Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boxidation process"" "subject:"deoxidation process""
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Étude de dégradation des colorants de textile par les procédés d'oxydation avancée : application à la dépollution des rejets industriels / A study on textile dye degradation by advanced oxidation processes : application to the depollution of industrial effluentsHammami, Samiha 12 December 2008 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l’application de différents procédés d’oxydation avancée, POA (plasma d'air humide, électro-Fenton, photo-Fenton et oxydation anodique avec BDD) pour le traitement des colorants de textile. La particularité de ces procédés tient à la génération dans le milieu d’entités très réactives et très oxydantes, les radicaux hydroxyles •OH qui sont capables d’oxyder n’importe quelle molécule organique jusqu’au stade ultime d'oxydation, c'est-à-dire la minéralisation (transformation en CO2 et H2O). Le plasma d'air humide a été appliqué pour l'oxydation d'un colorant azoïque, l'OD 61. Différents catalyseurs (Fe2+, Fe3+ et TiO2) ont été ajoutés dans leurs conditions optimisées afin d'améliorer les performances du système Glidarc. La combinaison des deux catalyseurs: Fe2+ et TiO2 a permis de décolorer 91% de l'OD 61 au bout de 3 heures et d'atteindre un taux d'abattement du COT de l'ordre de 52% après 10 heures de traitement. La méthodologie de la recherche expérimentale a été appliquée dans ce mémoire afin d'étudier l'influence de: l'intensité du courant, la concentration du colorant et le temps d'électrolyse sur la vitesse de disparition de l'OD 61 et afin de déterminer les conditions optimales de sa minéralisation. Dans les conditions optimales obtenues ([colorant] = 0,53.10-3 mol.L-1, I = 250 mA), le procédé électro-Fenton (EF) permet d'atteindre des taux de minéralisation de l'ordre de 98% dans le cas de l'OD 61 et l'AO 7 et de 88% dans le cas de l'indigo carmine. L’identification des produits intermédiaires au cours de l’électrolyse a permis de proposer un mécanisme de minéralisation de l'AO7. Les constantes cinétiques apparentes et absolues ont été déterminées. La dégradation de l'indigo a été étudiée par oxydation anodique avec BDD (OA-BDD) et par procédé photo-Fenton (PF). Cette étude a montré que l'électrolyse de l'indigo suit une cinétique de pseudo premier ordre et que le taux d'abattement du COT était de l'ordre de 97% et 63% respectivement avec OA-BDD et PF. Une étude comparative pour l'oxydation de l'AO 7 a été menée par trois procédés d'oxydation avancée: PF, OA- BDD et EF-Pt et EF-BDD. Cette étude a montré que le procédé photo-Fenton permet d'atteindre des taux d'abattement supérieurs à 90% après seulement 2 heures de traitement. Toutefois, le PF s'est révélé le plus coûteux suite à l'utilisation de la lumière artificielle UV et l'ajout des réactifs. Par ailleurs, le traitement d'un effluent réel issu de l'industrie de textile par le procédé électro-Fenton avec une anode de platine a permis la minéralisation presque totale du rejet initial (94% du COT initial ont été éliminés) / This study concerns the application of various advanced oxidation processes, AOP (humid air plasma, electro-Fenton, photo-Fenton and anodic oxidation with BDD) to treatment of wastewater containing the persistent organic pollutants such as textile dyes. The characteristic of these processes is due to the generation of very reactive and very oxidizing species, hydroxyl radicals •OH which are able to oxidize any organic molecule until the ultimate oxidation stage, i.e. mineralization (transformation into CO2 and H2O). The humid air plasma was applied for DO 61degradation. Various catalysts (Fe2+, Fe3+ and TiO2) were added under their optimized conditions in order to improve the performances of Glidarc system. The combination of Fe2+and TiO2 lead to reach 91% of DO 61 degradation after 3 hours and 52% of TOC abatement after 10 H of treatment. The experimental design methodology was applied in this work in order to investigate the influence of experimental parameters (current intensity, dye concentration and electrolysis time) on the degradation rate of DO 61 dye and then for determining the optimal mineralization conditions. Under the optimal obtained conditions ([dye] = 0.53 10-3 mol.L-1, I = 250 mA), electro-Fenton process can lead to a complete mineralization of dyes: 98% of TOC abatement are obtained in the case of the DO 61 and the AO 7 and 88% in the case of indigo carmine. The identification of the intermediates during electrolysis permitted to propose a mineralization of AO 7 dye under examination. The apparent and absolute kinetic constants were determined. The degradation of indigo dye was studied by anodic oxidation with BDD (AO-BDD) and photo-Fenton process (PF). This study shows a pseudo first order reaction kinetics for indigo degradation. The mineralization efficiency is about 97% and 63% of TOC abatement, respectively with OA-BDD and PF A comparative study of the mineralization efficiency of AO 7 dye was been investigated by different advanced oxidation processes (PF, AO-BDD, EF-Pt, EF-BDD). This study shows that PF process lead to reach more than 95% of TOC abatement after only 2 hours. Nevertheless, this process is the most expensive due to the use artificial UV light and the addition of reagents. The treatment of an industrial textile effluent by electro-Fenton process lead to a complete mineralization (94% of initial TOC were eliminated)
