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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Job Satisfaction Among Physical Education Instructors at Teachers Colleges in Thailand

Suchart Chewapun 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate job satisfaction among physical education instructors at Teachers Colleges in Thailand by using the Faculty Job Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction Scale developed by Olin R. Wood, which was translated into the Thai language by Vatthaisong. The investigation was based on the 10 facets of job satisfaction selected from Herzberg's Motivation-Hygiene theory: achievement, growth, interpersonal relations, policy and administration, recognition, responsibility, salary, supervision, the work itself, and working conditions. The questionnaire consisted of 68 items. A 6-point rating scale was used for the 10 facets of job satisfaction. A total of 169 physical education instructors from 36 Teachers Colleges in Thailand, or 86.22% of the population, participated in this study. For this investigation, frequencies, percentages, one-way ANOVA, and the Scheffe method were used for data analysis. Significance was established at the .05 level. From the findings of this study it could be concluded that physical education instructors were satisfied with their jobs. The major sources of satisfaction were ranked as follows: interpersonal relations, the work itself, achievement, recognition, responsibility, working conditions, growth, policy and administration, supervision, and salary. The gender variable did not contribute significantly to job satisfaction, while region, age, level of education, work position, years of teaching experience, and salary level did contribute significantly to job satisfaction. There were no significant differences between the overall job satisfaction (item 68) of the physical education instructors and their demographic classifications. The levels of overall job satisfaction derived from the 10 facets and item 68 were similar. Thus it could be concluded that physical education instructors at Teachers Colleges in Thailand were satisfied with their jobs.

新北市國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之相關研究 / A study on PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of new taipei city

李明生 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討新北市國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之關係。研究目的有: 一、了解新北市國小體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾的現況。 二、探討不同背景變項新北市國小體育教師在角色壓力、組織承諾二者的知覺差異。 三、探究新北市國小體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之間的關係。 四、根據以上的研究結果提出因應新北市國小體育教師角色壓力及強化組織承諾的具體建議,提供有關單位及作為進一步研究之參考。 研究採用問卷調查法為主,以新北市204所公立國民小學(含分校)的體育教師為對象,共抽取125所學校,575位體育教師為受試者進行調查,並以改編之「國民小學體育教師角色壓力量表」與「國民小學體育教師組織承諾量表」進行施測,共回收490份,有效問卷為474份,問卷回收率85%,可用率82%。資料以SPSS/PC 17.0統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸分析與討論,所得主要結論如下: 一、新北市國小體育教師知覺角色壓力程度偏低。 二、新北市國小體育教師具有較高的組織承諾。 三、新北市國小體育教師所覺知的角色壓力在年齡變項上,平均差異達顯著水準。 四、新北市國小體育教師知覺組織承諾在年齡變項上,平均差異達顯著水準。 五、國民小學體育教師角色壓力與組織承諾之間具有負相關。 六、國民小學體育教師角色壓力對教師組織承諾具有顯著預測力。 最後,根據研究結果與結論,提出具體建議,以供教育行政機關、學校、國民小學體育教師與未來研究之參考。 / A Study on PE Teachers’ Role Stress and Organization Commitment in Elementary Schools of New Taipei City Abstract The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. The purpose of this study is as followed: 1. To understand the current status of PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. 2. To explore the cognition difference between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City based on the variances of their different backgrounds. 3. To discuss the relationships between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City. 4. To provide a concrete suggestion to respond to PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment to the related units for reference of future further study. This study adopted questionnaire survey aimed at PE teachers in 204 public elementary schools of New Taipei City, and the sampling taken from 125 schools and 575 PE teachers as interviewees, using modified questionnaires of “Evaluation Form of PE Teachers’ Role Stress in Elementary Schools” and “Evaluation Form of PE Teachers’ Organization Commitment in Elementary Schools” to conduct the survey. It issued 490 copies with 474 valid copies and the return rate was 85%with 82% useful rate. The data was analyzed by SPSS/PC17.0 package software to proceed descriptive statistics, and also adopted t-test, single factor variances, related accumulated difference, multiple stepwise regression analysis and discussions. The major conclusions are as followed: 1. Cognition on PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools of New Taipei City is relatively lower. 2. On the variance of age, the PE teachers’ role stress in elementary schools in New Taipei City has achieved a significant level. 3. On the variance of age, the PE teachers’ organization commitment in elementary schools in New Taipei City has achieved a significant level. 4. It has negative relationship between PE teachers’ role stress and organization commitment in elementary schools. 5. PE teachers’ role stress in elementary schools has a significant prediction on organization commitment. Finally, based on the result of the study and its conclusion, some concrete suggestion is provided to education administrative institutes, schools and PE teachers in elementary schools for future study.

