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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

¿Adónde te escondiste? The mystic music by Federico Mompou. An exploration of the concept and the context.

Bravo Cabanes, Mercedes January 2024 (has links)
This work aims to delve into the inner world of the composer Federico Mompou (1893-1987) with special focus on the artistic and philosophic concepts that make his aesthetic so unique within music history. Thereore, apart from biographical data, the connections between his music and ideas that belong to the existentialist and pantheist movements will be presented. Nevertheless, the ultimate objective of this project is the configuration of a piano solo recital program which, containing works from different periods and composers shows the essence of Mompou's inner world to the audience. For that, I have focused on the part of that world that is presented in what I have called his "mystic music" (pieces inspired by the imagination of the spiritual, religious or magic universe). The process of selection of the program is fully explained and justified in the thesis.

« In quiet possession of the Gospel » ? : La controverse transcendantaliste et ses déterminants, 1805-1859 / « In Quiet Possession of the Gospel » ? : The Transcendentalist Controversy and its Determinants, 1815-1859

Remanofsky, Sabine 07 December 2012 (has links)
Le transcendantalisme est un mouvement religieux, philosophique, littéraire et social qui peut être envisagé comme le pendant américain du romantisme européen. Cette « nouvelle philosophie », pour reprendre l’expression des commentateurs de l’époque, a soulevé l’indignation de nombreux pasteurs et théologiens orthodoxes. Pourtant, la réaction contre le transcendantalisme n’a fait l’objet d’aucune étude systématique ou substantielle. Les historiens du mouvement s’étant essentiellement concentrés sur la description et l’analyse des idées transcendantalistes dans leur contexte théologique et intellectuel, les réactions indignées contre la nouvelle philosophie ont été reléguées au rang de faire-valoir et les argumentaires des quelques contempteurs connus du transcendantalisme ont souvent été tronqués ou simplifiés. Notre étude doit permettre de faire émerger, dans toute sa complexité, la critique conservatrice longtemps négligée par la recherche universitaire. Ce travail interroge également le rapport des idées théologiques et philosophiques propres au transcendantalisme avec leur contexte sociopolitique afin de mieux comprendre les peurs des conservateurs de tous bords qui voyaient dans la nouvelle philosophie une menace à la fois pour le christianisme mais aussi, plus généralement, pour l’ordre intellectuel et social établi. Le travail sur les déterminants de la controverse, axé sur les deux dénominations les plus actives durant la polémique, vise quant à lui, d’une part, à tracer les contours des mentalités des critiques du transcendantalisme et à expliquer les motivations les poussant à intervenir dans la polémique transcendantaliste. / Transcendentalism is a religious, philosophical, literary and social movement which can be viewed as the American counterpart of the European Romantic Movement. This “new philosophy”, to use the expression of the contemporary commentators, outraged many orthodox pastors and theologians. However, the reaction against transcendentalism has never really been the object of any substantial and systematic study. Indeed, historians of the movement have concentrated almost exclusively on the description and analysis of the transcendentalists’ ideas in their theological and intellectual context. Consequently, indignant reactions against the new philosophy have been used mainly as a counterpoint to the transcendentalists’ radical new ideas and the few known opponents of transcendentalism have been quoted only in their most intolerant and strident moments.This study puts the conservatives’ criticisms, which have long been neglected by academic research, center stage. It also questions the link between the transcendentalists’ theological and philosophical ideas and their sociopolitical context so as to better understand conservative fears that the new philosophy might be a threat not only to Christianity but, more generally, to the established intellectual and social order. As for the work on the determinants of the controversy, which is focused on the two denominations most active during the dispute, it aims at tracing the contours of the conservatives’ mentalities and at explaining the motivations driving them to participate in the transcendentalist controversy.

