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Uma nova abordagem para análise de dependência bivariadaMarchi, Vitor Alex Alves de 23 April 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-04-23 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / In this dissertation we describe and implement procedures for nonparametric estimation of copulas and Sibuya function, and also procedures for bivariate analysis of dependence based on the behavior of their contours plot. Besisdes, we describe and implement the chiplot procedure and as well as a procedure for analising bivariate dependence in presence of censoring in the sample. Particularly, we propose a way to use it in a local correlation analysis. The performance of the proposed procedures are illustrated and evaluated in cases of very simple correlation, but also in a more complex correlation schemes. / Nesta dissertação descrevemos e implementamos procedimentos para estimação paramétrica da cópula e da função de Sibuya, e também procedimentos para análise de dependência bivariada, baseados no comportamento das suas curvas de nível. Também, descrevemos e implementamos o procedimento chi-plot e um procedimento para a análise de dependência bivariada com presença de censura na amostra. Particularmente, propomos formas de usá-los em análise de correlação local. O desempenho dos procedimentos propostos são ilustrados e avaliados em casos de estruturas de correlação simples, mas também em esquemas de correlação mais complexa.
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Otimização simultanea de variaveis de processo e mistura em cromatografia liquida de alta eficiencia / Optimization of process and mixture variables in high performance liquid chromatographyBreitkreitz, Márcia Cristina, 1979- 07 June 2007 (has links)
Orientadores: Roy Edward Bruns, Isabel Cristina S. F. Jardim / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Quimica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-09T16:30:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2007 / Resumo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de modelos combinados considerando simultaneamente o tipo de Fase Estacionária (FE) como variável de processo e diferentes composições de Fase Móvel (FM) como variáveis de mistura para descrever a influência de cada uma destas variáveis, bem como a interação entre elas, na separação de diversos compostos presentes em duas amostras: uma mistura de compostos neutros e uma mistura de agrotóxicos. Os experimentos necessários para a determinação dos coeficientes dos modelos foram realizados de acordo com um planejamento split-plot, no qual os tipos de FE, C 8 e C 18 foram considerados main-plots e as composições de FM, sub-plots. Os resultados foram tratados de duas maneiras: de acordo com a estrutura split-plot do planejamento e supondo completa aleatorização na realização dos experimentos. Para descrever a qualidade da separação, foi utilizada uma função objetiva e o procedimento de otimização simultânea de várias respostas, descrito por Derringer e Suich, empregando, neste caso, critérios elementares como fator de retenção, resolução e fator de separação como respostas. Os modelos foram avaliados empregando-se Análise da Variância quanto à significância dos tratamentos e falta de ajuste. Na descrição da qualidade da separação dos compostos nas duas misturas, o procedimento de Derringer e Suich se mostrou superior às funções objetivas, pois permitiu a construção de modelos tendo como respostas parâmetros cromatográficos, os quais são, de fato, funções da composição da FM e da FE. Estes modelos, quando combinados através da desejabilidade global, permitiram que as condições para a melhor separação de todos os compostos em cada mistura fossem alcançadas, sem perda de informações sobre a separação individual dos pares de picos. Todos os modelos apresentaram capacidade preditiva para as respostas avaliadas ¿ fatores de retenção/resolução/fatores de retenção relativos - nas duas misturas, sem ou com pequena falta de ajuste. Embora todos os planejamentos tenham sido realizados de acordo com um procedimento split-plot, não foram verificadas diferenças nos valores dos erros dos coeficientes dos modelos matemáticos nos cálculos split-plot e supondo completa aleatorização e isto se deveu ao fato do erro main-plot ter sido muito menor que o erro sub-plot / Abstract: The aim of this work was to develop combined statistical models including the stationary phase (SP) as process variables and different compositions of the mobile phase (MP) as mixture variables in order to describe the influence of each type of variable as well as their interactions for the separation of compounds in two samples sets: one containing ten neutral compounds and another containing eleven pesticides. The experiments required to determine the coefficients of the models were carried out according to a split-plot approach, in which the stationary phases, C 8 or C 18 were considered as main-plots and the mobile phase compositions as sub-plots. The