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Uplatnění statistických metod při zpracování dat / The Use of Statistical Methods for Data ProcessingKočárek, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Main goal of this diploma thesis is to design a strategy to increase the competitiveness of the spa resort Lázně Hodonín. Secondary goal is to predict the future attendance of said spa resort. A theoretical part apprizes the readers with basic terms of tourism, spa procedures, time series and spa resorts from South Moravian area. In the practical part, we will use time series to process an attendance of spa resort and predict its future developement according to a chosen model. In the end we will use SWOT and PESTE analysis to summarize results, which will be used to suggest a recommendation leading to an increase of competitiveness of chosen spa resort.
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Analýza návštěvnosti Zoo Brno / Analysis of ZOO Brno AttendanceStejskalová, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse visitation of the zoological garden in Brno and to make recommendations which could result in higher values of visitation. The major causes of the fluctuation in visitation are found out and the econometric model is created. Due to this model, we can predict the future values of the reference indicator. In order to determine the interdependence between Zoo Brno attendance and the number of guests accommodated in the South Moravian Region, the econometrics model of South Moravia Region visitation was created too. Based on the analysis of external and internal environment, recommendations which could positively influence Zoo Brno attractiveness and number of its visitors are suggested. All used methods of analysis and creating model are presented in the theoretical part of this diploma thesis.
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Stabilité du développement et stress environnemental : analyse morphométrique du fémur de l’homme / Developmental stability and environmental stress : a geometric morphometrics analysis of the human femurMopin, Clémence 21 January 2019 (has links)
Parmi les approches employées pour caractériser l’état sanitaire des populations antérieures, l’utilisation de l’asymétrie fluctuante (AF) pour rendre compte de la stabilité de développement (DS) du squelette est rare. Après plus d’un demi-siècle de recherches, la DS reste assez méconnue chez l’Homme. Aujourd’hui, les techniques de morphométrie géométrique permettent de quantifier plus finement les variations en analysant de nouveaux aspects morphologiques en 3D.Les objectifs de ce travail étaient:1-Déterminer si l’analyse morpho-géométrique de l’AF chez l’Homme permet de distinguer deux populations.2-Établir si cette distinction peut être attribuée à une différence d’état sanitaire.Les données de deux populations caractérisées par des contextes sanitaires distincts ont été confrontées. Deux échantillons de 70 paires de fémurs adultes d'âge et de sexe comparables ont été sélectionnés. Vingt-sept points-repères ont été positionnés sur chaque surface osseuse reconstruite en 3D. L’AF a été analysée en termes d’amplitude et de localisation sur le fémur.Finalement, cette analyse morpho-géométrique a permis de distinguer deux populations au contextes sanitaires distincts. La population la moins favorisée a exprimé un degré d’AF plus élevé. Considérant l’impact des facteurs potentiels de variation, le stress sanitaire explique le mieux les perturbations de la DS. Au vu de la localisation de l’AF sur le fémur, le facteur biomécanique semble aussi jouer un rôle relatif. Chez l’Homme, la localisation de l’asymétrie fluctuante peut donc être dirigée en partie par les contraintes biomécaniques, cependant son amplitude est principalement influencée par le stress sanitaire. / Among the approaches used to characterize the health status in past populations, the use of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) to evaluate developmental stability (DS) in bone is rare. After more than half a century of research, DS remains relatively unknown in humans. Today, geometric morphometrics techniques offer new perspectives. It is now possible to quantify variations more precisely and approach them by analyzing a new morphological element: shape.The aim of this work was twofold:1-Determine whether the geometric morphometrics analysis of FA in humans can distinguish two populations.2-Determine whether this distinction can be attributed to a difference in health status.The data of two populations of known and distinct health statuses and environmental contexts were compared. Two samples of 70 pairs of adult femurs of comparable age and sex were selected. Two sets of 27 landmarks were placed on the 3D isosurfaces of each femur. FA was analyzed and characterized in terms of range of magnitude and pattern of expression in the femur.Finally, this geometric morphometrics analysis allowed to distinguish two populations that have developed under distinct environmental conditions. The population that experienced higher levels of stress expressed a higher degree of FA. After considering the impact of potential factors of variation, the health stress seems to best explain disturbances of DS. However, given its pattern of expression on the femur, the biomechanical factor seems to play also a relative role. Therefore, in humans, the pattern of expression of FA is directed in part by biomechanical constraints but its magnitude remains mostly influenced by health stress.
