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Implante experimental de substituto arterial de polidimetilsiloxano com reforço de tecido de poliéster em coelhos / Experimental implant of arterial substitute of polydimethylsiloxane reinforced with polyester fabric in rabbitsRibas, Laila Massad 21 August 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo avaliou próteses vasculares de pequeno calibre feitas de polidimetilsiloxano (PDMS) com reforço de poliéster implantadas em aorta de coelhos através de fluoroscopia. Os objetivos do estudo foram: (1) analisar tubo de PDMS com reforço de poliéster implantado em aorta de coelhos como possível material para prótese vascular, (2) avaliar a patência das próteses através de fluoroscopia, (3) avaliar a condição de implante cirúrgico; (4) avaliar o comportamento macroscópico biológico do implante e (5) analisar o modelo experimental proposto. Próteses vasculares de PDMS foram implantadas na aorta infrarrenal de 64 coelhos cedidos pelo biotério da Faculdade de Medicina da Univesidade de São Paulo. Os exames de fluoroscopia foram realizados em até 150 dias após implantação cirúrgica. As próteses de PDMS foram classificadas em ocluídas e patentes, sendo essas sub-classificadas em diferentes graus de estenose. O tempo de clampeamento da aorta foi aferido durante os procedimentos cirúrgicos. De maneira amostral peças foram encaminhadas para microscopia eletrônica para verificação de endotelização das próteses. As análises estatísticas foram feitas através de teste t-Studant, teste ANOVA e Kaplan-Meier. Dos 64 animais que receberam a prótese, trinta (46,88%) apresentaram boa evolução clínica, vinte e três (35,94%) morreram e onze (17,18%) apresentaram paraplegia de membros posteriores. A patência das próteses em 30 dias foi de 87% (±6,7), em 60 dias foi de 73% (±9,3), em 90 dias foi de 57% (±11) e em 120 dias foi de 48% (±12). Cinquenta por cento (oito) das próteses patente não apresentaram nenhum grau de estenose, 35,5% (seis) apresentaram cinquenta por cento ou menos de estenose e 12,5% (dois) apresentaram estenose entre cinquenta e setenta por cento. Nenhum animal apresentou estenose maior que 70%. O tempo médio de clampeamento da aorta foi de 52 minutos. Não houve diferença significante nem na associação entre tempo de clampeamento da aorta e a evolução clínica dos animais (p=0,67) nem na associação entre o tempo de clampeamento e a patência das próteses (t=1,35; p=0,18). As peças encaminhadas para microscopia apresentaram crescimento endotelial a partir do vaso nativo em direção à prótese de PDMS. Foi possível concluir com este estudo que o PDMS demonstrou-se um material adequado para futuras pesquisas no ramo de próteses vasculares e que o uso da fluoroscopia na avaliação dessas próteses foi de fundamental importância na determinação da patência dos implantes / The present study evaluated small caliber vascular prostheses made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with polyester reinforcement implanted in the aorta of rabbits by fluoroscopy. The study objectives were: (1) analyze PDMS tube with polyester reinforcement implanted in the aorta of rabbits as possible material for vascular prosthesis, (2) assess the patency of the prosthesis through fluoroscopy, (3) assess the condition of surgical implant (4) evaluate the macroscopic behavior of biological implant and (5) analyze the proposed experimental model. Vascular prostheses were implanted in PDMS infrarenal aorta of 64 rabbits assigned by the animal house of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo. Fluoroscopic examinations were performed within 150 days after surgical implantation. The prosthesis of PDMS were classified into occluded and patents, these being sub-classified into different degrees of stenosis. The time of aortic clamping was