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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Perpetrators & Possibilities: Holocaust Diaries, Resistance, and the Crisis of Imagination

Tahvonen, Eryk Emil 03 August 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the way genocide leaves marks in the writings of targeted people. It posits not only that these marks exist, but also that they indicate a type of psychological resistance. By focusing on the ways Holocaust diarists depicted Nazi perpetrators, and by concentrating on the ways language was used to distance the victim from the perpetrator, it is possible to see how Jewish diarists were engaged in alternate and subtle, but nevertheless important, forms of resistance to genocide. The thesis suggest this resistance on the part of victims is similar in many ways to well-known distancing mechanisms employed by perpetrators and that this evidence points to a “crisis of imagination” – for victims and perpetrators alike – in which the capability to envision negation and death, and to identify with the “Other” is detrimental to self-preservation.

Skapande och Förgänglighet : Resultatet av ett utforskande av arbetsmiljörisker, och psykologiska försvarsmekanismer i relation till en konstnärlig skapandeprocess. / Creativity and impermanence : The result of an exploration of work environment risks, and psychological defense mechanisms in relation to an artistic creation process.

Widegren, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
Vilken arbetsmiljö möter vi som konstnärer? Vad får våra kroppar hantera? I mitt konstnärliga utforskande har jag intresserat mig för de risker vi utsätter oss för i vår arbetsmiljö på Konstfack. Vardagen i verkstäderna för med sig många exempel på de utmaningar våra kroppar ställs inför.  Vi testar gärna nya tekniker, nya material, plaster och kemikalier med främmande egenskaper att förhålla sig till. Kroppen, materialet och arbetsmiljön har varit centralt närvarande i min process, men kanske framför allt frågan om varför vi så gärna bortser från de risker vi utsätter oss för. Hur hanterar vi vetskapen om hoten på ett psykologiskt plan?  Genom skulptur, hantverkstekniker och materialval har jag undersökt det luftburna hotet, ett ämne som lämnar utrymme för subjektivitet. Det är idén av ett hot, något abstrakt och osynligt, ibland förnimbart, ibland inte. Vad vi väljer att tro på kan i vissa fall ha större effekt än den faktiska materiella inverkan på våra kroppar. Något som länge ansetts vara helande kan plötsligt ses som skadligt – en dualitet som jag gett uttryck för i min gestaltning. Den mångbottnade upplevelsen av dessa hot har en förmåga att påverka varje del av våra liv. För att ge en upplevelse av kontroll och avdramatisera kroppens sårbarhet skapar vi undermedvetet nya beteendemönster, eller förändrar hela vår verklighetsuppfattning. Men vad händer om vi förlikar oss med det som rör sig i det undermedvetna? Kan vi internalisera vetskapen om kroppens sårbarhet? / What work environment do we encounter as artists? What can our bodies handle? In my artistic exploration, I have taken an interest in the risks we expose ourselves to in our work environment at Konstfack. Everyday life in the workshops brings many examples of the challenges our bodies face. We like to test new technologies, new materials, plastics, and chemicals with strange new properties to deal with. The body, the material, and the work environment have been central in my process, but perhaps above all the question of why we are so happy to ignore the risks we expose ourselves to. How do we deal with the knowledge of these threats on a psychological level? Through sculptural techniques and choice of materials, I have explored the airborne threat, a subject that leaves room for subjectivity. It is the idea of a threat, something abstract and invisible, sometimes tangible, sometimes not. What we choose to believe in can in some cases have a more significant effect than the actual material impact on our bodies. Something that has long been considered healing can suddenly be seen as harmful – a duality that I have expressed in my artistic exploration. The multifaceted experience of these threats has the ability to affect every part of our lives. To give an experience of control, and downplay the subconscious presence of the body's vulnerability we create new behavior patterns or change our entire perception of reality. But what happens if we come to terms with what moves in the subconscious? Can we internalize the knowledge of the body's vulnerability?

Исследование совладающего поведения у молодежи с депрессивными состояниями и без них : магистерская диссертация / Study of coping behavior in youth with and without depressive conditions

Чернышева, В. А., Chernysheva, V. A. January 2024 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация выполнена на 106 страницах, состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы из 60 наименований, содержит 6 рисунков, 15 таблиц, имеет 8 приложений. Объект исследования: совладающее поведение. Предмет исследования: компоненты совладающего поведения (копинг-стратегии, механизмы психологической защиты, проактивное совладающее поведение, антиципационная состоятельность) у молодежи с депрессивными состояниями и без них. Актуальность изучения проблемы совладающего поведения подтверждается возросшей потребностью в самоопределении, самоактуализации и построении планов на будущее у современного человека. В этом отношении научный интерес представляют те люди, для кого свойственны депрессивные состояния, поскольку при проживании жизненных трудностей они более подвержены их деструктивному влиянию. В работе совладающее поведение рассматривается как психологическое явление, включающее копинг-стратегии, психологические защиты, антиципационную состоятельность личности – рассмотрению этих феноменов посвящен первый раздел. С целью исследования совладающего поведения у молодежи с депрессивными состояниями и без них было привлечено 60 человек (8 мужчин и 52 женщины) в возрасте от 21 до 35 лет (средний возраст – 28 лет). По результатам психологической диагностики проводился описательный и сравнительный анализ полученных результатов. У молодежи с депрессивными состояниями более выражены стратегии дистанцирования, принятия ответственности, бегства-избегания, а также такие психологические защиты, как регрессия, компенсация, проекция. Личностно-ситуативная и общая антиципационная состоятельность более характерна для молодых людей с умеренно выраженными депрессивными симптомами. В целом, исследование показало, что молодежь с депрессивными состояниями чаще, чем молодые люди, у которых данные проявления отсутствуют, использует дезадаптивные стратегии совладающего поведения. / The master’s thesis is made on 106 pages, consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references from 60 titles, contains 6 figures, 15 tables, has 8 appendices. The object of research: coping behavior. Subject of research: components of coping behavior (coping strategies, psychological defense mechanisms, proactive coping behavior, anticipatory competence) in young people with and without depressive conditions. The relevance of studying the problem of coping behavior is confirmed by the increased need for self-determination, self-actualization and making plans for the future in modern people. In this regard, those who are characterized by depressive states are of scientific interest, since when living through life’s difficulties they are more susceptible to their destructive influence. In the work, coping behavior is considered as a psychological phenomenon, including coping strategies, psychological defenses, and the anticipatory competence of the individual – discussed in the first section. In order to study coping behavior in young people with and without depressive conditions, 60 people (8 men and 52 women) aged from 21 to 35 years (average age – 28 years) were recruited. Based on the results of psychological diagnostics, a descriptive and comparative analysis of the results was carried out. Young people with depressive conditions have more pronounced strategies of distancing, taking responsibility, flight-avoidance, as well as such psychological defenses as regression, compensation, projection. Personal-situational and general anticipatory competence is more typical for young people with moderately severe depressive symptoms. The study showed that young people with depression are more likely to use maladaptive coping strategies.

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