Pantheism in Spinoza, Hegel, and Contemporary Philosophy of Religion

Mike Popejoy (8073015) 04 December 2019 (has links)
In this project I examine pantheistic views in the history of philosophy and advocate for pantheism as a philosophical position in contemporary philosophy of religion. I take pantheism to be the view that everything that exists constitutes a unity, and that that unity is divine. My contention is that what I call <i>rationalistic pantheism</i>, sufficiently articulated with the help of historical figures, is a position worthy of consideration in contemporary philosophy of religion and metaphysics and not merely as an historical artifact. Pantheism is usually not even considered as an alternative to the belief in the God of perfection theism, a perfect personal God. Often people see atheism as the only alternative to the perfect God of traditional theism. A primary aim of this project is to articulate a version of pantheism that is distinct both from perfection theism and atheism. I discuss in what way the rationalistic pantheist sees all of existence as forming a unity, and what it is about this unity that warrants calling it divine or God. Pantheism has a powerful tradition in the history of philosophy, and the rationalistic pantheism that I develop is based on the views of Spinoza, Herder, and Hegel. In the first three chapters I consider the views of each of these philosophers as distinct but closely related versions of pantheism. I attempt to provide a systematic and charitable account of each of their views while also considering objections to those views from various directions. In the final chapter I provide the basis for what I take to be the most plausible version of pantheism resulting from this historical analysis, which I call rationalistic pantheism. According to this view, God, or the divine, should be conceived of as an all-encompassing unity that exists necessarily, is radically independent, is structured in accordance with rational principles, and provides an explanatory basis for everything that exists. In addition, the recognition of the rational principles of existence on the part of rational agents such as human beings constitutes one of the highest achievements of this divine unity. I briefly consider additional argumentative resources that could support such a view, as well as what I take to be the distinct philosophical advantages of rationalistic pantheism over perfection theism. Ultimately, I think pantheism is worthy of serious consideration as a viable position both in philosophical debates, as well as in discussions of religion at large, providing a refreshing middle ground between traditional theism and atheism.

From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law, and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen

Nahme, Paul 13 January 2014 (has links)
In this study of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, I argue that Cohen’s revision of Kantian ethics and moral theology is permeated with concepts drawn from and logically contoured by his interpretation of Maimonidean rationalism and Jewish sources, more generally. Through an idealizing hermeneutic, Cohen normativizes certain philosophical problems in post-Kantian philosophy and addresses them under the title of "pantheism" and "positivism". Between both pantheism and positivism, Cohen’s idealism presents a middle path, which I describe as "prophetic idealism", or a philosophy of time and ideality that interprets history, law, and ethical normativity as future-oriented. In other words, "prophecy" intimates a methodological role for temporality in practical philosophy and introduces a new meaning for legality in ethics. Cohen therefore offers a philosophy of Judaism, as a philosophy of religion, by normativizing the idea of prophecy and making it a conceptual model for reason-giving, agency, legal norms and ethical action. By focusing upon the critique of both pantheism and positivism, this dissertation therefore argues that Cohen’s negotiations of nineteenth-century philosophical problems introduces a normative role for Judaism as a public philosophy and the argument concludes by suggesting that Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism is instructive for contemporary public philosophy.

From Critical to Prophetic Idealism: Ethics, Law, and Religion in the Philosophy of Hermann Cohen

Nahme, Paul 13 January 2014 (has links)
In this study of the nineteenth-century German-Jewish philosopher Hermann Cohen, I argue that Cohen’s revision of Kantian ethics and moral theology is permeated with concepts drawn from and logically contoured by his interpretation of Maimonidean rationalism and Jewish sources, more generally. Through an idealizing hermeneutic, Cohen normativizes certain philosophical problems in post-Kantian philosophy and addresses them under the title of "pantheism" and "positivism". Between both pantheism and positivism, Cohen’s idealism presents a middle path, which I describe as "prophetic idealism", or a philosophy of time and ideality that interprets history, law, and ethical normativity as future-oriented. In other words, "prophecy" intimates a methodological role for temporality in practical philosophy and introduces a new meaning for legality in ethics. Cohen therefore offers a philosophy of Judaism, as a philosophy of religion, by normativizing the idea of prophecy and making it a conceptual model for reason-giving, agency, legal norms and ethical action. By focusing upon the critique of both pantheism and positivism, this dissertation therefore argues that Cohen’s negotiations of nineteenth-century philosophical problems introduces a normative role for Judaism as a public philosophy and the argument concludes by suggesting that Cohen’s philosophy of Judaism is instructive for contemporary public philosophy.

