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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analys av prispåverkande faktorer på bostadsrättsmarknaden i Uppsala

Karlsson, Mattias, Lövgren, Mats January 2010 (has links)
AimThe purpose of this study is to analyze factors that affect the price on tenant-owner apartments in the central parts of Uppsala. Special attention is put on analyzing how the monthly fee and the location affect the price. The hypotheses are that the monthly fee and the distance to the central part of the city have a negative effect on the price. A number of additional price affecting factors was taken in consideration during this study. Method This study is mainly based on data supplied to us by Mäklarstatistik. The supplied data consists of information about tenant-owner apartment sales in Uppsala during a year under 2008 and 2009. Before the Hedonic method was used in order to get the result, we added information, processed it and eliminated unwanted data. The Hedonic method makes it possible to describe the selling price as a function of several price affective factors. To investigate how the monthly fee affects the selling price, several regression equations were conducted. The data supplied to us was processed with the computer program Microsoft Excel. Result and conclusions The investigation shows that there is a negative correlation both between the monthly fee and the apartments selling price, as well as between the selling price and the distances to the Fyrisån and the Stora torget. Suggestions for future research The interest rate on the housing loan is one of the biggest contributing factors in the total monthly cost for most household owners. In this study we have not taken in consideration the effect of the present interest rate for household loan. Therefore we think it would be interesting to investigate its effects on the market. Contribution of the thesis   This study has strengthened the credibility of earlier studies. It has also given a deeper insight into how the monthly fee affects the price on apartments by using more variables than earlier studies.

The relationship betweenEmotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Orientation : Observed within owner-managers who lead small, high-tech firms in Sweden

Pachulia, Gocha, Henderson, Laura January 2009 (has links)
<p>Problem: Is there a statistically significant relationship between the EI of an ownermanager and the EO within a small firm?</p><p>Purpose: The primary purpose of this study was to perform an exploratory study of the research by addressing the first hypothesis. The secondary purpose of this study was to characterize the nature of this relationship by exploring micro-connections between EI and EO factors, by addressing the second hypothesis.</p><p>Hypotheses: 1) An owner-manager’s EI can be used to predict EO within small firms. 2) An owner-managers’ EI dimensions are positively correlated to the EO dimensions in small firms.</p><p> </p><p>Method: A questionnaire including the EISDI (Emotional Intelligence) instrument and the Covin & Slevin (1989) Entrepreneurial Orientation (entrepreneurial/strategic posture) instrument were sent by email to respondents. Responses were collected from a sample of 35 respondents, who were identified as owner-managers of small, young firms within the Swedish high-tech industry. An empirical analysis examined correlations between global EI and global EO, as well as EI and EO factors.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Main findings: Both hypotheses were rejected. It was concluded that an owner-manager’s EI cannot be used to predict EO within small firms. Moreover, it was found that no part of an owner-manager’s EI is significantly nor strongly correlated to EO dimensions within small firms.</p><p> </p>

Energideklaration- Vad är det och hur ska det hanteras i fastighetsbranschen?

Gustafsson, Bert January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>The Energy Declaration is a law that will come into effect October 1: Th 2006. This report has Värnamo municipality as principal and shall clarify what the estate owner in general and Värnamo municipality in particular need to know about this law. Another part that is going to be dealt with is how large the future need for energy experts in this field will be, and which competence that will be demanded for them.</p><p>The work will in general deal with simplified energy declarations for apartment houses and public buildings, since these buildings are the first to be involved with energy declarations.</p><p>The energy declaration will consist of a number of important components.</p><p>• Energy power i.e. how much energy the building consume</p><p>• If the ventilation control is done</p><p>• If the radon measurement is carried out</p><p>• Recommendations of measures to improve the energy power</p><p>• Reference value to compare the buildings energy power against</p><p>According to the law the declaration shall been made by an independent expert, which will need certain information for this. The estate owner will need to collect some of this information. To simplify the collection of information a model was developed that can be used by the estate owner.</p><p>The model was tested on Trälleborgskolan in Värnamo. It worked well because energy statistics were available from Värnamo municipality estate department. Regarding the energy consumption monthly statistics were also available which was desirable. Some improvement can been made by correlate the heat consumption for a normal year.</p><p>There will be an estimated need for about 500-1000 energy experts to work with energy declarations in the future. The requirements on these experts are apart from the right education, also a couple of years of experience from the energy business. This can be hard to fulfil for a newly examined engineer.</p><p>This report focuses on the simplified energy declaration. In a couple of years when building will need to be inspected more thoroughly, there might be a need for more information to be collected. How this can be done in the different estate management computer software that are available, could be a base for future work in this area.</p>

