Spelling suggestions: "subject:"paratexts"" "subject:"datatexts""
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Renarrating the Berbers in three Amazigh translations of the Holy Quran : paratextual and framing strategiesAlkroud, Eman January 2018 (has links)
In the aftermath of the independence of Morocco and Algeria in the second half of the twentieth century, each sought to create one homogeneous nation-state, defining themselves as Arab, declaring Arabic language as the only official language and embarking on Arabisation campaign that attempted to eliminate any ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity. The Berber community which comprised 40% of the Moroccan population (Madani 2003, Silverstein and Crawford 2004, Maddy-Weitzman 2006) and 25% of the Algerian population (Ennaji 2009) appeared to be relegated to an inferior position and pushed back to the peripheries. This situation gave rise to what is generally referred to as âthe Berber questionâ; the Berbers became increasingly aware of their minority status and began to demand certain linguistic and cultural rights. Translation, most importantly the translation of the Holy Quran, became an important means of asserting these rights and the identity of the Berber as a distinct nation. Drawing on paratext theory as proposed by Genette (1997) and framing theory as put forward by Goffman (1974) and elaborated by others (e.g. Entman 1993, Snow and Benford 1988, 2000 and Asimakoulas 2009), the study investigated the role that three Berber translations of the Holy Quran have played in renegotiating the political landscape of Berber communities in the past eighteen years (1999-2017). Analysis of the three translations have shown that the translators, while being faithful to the text, managed to signal their difference, foreground their language and culture and question, challenge and even undermine widespread official claims, through subtle, counter-hegemonic moves, using framing strategies and a toolbox of paratextual devices.
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First Impressions, Second Appraisals: Going Beyond the “Paratextual Contract” in The American Televisual Opening Title SequenceClabaugh, Erik K. 19 December 2012 (has links)
Much of the existing academic discourse surrounding opening title sequences suggests that they function primarily by providing viewers with information concerning a program’s characters, settings, genre and themes. Such accounts seemingly fail to recognize more nuanced concurrent functions. Utilizing the concept of paratexts originally proposed by Gerard Genette in combination with a neoformalist approach to analysis, this project identifies patterns, narrative components, stylistic elements and various industrial and authorial characteristics within the field of American televisual opening title sequences in order to explore some of these underlying concomitant functions, and classify the segments that perform them accordingly.
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Sea Change: Japan's New Wave of Female Film DirectorsLaird, Colleen 11 July 2013 (has links)
Since the mid-2000s, there has been a significant increase in female directors in Japan. Organized around the central feature of this emerging wave, this dissertation is a multifaceted project that combines historical research with reception studies, industry studies, gender studies, and formal analysis of films and marketing paratexts. In exploring the connections between film production, reception, exhibition, and auteur personas, I argue that the recent emergence of women into commercial cinema is fueled by gendered marketing tactics that seek to target contemporary female consumers. This focused gendering of auteur, product, exhibition space, and presumed spectator is changing the landscape of cinema in Japan, a process some refer to as "feminization." My dissertation rethinks the history of Japanese cinema with regards to the relationship between filmmakers as gendered bodies, distribution companies and marketing as patriarchal power structures, and the capital wielding demographic of female spectators as influential, but often neglected, consumers. / 2015-07-11
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Footnotes in fiction: a rhetorical approachMaloney, Edward J. 10 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Um outro olhar sobre a literatura brasileira: Clarice Lispector em tradução alemã / Another look at Brazilian literature: Clarice Lispector in German translationCastro, Thales Augusto Barretto de 29 July 2013 (has links)