„Knowing that Magical Things Were Still Living in the World“

Schlosser, Tobias 07 February 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit dem Phänomen der zeitgenössischen kanadischen Geistergeschichten. Ausgangspunkt ist die außergewöhnlich hohe Anzahl an veröffentlichten Geistergeschichten, die es um bzw. seit Anfang der Jahrtausendwende gab. Die Besonderheit liegt darin, das Kanada gemäß seines Selbstverständnisses ein „matter-of-fact-country“ ist, das im Gegensatz zu seinem südlichen Nachbarn, den USA, weder Gründungsmythen noch eine reichhaltige Tradition an Schauerliteratur vorweisen kann. Dieses Phänomen wird unter einer ästhetisch-ontologischen Perspektive untersucht. Mithilfe romantischer Philosophie (v.a. Friedrich J. W. Schelling), aber auch zeitgenössischen philosophischen Ansätzen sowie traditionellen Mythen kann erklärt werden, dass die Aufklärung und der damit einhergehenden rationalen rationalen Weltsicht, die nicht zuletzt die Kolonialgeschichte bestimmte, in sich begrenzt ist – schließlich kreiert die Aufklärung selbst einen neuen Mythos: nämlich den von ihrer Allmacht. In dieser Arbeit wird dargelegt, dass es ein menschliches Bestreben ist die Welt eben nicht nur rational und logisch zu betrachten. In diesem Sinne verstehen sich, so die These, die Geistergeschichten als ein längst überfälliges Gegenspiel zum rationalistischen Selbstverständnis der kanadischen Kultur. In diesem Zusammenhang setzt sich die Arbeit mit theoretischen Ansätzen wie der Schauerliteratur und des Magischen Realismus kritisch auseinander und schlägt vor eine pantheistische Lesart zu entwickeln (pantheistisch, da in den Geschichten alle übersinnlichen Kräfte der Welt immanent sind). Diese Studie zeigt, dass die Geister andere Semantiken aufweisen als bei der konventionellen Schauerliteratur: Wo in klassischer Schauerliteratur die Geister eine Bedrohung darstellen, werden sie in den zeitgenössischen kanadischen Geistergeschichten als der Erde zugehörig aufgefasst. Es handelt sich also um eine lebensbejahende Form der Einschreibung von Magie in die (Lebens-)Welt, die zugleich dem menschlichen Bedürfnis nachkommt die Welt über Mythen – und keine rationale Sicht – zu erklären. Unter Betrachtung dieser Prämissen werden folgende Geistergeschichten untersucht: Tomson Highways „Kiss of the Fur Queen“ (1998), Eden Robinsons „Monkey Beach“ (2000), Kenneth J. Harveys „The Town that Forgot How to Breathe“ (2004), Joseph Boydens „Three Day Road“ (2005) und David Chariandys „Soucouyant“ (2007).

„Knowing that Magical Things Were Still Living in the World“

Schlosser, Tobias 14 June 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie beschäftigt sich mit dem Phänomen der zeitgenössischen kanadischen Geistergeschichten. Ausgangspunkt ist die außergewöhnlich hohe Anzahl an veröffentlichten Geistergeschichten, die es um bzw. seit Anfang der Jahrtausendwende gab. Die Besonderheit liegt darin, das Kanada gemäß seines Selbstverständnisses ein „matter-of-fact-country“ ist, das im Gegensatz zu seinem südlichen Nachbarn, den USA, weder Gründungsmythen noch eine reichhaltige Tradition an Schauerliteratur vorweisen kann. Dieses Phänomen wird unter einer ästhetisch-ontologischen Perspektive untersucht. Mithilfe romantischer Philosophie (v.a. Friedrich J. W. Schelling), aber auch zeitgenössischen philosophischen Ansätzen sowie traditionellen Mythen kann erklärt werden, dass die Aufklärung und der damit einhergehenden rationalen rationalen Weltsicht, die nicht zuletzt die Kolonialgeschichte bestimmte, in sich begrenzt ist – schließlich kreiert die Aufklärung selbst einen neuen Mythos: nämlich den von ihrer Allmacht. In dieser Arbeit wird dargelegt, dass es ein menschliches Bestreben ist die Welt eben nicht nur rational und logisch zu betrachten. In diesem Sinne verstehen sich, so die These, die Geistergeschichten als ein längst überfälliges Gegenspiel zum rationalistischen Selbstverständnis der kanadischen Kultur. In diesem Zusammenhang setzt sich die Arbeit mit theoretischen Ansätzen wie der Schauerliteratur und des Magischen Realismus kritisch auseinander und schlägt vor eine pantheistische Lesart zu entwickeln (pantheistisch, da in den Geschichten alle übersinnlichen Kräfte der Welt immanent sind). Diese Studie zeigt, dass die Geister andere Semantiken aufweisen als bei der konventionellen Schauerliteratur: Wo in klassischer Schauerliteratur die Geister eine Bedrohung darstellen, werden sie in den zeitgenössischen kanadischen Geistergeschichten als der Erde zugehörig aufgefasst. Es handelt sich also um eine lebensbejahende Form der Einschreibung von Magie in die (Lebens-)Welt, die zugleich dem menschlichen Bedürfnis nachkommt die Welt über Mythen – und keine rationale Sicht – zu erklären. Unter Betrachtung dieser Prämissen werden folgende Geistergeschichten untersucht: Tomson Highways „Kiss of the Fur Queen“ (1998), Eden Robinsons „Monkey Beach“ (2000), Kenneth J. Harveys „The Town that Forgot How to Breathe“ (2004), Joseph Boydens „Three Day Road“ (2005) und David Chariandys „Soucouyant“ (2007).

