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Citizens resisting Smart Cities’ initiatives : The case of Concepción (Chile) and the R+D PACYT project.Sandoval Quezada, Natalia Belén January 2021 (has links)
Parque Científico y Tecnológico (PACYT, Science and Technology Park) is a large-scale R+D project that seems to be framed in a Smart City plan for Concepción, Chile, which the media has presented as “the Chilean Silicon Valley” (Araus, 2015; Tele13, 2019) and promises to bring not only research and development opportunities for the city but also thousands of direct and indirect jobs (Estudio Interdiseño, 2018; la Tercera, 2015) carried out by PACYT Corporation. Nonetheless, voices have raised to question the construction of the 91 hectares initiative, and some of them have even organized in citizen groups targeting the creation of the urban complex, which actively share information contesting the PACYT through social media, and coordinate activities to protest and spread the word. This is the study case to be analyzed in the present research, which aims to explore and understand, on the one hand, the reasons that have led to the organization of citizens contesting the PACYT project, and on the other hand, the way the project has been advertised and developed in relationship to the city's inhabitants. It intends to make a novel contribution to the field of Urban Studies, both in the areas of Critical Smart Urbanism and Postcolonial Studies, which in this case collide in Latin America, part of the Global South, while opening a discussion around the topic of citizens contesting urban developments with a Smart City background, where few incursions have been made and more specifically in the Latin American context, where the Smart City seems to have a particular interpretation. With that in mind, the current research tries to dig into an under-studied territory, and in doing so, it plans to bring to the table the relevance of studying the approach and way of developing Smart Cities’ ideas in Latin American, and to put focus on what city’s inhabitants have to say about those developments and what their interests are, using the lenses of the right to the city and the understandings coming from urban social movements and conflicts. In that sense, the research outputs are to question the form in which Smart City projects are being implemented in Latin America and to find possible guidelines to incorporate the city’s inhabitants in the development of them elsewhere, with that in mind, future research can be supported by this investigation, which encourages further studies both in the described fields and territory. To do so, the current investigation explores and unwrap theories regarding the mentioned fields and focuses on analyzing the case making use of mixed methods research, by executing qualitative and quantitative methodological tools to reach relevant data that helps to answer the research inquiries. In that sense, the results show that it can be confirmed that the nature of the PACYT, i.e. its R+D purposes and origins linked to a Smart City plan to transform the city into smartness, does not play a relevant role in the development of the conflict that has emerged between the PACYT management, and the people opposed to its construction, but several aspects explain the urban social conflict and that will be explored in the present work. / <p><strong>Acknowledgment.</strong></p><p>First of all, I would like to thank all the interviewees that decided to share their thoughts in the present study, as well as to all the people that participated in the survey; without your contribution, it would have not been possible for me to reach my research goals and to count on with the rich material I have. On the other hand, I want to thank people from academia, such as my peers, who have given me advice and stamina, to my tutor, who has contributed with his wisdom, and to my mentor at university, who has kept me on track and provided me with valuable insights. I am grateful to these people for helping me with my willpower and effectiveness. Finally, I need to thank those surrounding me, like my family for supporting me from the distance, my partner for being here to contain and take care of me, and my dog for always being around me and spreading his love and joy.</p>
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Oral lichen planus – etiopathogenesis and managementSiponen, M. (Maria) 18 January 2017 (has links)
Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic immune-mediated mucosal disease with unknown etiology. According to the current view, the pathogenesis of OLP involves activation of T-cell mediated immunity against the epithelial keratinocytes. A proportion of OLP patients are affected by painful symptoms, and the risk of oral cancer is increased in OLP. There is no curative treatment for OLP. Topical corticosteroids are used most commonly in the management of OLP. However, the evidence base for the effectiveness of any therapy is weak.
The objective of this thesis was to study novel aspects of OLP etiopathogenesis and management. An epidemiologic, retrospective case-control study was conducted to determine whether systemic diseases, in particular thyroid diseases, are associated with OLP. In addition, a randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of topical tacrolimus, triamcinolone acetonide and placebo in symptomatic OLP was carried out. Furthermore, immunohistochemical expression of toll-like receptors 4 and 9, hyaluronan and its principal receptor CD44 antigen, hyaluronan synthases 1-3, hyaluronidases 1-2 and cathepsin K was studied in OLP tissue samples and in healthy oral mucosa. The effect of topical tacrolimus on the expression of these molecules in OLP was also studied.
