Spelling suggestions: "subject:"packaging"" "subject:"ackaging""
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Differentiating between packaging material and geometry using the Syntouch Biotac / Åtskiljning av förpackningsmaterial och geometri med hjälp av Syntouch BiotacEriksson, Henry January 2019 (has links)
Grip stiffness is an important property of carton board packaging. The structure of the packaging needs to withstand the handling of one or many consumers. A carton board packaging that feels stiff when handled conveys a sense of luxury to the consumer, one example of this is the packages containing new flagship smart phones. If a package is more or less stiff is at this moment subjectively interpreted by test panels. An objective method of measuring grip stiffness is sought after for repeat ability and speed. This master thesis investigates the influence of geometry and material parameters on the grip stiffness of a carton board packages. The purpose is to determine how the measured point loads differ between different geometries for one particular material. Measurements are conducted using a tensile tester and a sensory device, Syntouch Biotac. Only two of the 19 sensors are analyzed in this thesis. Ther data analyzed in this thesis comes from experiments conducted by the author and experiments conducted during a bachelors thesis at Örebro University. The same equipment was used for both experiments. The authors experiments were aimed at finding how a rotation of the packaging would affect the results whereas no rotations were made during experiments not conducted by the author. The authors own experiments were also made using an actual human finger, but only on packages that were not rotated. A finite element study was performed to validate the results from the Syntouch Biotac. X-ray computed tomography was used to investigate if the damage done to the carton board material by a human finger was similar to the damage done to the carton board material by the Syntouch Biotac. Results from the Syntouch Biotac show that it is possible to tell where along and how close to the edge of the packaging the Syntouch Biotac is touching the packaging and that it is possible to discern between materials if the surface weights are different enough. The X-ray computed tomography show that damages done to the carton material cone by either the Syntouch Biotac or a human finger, are not possible to tell apart with the method of analysis used in this thesis. / Greppstyvhet är en viktig egenskap hos kartongförpackningar. Strukturen behöver kunna motstå hantering av en eller flera kunder. En kartongförpackning som upplevs som styv när den hanteras ger kunden ett intryck av lyx, ett exempel är förpackningar för nya smarttelefoner. Om en kartongförpackning är mer eller mindre greppstyv avgörs just nu subjektivt av en testpaneler. En objektiv och upprepningsbar metod för att mäta greppstyvhet snabbare behövs. I den här masteruppsatsen undersökts geometri- och materialparametrars påverkan på kartongförpackningars greppstyvhet. Syftet var att avgöra hur de olika punktlasterna skiljer sig åt mellan olika geometrier för ett givet material. Mätningar gjordes med en dragprovare och en sensorisk mätenhet, Syntouch Biotac. Endast två av 19 sensorer analyseras i det här arbetet. Datan som analyseras i det här arbetet kommer från experiment utförda av författaren samt experiment gjorda i samarbete med en kandidatuppsats vid Örebro Universitet. Samma utrustning användes för båda experiment. Författarens experiment gjordes för att undersöka hur rotation av kartongförpackningarna påverkade resultaten. Ingen rotation utfördes under experimenten som gjordes i samband med kandidatuppsatsen på Örebro Universitet. Experiment utförda av författaren innehåller även kompression av förpackningar gjorda med ett mänskligt finger, detta gjordes endast på förpackningar som inte roterades. En FEM-studie utfördes för att validera resultaten från Syntouch Biotac. Datortomografi användes för att undersöka om skador som uppkommit på kartongmaterialet av mänskligt finger var lika de som uppkommit från Syntouch Biotac. Resultaten från Syntouch Biotac visar att det är möjligt att se var längs med eller hur nära kanten på förpackningen som Syntouch Biotac trycker på förpackningen, samt att det är möjligt att skilja mellan material om deras ytvikter skiljer sig tillräckligt mycket. Datortomografin visar att skador som uppkommit på kartong materialet av mänskligt finger eller Syntouch Biotac inte går att särskilja med den analysmetod som använts i det här arbetet.