measured during surgical procedures. Sample pieces were sent for electron microscopy to check endothelialization of prostheses. Statistical analyzes were performed using t-test Studant, ANOVA and Kaplan-Meier. Of the 64 animals that received the prosthesis, thirty (46.88%) showed clinical improvement, twenty-three (35.94%) died and eleven (17.18%) had paraplegia of hind limbs. The patency of the prosthesis in 30 days was 87% (± 6.7), at 60 days was 73% (± 9.3), at 90 days was 57% (± 11) and at 120 days was 48 % (± 12). Fifty percent (eight) of the prosthesis patent did not present any degree of stenosis, 35.5% (six) had fifty percent or less of stenosis and 12.5% (two) had stenosis between fifty and seventy percent. No animal showed stenosis greater than 70%. The mean aortic clamping was 52 minutes. There was no significant difference in the association between duration of aortic clamping and clinical evolution of animals (p = 0.67) nor the association between clamping time and patency of the prosthesis (t = 1.35, p = 0.18). The parts sent for microscopy showed endothelial growth from the native vessel toward the prosthesis PDMS. It can be concluded from this study that the PDMS proved to be a suitable material for future research in the field of vascular prostheses and the use of fluoroscopy in the evaluation of these prostheses was of fundamental importance in determining the patency of the implants
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Construção de biblioteca metagenômica e prospecção de genes para a síntese de polihidroxalcanoatos / Metagenomic library construction for PHA synthase screeningDimitrov, Mauricio Rocha 18 September 2009 (has links)
Os microrganismos constituem dois terços da diversidade biológica na Terra, no entanto, muitos deles não podem ser cultivados por técnicas tradicionais. Portanto, o acesso a esta diversidade tem sido feita através da utilização de técnicas independentes de cultivo. Diante deste panorama, a metagenômica apresenta-se como uma alternativa, pois dispensa a necessidade de cultivo. Tal técnica possibilita inclusive a identificação e utilização do potencial metabólico destes organismos para o desenvolvimento de novos processos e produtos. Os polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs) são poliésteres bacterianos, acumulados intracelularmente em forma de grânulos, cujas propriedades são similares a de alguns plásticos de origem petroquímica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar e avaliar a diversidade de genes relacionados à produção de PHAs em bibliotecas metagenômicas de solo. A prospecção realizada resultou na identificação de clones contendo o gene phaC. De uma forma geral, pôde-se concluir que ainda há uma grande diversidade deste gene a ser descoberta no ambiente estudado. / Microorganisms constitute two third of the Earth\'s biological diversity, however, many of them cannot be cultured by standard techniques. Therefore, access to this diversity has been achieved through the use of culture-independent techniques. Facing this scenario, the metagenomic presents itself as an alternative, since it eliminates the need for cultivation. This technique also allows the identification and use of the metabolic pathways of these organisms to develop new processes and products. The polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are bacterial polyesters accumulated as granules, whose properties are similar to some plastics of petrochemical origin. The aim of this work was to identify and access the diversity of genes related to PHAs production in soil metagenomic libraries. The screening resulted in the identification of clones containing the phaC gene. In a general way, it was concluded that there is still a considerable diversity of this gene to be discovered in the study environment.