Faktorer som kan påverka friluftsundervisningen : - en kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares uppfattningar om friluftsliv och friluftsundervisning / Factors that may affect outdoor education : - a qualitative study about PE-teachers  perceptions of outdoor life and education

Andersson, Marie January 2014 (has links)
I denna kvalitativa intervjustudie undersöks idrottslärares friluftsundervisning, på skolor i nordvästra Götalandsregionen. Studiens centrala frågeställningar är att undersöka vilka; attityder och erfarenheter, ramar, samt didaktiska tillvägagångsätt, som råder i friluftsundervisningen, och syftet är att undersöka friluftsundervisningens samband med dessa. I studien framkommer det bland annat att: Lärarna har liknande attityder och erfarenheter till friluftsliv, samt att deras syn verkar ha präglats av erfarenheter i senare åldrar. Lärarna är förhållandevis nöjda med de konstitutionella-, organisatoriska- och fysiska ramar som finns, men uppfattar samtidigt att dessa ramar är faktorer som påverkar friluftsundervisningen i hög grad. Lärarna försöker prioritera ämnesområdet friluftsliv i högre grad än tidigare, men de har lite olika didaktiska tillvägagångssätt. För att ta reda på detta används kvalitativa och semistrukturerade intervjuer som metod, där fem olika lärare på fem olika skolor, i nordvästra Götaland, har intervjuats. Studien förankras i tre teoretiska utgångspunkter; habitusteori, ramfaktorsteori och didaktik. / In this qualitative interview study PE-teachers perceptions of outdoor teaching in schools in the North-West region of Götaland, in Sweden, were examined. The following key issues were examined; attitudes and experiences, frameworks, as well as didactic approach, which prevails in outdoor education, and the aim was to investigate outdoor education related to these factors. The study reveals, among other things, that: The teachers have similar attitudes and experiences for outdoor recreation. Their vision seems to have been marked by experiences in later ages. The teachers are relatively satisfied with the constitutional, organizational and physical frameworks of today, but that those frames are factors that affect outdoor teaching. The teachers try to prioritize the field of outdoor activities to a greater extent than in the past, but they have slightly different didactical approaches. In order to investigate these issues, qualitative and semi-structured interviews were used as a method for data collection. Five different teachers at five different schools, in North-West of Götaland, has been interviewed. The study was anchored in three theoretical frameworks; habitus theory, frame factor theory and didactics.

Det förväntas att man kan allt : Nyexaminerade idrottslärares upplevelser om första året i yrket / You are expected to know everything : Newly graduated physical education teachers' experiences of the first year in the profession