SMEs offline: why? : A multiple-case study of Swedish micro SMEs

Schmuck, Ludger, Vintish, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The Internet is becoming a more and more influencing factor in our everyday life. It affects many of our daily tasks and it is a determining factor we built our decisions on. Especially in Sweden, retrieving information about products or services online prior to the purchase is a matter of course and emphasizes therefore its importance. A website offers a costefficient potential for smaller firms with limited resources to be visible for consumers and to compete on the larger market. However, the website adoption has been neglected amongst 41% of Swedish micro Small- and Medium sized Enterprises (SME), which raises the question why this phenomenon exists. Existing literature does not provide a solid explanation of this occurrence and this is where our study steps in. In order to answer our research question and to fill this gap, the study is designed as a qualitative multiple-case study with twelve semi-structured interviews conducted amongst the owner-managers of micro SMEs in different parts of Sweden. The study aims to fill the theoretical gap by identifying and explaining the reasons why micro SMEs in Sweden do not adopt a website. The empirical contribution is the development of managerial recommendations about how micro SMEs can overcome the barriers to adopt a website.  This research was guided by a conceptual framework, including strategic, consumer and customer, communication and interaction perspectives, as well as the perspective of the perception of websites. In order to carry out a profound analysis, we decided to apply two steps. The first step of the analysis was to connect the themes itself to theory in order to explore what the collected data represents so that reasons explaining why micro SMEs do not adopt a website could be found. The second step of the analysis included the exploration of the identified reasons in order to understand why these exist. The results from this study are expressed as six reasons why the owner-managers of micro SMEs in Sweden have not adopted a website. These reasons are: a wrong perception of a website, the lack of resources and competences, precaution, being a contractor to an umbrella company, being unaware of a website’s impact on the business and having successful network and offline-communication methods. The findings leave practitioners and researchers with an idea about what reasons are leading owners of micro SMEs to neglect a website and why these reasons exist.

Managerial work and learning in small firms

Florén, Henrik January 2005 (has links)
This thesis deals with how managerial work sets the agenda for managerial learning in small firms. Although studies of learning in organizations are numerous, research on managerial learning in the small-firm context is limited. In particular, our knowledge of managerial learning suffers from an insufficient understanding of what top managers in small firms do. The primary purpose of this thesis is to describe how the work of small-firm managers sets the agenda for managerial learning, and how their learning can be supported. Additionally, the thesis explores the use of so-called “Action Technologies” in supporting managerial learning in small firms.Drawing on an observational study of six owner-managers in small (17-43 employees) manufacturing firms, and a synthesis of earlier studies, this thesis shows that three features of managerial work shape managerial learning in small firms: The small firm’s top manager (i) operates in context with specific structural conditions that affect his/her behavior, (ii) have certain cognitive predispositions guiding his/her behavior, and (iii) have certain behavioral preferences directing his/her behavior.The main argument in this thesis is that managerial learning in small firms is made difficult due to features that make it hard to come to a point where learning (in terms of reflection and conceptualization) is given time and resources, as the manager has trouble in finding time for learning, and as learning risks to become low-priority. Learning is also difficult due to barriers related to the learning process: the work of the manager fosters a superficial learning orientation, makes it difficult to probe deeply into and to develop complicated understandings of issues at hand, and makes peer-learning rarely possible.Drawing on an action research project of managerial learning in four networks of small-firm owner-managers, the thesis also explores, in a concrete manner, how managerial learning might be supported in a way that circumvents the deficient situation for managerial learning in this kind of firm. More specifically, it seems that Action Technologies by their design constitute a learning context that supports the learning of the small-firm top manager by dissolving the barriers to learning identified above. / <p>Original papers included. Paper III, "Managerial behavior in small firms - a critical analysis of evidence from observational studies" changed title to "Managerial work in small firms: summarising what we know and sketching a research agenda".</p>

Ar individuali įmonė gali turėti kelis savininkus? / May a company organized as sole proprietorship have several owners?