results were treated according to the split-plot approach and also supposing a completely random setup. The results provided by an objective function were compared to those obtained by Derringer¿s desirability functions constructed with simple chromatographic criteria such as resolution and relative retention factors as responses. The models were evaluated by means of Analysis of Variance, regarding regression significance and lack of fit. In order to describe the quality of the separation of the compounds in the two mixtures, the desirability procedure was preferred over the objective functions because the responses used in the latter were, in fact, functions of the stationary and mobile phases. The models combined into a global desirability function allowed the best conditions to the separation of all compounds to be found, without loss of information on the individual peak separation. All models presented predictive capabilities for the responses evaluated with none or little lack of fit. Although the experiments were carried out according to a split-plot approach, no significant differences were found in coefficient errors comparing to the complete random approach, which can be explained based on the low main-plot error / Mestrado / Quimica Analitica / Mestre em Química
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Wat Emma weet (’n Roman) en ʼn Vergelykende studie van die tradisionele speurverhaal en die literêre speurverhaal met spesifieke verwysing na vier Afrikaanse speurverhaleVolschenk, Berendina 05 December 2011 (has links)
Die term speurverhaal impliseer ’n spesifieke soort verhaal of genre, tradisioneel triviaalliteratuur of ontspanningslektuur, met spesifieke kodes en konvensies. Enige konvensies is egter aanpasbaar en die grense tussen hoë kuns en populêre kultuur is vloeibaar, sodat dit moontlik is dat daar wel ʼn vertakking of subgenre wat die literêre speurverhaal genoem kan word, kon ontwikkel het. Die doel van hierdie verhandeling is om die volgende navorsingsvrae te beantwoord: Is daar wel speurverhale wat as literêre speurverhale gekategoriseer kan word? Indien nie, waarom word die kodes van die speurverhaal as narratiewe strategie gekies vir sekere romans? Wat is die verskille en ooreenkomste tussen die tradisionele speurverhaal en die sogenaamde literêre speurverhaal? Die verskynsel word ondersoek word deur twee romans wat moontlik as literêre speurverhale geklassifiseer kan word, nl. Een vir Azazel (Leroux, 1984) en Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (Winterbach, 2006), te vergelyk met twee tradisionele speurverhale, nl. Reuk van die dood (Mouton, 2008) en Plaasmoord (Brynard, 2009), aan die hand van sekere struktuurelemente, nl. spanningslyn, plot, intrige, karakterisering, verteller, vertellersperspektief, tyd, en ruimte. ENGLISH : The term detective story indicates a specific kind of story or genre, traditionally recreational and light reading, with specific codes and conventions. However, any set of conventions are pliable and the boundaries between recreational and high art are fluid and constantly shifting. It is therefore possible that a subgenre of the detective story that can be called the literary detective story could have developed. The goal of this dissertation is to answer the following research questions: Are there detective stories that can be categorised as literary detective stories? If not, why is the detective element chosen as a narrative strategy for some novels? What are the differences and similarities between the traditional detective story and the so called literary detective novel? / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Afrikaans / unrestricted
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Nutzungsintegrierter Artenschutz für Feldlerche Alauda arvensis und Kiebitz Vanellus vanellus auf Äckern mit Wintergetreide oder WinterrapsSchmidt, Jan-Uwe 25 September 2018 (has links)
The populations of many farmland birds have severely declined during the past years. Even (formerly) common species such as the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) and the Northern Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) are strongly affected. The declines were mainly caused by agricultural intensification.
In response to the declines, agri-environmental schemes (AES) that integrate protection objectives into agricultural practices are a promising strategy. Until 1992 all EU member states were obliged to develop agri-environment programmes and since this time, AES are widely used. AES are often criticised for being ineffective and expensive. However, good results have been achieved with measures targeted on one bird species and used in projects advising farmers where and how to apply AES. Despite legitimate criticism, AES can help to slow down the declines of farmland bird populations, at least for a transitional period until sustainable agriculture has been established. This requires species-specific AES which are easy to implement and work well for the target species.