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Polymers from the natural product betulin : a microstructural investigationJeromenok, Jekaterina January 2012 (has links)
Porous materials (e.g. zeolites, activated carbon, etc.) have found various applications in industry, such as the use as sorbents, catalyst supports and membranes for separation processes. Recently, much attention has been focused on synthesizing porous polymer materials. A vast amount of tailor-made polymeric systems with tunable properties has been investigated. Very often, however, the starting substances for these polymers are of petrochemical origin, and the processes are all in all not sustainable. Moreover, the new polymers have challenged existing characterizing methodologies. These have to be further developed to address the upcoming demands of the novel materials. Some standard techniques for the analysis of porous substances like nitrogen sorption at 77 K do not seem to be sufficient to answer all arising questions about the microstructure of such materials. In this thesis, microporous polymers from an abundant natural resource, betulin, will be presented. Betulin is a large-scale byproduct of the wood industry, and its content in birch bark can reach 30 wt.%. Based on its rigid structure, polymer networks with intrinsic microporosity could be synthesized and characterized. Apart from standard nitrogen and carbon dioxide sorption at 77 K and 273 K, respectively, gas sorption has been examined not only with various gases (hydrogen and argon) but also at various temperatures. Additional techniques such as X-ray scattering and xenon NMR have been utilized to enable insight into the microporous structure of the material. Starting from insoluble polymer networks with promising gas selectivities, soluble polyesters have been synthesized and processed to a cast film. Such materials are feasible for membrane applications in gas separation. Betulin as a starting compound for polyester synthesis has aided to prepare, and for the first time to thoroughly analyse a microporous polyester with respect to its pores and microstructure. It was established that nitrogen adsorption at 87 K can be a better method to solve the microstructure of the material. In addition to that, other betulin-based polymers such as polyurethanes and polyethylene glycol bioconjugates are presented. Altogether, it has been shown that as an abundant natural resource betulin is a suitable and cheap starting compound for some polymers with various potential applications. / Das Bestreben, ölbasierte Produkte durch nachwachsende Rohstoffe zu ersetzen, hat dazu geführt, dass in immer größerer Zahl günstige, reichlich vorhandene Naturstoffe als Ausgangsstoffe für chemische Synthesen untersucht werden. In dieser Arbeit werden Polymere auf Basis von Betulin, einem aus Birkenrinde extrahierten Naturstoff, vorgestellt. Betulin ist zu 30 Gewichtsprozent in Birkenrinde enthalten. Da Betulin ein Nebenprodukt der Holzindustrie ist, ist es kostengünstig und sein Einsatz als Ausgangsstoff äußerst lukrativ. Die ersten Berichte über Betulin-basierte Polymere sind in den 1980er Jahren in Russland und Finnland erschienen, in den Ländern mit großen natürlichen Vorkommen an Birken.
Betulin wurde in dieser Arbeit verwendet, um sogenannte mikroporöse Polymere herzustellen. Dies sind Stoffe mit Poren von molekularer Dimension. Mikroporöse Materialien sind wegen ihrer potentiellen Anwendung als Katalysatorträger und Gasseparationsmembranen hochinteressant.
Die Klasse mikroporöser Polymere wurde durch die Synthese von unlöslichen Betulin-basierten Polyesternetzwerken erweitert. Außerdem gelang es, lösliche Polyester in Form dünner Filme herzustellen. Diese zeigten vielversprechende Ergebnisse in der Trennung von Stickstoff und Kohlendioxid und weisen somit Potential für die Nutzung als Membran auf. Dies könnte z. B. für Kohlendioxid-Reduzierung in Postcombustion-Verfahren interessant sein. Überdies wurde gezeigt, dass Stickstoffadsorption bei 77 K nicht ohne weiteres als Standardmethode für die Analyse von mikroporösen Materialien geeignet ist und dass die mikroporösen Materialien ferner durch Stickstoffadsorption bei 87 K und andere Gassorptionsmethoden bei verschiedenen Temperaturen zu charakterisieren sind. Diese Arbeit trägt zum besseren Verständnis mikroporöser Polymere bei.
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Liquid crystalline polyesters prepared by flexible spacers with rigid spiral moieties: synthesis and characterization.Zheng, Weideng 10 July 2001 (has links)
Different monomeric diols, with a central rigid FD unit connected with two aliphatic chains of
various length, were prepared to react with aromatic mesogenic triad, TOBC. In this manner,
thermotropic polyesters with possible low thermal transition temperatures (including Tmand Ti) and high solubility in organic solvent can be
generated in view of the non-linear polymeric chain imposed by the rigid, bent FD moieties.
In addition to the effect of the aliphatic chain length, polyesters of different molecular weight
will be obtained by different synthesis approach (or fractionation of the resulting polyester
product) and therefore, the influence of molecular weight on liquid crystalline properties
can be evaluated.
