Spelling suggestions: "subject:"packaging"" "subject:"ackaging""
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Investigation of the Environmental Effect of Unit Load Design Optimization Using Physical Interaction Between Pallets and Corrugated BoxesKim, Saewhan 12 August 2022 (has links)
Packaging sustainability has become one of the most notable issues of this era. Many researchers have endeavored to characterize or compare the environmental burdens of a single level of packaging, such as primary, secondary, or tertiary packaging. However, goods are often handled, stored, and transported through the supply chain system in unit load form consisting of pallets, corrugated boxes, and load stabilizers. Hence, it is important to holistically understand the environmental impact of not only individual packaging levels, but also the unit load form. We can use the interactions between the unit load components to reduce the environmental burdens generated in the supply chain system.
Past studies discovered that pallet top deck thickness has a huge effect on corrugated box compression strength. Using this knowledge, researchers were able to optimize the cost of unit loads by increasing pallet top deck thickness and reducing the board grade of corrugated boxes. This study (1) further discovered how different unit load design factors, such as initial top deck thickness, pallet wood species, box size, and board grade, affect the performance of the previously proposed unit load design optimization method, and (2) we investigated if the unit load optimization method could also enhance unit load sustainability.
The study's first phase identified that the benefits of increasing top deck thickness were more pronounced as the initial top deck thickness decreased, higher board grade boxes were initially utilized, and smaller-sized boxes were used. The second phase of this study showed that increasing top deck thickness and reducing the board grade of corrugated boxes could offset environmental impacts by as much as 23%. Environmental benefits were mostly achieved by reducing the amount of relatively more-processed materials in the corrugated boards. This phase also provided preliminary unit load conditions as guidance for unit load professionals to estimate the possibility of optimizing their unit load design in an environmentally beneficial way. / Master of Science / Sustainability-minded individuals, industries, and policymakers recently recognized the environmental burdens associated with packaging as a critical concern to society. Many initiatives and studies have been conducted to prevent and reduce the environmental impacts of individual packaging systems, such as corrugated boxes, plastic bottles, and pallets. However, not many efforts have been made to enhance the environmental performance of a whole unit load, which is the most common distribution packaging form used to transport and store goods. It is essential to understand the physical interactions between unit load components, such as corrugated boxes and pallets, in order to improve a unit load's environmental performance effectively.
The unit load optimization concept introduced in the past study, which showed that increasing top deck thickness can reduce the needed board grade of corrugated boxes, was further investigated and utilized in this study to offset the environmental burdens of a unit load by substituting different materials used. To assess the environmental performance of that unit load design optimization method, this study first endeavored to understand further how various unit load design factors could affect the result of unit load optimization, and second, we analyzed many different scenarios using a life cycle analysis method.
The study found that the unit load design method that uses deck board thickness to change the amount of corrugated board needed had more potential for lighter pallets with thinner deck boards carrying heavier loads. The results also showed that increasing top deck board thickness and reducing the board grade of the corrugated board could improve the environmental performance of a unit load when the corrugated material is sufficiently substituted with a reasonable amount of pallet material.
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Framtidens förpackningsdesign i skönhetsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om vilken påverkan förpackningsdesign och påfyllningsbara produkter har på konsumenters vilja att köpa, och köpa om en produkt inom skönhetsindustrin.Johansson, Linnea, Johansson, Sofie, Sefastsson, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker vilken påverkan förpackningsdesign har inom skönhetsindustrin men även hur hållbara förpackningsalternativ, med fokus på påfyllningsbara produkter, påverkar återköp. Genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där semistrukturerade intervjuer användes för att samla in data, visar resultatet att förpackningsdesignen identifieras som en avgörande faktor för sensorisk njutning och produktupplevelse. Färg, form och materialval spelar en betydande roll i köpbeslut, där färg och material har större inverkan än formen. Vissa färger associeras med lyx och kvalitet, medan material som glas upplevs som högre kvalitet och mer miljövänligt jämfört med plast. Förpackningens funktion är också avgörande, där välfungerande och skyddande förpackningar stärker konsumenternas förtroende. Hållbarhetsfaktorer är viktiga för konsumenterna, där miljövänliga material samt information om hållbarhet på förpackningen har en positiv inverkan. Påfyllningsbara förpackningar lockar konsumenter och kan förbättra varumärkesimagen samt ge ekonomiska fördelar för både konsumenter och producenter. Vidare har påfyllningsbara produkter potential att öka återköpen genom att erbjuda ekonomiska fördelar och möta efterfrågan på miljövänliga alternativ. Konsumenterna sparar pengar genom att köpa påfyllningar istället för nya förpackningar, vilket ökar sannolikheten för återköp. Första intrycket av en produkt påverkar initiala köpbeslut, medan produktens kvalitet och funktion är avgörande för återköp. Företag som investerar i hållbara förpackningslösningar och upprätthåller hög produktkvalitet kan därmed bygga starka kundrelationer och öka kundlojaliteten på lång sikt. / This study investigates the impact of