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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electrophoretically deposited copper manganese spinel protective coatings on metallic interconnects for prevention of Cr-poisoning in solid oxide fuel cells

Sun, Zhihao 23 October 2018 (has links)
Metallic interconnects in intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC) stacks form Cr2O3 scales on their surface. Such oxide scales can be further oxidized to Cr6+ containing gaseous species that migrate and deposit at the cathode triple phase boundaries, causing significant degradation in the performance of the SOFCs. This phenomenon is termed as ‘Cr-poisoning’. A solution to this problem is the application of coatings on the interconnects that act as a diffusion barrier to Cr migration. Two different Cu/Mn spinel compositions, Cu1.3Mn1.7O4 and CuMn1.8O4, were studied as coating materials. Dense coatings were deposited on both flat plates and meshes by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) followed by subsequent thermo-mechanical or thermal densification steps. At room temperature, Cu1.3Mn1.7O4 coatings were found to have a mixture of CuO and spinel phases, while CuMn1.8O4 coatings were found to have a mixture of Mn3O4 and spinel phases. However, CuMn1.8O4 is a pure spinel phase between 750 °C and 850 °C. After densification processing and high temperature oxidation, a Cr2O3 layer was formed at the coating/alloy interface, which partially reacted with the spinel coatings to form a dense cubic spinel layer of the general composition (Cu,Mn,Cr)3-xO4. In addition, Cr-rich precipitates, formed in the dense layer close to coating/alloy interface. It is believed that these are Cr2O3 precipitates, formed when the solubility of Cr in the spinel phase is reached. Solubility experiments using powders showed that 1 mole of CuMn1.8O4 can effectively getter 1.83 moles of Cr2O3 at 800°C. Electrical conductivity of (Cu,Mn,Cr)3-xO4 was found to be at least two orders of magnitude higher than that of Cr2O3. The coatings acted as an effective Cr getter whose lifetime depends on the oxidation temperature, coating thickness, and the overall porosity in the coating. In-cell electrochemical testing showed that the CuMn1.8O4 coatings on Crofer 22 APU meshes performed significantly better than commercial Cu/Mn spinel coatings. The CuMn1.8O4 coatings gettered Cr effectively for 12 days at 800 ºC, leading to no performance loss of the cell due to Cr-poisoning. Significantly longer lifetime can be achieved at 750 ºC or lower, which is the target operational temperature regime of IT-SOFCs.

Aspectos clínicos e patológicos da intoxicação por selênio em suínos

Gomes, Danilo Carloto January 2012 (has links)
Dois surtos de intoxicação por selênio em suínos que ocorreram no estado do Paraná são descritos. Foram acometidos leitões em fase de creche, 16 de um lote de 100 com 27 dias de idade (surto 1) e 350 de 2285 com 22 dias de idade (surto2) apresentaram poliomielomalácia simétrica focal. Animais que sobreviveram aos surtos desenvolveram lesões de casco características de intoxicação crônica por selênio. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram após 6 dias e 30 horas da introdução da ração com alto teor de selênio nos surtos 1 e 2, respectivamente. O surgimento dos sinais foi abrupto, os animais começavam com andar cambaleante, evoluiam para paralisia dos membros pélvicos e progrediam para paralisia dos membros torácicos e tetraparesia. Os animais do surto 1 não tinham alterações de comportamento e mantinham estado de alerta e animais do surto 2 apresentaram quadros de depressão. Macroscopicamente, observaram-se focos circulares amarelados com áreas deprimidas mais escura, em alguns animais, restritas ao corno ventral da substância cinzenta (H medular) em intumescências cervical e lombar. Microscopicamente, essas áreas corresponderam à malácia da substância cinzenta, caracterizada por microcavitações, perda neuronal, cromatólise, neuronofagia, infiltrado de células Gitter, microgliose, astrócitos de Alzheimer tipo II e proliferação de células endoteliais evidenciadas na imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) para fator de von Willebrand. 9Continua) No segundo surto, dois animais apresentaram vacuolização difusa do citoplasma de neurônios. Em um animal, Astrócitos gemistocíticos foram observados. Na IHQ para Proteína Ácida Glial Fibrilar (GFAP), obteve-se marcação positiva na maioria dos animais e, na IHQ para Proteína S-100, obteve-se marcação em alguns casos. Além dessas alterações medulares, foram encontrados, em dois animais lesões de polioencefalomalácia em porções do tronco encefálico. Fragmentos de fígado de oito animais e ração de ambos os surtos foram encaminhados para dosagem de selênio. Em amostras de ração, detectou-se 3,38 ppm (surto 1) e 154 ppm (surto 2) e em amostras de fígado teve dosagens superiores a 3,34 ppm. No surto 2, foi realizada uma visita onde seis suínos foram eutanasiados para monitoramento de níveis hepáticos de selênio, sendo dois animais controles e quatro sobreviventes do surto. Quarenta e dois dias após a retirada da ração, os níveis de selênio foram inferiores ao controle e ao nível considerado em quadros de intoxicação (3 ppm). / Two outbreaks of selenium poisoning occurred in pigs in Cruzeiro do Iguaçu and Dois Vizinhos, both of the located in Paraná State. The affected pigs were in the post-weaning period, 16 out of 100 were 27 days of age (outbreak 1) and 350 out of 2285 were 22 days of age (outbreak 2). Affected animals showed signs of focal symmetrical poliomyelomalacia. Surviving pigs developed lesions in hoof, which are characteristic of chronic poisoning by selenium. Clinical signs were observed 6 days and 30 hours after the introduction of the feed with high selenium content in outbreaks 1 and 2, respectively. The appearance of the signs was abrupt, beginning with gait and progressing to paralysis of rear limbs and the forelimbs, or tetraparesis. Animals of outbreak 1 were alert and had no behaviors changes and animals of outbreak 2 showed depression. Macroscopically, in some animals there were yellow circular focus with dark areas, restricted to the ventral horn of the gray matter of spinal cord in cervical and lumbar intumescence. Microscopically, these areas corresponded to gray substance malacia characterized by microcavitation, neuronal loss, chromatolysis, Gitter cell infiltrate, neuronophagia, microgliosis, Alzheimer type II astrocytes and proliferation of endothelial cells, which were labeled by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for von Willebrand factor. In the second outbreak, two animals showed a diffuse cytoplasm vacuolization of the neurons. Gemistocytic astrocytes were observed in one animal. In most affected pigs, positive in test for glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP) was observed, but only in some cases, there was positive anti-S-100 IHC. In addition these spinal cord changes were seen polioencephalomalacia in portions of the brainstem in two animals. Liver samples from eight animals and feed samples from both outbreaks were referred to determine selenium concentration. Selenium dosages in feed samples were 3.38 ppm (outbreak 1) and 154 ppm (outbreak 2) and in liver samples were above 3.34 ppm. Additions six animals were euthanized for monitoring hepatic levels of selenium, two were control animals and four were survivors of the second outbreak. 42 days after the withdrawal of the diet, selenium levels were lower than in internal control and the level seen in intoxication outbreaks (3 ppm).