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Produktutveckling av förpackningar : Prioriteringar, hållbarhet och involvering av slutkonsumenter / Product development of packaging : Priorities, sustainability and involvement of end consumersJohansson, Sara, Ohlsson, Ebba January 2020 (has links)
I takt med globaliseringen och en ökande konsumtion världen över skapas också ett växande behov för diverse olika förpackningslösningar. De flesta varor på dagens marknader är förpackade på något sätt och detta kräver att det måste produceras oerhört mycket förpackningsmaterial varje dag, vilket tär mycket på jordens resurser utifrån flera perspektiv. Trots detta är förpackningar i många fall nödvändiga och behövs idag för flera olika syften såsom skyddande av produkt, transport och rent marknadsföringsmässigt. Dessa är dock inte de enda viktiga aspekter som behöver övervägas när det kommer till att skapa förpackningar som uppfyller alla dagens krav och som även har hållbarhet i åtanke genom hela försörjningskedjan. Hållbara förpackningslösningar och en miljömedveten industri är därför mycket aktuellt idag. Det blir således intressant att studera hur dessa olika viktiga aspekter prioriteras av produktutvecklare och hur man på olika sätt involverar slutkonsumentens önskemål i processen. En ytterligare intressant aspekt att studera behandlar hur förpackningsindustrin kan påverka slutkonsumenter till hållbara val. Detta arbete bygger dels på empiriska studier i form av semistrukturerade företagsintervjuer på ett förpackningsföretag samt slutkonsumentintervjuer. Detta har kombinerats med en litteraturstudie som har byggt upp den teoretiska referensram som har använts i arbetet. Vidare har dessa jämförts och analyserats vilket har skapat förutsättningarna för diskussionen och slutsatsen som arbetet har mynnat ut i. Resultatet visade att förpackningsutveckling är en process där flera olika kompetenser och avdelningar måste integreras, vilket kan resultera i svåra prioriteringar och dessutom aspekter som kan komma att stå emot varandra. Någon tydlig och entydig prioriteringsordning finns inte och detta i kombination med slutkonsumenter, som utåt sett vill konsumera hållbart, men i slutändan agerar annorlunda skapar en komplex situation. Det finns således även en markant skillnad i hur produktutvecklare respektive slutkonsumenter prioriterar när det kommer till skapande av förpackningar och konsumtion av förpackningar. / In line with globalization and the increasing consumption worldwide, there is a growing need for packaging solutions of many different kinds. Most goods in today's markets are packaged in some way and this requires that an extremely large amount of packaging material is produced every day, which of course, will greatly affect the earth's resources from several perspectives. Despite this, packaging is necessary and is needed today for a variety of purposes such as protection of products, transport and in terms of marketing. However, these are not the only important aspects to consider when it comes to creating packaging that meet all of today's requirements and that also support sustainability throughout the supply chain. Sustainable packaging solutions and an environmentally conscious industry are therefore very relevant today. Thus, it becomes interesting to study how these various important aspects are prioritized by product developers and how different end consumer requirements are considered in the process in different ways. Another interesting aspect to study is how the packaging industry can influence end consumers to sustainable choices. This work is partly based on empirical studies in the form of semi-structured company interviews at a packaging company and end-consumer interviews. This, in combination with a literature study that has built the theoretical frame of reference used, have created the conditions for the analysis and discussion the work has resulted in. The result showed that packaging development is a process where several different competences and departments must be integrated, which can result in difficult priorities and in additional conflicting aspects. There is no clear and unambiguous priority list and this in combination with end consumers, who want to be considered sustainable consumers, but ultimately act differently creates a complex situation. Thus, there is also a large difference in how product developers and end-consumers, respectively, prioritize when it comes to creating packaging and consuming packaging.
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Development of Temperature Buffering Material Concepts Based on Electro-Hydrodynamic Processing of Interest in the Food Cold ChainCHALCO SANDOVAL, WILSON 01 January 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] The use of latent heat storage materials containing phase change materials (PCM's) is an effective way of buffering thermal fluctuations and has the advantages of high-energy storage density and the isothermal nature of the storage process. The aim of this work was to develop novel heat management materials based on the encapsulation of PCM's for different applications of interest in refrigerated foods. To this end, the electro-hydrodynamic processing was used to encapsulate commercial PCM's with transition temperatures of interest in refrigeration and superchilling within different polymer and biopolymer matrices.
Initially, materials with heat management capacity to be used in refrigeration equipment and packaging applications were designed. To this end, thick slabs, multilayer heat storage structures and polystyrene foam trays containing ultrathin fiber-structured polystyrene/PCM coatings were fabricated through the encapsulation of commercial phase change materials (specifically paraffin's) within different polymeric matrices. The morphology, thermal properties, encapsulation efficiency and temperature profile of the just prepared structures and after three months of storage at 4 and 25ºC were evaluated.
However, the developed electrospun heat management materials showed a multiple crystallization profile, increased supercooling degree (difference between the melting and crystallization temperatures), low encapsulation efficiency and partial diffusion out of the PCM from the electrospun structures during ageing. Therefore, different strategies were been carried out to counteract these drawbacks. One the one hand, thermal energy storage systems including a PCM which crystallize at -1.5ºC were optimized by adjusting the solvent composition in order to obtain hybrid electrospun fibers with thermal properties similar to those of the neat PCM. On the other hand, a hydrophilic shell material based on polyvinylalcohol (PVOH) was used to encapsulate the PCM by using the emulsion electrospinning technique in order to improve the encapsulation efficiency. However, the hybrid structures thus prepared were highly soluble in water at high relative humidity conditions and an extra layer of a more hydrophobic material (polycaprolactone) through coaxial electrospinning was used to protect them from swelling. The use of the coaxial configuration was a good strategy to preserve the morphology of the electrospun structures when exposed to high relative humidity. / [ES] El uso de materiales de almacenamiento de calor latente que contienen materiales de cambio de fase (PCM's) es una manera eficiente de amortiguar las fluctuaciones de temperatura y presenta las ventajas de proveer alta densidad de almacenamiento de energía y la naturaleza isotérmica del proceso de almacenamiento. El objetivo de este trabajo fue desarrollar nuevos materiales con capacidad de gestión de calor mediante la encapsulación de PCM's para diferentes aplicaciones de interés en alimentos refrigerados. Para ello, se utilizó el procesado electrohidrodinámico para encapsular PCM's comerciales con temperaturas de transición de fase de interés en refrigeración y superenfriamiento dentro de matrices poliméricas y biopoliméricas.
