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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Christliche Mission im paraguayischen Chaco das Wirken der Oblaten-Missionare im 20. Jahrhundert

Bohnert, Cristino January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Mainz, Univ., Diss., 2009

Del otro lado de la vereda = luta feminista e construção democrática no Paraguai pós-ditatorial / Del otro lado de la vereda : feminist struggle in the Paraguayan democratization

Szwako, José, 1981- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Evelina Dagnino / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T02:54:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Szwako_Jose_D.pdf: 3608852 bytes, checksum: 8372a1c9b6222dfd9849d2d1458b73e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Esta tese trata das relações entre Estado e organizações do movimento feminista no Paraguai. O período analisado vai de 1987, quando da gênese do feminismo no país, passa pelo período de abertura e transição, entre 1989 e 1992, chegando até 2008, após os três mandatos do Partido Colorado à frente da Presidência. Os pressupostos de análise se baseiam na chamada chave da construção democrática, cujos deslocamentos teórico-analíticos fizeram avançar a compreensão sobre o papel dos movimentos sociais nos cenários latinoamericanos de (re)democratização. A essa chave interpretativa somam-se a teoria do processo político e especialmente sua noção de oportunidade política. Depois de abordar os traços institucionais e ideológicos constitutivos do último autoritarismo paraguaio, a tese se dedica aos momentos nos quais as organizações feministas interagem com a institucionalidade estatal, levando consigo suas demandas, argumentos e projetos. Subjacente à observação dessas interações está a dupla hipótese de que elas tiveram como efeito a incorporação estatal do 'gênero' (ou 'generificação' estatal) e que, por outro lado, elas não minaram a 'autonomia' das atrizes civis. Ao mesmo tempo em que essa hipótese foi ganhando corpo ao longo dos capítulos, deu-se também um debate com e contra a corrente interpretativa da chamada consolidalogia (ou transitologia). As instâncias empíricas privilegiadas para verificar o alcance e os limites da hipótese, e para criticar essa última corrente, foram as ações, reivindicações e interações das organizações e redes que compuseram (ou até hoje compõem) o feminismo paraguaio. São elas: o Grupo-Taller, a Coordenação de Mulheres do Paraguai e suas organizações, a Multisetorial de Mulheres do Paraguai, transformada em Rede de Mulheres Políticas, a Coordenadoria Nacional de Mulheres Trabalhadoras Rurais e Indígenas (CONAMURI), bem como o Comitê Latino-americano e do Caribe para a Defesa dos Direitos da Mulher (CLADEM-Paraguai). A observação das interações entre organizações feministas e institucionalidade permite ver que o Estado paraguaio incorporou o 'gênero', embora tal incorporação tenha se concentrado em partes do tecido executivo e tenha sido limitada por fatores como a herança institucional, as disputas intracoloradas pela Presidência, bem como pela reação do contramovimento católico. Por outro lado, essas interações não tiveram como efeito macular a 'autonomia' feminista, entendida como capacidade do movimento de criticar e controlar o Estado, mas, ao que parece, a intensificação das interações sócio-estatais transforma radicalmente a compreensão dos sentidos da autonomia. No seu todo, a partir do caso do movimento feminista, a tese ilumina um nível público de tematização e controle ativamente conquistado, bem como inovações público-estatais, via de regra negligenciados ou não observados por parte da bibiografia especializada, mas que configuram algumas das bases a partir das quais vem se dando e se disputando a democratização paraguaia / Abstract: This thesis studies the relationships between the State and organisations of the feminist movement in Paraguay. It analyses the period between 1987, when feminism emerges in the country, and 2008, after the three presidential administrations of Partido Colorado, comprehending the time of political transition, a process known as "abertura" (opening), between 1989 and 1992. The analytical assumptions are based on the so-called key for the democratic construction paradigm, whose theoretical and analytical shifts contributed to the development of the comprehension of the role of social movements in re(democratisation) scenarios in Latin American. The interpretive key that adds to the theory of political process, especially its notion of political opportunity, was also part of the theoretical framework of the dissertation. After addressing some aspects that were institutionally and ideologically constitutive of the late Paraguayan authoritarianism, the dissertation focuses on to the moments in which feminist organizations interact with state institutions, bringing their demands, arguments and projects. The observation of these interactions is grounded on the double hypothesis that they lead to the incorporation of 'gender' by the State (or "gendered" State) and that they did not undermine the 'autonomy' of the civil actors. At the same time this hypothesis takes shape along the chapters, the text also debates with the prevailing view of democracy as 'steps toward consolidolion'.The actions, claims and interaction of the organisations and networks that constituted (and still do) the Paraguayan feminism, were the privileged empirical instances to verify the reach and the limits of the hypothesis and to criticise this latter point of view. These organisations and networks are: the Grupo-Taller, the Coordinación de Mujeres del Paraguay, the Multisectorial de Mujeres del Paraguay, the Red de Mujeres Políticas, the Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Trabajadoras Rurales e Indígenas (CONAMURI), and the Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer (CLADEM-Paraguai). The observation of interactions between feminist organizations and institutions shows that the Paraguayan State has incorporated the 'gender' (as a concept and a practice), although such incorporation has been concentrated in parts of the Executive fabric and limited by factors such as institutional legacy, disputes inside the Partido Colorado for the presidency of the republic, and as for the Catholic counter-reaction. Moreover, these interactions have not had the effect of tarnishing the "autonomy" of the feminist movement, understood as the ability to criticize and control the State, but it seems that the intensification of the social-State interactions, radically transforms the understanding of the meanings of autonomy . As a whole, from the case of the feminist movement, the thesis illuminates a public theme process and an active sociability conquered, as well as the public-State innovations, usually neglected or not observed by the specialized bibliography, but that shape the bases from which the democratization of Paraguay has been disputed / Doutorado / Ciencias Sociais / Doutor em Ciências Sociais