In the German federal state of Saxony, such AES were developed and tested from 2009 to 2013 in a state-wide conservation project for ground-nesting farmland birds. Two of the studies with AES for the Skylark (study 1) and the Lapwing (study 2), which were part of scientific research, are presented here.
For the Skylark, Skylark plots were tested at conventionally managed fields with winter cereals (n=10) or winter oilseed rape (n=10). Each field was divided in a test site with skylark plots and a control site without treatment. Skylark plots are unsown plots about 20 m² in size and applied in a density of about two plots per hectare. Further ten fields with winter cereals were in the same way equipped with additional tramlines that were not used for crop management. Both measures aimed to open the otherwise closed crop canopy to allow Skylarks to reach the ground and improve habitat conditions. Skylark territory mapping was carried out to reveal effects of the treatment.
For the Lapwing, 61 lapwing plots were established within conventionally managed winter wheat and winter oilseed rape fields. These unsown fallow plots, mostly 1-2 ha in size, were created during autumn tillage and left bare until next summer. They were meant to provide a breeding site and a habitat for rearing the young. Lapwings and other bird species were mapped at the lapwing plots and nearby control sites. Factors influencing the success of the plots were modelled to obtain information on the design of a well-working AES.
All three measures proved to be working well for the target species. At sites with skylark plots or additional tramlines, Skylark territory densities were about twice as high as at untreated control sites. The lapwing plots were also used about twice as likely as the untreated control sites. The hatching success was significantly higher, too. Particularly successful were large (>2 ha), sparsely vegetated lapwing plots at damp sites traditionally used for breeding. Other species also benefitted, especially from lapwing plots.
The measures are therefore promising to provide positive effects on Skylark or Lapwing populations. They are relatively easy to implement and were repeatedly applied by the farmers involved in the project. Furthermore, synergy effects for other bird and plant species as well as for the biotope network can be expected by establishing lapwing plots at damp sites. The measures are suitable AES which, if widely adopted, have the potential to slow down, stabilise or even reverse the negative population trends. To promote these and to ensure their correct implementation, advise of farmers seems to be necessary, particularly for lapwing plots. / Bei vielen Agrarvögeln waren in den vergangenen Jahren starke Bestandsrückgänge zu verzeichnen, wobei mit Kiebitz (Vanellus vanellus) und Feldlerche (Alauda arvensis) zwei der ehemals häufigsten Arten am stärksten betroffen sind. Hauptursache hierfür ist die Intensivierung der Landwirtschaft.
Eine mögliche Gegenstrategie sind nutzungsintegrierte Artenschutzmaßnahmen, mit denen versucht wird, die Belange des Artenschutzes eng in den landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsprozess einzubetten. Bedeutendstes Umsetzungsinstrument sind hierbei die EU-geförderten Agrarumweltmaßnahmen (AUM), die es seit 1992 in allen Mitgliedsstaaten gibt. Diese erwiesen sich in der Praxis jedoch oft als teuer und wenig erfolgreich. Vielversprechende Resultate wurden meist dann erzielt, wenn die Maßnahmen eng auf die Erfordernisse der Zielart(en) zugeschnitten waren und die Landwirte Beratung und Unterstützung bei der Umsetzung erhielten. Trotz aller Kritik an den AUM können diese zumindest für eine Übergangsphase auf dem Weg zu einer tatsächlich nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft helfen, die drastischen Bestandsrückgänge vieler Agrarvogelarten zu vermindern. Dazu werden aber zielartenspezifische und einfach umsetzbare Maßnahmen benötigt.
Im sächsischen Bodenbrüterprojekt wurden von 2009 bis 2015 nutzungsintegrierte Artenschutzmaßnahmen entwickelt und erprobt. Zwei der projektbegleitenden wissenschaftlichen Studien zu AUM für Feldlerche (Studie 1) und Kiebitz (Studie 2) sind in der vorliegenden Arbeit zusammengefasst.