The results of the present study showed that a history of hypothyroidism was associated with an approximately twofold risk of having OLP. Furthermore, both tacrolimus and triamcinolone acetonide were more efficient than placebo in reducing the signs and symptoms of OLP. No statistically significant differences were noted in the efficacy between tacrolimus and triamcinolone acetonide. In addition, the expression of the studied molecules was altered in the epithelium or stroma in OLP compared to healthy oral mucosa. Tacrolimus treatment decreased the expression of CD44 antigen in the stroma and the expression of cathepsin K in the epithelium in OLP.
In conclusion, the present study extends our knowledge about systemic associated factors and management of OLP. In addition, the results improve our understanding of molecular level changes that occur in OLP. / Tiivistelmä
Suun punajäkälä on krooninen immuunivälitteinen limakalvotauti, jonka etiologia on tuntematon. Taudin syntymekanismiin liittyy tämän hetkisen näkemyksen mukaan T-soluvälitteisen immuniteetin aktivoituminen epiteelin keratinosyyttejä vastaan. Suun punajäkälä aiheuttaa osalle potilaista kivuliaita oireita ja lisää suusyövän riskiä. Parantavaa hoitoa tautiin ei ole. Yleisimmin suun punajäkälän oireiden hoidossa käytetään paikallisia kortikosteroidivalmisteita. Kuitenkin eri hoitomuotojen tehosta on vain heikkoa näyttöä.
Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia uusia näkökohtia liittyen suun punajäkälän etiopatogeneesiin ja hoitoon. Epidemiologisessa tapaus-verrokkitutkimuksessa selvitettiin, liittyvätkö yleissairaudet, erityisesti kilpirauhassairaudet, suun punajäkälään. Lisäksi satunnaistetussa kontrolloidussa tutkimuksessa verrattiin paikallisen takrolimuusin, triamsinoloniasetonidin ja lumelääkkeen tehoa oireisesta suun punajäkälästä kärsivillä potilailla. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös tollin kaltaisten reseptorien 4 ja 9, hyaluronaanin ja sen pääasiallisen reseptorin CD44-antigeenin, hyaluronaanisyntaasien 1–3, hyaluronidaasien 1–2 sekä katepsiini K:n immunohistokemiallista ilmentymistä suun punajäkälänäytteissä ja terveessä suun limakalvossa. Lisäksi tutkittiin takrolimuusihoidon vaikutusta näiden molekyylien ilmentymiseen suun punajäkälässä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että kilpirauhasen vajaatoimintaan liittyi noin kaksinkertainen riski sairastaa suun punajäkälää. Lisäksi havaittiin, että suun punajäkälässä sekä takrolimuusi että triamsinoloniasetonidi ovat tehokkaampia kuin lumelääke oireiden ja kliinisen taudinkuvan lievittämisessä. Takrolimuusin ja triamsinoloniasetonidin tehossa ei todettu tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja. Lisäksi suun punajäkälänäytteissä tutkittujen molekyylien ilmentyminen oli muuttunut joko epiteelissä tai stroomassa verrattuna terveeseen limakalvoon. Takrolimuusihoito vähensi CD44-antigeenin ilmentymistä stroomassa ja katepsiini K:n ilmentymistä epiteelissä suun punajäkälässä.
Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tämä tutkimus lisää tietoa suun punajäkälään liittyvistä systeemisistä tekijöistä ja suun punajäkälän hoidosta. Lisäksi löydökset lisäävät ymmärtämystä suun punajäkälässä tapahtuvista molekyylitason muutoksista.
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Fighting polio : selling the gamma globulin field trials, 1950-1953Mawdsley, Stephen Edward January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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FauxtopiaKampf, Raymond William 01 January 2004 (has links)
To all who come to this fictitious place:Welcome.Fauxtopia is your land. Here, age relives distorted memories of the past, and here, youth may savor the challenge of trying to understand the present. Fauxtopia is made up of the ideals, the dreams and the fuzzy facts which have re-created reality... with the hope that it will be a source of edutainment for all the world.Ray KampfFauxtopia DedicationApril 1st, 2004
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