Inicialmente, se diseñaron materiales con capacidad de gestión de calor para ser utilizados en equipos de refrigeración y aplicaciones de envasado. Con este propósito, se fabricaron bloques, estructuras multicapa y bandejas de poliestireno que contenían un recubrimiento de fibras nanoestructuradas ultrafinas mediante la encapsulación de materiales de cambio de fase (especialmente parafinas) dentro de diferentes matrices poliméricas. Se evaluó la morfología, propiedades térmicas, eficiencia de encapsulación y perfil de temperatura de las estructuras recién preparadas y después de tres meses de almacenamiento a 4 y 25ºC.
No obstante, se observó que los materiales electroestirados con capacidad de gestión de calor presentaron un perfil de cristalización múltiple, un incremento en el grado de subenfriamiento (diferencia entre las temperaturas de fusión y de cristalización), baja eficiencia de encapsulación y una difusión parcial del PCM de las estructuras electroestiradas durante el periodo de almacenamiento. Para contrarrestar estos efectos, se llevaron a cabo dos estrategias diferentes. Por un lado, se optimizaron los sistemas de almacenamiento de energía térmica incluyendo un PCM que cristaliza a -1.5ºC mediante el ajuste de la composición de los disolventes con el fin de obtener fibras hibridas electroestiradas con propiedades térmicas similares al PCM puro. Por otro lado, para mejorar la eficiencia de encapsulación se utilizó un material hidrófilo basado en polivinilalcohol (PVOH) como material de recubrimiento para encapsular el PCM usando la técnica de electroestirado a partir de una emulsión. Sin embargo, se observó que las estructuras hibridas preparadas fueron altamente solubles en agua y en condiciones de alta humedad relativa. Por tanto, para protegerlos se incorporó una capa adicional de un material más hidrofóbico (policaprolactona) mediante la técnica de electroestirado coaxial. El uso de la configuración coaxial fue la mejor estrategia para preservar la morfología de las estructuras electroestiradas cuando éstas fueron expuestas a condiciones de alta humedad relativa. / [CA] L'ús de materials d'emmagatzematge de calor latent que contenen materials de canvi de fase (PCM) és una manera eficaç d'esmorteir les fluctuacions tèrmiques. A més a més presenta els avantatges de posseir una alta densitat d'emmagatzematge energia així com la naturalesa isotèrmica del procés d'emmagatzematge. L'objectiu d'aquest treball va ser desenvolupar productes amb capacitat de gestió de calor mitjançat l' encapsulació de PCM per a diferents aplicacions d'interès en la conservació d'aliments refrigerats. Amb aquesta finalitat, es va utilitzar el processament electro-hidrodinàmic per encapsular PCM comercials dins de diferents matrius polimériques i biopolimériques, amb temperatures de transició d'interès en el procés de conservació d'aliments refrigerats.
Inicialment, es van dissenyar materials amb capacitat de gestió de calor per ser utilitzats en equips de refrigeració i en el envasat d'aliments refrigerats. Per a tal fi, es van dissenyar blocs, materials multicapa i safates de poliestirè que contenien un recobriment nanoestructurat i ultrafí amb encapsulats de materials de canvi de fase comercials (específicament parafines) dins de diverses matrius polimèriques. Es va caracteritzar la morfologia, les propietats tèrmiques, l'eficiència de encapsulació i la capacitat d'emmagatzematge d'energia just en el moment en el que es van preparar i després de tres mesos d'emmagatzematge a 4 y 25ºC.
No obstant això, els materials desenvolupats van mostrar un perfil de cristal·lització múltiple, un augment del grau de subrefredament (diferència entre les temperatures de fusió i de cristal·lització), una baixa eficiència d'encapsulació i una difusió parcial del PCM de les estructures electroestirades durant el període d'emmagatzematge. Per tant, diferents estratègies han estat portades a terme per contrarestar aquests inconvenients. D'una banda, amb la finalitat d'obtenir fibres híbrides electroestirades amb propietats tèrmiques similars a les de la PCM pur, es van optimitzar els sistemes d'emmagatzematge d'energia tèrmica que incloïen un PCM que fon a -1,5 ºC variant la composició dels dissolvents. D'altra banda, es va utilitzar un material de la closca hidròfil basat en polivinílic alcohol (PVOH) per encapsular el PCM mitjançant l'ús de la tècnica d'electroestirat d'una emulsió per tal de millorar l'eficiència d'encapsulació. No obstant això, les estructures híbrides així preparades van ser altament soluble en aigua a altes condicions d'humitat relativa i va ser necessari utilitzar una capa addicional d'un material més hidròfob (policaprolactona) a través de la configuració coaxial de l'equip d'electroestirat. L'ús de la configuració coaxial va ser una bona estratègia per preservar la morfologia de les estructures electroestirades quan s'exposen a altes humitats relatives. / Chalco Sandoval, W. (2015). Development of Temperature Buffering Material Concepts Based on Electro-Hydrodynamic Processing of Interest in the Food Cold Chain [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53349 / Compendio
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Packaging of table grapes for exports from SA : a comparative studyNieuwoudt, Tania 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Table grapes are the second-largest contributor to the perishable product export in
South Africa. The table grape industry also experienced considerable growth in the
past ten years. The industry contributes toward employment in South Africa. The
South African table grape industry experiences quality-related problems with
exporting table grapes to the European market. Examples of quality related problems
can range from chemical damage, chilling injury/freezing damage, heavy bruising
and decay. A great amount of table grapes is basically wasted. The postharvest loss
of table grapes during transportation can range from 1%-25% per day depending on
the degree of temperature fluctuation. Therefore, it is important to minimize waste
and increase the export volumes in order to utilise the potential profit possibilities.
