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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suárezův důkaz Boží existence / Suárez's Proof of the Existence of God

Pavlorek, David January 2013 (has links)
of the Paper The goal of submitted paper is to show Suárez's proof of the existence of God as the main task of his metaphysics and to show the influence of St. Thomas Aquinas and John Duns Scotus on his own system of metaphysics. As will be shown, the importance of this preeminent thinker of so called second scholasticism is in his synthesis of relatively incompatible doctrines of thomism and scotism. This paper will therefore deal with main problems of precedening tradition of Aristotelian metaphysics, especially with analogy of being as applied to God and creatures, then with theory of causality and other connected questions. Keywords Suárez - Thomas Aquinas - Duns Scotus - metaphysics - proof of existence of God

Développement prouvé de composants formels pour un générateur de code embarqué critique pré-qualifié / Proved Development of Formal Components for a Pre-Qualified Critical Embedded Code Generator

Izerrouken, Nassima 06 July 2011 (has links)
Nous nous intéressons au développement prouvé de composants formels pour un générateur de code pré-qualifié. Ce dernier produit un code séquentiel (C et Ada) pour des modèles d'entrée qui combinent les flots de données et de contrôle et qui présentent des possibilités d'exécution concurrente (Simulink/Stateflow et Scicos). Le développement prouvé permet de réduire le coût des tests et d'augmenter l'assurance des outils développés avec cette approche vis-à-vis de la qualification. Les phases de spécification, de développement et de vérification des outils développés sont effectuées avec l'assistant de preuve Coq. Ce dernier permet d'extraire le contenu calculatoire des composants en préservant les propriétés prouvées en Coq. Ce code extrait est ensuite intégré dans une chaîne complète de développement (chaîne de GeneAuto). Nous présentons un cadre formel, inspiré de l'analyse statique, qui s'appuie sur la sémantique abstraite et qui est instanciable sur plusieurs composants du générateur de code. Nous nous basons sur les ensembles partiellement ordonnés et sur le calcul de point fixe pour définir le cadre et effectuer les différentes analyses des composants du générateur de code. Ce cadre formel comporte toutes les preuves communes aux composants et indépendantes des analyses effectuées. Deux composants sont étudiés : l'ordonnanceur et le typeur des modèles d'entrée. / We are interested in the proved development of formal components for a pre-qualified code generator. This produces a sequential code (C and Ada) for input models that combine data and control flows, with potential concurrent execution (Simulink/Stateflow and Scicos). The proved development reduces test cost and increases insurance of components developed with this approach regarding the qualification. Phases of specification, development and verification of the developed components are done with the Coq proof assistant. This allows to extract the computational content of the components preserving the properties proved in Coq. The extracted code is then integrated into the complete development tool-chain (GeneAuto tool-chain). We present a formal framework, inspired from static analysis, based on the abstract semantics which is instantiable to several components of the code generator. We rely on partially ordered sets and fixed-point to define de formal framework and to perform the various analysis of components of the code generator. This formal framework includes all proofs common to the components and independent from the performed analyses. Two components are studied : the scheduler and the type checker of input models.

Povinné užívání ochranné známky a jeho průkaz dle českého a unijního práva / Compulsory use of trademark and its demonstration under Czech law and the EU law

Navrátilová, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
Compulsory use of trademark and its demonstration under Czech law and the EU law The aim of this thesis is to introduce the institute of compulsory use from the perspective of Czech and EU law and subsequent proof of this obligation. The thesis consists of a brief introduction and six chapters, the sixth chapter is the conclusion. The first chapter is a general introduction to the issue of trademarks and aims to briefly inform about the concept of the trademark, its functions and the Czech and EU legislation on the issue of trademark law. It also describes the application procedure in the Czech Republic and the rights and obligations of the owner. The next chapter is about the right of the owner to use the trademark, both in terms of the positive and the negative definition of this right. Following part of thesis is devoted to the main topic of the thesis, the obligation to use the trademark. It speaks about the importance of that obligation, whose goal is maintaining registration of those marks which are actually used. Also, this chapter is focused on the term "genuine use of the trade mark", which is a condition for fulfilling the obligation of use. Another term that needs to be clarified is "proper reasons for non-use". Only their existence excuses the non-use of the mark and, if they are proven...