¿Una democracia transparente? : La destitución del ex presidente Fernando Lugo en Paraguay / A transparent democracy? : The impeachment of Paraguay's former president Fernando Lugo.

Järnefelt, Pia January 2013 (has links)
En el presente estudio se pretende analizar si existe una verdadera democracia en Paraguay, investigando el juicio político y la destitución del ex presidente Fernando Lugo en junio del 2012. Tras el golpe de estado en 1989, que puso fin a una dictadura de 35 años, el país empezó la transición hacia la democracia, la cual sigue hoy en día inconclusa. Dentro de un marco teórico de la sociedad civil y utilizando el concepto de accountability, se trata de investigar y comprobar la hipótesis de que no existe una democracia transparente en Paraguay. Nuestras preguntas de investigación son: ¿Cuáles son las causas de la destitución del ex presidente Fernando Lugo? Y ¿Qué nos dice este acontecimiento sobre la calidad de la democracia en Paraguay hoy? Para hacer posible el análisis se presenta una breve historia de las últimas décadas en Paraguay y se analiza la democracia en este país hoy en día, utilizando determinados requerimientos y características para la democracia. Usamos el método cualitativo. Concluimos que la destitución del ex presidente Fernando Lugo ha sido un “golpe de estado institucional” y que la democracia no es fuerte y transparente en el país. También concluimos que hay una sociedad civil fuerte en Paraguay, pero que esto no indica una democracia institucional sólida o transparente.

Desafíos de los intérpretes y traductores en idiomas indígenas en contextos de la conquista y evangelización: Experiencias del Sur

Payàs Puigarnau, Gertrudis, Candela, Guillaume, Yrigoyen, Soraya 21 October 2021 (has links)
Conversatorio alrededor del tema de los desafíos de los intérpretes y traductores en idiomas indígenas en contextos de la conquista y evangelización: Experiencias del Sur (Casos de los pueblos Mapuche - Chile y Guaraníes - Paraguay.