packaging design within the beauty industry, as well as how sustainable packaging options, with a focus on refillable products, influence repurchase behaviour. Through a qualitative research method, where semi-structured interviews were conducted to collect data, the results show that packaging design is identified as a crucial factor for sensory enjoyment and product experience. Colour, shape, and material choices play a significant role in purchasing decisions, with colour and material having a greater impact than shape. Certain colours are associated with luxury and quality, while materials like glass are perceived as higher quality and more environmentally friendly compared to plastic.The functionality of the packaging is critical, with well-functioning and protective packaging enhancing consumer trust. Sustainability factors are important to consumers, and eco-friendly materials as well as information about sustainability on the packaging have a positive impact. Refillable packaging attracts consumers and can improve brand image as well as provide economic benefits for both consumers and producers. Refillable products have the potential to increase repurchase by offering economic advantages and meeting the demand for eco-friendly alternatives. Consumers save money by buying refills instead of new packages, which increases the likelihood of repurchase. The first impression of a product influences initial purchase decisions, while product quality and functionality are crucial for repurchase. Companies that invest in sustainable packaging solutions and maintain high product quality can build strong customer relationships and increase customer loyalty in the long term.
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Investigation of a Consumer's Purchase Intention and Behavior towards Environmentally Friendly Grocery PackagingOliver, Mikah Omari 08 1900 (has links)
This study adapted the theory of planned behavior to investigate the relationship between purchase intention and purchasing behavior toward environmentally-friendly grocery packaging. This quantitative study collected 487 useable responses on the Amazon Mturk platform targeting a population of US consumers over 18 years old who purchase groceries. Using the collected data, a correlation and regression analysis was conducted. The socio-demographic variables were used as moderators to investigate the relationship between purchasing intention and actual behavior. The study's results suggest that a consumer's subjective norms substantially stimulate environmentally friendly grocery packaging purchase intentions, which further has or leads to the most decisive influence on actual behavior. Second, we discovered that purchase intention and perceived behavioral control are likely working in conjunction to help bridge the intention-behavior gap in environmentally friendly consumption. Third, this study supplied a fresh perspective on socio-demographics' role in environmentally friendly consumption, confirming that predominantly younger, unmarried consumers are likelier to act upon their intentions by purchasing environmentally friendly grocery packaging. Furthermore, conclusions from this study uncover the primary influences of consumer purchase intention and behavior towards environmentally-friendly grocery packaging. Lastly, but not less important, this study identifies the barriers to environmentally friendly consumption's intention and behavior gap. Results can also give government agencies and brands a clearer perspective to make consumers more knowledgeable on environmentally friendly packaging consumption.
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Intégration technologique alternative pour l'élaboration de modules électroniques de puissance / Advanced technological integration for power electronics modulesLetowski, Bastien 25 November 2016 (has links)
Les performances, l’encombrement, l’efficacité et la fiabilité des dispositifs sont parmi les enjeux majeurs de l’électronique de puissance. Ils se traduisent sur la conception, la fabrication et le packaging des semiconducteurs. Aujourd’hui, le packaging 3D apporte des réponses concrètes à ces problématiques en regard de l’approche standard (2D). Malgré les excellentes propriétés de ces modules 3D au niveau de la réduction de la signature CEM et du refroidissement, la réalisation, notamment les interconnexions, est complexe. Une approche globale prenant en compte un maximum de paramètres a été développée dans cette thèse. L’ensemble de ce travail s’appuie sur deux propositions que sont la conception couplée entre les composants et le packaging ainsi qu’une fabrication collective à l’échelle de la plaque des modules de puissance. Elles se combinent par la mise en place d’une filière d’étapes technologiques appuyée sur une boite à outils de procédés génériques. Cette approche est concrétisée par la réalisation d’un module de puissance 3D performant et robuste adressant des convertisseurs polyphasés avec des gains aussi bien sur les procédés de fabrication que le module lui-même ainsi que sur le système final.Ce travail offre une nouvelle vision alternative pour l’élaboration des modules électroniques de puissance. Il ouvre également des opportunités pour une fabrication et un packaging plus performants pour les nouveaux semiconducteurs grand gap. / Performances, efficiency and reliability are among the main issues in power electronics. Nowadays, 3D packaging solutions increase standard planar module (2D) performances, for instance EMC. However such integrations are based on complex manufacturing, especially concerning interconnections. Improvements require global and advanced solutions. This work depends on two proposed concepts: a coupled design of the power devices and their associated package and a collective wafer-level process fabrication. A technological offer is proposed based on an innovative power packaging toolbox. Our approach is materialized by the fabrication of a 3D polyphase power module which proved to be more efficient and reliable. The benefits are more precise process manufacturing, lower EMI generation and lower inductive interconnections.As a matter of fact, this work offers a new and advanced technological integration for future power electronics modules, perfectly suitable for the wide bandgap semiconductors.