Důkazní břemeno o protiprávním jednání poskytovatele zdravotních služeb / The burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider

Slezáková, Alžběta January 2019 (has links)
The burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider Abstract This thesis describes a burden of proof and the distribution of the burden of proof on the unlawful conduct of the health service provider between the parties to the dispute. Particular emphasis is put on cases in which patient as party burdened by the burden of proof is unable to prove unlawful conduct of the health service provider or other elements of the obligation to pay damages because the health service provider violated his obligation to properly maintain medical records. This thesis is composed of eight chapters. Chapter One is introductory and describes the civil liability which can arise out of the provision of health services. It presents cases of strict liability and also liability for fault. Chapter Two deals with the unlawful conduct of the health care service provider. Besides the general introduction, attention is paid to medical malpractice and other typical cases of unlawful conduct related to the provision of health services. Chapter Three examines other elements of the obligation to pay damages in cases of medical malpractice. Chapter Four deals with the procedural obligations of the parties to the dispute, especially with the duty of assertion and evidence and the burden of assertion. Chapter Five is...

O valor probatório da ata notarial / The value of notarys instrument as proof.

Folle, Francis Perondi 12 May 2014 (has links)
A motivação para o presente trabalho surgiu em meio a um caso concreto, quando, na busca por meios alternativos aos exclusivamente judiciais, ágeis e eficazes para a apreensão de uma prova que se encontrava na iminência de desaparecer, nos deparamos com a opção da ata notarial, e a utilizamos como forma de manutenção da situação fática, caso a tutela jurisdicional em medida cautelar de antecipação de provas proposta não fosse tão rápida quanto a ação do tempo na prova que se pretendia produzir. Ao propor a análise do valor probatório da ata notarial no processo civil, primeiramente, buscamos nos familiarizar com o instituto objeto do estudo, analisando a legislação que o autoriza, quais as características dos profissionais que o elaboram, no que ele consiste e como é feito, estudando seus aspectos históricos, seu objeto, forma, espécies e sua eficácia. No segundo capítulo, a aproximação realizada é com o sistema probatório nacional, com o intuito de responder como é o sistema probatório brasileiro, verificando seu conceito, suas fontes e meios, seus princípios e procedimentos, e como podemos localizar a ata notarial dentro desse sistema. No capítulo final analisamos, enfim, a forma como o instrumento da ata notarial pode ser utilizado dentro do processo civil, buscando compreender qual o seu valor probatório e sua utilidade para a resolução de conflitos e para a solução da lide. / The motivation for this paper came in the middle of a civil case, when, in search for agile and effective alternative means for seizure of evidence, other than exclusively judicial, we found the ata notarial, and used it as a way to maintaining factual situation, if the judicial injunction in anticipation of proposed evidence was not as fast as the action of time on the evidence that was intended to produce. In proposing the study of the probative value of the ata notarial in civil procedure, first, we seek to familiarize ourselves with the institute under study, analyzing legislation that authorizes it, the characteristics of professionals who prepare it, as well as how it is done, studying its historical aspects, its object, shape, species and their effectiveness. In the second chapter, the approach is performed with Brazilian´s system of evidence, in order to verify its concept, its sources and means, its principles and procedures, and how can we find the ata notarial within that system. In the final chapter, we analyze, finally, how the instrument of ata notarial can be used within the civil cases, seeking to understand what its probative value and its usefulness for solving conflicts and to resolve the case.