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Estudo da tratabilidade do lixiviado de aterro sanitário pelos processos oxidativos avançados foto-Fenton, ozônio e ozônio combinado com peróxido de hidrogênio / Study of treatability of landfill leachate by advanced oxidation processes photo-Fenton, ozone and ozone combined with hydrogen peroxideMonteiro, Luciano do Valle 05 June 2012 (has links)
O lixiviado de aterro sanitário possui constituição complexa e é altamente poluente. Neste contexto, os processos oxidativos avançados se destacam como pré-tratamento, objetivando a remoção ou diminuição da recalcitrância do lixiviado. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POAs) foto-Fenton, ozônio e ozônio combinado com peróxido de hidrogênio. Avaliou-se a influência do pré-tratamento por air-stripping, a variação na produção de ozônio em 80 e 100%, a melhor dose de peróxido de hidrogênio correspondente a 20, 40 e 80% da dose de 6g O3/L empregada nos tratamentos com ozônio, a remoção de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio amoniacal total (NAT), alcalinidade, sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT) (cloretos), produção de nitrito e nitrato, melhor razão molar [H2O2]/[Fe2+] para o tempo de contato de 80 min no foto-Fenton, uso do número médio de oxidação do carbono (NMOC) e a quantificação do ácido oxálico formado após a aplicação dos POAs. O tratamento por O3/H2O2 (1,2 g H2O2/L e produção de O3 em 80%) obteve a maior remoção de matéria orgânica, 0,14 g massa removida de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT) / massa consumida de O3 e 0,43 g/g para a Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO). Quanto ao foto-Fenton, averiguou-se o máximo de 74% remoção de COT e 65% remoção DQO para a razão molar [H2O2]/[Fe2+] igual a 2. Também se notou formação de sólidos sedimentáveis neste processo aplicado ao lixiviado bruto. O pré-tratamento por air-stripping não promoveu incremento na remoção de matéria orgânica. As concentrações de NAT, alcalinidade, SDT (cloretos) se mantiveram elevadas após a aplicação dos POA. Ocorreu formação de nitrato em todos os tratamentos. O uso do NMOC foi adequado e demonstrou ocorrência de oxidação nos processos. A quantificação do ácido oxálico formado após a aplicação dos POAs não foi apropriada nesta pesquisa. / The landfill leachate is a major waste produced by the landfill and its constitution complex and highly polluting motivate research in order to adapt their disposal on the environment. In this context, the advanced oxidation processes stand out as a pretreatment, in order to remove or decrease the recalcitrance of the leachate. In this work we used the photo-Fenton AOPs, ozone and ozone combined with hydrogen peroxide. We evaluated the effect of pretreatment for air-stripping, the variation in the production of ozone 80 and 100%, the best dose of hydrogen peroxide equal to 20, 40 and 80% of the dose of 6g O3/ L used in the treatments with ozone, the removal of organic matter, total ammonia nitrogen, alkalinity, dissolved solids (chlorides), production of nitrite and nitrate, best molar ratio [H2O2]/[Fe2+] to the contact time of 80 min in the photo-Fenton, average number of carbon oxidation use and the measurement of oxalic acid formed after application of the AOPs. The AOP O3/H2O2 (1.2g H2O2/L and O3 production by 80%) had the highest removal of organic matter, 0.14 g of TOC removed mass/ mass consumed O3 and 0.43 g/g for COD. As for the photo-Fenton, it was found a maximum of 74% removal of TOC and 65% for COD removal molar ratio [H2O2]/[Fe2+] equal to 2. It was also noted the formation of settle able solids in the process applied to the raw leachate. Pretreatment by air-stripping did not promote an increase in organic matter removal. Total ammonia nitrogen concentrations, alkalinity, dissolved solids (chlorides) remained high after application of the AOP, indicating possible oxidant demand. For nitrate formation occurred in all treatments, while only the photo-Fenton was no formation of nitrite. The use of average number of carbon oxidation was adequate and showed occurrence of oxidation processes. The quantification of oxalic acid formed after the application of AOPs was not appropriate in this research.
