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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Naturalized Customer : Can citizenry engagement be designed? / Naturalized Customer : Can citizenry engagement be designed?

Löfgren, Théo January 2023 (has links)
The Citizenlab is an innovative and dynamic project that aims to empower citizens and foster their active engagement in the democratic process. By creating a modular and welcoming space, the Citizenlab provides a platform for participants to reflect on their role as citizens and explore alternative perspectives on societal issues. The following provides an overview of the essential elements and objectives of the Citizenlab, emphasizing its distinctive approach in promoting citizen participation and fostering critical thinking. The Citizenlab utilizes interactive workshops as a central component, where participants are invited to engage in stimulating discussions and collaborative activities. These workshops are carefully designed to promote an inclusive and participatory environment, allowing individuals from diverse backgrounds to share their ideas and experiences. By incorporating thought-provoking “provotypes,” the Citizenlab encourages participants to challenge prevailing assumptions and envision alternative solutions to complex problems. Ultimately, the Citizenlab aspires to create a more informed, engaged, and empowered society. By promoting critical thinking, community engagement, and active citizenship, the project seeks to inspire individuals to take an active role in shaping their communities and influencing policy decisions. The potential impact of the Citizenlab extends beyond the immediate workshop setting, envisioning a ripple effect that transforms societal attitudes and practices towards a more democratic and participatory future. Through its innovative approach, the Citizenlab holds the potential to redefine the relationship between citizens and public institutions, paving the way for a more inclusive and collaborative society.

