-09-11 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The issue of adolescents in conflict with the law has been the focus of discussions from the field of scientific knowledge, as by civil society and the authorities responsible for the implementation of public policies, since it presents itself as a serious social problem. Ways to problematize it varies greatly, and, today, one focus is the reduction of criminal responsibility to ensure social control. The interest in the subject arose from the experience of the researcher in work directed at adolescents in conflict with the law, specifically teenagers under socio measure of Probation and Services to the Community. The objective of the research is to understand the affective-volitional basis of admission and permanence of adolescents in criminal activities. Understanding this to prevent a reduction of a complex issue for naturalizing and visions of causality, considering the young in their human totality. The research was carried out with 5 teens under socio measured, aged between 15 and 18 years for both sexes. The methodology used was the life story and the focus group. The research aimed to discuss, from the point of view of the motivations of these young people enter and remain in the crime, the meanings of crime and life plans of young people concerned. The data showed that one of the reasons given for entering the world of crime is the pursuit of consumption and as a result the achievement of recognition, a illusory recognition. Being is replaced by having and ostentation and luxury are the values that guide the activity of these young people. The affection appears, unlike in their careers, as a possibility for reflection and output crime world . When are affected by the suffering of families, these youngsters start to reflect on their actions and to question them / A questão do adolescente em conflito com a Lei tem sido foco de discussões tanto do campo do conhecimento cientifico, quanto por parte da sociedade civil e das autoridades responsáveis pela execução das políticas públicas, uma vez que se apresenta como um grave problema social. As formas de problematizá-la variam muito, sendo que, na atualidade, um dos focos é a diminuição da maioridade penal para garantir o controle social. O interesse pelo tema surgiu da experiência da pesquisadora em trabalhos direcionados a adolescentes em conflito com a Lei, mais especificamente a adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa de Liberdade Assistida e Prestação de Serviços a Comunidade. O objetivo da pesquisa é compreender as bases afetivo-volitivas do ingresso e da permanência dos adolescentes nas atividades delituosas. Compreensão essa que visa evitar a redução de uma questão complexa por visões naturalizantes e de causalidade, considerando o jovem na sua totalidade humana. A pesquisa foi realizada com 5 adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa em meio-aberto (Liberdade Assistida e Prestação de Serviços a Comunidade), com idades entre 15 e 18 anos de ambos os sexos. A metodologia utilizada foi a história de vida e o grupo focal. A pesquisa visou discutir, a partir do ponto de vista desses jovens as motivações do ingresso e permanência na criminalidade, os sentidos do crime e do criminoso e os projetos de vida dos jovens em questão. Os dados nos mostraram que um dos motivos apresentados para o ingresso no mundo do crime é a busca de poder de consumo e como consequência disso a conquista de reconhecimento, reconhecimento esse que é ilusório. O ser é substituído pelo ter e ostentação e luxo são os valores que orientam a atividade desses jovens. O afeto ao contrário aparece em suas trajetórias como uma possibilidade de reflexão e saída do mundo do crime . Quando são afetados pelo sofrimento dos familiares, esses jovens passam a refletir sobre os seus atos e a questioná-los
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Commander au long cours depuis la Guyenne : les capitaines de navire bordelais au XVIIIe siècle / Commanding from Guyenne : Ship captains in Bordeaux in the 18th centuryCandelon-Boudet, Frédéric 05 September 2018 (has links)
L’activité du port de Bordeaux en plein essor au XVIIIe siècle est bien connue des historiens modernistes. Paradoxalement, les développements consacrés aux professionnels embarqués sur les gréements sont plus rares, alors qu’une telle étude a déjà été réalisée pour la capitale de la Guyenne à la fin du Moyen-âge. Parmi les « gens de mer » demeurés dans l’ombre, les capitaines de navire se démarquent à plus d’un titre. Par la charge symbolique mais aussi juridique que revêt la fonction, en premier lieu, dans le convoi des hommes et des marchandises au-delà des océans. Par le champ de compétences étendu que recouvre la profession, ensuite. Les commandants de bord doivent en effet non seulement être en capacité de piloter un bâtiment au long cours, mais en outre diriger un équipage bigarré, tout en versant dans le commerce au moment jugé le plus opportun. Les capitaines apparaissent ainsi comme des acteurs incontournables des échanges maritimes à l'époque moderne, cernés par un océan d’archives dont l’importance des fonds conservés à Bordeaux, en dépit des ravages du temps, rend parfaitement compte. Par les perspectives de mobilité sociale offertes par le métier, en dernier lieu. Affiliée aux négociants avec lesquels elle partage une même communauté de vues et de pratiques, contrôlant l’information, brouillant les pistes entre les acteurs de l’échange, la figure du « capitaine-géreur » placée à la tête des expéditions maritimes ou paradant parmi les cercles mondains révèle une confusion des genres pouvant induire des changements d’état. Il s’agit de déterminer si le négoce à temps plein constitue un horizon accessible puis pérenne, parmi d’autres opportunités de reconversion à portée du groupe. Alors que le commerce colonial et négrier assure la prospérité de la capitale de la Guyenne, c’est l’identité de la profession via sa capacité à se fondre parmi les élites urbaines qui questionne, de la Régence à la Révolution française. / Modern historians have good knowledge of the 18th century growth of Bordeaux harbour activity. But works about crew members are scarce while paradoxically such a study had already been led for the « Guyenne » capital as early as in the end of the Middle Ages. Ship commanders stand out from all other rather discreet socio-professional categories related to sailors for many reasons : first, because of the symbolical and legal dimension of their occupation which implies their responsibility whenever it comes to the transportation of men and goods ; secondly, because of their huge fields of expertise, like to be able to steer boats over long distance, to handle crews of dozens of members or to carry out commercial transactions ; last, but not least, because of the social mobility offered by their position. Highly documented in a rich archive collection kept and preserved in Bordeaux, captains have turned into key players of the maritime trade of the modern era. By frequently working and diverting themselves with traders and ship owners, they developed a trusting relationship with them. The question is to determine how this cooperation was shaped, and to know if trading or ship armament were possible career changes within the reach of captains, and if not, how they could integrate the urban elites at work under the « Ancien Régime ». When the colonial and slave trade ensured the Bordeaux harbour’s prosperity, it is the identity of the merchant navy ship commanders working from the capital of « Guyenne » that will be here studied, from the Regency to the French Revolution.
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