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Estudo de degradação fotoquímica para reúso de águas de processo em complexo industrial petroquímico. / Study of photochemical degradation to reuse of process water at petrochemical industry.Lira, Daniella Cristina Barbosa de 06 December 2006 (has links)
A racionalização dos recursos hídricos tem sido uma das metas das indústrias em vários setores. Tais metas exigem inovações tecnológicas tanto para novos processos produtivos quanto para novas técnicas de tratamento e reutilização de água na cadeia de produção. Os custos elevados de água industrial no Brasil, particularmente nas regiões metropolitanas, têm estimulado as indústrias nacionais a avaliar as possibilidades de reúso. O objetivo deste trabalho é a aplicação do tratamento de águas de processo contendo polipropileno utilizando radiação ultravioleta e peróxido de hidrogênio, isto é, o sistema UV/H2O2, visando adequá-las para reúso no próprio processo, reduzindo a necessidade de captação de água pré-tratada e de descarte de efluente. A primeira parte do estudo consistiu na realização de experimentos em um sistema fotoquímico de batelada, empregando quatro diferentes correntes efluentes de processo, para a avaliação da viabilidade técnico-econômica do tratamento fotoquímico, bem como para a obtenção de dados referentes à cinética das reações fotoquímicas. Com base nas informações obtidas, na segunda parte do estudo foram realizados experimentos em um sistema fotoquímico contínuo, a fim de obter dados para o aumento de escala para aplicação industrial do processo de tratamento contínuo. Os resultados experimentais indicaram a viabilidade técnica de aplicação do sistema UV/H2O2 utilizando fonte de luz artificial para todas as correntes de processo estudadas, tendo sido alcançados níveis de remoção de matéria orgânica acima de 90%. No entanto, sob o ponto de vista econômico, apenas as correntes com baixo teor de carbono orgânico total dissolvido (COT), entre 6 e 12 mgC L-1, mostraram-se adequadas ao reúso, após o tratamento. / Rationalization of water use has been one of the goals in many industrial activities, and, in particular, in the petrochemical industry. Such goals demand technological innovations in the productive processes and in techniques for treatment and reuse of water in the production chain. The high costs of industrial water, particularly in some metropolitan regions, have stimulated the industries to evaluate the possibilities of water reuse. The objective of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of the UV/H2O2 photochemical process applied to the treatment of process waste water containing polypropylene, aiming at the reuse of the waste water in the as process water in the industrial complex, thus reducing the need for tap water supply and waste water generation rate. The first part of this study consisted of laboratory-scale experiments in a batch photochemical reactor with four different waste water streams to perform the technical and economical feasibility of the photochemical treatment, as well to obtain data on the degradation rate. Based on the results of the first part, the second part of this study consisted of experiments in a continuous photochemical reactor, aimed at obtaining experimental data for reactor scale-up. Experimental results indicate that the UV/H2O2 photodegradation process is able to remove more than 90% of the organic compounds contained in the waste water. However, only waste waters containing relatively low contaminant levels (between 6 and 12 mgC L-1) can be treated at economically favourable costs.
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Synthesis and characterization of pine cone carbon supported iron oxide catalyst for dye and phenol degradationMmelesi, Olga Kelebogile 06 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology), Vaal University of Technology / Fenton oxidation is classified into two processes, homogeneous and heterogeneous. Homogeneous Fenton oxidation process, have been shown to be efficient in the degradation of organic pollutants. However, it was shown to have limitations which can be addressed by the heterogeneous Fenton oxidation. Despite the high efficiency of the heterogeneous Fenton oxidation process in the degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants, the currents synthesis trends of the heterogeneous Fenton catalyst have been proven to be time and energy constraining, since it involves the multi-step were the activated carbon have to be prepared first then co-precipitate the iron oxide on the activated carbon. However, as much as the heterogeneous Fenton catalyst has been proven to have high catalytic activity towards degradation of organic pollutants, these catalysts have some limitations, such limitations include metal ions being leached from the catalyst support into the treated water causing catalyst deactivation and a secondary pollution to the treated water.
In this thesis, these catalysts have been applied in the degradation of recalcitrant organic pollutants such as methylene blue and phenols. This study focuses on the single step synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticles supported on activated carbon, were carbonaceous material is impregnated with iron salt then pyrolysed via microwave heating. Microwave power and the amount of iron salt were optimized. The prepared activated carbon-iron oxide composites were applied to the degradation of 2-nitrophenol (2-NP) and methylene blue (MB). Methylene blue was used as a model compound due to the fact that it is easier to monitor the degradation process with UV-Vis as compared to 2-nitrophenol . 2-nitrophenol the additional step for the adjustment of pH is required since nitrophenols are colorless in color at lower pH.
The characterization showed that the microwave power and the amount of the iron precursor have an influence on the porosity and surface functional groups of the activated carbon. Further it was
observed that microwave power and iron precursor influnces the amount of iron oxide formed on the surface of the support. It was also observed that the activated carbon-iron oxide composite have the catalytic effects on the Fenton oxidation process of MB and 2-NP. The parameters such as H2O2, pH, catalyst dose, initial concentration, temperature affect the degradation of both MB and 2-NP.