Este estudo propõe-se a discutir o potencial de recepção da obra de Clarice Lispector na Alemanha. Para tanto, fundamenta-se no ideário de tradução despontado nos anos de 1970, sobretudo na Teoria dos Polissistemas de Itamar Even-Zohar, nas normas de tradução de Gideon Toury e nos conceitos de reescrita e patronagem de André Lefevere. Combinada a estes princípios tradutológicos, a obra de Gérard Genette, Paratextos Editorias, auxilia na sistematização das funções e especificidades do corpus desta pesquisa, qual seja, os paratextos que apresentam e comentam as traduções alemãs dos livros de Lispector: textos das orelhas, resenhas literárias, artigos de jornal, dentre outros. Mediante a leitura descritiva e analítica destes elementos textuais, mapeia-se o papel e a influência de instâncias e agentes, tais como editoras e articulistas, na divulgação desta escritora no sistema literário alemão. Destarte, evidenciam-se novos matizes na recepção da literatura brasileira traduzida na Alemanha, na medida em que a imagem associada à obra de Lispector se desvencilha de determinados estereótipos relacionados ao Brasil e alinha-se à tradição da literatura ocidental. / This study aims to discuss the reception potential of Clarice Lispector\'s work in Germany. Therefore, it is based on the ideas of translation emerged in the 1970s, especially on the Polysystem Theory by Itamar Even-Zohar, the translation norms by Gideon Toury, and the concepts of rewriting and patronage by André Lefevere. In combination with these translational principles the work of Gérard Genette, Paratexts, supports the systemization of the functions and particularities of the corpus of this study, namely, the paratexts that present and comment the German translations of Lispectors books: blurbs, literary reviews, newspaper articles, among others. By means of describing and analyzing these textual elements this work aims at mapping out the role and the influence of instances and agents such as e.g. publishers and journalists on the dissemination of this writer in the German literary system. Thus, new tinges in the reception of Brazilian literature translated in Germany become evident, as the image associated with Lispector\'s work is uncoupled from certain stereotypes related to Brazil and aligned with the tradition of Western literature.
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Delineando fronteiras: deslocamentos e subjetividades em Alias Grace (1996) de Margaret Atwood / Delineating frontiers: subjectivities and displacements in Alias Grace (1996) by Margaret AtwoodMoyano, Thiago Marcel 21 September 2015 (has links)
Na virada do pós-estruturalismo, um olhar menos unificado e universalizante do espaço como mero palco esvaziado de significação se vê proposto. Este, como já denunciava Michel Foucault nos anos 1970, deixará de ser percebido como fixo e simplesmente referencial, para adquirir, nos mais diversos fóruns de discussão, caráter dialético e dinâmico, o qual se alinha às questões centrais desta nova forma de conceber o mundo, a filosofia e o fazer científico. Paralelamente, estudos acerca da constituição da subjetividade apontam para o status oscilante desta, demonstrando como o sujeito é fruto de uma multiplicidade de discursos, os quais tornam impossíveis quaisquer esforços em demarcá-lo dentro de fronteiras estanques. Percebe-se aqui, portanto, um imbricamento das noções de ser e deslocar-se, no qual a apropriação de metáforas e do campo semântico em torno da noção de trânsitos mostrar-se-á constitutiva da obra literária, agindo como importante operador no desenvolvimento da trama e suas personagens. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a obra Alias Grace (1996) de Margaret Atwood, à luz da teoria do gênero, a fim de mapear a desconstrução de essencialismos acerca das protagonistas, Grace Marks e Simon Jordan. No romance, Atwood dá voz à personagem histórica Grace Marks, uma jovem imigrante irlandesa do século XIX, a qual se torna mentora e cúmplice do assassinato de seu patrão, Thomas Kinnear, e da governanta e suposta amante deste, Nancy Montgomery. Perceberemos ao longo da narrativa que esta personagem-narradora utilizar-se-á das diversas fronteiras que ronda e ultrapassa, como uma forma de expandir sua identidade a partir da manipulação sistemática que faz da linguagem. Paralelamente, Atwood cria uma personagem que desempenhará o papel de principal interlocutor