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Hyperbranched polyesters for polyurethane coatings: their preparation, structure and crosslinking with polyisocyanates / Hyperverzweigte Polyester für Polyurethan-Beschichtungen: Ihre Darstellung, Struktur und Vernetzung mit PolyisocyanatenPavlova, Ewa 26 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, hyperbranched aromatic polyesters-polyphenols based on 4,4-bis(4’ hydroxy¬phenyl)pentanoic acid (BHPPA) were prepared and, according to the authors knowledge, for the first time tested as precursors for polyurethane bulk resins and coatings. Comparison of poly-BHPPA with competing products The materials prepared in this work show better properties than their aliphatic polyester-polyol analoga based on 2,2-bis-(hydroxymethyl)propanoic acid (BHMPA). Especially, the solubility of poly-BHPPA in organic solvents is better and poly-BHPPAs also do not tend to microphase separation during their reaction with isocyanates, in contrast to poly-BHMPAs. The poly-BHPPA and the polyurethane networks made from them display higher Tg values than analogous poly- BHMPA compounds. Because of the high Tg of the reacting and final systems, curing must occur at elevated temperatures (90°C) in order to avoid undercure. The lower reactivity of phenolic OH groups prevents the reaction from being too fast at that temperature. A drawback of the polyurethanes based on the aromatic polyesters-polyols prepared is the lower thermal stability of their urethane bonds, if compared to aliphatic urethanes. An interesting possibility for future investigations would be the modification of the BHPPA monomer in order to change the OH functionality from phenolic to aliphatic OH, e.g. by replacement of the phenolic OH by hydroxymethyl or hydroxyethyl groups (requires a strong modification of the monomer synthesis) or simpler by reacting the phenolic OH of BHPPA with a suitable reagent like oxirane, which would lead to groups like O-CH2-CH2-OH in the place of the phenolic OH. Such a BHPPA modification should in turn yield modified “poly-BHPPA” polycondensates, which would combine the advantages of poly-BHPPA with those of aliphatic OH precursors of polyurethanes. Poly-BHPPA synthesis Hyperbranched polymers of the 4,4-bis-(4’-hydroxyphenyl)pentanoic acid (BHPPA) were synthesized successfully by the catalyzed (by dibutyltin diacetate) polycondensation of BHPPA. The products obtained were oligomers with number average molecular weight ranging from 1800 to 3400 g/mol (polymerization degree of ca. 6 to 12), displaying a first moment of functionality in the range 7 to 14. Such products were good OH precursors for the preparation of polyurethane coatings, because higher functional polymers would gel at low conversions. The analysis of the functional groups (determination of acid and hydroxyl numbers) and the 1H-NMR and the 13C-NMR spectroscopy were found to be good methods for the determination of molecular weights. The polydispersity of the poly-BHPPA products was in the range 3.5 to 6. Their degree of branching was found to be in the range 0.36 to 0.47. Poly-BHPPA containing aliphatic polyols as core monomers were also prepared successfully. Difunctional and trifunctional core monomers usually reached a full conversion of their OH groups, while the tetra- and hexafunctional core monomers were converted only to 89%. In all these products however, a considerable amount, usually even a majority, of the polymer molecules were core free. The poly-BHPPA products prepared displayed relatively high glass transition temperatures, in the range of 84°C to 114°C, obviously due to interactions between the phenol groups and to hydrogen bridging. The thermal stability of these products was also high, with decomposition occurring near 350°C (at a heating rate of 10°C / min) Kinetics investigations of the poly-BHPPA reactivity towards isocyanates The poly-BHPPA are polyphenols and were expectedly found to react significantly slower with isocyanates than aliphatic alcohols. The reactivity of poly BHPPA was also found to be somewhat lower than that of the monofunctional, low molar-mass 4 ethylphenol. Hexamethylene diisocyanate trimer, Desmodur N3300, was found to be more reactive than hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) or butyl isocyanate in all experiments, possibly due to a substitution effect. The substitution effect can be explained by a change of microenvironment caused by conversion of isocyanate group and OH group into urethane groups. The reactions of low-molecular-mass