Kinetics studies showed that Fenton is a surface driven reaction since the results fitted the pseudo first order model. The thermodynamics parameters also showed that the reaction is endothermic, spontaneous and is randomized. This implies that the reaction of the degradation of MB and 2-NP is feasible and the catalysts prepared have high catalytic activity. MB and 2-NP were degraded to smaller organic molecules (carboxylic acids). The stability of the catalyst observed to decrease as the number of cycles increased, this is due to the leaching of iron ions from the support material. Hence it was concluded that the activated carbon-iron oxide composite was successfully synthesized and had the high catalytic activity for the degradation of MB and 2-NP.
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Nasschemisch synthetisierte, oxidische Nanomaterialien mit pyroelektrokatalytischen und photokatalytischen Eigenschaften für Anwendungen in der DesinfektionstechnologieGutmann, Emanuel 11 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden zwei verschiedene Klassen oxidischer Nanomaterialien nasschemisch synthetisiert und strukturell-morphologisch charakterisiert. Zum einen betrifft dies TiO2-, TiO2/SiO2-, Ag/TiO2- und Pd/TiO2-Sole, welche die photokatalytisch aktive Modifikation Anatas in nanokristalliner Form enthalten und über einen solvothermalen Sol-Gel-Prozess hergestellt werden konnten. Im Hinblick auf eine potentielle Anwendung in der Desinfektionstechnologie und für den Abbau organischer Umweltschadstoffe wurde die photokatalytische Aktivität von Pulvern und Beschichtungen auf Textil durch E. coli-Abtötung bzw. Modellfarbstoffabbau untersucht. Im Weiteren wurde die antimikrobielle Aktivität pyroelektrischer LiNbO3- und LiTaO3-Pulvermaterialien unter zyklischer thermischer Anregung nachgewiesen. Diese als Pyroelektrokatalyse bezeichnete Nutzung des pyroelektrischen Effektes in einem katalytischen bzw. elektrochemischen Prozess ist dabei von grundlegender Neuheit. Aufsetzend auf den physiko-chemischen Grundlagen dieses Phänomens wurde eine Hypothese des Mechanismus entwickelt und in Analogie zur Photokatalyse diskutiert. / This thesis deals with two classes of oxidic nanomaterials that were synthesized by chemical solution routes and characterized with respect to structure and morphology. Sols of TiO2, TiO2/SiO2, Ag/TiO2 and Pd/TiO2 containing the photocatalytically active modification anatase in nanocrystalline form were prepared via a solvothermal sol-gel process. With regard to potential application in disinfection and environmental remediation technology the photocatalytic activity of powders and coatings on textile was investigated by means of E. coli decomposition and organic dye degradation. Further the antimicrobial activity of pyroelectric LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 powder materials under cyclical thermal excitation was demonstrated. In this context the application of the pyroelectric effect in a catalytic or electrochemical process – termed as pyroelectrocatalysis – is of fundamental novelty. Based on the physico-chemical principles of the phenomenon a hypothesis of the mechanism was developed and discussed in analogy with photocatalysis.
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Aigua regenerada: noves estratègies en la gestió de riscos microbiològicsAgulló i Barceló, Miriam 03 May 2013 (has links)
L’aigua és un bé escàs i finit, i degut a factors com l’increment de la població i el canvi climàtic, les previsions indiquen que a mig termini un 40% de la població viurà amb un estès hídric significatiu. Això podria tenir efectes molt greus en el desenvolupament i en el benestar a les àrees afectades. És normal doncs, que els darrers anys hagi acrescut considerablement l’interès en l’obtenció de recursos hídrics alternatius i sostenibles com la regeneració d’aigua i la reutilització.
Els avenços tecnològics per al tractament d’aigües estan fent possible l’obtenció d’aigua regenerada de qualitat que pot ser utilitzada per a restauració ambiental, per al reg en general i per a usos urbans no potables. Tot i així, aquesta activitat podria suposar un perill per la presència de patògens d’origen entèric (bacteris, virus i protozous) i també per la presència de microcontaminants com productes farmacèutics, hormones o subproductes de desinfecció.
El RD 1620/2007 estableix el marc legal de la reutilització, i es basa en E. coli com a indicador de qualitat microbiològica de l’aigua regenerada (AR). Tot i així, E. coli pot no ser suficient en relació a la presència de patògens vírics o protozous. Un exemple és Cryptosporidium, que s’ha convertit en un patogen de referència ja que ha causat nombrosos brots de criptosporidiosi d’origen hídric. L’ús de microorganismes indicadors alternatius com bacteriòfags (SOMCPH o FRNAPH) o espores de clostridis reductors del sulfit (SRC), pot ser molt útil per a indicar la presència o per modelar el comportament de patògens vírics o de protozous.