da imigrante: o Dr. Simon Jordan, um jovem médico americano, cuja trajetória pessoal também é marcada por vários deslocamentos. Em um movimento antecipatório da psicanálise freudiana, ele se propõe a desvendar a mente de Grace, a fim de tentar extrair desta uma verdade, estabelecendo um diagnóstico que lhe confira sucesso e reconhecimento profissional. Como veremos, a autora empenhará uma crítica do masculino, na qual ele se verá gradativamente destituído de tudo aquilo que lhe conferiria status dentro do rol de expectativas daquela sociedade. Ademais, estabeleceremos uma leitura de um aspecto formal empregado ao longo das páginas do romance: as entradas paratextuais. A partir deste recurso, veremos nossas leituras de ambas as personagens sendo reforçadas em um constante deslizamento entre fontes, documentais e ficcionais, ligadas ao imaginário da época. Para tal, trabalhos de Philip Wegner (2002) e Neil Smith (1993) acerca da noção de espaço, Bronwen Walter (2001), Lorna McLean e Marilyn Barber (2004) sobre a imigração irlandesa no Canadá, Roland Barthes (1986), Gérard Genette (1987) e Linda Hutcheon (1990), acerca dos paratextos, bem como considerações de Chris Weedon (1987), Jane Flax (1990), R.W. Connell (1997), Judith Butler (1990), entre outros, em torno do gênero e pós-modernismo servirão de aparato teórico para esta investigação. / In the Post-structuralist turn, a less unified and universalizing concept of space as merely a meaningless stage is proposed. Such notion, as Michel Foucault announced in the 1970s, will no longer be perceived by its fixity and/or as simply referential, in order to acquire, in the most multiple forums of discussion, a dynamic character, which is aligned to central questions of this renewed way of conceiving the world, Philosophy, and Epistemology. In parallel fashion, studies concerning the constitution of subjectivity point towards its oscillating status, showing how the subject is the product of multiple discourses, which make any demarcating of solid frontiers, a hard task. Therefore, one can observe an imbrication of the notions being and displacing, in which the appropriation of metaphors and the semantic scope around the notion of transience is shown to be constitutive of the literary text, performing a relevant role in the development of the plot and its characters. The present work aims at analyzing the novel Alias Grace (1996) by Margaret Atwood, under the light of Gender theory, in order to map the deconstruction of essentialisms around the protagonists, Grace Marks and Simon Jordan. In her book, Atwood gives voice to the historical figure Grace Marks, young Irish immigrant in the XIX century, which becomes mentor and accomplice of murder of her employer, Thomas Kinnear, and his mistress and governess of the house, Nancy Montgomery. It can be seen that, throughout the narrative, Grace will negotiate with the various borders that she delineates, and even crosses, as a means of expanding her identity through the systematic manipulation of language she engages with. In parallel fashion, Atwood creates a character that will play the role of this immigrants main interlocutor: Dr. Simon Jordan, a young American physician, whose personal trajectory was also marked by several displacements. In an anticipatory movement of the Freudian psychoanalysis, he is determined to unveil the mysteries of the human mind, revealing the truth behind Graces case in order to gain success and professional recognition. As we will demonstrate, the author establishes a criticism around masculinity, in which he will gradually lose everything that gives him status as a man of his times, within the set of expectations in that society. Furthermore, we will analyze a formal aspect employed along the pages of the novel: its paratextuality. Through this resource, we will see our reading of both the protagonists being reinforced in the constant slippery move between sources, documental and fictional, linked to that eras imaginary. In order to do that, works by Philip Wegner (2002) and Neil Smith (1993) around the notion of space, Bronwen Walter (2001), Lorna McLean and Marilyn Barber (2004) on the Irish immigration in Canada, Roland Barthes (1986), Gérard Genette (1987) and Linda Hutcheon (1990), regarding paratexts, as well as the studies by Chris Weedon (1987), Jane Flax (1990), R.W. Connell (1997), Judith Butler (1990), among others, around gender and postmodernism will serve as the theoretical apparatus for this investigation.