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Strategie rozvoje internetového obchodu s dárkovými předmětyJuránková, Simona January 2017 (has links)
Thesis analyses outer and inner environment of a company Hudebnikum s. r. o. The goal of the thesis is a proposal of strategies, which should help the company with it's further development. The basis of the work consists of the analysis of the internal and external environment. On the basis of the obtained facts were designed the strategy for the development of the company. Thesis incorporates theoretical part, where attention is paid to the study of the issue with the help of professional literature and professional articles and part practical, where are carried out the individual analysis of the selected company. The resulting findings are entered into a SWOT matrix and proposed final recommendations. Keywords Outer and inner environment analysis, PESTE analysis, Porter model´s 5 forces framework, Model 7S, Selected indicatorsof financial analysis, BCG analysis, SWOT ana-lysis, Final stratégy
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Strategické riadenie prekladateľskej a tlmočníckej spoločnostiŽuchová, Simona January 2017 (has links)
Žuchová, S. Strategic management of translation and interpretation agency. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University in Brno, 2017. Thesis deals with strategic management of translation and interpretation agency. The main objective of this thesis is to identify the competitive position of the company, which makes possible to design appropriate business strategy. PESTE analysis and Porter´s five forces analysis are used to analyse the external environment. Analysis of the internal environment is done by using the 7Ps marketing mix and financial analysis. The financial indicators are compared with major competitors. Results of analyses are used for formulating strategies using the SPACE matrix and the SWOT matrix. At the end of the thesis the strategy of utilization of subsidies for company development is chosen together with recommendations for its implementation.
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Atraktivita odvetvia sklárskeho priemysluZámečníková, Iveta January 2019 (has links)
Zámečníková I., Attractiveness of glass industry sector. Master’s thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2019. The master’s thesis deals with an analysis of glass industry in Czech Republic. The aim is to evaluate industry attractiveness and to create recommendations for companies operating in the sector and companies considering entering the sector. The literary research describes methods of external environment analysis and methods of evaluating industry attractiveness. In the second part, the external environment is analyzed with the PESTE analysis, the Porter’s five forces model, it’s objectification and with the strategic group analysis. Opportunities and threats identified in the external analysis are evaluated with EFE matrix and the industry attractiveness with GE matrix and SPACE matrix. The competitive strategies are recommended based on information acquired from analyzes and matrixes.
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Strategický management výrobního družstvaAmbróšová, Helena January 2017 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis Strategic management of a Production Co-operative is to provide a detailed analysis of the external and internal environment of the Kovona Production Co-operative based in Brno, and the strategic measures, which result from the mentioned analyses. The theoretical part indicates the general methods of strategic analysis with the employment of the chosen methods. In the practical part, the chosen methods were applied on the situation of the production co-operative. Based on the analysis of the external environment, opportunities and threats, which are beneficial or endangering for running the production co-operative which employs handicapped people, are identified. The result of the analysis of the internal environment is the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the production co-operative. The factors of the external and internal environment are evaluated by means of EFE and IFE matrixes. The next part uses chosen tools for the strategy determination: Internal-external matrix and SWOT matrix. Based on the achieved results, there were proposed several strategic alternatives. These strategies should lead to strengthening of the current position of the production co-operative on the market, improvement in its competitiveness by means of more intensive use of promotional tools, implementation of the reorganization of production and the expansion of distribution channels.
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Influence de l’état sanitaire des populations anciennes sur la mortalité en temps de peste : contribution à la paléoépidémiologie / Investigating the relation between health status and plague mortality in past populations : a contribution to paleoepidemiologyKacki, Sacha 10 May 2016 (has links)
Génératrice depuis le VIe siècle de notre ère de crises épidémiques récurrentes en Occident, la peste a profondémentmarqué l’histoire des sociétés européennes, tant sur le plan biologique que culturel, économique et politique. Sil’histoire des épidémies qu’elle a engendrées est aujourd’hui relativement bien connue, un certain nombre de questionssur ses caractéristiques épidémiologiques passées demeurent pour partie irrésolues. En particulier, le caractère sélectifou non de la mortalité par peste à l’égard de l’âge, du sexe et de l’état de santé préexistant des individus faitactuellement débat. À partir d’une approche anthropobiologique, le présent travail se propose de contribuer à cettediscussion. Il livre les résultats de l’étude d’un corpus de 1090 squelettes provenant, d’une part, de quatre sitesd’inhumation de pestiférés de la fin du Moyen Âge et du début de l’époque moderne et, d’autre part, de deuxcimetières paroissiaux médiévaux utilisés hors contexte épidémique. Cette étude révèle en premier lieu l’existenced’une signature démographique commune aux séries en lien avec