En aquesta tesi s’estudia d’una banda, la qualitat microbiològica de l’AR que produeixen cinc plantes de tractament, analitzant E. coli, indicadors alternatius, i Cryptosporidium com a patogen de referència. Es fan assajos de QMRA lligats a Cryptosporidium en les EDARs estudiades, i finalment s’estudien les implicacions, d’un procés de reutilització per a augmentar el cabal del riu Llobregat uns Km més a munt del punt de captació de la potabilitzadora.
Els resultats d’aquesta part indiquen que la reutilització per a potabilització en l’escenari estudiat, no hauria de suposar cap risc per a la salut de les persones des de la perspectiva de les malalties infeccioses. S’observa que l’ús d’un altre indicador, a part d’E. coli, significaria una millora en la gestió de l’AR ja que permetria fer un seguiment molt més acurat tant de la qualitat de l’aigua com de l’eficiència dels diferents tractaments. És recomanable l’ús de tractaments multibarrera durant la regeneració per poder garantir una aigua segura, i en aquest sentit, la inclusió de llum UV és vital en la prevenció del risc associat a Cryptosporidium en AR.
D’altra banda s’estudien processos fotocatalítics d’oxidació avançada (POAs) com a processos de regeneració en l’eliminació de microorganismes d’efluents secundaris reals. D’una banda, amb l’ús de làmpades d’UV i de l’altra amb l’ús de la radiació solar com a font de llum UV. Per fer-ho es va analitzar la inactivació de diferents indicadors (SOMCPH, FRNAPH, CB390PH i SRC) davant alguns POA: H2O2/UV, TiO2/UV i foto-Fenton.
Els resultats indiquen que l’ús de POA té un gran potencial com a tractaments terciaris en el futur, especialment si estan basats en la radiació solar, ja que podrien ser una opció ambientalment sostenible i alhora eficaç en el tractament d’aigua. Tot i així, és necessari segui investigant la possible aplicació d’aquestes tecnologies ja que encara hi ha certes limitacions que fan que de moment no es facin servir de manera més estesa. Finalment, els resultats pel que fa a la inactivació de microorganismes ratifiquen que l’ús d’un altre indicador seria útil per assegura la qualitat microbiològica de l’aigua. / Population growth and climate change may worsen the current water scarcity problems, which could have serious effects on the development and on the public health of the affected areas. Therefore, there is an increasing interest in the improvement of sustainable water resources such as water reclamation. Technological advances in water treatment are making it possible to obtain reclaimed water (RW), which can be used for instance, for environmental restoration or for irrigation. However, water reuse may represent a health risk due to the presence of enteric pathogens or micropollutants.
Spanish regulations on RW are based on E. coli, but it may not be useful to protect against viral o protozoan diseases. Cryptosporidium has become a reference pathogen since it has caused numerous waterborne outbreaks. Thus, the use of alternative indicators such as somatic coliphages (SOMCPH) or spores of sulphite reducing clostridia (SRC) may be better to monitor presence and behaviour of certain pathogens.
The aims of this thesis were: (i) to study the microbiological quality of RW analysing Cryptosporidium as the reference pathogen and different microbial indicators such as E. coli, SOMCPH and SRC; (ii) to perform QMRA analysis related to the presence of Cryptosporidium in RW; (iii) to analyse the implications of planned-IPR (indirect potable reuse) in the Llobregat River; (iv) to test the effect of different AOP (advanced oxidation processes) on indicator microorganisms for water reclamation purposes.
From the infectious diseases point of view, the health risks due to waterborne pathogens linked to planned-IPR in the Llobregat River can be safely managed. Furthermore, the use of another indicator, besides E. coli, would improve RW management. Multi-barrier systems including UV for water treatment are recommended to ensure RW quality, especially with regard to Cryptosporidium inactivation.
AOPs have a great potential for water reclamation in the future, especially those based on solar light, because they are sustainable and effective technologies for the removal of microorganisms as well as for the mineralisation of emerging micropollutants. Within the solar based procedures, photo-Fenton showed the best performance in microbial inactivation during the experiments. However, it is necessary to further investigate this AOP to overcome some of its actual limitations.