L’exigence d’objectivité en droit du travail / The objectivity test in labour law

Ilieva, Valéria 01 December 2018 (has links)
Attachée à la justification patronale, l’exigence d’objectivité est nécessaire pour lutter contre l’exercice arbitraire du pouvoir de l’employeur dès lors qu’elle oblige ce dernier à bannir ses opinions personnelles des motifs invoqués au soutien d’une mesure de gestion du personnel. Par conséquent, l’employeur doit fonder sa décision sur des prémisses factuelles, indépendantes de son pouvoir discrétionnaire, susceptibles d’être prouvées. Il en va ainsi en matière de licenciement, d’évaluation des qualités professionnelles, comme de toute mesure de différenciation. Toutefois, cette exigence s’avère également ambivalente dès lors qu’elle peut être instrumentalisée par l’employeur pour restreindre les droits et libertés des salariés au nom de l’intérêt de l’entreprise ou de la défense d’intérêts catégoriels particuliers. Un tel usage de l’exigence est d’autant plus aisé que le droit du travail adopte une conception peu rigoureuse de l’objectivité. Il est donc nécessaire d’éprouver la mesure de gestion du personnel à l’aune d’exigences autres, que celle que justifie le fonctionnement de l’entreprise. En fin de compte, la portée de l’exigence d’objectivité doit être relativisée. / Any employer’s decision has to meet the requirement of objectivity, implying that his power cannot be arbitrary, i.e. the employer is prohibited to base any decision on his own personal views. Thus, the employer has to base each decision, outside his discretionary power, on provable factual premises. The objectivity test applies to vocationnal assesment, dismissal, and differenciation between employees. However, the objectivity test is ambivalent as some employers exploit this requirement to restrict employees’ fundamental rights in the name of the company’s interests or some other specific interests. This is all the more easy as judges’ control on employer’s objectiveness is rather loose. Therefore, employers’ staff management have to be scrutinisied on some other legal grounds. On the whole the objectivity test has rather a relative importance.

Theory of Menu Auction and Applications

Ko, Chiu Yu January 2012 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Hideo Konishi / My doctoral dissertation contains three essays on menu auction and its related applications. The first chapter is a theoretical generalization of classical menu auction model, and the second and the third chapters are applications to a resource allocation problem and an industrial organization problem. Menu auction (Bernheim and Whinston, 1986) is a first-price package auction with complete information. They show that every Nash equilibrium under some refinements always leads to an efficient outcome. Therefore, this becomes a natural efficiency benchmark for package auction designs (e.g., Ausubel and Milgrom 2002). Menu auction can also be viewed as a model of economic influence where the auctioneer is going to choose an action which affects bidders' payoff so that each bidder tries to influence the outcome by monetary transfer to the auctioneer. This framework is widely adopted in political lobbying models where the special interest groups lobbying the government over trade policies (e.g., Grossman and Helpman 1994). However, the applicability is limited by quasi-linear preferences and the absence of budget constraints. In my first chapter, ``Menu Auctions with Non-Transferable Utilities and Budget Constraints'', I extends Bernheim and Whinston's (1986) menu auction model under transferable utilities to a framework with non-transferable utilities and budget constraints. Under appropriate definitions of equilibria consistent with subgame perfection, it is shown that every truthful Nash equilibrium (TNE) is a coalition-proof Nash equilibrium (CPNE) and that the set of TNE payoffs and the set of CPNE payoffs are equivalent, as in a transferable utility framework. The existence of a CPNE is assured in contrast with the possible non-existence of Nash equilibrium under the definition by Dixit, Grossman, and Helpman (1997). Moreover, the set of CPNE payoffs is equivalent to the bidder-optimal weak core. The second chapter relates menu auction to a resource allocation problem. Kelso and Crawford (1982) propose a wage-adjustment mechanism resulting in a stable matching between heterogeneous firms and workers. Instead of a benevolent social planner, in ``Profit-Maximizing Matchmaker'' (w. Hideo Konishi), we consider a profit-maximizing auctioneer to solve this many-to-one assignment problem. If firms can only use individualized price, then the auctioneer can only earn zero profit in every Nash equilibrium and the sets of stable assignments and strong Nash equilibria are equivalent. Otherwise, the auctioneer might earn positive profit even in a coalition-proof Nash equilibrium. This reinforces Milgrom's (2010) argument on the benefit of using simplified message spaces that it not only reduces information requirement but also improves resource allocation. The third chapter applies menu auction in an industrial organization problem. In ``Choosing a Licensee from Heterogeneous Rivals'' (w. Hideo Konishi and Anthony Creane), we consider a firm licensing its production technology to rivals when firms with heterogeneous in production costs competing in a Cournot market. While Katz and Shapiro (1986) show that a complete transfer in duopoly can be joint-profit reducing, we show that it is always joint-profit improving provided that at least three firms remain in the industry after transfer. While transfers between similarly efficient firms may reduce welfare, the social welfare must increase if the licensor is the most efficient in the industry, contrast with Katz and Shapiro (1985) in the duopoly environment. This has an important implication in competition regulation. Then we investigate relative efficiency of the licensee under different licensing auction mechanisms. With natural refinement of equilibria, we show that a menu auction licensee, a standard first-price auction licensee, and a joint-profit maximizing licensee are in (weakly) descending order of efficiency. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2012. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Economics.