Based on data analysis for this case, results indicated that packaging is preventing
cool air from flowing through the pallet during transportation and preventing the table
grapes to cool evenly. The fluctuation in temperature contributes to the qualityrelated
problems of these table grapes. The primary research goal is to identify
packaging-related problems and propose possible solutions to improve the
packaging-related conditions in which table grapes arrive at the destination. This
study therefore investigated and evaluated the performance of the current packaging
system of table grapes within a South African context for exporting to Europe for a
specific case. Further analyses of the data received from Dole South Africa, a fruit
marketing and distribution company, revealed that the following two types of
packaging showed serious quality-related problems:
1) A04I: The 4.5kg box with the grapes in plastic bags.
2) A05E: The 5kg box with 500g punnets (10 x 500g punnets).
A questionnaire combining with the Packaging Portfolio Evaluation Model and the
Packaging Scorecard was developed and used to evaluate the two identified
packaging systems in the following stages:
Stage 1: Development of a new questionnaire by combining the Packaging Portfolio
Evaluation Model and the Packaging Scorecard.
Stage 2: Survey with the questionnaire developed in Stage 1. The identified types of
packaging were evaluated with a new questionnaire with specific criteria. Members of
the table grape supply chain from the farmer in South Africa to consumer in Sweden
were used during the evaluation process.
Descriptive statistics were calculated for each criteria or question in order to describe
the performance and importance of the different packaging criteria. Data were also
analysed with the use of box plots. The box plots and data visualisation methods
were used to make conclusions and recommendations regarding the different
categories of each type of packaging. It was clear that the major problem areas of
both packaging systems involved were related to the environmental aspect of the
packaging. The marketing and the logistics of the plastic bag also underperformed.
However, individual criteria regarding the other business areas can also be improved.
Possible solutions to these problem areas are also suggested in this thesis. The
possible solutions include the Tali Grape Basket, Perforated Plastic Liners, New Generation Pack (NGP), Vinguard TM
, Easypunnet and the Sulphur Dioxide Liner
Bag. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tafeldruiwe is die tweede grootste bydraende faktor tot bederfbare produkuitvoere in
Suid-Afrika. Die tafeldruifindustrie het ook aansienlike groei die afgelope tien jaar
beleef. Die industrie dra tot werkskepping in Suid-Afrika by. Die Suid-Afrikaanse
tafeldruifindustrie ervaar kwaliteitsverwante probleme met die uitvoer van tafeldruiwe
na die Europese mark. Voorbeelde van hierdie kwaliteitsverwante probleme kan
wissel van chemiese skade, koueskade / vries skade, swaar kneusing en bederf. ‘n
Groot hoeveelheid tafeldruiwe word vermors. Die oes verlies van tafeldruiwe tydens
vervoer kan wissel van 1% -25% per dag, afhangende van die mate van temperatuur
verandering. Daarom is dit belangrik om vermorsing te beperk en
uitvoerhoeveelhede te verhoog om sodoende potensiële winsmoontlikhede te benut.
Volgens data-analise blyk dit dat huidige verpakking tans verhoed dat koel lug tydens
die vervoer van die produk deur die palet vloei, en dit veroorsaak dat die tafeldruiwe
nie eweredig afkoel nie. Die wisseling in temperatuur dra grootliks tot die
kwaliteitsverwante probleme van die tafeldruiwe by. Die primêre navorsingsdoelwit is
om die verpakkingsverwante probleme te identifiseer en moontlike oplossings voor te
stel om sodoende die toestand te verbeter waarin tafeldruiwe by die eindbestemming
aankom. Daarom ondersoek en evalueer hierdie studie die prestasie van die huidige
verpakkingsisteem van tafeldruiwe binne ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse konteks vir uitvoere na
Europa; met betrekking tot ʼn spesifieke situasie.
Verdere analise van data soos ontvang vanaf Dole Suid-Afrika, ‘n vrugtebemarkingsen
verspreidingsmaatskappy, het getoon dat ernstige kwaliteitsverwante probleme
veral by die volgende twee tipes verpakkingsisteme voorkom:
1) A04I: Die 4.5kg karton met druiwe in plastieksakkies.
2) A05E: Die 5kg karton met 500g bakkies (10 x 500g bakkies).
ʼn Vraelys, gebaseer op die kombinasie van die Verpakkingportefeulje
Evalueringsmodel model en die Verpakkingstelkaart, is ontwikkel en gebruik om die
bogenoemde verpakkingsisteme te evalueer en wel in die volgende fases:
Fase 1: Ontwikkeling van ʼn gekombineerde Verpakkingsportefeulje
Evalueringsmodel en die Verpakkingstelkaart tot ʼn nuwe vraelys. Fase 2: Opname met die vraelys soos ontwikkel in Fase 1. Die twee geïdentifiseerde
tipes verpakking is geëvalueer met die nuwe vraelys met spesifieke kriteria. Die lede
van die tafeldruiwe voorsieningsketting van die boer in Suid-Afrika tot die verbruiker
in Swede is gebruik tydens die evaluasieproses.