Attityder till och metoder för tvåspråkig undervisning på fyra gymnasieskolor i Paraguay

Wikström, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att genom lärares och skolledares beskrivning av den tvåspråkiga undervisningen i Paraguay få en förståelse för de attityder, de didaktiska ställningstaganden samt det lokala, regionala och nationella utvecklingsarbete en tvåspråkig undervisning måste ta hänsyn till. Arbetet ger en översikt av tidigare forskning om tvåspråkig undervisning och språkutvecklande arbetssätt såväl internationellt som i Sverige. Med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer ville jag se:- vilka didaktiska redskap skolorna använde sig av i den tvåspråkiga undervisningen- vad målet var med den tvåspråkiga undervisningen- hur skolpersonalen tyckte att undervisningen fungerade- vilka lärdomar den svenska skolan skulle kunna ta med sig från ParaguayArbetet utgår från handböcker och annan litteratur kring erfarenheter av tvåspråkig undervisning och hur man på bästa sätt kan organisera en sådan undervisning.Sammanfattningsvis pekar resultaten på att det saknas många delar för att den tvåspråkiga undervisningen på bästa sätt ska kunna användas i det dagliga arbetet, men att den tvåspråkiga undervisningen har lyckats med sitt primära mål - att stärka guaranís roll i samhället och bland elever och föräldrar.Studien kommer också fram till att det vid arbete med tvåspråkighet i undervisningen krävs:1) En samsyn kring den språkliga varianten. Vilken variant av språket är det som ska läras ut?2) Det måste finnas god tillgång på väl utarbetat läromedel på språket i fråga.3) Skolpersonalen måste vara, och känna sig, kompetenta att undervisa och kommunicera påspråket.Däremot är det inte en nödvändighet att båda språken har en stark och positiv ställning i landet vid införandet, eftersom det förändras i takt med att språket ges plats i undervisningen och samhället.

Love and hate among the people without things : the social and economic relations of the Enxet people of Paraguay

Kidd, Stephen William January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examines the social and economic relations of the Enxet indigenous people of the Paraguayan Chaco region who place a high value on egalitarianism, generosity and personal autonomy. However, during the twentieth century their land has been colonized by cattle ranchers and they have been obliged to enter the market economy. While anthropologists have proposed a range of theories to explain indigenous social and economic relations, the main concern of this thesis is to examine how the Enxet themselves explain their social behaviour. The Enxet make salient use of "emotion words" when discussing their social and economic practices. For instance, a fundamental dichotomy in Enxet thought is between "love" and "hate" and much of their discourse centres on these two concepts. The Enxet seek to create "good/beautiful" people who know how to act appropriately. In certain contexts they should practise "love" while in other contexts "hate" is acceptable. Enxet social organization should not be understood as a structure but as a process, as something that is being continually created. I will consider different aspects of this process through an examination of kinship, co-residence, marital relations, "brideservice" and inter-community contact, and I will describe how economic transactions are key elements in the generation of "loving" social relations. However, self-centred practices create many challenges to a harmonious community life and I will consider how the Enxet strive to overcome them. Of particular interest will be demand sharing which responds, in part, to a strongly-held egalitarian ethic but can also provoke disharmony and discomfort in community life. I will also discuss commodity relations within Enxet communities and challenge the common assumption that money is necessarily destructive of indigenous social relations. I will conclude that the overriding goal of the Enxet is the attainment of tranquillity in both their personal and social lives. For the Enxet, economic relations are not about gaining material wealth but about living well with other people. They recognize that personal affective comfort is dependent on engendering tranquillity in other people. Therefore, the "emotion words" they use to explain their social behaviour should not be regarded as merely referring to "feelings" but as encompassing an aesthetics of social behaviour.

Structure des assemblages de fourmis le long d'un gradient d'aridité situé dans le Chaco sec paraguayen / Structure of ant assemblages along an aridity gradient in the Paraguayan dry Chaco