Análise e proposta de elaboração de rótulo de embalagem de agrotóxicos (herbicida) por meio de metodologia de design ergonômico /

Santos, Caroline Zanardo Gomes dos. January 2007 (has links)
Orientador: João Eduardo Guarnetti dos Santos / Banca: Marizilda dos Santos Menezes / Banca: Jair Rosas da Silva / Resumo: Este trabalho propõe a reelaboração do rótulo de embalagem de agrotóxico herbicida (tarja verde) por meio de uma metodologia de design ergonômico. Realizou-se uma análise dos problemas de leiaute de quatro embalagens comerciais, muito utilizadas. A partir disto, definiu-se os parâmetros para a configuração de uma nova proposta. Foi realizado o projeto do leiaute da mesma e, posteriormente, efetuado o teste em campo comparando-se o rótulo proposto com um modelo de embalagem comercial. Relatou-se, então, a opinião do usuário em seu ambiente de trabalho com a análise de eficiência dos rótulos: a rapidez de leitura, o entendimento do conteúdo e a usabilidade percebida pelo usuário. Os resultados apresentaram uma aceitação e bom desempenho para o rótulo desenvolvido. Foi observado a redução do tempo de leitura e localização da informação, bem como o aumento da sensação de conforto e segurança pelo usuário. Portanto, a embalagem desenvolvida através da metodologia do design ergonômico mostrou-se viável de ser implementada pois o teste com o consumidor foi positivo para as três variáveis analisadas. / Abstract: This work the rework of the herbicide packing label (green communication ban) by means of an ergonomic design methodology. Were realized an analysis of four commercial package layout problems, much used. From this, one defined the parameters for the configuration of a new proposal. The layout project of that was carried through, later, was effected the test in field comparing itself the label considered with a model of commercial packing. It was told, then, the opinion of the user in your environment of work with the analysis of efficiency of the labels: the rapidity of reading, the agreement of the content and the usability perceived for the user. The results had presented an evident acceptance and good performance for the developed label. It was observed the reduction of the reading time and localization of the information, as well as the increase comfort sensation and security for the user. Therefore, the packing developed through the methodology of design ergonomic revealed viable of being implemented therefore the test with the consumer was positive for three variables analyzed. / Mestre

Long-term consequences of environmental lead exposure in Kosovo: effects of pre and postnatal lead exposure in early adulthood

Camaj, Pashko R. January 2013 (has links)
Between May 1985 and December 1986, a cohort of 1,502 pregnant women was recruited at two government clinics in Kosovo (formerly a province of Yugoslavia) for a study of the relationship between environmental lead (Pb) exposure and birth outcomes. Subsequently, a representative group of 541 of their children were selected for long-term follow up. The children were followed longitudinally at six-month intervals for 12 years to examine the effects of environmental Pb exposure on a variety of health outcomes including cognitive and motor function, anemia, endocrine function and growth. This work produced numerous landmark publications (Popovac et al, 1982; Graziano et al., 1990, 1991, 2004; Murphy et al., 1990; Factor-Litvak et al, 1993, 1996, 1998, 1999; Wasserman et al,. 1992, 1994, 1997, 1998, 2000) that contributed to the modification of environmental policies to reduce Pb exposure worldwide. The long-term study ultimately linked environmental Pb exposure from the Trepca mining and smelting operations in Mitrovica to adverse effects on intelligence, motor function, blood pressure, renal, endocrine and hematological functioning. Follow up rates over time were excellent in that 70% of the total cohort was evaluated at 6 years of age, and 65% were evaluated at 12 years of age, at which point the study was - until now - concluded. For the present study, we located 101 members of the original study cohort and requested their participation in a follow-up study in which participants were evaluated to assess their current blood lead (BPb) levels and health outcomes as follows: a) blood pressure; b) biomarkers of endothelial cell function that are associated with cardiovascular disease; c) and measurements of erythropoietin, a glycoprotein hormone produced in the kidney that regulates the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow. The participants, whose environmental exposure history is very well documented from 12 weeks of gestation through 12 years of age, were between 25-26 years of age during the follow-up study. We found a statistically significant association between BPb and systolic blood pressure (sBP), and a marginally significant association between BPb and diastolic blood pressure (dBP), which is consistent with a multitude of studies and meta-analyses referenced in this dissertation. These results provide further evidence that recent circulating dose, as estimated by BPb, or as estimated by lifetime cumulative exposure, is associated with slight increase in sBP. Furthermore, we detected a suggestive relationship between BPb and levels of circulating serum intercellular adhesion molecules (sICAM-1) and serum intravascular adhesion molecules (sVCAM-1), possibly a mechanism by which Pb may lead to increased BP. These findings support the hypothesis that the exposure to Pb either prenatally or in early adulthood, may lead to increased BP and increased circulating levels of sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1 later in life. Lastly, the results regarding the serum erythropoietin (EPO) production presented here resemble the findings reported in this cohort at 4.5 and 6.5 years of age and in contrast with the findings in this cohort when the study participants were 9.5 and 12 years of age (Graziano et al., 2004). In addition, they also contrast the findings reported in the anemic mothers of this study cohort (Graziano et al., 1991) where serum-EPO levels were lower in those with higher BPb levels.