Beamtenüberleitung anläßlich der Privatisierung von öffentlichen Unternehmen

Schönrock, Sabrina 15 February 2000 (has links)
Mit der Privatisierung von öffentlichen Unternehmen ist die Frage verknüpft, ob und auf welche Weise die bisher bei den öffentlichen Unternehmen beschäftigten Beamten bei den privatisierten Unternehmen zu beschäftigen sind, und welche Rechtsfolgen sich für die bei privaten Unternehmen beschäftigten Beamten aus dieser "Zwischenstellung" zwischen öffentlichem Dienstrecht und privatem Arbeitsrecht ergeben. Da bei der Privatisierung öffentlicher Einrichtungen in der Regel der bisherige von dem Beamten besetzte Dienstposten verloren geht, ist eine dauernde Zuweisung des Beamten an die privatisierte Einrichtung unerläßlich. Im Fall der formellen Privatisierung im kommunalen Bereich fehlt es - anders als bei den Privatisierungsprojekten "Post und Bahn" des Bundes - sowohl an einer verfassungsrechtlichen Grundlage, die einen Einsatz von Beamten im privatwirtschaftlichen Sektor gegenüber Art. 33 Abs. 4 und 5 GG verfassungsrechtlich absichert, als auch an einfachgesetzlichen Bestimmungen, die sich mit der Rechtslage der in den privatisierten Einrichtungen beschäftigten Beamten befassen. So ist der durch das Gesetz zur Reform des öffentlichen Dienstrechts vom 24.02.1997 eingefügte § 123a Abs. 2 BRRG eine Ermächtigungsnorm, die die Zuweisung der Beamten an eine privatisierte Einrichtung des öffentlichen Rechts auch ohne Zustimmung des betroffenen Beamten in Verbindung mit einer formellen Privatisierung ermöglicht. Die Rechtsverhältnisse zwischen Privatisierungsbeamten, öffentlichem Dienstherrn und privater Gesellschaft sind anders als im PostPersRG bzw. DBGrG nicht ausgestaltet worden. Trotz der Tätigkeit für eine private Gesellschaft bleibt für die bei der DBAG und bei den Nachfolgeunternehmen der Deutschen Bundespost wie auch für die gemäß § 123a Abs. 2 BRRG zugewiesenen Beamten der Beamtenstatus erhalten. Dies ergibt sich insbesondere aus der normierten "Wahrung der Rechtsstellung" in Art. 143a Abs. 3 Satz 3, Art. 143b Abs. 3 Satz 1 GG sowie den Ausführungsgesetzen und in § 123a Abs. 3 BRRG. Denn unter Wahrung der Rechtsstellung ist nicht lediglich der Beibehalt des Amtes im statusrechtlichen Sinn, sondern auch der Beibehalt der bereits erworbenen beamtenrechtlichen Position und der damit verbundenen Rechte und Pflichten zu verstehen. Insbesondere wird die Dienstherrenfähigkeit nicht auf die privatisierten Unternehmen übertragen. Eine Übertragung von Dienstherrenbefugnissen findet lediglich auf die DBAG und auf die Nachfolgeunternehmen der Deutschen Bundespost statt, nicht aber auf die privatisierten Einrichtungen der Kommunen. Damit wird die Anbindung des zugewiesenen Beamten an seinen öffentlichen Dienstherrn gestärkt und das Direktions- und Weisungsrecht gesichert. Der privaten Gesellschaft verbleibt lediglich eine sachbezogene Kontrolle der Arbeitsergebnisse. Der beamtenrechtliche Pflichtenkanon wie auch das Disziplinarrecht bleiben für die privatisierten Beamten anwendbar. Auch für den beschäftigungsbezogenen Bereich ist eine Anwendung des Arbeitsrechts ausgeschlossen. Ein Streikrecht steht weder den privatisierten Beamten im Bund noch den zugewiesenen Beamten in den Kommunen zu. Für die Interessenvertretung finden sich für die Post- und Bahnbeamten unterschiedliche Regelungen. Einheitlich besteht jedoch für die Wahl zum Betriebsrat eine gesetzliche Arbeitnehmerfiktion. Da eine solche Regelung für die nach § 123a Abs. 2 BRRG zugewiesenen Beamten nicht vorgesehen, und die normierte Arbeitnehmerfiktion auch nicht analog auf die gemäß §123a Abs. 2 BRRG zugewiesenen Beamten anwendbar ist, verbleibt es sowohl in statusrechtlichen als auch in betrieblichen Angelegenheiten bei der Zuständigkeit des Personalrats der Entsendebehörde bzw. bei deren Auflösung des Personalrats derjenigen Personalbehörde, die den Beamten planstellenmäßig führt. / During the last years several former public institutions have been taken into private ownership. In this context, the privatisation of the Deutsche Bundespost and the Deutsche Bundesbahn were the initial projects of outsourcing in Germany. However, the transfer of the civil servants to a private employment is still a major issue of discussion. In order to avoid any conflict with the Article 33 GG the German Constitution has been changed prior to the privatisation of the Deutsche Bundespost and the Deutsche Bundesbahn. In addition, with the amendment of the civil service law in 1997, a new paragraph 123a Abs. 2 BRRG was introduced, allowing the transfer of civil servants to private companies even against their will under the condition that the government is sharing the majority of the private company. Despite this amendment, the consequences of such a transfer of a civil servant to a private employment are not precised by law, except some complicate and misunderstandable arrangements for post and railway officials (PostPersRG and DBGrG). Therefore, this study aimed to investigate whether public civil service law or civil industrial law is applicable for these civil servants. In conclusion, civil service law is applicable for civil servants in a private company as well as for regular civil servants. That includes the application of all rights and duties in relation to the civil service, especially disciplinary proceedings, the prohibition of strike, the responsibility of the public employer and the competence of the staff council for civil servants.

L'Etat en Basse-Normandie : étude d'une déconcentration / The State in Basse-Normandie : study of a deconcentration

Demontrond, Nicolas 27 November 2018 (has links)
L’Administration déconcentrée de l’État en France est en charge de l’application des décisions centrales à l’échelon local. Ce schéma fut bouleversé par la tempête que provoqua l’Acte I de la décentralisation en 1982. La France devint un État unitaire décentralisé. Les services déconcentrés en furent les premiers affectés (par la perte de pouvoirs, d’autorité,…). Ils durent alors s’adapter à la nouvelle configuration locale pour continuer d’assurer leurs missions. La présente thèse se propose d’étudier comment ces administrations déconcentrées se sont réorganisées depuis 1982 ; quelles sont les réformes qui ont été entreprises ou non ; et pour quelles raisons ? Afin d’analyser dans les faits le déroulement de ces opérations, j’examinerai un cas particulier de Province : celui de la région Basse-Normandie. Ainsi, à partir d’un cas concret, il sera vu comment l’État continue d’assurer sa présence au niveau local. / The deconcentrated administration in France is in charge of the application to the territory of national decisions. The 1982 decentralization upsets this schema. The territorial collectivities took a lot of power and authority to the deconcentrated State services. These latters had to change themselves to continue to ensure their missions. This doctoral thesis explains these transformations from a concrete example: the Basse-Normandie region. It shows how the French State continues to ensure his presence in his territories over the different reforms.