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Middle Years Teachers' and Students' Responses to Young Adult Literature with Online ContentGinther, Ruth Ann 30 August 2013 (has links)
Literature for young adults, which has undergone significant changes in the last few decades and continues to evolve rapidly, is increasingly accompanied by Internet materials which attempt to fulfill a variety of purposes. The overall purpose of this qualitative study was to develop an understanding of middle years teachers’ and students’ responses to these printed and online texts. This research explored the nature of the online content being created and the usefulness of Genette’s (1997) concepts of paratexts in understanding these materials, as well as the responses of middle years teachers and students to a selected set of novels and the online content related to those novels. A collective case study approach was used to probe the responses of four teachers and six students from four mid-sized western Canadian cities. Data were collected through in-person and Skype interviews and through written response journals. Within-case and cross-case analysis occurred using thematic coding methods. Themes were identified in both the students’ and teachers’ responses, and these themes were observed to align in six significant ways. Both teachers and students agreed that audio and visual materials online may evoke a strong response and that the opinions and ideas of other readers are interesting and influential. The teachers predicted and the students confirmed that their response to the websites was largely determined by their response to the printed texts. The two participant groups both indicated that they viewed the printed texts as of primary importance and that the content of the websites had the power to change their thinking about those texts. Finally, both teachers and students described a tendency to make quick decisions about their interest in the content of a website. Implications for pedagogy include the need for educators to investigate these online materials and to consider students’ out-of-school literacy skills and preferences in order to make intentional, informed decisions about their use in the curriculum. Recommendations for future research include the exploration of a wider range of printed and online texts, examination of the responses of students from different age groups to these texts, and investigation of the impact of participation in the book-related websites on adolescents’ identity development. / Graduate / 0727
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Beast Sellers: The Necessary Evils of Paratexts in the Development and Marketing of the Horror-Thriller ScreenplayArmstrong, Shayne January 2005 (has links)
Monster Business is a feature film project comprising a horror-thriller feature screenplay and an accompanying exegesis. The screenplay is about a best-selling author who is behind on the delivery of the sequel to his money-spinning first novel and is made an offer by an enigmatic stranger to help rearrange his working environment to facilitate the rapid completion of the manuscript. Over the coming hours, then months, the author discovers just how far the stranger will go to complete the terms of this bizarre and brutal new contract. This accompanying exegesis examines a series of 'paratexts' (a logline, a one-pager and a treatment) that the screenplay has given rise to. The thesis argues that the role of the screenwriter does not end with the production of the core text--the screenplay. Instead, in order to support the development and/or the marketing of the script into a feature film, the screenwriter is an ongoing generator of supplemental documents or paratexts. The paper explores the status and function of paratexts (loglines, onepagers, treatments and explanatory development notes). It further argues that developmental paratexts are a necessary evil, providing a sifting or culling mechanism for producers and production executives, and that they are intended to guide a project toward being 'greenlit' but will more often have, at best, benign or, at worst, negative or destructive effects on its development. In this way, developmental paratexts, although ubiquitous and pro forma, are inherently problematic.
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On the Boundaries of Watchmen : Paratextual Narratives across MediaWaites, Peter January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is an intervention into the ongoing revisions of Gerard Genette’s concept of paratexts. Increasingly used in discussions of artifacts other than the literary novels that were Genette’s object of attention, the concept of paratexts has given rise to intense debates regarding the nature and functions of paratextual elements across media. One area of contestation is the relation of paratext to narrative. While Genette’s original paradigm complicates the possibility of a narrative paratext, I show that the liminal zones usually occupied by paratexts—what I call paratextual space—are commonly used for narrative purposes, particularly as popular narratives extend across media. In this dissertation, I analyze the different embodiments of Watchmen with a focus on such a use of paratextual spaces. I argue that studies of narratives presented in these spaces—what I refer to as paratextual narratives—will not only shed light on these narrative strategies, but also give new insights into how popular narratives extend across new media platforms. My first analytical chapter concerns the material that frames the Watchmen graphic narrative, and its roots in the media specific history and paratextual phenomenon known as lettercols. I show how this paratextual space was repurposed in the creation of Watchmen to present narrative material that worked to establish and augment the history of the storyworld and the characters presented in the graphic narrative of the Watchmen comics. I argue that the functions of these materials are influenced by the tradition established by the lettercols and the paratextual spaces in which they are situated. In my second analytical chapter I turn to the Watchmen adaptation, focusing in particular on the digital narratives framing the cinematic premiere of the film. I show how the paratextual nature of these materials occluded their narrative functions, causing them to be excluded from what is regarded the adaptation of Watchmen. I argue that the materials framing the Watchmen film are paratextual narratives that should be seen as integral parts of the Watchmen adaptation. In my conclusion I address the Watchmen prequel-series Before Watchmen and raise questions regarding how paratextual narratives function for media franchising.