Für die Feldlerche erfolgten Siedlungsdichteuntersuchungen auf konventionell bewirtschafteten Feldern mit Wintergetreide (n=10) oder Winterraps (n=10), die jeweils etwa zur Hälfte mit Feldlerchenfenstern bestellt waren, während der Restschlag als Vergleichsfläche diente. Zehn weitere Felder, ausschließlich in Wintergetreide, dienten in gleicher Weise der Erprobung der Anordnung zusätzlicher, für die Bewirtschaftung nicht benötigter Fahrgassen. Feldlerchenfenster sind ca. 20 m² große Saatlücken, die in einer Dichte von etwa zwei Fenstern je Hektar, ebenso wie die zusätzlichen Fahrgassen, die ansonsten dichten Kulturbestände öffnen und dadurch die Besiedlung durch die Zielart erleichtern.
Für den Kiebitz wurden 61 Kiebitzinseln in konventionell bewirtschafteten Wintergetreide- und Winterrapsfeldern angelegt. Dies waren selbstbegrünte, meist 1-2 ha große Brachen, die bei der Herbstbestellung zwar bearbeitet, aber nicht gesät wurden. Im folgenden Frühjahr sollten die Flächen der Brut und Jungenaufzucht dienen. Die Untersuchungen beinhalteten Erfassungen der Zielart und weiterer Vogelarten auf den Kiebitzinseln und Vergleichsflächen sowie die statistische Modellierung verschiedener Faktoren für den Erfolg der Flächen.
Im Ergebnis erwiesen sich alle drei Maßnahmen als erfolgreich. Auf Flächen mit Feldlerchenfenstern und zusätzlichen Fahrgassen war die Territoriendichte der Zielart etwa doppelt so hoch wie auf den Vergleichsflächen ohne Maßnahme. Die Kiebitzinseln wurden gleichfalls annähernd doppelt so oft von Kiebitzen besiedelt wie die Kontrollflächen. Der Schlupferfolg war signifikant höher. Besonders erfolgreich waren große (ca. >2 ha), spärlich bewachsene Kiebitzinseln an traditionell als Brutplatz genutzten Nassstellen. Insbesondere im Falle der Kiebitzinseln profitierten auch andere Arten.
Die untersuchten Maßnahmen sind daher grundsätzlich geeignet, positive Effekte auf die Bestände von Feldlerche oder Kiebitz zu entfalten. Sie sind zudem vergleichsweise einfach umsetzbar und wurden von den am Projekt beteiligten Landwirten wiederholt realisiert. Mit der Anlage von Kiebitzinseln an Nassstellen lassen sich zudem Synergieeffekte für andere Tier- und Pflanzenarten sowie für den Biotopverbund erzielen. Die untersuchten Maßnahmen stellen damit geeignete AUM dar, die bei hinreichender Anwendung das Potenzial haben, die derzeit negativen Bestandstrends der Zielarten zu verlangsamen, zu stabilisieren oder sogar umzukehren. Zur Förderung der Umsetzung erscheint insbesondere im Fall der Kiebitzinseln eine fachliche Beratung der Landwirte unabdingbar.