Neiberka, Povilas 08 August 2008 (has links)
Santuokos sudarymu sukuriami šeimos teisiniai santykiai: vyras ir moteris įgyja specifinį teisinį statusą – tampa sutuoktiniais, o kartu perima asmenines neturtines ir turtines teises ir pareigas. Sutuoktinius, įgyvendinant turto valdymo, naudojimosi ir disponavimo teises, sieja glaudūs tarpusavio priklausomybės, artimi santykiai, kurie iš esmės sudaro jų teisinių santykių turinį. Santuoką sudariusių asmenų turtinių santykių aiškumas tampa ypač aktualiu klausimu užtikrinant bei apsaugant tiek pačių sutuoktinių, tiek trečiųjų asmenų interesus, kadangi, nesudarius vedybų sutarties, bet koks susituokus įgytas turtas tampa bendrąja jungtine nuosavybe. Sutuoktinių nuosavybės teisės į individualią įmonę , kaip turtinį kompleksą, ją įkūrus po santuokos sudarymo, ir yra šio darbo objektas. Viena kylančių problemų susijusi su neapibrėžtumu, tarpusavyje lyginant Lietuvos Respublikos Civiliniame kodekse ir LR Individualių įmonių įstatyme įtvirtintas normas: remiantis CK formulavimu, santuokos metu įsteigta įmonė priskirtina bendrajai jungtinei nuosavybei, tuo tarpu IĮ įstatyme reglamentuojama, kad IĮ steigėju ir savininku gali būti tik vienas fizinis asmuo, šiuo atveju – vienas iš sutuoktinių. Šio darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti, ar IĮ gali turėti kelis savininkus. / Family relations are established by conjugnality of a man and a woman: they come into position of a husbant and a wife and obtains personal property and non-property rights and interests. Wedded persons are bond by close interdependence ties that make the essence of their legal relations. The clarity of property relations of wedded persons is very important to secure and protect not only their, but also the interests of third parties, i. e. creditors, because in the absence of wedding contract, property acquired during the marriage is automatically presumed to be owned jointly by both spouses. The ownership of a company organized as a sole proprietorship that is established by one of the spouses while being in marriage is the object of this work. The problem of interdetermination arises while seeking to determine the ownership rights of spouses to a SP: Lithuania‘s Civil Code sets the rule that company established during the marriage is presumed to be an object of community property, whereas the Statute of Sole Proprietorships‘ allows a company organized as SP to be owned by a single person, in this instance – one of the spouses. The issue of this work is to analyse if a company organized as SP may have a few owners.

Įmonės savininko ir aukščiausio vadovo atskyrimo problematika / The peculiarity of separating firm’s owner and highest manager

Motiečiūtė, Rima 06 August 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama aukščiausio įmonės vadovo ir savininko atskyrimo problematika. Vadybos literatūroje yra menkai nagrinėta vadovo kaip savininko ir vadovo kaip ne savininko įtaka organizacijai, bei būdai ir metodai kaip atskirti vadovą nuo savininko. Darbo tikslas – parengti siūlymus, kaip atskirti aukščiausią įmonės vadovą ir savininką. Pirmojoje dalyje nustatytas ir atskleistas aukščiausio vadovo ir savininko santykis, jų atskyrimo problematika remiantis vadybos literatūra. Antrojoje dalyje aprašomas atliekamas UAB „Gelžbetonis“ tyrimas, tyrimo vertė, tyrimui naudojami metodai ir šaltiniai, pristatomi ir įvertinami analizės rezultatai, išskiriami taisytini aspektai. Atliktos analizės rezultatai rodo, kad įmonės generaliniam direktoriui iškyla nemažai problemų derinant aukščiausio vadovo ir savininko vaidmenis. Trečiojoje dalyje siūlomas vadovo ir savininko atskyrimo projektas UAB „Gelžbetonis“ pavyzdžiu. / In this paper there is analyzed the peculiarity of separating firm’s owner and highest manager. In management literature the influence to organization of manager as an owner and manager as not an owner, and methods how to separate manager from owner are very weak analyzed. The target of this thesis is to prepare offers, how to separate manager from owner. In the first part there is a defined highest manager’s and owner’s relation, the facility of their separation appealing to management literature. In the second part there are describing the research of JSC “Gelžbetonis”, research value, methods and sources used in research, introducing and evaluating results of research. In third part there are a project, how to separate highest manager and owner in JSC “Gelžbetonis” example.