Ehrenstråhle, Martin, Silander, Rosanna January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur idrottslärare upplever sitt första år på jobbet. 1. Hur upplever idrottslärare det sociala samspelet och stödet mellan skolledning, arbetskollegor och elever? 2. Hur upplever idrottslärare den fysiska miljön i skolan samt skolan som organisation?3. Vilka förväntningar och krav ställs på nya idrottslärare? Metod Metoden som användes i denna kvalitativa studie var en semi-strukturerad intervju. I studien deltog fyra idrottslärare, som jobbat mellan ett till tre år på gymnasie- eller grundskola. Data analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Det formella stödet med mentorskap och introduktion var bristande, men att kollegorna upplevdes som stödjande av idrottslärarna. Kollegorna och eleverna var viktiga arbetsmiljöfaktorer som påverkade hur de trivdes på arbetsplatsen. Upplevelser om den fysiska miljön varierade, men idrottslärarna ansåg idrottshallarna vara bristande eller ligga långt bort ifrån skolan. De flesta idrottslärarna hade tillräckligt med material men i vissa fall kunde otillräckligt material påverka undervisningen. Planeringstid uppfattades som väldigt viktigt. Påfrestningar som hög ljudnivå, mycket röstanvändning och stora klasser gjorde att några av lärarna kände sig utmattade. De förväntningar och krav som ställdes på idrottslärarna var liknanade de krav och förväntningar som ställdes på de mer erfarna idrottslärarna. Slutsats Skollagen följs inte angående introduktionsår och mentorskap för nya lärare. Vissa ramar gör att lärarna inte kan utföra sitt jobb professionellt, angående bland annat betyg och bedömning. Det borde finnas begränsningar som ger förutsättningar för lärare att göra ett professionellt jobb, till exempel att man som lärare inte kan ha för många elever. De förväntningar som idrottslärarna har när de kommer ut stämmer ofta inte helt överens med vad de möter i verkligheten och att lärarutbildningen borde visa en bättre verklighetsbild av yrket. Det sociala stödet är väldigt viktigt för att lärarna ska lyckas, komma in i yrket och göra ett bra jobb. / Aim The aim of this study was to examine how physical education (PE) teachers experience their first year as teachers. 1. How do PE teachers experience the social interaction and support between the school administration, colleagues and pupils? 2. How do PE teachers experience the physical environment of the school and the school as an organization? 3. What are the expectations and demands on new PE teachers? Method The method used in this qualitative study was a semi-structured interview. Participants in this study were four PE teachers who had worked between one to three years in high school or elementary school. Data was analyzed using a qualitative content analysis. Results The formal support, mentoring and introduction were inadequate, but colleagues were perceived as supportive by the PE teachers. Colleagues and pupils were important factors that affected their positive experience of the workplace. Perceptions of the physical environment varied, but the PE teachers considered the sports halls to be inadequate or are located far away from the school. Most PE teachers had enough material, but in some cases insufficient material affected teaching. Planning time was perceived as very important. Strains such as high volume, lots of voice usage and large classes contributed to exhaustion among some of the teachers. The expectations and demands placed on new PE teachers are similar to the demands and expectations placed on experienced PE teachers. Conclusions The school law is not followed regarding the introduction year and mentoring for new teachers. Some frames do not allow the teachers to do their job professionally concerning, among other things, grades and evaluation. There should be limitations that provide opportunities for teachers to do a professional job, for example that a teacher should not have too many pupils. The expectations that teachers have when they graduate are often inconsistent with what they encounter in the real world and that teacher education should display a better picture of reality of the profession. Social support is very important for teachers to be able to be successful, to enter the profession and to do a good job.

Online social networks and Saudi youth participation in physical activity

Baker, Razan January 2016 (has links)
Previous studies targeting youth participation in physical activity have argued that self-motivation is the main key to increasing participation. However, few studies have focused specifically on the role of structural factors in prompting youth participation in physical activity. The structure may include people, and institutions that are introducing, providing and facilitating physical activity to youth. Therefore, this study focuses on the role of the structure surrounding youth. The study takes youth in Saudi Arabia aged 15-24 as its subjects in order to examine the use of three online social networks (OSNs), i.e., Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, for communication and exchange of resources and the influence on participation of key decision makers such as home (parents and siblings), school (Ministry of Education and PE teachers), physical activity and sports clubs (General Authority of Sports [GAS]), and friends. The study uses mixed methods and follows the social network structural theory to examine how the exchange of resources (e.g., information, emotional support, financial support, and facilities and services) takes place between agent and structure. The main findings are that the structure plays a role in influencing participation among Saudi youth. Friends are of great influence, as they occupy the longest hours of youth time both at school, where friends interact in person, and outside of school, where friends communicate through OSNs. An Islamic and conservative society prevails in Saudi Arabia, where 99 per cent of the population is Muslim. Therefore, in addition to the structural factors noted above, religion is also investigated. Indeed, Islam drives motivation in this large conservative group as individuals learn to obey and implement the religious advice and Islamic teachings of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him), including those messages with relation to becoming a healthy and strong Muslim. Finally, the study also focuses on the participation of Saudi female youth in physical activity. Due to cultural reasons preventing women from participating in physical activity as freely and equally as their male peers in the country, Saudi Arabia has seen an increasing percentage of obese women. The main aim of this research is to understand the relationship between agency and structure and thereby to identify the role of structure in increasing the participation of youth in physical activity. The research question (How do OSNs facilitate Saudi youth participation in physical activity?) investigates the relationship between agency and structure to delineate the pattern of information exchange regarding resources for involvement in physical activity. Through the use of mixed methods including face-to-face interviews, online survey and digital ethnography, the researcher investigates how youth social networks function both offline and online. The study concludes that decision makers in the field of physical activity participation in Saudi Arabia vary in their level of encouragement, influence and communication. Family members do not seem to communicate with youth via online platforms, but they do play a crucial role in offline social networks. Private institutions are becoming very active in OSNs, and public institutions are following the trend, albeit at a slower pace. The study shows that physical activity facilitators in Saudi Arabia are still failing to effectively reach youth and encourage them to participate in physical activity. Various policies need to be reviewed and enhanced if the public institutions do indeed want to reach more youth and benefit youth and the community, including the female youth, who make up more than half of the population. The study shows that the way to develop these policies is to communicate with youth via OSNs and to provide youth with more facilities, venues and services in the country that are suitable for both genders.