Beskrywende statistiek vir elke kriteria of vraag was bereken sodat die prestasie en
belangrikheid van die verskillende verpakkingskriteria beskryf kan word. Data was
ook beskryf met behulp van ‘n houer-en-puntstipping. Data visualiseringmetodes en
die houer-en-puntstippings was gebruik om gevolgtrekkings en aanbevelings
rakende die verskillende kategorieë van die tipes verpakking te maak. Dit was
duidelik dat die omgewingsaspek van beide tipes verpakking ‘n groot probleem was.
Die bemarking en logistiek van die plastieksakkie het ook onderpresteer. Individuele
kriteria van ander besigheidsareas kan egter ook verbeter word. Moontlike
oplossings vir hierdie probleem-areas word ook in hierdie tesis aangedui. Die
moontlike oplossings sluit die “Tali Grape Basket”, “Perforated Plastic Liners”, “New
Generation Pack (NGP)”, “Vinguard TM
”, “Easypunnet” en die “Sulphur Dioxide Liner
Bag” in
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Packaging as a marketing tool : adolescents' perceptions of branded and plain tobacco packagingFord, Allison January 2014 (has links)
Plain packaging first appeared on the UK policy agenda in the Department of Health’s 2008 ‘Consultation on the Future of Tobacco Control’. Since then, plain (or standardised) packaging has been framed through the potential benefit to young people. Within the period of this thesis, plain packaging has been actively debated and draft plain packaging regulations were published in June 2014. An extended literature review of academic and practitioner marketing literature, internal tobacco company documents and public health packaging research, establishes that the research informing the policy debate, while consistent in its approach and findings, fails to recognise the strategic nature of pack design, the full extent of the influence that branded design can have on consumer responses, and the importance of product design as a marketing tool. This thesis attempts to address these gaps in the plain packaging evidence base. It explores if, and how, adolescents engage with different styles of packaging and product design, whether or not an association between tobacco packaging and adolescent smoking exists, and whether it is possible to observe cognitive, affective and behavioural responses to packaging. The study uses a sequential exploratory mixed methodology design with two stages of research. First, focus groups were conducted with 15 year olds (n=48) to explore adolescent responses to tobacco packaging and product design. The findings show that adolescents are most appreciative of ‘novelty’ pack designs. These ‘novelty’ packs, for instance with innovative structures or distinctive designs and colours, generated positive user imagery and influenced affective feelings among participants. Cigarettes with slim diameters, white tips and decorative designs increased appeal and communicated a weaker tasting and less harmful product. Conversely, a plain pack eliminated positive perceptions and feelings, and exposed tobacco as harmful, dirty and not for young people. The qualitative findings were used to develop measures and hypotheses which were tested in a quantitative survey. The second stage of research utilised a cross-sectional in-home survey (n=1373) with 11 to 16 year olds. Respondents were asked to rate three different pack styles - ‘novelty’, ‘regular’ and ‘plain’ - on 11 pack ratings items and four pack feelings items. The findings show adolescents hold ‘novelty’ packaging in higher regard than ‘regular’ packaging across pack ratings items. There were fewer differences between ‘novelty’ and ‘regular’ packaging for the pack feelings items. Plain packaging was consistently rated most negatively across all survey items. Logistic regressions, controlling for factors known to influence youth smoking, showed that susceptibility to smoke was associated with positive appraisal and also receptivity for ‘novelty’ packaging. There was no association with pack appraisal or receptivity for the plain pack. While susceptibility is not a direct behavioural response it is a reasonable predictor of future tobacco use. Collectively the findings show that ‘novelty’ packaging and product design holds greatest appeal for adolescents. Plain packaging limits the opportunity for tobacco companies to communicate with, mislead and influence consumers. Based upon the role of packaging for consumer goods in general, and tobacco in particular, plain packaging would effectively reduce the promotional role of packaging.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 30-November 02, 1989 / Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California / Aydin Vector Division has developed and manufactured an airborne, high shock, wideband FM/FM telemetry system for Saab Missiles AB in Sweden. This system was presented in the ITC Proceedings of 1988, Volume XXIV, pp 71-84 (Ref [1]). Three such systems were supplied. Saab Missiles AB also awarded Aydin Vector Division with an additional order for a larger number of high shock, computer based, specially designed, miniature PCM/FM airborne telemetry systems. These systems were developed, manufactured and supplied to Saab Missiles AB, and have been extensively and successfully used in the Swedish program. The PCM/FM telemetry package described in this paper was used for the system testing and the firing trials program of a mortar projectile, where the measurement requirements included micro processor interfaces, as well as a high amount of analog and bi-level data channels. The paper covers the specifications of the PCM/FM system mentioned above, the concept that was used to meet these specifications, the system’s mechanical and electrical design, the packaging technique and some of the test results.