Spinozismus als Pantheismus: Anmerkungen zum Streitwert Spinozas im 19. Jahrhundert

Schneider, Ulrich Johannes 16 July 2014 (has links)
In Zusammenhang mit der Heroisierung und Stilisierung Spinozas durch die Philosophen des deutschen Idealismus gewinnt ein altes Motiv der Spinozalektüre wieder an Kraft: es ist der im Begriff des 'Spinozismus' mitschwingende Vorwurf des ,'Pantheismus'. Noch im 18. Jahrhundert mit Atheismus weitgehend identisch, scheint der Begriff im 19. Jahrhundert eine bestimmte philosophische Radikalität zu bezeichnen. Keiner, der über Spinoza im 19. Jahrhundert schreibt, läßt ihn außer Betracht, viele verwenden ihn affirmativ, einige kritisch.

The Virtues of a Hero : Virtue Ethics and the Divine in Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000

Seger, David January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines how ethics and various conceptualizations of the divine are explored and expressed in contemporary fiction, and in this particular case, in Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000. It is meant to highlight the philosophical underpinnings within these works, and to discuss how readers and consumers of such fiction and media may be affected in their views regarding religiosity and ethics. This exploration is mainly done through the lens of virtue ethics, specifically Aristotelian and Nietzschean schools of thought, with the primary focus being on the heroes and villains of the respective works. This essay argues that in the case of both Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000, the Aristotelian tendency appears to be more clearly present in both works, while a Nietzschean perspective appears to be driving the villains of Star Wars and to some degree those of Warhammer 40,000 as well. How these ethical frameworks are linked to the transcendent reality described in both works is also discussed, with concepts such as Classical Theism being weighed against that of Pantheism. While fiction such as Star Wars has been the subject of research before, it has not been examined as closely through the lens of ethics. Warhammer 40,000 has only received limited attention, and this essay argues that the similarities between Star Wars and Warhammer 40,000 can most likely be established between other works of fiction as well, opening up for further exploration.

The work of Aleksandr Grin (1880-1932) : a study of Grin's philosophical outlook

Martowicz, Krzysztof January 2011 (has links)
There has been to date no attempt at a detailed examination of Aleksandr Grin’s philosophical views interpreted on the basis of his literary work. Whilst some critics have noted interesting links between the writer’s oeuvre and a few popular philosophers, this has usually been done in passing and on an ad hoc basis. This thesis aims to fill this gap by reconstructing Grin’s views in relation to the European philosophical tradition. The main body of the thesis consists of three parts built on and named after three essential themes in philosophy: External World, Happiness and Morality. Part One delineates Grin’s views on nature and civilisation: I argue first that his cult of nature makes it possible to conceive of Grin as a pantheistic thinker close to Rousseau and Bergson, and then I reconstruct the author’s criticism of urbanisation and industrialisation. In the second part I assess the place of happiness in Grin’s world-view, indicating its similarities to the philosophy of various thinkers from the Ancients to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. After sketching a general picture of the concept of happiness in Grin’s works, I discuss the place of material and immaterial factors in the writer’s outlook. I also gather maxims expressed by the protagonists in his fiction that can be taken as recommendations concerning ways of achieving and defending happiness. Finally, I link happiness with the problem of morality in Grin’s oeuvre. In the final part I examine modes of moral behaviour as displayed by the author’s protagonists. Firstly, I argue that in Grin’s works we find numerous examples and themes that allow us to perceive him as an existentialist. Secondly, I indicate Grin’s adherence to rules of conduct commonly associated with chivalric literature. Thirdly, I emphasise the importance of Promethean-like characters in the moral hierarchy of Grin’s protagonists.

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