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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and Resilience : Re-thinking poverty and intervention in biocultural landscapes

Haider, L. Jamila January 2017 (has links)
The practices related to the growing, harvesting, preparation, and celebration of food over millennia have given rise to diverse biocultural landscapes the world over. These landscapes – rich in biological and cultural diversity – are often characterised by persistent poverty, and, as such, are often the target of development interventions. Yet a lack of understanding of the interdependencies between human well-being, nature, and culture in these landscapes means that such interventions are often unsuccessful - and can even have adverse effects, exacerbating the poverty they were designed to address. This thesis investigates different conceptualisations of persistent poverty in rural biocultural landscapes, the consequences of these conceptualisations, and the ways in which development interventions can benefit from, rather than erode, biocultural diversity. The thesis first reviews conceptualisations of persistent poverty and specifically, the notion of a poverty trap (Paper I), and examines the consequences of different conceptualisations of traps for efforts to alleviate poverty (Paper II). Paper I argues that the trap concept can be usefully broadened beyond a dominant development economics perspective to incorporate critical interdependencies between humans and nature. Paper II uses multi-dimensional dynamical systems models to show how nature and culture can be impacted by different development interventions, and, in turn, how the degradation of both can undermine the effectiveness of conventional poverty alleviation strategies in certain contexts. In the second section, the thesis focuses on the effects of, and responses to, trap-like situations and development interventions in a specific context of high biocultural diversity: the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan. Paper III advances a typology of responses to traps based around the mismatch of desires, abilities and opportunities. Observing daily practice provides a way to study social-ecological relationships as a dynamic process, as practices can embody traditional and tacit knowledge in a holistic way.  Paper IV examines the diverse effects of a development intervention on the coevolution of biocultural landscapes and the ways in which everyday practice – particularly around food – can be a source of both innovation and resilience. Papers I-IV together combine insights from diverse disciplines and methodologies, from systematic review to dynamic systems thinking and participant observation. Paper V provides a critical analysis of the opportunities and challenges involved in pursuing such an approach in sustainability science, underscoring the need to balance methodological groundedness with epistemological agility. Overall, the thesis contributes to understanding resilience and development, highlighting the value of viewing their interrelation as a dynamic, coevolving process. From this perspective, development should not be regarded as a normative endpoint to be achieved, but rather as a coevolving process between constantly changing ecological and social contexts. The thesis proposes that resilience can be interpreted as the active and passive filtering of practices via the constant discarding and retention of old and new, social and ecological, and endogenous and exogenous factors. This interpretation deepens understanding of resilience as the capacity to persist, adapt and transform, and ultimately shape new development pathways. The thesis also illustrates how daily practices, such as the growing, harvesting, and preparation of food, offer a powerful heuristic device for understanding this filtering process, and therefore the on-going impact of development interventions in rural landscapes across the world. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Takstolslösningar i garagebyggnader med inredd vind. : Undvika pelare i garageutrymmen

Berglund, Gustaf, Johnsson, Axel January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie fokuserar på tänkbara takstolslösningar hos garage med inredd vind. Där textförfattarna på uppdrag av AB Karl Hedin vars kunders önskemål ibland varit svåra att uppnå. Detta för att stora spännvidder efterfrågas för att skapa en så stor yta på vinden som möjligt. Kunderna efterfrågar även att garageytan skall vara helt öppen, alltså utan bärhjälp av till exempel pelare eller mellanvägg.Det finns många olika sätt att uppföra tänkbara takstolar för garage med inredd vind, problem tillkommer när spännvidderna blir för stora. Problemen grundar sig både i materialanvändning, konstruktionslösningar och dimensioner. För att konstruera en takstol i dagsläget styrs byggandet av byggkonstruktionskrav, laster och beräkningsmodeller beroende på önskad spännvidd hos takstolen, samt vilket användningsområde vindsutrymmet ska ha.Med hjälp av bland annat litteraturstudie, beräkningar och analyser har förslag diskuterats fram på konstruktionsdelar, material och utvecklingsmöjligheter för takstolarna i fråga. Utifrån vald spännvidd har olika lösningar granskats för att uppnå ett så gott resultat som möjligt. Beräkningarna har visat att en samverkande stödbensvägg är en bra metod som förlänger spännvidden upp till 2m på en byggnad. Bärlina i stål har även visat sig vara en bra konstruktionslösning som förlänger golvbjälkarnas spännvidd. Med vald dimension på stålbalk i denna studie måste djupet på byggnaden beaktas för att uppfylla konstruktionsskarven gällande momentkraft och nedböjning.Materialens egenskaper samt tilltänkta metoder för att lösa problemet med stora spännvidder har sedan jämförts mot varandra för att komma fram till vilken metod som är bäst lämpad för tilltänkt ändamål. Materialen som valts till jämförelsen är de material som takstolstillverkaren idag har tillgång till i sin produktion vilket gör att textförfattarna anser att materialen är väsentliga för studien. / This study focuses on possible roof truss solutions in garages with furnished attics. The text writers, on behalf of AB Karl Hedin whose customers' wishes have sometimes been difficult to achieve. This is because large spans are needed to create as large an area in the attic as possible. Customers also request the garage area to be completely open, namely. Without the carrying aid of, for example, pillars or partitions. There are many ways to erect conceivable rafters for garages with furnished attic, problems are added when the spans become too large. The problems are based on both material use, construction solutions and dimensions. To design a rafter at present time, the construction of construction requirements, loads and calculation models is controlled depending on the desired span of the rafters, as well as the area of use in the attic space. With the help of, among other things, literature study, calculations and analyses, proposals have been discussed on construction parts, materials and development opportunities for the rafters in question. Based on the chosen range, different solutions have been reviewed to achieve the best possible result. The calculations have shown that a collaborative support leg wall is a good method that extends the span up to 2m on a building. Steel carrying line has also proven to be a good construction solution that extends the span of the floor beams. With the chosen dimension of steel beam in this study, the depth of the building must be considered to meet the construction requirements regarding torque force and deflection. The properties of the materials and the intended methods for solving the problem of large spans have since been compared against each other to determine which method is best suited for the intended purpose. The material properties chosen for the comparison are the materials that the roof truss manufacturer currently has access to, which was a limitation for this study.