alcohols or phenols with low molecular weight isocyanates followed well the 2nd order kinetics, while the reactions of poly-BHPPA with isocyanates show deviations from ideal 2nd order kinetics at higher conversions. All the kinetics experiments were carried out under catalysis by dibutyltin dilaurate. This catalyst inhibits the undesired reaction of isocyanate groups with moisture. It was also found that the catalysis was necessary to reach reasonable curing times for poly-BHPPA based polyurethane networks. The uncatalyzed systems reacted extremely slowly. Preparation of polyurethane networks from poly-BHPPA The poly BHPPA products prepared were used successfully as OH functional precursors of polyurethane networks. The networks prepared contained only very low sol fractions. Acetone and also ethylene diglycol dimethylether (diglyme) were found to be good swelling solvents for the networks prepared, while methyl propyl ketone was a much poorer solvent and aromatic compounds like toluene or xylene practically did not swell the poly BHPPA based polyurethanes. The networks prepared contain a relatively high amount of cyclic bonds, 40 to 50% in the finally cured state, which is an expected result for systems with precursors of high functionality and with small distances between the functional groups. The temperature of glass transition (Tg) of the networks prepared (ranging from 68°C to 126°C) depends of the poly BHPPA precursor used: it increases with increasing molecular mass and with increasing core functionality. The choice of the isocyanate crosslinker also influences Tg: the networks made from HDI show higher Tg values, than networks made from the same poly BHPPA but crosslinked with Desmodur N3300 (Tri HDI). The urethane bonds in the networks prepared start to decompose near 140°C. The easier degradation of PU with aromatic urethane bonds is a disadvantage in comparison with aliphatic polyurethanes, whose decomposition starts at 200°C. The surfaces of polyurethane coatings prepared are smooth, displaying a roughness of ca. 20-25 nm, and relatively hydrophilic: the contact angle with water was found to be near 80°. The prepared networks are also relatively hard, possessing the Shore D hardness of 70.
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Polyamides and polyesters made of bile acids in the main chainIvanysenko, Olga 09 1900 (has links)
La préparation de polymères à base d’acides biliaires, molécules biologiques, a attiré
l'attention des chercheurs en raison des applications potentielles dans les domaines
biomédicaux et pharmaceutiques. L’objectif de ce travail est de synthétiser de nouveaux
biopolymères dont la chaîne principale est constituée d’unités d’acides biliaires. La
polymérisation par étapes a été adoptée dans ce projet afin de préparer les deux principales classes de polymères utilisés en fibres textiles: les polyamides et les polyesters.
Des monomères hétéro-fonctionnels à base d’acides biliaires ont été synthétisés et
utilisés afin de surmonter le déséquilibre stoechiométrique lors de la polymérisation par étapes. Le dérivé de l’acide lithocholique modifié par une fonction amine et un groupement carboxylique protégé a été polymérisé en masse à températures élevées. Les polyamides obtenus sont très peu solubles dans les solvants organiques. Des polyamides et des polyesters solubles en milieu organique ont pu être obtenus dans des conditions modérées en utilisant l’acide cholique modifié par des groupements azide et alcyne. La polymérisation a été réalisée par cycloaddition azoture-alcyne catalysée par l'intermédiaire du cuivre(Ι) avec deux systèmes catalytiques différents, le bromure de cuivre(I) et le sulfate de cuivre(II). Seul le bromure de cuivre(Ι) s’est avéré être un catalyseur efficace pour le système, permettant la préparation des polymères avec un degré de polymérisation égale à 50 et une distribution monomodale de masse moléculaire (PDI ˂ 1.7). Les polymères synthétisés à base d'acide cholique sont thermiquement stables (307 °C ≤ Td ≤ 372 °C) avec des températures de transition vitreuse élevées (137 °C ≤ Tg ≤ 167 °C) et modules de Young au-dessus de 280 MPa, dépendamment de la nature chimique du lien. / Bile acids have drawn attention in the synthesis of polymers for biomedical and
pharmaceutical applications due to their natural origin. The objective of this work is to synthesize main-chain bile acid-based polymers. The step-growth polymerization was used to prepare two important classes of polymers used in textile fibers, polyamides and polyesters.