Founders and Funders: Institutional Expansion and the Emergence of the American Cultural Capital, 1840-1940

Paley, Valerie January 2011 (has links)
The pattern of American institution building through private funding began in metropolises of all sizes soon after the nation's founding. But by 1840, Manhattan's geographical location and great natural harbor had made it America's preeminent commercial and communications center and the undisputed capital of finance. Thus, as the largest and richest city in the United States, unsurprisingly, some of the most ambitious cultural institutions would rise there, and would lead the way in the creation of a distinctly American model of high culture. This dissertation describes New York City's cultural transformation between 1840 and 1940, and focuses on three of its enduring monuments, the New York Public Library, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Metropolitan Opera. It seeks to demonstrate how trustees and financial supporters drove the foundational ideas, day-to-day operations, and self-conceptions of the organizations, even as their institutional agendas enhanced and galvanized the inherently boosterish spirit of the Empire City. Many board members were animated by the dual impulses of charity and obligation, and by their own lofty edifying ambitions for their philanthropies, their metropolis, and their country. Others also combined their cultural interests with more vain desires for social status. Although cohesive, often overlapping social groups founded and led most elite institutions, important moments of change in leadership in the twentieth century often were precipitated by the breakdown of a social order once restricted to Protestant white males. By the 1920s and 1930s, the old culture of exclusion--of Jews, of women, of ethnic minorities in general--was no longer an accepted assumption, nor was it necessarily good business. In general, institutions that embraced the notion of diversity and adapted to forces of historical change tended to thrive. Those that held fast to the paradigms of the past did not. Typically, when we consider the history and development of such major institutions, the focus often has been on the personalities and plans of the paid directors and curatorial programs. This study, however, redirects some of the attention towards those who created the institutions and hired and fired the leaders. While a common view is that membership on a board was coveted for social status, many persons who led these efforts had little abiding interest in Manhattan's social scene. Rather, they demanded more of their boards and expected their fellow-trustees to participate in more ways than financially. As the twentieth century beckoned, rising diversity in the population mirrored the emerging multiplicity in thought and culture; boards of trustees were hardly exempt from this progression. This dissertation also examines the subtle interplay of the multi-valenced definition of "public" along with the contrasting notion of "private." In the early 1800s, a public institution was not typically government funded, and more often functioned independent of the state, supported by private individuals. "Public," instead, meant for the people. Long before the income tax and charitable deductions for donations, there was a full range of voluntary organizations supported by private contributions in the United States. This dissertation argues that in a privatist spirit, New York elites seized a leadership role, both individually and collectively, to become cultural arbiters for the city and the nation.

Den segregerade tilliten : - en studie om ungdomars tillit till offentliga institutioner i Stockholmsförorten Tensta / The segregated trust : - a study of youth`s trust towards public institutions in a Stockholm suburb

Musovic, Mia, Välikoski, Magda January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Den segregerade tilliten : - en studie om ungdomars tillit till offentliga institutioner i Stockholmsförorten Tensta / The segregated trust : - a study of youth`s trust towards public institutions in a Stockholm suburb

Musovic, Mia, Välikoski, Magda January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Repositórios de recursos educacionais livres : desafios para implantação em instituições públicas de ensino superior (IPES) a partir da perspectiva de professores conteudistas em EaD / Repositoriesof free educational resources: challenges of deployment in public institutions of higher education (PIHE) through the perspective of e-learning teachers responsible for prepare educational content