Fan-Gebirge 1989

Schilling, Tom 14 November 2023 (has links)
Reisebericht über eine Tour durch das Fan-Gebirge, ein Hochgebirge in Tadschikistan in Zentralasien

Etude fine de la sismicité en zone de collision continentale au moyen d'un réseau de stations portables : la région Hindu-Kush Pamir

Chatelain, Jean Luc 25 September 1978 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de notre travail est l'étude de la sismicité de la zone Pamir-Hindu-Kush. Dans cette zone, de type continental, on observe des séismes intermédiaires dont l'origine est encore très mal connue. Deux des éléments essentiels pour mieux comprendre la géodynamique de cette région sont la définition la plus précise possible de la géométrie de la zone sismique, et l'étude des mécanismes au foyer. Ce sont ces deux points que nous nous sommes proposés d'étudier, en utilisant un réseau de stations portables. Dans le premier chapitre, nous rappelons les études faites sur cette région par différents auteurs. Les expériences de terrain sont décrites sommairement dans le deuxième chapitre. Le chapitre III concerne le traitement des données. Nous y exposons notamment de nombreux tests et une méthode simple qui nous permettent de bien connaitre les domaines d'incertitude de nos localisations. Le chapitre IV est consacré à la description spatiale de la sismicité de la zone Pamir-Hindu-Kush à partir des localisations que nous avons obtenues. Enfin, dans le chapitre V, nous discutons les solutions focales antérieures et nous proposons 27 solutions nouvelles. En conclusion, tous ces résultats sont discutés et nous rappelons les éléments nouveaux apportés par ce travail. Nous présentons en annexe les résidus des téléséismes que nous avons enregistrés et la liste des séismes que nous avons localisés.

Low-temperature thermochronology

Stübner, Konstanze 24 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Spaltspuren-Datierung als wesentliche Methode aus dem Bereich der Niedrigtemperatur-Thermochronologie basiert auf der Zählung und Messung geätzter Spuren unter dem Mikroskop. Für eine akkurate Altersbestimmung ist daher das Verständnis der Ätzung von größter Bedeutung. Ein atomistisches Modell und eine Monte-Carlo Computersimulation erklären Ätzgruben-Formen und deren Größenwachstum. Thermochronologie wird in zwei Fallstudien angewendet: eine umfassende Studie über die tektonische Entwicklung Zentralamerikas seit dem Paläozoikum zeigt, wie Geo- und Thermochronologie, Strukturgeologie und Petrologie zusammenarbeiten können, um &amp;gt;400 Ma einer komplexen tektonischen Geschichte zu enträtseln. Eine thermochronologische Studie im Pamir, Tadschikistan betont vor allem die Möglichkeiten, die sich aus der Anwendung der Thermochronologie auf dem Gebiet der Geomorphologie und Neotektonik eröffnen.

Trojí tvář Váchánu. Proměny tradičního způsobu života horalů žijících na území Afghánistánu, Tádžikistánu a Pákistánu / Three Faces of Wakhan Transformations of the traditional way of life of highlanders living on the territory of Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan

Dušek, Libor January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis introduces the Wakhi ethno-linguistic group living in the region of the Pamiri-Hindu Kush mountain knot on territories of Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan. As a result of the strategic economic and political rivalry and conflict between the British Empire and the Russian Empire for supremacy in Central Asia during the 19th century (the so- called Great Game), part of the so far homogeneous ethnic group was forced to leave their native Wakhan Corridor in the late 19th century. The Wakhi people then found themselves on the territory of future states with diametrically opposite development to their own. The goal of this work is a comprehensive analysis of the transformation of the material and spiritual culture of the Wakhi ethnic group or groups living on the territories of Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Pakistan with emphasis on their current status. Very important part of my work deals with the visual context that by means of images and photographs presents significant features associated with the Wakhi everyday life. My primary aim is to uncover the material and spiritual phenomena that are closely related to everyday life, historical and political contexts, socio-economic situation, Shia Ismaili, religion and affiliated features which the members of Wakhi ethno-linguistic...