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ÅTGÄRDER FÖR SÄNKNINGEN AV UNDERHÅLLKOSTNADER FÖR MATERIALTRANSPORTÖRER : En fallstudie på Volvo GTO PowertrainMyhrman, Nils, Andersson, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to investigate in the possibilities to lower the maintenance cost for material transporters without having an effect on the quality on the environment where there is a variation in quantities and versions of products. To best fulfill the requirement of the purpose of the study, following questions have been defined. 1. Which factors has the greatest effect on the cost of maintenance for the material transporters? 2. Which factor or factors have the biggest impact and how could they be tackled? 3. How can it be solved without binding to much capital? The work with the study has been done with case study at Volvo GTO Powertrain, combined with literature studies. The work with the case study has been with the method DMAIC to achieve the most satisfactory result. The field of literature is within the field of logistics with focus on flows, transports and maintenance. The study has showed the problems causing the high maintenance cost. The costs for a truck set came to an amount of 405313 SEK for the years 2013-2015. To solve the problem with the high maintenance costs, changes in packaging where made to diminish the burden of one of the trucks in the trucks set that have high maintenance costs. Several solutions were also made to improve the situation for the trucks, but there were ergonomical factors involved. Suggestions on which articles and their package solution that are affected by the solution and the effects of these changes on current production have been presented. In regards of the case study sole study object, it is desirable if a similar case studies could be made at another company. The reason lies in the unique assembly line that is elevated and therefore requires custom made trucks. Despite the uniqueness of the assembly line, the framework for continues improvements has been marked out and we strongly recommend further work and researches. / Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det finns möjligheter att sänka underhållskostnader utan att sänka underhållet för materialtransportörer i en miljö där det finns variationer i volymer och produkter. För att bäst kunna uppfylla syftet har följande frågor ställts. 1. Vilka faktorer påverkar materialtransportörers höga underhållskostnader? 2. Vilken eller vilka faktorer har störst inverkan och hur kan de förändras? 3. Hur kan detta lösas utan att binda upp ett stort kapital? Arbetet med studien har genomförts med hjälp av en fallstudie på Volvo GTO Powertrain, kombinerat med studier i litteraturen. Fallstudien har arbetat efter DMAIC metoden för att nå mest tillfredställande resultat. Litteraturen är inom fältet logistik med fokus på flöden, transporter och underhåll. Studien ledde till identifikationen av de problem som ledde till de höga underhållskostnaderna, som uppgick till 405313 kr för ett separat truckset för åren 2013-2015. För att lösa problemet med de höga underhållskostnaderna gjordes ändringar i antalet artiklar per emballage för att kunna avlasta en av truckarna i det truckset som har en hög underhållskostnad. Det upptäcktes fler sätt att förbättra situationen för truckarna men det fanns ergonomiska faktorer att ta i beaktande. Förslag om vilka artiklar och dess emballageringslösning som påverkas har presenterats och vilka effekter det får för nuvarande produktion. Med anledning av att studien enbart gjorts på ett företag, är det fördelaktigt om en liknande studie kunde genomföras på ett annat företag. Anledningen ligger i fallstudiens unika monteringslina som är upphöjd och därmed kräver specialanpassade truckar. Trots detta är grunden till ett framtida arbete för fallföretaget utstakat och vi rekommenderar starkt att arbetet fortskrider.
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Modeling, design, fabrication and characterization of miniaturized passives and integrated EM shields in 3D RF packagesSitaraman, Srikrishna 07 January 2016 (has links)
An innovative structure for thin-film band-pass filters was proposed and analyzed. This structure was employed in the design, fabrication, and development of 3D IPD diplexers on glass substrates with double-side metallization electrically connected by through-vias. Through modeling, design, fabrication and characterization of the WLAN 3D IPD glass diplexers, the proposed filter structure was shown to enable miniaturized and high-performance RF passives. Further, component-level shield structures were developed to provide electromagnetic interference isolation between thin-film passives that are placed less than 100 µm apart. Glass substrates were designed, fabricated and characterized to demonstrate the shield effectiveness of metallized trench and via-array-based shields. The integration of such shields in miniaturized WLAN RF modules enables up to 60dB EM isolation in the frequency range of 1- 20GHz. Advanced RF module technologies based on 3D IPAC concept were designed and demonstrated with ultra-thin low-loss organic and glass substrates, integrating the proposed WLAN actives with miniaturized diplexer and EM shields. Double-side integration of such high-performance components on ultra-thin glass substrates enables up to 8x volume miniaturization including more than 3x reduction in area. Thus, the advanced components demonstrated in this research, vis-a-vis miniaturized diplexers and component-level EMI shields; integrated with actives in ultra-thin glass substrates using the 3D IPAC concept, can enable highly-miniaturized smart systems with multiband wireless communication capabilities.
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Resistance to airflow and moisture loss of table grapes inside multi-scale packagingNgcobo, Mduduzi Elijah Khulekani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Postharvest quality of fresh table grapes is usually preserved through cooling using cold air. However, cooling efficiencies are affected by the multi-scale packaging that is commercially used for handling grapes after harvest. There is usually spatial temperature variability of grapes that often results in undesirable quality variations during postharvest handling and marketing. This heterogeneity of grape berry temperature inside multi-packages is largely due to uneven cold airflow patterns that are caused by airflow resistance through multi-package components. The aims of this study were therefore to conduct an in-depth experimental investigation of the contribution of grape multi-packaging components to total airflow resistance, cooling rates and patterns of grapes inside the different commercially used multi-packages, and to assess the effects of these multi-packages on table grape postharvest quality attributes. A comprehensive study of moisture loss from grapes during postharvest storage and handling, as well as a preliminary investigation of the applicability of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling in predicting the transport phenomena of heat and mass transfer of grapes during cooling and cold storage in multi-packages were included in this study.