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Uticaj ambalaže i savremenih uslova pakovanja na održivost tradicionalnih pekarskih proizvoda / Impact of Packaging Material and Contemporary Packaging Conditions on Traditional Bakery Products sustainabilityPsodorov Dragan 07 November 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet doktorske disertacije obuhvata izbor ambalažnog materijala i uslova pakovanja, pakovanje tradicionalnog pekarskog proizvoda pite sa sirom, kao i očuvanje proizvoda tokom skladištenja.<br />Polupečene pite sa sirom su proizvedene i pakovane u petoslojne i sedmoslojne polimerne kese, pri atmosferskim i u uslovima modifikovane atmosfere pakovanja, sa dodatkom i bez dodatka sakupljača kiseonika. Nakon pakovanja, pite su skladištene i ispitivane po sledećoj dinamici: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 i 16 nedelja skladištenja. Izvršena su ispitivanja ambalažnih materijala i ambalaže, kao i upakovanog proizvoda. Tokom ispitivanja ambalažnih materijala i ambalaže određivana su: fizičko-hemijska i strukturna svojstva ambalažnih materijala, barijerna svojstva ambalaže, koncentracija gasova u ambalaži i kvalitet formiranih varova. Ispitivanja upakovanog proizvoda su se odnosila na: fizičko-hemijska svojstva pite sa sirom, senzorska svojstva pite sa sirom i mikrobiološka ispitivanja pite sa sirom.<br />Primenjeni ambalažni materijali su pokazali odgovarajuća fizičko, mehanička i strukturna svojstva. Takođe, oba ambalažna materijala pokazuju dobre barijerne karakteristike na ispitivane gasove. Izračunavanjem ukupne zapremine kiseonika koja može biti propuštena kroz ambalažu tokom skladištenja je utvrđeno da je upotreba sakupljača kiseonika od 100 ml dovoljna da omogući skladištenje pite sa sirom, pakovane u obe vrste ambalaže, u vremenskom periodu od 122 dana (16 nedelja), bez promene koncentracije kiseonika veće od 1%. Analizom koncentracije gasova u ambalaži je utvrđeno da su najmanje oscilacije merenih gasova tokom skladištenja pokazali uzorci pakovani u petoslojne, kao i sedmoslojne kese, u atmosferi vazduha sa dodatkom sakupljača kiseonika. Fizičko-hemijska svojstva (kiselinski stepen, peroksidni broj, sadržaj vlage, aw vrednost) uzoraka pita sa sirom su se menjala tokom skladištenja, zavisno od vrste ambalaže i uslova pakovanja. Period skladištenja utiče na senzorski kvalitet proizvedenih pita sa sirom. Nakon 16 nedelja skladištenja pita sa sirom upakovanih usa sirom kese od petoslojnog i sedmoslojnog ambalažnog materijala, u atmosferskim uslovima, sa dodatkom sakupljača kiseonika, ne dolazi do promena ukupnog broja kvasaca i plesni.<br />Na osnovu ciljeva doktorske disertacije, izvršenih ispitivanja i postignutih rezultata, može se zaklučiti da su predloženi ambalažni materijali, kao i uslovi pakovanja doprineli produženju održivosti tradicionalnog pekarskog proizvoda - pite sa sirom.<br />Primenom barijernih ambalažnih materijala, kombinovanjem atmosferskih uslova pakovanja i sakupljača kiseonika, moguće je skladištiti pite sa sirom u dužem periodu.</p> / <p>The subject of doctoral thesis includes the selection of packaging material and packaging conditions, packaging of traditional bakery product phyllo dough pastry with cheese, as well as the preservation of the product during the storage period. Partially baked phyllo dough pastry with cheese have been produced and packed into five and seventh layer polymeric bags, by using atmospheric and modified atmospheric packaging conditions, with and without the addition of the oxygen scavengers. After the packaging, phyllo dough pastries have been stored, and the dynamics of researches has been referred to: 0, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 week of storing.<br />Researches of packaging material and the product of packaging have been conducted. Examination of packaging material includes: physicochemical and structural properties, barrier properties, concentration of gases inside the packaging and the quality of welds. Examination of the product of packaging includes: physicochemical properties, sensorial properties and microbiological properties of the phyllo dough with cheese.<br />Applied packaging materials have shown an adequate physical, mechanical and structural performances. Furthermore, both packaging materials have shown good barrier characteristics against examined gases. By the calculation of total oxygen volume, which might penetrate throughout packaging materials during storing period, it can be concluded that the application of 100 ml oxygen scavenger is sufficient to provide the storing of phyllo dough pastry, packed in both packaging materials, during a period of 122 days (16 weeks) without oxygen concentration changes higher than 1%. The analysis of gas concentration in packaging has shown that the smallest oscillations of gas concentration during the storage have been determined inside the packaging of five and seven layer packaging material, in air conditions by using oxygen scavengers.<br />Physicochemical performances (acid number, peroxide value, moisture content and aw value) of the samples vary depending on the packaging material and the packaging conditions, during the storage period. The storage period affects the sensorial quality of phyllo dough pastries. After sixteen weeks of storage, phyllo dough pastry with cheese, packed into five and seven layer packaging material, in air atmosphere, with the addition of oxygen scavenger, did not show the increase of the total number of yeasts and molds.<br />Based on the goals, conducted research and results obtained, it might be concluded that suggested packaging materials, as well as the packaging conditions contribute to the additional sustainability of traditional bakery product - phyllo dough pastry with cheese. By the application of barrier packaging material, and combining the atmosphere packaging conditions and the oxygen scavenger it is possible to store phyllo dough pastry for a longer period.</p>