Pronúncia: valoração da prova e limites à motivação / Indictment: evidence of proof and limits of justification

Nogueira, Rafael Fecury 24 April 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho analisa a valoração da prova na decisão de pronúncia e os limites à sua motivação, realizando-se, inicialmente, um estudo sobre a origem dessa decisão com base em decisões de ordenamentos jurídicos passados. A regência legal da pronúncia é estudada para a compreensão de sua definição, requisitos, cognição e função que exerce no procedimento do Júri. Em relação à valoração da prova, objeto central do presente trabalho, estabelece-se um critério de decisão com base nos standards de prova da autoria ou da participação. A motivação é estudada para a verificação do funcionamento dos limites impostos pela lei a ela. / This study examines the valuation of proof in the indictment decision and the justification, and where, inictially a study about the origin of this decision based on pás legal decisions. The rulership to indictment is studied to understand its definition, requirements, cognition and the function that performs the procedure os the Jury. Regardin the evidence of proof, the central object of the present study we establish a decision criterion based on the standards of proof to autorship. The justification is studied to verifythe functioning of the limits imposed by law to it


MARIA FERNANDA PALLARES COLOMAR 14 November 2003 (has links)
[pt] Na antologia que M.E. Szabo realizara dos trabalhos de Gentzen e publicara em 1969 se transcrevem, em um apêndice, algumas passagens apresentadas por Bernays ao editor pertencentes a uma primeira prova de consistência para a Aritmética de Peano realizada por Gentzen que não tinha sido publicada até então. À diferença das outras provas de consistência realizadas por Gentzen e já conhecidas na década de trinta, esta prova não utiliza o procedimento de indução transfinita até e0. Ao contrário, baseia-se na definição de um processo de redução de seqüentes que se associa sistematicamente a todo seqüente derivável permitindo reconhecê-lo como verdadeiro. Nós reconstruímos essa prova realizando algumas variações e estudamos o modo pelo qual a técnica principal utilizada (a definição do processo de redução de seqüentes) pode ser vista em relação a resultados da lógica clássica de primeira ordem tais como provas de completude. A parte central da nossa dissertação é a realização de uma versão desta prova de consistência para um sistema formal para a Aritmética de Heyting. / [en] In the antology of Gentzens works made by M.E.Szabo and published in 1969, we find out in an appendix, some passages presented by Bernays to the editor. These texts belong to a first proof of Peanos Arithmetic consistency that Gentzen did not publish. In a different way from the other proofs of consistency made by Gentzen and already known in the thirties, this proof does not use the procedure of transfinite induction up to e0. On the contrary, it is based on the definition of a reduction process for sequents that is systematically associated to every derivable sequent allowing us to recognize it as a true sequent. We reconstructed this proof making some variations and we studied how the main technique used (the definition of the reduction process) could be seen in relation with other results of first order logic like proofs of completness. The main part of our dissertation is another version of this consistency proof for a formal system for Heyting Arithmetic.