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Isotropic nanocrystalline (Nd,Pr)(Fe,Co)B permanent magnetsBollero Real, Alberto 17 November 2003 (has links)
Nanokristalline Permanentmagnete zeigen ungewöhnliche magnetische Eigenschaften aufgrund von Oberflächen- und Grenzflächeneffekten, die verschieden von denen massiver oder mikrokristalliner Materialien sind. Diese Arbeit zeigt Ergebnisse einer systematischen Untersuchung der Beziehung zwischen Mikrostruktur und magnetischen Eigenschaften von isotropen nanokristallinen (Nd,Pr)(Fe,Co)B-Permanentmagneten. Hochkoerzitive Magnete vom Typ (Nd,Pr)FeB wurden durch hochenergetisches Mahlen in der Kugelmühle oder Rascherstarrung hergestellt. Der Einfluss geringer Mengen von Zusätzen wie Dy und Zr und die Substitution von Nd durch Pr auf die magnetischen Eigenschaften wird dargestellt. Weiterhin wurde eine Einschätzung des Warmumformverhaltens dieser Materialien durchgeführt. Hochenergetisches Kugelmahlen einer Legierung mit der Anfangszusammensetzung Pr9Nd3Dy1Fe72Co8B6.9Zr0.1 führte, nach Glühbehandlung, zu fast einphasigem Magnetpulver mit einem maximalen Energieprodukt von (BH)max~140 kJm-3. Das hochenergetische Kugelmahlen wurde zu einer sehr vielseitigen Technik zur Herstellung hochleistungsfähiger Nanokompositmagnete weiterentwickelt. Das Zulegieren unterschiedlicher Anteile von weichmagnetischem alpha-Fe ist damit sehr effektiv möglich. Der Zusatz von 25 Gew.-% alpha-Fe führt zu einem hohen (BH)max=178kJm-3. Dies wird auf eine sehr effektive Austauschkopplung zwischen den hart- und weichmagnetischen Phasen zurückgeführt. Die Natur der intergranularen Wechselwirkungen kann durch die Wohlfarth´sche Remanenzanalyse (?deltaJ-plot¡§) beschrieben werden. Im speziellen wurden deltaJ-Diagramme für verschiedene (i) alpha-Fe Gehalte, (ii) Korngrößen und (iii) Austauschlängen erstellt. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass in den Nanokompositmagneten auf Pr-Basis keine Spinumorientierung auftritt. Abschließend zeigt die Arbeit die Möglichkeit der Nutzung einer mechanisch aktivierten Gas-Festkörper-Reaktion auf, mit der eine sehr feinkörnige Mikrostruktur erhalten wird. Die Untersuchungen wurden mit stöchiometrischen Nd2(Fe1-xCox)14B-Legierungen begonnen (x=0-1). Die Verbindungen wurden unter höheren Wasserstoffdrücken und Temperaturen gemahlen, wodurch sie zu NdH2+delta und krz-(Fe,Co) (x=0-0.75) oder kfz-Co (x=1) entmischt wurden. Die Korngrößen des rekombinierten Nd2(Co,Fe)14B-Materials liegen im Bereich von 40-50 nm. / Nanocrystalline permanent magnets present unusual magnetic properties because of surface/interface effects different from those of bulk or microcrystalline materials. This work presents results of a systematic investigation of the relationship between microstructure and magnetic properties in isotropic nanocrystalline (Nd,Pr)(Fe,Co)B permanent magnets. Highly coercive (Nd,Pr)FeB-type magnets have been produced using high energy ball milling and melt-spinning. The influence of small amounts of additives, Dy and Zr, and the substitution of Nd by Pr on the microstructural and magnetic properties are shown. An assessment of the hot deformation behaviour has been carried out. Intensive milling of an alloy with starting composition Pr9Nd3Dy1Fe72Co8B6.9Zr0.1 yields, after annealing treatment, nearly single-phase magnet powders with a maximum energy product (BH)max?î140kJm-3. Co has a beneficial effect on the intrinsic magnetic properties but also on the microstructure, with a mean grain size of 20nm. Intensive milling is used to produce high-performance nanocomposite magnets by blending this latter alloy with different fractions of soft magnetic alfa-Fe. Addition of 25wt.% alfa-Fe leads to a high (BH)max=178 kJm-3 due to an effective exchange-coupling between the hard and the soft magnetic phases. The intergrain interactions between the crystallites of the nanocomposite structure are analysed. Demagnetisation recoil loops of the nanocomposite magnets show relatively open minor loops due to the exchange-spring mechanism. Information about the intergrain interactions during demagnetisation are obtained by plotting the deviation of the demagnetising remanence from the Wohlfarth-model (¡§deltaJ-plot¡¨). Exchange-coupling phenomena are studied by analysing the evolution of the corresponding deltaJ values when varying (i) the alfa-Fe content, (ii) the annealing temperature, i.e. the grain size and (iii) the measurement temperature. Low temperature measurements do not reveal any sign of spin reorientation for these Pr-based nanocomposite magnets. The work concludes showing the possibility of using a mechanically activated gas-solid reaction to obtain an effective grain refined microstructure starting from stoichiometric Nd2(Fe1-xCox)14B alloys (x=0-1). These compounds were milled under enhanced hydrogen pressure and temperature leading to their disproportionation into NdH2+delta and bcc-(Fe,Co) (x=0-0.75) or fcc-Co (x=1). Grain sizes of recombined Nd2(Fe,Co)14B materials were found to be 40-50nm.