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Methodology for predicting microelectronic substrate warpage incorporating copper trace pattern characteristicsMcCaslin, Luke 09 July 2008 (has links)
The current trend in electronics manufacturing is to decrease the size of electronic components while attempting to increase processing power and performance. This is leading to increased interest in thinner printed wiring boards and finer line widths and wire pitches. However, mismatches in the thermomechanical properties of materials used can lead to warpage, hindering these goals. Warpage can be problematic as it leads to misalignments during package assembly, reduced tolerances, and a variety of operational failures.
Current warpage prediction techniques utilize isotropic volume averaging to estimate effective material properties in layers of copper mixed with interlayer dielectric material. However, these estimates do not provide material properties with sufficient accuracy to predict warpage, as they contain no information about the orientation of the copper traces. This thesis describes the development of a new technique to predict the warpage of a particular substrate. The technique accounts for both the trace pattern planar density and planar orientation in determining effective orthotropic material properties for each layer of a multi-layer substrate. Starting with the trace pattern image, this technique first divides the trace pattern into several smaller areas for a given layer of the substrate and then uses image processing techniques to determine the copper percentage and average trace orientation in each small area. The copper percentage and average trace direction orientation are used in conjunction with the material properties of copper and the dielectric material to calculate the effective orthotropic material properties of each smaller area of the substrate.
A finite-element model is then created where each layer is represented as a concatenation of several small areas with independent directional properties, and such a model is then subjected to sequential thermal excursion as seen in the actual fabrication process. The results from the models have been compared against experimental data with a great degree of accuracy. The modeling technique and the results obtained clearly demonstrate the need for the proposed subdivisional orthotropic material property calculations, as opposed to homogeneous isotropic properties typically used for each layer in computational simulations, as these more accurate directional properties are capable of predicting warpage with higher accuracy.
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Uplatnění právní úpravy obalů a obalových odpadů v České republice / The efficiency of the Packaging Act in the Czech RepublicKhudhurová, Rita January 2014 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the Packaging Act representing the basic legislature, which was necessary to implement into the Czech legislature based on the European EU law. This Packaging Act no. 477/2001 is the first legal Act of its type in the Czech Republic. Apart from this Act, the thesis also deals with relevant relations, which are based on the general waste management as given in the Act no.185/2001, Coll. on Waste. Management of packaging and packaging waste, similarly to general waste, is governed by the hierarchy of waste management based on the Waste Act. This acute topic, i.e. waste, has been solved with for a long time. Today the society prefers waste prevention, followed by its re-use and use of waste. Only the last option is to remove waste by putting it to dump yards. The European directive no. 94/62/ES on Packaging and Packaging Waste in the wording of the guideline no. 2004/12/ES determines the limits and deadlines until when these limits must be achieved in individual European states. These limits relate to the minimum and maximum quantity of used packaging waste. The Packaging Act imposes to persons, who launch packaging or packed product to market, also other duties, such as reduction of packaging's weight and volume upon preservation of their functional features,...
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Incorporation of selected plant extracts into edible chitosan films and the effect on the antiviral, antibacterial and mechanical properties of the materialAmankwaah, Collins 08 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Luxury Product Packaging: Investigating the Perceived Value of Secondary Packaging for Luxury GoodsHoner, Gretchen M. 15 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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The In Between: An Indepth Look at Fashion Retail WasteMerritt, Kelsey Ann January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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