Total pressure drop through different table grapes packages were measured and the percentage contribution of each package component and the fruit bulk were determined. The liner films contributed significantly to total pressure drop for all the package combinations studied, ranging from 40.33±1.15% for micro-perforated liner film to 83.34±2.13 % for non-perforated liner film. The total pressure drop through the grape bulk (1.40±0.01 % to 9.41±1.23 %) was the least compared to the different packaging combinations with different levels of liner perforation. The cooling rates of grapes in the 4.5 kg multi-packaging were significantly (P<0.05) slower than that of grapes in 5 kg punnet multi-packaging, where the 4.5 kg box resulted in a seven-eighths cooling time of 30.30-46.14% and 12.69-25.00% more than that of open-top and clamshell punnet multi-packages, respectively. After 35 days in cold storage at -0.5°C, grape bunches in the 5 kg punnet box combination (open-top and clamshell) had weight loss of 2.01 – 3.12%, while the bunches in the 4.5 kg box combination had only 1.08% weight loss. During the investigation of the effect of different carton liners on the cooling rate and quality attributes of ‘Regal seedless’ table grapes in cold storage, the non-perforated liner films maintained relative humidity (RH) close to 100 %. This high humidity inside non-perforated liner films resulted in delayed loss of stem quality but significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased the incidence of SO2 injury and berry drop during storage compared to perforated liners. The perforated liners improved fruit cooling rates but significantly (P ≤ 0.05) reduced RH. The low RH in perforated liners also resulted in an increase in stem dehydration and browning compared to non-perforated liners.
The moisture loss rate from grapes packed in non-perforated liner films was significantly (P<0.05) lower compared to the moisture loss rate from grapes packed in perforated liner films (120 x 2 mm and 36 x 4 mm). The effective moisture diffusivity values for stem parts packed in non-perforated liner films were lower than the values obtained for stem parts stored without packaging liners, and varied from 5.06x10-14 to 1.05x10-13 m2s-1. The dehydration rate of stem parts was inversely proportional to the size (diameter) of the stem parts. Dehydration rate of stems exposed (without liners) to circulating cold air was significantly (P<0.05) higher than the dehydration rates of stems packed in non-perforated liner film. Empirical models were successfully applied to describe the dehydration kinetics of the different parts of the stem. The potential of cold storage humidification in reducing grape stem dehydration was investigated. Humidification delayed and reduced the rate of stem dehydration and browning; however, it increased SO2 injury incidence on table grape bunches and caused wetting of the packages.
The flow phenomenon during cooling and handling of packed table grapes was also studied using a computational fluid dynamic (CFD) model and validated using experimental results. There was good agreement between measured and predicted results. The result demonstrated clearly the applicability of CFD models to determine optimum table grape packaging and cooling procedures. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Naoes kwaliteit van vars tafeldruiwe word gewoonlik behou deur middel van verkoeling van die produk met koue lug. Ongelukkig word die effektiwiteit van dié verkoeling beïnvloed deur die multivlakverpakking wat kommersieel gebruik word vir die naoes hantering van druiwe. Daar is gewoonlik ruimtelike variasie in die temperatuur van die druiwe wat ongewenste variasie in die kwaliteit van die druiwe veroorsaak tydens naoes hantering en bemarking. Die heterogene druiwetemperature binne die multivlakverpakkings word grootliks veroorsaak deur onegalige lugvloeipatrone van die koue lug as gevolg van die weerstand wat die verskillende komponente van die multivlakverpakkings teen lugvloei bied. Die doel van hierdie studie was dus om ‘n indiepte eksperimentele ondersoek te doen om die bydrae van multivlakverpakking op totale lugvloeiweerstand, verkoelingstempo’s en –patrone van druiwe binne kommersieël gebruikte multivlakverpakkings te ondersoek, asook die effek van die multivalkverpakking op die naoes kwaliteit van druiwe te bepaal. ‘n Omvattende studie van vogverlies van druiwe tydens naoes opberging en hantering, asook ‘n voorlopige ondersoek na die bruikbaarheid van ‘n berekende vloei dinamika (BVD) model om die bewegingsfenomeen van hitte en massa oordrag van druiwe tydens verkoeling en koelopberging in multivlakverpakkings te voorspel, was ook by die studie ingesluit. Die totale drukverskil deur verskillende tafeldruif verpakkingssisteme is gemeet en die persentasie wat deur elke verpakkingskomponent en die vruglading bygedra is, is bereken. Van al die verpakkingskombinasies wat gemeet is, het die voeringfilms betekenisvol tot die totale drukverskil bygedra, en het gewissel van 40.33±1.15% vir die mikro geperforeerde voeringfilm tot 83.34±2.13 % vir die nie-geperforeerde voeringfilm. Die totale drukverskil oor die druiflading (1.40±0.01 % to 9.41±1.23 %) was die minste in vergelyking met die verskillende verpakkingskombinasies met die verskillende vlakke van voeringperforasies.