Heterofunctional bile acid-based monomers were synthesized and used in order to
overcome stoichiometric imbalances during step-growth polymerization. The lithocholic
acid derivative bearing amine and protected carboxylic functional groups was polymerized
in bulk at high temperatures, yielding polyamides that were poorly soluble in common
organic solvents. Soluble triazole-linked polyamides and polyesters were obtained when the cholic acid derivative bearing azide and alkyne functional groups was polymerized under mild conditions via copper(Ι)-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition. Two different catalytic
systems, copper(Ι) bromide and copper(ΙΙ) sulfate, were tested. Only copper(Ι) bromide
proved to be an effective catalyst for the system, allowing the synthesis of the polymers with a degree of polymerization of ca. 50 and an unimodal molecular weight distribution(PDI ˂ 1.7). The main-chain cholic acid-based polymers are thermally stable (307 °C ≤ Td ≤ 372 °C) with high glass transition temperatures (137 °C ≤ Tg ≤ 167 °C) and Young’s moduli in excess of 280 MPa, depending on the chemical structure of the linker.
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Synthèse Tandem de Polyesters alternés à partir de Ressources RenouvelablesRobert, Carine 30 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Aujourd'hui, la majorité des plastiques de commodité est issue de ressources fossiles. Ces ressources sont limitées et un certain nombre d'études prédisent l'épuisement des gisements dans quelques siècles avec un pic de consommation dans les dix prochaines années. Dans ce contexte, la biomasse représente une ressource abondante pour la synthèse de bio-matériaux. Nous reportons ici une nouvelle stratégie de synthèse de polyesters alternés à partir de ressources renouvelables, basée sur la synthèse tandem. Des complexes organométalliques disponibles commercialement ont montré leur activité catalytique dans la cyclisation de diacides carboxyliques en anhydrides cycliques puis dans la copolymérisation de ces anhydrides avec des époxydes. Cette méthode facile à mettre en oeuvre est une stratégie innovante pour la production de nouveaux polyesters biodégradables.
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Préparation, étude de l’orientation et caractérisation physico-chimique de films polymères comportant des fluorophoresFourati, M. Amine 12 1900 (has links)
Les propriétés intrinsèques, photophysiques, électrochimiques et cristallographiques des molécules fluorescentes 4,4'-bis(2-benzoxazolyle)stilbène (BBS) et 2,5-bis(5-tert-butyl-2-benzoxazolyle)thiophène (BBT) ont été étudiées en solution et dans les polymères semi-cristallins : poly(butylène succinate) (PBS) et polylactide (PLA). Les deux fluorophores sont caractérisés par de hauts rendements quantiques absolus de fluorescence. Toutefois, une désactivation de la fluorescence peut se produire par croisement intersystème vers l'état triplet pour le BBT, et par photoisomérisation trans-cis pour le BBS. La cinétique de ce dernier processus dépend de la concentration, résultant en un pur isomère cis photo-induit à faibles concentrations, qui est accompagné à des concentrations élevées par l'apparition d'un composé acide après photo-clivage suivi d'une oxydation.
Cette étude a révélé des changements spectroscopiques prononcés suite à l’augmentation de la concentration des fluorophores, en particulier à l'état solide, spécifiques à l'agrégation des molécules à l'état fondamental pour le BBT et à la formation d’excimères pour le BBS, permettant ainsi de corréler les propriétés fluorescentes avec les caractéristiques du monocristal pour chaque fluorophore. En outre, le passage d’une dispersion moléculaire à une séparation de phases dans le cas du BBS est accompagné d'un changement de couleur du bleu au vert, qui est sensible à la déformation, à la température et au temps, affectant les rendements quantiques absolus de fluorescence et fournissant une large opportunité à la création d'une grande variété de polymères intelligents indicateurs capables d'auto-évaluation. D’autre part, la solubilité élevée du BBT dans les solvants courants, combinée à ses propriétés optoélectroniques élevées, en font un candidat en tant que référence universelle de fluorescence et matériau intelligent à la fois pour les études de polymères et en solution.