Internações hospitalares e mortalidade por intoxicação medicamentosa em São Paulo / Hospital admissions and mortality due to medicine poisoning in São Paulo

Janessa de Fátima Morgado de Oliveira 03 February 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Os medicamentos são desenvolvidos com o intuito de beneficiar quem os utiliza, atendendo a finalidades profiláticas, curativas, paliativas ou diagnósticas. No entanto, apesar de sua importância para a saúde, podem ser potenciais causadores de danos e óbitos. No Brasil, há uma carência de estudos sobre intoxicação medicamentosa baseados em dados oficiais. Objetivos: O estudo teve por objetivo descrever os óbitos por intoxicação com medicamentos ocorridos no Estado de São Paulo e internações por intoxicação com medicamentos ocorridos no município de São Paulo e investigar fatores que possam estar associados aos agravos. Métodos: A série temporal de mortalidade por intoxicação medicamentosa ajustada foi construída a partir de dados levantados do SIM-DATASUS para o período de 1996 a 2012. Foi verificada a contribuição das intoxicações acidentais e suicídios na mortalidade por intoxicação com medicamentos. Os casos de internação por intoxicação com medicamentos foram obtidos do SIH-DATASUS para o município de São Paulo para o período de 2004 a 2006, subsidiando a análise descritiva (idade, gênero, motivo de alta e tempo de internação, intencionalidade e medicamentos envolvidos). Os coeficientes de internação foram calculados segundo faixa etária e gênero para os anos de estudo. Resultados: A série temporal mostra a tendência crescente de mortalidade ajustada a partir de 2005, que se acentua a partir de 2009 (1,9 óbitos por 1.000.000 de habitantes em 2005; 2,7 óbitos por 1.000.000 em 2009; 6,7 óbitos por 1.000.000 de habitantes em 2012). A mortalidade por intoxicação intencional e a mortalidade com intenção não determinada também mostraram tendência crescente, o que sugere que são os componentes responsáveis pelo aumento da mortalidade por intoxicação medicamentosa. No estudo das internações, o tempo total para os casos estudados foi de 14.852 dias e o tempo médio foi de 4,4 dias. A idade média das pessoas internadas foi de 33,5 anos. Foi observada a predominância de internações para o gênero feminino (60,5por cento). Os principais medicamentos identificados nas intoxicações estudadas foram os benzodiazepínicos (T42.4), que corresponderam a 7,5por cento das internações e antibióticos sistêmicos não especificados (T36.9), que corresponderam a 7por cento das internações. Os maiores coeficientes de internação foram observados para a faixa etária dos mais idosos (idade igual ou superior a 70 anos) e para o gênero feminino em todos os anos de estudo. Conclusão: Foi observada tendência crescente para a mortalidade por intoxicação medicamentosa no estado de São Paulo. As estatísticas de mortalidade são importante fonte de dados para conhecer o perfil epidemiológico de uma área, analisar tendências, indicar prioridades, avaliar programas, entre outras finalidades. Mulheres e idosos foram as categorias que apresentaram maiores coeficientes de internação por intoxicação medicamentosa, o que aponta para uma possível associação entre maior consumo e maior risco de intoxicação. Nas internações, a observação da relevância dos benzodiazepínicos e de grupos de medicamentos sob controle de venda indica que mesmo medicamentos prescritos podem representar risco. O conhecimento sobre os agravos estudados, que são preveníveis e se mostraram relevantes como problema crescente de saúde pública, pode contribuir para o planejamento de intervenções adequadas para seu controle / Introduction: Medicines are prescribed in order to benefit those who use them, given their prophylactic, curative, palliative or diagnostic purposes. However, despite its importance to health, they can cause potential harm and deaths. In Brazil, there is a lack of studies on medicine poisoning based on official data. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the trend for deaths due to medicine poisoning in population of São Paulo State and to characterize hospital admissions in São Paulo City. Methods: Time series of mortality due to medicine poisoning were built using official data for the period 1996 to 2012. Participation of accidental poisonings and suicides in mortality due to medicine poisoning was assessed. Medicine poisoning were selected by hospital admission data, that were obtained from the official system of information on hospitalization of the city of São Paulo for the period 2004-2006, supporting descriptive analysis (age, gender, cause of delivery and length of hospitalization, intention and medicine involved). Results: Time series analysis showed an increase of mortality from 2005, which was steeper after 2009 (1.9 deaths per 1,000,000 in 2005; 2.7 deaths per 1,000,000 in 2009; 6.7 deaths per 1,000,000 in 2012). Growth in the period seems to be attributed to intentional poisoning and cases without identification of intent. Total length of hospitalization was 14,852 days and average time was 4.4 days. Average age of people who had been hospitalized was 33.5 years. A higher proportion of females (60.5 per cent ) was observed among admissions. Main medicines involved were benzodiazepines (T42.4), corresponding to 7.5 per cent of admissions and unspecified systemic antibiotics (T36.9), corresponding to 7 per cent of admissions. Hospitalization rates due to medicine poisoning were calculated according to age and gender for the years of study and they ranked higher for females in all years studied. The highest hospitalization rates were observed for the older people (age 70 years and more). Conclusion: An increasing trend for mortality due to medicine poisoning in state of São Paulo was observed. Mortality statistics are an important source of data to draft the epidemiological profile of an area and they are used to analyze trends, indicate priorities, evaluate programs, among other purposes. Women and older people were the categories with highest hospital admission coefficients due to medicine poisoning, what could depict an association between increased medicine consumption and increased risk of medicine poisoning. In hospital admissions, observation of relevance of benzodiazepines and of groups of drugs under sales control could depict that even prescription medicines can pose a risk. Knowledge about hospital admissions and mortality due to medicine poisoning, that are preventable and showed to be relevant as a growing public health problem, can contribute to propose appropriate interventions for their control