Delsinne, Thibaut 14 September 2007 (has links)
Contexte: L’importance écologique des fourmis dans les écosystèmes terrestres justifie qu’elles soient considérées comme groupe cible pour des actions de conservation. De plus, de par leur abondance, leur facilité de récolte et leur réponse à des perturbations, elles présentent un potentiel intéressant comme groupe indicateur précoce de l’état de santé des écosystèmes. Par contre, pour le choix d’aires à protéger, leur utilité comme intégrateur des conditions de milieu par rapport à des indicateurs classiques tels que les assemblages de plantes n’est pas clairement établie. En d’autres termes, répondent-elles plus finement que les plantes à différentes conditions de milieu et dans ce cas doit-on s’attendre à trouver au sein de formations végétales comparables plusieurs types d’assemblages de foumis? Si tel est le cas, la méthode utilisant les assemblages de végétaux pour sélectionner les sites à protéger peut ne pas permettre une conservation efficace de la diversité des fourmis. Ce type de problématique s’aborde bien le long de gradients environnementaux. Pour faciliter l’interprétation des résultats en terme de réponse aux facteurs abiotiques il est préférable de limiter le nombre de facteurs qui varient en même temps. Dans ce sens, le Chaco sec paraguayen représente un système très favorable: faible déclivité, faibles variations de températures moyennes mais gamme très étendue de conditions de pluviométrie (350mm à 1000mm de précipitations moyennes annuelles) et des sols variables (texture limoneuse à sableuse). L’aridité est l’un des principaux facteurs pouvant limiter la diversité des fourmis soit directement en exerçant un stress physiologique sur les espèces, soit indirectement en limitant la productivité primaire de l’habitat. Les conditions édaphiques peuvent également avoir une influence en affectant par exemple la survie des colonies qui nidifient dans le sol. <p>Objectifs: Les principaux buts de la thèse sont (1) de déterminer l’influence de l’aridité et des conditions édaphiques sur la distribution et la structure des assemblages de fourmis terricoles du sol en forêts tropicales sèches, (2) mettre en évidence les mécanismes qui facilitent la coexistence des espèces de fourmis à l’échelle locale, (3) déterminer si à l’échelle régionale les fourmis et les plantes répondent de façon similaire aux conditions du milieu. <p>Méthode: Onze localités ont été échantillonnées le long d’un transect régional long de 400km. Au niveau de chaque localité, trois transects élémentaires longs de 200m et séparés les uns des autres par 200m ont été effectués. La myrmécofaune a été échantillonnée à l’aide de 20 pièges à fosse et de 20 Winkler par transect élémentaire. La végétation de chaque site a été caractérisée sur base de l’abondance de 45 espèces d’arbres ou d’arbustes caractéristiques de la flore chaquéenne. Les propriétés physico-chimiques du sol ont également été mesurées. A fine échelle, l’organisation spatio-temporelle d’un assemblage a été étudié dans une localité de référence.<p>Résultats: Au total, plus de 50.000 spécimens correspondant à 206 espèces de fourmis ont été collectés avec en moyenne (± SD) 62 ± 10 espèces par localité. Pour un même effort d’échantillonnage, le nombre d’espèces de fourmis récoltées à l’aide des pièges à fosse augmente avec l’aridité et une tendance inverse est observée pour les Winkler. Puisque les Winkler peuvent entraîner une sévère sous-estimation de la diversité des fourmis d’un habitat, seules les données des pièges à fosse sont utilisées pour la suite des analyses. La diversité locale & / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Las tierras incógnitas de la administración jesuita: toma de decisiones, gremios consultivos y evolución de normas / Las tierras incógnitas de la administración jesuita: toma de decisiones, gremios consultivos y evolución de normas

Fechner, Fabián 12 April 2018 (has links)
In spite of the well-known importance of written norms and administrative structures in the Society of Jesus, there are only a few specialized studies of these subjects. A very general concept of a monolithic and centralized religious order is prevalent. But when administrative practices and internal communication are analyzed thoroughly, it becomes clear that Jesuit structures were based on consultative guilds which took part in decision-making processes. Among the least investigated administrative topics, the freedom of action of provincial congregations is most surprising. / A pesar de la importancia notoria de las normas escritas y de las estructuras administrativas en la Compañía de Jesús, hay muy pocos estudios específicos sobre estos aspectos. Predomina una visión muy general de una Orden monolítica y centralizada. Sin  embargo, al analizar la práctica administrativa y las comunicaciones internas, se puede ver que la estructura de la Compañía de Jesús se basa en gremios consultivos que participan en los procesos de toma de decisiones. Entre los temas administrativos menos trabajados, sobresalen lasfranjas de libertad de las congregaciones provinciales.