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Estudo da tratabilidade do lixiviado de aterro sanitário pelos processos oxidativos avançados foto-Fenton, ozônio e ozônio combinado com peróxido de hidrogênio / Study of treatability of landfill leachate by advanced oxidation processes photo-Fenton, ozone and ozone combined with hydrogen peroxideLuciano do Valle Monteiro 05 June 2012 (has links)
O lixiviado de aterro sanitário possui constituição complexa e é altamente poluente. Neste contexto, os processos oxidativos avançados se destacam como pré-tratamento, objetivando a remoção ou diminuição da recalcitrância do lixiviado. Neste trabalho foram utilizados os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POAs) foto-Fenton, ozônio e ozônio combinado com peróxido de hidrogênio. Avaliou-se a influência do pré-tratamento por air-stripping, a variação na produção de ozônio em 80 e 100%, a melhor dose de peróxido de hidrogênio correspondente a 20, 40 e 80% da dose de 6g O3/L empregada nos tratamentos com ozônio, a remoção de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio amoniacal total (NAT), alcalinidade, sólidos dissolvidos totais (SDT) (cloretos), produção de nitrito e nitrato, melhor razão molar [H2O2]/[Fe2+] para o tempo de contato de 80 min no foto-Fenton, uso do número médio de oxidação do carbono (NMOC) e a quantificação do ácido oxálico formado após a aplicação dos POAs. O tratamento por O3/H2O2 (1,2 g H2O2/L e produção de O3 em 80%) obteve a maior remoção de matéria orgânica, 0,14 g massa removida de Carbono Orgânico Total (COT) / massa consumida de O3 e 0,43 g/g para a Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO). Quanto ao foto-Fenton, averiguou-se o máximo de 74% remoção de COT e 65% remoção DQO para a razão molar [H2O2]/[Fe2+] igual a 2. Também se notou formação de sólidos sedimentáveis neste processo aplicado ao lixiviado bruto. O pré-tratamento por air-stripping não promoveu incremento na remoção de matéria orgânica. As concentrações de NAT, alcalinidade, SDT (cloretos) se mantiveram elevadas após a aplicação dos POA. Ocorreu formação de nitrato em todos os tratamentos. O uso do NMOC foi adequado e demonstrou ocorrência de oxidação nos processos. A quantificação do ácido oxálico formado após a aplicação dos POAs não foi apropriada nesta pesquisa. / The landfill leachate is a major waste produced by the landfill and its constitution complex and highly polluting motivate research in order to adapt their disposal on the environment. In this context, the advanced oxidation processes stand out as a pretreatment, in order to remove or decrease the recalcitrance of the leachate. In this work we used the photo-Fenton AOPs, ozone and ozone combined with hydrogen peroxide. We evaluated the effect of pretreatment for air-stripping, the variation in the production of ozone 80 and 100%, the best dose of hydrogen peroxide equal to 20, 40 and 80% of the dose of 6g O3/ L used in the treatments with ozone, the removal of organic matter, total ammonia nitrogen, alkalinity, dissolved solids (chlorides), production of nitrite and nitrate, best molar ratio [H2O2]/[Fe2+] to the contact time of 80 min in the photo-Fenton, average number of carbon oxidation use and the measurement of oxalic acid formed after application of the AOPs. The AOP O3/H2O2 (1.2g H2O2/L and O3 production by 80%) had the highest removal of organic matter, 0.14 g of TOC removed mass/ mass consumed O3 and 0.43 g/g for COD. As for the photo-Fenton, it was found a maximum of 74% removal of TOC and 65% for COD removal molar ratio [H2O2]/[Fe2+] equal to 2. It was also noted the formation of settle able solids in the process applied to the raw leachate. Pretreatment by air-stripping did not promote an increase in organic matter removal. Total ammonia nitrogen concentrations, alkalinity, dissolved solids (chlorides) remained high after application of the AOP, indicating possible oxidant demand. For nitrate formation occurred in all treatments, while only the photo-Fenton was no formation of nitrite. The use of average number of carbon oxidation was adequate and showed occurrence of oxidation processes. The quantification of oxalic acid formed after the application of AOPs was not appropriate in this research.
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Estudo de degradação fotoquímica para reúso de águas de processo em complexo industrial petroquímico. / Study of photochemical degradation to reuse of process water at petrochemical industry.Daniella Cristina Barbosa de Lira 06 December 2006 (has links)
A racionalização dos recursos hídricos tem sido uma das metas das indústrias em vários setores. Tais metas exigem inovações tecnológicas tanto para novos processos produtivos quanto para novas técnicas de tratamento e reutilização de água na cadeia de produção. Os custos elevados de água industrial no Brasil, particularmente nas regiões metropolitanas, têm estimulado as indústrias nacionais a avaliar as possibilidades de reúso. O objetivo deste trabalho é a aplicação do tratamento de águas de processo contendo polipropileno utilizando radiação ultravioleta e peróxido de hidrogênio, isto é, o sistema UV/H2O2, visando adequá-las para reúso no próprio processo, reduzindo a necessidade de captação de água pré-tratada e de descarte de efluente. A primeira parte do estudo consistiu na realização de experimentos em um sistema fotoquímico de batelada, empregando quatro diferentes correntes efluentes de processo, para a avaliação da viabilidade técnico-econômica do tratamento fotoquímico, bem como para a obtenção de dados referentes à cinética das reações fotoquímicas. Com base nas informações obtidas, na segunda parte do estudo foram realizados experimentos em um sistema fotoquímico contínuo, a fim de obter dados para o aumento de escala para aplicação industrial do processo de tratamento contínuo. Os resultados experimentais indicaram a viabilidade técnica de aplicação do sistema UV/H2O2 utilizando fonte de luz artificial para todas as correntes de processo estudadas, tendo sido alcançados níveis de remoção de matéria orgânica acima de 90%. No