Reconstrução do espaço de cores de pacientes com discromatopsia adquirida: diabéticos tipo 2 e intoxicados por vapor de mercúrio / The reconstruction of color spaces: type 2 diabetes and mercury vapour intoxication

Claudia Feitosa-Santana 16 February 2006 (has links)
Objetivo. Avaliação da visão de cores de dois grupos experimentais: diabéticos tipo 2 (DM2) sem retinopatia (n=32) e, intoxicados por vapor de mercúrio (Hg) (n=18); e seus respectivos grupos controles (n=23; n=18). Foram reconstruídos os espaços de cores dos indivíduos e dos grupos (DM2, Hg e controles) e, a partir dos mesmos, foram avaliadas as compressões nos eixos verde-vermelho (RG) e azul-amarelo (BY). Método. Os testes D-15 e D-15d foram aplicados em seu procedimento tradicional nos grupos experimentais e controles. Em seguida, os testes foram aplicados em procedimento triádico. Nesse procedimento, as peças foram apresentadas em trios e, o sujeito deveria separar a mais distante (‘odd-one-out’). Os resultados obtidos das relações de similaridade e dissimilaridade foram analisados individualmente por um procedimento de escala multidimensional (mds) não-métrica. Os espaços de cores foram reconstruídos para os indivíduos e os grupos e, representados em forma bi-dimensional, onde as dimensões correspondem aos eixos RG e BY dos sistemas de oponência perceptual. Resultados. Comparados aos respectivos grupos controles, o procedimento tradicional do teste D-15d foi diferente significativamente para a média dos olhos do grupo DM2 (p= 0,27) e do grupo Hg (p= 0,0003). As reduções na visão de cores foram predominantes no eixo BY. Para o grupo DM2, foi encontrada uma correlação negativa entre o desempenho nos testes de visão de cores e o tempo de diagnóstico (R= 0,56, p= 0,001). Na reconstrução dos espaços de cores dos grupos experimentais, as perdas se apresentaram em ambos os eixos, RG e BY, classificadas como difusas. A análise quantitativa dos espaços de cores foi obtida pelo cálculo dos resíduos dos eixos RG e BY dos grupos DM2 e Hg em relação aos respectivos grupos controles. Os valores encontrados para a média dos olhos foram 0,18 (RG) e 0,20 (BY) para o grupo DM2 e, 0,10 (RG) e 0,19 (BY) para o grupo Hg. Na comparação dos resultados entre os grupos experimentais, houve uma maior diferença entre os eixos RG e BY para o grupo Hg. Discussão. Os resultados confirmam os achados de perdas difusas na visão de cores de pacientes DM2 sem retinopatia. Os resultados também confirmam as perdas em pacientes intoxicados por vapor de mercúrio com, no mínimo, mais de um ano de afastamento da fonte de intoxicação e, sugerem a não-reversibilidade da visão de cores. Embora o procedimento tradicional tenha apresentado diferença significativa em relação aos controles, seus resultados sugerem perdas no eixo BY enquanto os espaços de cores sugerem perdas também no eixo RG, caracterizando perdas difusas. Conclusão. A reconstrução dos espaços de cores pode, junto à fundoscopia, colaborar no monitoramento da DM2. No caso da intoxicação por mercúrio, os espaços podem complementar os estudos da possível não-reversibilidade da visão de cores e, gerar mais informações para o estabelecimento de índices mais seguros de exposição crônica ao vapor de mercúrio. O procedimento triádico, além de pouco dispendioso, pode ser utilizado para representar a discriminação cromática e sugere ser mais sensível que o procedimento tradicional. / Purpose. Color vision was examined in two groups of patients, one group with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) without retinopathy (n=32) and a second group with chronic exposure to mercury vapour (Hg) (n=18), as well as in the respective age-matched controls (n=23; n=18) in order to reconstruct their color spaces. We assessed the type and degree of distortions of individual and group color spaces. Method. The experimental groups and age-matched controls were tested using the D-15 and the D-15d tests. In addition, subsets of caps from both tests were employed in a triadic procedure. Matrices of inter-cap subjective dissimilarities were estimated from each subject’s ‘odd-one-out’ choices, and processed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (mds). Two-dimensional color spaces, individual and group (DM2; Hg and control groups), were reconstructed with the axes interpreted as the red-green (RG) and blue-yellow (BY) perceptual opponent systems. Results. In the traditional procedure, the patients results were significantly different from the age-matched control groups for the D-15d test for the mean eyes in the DM2 group (p= 0.027) and in the Hg group (p= 0.0003). The losses in the D15d were concentrated in the BY axis. In the color space analysis color configurations for both groups were compressed along both the RG and BY dimensions. These losses are therefore classified as diffuse. For the quantitative analysis, the residuals were calculated in comparison to controls for the group color spaces. Values for the mean eyes were 0.18 (RG) and 0.20 (BY) for DM2 group, and were 0.10 (RG) and 0.19 (BY) for Hg group. Comparing the results between experimental groups, the degree of compression in the Hg group shows a greater difference in the magnitude of losses between the RG and BY dimension. For DM2, there was a negative correlation between the color vision performance and the time of diagnosis (R= 0.56, p= 0.001). Discussion. The present findings are in agreement with earlier studies demonstrating diffuse losses in early stages of DM2. They also confirm that color vision is impaired in patients with long-term vapour mercury intoxication and suggested that Hg intoxication may not be totally reversible. Since the triadic procedure shows losses in both the RG and BY axes while the traditional procedure shows only BY deficiencies, we consider that the triadic procedure is more sensitive. Conclusion. Along with fundoscopy, individual color spaces may serve for monitoring early functional changes in DM2 and thereby to support a treatment strategy. In case of mercury intoxication, the reconstruction of color spaces may contribute to researches in this field in order to evaluate the possible non-reversible intoxication and gives additive data for the necessity to establish more security indices of occupational mercury exposure. The proposed method of testing uses color spaces to represent discrimination, providing an opportunity for more differentiated diagnosis of the type and the severity of color vision loss.