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Building High-performing Web Rendering of Large Data SetsBurwall, William January 2023 (has links)
Interactive visualization is an essential tool for data analysis. Cloud-based data analysis software must handle growing data sets without relying on powerful end-user hardware. This thesis explores and tests various methods to speed up primarily time series plots of large data sets on the web for the biotechnology research company Sartorius. To increase rendering speed, I focused on two main approaches: downsampling and hardware acceleration. To find which sampling algorithms suit Sartorius's needs, I implemented multiple alternatives and compared them quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that downsampling increases or eliminates data set size limits and that test users favored algorithms maintaining local outliers. With hardware acceleration that substantially increased the amount of simultaneously rendered points for more detailed representations, these methods pave the way for efficient visualization of large data sets on the web.
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Inference for Birnbaum-Saunders, Laplace and Some Related Distributions under Censored DataZhu, Xiaojun 06 May 2015 (has links)
The Birnbaum-Saunders (BS) distribution is a positively skewed distribution and is a popular model for analyzing lifetime data. In this thesis, we first develop an improved method of estimation for the BS distribution and the corresponding inference. Compared to the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) and the modified moment estimators (MMEs), the proposed method results in estimators with smaller bias, but having the same mean squared errors (MSEs) as these two estimators. Next, the existence and uniqueness of the MLEs of the parameters of BS distribution are discussed based on Type-I, Type-II and hybrid censored samples. In the case of five-parameter bivariate Birnbaum-Saunders (BVBS) distribution, we use the distributional relationship between the bivariate normal and BVBS distributions to propose a simple and efficient method of estimation based on Type-II censored samples. Regression analysis is commonly used in the analysis of life-test data when
some covariates are involved. For this reason, we consider the regression problem based on BS and BVBS distributions and develop the associated inferential methods.
One may generalize the BS distribution by using Laplace kernel in place of the normal kernel, referred to as the Laplace BS (LBS) distribution, and it is one of the generalized Birnbaum-Saunders (GBS) distributions. Since the LBS distribution has a close relationship with the Laplace distribution, it becomes necessary to first carry out a detailed study of inference for the Laplace distribution before studying the LBS distribution. Several inferential results have been developed in the literature for the Laplace distribution based on complete samples. However, research on Type-II censored samples is somewhat scarce and in fact there is no work on Type-I censoring. For this reason, we first start with MLEs of the location and scale parameters of Laplace distribution based on Type-II and Type-I censored samples. In the case of Type-II censoring, we derive the exact joint and marginal moment generating functions (MGF) of the MLEs. Then, using these expressions, we derive the exact conditional marginal and joint density functions of the MLEs and utilize them to develop exact confidence intervals (CIs) for some life parameters of interest. In the case of Type-I censoring, we first derive explicit expressions for the MLEs of the parameters, and then derive the exact conditional joint and marginal MGFs and use them to derive the exact conditional marginal and joint density functions of the MLEs. These densities are used in turn to develop marginal and joint CIs for some quantities of interest.
Finally, we consider the LBS distribution and formally show the different kinds of shapes of the probability density function (PDF) and the hazard function. We then derive the MLEs of the parameters and prove that they always exist and are unique. Next, we propose the MMEs, which can be used as initial values in the numerical computation of the MLEs. We also discuss the interval estimation of parameters. / Thesis / Doctor of Science (PhD)
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Before and After the Bomb : A Study of Narration and Politics in Conrad’s The Secret AgentKarlsson, Tilda January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to investigate ways in which the narrative in Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent reflects the political views within and around the novel. The narrative focus of the essay is plot-structure and focalisation, and the political focus circles around anarchy and anarchism. The essay discusses how the anarchist’s belief in individual freedom and Conrad’s scepticism towards politics is reflected in the novel’s narration. I also discuss how the narrator uses irony to reflect Conrad’s scepticism.