Nysia Oliveira de Sá 21 November 2013 (has links)
A arquitetura distributiva da Internet amplia as possibilidades de produção e transmissão de recursos educacionais livres (REL). Assim, a pesquisa focaliza a implantação de repositórios de recursos educacionais livres (RREL) em instituições públicas de ensino superior, de maneira a garantir a integridade, a qualidade e a disponibilidade desses recursos no ciberespaço. Nesta perspectiva, identificam-se os fatores intervenientes para consecução desse objetivo, a partir da perspectiva de professores conteudistas na modalidade EaD. Para tanto, adota-se a pesquisa qualitativa e como técnica de coleta de dados, a entrevista. Com base no conjunto de respostas dos professores investigados, a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo, são elaboradas recomendações para implantação e expansão de RREL no ensino superior. Os resultados apontam que na dimensão governamental se deve:a) incentivar a adoção de licenças abertas para a elaboração de REL, b) fomentar investimentos públicos para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas nessa área c) alocar recursos financeiros de forma constante e crescente na implantação de infraestrutura tecnológica de ponta em nível nacional; na dimensão institucional é necessário: a)promover amplo debate,de modo a elaborar diretrizes para formulação de política com o objetivo de implantar RREL e b) desenvolver programas de incentivos e benefícios para progressão acadêmica do docente; na dimensão informacional a) incentivar o trabalho colaborativo com a constituição de equipe multidisciplinar e b) estimular a participação das bibliotecas universitárias na gestão dos conteúdos. Busca-se, assim, expandir os RREL de maneira compartilhada com vistas à inovação e ao aprimoramento da educação superior no país / The distributive architecture of Internet expands the possibilities for production and transmission of open educational resources (OER). Thusthe research focuses on the deployment of open content repositories (OCR) in public institutions of higher education in order toensure the integrity, quality and availability of these resources in cyberspace. In this perspective are identifiedthe intervenient factors which contribute to achieve that goal, from the approach of teachers who prepare educational content in distance learning mode. Therefore, we adopt a qualitative research and the interview, as data collection. Based on the set of responses from teachers, analyzed using the technique of content analysis,are prepared recommendations for implementation and expansion OCR in higher education. From the scope of government the results show following needs: a) to encourage the adoption of open licenses for the development of OER, b) to promote public investments for the development of research in this area and c) to invest in deploying computing infrastructure and adequate network at national level. ; on institutional dimension we pointed out: a)to promote broad discussion in order to develop guidelines for policy formulation to implementation of OCR and b) to develop incentive programs and benefits for teaching academic progression and on informational dimension we observed: a) to stimulate collaborative work with the establishment of a multidisciplinary team and b) to include universities libraries in content management .Thus the aim is to expand RREL in a shared view in order to innovate and improve the higher education in the country

Gestão de portfólio de projetos tecnológicos : o caso das instituições brasileiras públicas de pesquisa

Pinheiro, Rafael Sanaiotte 22 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Periotto (carol@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-26T18:34:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseRSP.pdf: 1976223 bytes, checksum: 6922d33bbe99be737758a8ea8e8d2f93 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T20:12:42Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseRSP.pdf: 1976223 bytes, checksum: 6922d33bbe99be737758a8ea8e8d2f93 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T20:12:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseRSP.pdf: 1976223 bytes, checksum: 6922d33bbe99be737758a8ea8e8d2f93 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-27T20:12:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseRSP.pdf: 1976223 bytes, checksum: 6922d33bbe99be737758a8ea8e8d2f93 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-22 / Não recebi financiamento / Institutions are still looking for effective and efficient practices of their portfolio project management (PPM). Similarly, public research laboratories (PRL) are also pursuing this practice. However, these have organizational and institutional factors that differentiate them from private companies. In this way, through a literature review and case studies, developed a theoretical framework to identify and represent the organizational and institutional influence factors in practices and processes of PPM inside Brazilian public research institutions. Based on the five cases realized (a University, an institution with ties to state-owned company and three research institutions linked to Brazilian Government ministries) was able to evaluate the five factors: organizational aspects, institutional environment, identification, selection and priorization of opportunities, administration of resources and development of partnerships. It could be listed as findings of this thesis: the low adoption of PPM practices in national research institutions, the influence of public policy in the development of research activities of these institutions, and the need for a better development of managerial practices of administrative activities. Only two institutions studied have structured procedures to select, prioritize, track and monitor their projects portfolios. / Muitas instituições ainda buscam práticas eficazes e eficientes para o gerenciamento de seus portfólios de projetos. Essa busca não é diferente para os laboratórios públicos de pesquisa. Porém estes apresentam características institucionais e organizacionais que os diferenciam das empresas privadas. Neste intuito esta tese, por meio de uma revisão da literatura e estudo de casos, desenvolveu um quadro teórico para identificar os fatores que influenciam na adoção de práticas de gestão de portfólio de projetos nas instituições brasileiras públicas de pesquisa. Com base nos cinco casos realizados (uma universidade, uma instituição com vínculo a empresa estatal e três instituições de pesquisa vinculadas a ministérios do governo brasileiro) foi possível analisar os cinco fatores: Aspectos Organizacionais, Ambiente Institucional, Identificação, Seleção e Priorização de Oportunidades, Administração dos Recursos e Desenvolvimento de Parcerias. Podem ser listados como constatações do trabalho: a pouca adoção de práticas de gestão de portfólio de projetos nas instituições de pesquisa nacionais, a influência de políticas públicas no desenvolvimento das atividades de pesquisas destas instituições e a necessidade de um melhor desenvolvimento de práticas gerenciais administrativas das atividades realizadas. Apenas duas instituições estudadas possuem procedimentos estruturados para selecionar, priorizar, controlar e monitorar seus portfólios de projetos.