Impacto neurotóxico do mercúrio avaliado no sistema nervoso central por testes neuropsicológicos e no sistema nervoso autônomo por pupilometria / Neurotoxic impact of Mercury on the Central Nervous System evaluated by neuropsychological tests and on the Autonomic Nervous System evaluated by dynamic pupillometry

Ana Luiza Vidal Milioni 16 June 2015 (has links)
O mercúrio é um metal tóxico, que pode causar diversas alterações no organismo humano. O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de disfunções neuropsicológicas em ex-trabalhadores de fábricas de lâmpadas fluorescentes que foram expostos a vapor de mercúrio, anos após a interrupção da exposição, além de investigar os efeitos dessa exposição sobre o Sistema Nervoso Autônomo a partir do método não-invasivo da pupilometria dinâmica. A avaliação neuropsicológica foi realizada através do Inventário Beck de Depressão e da bateria neuropsicológica computadorizada CANTABeclipse, utilizando-se subtestes que avaliam memória operacional (Spatial Span), memória espacial (Spatial Recognition Memory), memória visual (Pattern Recognition Memory), percepção visual (Delayed Matching to Sample), planejamento de ações (Stockings of Cambridge) e tomada de decisão (Information Sampling Task). A avaliação do Sistema Nervoso Autônomo, por sua vez, foi realizada através da pupilometria dinâmica, que provê informações acerca do funcionamento de ambas as funções simpática e parassimpática. Foram utilizados flashes de 631nm (luz vermelha) com 1 s de duração, com luminância de 1, 10 e 100 cd/m². Os escores de depressão foram significativamente mais altos entre os indivíduos com histórico de exposição em comparação aos sujeitos do grupo controle (p=0,025). Os pacientes expostos ao vapor de mercúrio apresentaram desempenho significativamente inferior à média do grupo controle nos testes: SSP direto (p=0,004), SRM (p=0,039), PRM (p=0,001), IST latência para abertura das caixas (p=0,001), IST latência para tomada de decisão (p=0,014), IST número de caixas abertas (p=0,045), DMS com intervalo (p=0,001) e DMS total (p=0,001). Portanto, foram encontrados prejuízos em: span atencional, memória espacial, memória visual de longa duração, memória visual de curta duração e tomada de decisão. No exame de pupilometria dinâmica, no parâmetro tempo em 75% de recuperação do diâmetro pupilar, em 10cd/m² de luminância, os sujeitos com histórico de exposição apresentaram resposta significativamente mais lenta do que os indivíduos do grupo controle (p=0,025). Os altos escores de depressão, além das perdas cognitivas em domínios variados, fazem parte do quadro de mercurialismo crônico e os achados do presente estudo são corroborados por pesquisas anteriores. O exame de pupilometria indicou perdas na função simpática do SNA. Estes últimos resultados já foram alcançados por algumas pesquisas anteriores, mas não foram encontrados registros de uso do exame de pupilometria dinâmica como forma de avaliação do SNA em pacientes com histórico de intoxicação por mercúrio / Mercury is a toxic metal which can cause several changes in the human body. The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of neuropsychological dysfunction in former workers of fluorescent lamps factories that were exposed to mercury vapor (years after cessation of exposure), and to investigate the effects of such exposure on the Autonomic Nervous System using the non-invasive test of dynamic pupillometry. Neuropsychological evaluation was performed using the Beck Depression Inventory and the computerized neuropsychological battery CANTABeclipse, using subtests that assess working memory (Spatial Span), spatial memory (Spatial Recognition Memory), visual memory (Pattern Recognition Memory), visual perception (Delayed Matching to Sample), planning (Stockings of Cambridge) and decision making (Information Sampling Task). The Autonomic Nervous System assessment, in turn, was performed using dynamic pupillometry, which provides information on the operation on both the sympathetic and parasympathetic functions. We used flashes of red light (631nm) with 1 second duration and luminance of 1, 10 and 100cd/m². The depression scores were significantly higher among the former workers when compared with the control group (p=0,025). They also had significantly worse performance than the control group in the following tests: SSP direct (p=0,004), SRM (p=0,039), PRM (p=0,001), IST latency for opening the boxes (p=0,001), IST latency for decision making (p=0,014), IST number of boxes opened (p=0,045), DMS interval (p=0,001) e DMS complete (p=0,001). Therefore, deficits were found in: attentional spam, spatial memory, short term visual memory, long term visual memory, and decision making. In the dynamic pupillometry test, former workers had significantly lower response than the control group (p=0,025) in parameter time by 75% recovery of the pupil diameter, in 10cd/m² luminance. The high depression scores, in addition to cognitive impairments in several functions are expected in chronic mercurialism and our findings are supported by previous studies. The dynamic pupilllometry test indicated sympathetic function deficits. This latest result have already been achieved by some previous research, but we did not find any records of the dynamic pupillometry usage as a tool for assessing the Autonomic Nervous System in patients with previous mercury exposure