entanto, sob o ponto de vista econômico, apenas as correntes com baixo teor de carbono orgânico total dissolvido (COT), entre 6 e 12 mgC L-1, mostraram-se adequadas ao reúso, após o tratamento. / Rationalization of water use has been one of the goals in many industrial activities, and, in particular, in the petrochemical industry. Such goals demand technological innovations in the productive processes and in techniques for treatment and reuse of water in the production chain. The high costs of industrial water, particularly in some metropolitan regions, have stimulated the industries to evaluate the possibilities of water reuse. The objective of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of the UV/H2O2 photochemical process applied to the treatment of process waste water containing polypropylene, aiming at the reuse of the waste water in the as process water in the industrial complex, thus reducing the need for tap water supply and waste water generation rate. The first part of this study consisted of laboratory-scale experiments in a batch photochemical reactor with four different waste water streams to perform the technical and economical feasibility of the photochemical treatment, as well to obtain data on the degradation rate. Based on the results of the first part, the second part of this study consisted of experiments in a continuous photochemical reactor, aimed at obtaining experimental data for reactor scale-up. Experimental results indicate that the UV/H2O2 photodegradation process is able to remove more than 90% of the organic compounds contained in the waste water. However, only waste waters containing relatively low contaminant levels (between 6 and 12 mgC L-1) can be treated at economically favourable costs.
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Tratamento de efluente de indústria têxtil utilizando processos químicos avançados via reações de fenton modificadas / Treating effluent from the textile industry processes using advanced chemical reactions via Fenton modifiedAlmeida, Alcione Aparecida de 15 February 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-02-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study was to evaluate the modified Fenton reactions (RFM), through the addition of six complexing organic separately in each reaction, these being: ascorbic acid (AA), citric acid (CA), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), gluconic acid (AG), oxalic acid (OA) and tartaric acid (TA), the degradation of textile effluent under varying molar ratios between the total organic carbon, [Fe2+], complexing and [H2O2]. In RFM and Fenton reactions (RF) reactor was used consisting of a borosilicate beaker with a maximum volume of 250 mL, in batch, open, without stirring under room temperature in the optimization phase of time aliquots were removed in the effluent times: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 h. The procedure consisted of addition of 250 mL of textile effluent to the reactor for RF and RFM, followed by the oxidant and a catalyst for the RF and oxidizing catalyst and complexing to RFM. RF best results in reduction of TOC was obtained in 12 h treatment under initial pH value of 3.0 and a molar ratio [1:0,9:27,5]. Concerning the [COT:Fe2+:H2O2] where noted a reduction of 91.06% of TOC, COD 94.51%, 99.88% and 99.02% of the turbidity of discoloration. The RFM showed the best results with the use of complexing GA at 15 h of treatment under molar ratio [1:1,31:1,12:27,94], its [COT:Fe2+:AG:H2O2] which promoted reduction of 82.30% of TOC, COD 90.53%, 99.27% and 99.19% of the turbidity of discoloration, TA had similar results in reduction of parameters when the effluent subjected to 12 h of treatment in a molar ratio [1:0,76:0,94:32,13]. Concerning the [COT:Fe2+:AT:H2O2] under these conditions was possible to reduce 75.05% TOC, 94.89% COD, 97.84% turbidity and discoloration of 96.75%. However, RF are effective in the treatment of textile effluents, though the RFM presented as a new possibility of the treatment without the necessity of adjusting the initial pH value. / Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar as reações de Fenton modificadas (RFM), através da adição de seis complexantes orgânicos isoladamente em cada reação, sendo estes: ácido ascórbico (AA), ácido cítrico (AC), ácido etilenodiaminotetracético (EDTA), ácido glucônico (AG), ácido oxálico (AO) e ácido tartárico (AT), na degradação de efluente têxtil, sob variadas relações molares entre o carbono orgânico total, [Fe2+], complexante e o [H2O2]. Nas RFM e reações de Fenton (RF) foi utilizado reator constituído por um béquer de borossilicato com volume máximo de 250 mL, em sistema descontínuo, aberto, sem agitação, sob temperatura ambiente, na fase de otimização do tempo alíquotas do efluente eram retiradas nos tempos: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 e 24 h. O procedimento consistiu na adição de 250 mL do efluente têxtil ao reator para as RF e RFM, seguido do oxidante e catalisador para as RF e oxidante, catalisador e complexante para as RFM. Nas RF os melhores resultados de redução do COT foi obtido em 12 h de tratamento, sob valor de pH inicial 3,0 e relação molar [1:0,9:27,5] referente ao [COT:Fe2+:H2O2] aonde constatou-se redução de 91,06% do COT, 94,51 da DQO, 99,88 da turbidez e 99,02% de descoloração. As RFM apresentaram os melhores resultados com a utilização do complexante AG em 15 h de tratamento sob relação molar [1:1,31:1,12:27,94], respectivo [COT:Fe2+:AG:H2O2] a qual promoveu a redução de 82,30% do COT, 90,53% da DQO, 99,27% da turbidez e 99,19% de descoloração, o AT apresentou resultados similares de redução dos parâmetros avaliados, quando submetido o efluente a 12 h de tratamento sob relação molar [1:0,76:0,94:32,13] referente ao [COT:Fe2+:AT:H2O2], nestas condições foi possível a redução de 75,05% do COT, 94,89% da DQO, 97,84% da turbidez e descoloração de 96,75%. Contudo, as RF são eficazes no tratamento de efluentes têxteis, entretanto as RFM apresentam-se como uma nova possibilidade de tratamento sem a necessidade de ajuste do valor do pH inicial.