Mendoza, Benito Armando Solis 06 July 2009 (has links)
The present study describes as the objectives of Public Rural Extension in Paraguay and the extensionist profile in the Departament of Concepcion and Amambay. To reach the objectives a case study format was employet with a questonaire containing open-ended questions used to explore the metodhology of work of extension in the field and the extension agent profile. The study also includes a basic background of local extension agents in the area selected. It is concluded that the service of public extension is carried out in a deficient way due to the structural conditions (mainly lack of resources) that affect the service, and, as a result, the attitude and motivation of the extension agents working in the ACD. At the end some suggestions are presented to improve the situation. / O presente estudo trata de conhecer e descrever a estrutura da Extensão Rural pública e o perfil dos extensionistas do Centro de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário (CDA) de Concepción. O território delimitado pela pesquisa, são os Departamentos de Concepción e Amambay onde o CDA possui dez (10) Agências Locais de Assistência Técnica (ALAT). Com a finalidade de conhecer e entender a forma de trabalho dos extensionistas nesta região, buscou-se coletar informações através da aplicação de questionários abertos e fechados, cuja pauta continha perguntas à respeito de suas metodologias e estratégias de trabalho, cobertura do trabalho de assistência, público-alvo, meios materiais, motivação pessoal, preparação e atualização. Completou-se o levantamento de informações com dados pessoais dos extensionistas, tais como idade, formação acadêmica e perspectivas profissionais. Por tratar-se de uma região sui generis do país foi aplicado a Metodologia Estudo de Caso, por ser esta considerada como a que melhor revelaria a situação particular local. Conclui-se que o serviço de extensão pública é desenvolvido de forma deficitária devido primeiramente às condições estruturais e secundariamente motivacionais por parte dos profissionais que atuam no serviço. Ao final elaboram-se algumas sugestões que visam modificar alguns fatos observados.

Landscape epidemiology of hantavirus in the Atlantic Forest of Paraguay

Koch, David E. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Geography / Douglas G. Goodin / Hantaviruses are zoonotic, RNA viruses that are harbored by muroid rodents of the families Muridae and Cricetidae. While the virus is endemic, and mostly non-symptomatic in its rodent reservoirs, when humans contact the virus it can result in serious disease. My purpose in this dissertation is to investigate the effect that landscape patterns and land cover condition can have on pathogen prevalence in a hantavirus reservoir species (Akodon montensis) within the Atlantic Forest region of Eastern Paraguay and to investigate ways to analyze those patterns using remotely sensed data. The first component to this research is to test potential improvements to image classifications on land use/land cover classifications useful for the study of small mammal communities. An object-based classification produced the best results with seven classes: Forest, Wet Cerrado, Dry Cerrado, Latifundia, Minifundia, Dry Pasture, and Wet Pasture. The classified imagery was then used to assess landscape effects on the presence of hantaviral antibodies (a 'marker' for exposure to the virus) in populations of A. montensis. In the overall landscape, proximity of similar habitat patches was related to seroprevalence in Akodon. When considering only the forest class, high amount of forest, high number of forest patches, and high diversity in forest patch sizes were all associated with seroprevalence. Next, was an analysis of ways to distinguish understory density variables through the use of satellite imagery. Horizontal and vertical density in the understory has been associated with the presence of hantavirus in A. montensis. Vertical and horizontal density measurements were correlated with NDVI and the Fourth band in the Tasseled Cap transformation. Finally, I consider the relationship between small mammal community diversity and seroprevalence, and their association with NDVI. Diverse small mammal communities are associated with low hantavirus seroprevalence. Low diversity metrics and high hantavirus seroprevalence were associated with high mean NDVI values. Many aspects of landscape patterns are important to hantavirus seroprevalence in small mammal communities in Eastern Paraguay. Several of the landscape patterns important to hantavirus seroprevalence can be studied using satellite-derived data.

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