Compara??o da toxicidade de Vicia villosa e Vicia sativa na alimenta??o de bovinos / Comparison of the toxicity of Vicia villosa and Vicia sativa in feed for cattle

VERONEZI, Luciane Orbem 27 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-01-24T19:09:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Luciane Orbem Veronezi.pdf: 3213369 bytes, checksum: 660b54c56b80e667f1e30d110c395df3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-24T19:09:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Luciane Orbem Veronezi.pdf: 3213369 bytes, checksum: 660b54c56b80e667f1e30d110c395df3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-27 / CAPES / In this study the epidemiology, clinical signs, macroscopic and microscopic lesions related to spontaneous and experimental intoxication by Vicia villosa and the evaluation of the possible toxicity of Vicia villosa in cattle were characterized. The systematic granulomatous disease (SGD associated with vetch) was verified in 7 localities distributed in Paran?, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul States, with main feed that includes oats and/or ryegrass in association and V. villosa and/or ryegrass associated with Vicia sativa, and in lower quantity. All cattle that developed the disease were cows, lactating and Dutch. The SGD associated with vetch was reproduced in six lactating Dutch cows, by supplying green V. villosa in the trough and V. villosa and ryegrass pasture. In the other experimental groups (group 3, V. villosa / V. sativa/cows, grazing; group 4, V. sativa/cows, grazing; group 5, V. villosa/V. sativa/heifers and group 6, V. villosa/heifers, grazing) do not verified clinical and pathological alterations related to the SGD associated with vetch. Six cows developed the SGD, one cow presented a leigh clinical condition (group 2/cow 6/V. villosa, pasture), four cows developed a moderated clinical condition (group 1, cows 1 and 2/V. villosa/trough and group 2, cows 4 and 5/V. villosa, grazing), and just one cow presented a severe clinical condition (group 2, cow 3/V. villosa/pasture. V. villosa was toxic to cattle and produced a chronic granulomatous disease when ingested in amounts greater than 38.2 g/kg/day for 71 days, or in direct grazing for a period of more than 28 days The main clinical signs consisted of alopecia and cutaneous crusts, pruritus, fever, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, reduction of milk production and weight loss. Macroscopically, multiple white-grayish nodules were observed, specifically in the lymph nodes, kidneys and heart, and histology revealed a granulomatous infiltrate composed of macrophages, lymphocytes, giant cells, epithelioid cells, plasma cells and eosinophils. When ingested by young cattle, the V. villosa pasture, for a period of 68 days, do not produce clinical modifications. When ingested by cows with high milk yield, the V. sativa pasture, for a period of 78 days, does not produce chronic granulomatous disease. Ingestion of V. villosa for a long time led to low production rates, such as low milk production, low reproduction rates and predisposition to infection diseases. In the bromatological analysis, the presence of phytate, in low levels, in the samples of Vicia used in experimental works, in different phases of the culture was determined. The biochemical blood and feces results showing lower amounts of serum sinc and loss of Ca and Zn feces in animals poisoned by V. villosa, that developed granulomatous disease in severe and moderate conditions, possibly indicated the presence of a metabolic disorder in the pathogen of the disease. / No presente estudo caracterizou-se a epidemiologia, os sinais cl?nicos, as les?es macrosc?picas e microsc?picas da intoxica??o espont?nea e experimental por Vicia villosa, bem como a avalia??o da poss?vel toxicidade de Vicia sativa em bovinos. A doen?a granulomatosa sist?mica (DGS ervilhaca-associada) foi verificada em 7 propriedades distribu?das nos Estados de Santa Catarina, Paran? e Rio Grande do Sul, onde a alimenta??o principal era aveia e/ou azev?m consorciados com V. villosa e/ou de azev?m consorciado com V. villosa e em menor quantidade V. sativa. Todos os bovinos que desenvolveram a doen?a eram vacas, em lacta??o e da ra?a Holand?s. A DGS ervilhaca-associada foi reproduzida em seis vacas holandesas em lacta??o, atrav?s do fornecimento de V. villosa verde no cocho e em pastagens de V. villosa e azev?m. Nos demais grupos experimentais (grupo 3, V. villosa/V. sativa/vacas, pastejo; grupo 4, V. sativa/vacas, pastejo; grupo 5, V. villosa/V. sativa/novilhas e grupo 6, V. villosa/novilhas, pastejo) n?o verificou-se altera??es cl?nicas e patol?gicas relacionadas a DGS ervilhaca-associada. Das seis vacas que desenvolveram a doen?a granulomatosa sist?mica, uma vaca apresentou quadro cl?nico leve (grupo 2/vaca 6/V.villosa, pastejo), quatro vacas desenvolveram o quadro moderado da doen?a (grupo 1, vacas 1 e 2/V. villosa/cocho e grupo 2, vacas 4 e 5/V.villosa/pastejo) e apenas em uma vaca verificou-se o quadro grave da doen?a (grupo 2, vaca 3/V.villosa/pastejo). V. villosa foi t?xica para bovinos, produzindo doen?a granulomatosa cr?nica quando ingerida em quantidades superiores a 38,2g/kg/dia, por um per?odo de 71 ou, em pastoreio direto por um per?odo superior a 28 dias. As principais manifesta??es cl?nicas consistiam em ?reas de alopecia e crostas na pele, coceira, febre, conjuntivite, diarreia, queda na produ??o de leite e perda de peso. Macroscopicamente verificaram-se m?ltiplos n?dulos branco-acinzentados principalmente em linfonodos, rins e cora??o, e na histologia estes caracterizavam um infiltrado granulomatoso composto por macr?fagos, linf?citos, c?lulas gigantes, c?lulas epitelioides, plasm?citos e eosin?filos. As pastagens de V. villosa quando ingerida por bovinos jovens, por um per?odo 68 dias n?o produziu altera??es cl?nicas. As pastagens de V. sativa quando ingerida por vacas de alta produ??o leiteira por um per?odo de 76 dias n?o produziu doen?a granulomatosa cr?nica. A ingest?o de V. villosa por per?odos prolongados conduziu a baixos ?ndices produtivos como: baixa produ??o leiteira, baixos ?ndices reprodutivos e pode predispor o surgimento de doen?as infeciosas. Na an?lise bromatol?gica determinou-se a presen?a de fitato, em pequenas quantidades, nas amostras de Vicia utilizadas na experimenta??o, em diferentes fases do seu crescimento. Os resultados das an?lises bioqu?micas de amostras de sangue e fezes evidenciaram baixas quantidades s?ricas de zinco e excessivas perdas fecais de Ca e Zn nos animais intoxicados por V. villosa que desenvolveram a doen?a granulomatosa na forma moderada e grave, indicando um poss?vel envolvimento de dist?rbios de ordem metab?lica na patogenia da doen?a.