Plano para estruturação de escritório de gestão por processos em IPES / Plan for structuring a management by processes office in PIHE

Paim, Carla Vitor 21 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-26T13:28:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 texto completo.pdf: 2274693 bytes, checksum: 13f42f33c6fb868f1b7005c826a73086 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-21 / The Public Institutions of Higher Education (PIHE) have a management system that would typically meet functional demands. Inserted at this juncture, there is the area of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC). However, in most cases the units responsible for the activities in this area have not been able to perform / function / structure adequately to meet time requirements, scope and pre-defined costs. This shows the necessity of work and that there are opportunities to improve the management system of the PIHE, specifically the AEC sector. From this perspective, the aim of this study was to develop a plan for Structuring an Office of AEC processes, suitable for the PIHE, having as guiding elements the systemic action and the reach of higher levels of maturity. For this, the used methodology consisted of studies and analyzes of situations identified in different bases, among which access to journals and databases of institutional works of academic origin, such as these, dissertations and reports. The assimilation of this body of knowledge and understanding of how to act practiced by the AEC in some PIHE allowed to perform new interpretations for possible realignments of AEC area in terms of process management. Through these studies, the outcome of this work was the assembly of a plan for structuring an office of process management AEC, here called Alfa Project. The Alpha Project provides the necessary steps for the purposes of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of the Y Office - Office of Business Process Management - AEC in one PIHE. Moreover, an exemplification was performed of how a Y Office could work at an educational institution, showing up their products and tools. From the development of the the present study, it was concluded that deploy an office of Office Y's nature is a task that must be planned from the first meeting of its deploying decisions to its first steps as an active office. Although that in the PIHE today it may not be a simple and quick task, the positive and promisingxvi facts is that all PIHE owns structural conditions and favorable environments for the deployment of a Y Office, which depend on firm decision of senior management and determined action (institutional competence, planning and commitment) in setting and driving of the Alfa Project. / As Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior (IPES) apresentam um sistema de gestão que deve atender tipicamente a demandas funcionais. Inserida nessa conjuntura, tem-se a área de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção (AEC). A essa área cabe desenvolver ou lidar com processos e projetos que se referem a assuntos de arquitetura e engenharia. Entretanto, na maioria dos casos as unidades responsáveis pelas atividades dessa área não têm conseguido operacionalizar/funcionar/estruturar adequadamente para atender requisitos de tempo, escopo e custos pré-definidos. Isso mostra a necessidade de esforços e que há oportunidades para melhorar o sistema de gestão das IPES, especificamente do setor de AEC.Sob essa perspectiva, o objetivo desse trabalho foi desenvolver um Plano para Estruturação de um Escritório de Processos de AEC, adequado a IPES, tendo como elementos norteadores a ação sistêmica e o alcance de melhores níveis de maturidade. Para isso, a metodologia utilizada consistiu em estudos e análises de situações existentes, identificados em diferentes bases, dentre as quais periódicos e acesso a bancos institucionais de trabalhos de origem acadêmica, como teses, dissertações e relatórios. A assimilação desse conjunto de conhecimentos e a compreensão da forma de atuar praticada pela área de AEC em algumas IPES permitiram realizar novas leituras para possíveis realinhamentos da área de AEC em termos de gestão de processos. Através desses estudos, o resultado deste trabalho foi amontagem deum plano para estruturação de escritórios de gestão por processos de AEC, aqui denominado Projeto Alfa. O Projeto Alfa fornece os passos necessários para fins de planejamento, implantação, monitoração e controle do Escritório Y Escritório de Gestão por Processos de AEC numa IPES. Além disso, foi realizada uma exemplificação de como um Escritório Y poderia funcionarnuma instituição de ensino, mostrando-se seus produtos e ferramentas. Do desenvolvido noxiv presente trabalho, concluiu-se que implantar um escritório da natureza do Escritório Y é uma tarefa que deve ser planejada desde a primeira reunião de decisão de sua implantação até os seus primeiros passos como escritório em atividade. Ainda que nas IPES hoje possa não ser uma tarefa simples e rápida, o fato positivo e promissor é que toda IPES é detentora de condições estruturais e ambientes favoráveis para a implantação de um Escritório Y, o qual dependerá de firme decisão da Alta Administração e ação determinada (competência institucional, planejamento e empenho) na configuração e condução do Projeto Alfa.