Bendrosios nuosavybės teisės įgyvendinimo daugiabučiuose namuose problemos / Problems of common property right implementation in the blocks of flats

Paškonytė, Inga 05 February 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe atskleidžiamos bendrosios dalinės nuosavybės teisės daugiabučiuose namuose problemų kilimo priežastys ir prielaidos, nagrinėjamos dažniausiai pasitaikančios problemos šios nuosavybės valdymo, naudojimo ir disponavimo ja procese, siūlomi problemų sprendimo būdai. Bendrosios dalinės nuosavybės teisės daugiabučiuose namuose įgyvendinimo problemų yra visuose šios teisės įgyvendinimo etapuose. Šios problemos yra sąlygotos tiek objektyvių, tiek subjektyvių veiksnių: tai didelis daugiabučių namų skaičius bei ženkli juose gyvenančių gyventojų dalis, nuosavybės teisę į butus ir kitas patalpas turinčių asmenų nevienodas teisinis statusas, didesnės dalies daugiabučių namų senas amžius bei prasta būklė; taip pat finansinis didelės dalies gyventojų nepajėgumas, skirtinga namo gyventojų socialinė padėtis ir poreikiai, teisės aktų netobulumas. / This master’s degree thesis reveals causes and assumptions of common partial property right in the blocks of flats problems, analyzes the most common problems, which occur in the process of property management, use, and disposal, and also provides solutions. Problems occur in all steps of common partial property right in the blocks of flats implementation. These problems are caused by objective and subjective factors: the large number of apartment houses and significant part of residents, unequal legal status of people, who have the property right of apartments and other premises, poor condition of majority of the apartments; also financial incapability of many residents, different social situation and needs of a building residents, and imperfection of legal acts.


Leitch, Zachary John 01 January 2012 (has links)
The Commonwealth of Kentucky is taking steps to expand bioenergy production in response to federal policy initiatives as well as environmental and energy security concerns. The success of this industry will be impacted by the supply of feedstock available from private individuals who own a majority (78%) of forest resources in the state. Despite a developing body of bioenergy research, little is known concerning the social availability of forest biomass for energy production. This study measures intent to harvest energy wood among family forest owners using a mail-­‐based survey and tests the effect of educational materials provided to participants. The theory of planned behavior is used to model factors that affect landowner intentions. Two-­‐thirds of respondents reported that they intend to include energy wood in future harvests, but the educational material treatment did not affect intentions. Respondents’ attitudes, perceived subjective norms, and perceived control each had a significant effect on intent to harvest. Respondents also identified barriers that may prevent them from harvesting, providing forestry professionals with a list of challenges to overcome if supply is to be maximized. The results of this study are valuable for all stakeholders involved in the development of a sustainable biomass and bioenergy industry.

The Neighbourly Node : effects of municipal third party involvement on SME networking

Smedley, Lisa January 2014 (has links)
Networking has shown to benefit SMEs in terms of increasing resource acquisition and knowledge transfer, two vital components in SME growth and survival. However, previous research has indicated that SME network management is largely determined by the strategic orientation of the firm, which in turn, is influenced by the owner/manager. Third party involvement has moreover been suggested to positively influence networking participation by facilitating the overall networking process for SMEs. In the present study, the moderating effect of non-profit, municipal third party involvement, on the relationship between firm growth orientation and network intensity and range, is thus examined.

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