Reconstrução do espaço de cores de pacientes com discromatopsia adquirida: diabéticos tipo 2 e intoxicados por vapor de mercúrio / The reconstruction of color spaces: type 2 diabetes and mercury vapour intoxication

Feitosa-Santana, Claudia 16 February 2006 (has links)
Objetivo. Avaliação da visão de cores de dois grupos experimentais: diabéticos tipo 2 (DM2) sem retinopatia (n=32) e, intoxicados por vapor de mercúrio (Hg) (n=18); e seus respectivos grupos controles (n=23; n=18). Foram reconstruídos os espaços de cores dos indivíduos e dos grupos (DM2, Hg e controles) e, a partir dos mesmos, foram avaliadas as compressões nos eixos verde-vermelho (RG) e azul-amarelo (BY). Método. Os testes D-15 e D-15d foram aplicados em seu procedimento tradicional nos grupos experimentais e controles. Em seguida, os testes foram aplicados em procedimento triádico. Nesse procedimento, as peças foram apresentadas em trios e, o sujeito deveria separar a mais distante (‘odd-one-out’). Os resultados obtidos das relações de similaridade e dissimilaridade foram analisados individualmente por um procedimento de escala multidimensional (mds) não-métrica. Os espaços de cores foram reconstruídos para os indivíduos e os grupos e, representados em forma bi-dimensional, onde as dimensões correspondem aos eixos RG e BY dos sistemas de oponência perceptual. Resultados. Comparados aos respectivos grupos controles, o procedimento tradicional do teste D-15d foi diferente significativamente para a média dos olhos do grupo DM2 (p= 0,27) e do grupo Hg (p= 0,0003). As reduções na visão de cores foram predominantes no eixo BY. Para o grupo DM2, foi encontrada uma correlação negativa entre o desempenho nos testes de visão de cores e o tempo de diagnóstico (R= 0,56, p= 0,001). Na reconstrução dos espaços de cores dos grupos experimentais, as perdas se apresentaram em ambos os eixos, RG e BY, classificadas como difusas. A análise quantitativa dos espaços de cores foi obtida pelo cálculo dos resíduos dos eixos RG e BY dos grupos DM2 e Hg em relação aos respectivos grupos controles. Os valores encontrados para a média dos olhos foram 0,18 (RG) e 0,20 (BY) para o grupo DM2 e, 0,10 (RG) e 0,19 (BY) para o grupo Hg. Na comparação dos resultados entre os grupos experimentais, houve uma maior diferença entre os eixos RG e BY para o grupo Hg. Discussão. Os resultados confirmam os achados de perdas difusas na visão de cores de pacientes DM2 sem retinopatia. Os resultados também confirmam as perdas em pacientes intoxicados por vapor de mercúrio com, no mínimo, mais de um ano de afastamento da fonte de intoxicação e, sugerem a não-reversibilidade da visão de cores. Embora o procedimento tradicional tenha apresentado diferença significativa em relação aos controles, seus resultados sugerem perdas no eixo BY enquanto os espaços de cores sugerem perdas também no eixo RG, caracterizando perdas difusas. Conclusão. A reconstrução dos espaços de cores pode, junto à fundoscopia, colaborar no monitoramento da DM2. No caso da intoxicação por mercúrio, os espaços podem complementar os estudos da possível não-reversibilidade da visão de cores e, gerar mais informações para o estabelecimento de índices mais seguros de exposição crônica ao vapor de mercúrio. O procedimento triádico, além de pouco dispendioso, pode ser utilizado para representar a discriminação cromática e sugere ser mais sensível que o procedimento tradicional. / Purpose. Color vision was examined in two groups of patients, one group with diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) without retinopathy (n=32) and a second group with chronic exposure to mercury vapour (Hg) (n=18), as well as in the respective age-matched controls (n=23; n=18) in order to reconstruct their color spaces. We assessed the type and degree of distortions of individual and group color spaces. Method. The experimental groups and age-matched controls were tested using the D-15 and the D-15d tests. In addition, subsets of caps from both tests were employed in a triadic procedure. Matrices of inter-cap subjective dissimilarities were estimated from each subject’s ‘odd-one-out’ choices, and processed using non-metric multidimensional scaling (mds). Two-dimensional color spaces, individual and group (DM2; Hg and control groups), were reconstructed with the axes interpreted as the red-green (RG) and blue-yellow (BY) perceptual opponent systems. Results. In the traditional procedure, the patients results were significantly different from the age-matched control groups for the D-15d test for the mean eyes in the DM2 group (p= 0.027) and in the Hg group (p= 0.0003). The losses in the D15d were concentrated in the BY axis. In the color space analysis color configurations for both groups were compressed along both the RG and BY dimensions. These losses are therefore classified as diffuse. For the quantitative analysis, the residuals were calculated in comparison to controls for the group color spaces. Values for the mean eyes were 0.18 (RG) and 0.20 (BY) for DM2 group, and were 0.10 (RG) and 0.19 (BY) for Hg group. Comparing the results between experimental groups, the degree of compression in the Hg group shows a greater difference in the magnitude of losses between the RG and BY dimension. For DM2, there was a negative correlation between the color vision performance and the time of diagnosis (R= 0.56, p= 0.001). Discussion. The present findings are in agreement with earlier studies demonstrating diffuse losses in early stages of DM2. They also confirm that color vision is impaired in patients with long-term vapour mercury intoxication and suggested that Hg intoxication may not be totally reversible. Since the triadic procedure shows losses in both the RG and BY axes while the traditional procedure shows only BY deficiencies, we consider that the triadic procedure is more sensitive. Conclusion. Along with fundoscopy, individual color spaces may serve for monitoring early functional changes in DM2 and thereby to support a treatment strategy. In case of mercury intoxication, the reconstruction of color spaces may contribute to researches in this field in order to evaluate the possible non-reversible intoxication and gives additive data for the necessity to establish more security indices of occupational mercury exposure. The proposed method of testing uses color spaces to represent discrimination, providing an opportunity for more differentiated diagnosis of the type and the severity of color vision loss.