Repositórios de recursos educacionais livres : desafios para implantação em instituições públicas de ensino superior (IPES) a partir da perspectiva de professores conteudistas em EaD / Repositoriesof free educational resources: challenges of deployment in public institutions of higher education (PIHE) through the perspective of e-learning teachers responsible for prepare educational content

Nysia Oliveira de Sá 21 November 2013 (has links)
A arquitetura distributiva da Internet amplia as possibilidades de produção e transmissão de recursos educacionais livres (REL). Assim, a pesquisa focaliza a implantação de repositórios de recursos educacionais livres (RREL) em instituições públicas de ensino superior, de maneira a garantir a integridade, a qualidade e a disponibilidade desses recursos no ciberespaço. Nesta perspectiva, identificam-se os fatores intervenientes para consecução desse objetivo, a partir da perspectiva de professores conteudistas na modalidade EaD. Para tanto, adota-se a pesquisa qualitativa e como técnica de coleta de dados, a entrevista. Com base no conjunto de respostas dos professores investigados, a partir da técnica de análise de conteúdo, são elaboradas recomendações para implantação e expansão de RREL no ensino superior. Os resultados apontam que na dimensão governamental se deve:a) incentivar a adoção de licenças abertas para a elaboração de REL, b) fomentar investimentos públicos para o desenvolvimento de pesquisas nessa área c) alocar recursos financeiros de forma constante e crescente na implantação de infraestrutura tecnológica de ponta em nível nacional; na dimensão institucional é necessário: a)promover amplo debate,de modo a elaborar diretrizes para formulação de política com o objetivo de implantar RREL e b) desenvolver programas de incentivos e benefícios para progressão acadêmica do docente; na dimensão informacional a) incentivar o trabalho colaborativo com a constituição de equipe multidisciplinar e b) estimular a participação das bibliotecas universitárias na gestão dos conteúdos. Busca-se, assim, expandir os RREL de maneira compartilhada com vistas à inovação e ao aprimoramento da educação superior no país / The distributive architecture of Internet expands the possibilities for production and transmission of open educational resources (OER). Thusthe research focuses on the deployment of open content repositories (OCR) in public institutions of higher education in order toensure the integrity, quality and availability of these resources in cyberspace. In this perspective are identifiedthe intervenient factors which contribute to achieve that goal, from the approach of teachers who prepare educational content in distance learning mode. Therefore, we adopt a qualitative research and the interview, as data collection. Based on the set of responses from teachers, analyzed using the technique of content analysis,are prepared recommendations for implementation and expansion OCR in higher education. From the scope of government the results show following needs: a) to encourage the adoption of open licenses for the development of OER, b) to promote public investments for the development of research in this area and c) to invest in deploying computing infrastructure and adequate network at national level. ; on institutional dimension we pointed out: a)to promote broad discussion in order to develop guidelines for policy formulation to implementation of OCR and b) to develop incentive programs and benefits for teaching academic progression and on informational dimension we observed: a) to stimulate collaborative work with the establishment of a multidisciplinary team and b) to include universities libraries in content management .Thus the aim is to expand RREL in a shared view in order to innovate and improve the higher education in the country

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