la peste. Leur composition par âge et par sexe,distincte de celle caractérisant la mortalité naturelle, est au contraire en adéquation avec la structure théorique d’unepopulation vivante préindustrielle. L’examen de divers indicateurs de stress suggèrent par ailleurs que les victimes dela peste jouissaient, à la veille de leur décès, d’un meilleur état de santé que les individus morts en temps normal. Lesrésultats obtenus concourent à démontrer que les facteurs causals de ces lésions squelettiques, d’accoutuméresponsables d’une diminution des chances de survie, n’eurent au contraire qu’une influence mineure, si ce n’est nulle,sur le risque de mourir de l’infection à Yersinia pestis. Ce travail livre in fine un faisceau d’arguments convergents quitendent à prouver que les épidémies de peste anciennes furent à l’origine d’une mortalité non sélective, la maladiefrappant indistinctement les individus des deux sexes, de tous âges et de toutes conditions sanitaires. / From the 6th century onwards, plague caused recurring mortality crises in the Western world. Such epidemics hadprofound biological, cultural, economic and political impacts on European societies. Some aspects of the history ofplague epidemics are currently well known, but many questions remain unanswered, such as the preciseepidemiological pattern of the disease in ancient times. It is unclear whether plague killed people indiscriminately orwhether this disease was selective with respect to age, sex and health. This research contributes to this debate.It consists of an anthropological and paleopathological study of skeletal remains of 1090 individuals, including plaguevictims from four medieval and post-medieval burial grounds, and individuals from two parochial cemeteries in useduring periods of normal mortality. Results from the four plague-related assemblages reveal a peculiar demographicsignature. Age and sex distribution differs clearly from what is expected in non-epidemic periods, when it is shown tocorrespond closely to the demographic structure of the living population. Moreover, the study of various non-specificskeletal stress markers shows that plague victims were in a better health before they passed away than people who diedin non-epidemic periods. The results demonstrate that individuals who suffered stress and disease had a reducedchance of survival in non-epidemic periods, whereas they were not at a higher risk to die during plague epidemics.This study provides evidence that plague was not selective, and that it killed regardless of sex, age, and pre-existing health.
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[pt] Essa Tese de Doutorado busca elencar diferentes aspectos formais e estruturais presentes em textos teóricos e obras artísticas sobre o tema da peste, para a partir dessa análise, formular uma possível chave de leitura para uma série de protestos e mobilizações sociais que ocorreram no mundo todo, entre os anos de 2011 e 2013, começando pela Revolução de Jasmim, na Tunísia e indo até as Jornadas de Junho, no Brasil. A questão do contágio, da indignação, assim como a dificuldade de identificação de um único programa político ou direcionamento partidário são alguns dos assuntos que atravessam as revoltas populares em questão. Levando em consideração o fato de que a pesquisa se estrutura a partir de uma abordagem estética dos protestos, as insurreições aparecem sob a ótica de trabalhos artísticos que fazem referência ao tema, como filmes, performances, espetáculos de teatro e dança, assim como ações estético-políticas que foram realizadas diretamente nas manifestações em questão. A escolha por intervenções estéticas se justifica pelo reconhecimento da diluição entre as fronteiras que separam arte e vida, criação e política. A rua é vista como uma espécie de palco da encenação urbana e os protestos, como movimentos que abalam de maneira direta a coreografia das grandes cidades. / [fr] Cette Thèse de Doctorat cherche à établir différents aspects formels et structurels présents dans des textes théoriques et dans des oeuvres artistiques autour du thème de la peste. L objectif est de formuler une possible clef de lecture pour une série de protestations et de mobilisations sociales qui se sont
déroulées autour du monde entre les années 2011 et 2013, en commençant par la Révolution de Jasmin, en Tunisie, et en allant jusqu aux Journées de Juin au Brésil. La question du contagion, de l indignation et la difficulté d identification d un seul programme politique ou d une tendance de parti sont quelques-uns des sujets qui croisent les manifestations populaires en question. Si l on prend en considération le fait que cette recherche est structurée autour d une approche esthétique des protestations, les insurrections apparaissent sous l optique de travaux artistiques faisant référence au thème, tels des films, des performances, des spectacles de danse, des spectacles de théâtre et de danse, tout comme les
actions esthético-politiques qui ont été réalisées directement lors des manifestations en question. Le choix pour ces interventions esthétiques se justifie à travers la reconnaissance de la dilution entre les frontières séparant l art et la vie, la création et la politique. La rue est vue comme une espèce de plateau pour les
mises-en-scène urbaines, et les protestations comme des mouvements capables de secouer de manière directe la choréographie des grandes villes.
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Návrh na zvýšení produktivity práce ve firmě-ekonomické vyhodnocení / Proposal for Increasing Productivity of Labor in Company – Economic EvaluationPřikryl, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the proposal to increase labor productivity and economic evaluation in the company EKOSTAVBY Brno. The introductory section describes the theoretical background, the following analysis of the company. The work is based on the current status in the company, focusing mainly on the centre of mechanization and transport. The aim of this paper is to propose certain changes and measures, which would lead to a reduction in the loss rate of the centre.
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