Trends and Costs of Industry-Related Injuries in the United States [1998 - 2009]

Fontcha, Delphine 26 March 2014 (has links)
In order to describe the trend, characteristics, and cost of occupational injuries that occurred in industrial settings across the United States between 1998 and 2009, a cross sectional analysis based on hospital discharge data was conducted. The National Inpatient Sample (NIS) data from the Healthcare and Cost Utilization Project (HCUP)(1) was used. Identification of relevant injuries from the sample was performed using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9 CM) code E849.3 (industrial place and premises)(8). A total of 307,586 (weighted) patients with industrial related injuries were discharged from hospitals in the United States during the period 1998-2009. They were largely male (81.8% vs. 16.6% female) and made up of 48.6% Non-Hispanic Whites, 18.2% Hispanic, and 6.2% Non-Hispanic Black. Two-thirds of patients were within the [25-54] years age group, broken down as 20.4%, 24.8% and 22.1% in the 25-34, 35-44, and 45-54 years age group respectively. Persons in the ≥65 age group also represented a sizable proportion at 7.3%. The patients were mostly admitted from an Emergency Department (61.2%), followed by routine/standard admissions (22.2%). While they were for the most part discharged home (81.7%), 7.2% were released to a home care facility, 7.9% to another type of facility, and 0.7% died during their stay in the hospital. As for the geographical distribution, 38.9% were admitted in the West, 24.6% in the South, 19.5% in the Midwest, and 17% in the Northeast United States. Furthermore, 88.6% were admitted in a hospital in urban settings vs. 11.2% in rural settings. The common injury sites were lower and upper extremities (52.6%), multiple locations (14.2%), trunk (9.3%), and head (8.9%). Of all admissions, 48.4% involved fractures, followed by open wounds (25.7%), internal crush injuries (19.4%), and superficial contusions (10.1%). "Foreign Body Entering through Orifice" (0.5%) and poisoning (2.3%) scored the lowest, while burns (5.8%), dislocations (3.9%), and crushing (5%) were noted as well. The mean length of stay was 4.09 days (95% CI 3.92 - 4.22), while the 95th percentile was ≤13 days. When analyzed by injury site, persons with multiple injuries stayed the longest, averaging 6.21 days (95% CI 5.85 - 6.57) while those with injuries at extremities stayed the shortest, 3.53 days (95% CI 3.42 - 3.65). Patients admitted for burns stayed 7.21 days on average (95% CI 6.52 - 7.9) while those with sprain/strain injuries (2.87 days, 95% CI 2.71 - 3.02) and poisoning (2.92 days, 95% CI 2.69 - 3.16) stayed the shortest. Overall, the mean cost of care (crude 2001-2009) was $10,153 per admission. Viewed from the injury site angle, the "multiple" category was the most costly at $17,518 and "extremity" the lowest ($8,269). Diagnostics of "Foreign Body Entering through Orifice" were the most expensive, costing on average ($17,036), closely followed by "burns" ($16,495), while "poisoning" was the least costly, with a mean cost of $6,077. Using Joinpoint regression modeling, we found an overall annual percentage rate change (APC) decrease (-1.73%) over the course of the study. While this improvement was noted in most study sub-segments, it was reversed for women (1.53%), government insurance (Medicare/Medicaid) recipients (7.72%), and older workers (9.16%). The results also revealed a high annual percentage rate (APC) decrease for Hispanics (-9.65%) for the period 1998-2004, jumping to (-18.65%) from 2007 to 2009. A similar pattern with two models was noted for the younger [18-24] age group where the annual percentage rate decreased constantly by (-2.08%) during the period 1998-2007 and drastically jumped to (-18.34%) from 2007 to 2009. In conclusion, a comprehensive trend analysis of industry-related occupational injuries recorded nationwide within the United States as presented in this study is useful to policy makers in formulating targeted strategies and allocation of resources as needed to address disparities found at various levels. Disparities found in trends observed from a gender angle calls for action to reverse the positive rate recorded for females (1.53%) when compared to males (-2.74%). Similarly, there is a call for action to address the age demographic disparity for older worker, the "≥65" age group exhibiting an alarming rate of occupational injuries (9.16%), bucking an across-the-board general negative trend.

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