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Vegetation Assessment to Understand the Effect of Feral Goat Populations on Native Flora CompositionAdkins, Nicholas January 2012 (has links)
A vegetation assessment was conducted to understand the effect of feral goats (Capra hircus) on the vegetation of Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve located in Southern Marlborough.
New Zealand forests evolved without the pressure of mammalian herbivores but following human settlement they became subject to intensive browsing following the introduction of exotic mammals.
This study focuses on the presence of feral goats. Interest arises from the settlement of other countries and the subsequent liberations of feral goats which are now considered to be responsible for the significant removal of native vegetation as well as playing a dominant role in erosion. Changes in plant communities have occurred with the pressure of goat browsing as well as secondary effects such as habitat degradation
The purpose of this research was to investigate the changes in plant species composition since the initial and subsequent research conducted in 1985 and 1994. An analysis of previous work on the diet of multiple introduced ungulate species was also conducted. Previous studies were not limited to only feral goat studies and included other introduced herbivores to provide a broad overview of diets.
The New Zealand Forest Service implemented a programme for monitoring the seral forest in Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve using standard Forest Service vegetation quadrants. 32 quadrants were established, including three exclosures, in various locations around the Reserve to allow assessment of feral goat impacts on seral forests (forest whose constituents are of varied age classes). Nine forest service plots, including three exclosures were re-measured and an additional nine plots were measured.
Given the progression of vegetation change that has been observed during the course of this study, both analytically and observationally, Isolated Hill Scenic Reserve in its current state, involving the notable presence of feral goats and the vegetation types will continue to diminish in diversity.
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Etude de l'action dans la dramaturgie de Montherlant / The study of action in Montherlant's dramatic artNgo Bilong Ate, Elise 24 September 2010 (has links)
Henry de Montherlant a développé tout au long de sa vie une œuvre théâtrale importante et variée. La problématique de l'action fournit une piste pour pénétrer dans son univers dramaturgique. Selon les critiques contemporains, les pièces de Montherlant manquent d'action. Le dramaturge a renoncé aux coups de théâtre et rebondissements extérieurs pour créer une action dont la seule machinerie consiste à décrire les mouvements intérieurs de l'âme humaine. Cet idéal est inspiré d'une conception classique du théâtre où la simplicité de l'action conduit à l'analyse psychologique. Le but de ce travail est d'identifier l'action et d'analyser son fonctionnement. La première partie, s'appuyant sur la théorisation antique de la dramaturgie, aborde l'action comme intrigue. La partie suivante montre comment l'action extérieure, superposée au mouvement, est supplantée par la parole : l'action est alors considérée comme acte. Cette partie complète l'étude de l'action avec trois approches : l'approche pragmatique et l'approche communicationnelle d'une part, qui permettent d'analyser le phénomène de la parole comme acte, et l'analyse actantielle d'autre part qui appréhende la psychologie du personnage que la dramaturgie classique et néo-classique appelle le caractère, et montre comment l'auteur construit l'intrigue. La dernière partie est consacrée au temps et à l 'espace comme éléments constitutifs de l'action dramatique. / According to Montherlant, the dramatic turn of events and the external twists are a disturbance to the simplicity of the action which lone guiding force may aim at the exploration of the movements of the human soul. The main critics which are made to these plays are that they lack substance and dramatic intensity. This work which objective is to identify and analyse the action in Montherlant's dramatic art, originates from the antic theory of the dramatic art, in order to tackle the action as the plot. The next part shows how the external action stacked to the movement, is supplanted by the speech. This part completes the study of the action by three approacheas: the pragmatic approach and the communicative approach in the one hand, and the actancial analysis in the other hand. The last part deals with time and space as constituent of the dramatic action
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