Jakten efter likvärdighet i Stockholms grundskolor : En kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares upplevelser kring målsättningar, tillämpningar och påverkande faktorer. / The search for equality in Stockholm’s primary schools : A qualitative study of physical education teachers' experiences of goals, applications and influencing factors.

Leek, Kevin, Kalliokoski, Kirsti January 2022 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet tolkar målsättningar i ämnet idrott och hälsa utifrån styrdokumenten, samt hur dessa tillämpas i undervisning i förhållande till påverkansfaktorer för att sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning. Frågeställningarna är: (1)Vilka målsättningar har lärare i ämnet? (2)Hur arbetar lärare för att uppfylla dessa mål och sträva efter en likvärdig undervisning? (3)Vilka faktorer påverkar lärares mål med undervisning?   Metod:  Eftersom studien syftar till att undersöka lärarnas tolkningar och upplevelser valdes en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamlingen genomfördes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex idrottslärare i Stockholmsområdet. Datainsamlingen analyserades med hjälp av en deduktiv innehållsanalys utifrån två teoretiska utgångspunkter. Dessa två teoretiska utgångspunkterna var ramfaktorteori och läroplansteori.   Resultat: Resultatet visar att idrottslärarna hade gemensamma målsättningar med ämnet idrott och hälsa. Dessa målsättningar var: rörelseglädje, intresse för framtida fysisk aktivitet, kunskaper om hälsa och etiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visade att två idrottslärare hade ytterligare enskilda målsättningar. För att tillämpa dessa mål i undervisningen använde de sig av variation av olika aktiviteter samt olika pedagogiska tillvägagångssätt såsom anpassning, repetition och progression. De inre och yttre faktorer som påverkade lärarna var framförallt erfarenhet, idrottsbakgrund, lokal, tid och elevsammansättning.   Slutsats:  Utifrån resultatet av studien kan vi dra en slutsats att lärarnas tolkning av ämnets målsättningar grundades utifrån de formulerade målen i styrdokumenten. Detta tyder på att de olika riktlinjerna på formuleringsarenan bidrar till en mer likvärdig tolkning. Däremot tillämpades målsättningarna på olika sätt beroende på de yttre och inre faktorerna. Baserad på denna iakttagelse kan en slutsats dras att likvärdig undervisning kräver att läraren gör anpassningar utifrån de förutsättningar hen har i sitt specifika sammanhang. / Aim:The aim of this study is to investigate how physical education teachers in the Stockholm area interpret objectives in the subject of sports and health based on the governing documents, and how these are applied in teaching in relation to influencing factors in order to strive for an equivalent teaching. The questions are: (1) What are the goals of teachers in the subject? (2) How do teachers work to meet these goals and strive for equal teaching? (3) What factors influence teachers' goals in teaching? Method:Since the study aims to examine teachers' interpretations and experiences, a qualitative method was chosen. The data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with six sports teachers in the Stockholm area. The data collection was analyzed using a deductive content analysis based on two theoretical basis. These two theoretical basis were framework factor theory and curriculum theory. Results:The results show that the physical education teachers had common goals with the subject sports and health. These goals were: joy of movement, interest in future physical activity, knowledge of health and ethical perspective. The results showed that two sports teachers had additional individual goals. To apply these goals in the teaching, they used variety of different activities as well as different pedagogical approaches such as adaptation, repetition and progression. The internal and external factors that influenced the teachers were primarily experience, sports background, location, time and student base. Conclusion:Based on the results of the study, we were able to conclude that the teachers' interpretation of the subject's objectives was based on the formulated objectives in the curriculum. This indicates how the different guidelines in the formulation arena contribute to a more equal interpretation. However, the objectives were applied in different ways depending on the external and internal factors. Based on this observation, it can be concluded that equivalent teaching requires the teacher to make adjustments based on the conditions in their specific context.

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