Phonological features of Yazghulami : A field study

Narin, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Yazghulami is a South-East Iranian language spoken in the Pamir area of Tajikistan by about 9000 people. This study gives an account of the phonology of the language by describing contrastive segments and their distribution and realizations, as well as describing suprasegmental features such as syllable structure and stress patterns. Field research was carried out in a community of Yazghulami speakers in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, by recording, transcribing and annotating spoken language. Yazghulami is analyzed as having 8 vowel phonemes of which one pair contrasts in length, and 36 consonant phonemes with a considerable display of palatal, velar and uvular phonemes, of which a set of three labialized plosives and three labialized fricatives is found. The syllable structure of Yazghulami allows for clusters of no more than two consonants in the onset and two in the coda; clusters in both positions do not occur in one and the same syllable. The stress generally falls on the last syllable of a word, although when nouns are inflected with suffixes, the stress instead falls on the last syllable of the stem. With these results, a foundation for further efforts to develop and increase the status of this endangered language is laid. / Yazghulami är ett sydöst-iranskt språk som talas i Pamirområdet i Tadzjikistan av cirka 9000 personer. Studien redogör för språkets fonologi genom beskrivning av dess kontrastiva segment och hur dessa distribueras och realiseras, samt en beskrivning av dess suprasegmentella drag så som stavelsestruktur och betoningsmönster. Fältstudier bedrevs bland yazghulami-talare i Dusjanbe, Tadzjikistans huvudstad, genom inspelning, transkribering och annotering av talat språk. Analysen visar på att yazghulami har 8 vokalfonem, där ett par kontrasterar i längd, och 36 konsonantfonem med en nämnvärd uppsättning av palatala, velara och uvulara fonem, varav ett set med tre labialiserade klusiler och tre labialiserade frikativor. Stavelsestrukturen i yazghulami tillåter kluster med upp till två konsonanter i ansatsen och två i kodan, men kluster förekommer inte i båda positioner inom en och samma stavelse. Betoningen faller generellt på den sista stavelsen av ett ord, men för substantiv böjda med suffix faller betoningen istället på den sista stavelsen i stammen. Dessa resultat kommer ligga till grund för vidare arbete med att utveckla och öka statusen av detta hotade språk.

Low-temperature thermochronology: methodological studies and application in collisional orogens

Stübner, Konstanze 04 July 2008 (has links)
Die Spaltspuren-Datierung als wesentliche Methode aus dem Bereich der Niedrigtemperatur-Thermochronologie basiert auf der Zählung und Messung geätzter Spuren unter dem Mikroskop. Für eine akkurate Altersbestimmung ist daher das Verständnis der Ätzung von größter Bedeutung. Ein atomistisches Modell und eine Monte-Carlo Computersimulation erklären Ätzgruben-Formen und deren Größenwachstum. Thermochronologie wird in zwei Fallstudien angewendet: eine umfassende Studie über die tektonische Entwicklung Zentralamerikas seit dem Paläozoikum zeigt, wie Geo- und Thermochronologie, Strukturgeologie und Petrologie zusammenarbeiten können, um &amp;gt;400 Ma einer komplexen tektonischen Geschichte zu enträtseln. Eine thermochronologische Studie im Pamir, Tadschikistan betont vor allem die Möglichkeiten, die sich aus der Anwendung der Thermochronologie auf dem Gebiet der Geomorphologie und Neotektonik eröffnen.

K problému archaismu a inovace ve východoíránských jazycích / Problem of Archaism and Innovation in the Eastern Iranian Languages

Novák, Ľubomír January 2013 (has links)
Problem of Archaism and Innovation in the Eastern Iranian Languages The presented dissertation aims to bring new information concerning the classification of the Eastern Iranian languages. Instead of commonly accepted two branches of Eastern Iranian (Northern and Southern) it seems that there can be classified at least five branches of Eastern Iranian languages, moreover, Avestan can form its own branch, which possibly may include also Khwārezmian. The main issue of the presented thesis was to show archaisms and innovations of the language group in focus. Such task is an issue for numerous studies so the main attention was paid to historical development of Sogdian and Yaghnōbī - two closely related Eastern Iranian languages. Linguistic proximity of Sogdian and Yaghnōbī has been observed shortly after discoveries of the first Sogdian documents in Chinese Turkestan on the beginning of the 20 th century, for a long time it has been supposed that Yaghnōbī is a modern descendent of Sogdian. By analysis of phonology, grammar and vocabulary of both languages I tried to find clues that may answer this question. From diachronic view there is no much difference between Sogdian and Yaghnōbī, individual changes may be interpreted as "dialectal", but there is one phenomenon that influenced different...

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