Die verkoelingstempos van die druiwe in die 4.5 kg multiverpakking was betekenisvol (P<0.05) stadiger as vir die druiwe in die 5 kg handmandjie (‘punnet’) multiverpakking. Die 4.5 kg karton het ‘n seweagstes verkoelingstyd van 30.30-46.14% en 12.69-25.00% langer, respektiewelik, as oop-vertoon en toeslaan-‘punnet’ multiverpakkings gehad. Na 35 dae van koelopberging by -0.5°C het druiwetrosse in die 5 kg ‘punnet’-kartonkombinasies (oop-vertoon en toeslaan-’punnet’) ‘n massaverlies van 2.01 – 3.12% gehad, terwyl die trosse in die 4.5 kg kartonkombinasie slegs ‘n 1.08% massaverlies gehad het.
In die ondersoek na die effek van verskillende kartonvoerings op die verkoelingstempo en kwaliteitseienskappe van ‘Regal seedless’ tafeldruiwe tydens koelopbering, het die nie-geperforeerde kartonvoerings ‘n relatiewe humiditeit (RH) van byna 100 % gehandhaaf. Hierdie hoë humiditeit in die nie-geperforeerde voeringfilms het ‘n verlies in stingelkwaliteit vertraag, maar het die voorkoms van SO2-skade en loskorrels betekenisvol (P < 0.05) verhoog in vergelyking met geperforeerde voerings. Die geperforeerde voerings het vrugverkoelingstempos verbeter, maar het die RH betekenisvol (P ≤ 0.05) verlaag. Die lae RH in die geperforeerde voerings het gelei tot ‘n verhoging in stingeluitdroging en –verbruining in vergelyking met die nie-geperforeerde voerings. Die vogverliestempo uit druiwe verpak in nie-geperforeerde voeringfilms was betekenisvol (P<0.05) stadiger in vergelyking met druiwe verpak in geperforeerde voeringfilms (120 x 2 mm and 36 x 4 mm). Die effektiewe vogdiffusiewaardes vir stingelgedeeltes verpak in nie-geperforeerde voeringfilms was stadiger as vir stingelgedeeltes wat verpak is sonder verpakkingsvoerings, en het gevarieer van 5.06x10-14 – 1.05x10-13 m2s-1. Die uitdrogingstempo van stingelgedeeltes was omgekeerd eweredig aan die grootte (deursnit) van die stingelgedeeltes. Die uitdrogingstempo van stingels wat blootgestel was (sonder voerings) aan sirkulerende koue lug was betekenisvol (P<0.05) hoër as die uitdrogingstempos van stingels wat verpak was in nie-geperforeerde voeringfilms. Empiriese modelle is gebruik om die uitdrogingskinetika van die verskillende stingelgedeeltes te beskryf.
Die potensiaal van koelkamer humidifisering in die vermindering van die uitdroging van druifstingels is ondersoek. Humidifisering het stingeluitdroging vertraag en het die tempo van stingeluitdroging en -verbruining verminder, maar dit het die voorkoms van SO2-skade op die tafeldruiftrosse verhoog en het die verpakkings laat nat word.
Die bewegingsfenomeen tydens verkoeling en hantering van verpakte tafeldruiwe is ook ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van ‘n BVD model en is bevestig met eksperimentele resultate. Daar was goeie ooreenstemming tussen gemete en voorspelde resultate. Die resultaat demonstreer duidelik die toepaslikheid van BVD-modelle om die optimum tafeldruifverpakkings- en verkoelingsprosedures te bepaal. / PPECB and Postharvest Innovation Programme (PHI-2) for their financial support
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Sustainable packaging : A study of consumers' loyalty and behaviorvan Huynh, Fredrik, Gonzalez, Aaron, Yousef, Waseem January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The ecological consumer has been a significant and central character in the development of green marketing. In an effort to enhance brand equity and increase consumers’ loyalty, companies are relying on environmental claims. From advances in processes, to product design and packaging materials that diminish waste, companies are more and more emphasizing on sustainability. The findings of previous research aiming to link purchasing and environmental concerns to socio-demographic factors have been generally inconclusive and inconsistent (Peattie, 2001). Therefore, the purpose of this study aims to identify if sustainable packaging can be used as a marketing tool to increase brand equity. In addition, the authors intended to identify who is consuming sustainable products and particularly sustainable packaging.</p><p>The review of previous research concerning this topic led us to express two hypotheses. First, women are more involved by the purchasing process than men. Second, sustainable consumption is seen as a time consuming activity, economically disadvantageous and stressful (Valor, 2008).</p><p>Through both a quantitative and a qualitative study we analyzed consumers’ behavior and attitude towards sustainable packaging and green consumption in general.</p><p>The findings of the study allowed us to conclude that the gap between consumers’ attitude and purchasing decision concerning ecological products in general is important. The main reasons are a lack of communication, promotion and availability regarding these products as well as the high-proposed price. Furthermore, the study confirmed that women are much more involved than men in the consumption decision making process in both “classic and green” purchasing.</p><p> </p>
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