Similairement aux mélanges comprenant des polymères miscibles, l'orientation du PBS augmente après ajout d'une molécule fluorescente, dont les monomères ont tendance à être orientés dans des films étirés, contrairement aux excimères ou agrégats. / The intrinsic, photophysical, electrochemical and crystallographic properties of the fluorescent molecules 4,4'-bis(2-benzoxazolyl)stilbene (BBS) and 2,5-bis(5-tert-butyl-2-benzoxazolyl)thiophene (BBT) have been investigated in solution as well as in semi-crystalline poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and polylactide (PLA). Both fluorophores were found to be characterized by high fluorescence absolute quantum yields. However, fluorescence quenching was found to occur by intersystem crossing to the triplet state for BBT, and by trans-cis photoisomerization for BBS. The latter process was kinetically concentration-dependent, resulting in a pure photoinduced cis-isomer at low concentrations, which is accompanied at high concentrations by the appearance of an acidic compound after photocleavage followed by oxidation.
This study revealed pronounced spectroscopic changes upon an increase of the fluorophore concentration, especially in the solid-state, specific to aggregation of ground state molecules for BBT or excimer formation for BBS, thus correlating the fluorescent features with the single crystal characteristics for each fluorophore. Moreover, the transformation from molecular dispersion to phase separation, occurring for BBS, is accompanied by a significant colour change from blue to green, which is sensitive to deformation, time and temperature, thus affecting the absolute fluorescence quantum yields and providing a broad opportunity for the creation of a wide variety of smart polymers with self-assessing capabilities. On the other hand, the BBT’s high solubility in common solvents combined with its measured enhanced optoelectronic properties make it a candidate as a universal fluorophore reference and smart material for both polymeric and solution studies.
Similarly to blends comprising miscible polymers, the PBS orientation was found to increase by adding a fluorescent molecule, whose monomers tend to be oriented in stretched films, contrary to excimers or aggregates.
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Oligoésteres e poliésteres obtidos a partir do ácido oleico modificado com forma estrela: síntese e caracterização físico-química / Oligoesteres and polyesteres obtained from oleic acid modified with star form: synthesis and physicochemical characterizationZiembowicz, Francieli Isa 30 July 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This works investigated the curing reaction of epoxidized oleic acid starshaped
with different anhydrides, forming product as oligoésteres and polyesters.
Oleic acid modified was obtained by esterification of oleic acid with an aminoalcohol
to the resulting aminoester, followed by epoxidation of the double bond. The
polymerization reactions were carried out from the opening of epoxy rings in the
presence of different cyclic acid anhydrides: phthalic anhydride (PA), maleic
anhydride (MA) and succinic anhydride (SA).
The structures of the products in these reactions were elucidated by nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) 1H and 13C and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). The
technique of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) allowed the study of the
crosslinking process of the different systems studied, allowing the determination of
kinetic and thermodynamic parameters. The kinetic parameters of curing reaction
systems of ME/AM and ME/AS were determined by methods Osawa, Kissinger and
Barret. The thermal behavior of the products obtained was analyzed using
thermogravimetric analysis (TGA).
It was evident that the nature of anhydrides affects the thermodynamic and
kinetics parameters of the crosslinking reaction. Values of DH for the reactions of
epoxy ring opening are related to factors such as the steric size of the molecule and
the position of the oxirane ring in the structure of the ME. The addition of BADGE in the mixture ME/anhydride increased molar mass and improves thermal and
mechanical properties of polyester. By varying the composition of the system
characteristics of the samples obtained were thermoplastic or crosslinked materials.