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Élimination induite par le radical sulfate de micro polluants organiques en phase aqueuse-Influence des constituants naturels de l'eau / Sulfate-radical Induced Removal of Organic Micro-pollutants from Aqueous Solution- Influence of Natural Water ConstituentsZhou, Lei 27 September 2017 (has links)
Les processus d'oxydation avancés à base du radical sulfate (SO4•- -) ont prouvé leur efficacité pour l'élimination de nombreux contaminants. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les processus d'oxydation et de dégradation par le radical sulfate activé à partir du persulfate (PS) pour les molécules suivantes : le diatrizoate, molécule utilisée comme produit de contraste radiologique iodé (DTZ), le salbutamol (SAL) et la terbutaline (TBL), agonistes des récepteurs ß2-adrénergiques. En outre, la réactivité de SO4•- avec la matière organique naturelle (NOM) a également été déterminée. Plus précisément, pour déterminer la réactivité de SO4•- avec NOM, une technique de photolyse laser couplée à la spectroscopie (LFP) a été appliquée pour étudier l'évolution de SO4 • ainsi que la formation d'espèces transitoires à partir de la matière organique. Des constantes de vitesses comprises entre 1530 et 3500 s-1 mgC-1 L ont été obtenues par analyse numérique des équations différentielles et des valeurs moyennes de coefficient d'absorption molaires comprises entre 400 et 800 M-1 cm-1 ont été déterminées pour les espèces transitoires générées de la matière organique.Dans le processus de décomposition de DTZ par PS activé par UV, les principales voies d'oxydation sont la dé-iodination-hydroxylation, la dé-carboxylation-hydroxylation et le clivage de la chaîne latérale. Les résultats ont également indiqué que la vitesse de dégradation du DTZ augmentait avec l'augmentation de la concentration en PS. La présence de NOM a inhibé la dégradation de DTZ, tandis que le bicarbonate l'a amélioré. Pour les ions chlorure un effet négatif a été observé pour des concentrations supérieures à 500 mM.Pour la dégradation du SAL et du TBL, il a été montré que les radicaux phénoxy jouaient un rôle majeur en début de réaction. Par ailleurs, le chlorure n'a pas eu d'effet tangible sur l'efficacité d'oxydation de la SAL et du TBL, tandis que les ions bromures, bicarbonates et le NOM présentaient des effets inhibiteurs / Sulfate radical (SO4•-) based advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) has been proved to be effective for the removal of many contaminants. In this thesis, we investigated the oxidation processes of iodinated X-ray contrast media diatrizoate (DTZ), ß2-adrenoceptor agonists salbutamol (SAL) and terbutaline (TBL) by reaction with SO4•- generated from the activation of persulfate (PS); in addition, the reactivity of SO4•- with natural organic matter (NOM) was also estimated.Specifically, to determine the reactivity of SO4•- with NOM, laser flash photolysis (LFP) technique was applied to monitor the SO4•- decay and the formation of the transients from organic matters. Reaction rate constants comprised between 1530 and 3500 s-1 mgC-1 L were obtained by numerical analysis of differential equations and the weighted average of the extinction coefficient of the generated organic matters radicals between 400 and 800 M-1 cm-1.In the decomposition process of DTZ by UV-activated PS, major oxidation pathways include deiodination-hydroxylation, decarboxylation- hydroxylation and side chain cleavage. Results also indicated that DTZ degradation rate increased with increasing PS concentration. The presence of NOM inhibited DTZ removal rate, while, bicarbonate enhanced it, and chloride ions induced a negative effect above 500 mM. For the degradation of SAL and TBL, phenoxyl radicals were proven to play a very important role from the initial step. Chloride exhibited no effect on the oxidation efficiencies of SAL and TBL, while bromide, bicarbonate and NOM all showed inhibitory effects
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