Uma organização didática em quadrilátero que aproxime o aluno de licenciatura das demonstrações geométricas

Ferreira, Maridete Brito Cunha 08 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2016-08-26T13:24:11Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Maridete Brito Cunha Ferreira.pdf: 6485037 bytes, checksum: 353af4b1182ccce13bcd1d0cd8828e0f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-26T13:24:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maridete Brito Cunha Ferreira.pdf: 6485037 bytes, checksum: 353af4b1182ccce13bcd1d0cd8828e0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-08 / This study investigated a didactic proposal whose tasks coordinate proofs and demonstrations as a teaching methodological strategy for easing some of the difficulties related to the topic ‘quadrilaterals’ on a teaching certification course in mathematics. The tasks involve geometric constructions within a paper-and-pencil setting in which students are asked to build figures and mathematically justify the techniques used. Upon carrying out the tasks, students perform conversions of registers and mobilize different understandings of a geometric figure (sequential, perceptive, operative, and discursive). In order to meet the objective, didactic engineering was elected as the investigative method and analyses were based on the theory of registers of semiotic representation, the theory of didactic situations, and the anthropological theory of the didactic. In a preliminary study, the conceptions of students regarding the proofs and demonstrations were investigated and three geometry books used on the teaching certification courses in mathematics were analyzed. The preliminary analyses showed that the conceptions of proofs and demonstrations of the students investigated were influenced by the didactic books. Analysis of the experience revealed that the students appeared to have become aware of the limitations of perceptive understanding, subsequently performing discursive interpretation of the figure, which led to evolution from pragmatic proofs to conceptual proofs, according to Balacheff. With regard to the functions of demonstration, the students performed these not only with the function of validation, but also with the functions of explanation, systematization, and communication, according to De Villiers. In summary, it was concluded that tasks which coordinate proofs and demonstrations are conducive for students to experience the phases of Brousseau’s theory of didactic situations; carry out conversion of registers, semiotic representation and treatments; and coordinate the understandings of the figure, thereby contributing to the (re)construction of implicit and formalized knowledge on quadrilaterals, proof, and demonstration / Esta pesquisa investiga uma proposta didática cujas tarefas articulam provas e demonstrações como estratégia metodológica de ensino para minimizar as dificuldades relacionadas ao tópico ‘quadriláteros’ em um curso de licenciatura em matemática. As tarefas envolvem construções geométricas em um ambiente de papel e lápis em que os alunos são solicitados a construir figuras geométricas e justificar matematicamente as técnicas utilizadas. Na execução das tarefas os alunos efetuam conversões de registros e mobilizam as diferentes apreensões de uma figura geométrica (sequencial, perceptiva, operatória e discursiva). Para cumprir o objetivo, elegemos a engenharia didática como metodologia de pesquisa e fundamentamos nossas análises na teoria dos registros de representação semiótica, na teoria das situações didáticas e na teoria antropológica do didático. Em um estudo preliminar, investigaram-se as concepções dos alunos com relação a provas e demonstrações e analisaram-se três livros de geometria utilizados nos cursos de licenciatura em matemática. As análises preliminares evidenciaram que as concepções de provas e demonstrações dos alunos investigados são influenciadas pelos livros didáticos. Na análise da experiência, evidenciamos que os alunos parecem ter tomado consciência das limitações da apreensão perceptiva, passando a realizar a interpretação discursiva da figura, o que provocou uma evolução de provas pragmáticas para provas conceituais, segundo Balacheff. Com relação às funções da demonstração, os alunos passaram a realizá-las não apenas com a função de validação, mas também com a função de explicação, sistematização e comunicação, segundo De Villiers. Em suma, concluímos que tarefas que articularam provas e demonstrações se mostraram férteis para que os alunos pudessem vivenciar as fases da teoria das situações didáticas, de Brousseau; efetuar conversões de registros representação semiótica e tratamentos; e coordenar as apreensões da figura, contribuindo assim para a (re)construção dos saberes/conhecimentos relativos a quadriláteros, prova e demonstração

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