The GPC results showed that the materials in the absence of BADGE are
essentially oligomers. The rheology results indicated that all samples exhibit
Newtonian fluid behavior. The viscosity values of the samples without BADGE
indicated that these materials exhibited characteristics of highly viscous fluids and
the samples in the presence of BADGE exhibited characteristics typical of solid. / Este trabalho investigou a reação de cura do ácido oleico epoxidado (ME)
com forma estrela com diferentes anidridos, originando oligoésteres e poliésteres. O
ácido oleico modificado foi obtido pela esterificação do ácido oleico com um
aminoálcool dando origem ao aminoéster, seguido da epoxidação da dupla ligação.
As reações de polimerização foram realizadas a partir da abertura dos anéis epóxi
na presença de diferentes anidridos de ácido cíclico: anidrido ftálico (AF), anidrido
maleico (AM) e anidrido succínico (AS).
As estruturas dos produtos das reações foram elucidadas por Ressonância
Magnética Nuclear (RMN) de 1H e 13C e Espectroscopia de Infravermelho (FT-IR). A
técnica de Calorimetria Exploratória Diferencial (DSC) permitiu o estudo do processo
de reticulação dos diferentes sistemas estudados, possibilitando a determinação de
parâmetros cinéticos e termodinâmicos. Os parâmetros cinéticos da reação de cura
dos sistemas ME/AM e ME/AS foram determinados pelos métodos Osawa, Kissinger
e Barret. O comportamento térmico dos produtos obtidos foi estudado utilizando a
técnica de DSC e Análise Termogravimétrica (TGA).
Evidenciou-se que a natureza dos anidridos influencia nos parâmetros
termodinâmicos e cinéticos da reação de reticulação. Os valores de DH para as
reações de abertura do anel epóxi estão relacionados a fatores estéricos como o
tamanho da molécula e a posição do anel oxirano na estrutura do ME. A adição de BADGE na mistura ME/anidrido aumentou a massa molar e melhorou as
propriedades térmicas e mecânicas dos poliésteres. Variando a composição do
sistema as características dos materiais obtidos passaram de termoplásticos a
Os resultados de GPC mostraram que os materiais sem BADGE consistem
essencialmente de oligômeros e as resinas com BADGE se apresentaram insolúveis
e com aspecto de resinas poliméricas sólidas. Os resultados de reologia indicaram
que, todas as amostras apresentaram comportamento de fluido newtoniano. Os
valores de viscosidade das amostras sem BADGE indicaram que estes materiais
apresentaram características de fluidos altamente viscosos e as amostras na
presença de BADGE apresentaram características típicas de sólido.
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Développement de vernis d'isolation électrique présentant des propriétés thermomécaniques améliorées à 180°C / Development of electrical insulating varnishes with improved thermomechanical propertiesHeib, Bertrand 11 January 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le développement de résines polyesterimides insaturés pour des applications de type vernis d'imprégnation pour isolation électrique. Il s’agit de matériaux polymères thermodurcissables, qui assurent la double fonction d'isolant et d'agent de cohésion du système isolé. Ils se différencient en classes thermiques, qui définissent leur température maximale d'utilisation. Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous cherchons à développer des produits de classe thermique supérieure ou égale à 180°C. Une première partie de cette étude a porté sur l'amélioration de deux produits commerciaux à base de polyesters insaturés à fonctions terminales imides. Notre attention s'est portée sur la modification de leur structure chimique, afin de voir comment les différents précurseurs utilisés influencent les propriétés des résines. Une seconde partie a consisté à développer de nouvelles résines à base de polyesterimides insaturés, à partir de trois types de précurseurs imides difonctionnels. / This thesis focuses on the development of unsaturated polyesterimide resins as impregnating varnishes for electrical insulation applications. These thermosetting polymer materials provide the dual function of insulating and cohesion agent of the isolated system. They differ in thermal classes, which define their maximum operating temperature. In this study, we tried to develop products with a thermal class above or equal to 180°C. The first part of this study focused on the improvement of two commercial products based on imide-endcapped unsaturated polyester. Our attention turned to the modification of their chemical structure, to see how the different precursors used affect the thermal and mechanical properties of resins. A second part was to develop new unsaturated polyesterimide resins, using three types of difunctional imide precursors.
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