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Delineando fronteiras: deslocamentos e subjetividades em Alias Grace (1996) de Margaret Atwood / Delineating frontiers: subjectivities and displacements in Alias Grace (1996) by Margaret AtwoodThiago Marcel Moyano 21 September 2015 (has links)
Na virada do pós-estruturalismo, um olhar menos unificado e universalizante do espaço como mero palco esvaziado de significação se vê proposto. Este, como já denunciava Michel Foucault nos anos 1970, deixará de ser percebido como fixo e simplesmente referencial, para adquirir, nos mais diversos fóruns de discussão, caráter dialético e dinâmico, o qual se alinha às questões centrais desta nova forma de conceber o mundo, a filosofia e o fazer científico. Paralelamente, estudos acerca da constituição da subjetividade apontam para o status oscilante desta, demonstrando como o sujeito é fruto de uma multiplicidade de discursos, os quais tornam impossíveis quaisquer esforços em demarcá-lo dentro de fronteiras estanques. Percebe-se aqui, portanto, um imbricamento das noções de ser e deslocar-se, no qual a apropriação de metáforas e do campo semântico em torno da noção de trânsitos mostrar-se-á constitutiva da obra literária, agindo como importante operador no desenvolvimento da trama e suas personagens. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a obra Alias Grace (1996) de Margaret Atwood, à luz da teoria do gênero, a fim de mapear a desconstrução de essencialismos acerca das protagonistas, Grace Marks e Simon Jordan. No romance, Atwood dá voz à personagem histórica Grace Marks, uma jovem imigrante irlandesa do século XIX, a qual se torna mentora e cúmplice do assassinato de seu patrão, Thomas Kinnear, e da governanta e suposta amante deste, Nancy Montgomery. Perceberemos ao longo da narrativa que esta personagem-narradora utilizar-se-á das diversas fronteiras que ronda e ultrapassa, como uma forma de expandir sua identidade a partir da manipulação sistemática que faz da linguagem. Paralelamente, Atwood cria uma personagem que desempenhará o papel de principal interlocutor da imigrante: o Dr. Simon Jordan, um jovem médico americano, cuja trajetória pessoal também é marcada por vários deslocamentos. Em um movimento antecipatório da psicanálise freudiana, ele se propõe a desvendar a mente de Grace, a fim de tentar extrair desta uma verdade, estabelecendo um diagnóstico que lhe confira sucesso e reconhecimento profissional. Como veremos, a autora empenhará uma crítica do masculino, na qual ele se verá gradativamente destituído de tudo aquilo que lhe conferiria status dentro do rol de expectativas daquela sociedade. Ademais, estabeleceremos uma leitura de um aspecto formal empregado ao longo das páginas do romance: as entradas paratextuais. A partir deste recurso, veremos nossas leituras de ambas as personagens sendo reforçadas em um constante deslizamento entre fontes, documentais e ficcionais, ligadas ao imaginário da época. Para tal, trabalhos de Philip Wegner (2002) e Neil Smith (1993) acerca da noção de espaço, Bronwen Walter (2001), Lorna McLean e Marilyn Barber (2004) sobre a imigração irlandesa no Canadá, Roland Barthes (1986), Gérard Genette (1987) e Linda Hutcheon (1990), acerca dos paratextos, bem como considerações de Chris Weedon (1987), Jane Flax (1990), R.W. Connell (1997), Judith Butler (1990), entre outros, em torno do gênero e pós-modernismo servirão de aparato teórico para esta investigação. / In the Post-structuralist turn, a less unified and universalizing concept of space as merely a meaningless stage is proposed. Such notion, as Michel Foucault announced in the 1970s, will no longer be perceived by its fixity and/or as simply referential, in order to acquire, in the most multiple forums of discussion, a dynamic character, which is aligned to central questions of this renewed way of conceiving the world, Philosophy, and Epistemology. In parallel fashion, studies concerning the constitution of subjectivity point towards its oscillating status, showing how the subject is the product of multiple discourses, which make any demarcating of solid frontiers, a hard task. Therefore, one can observe an imbrication of the notions being and displacing, in which the appropriation of metaphors and the semantic scope around the notion of transience is shown to be constitutive of the literary text, performing a relevant role in the development of the plot and its characters. The present work aims at analyzing the novel Alias Grace (1996) by Margaret Atwood, under the light of Gender theory, in order to map the deconstruction of essentialisms around the protagonists, Grace Marks and Simon Jordan. In her book, Atwood gives voice to the historical figure Grace Marks, young Irish immigrant in the XIX century, which becomes mentor and accomplice of murder of her employer, Thomas Kinnear, and his mistress and governess of the house, Nancy Montgomery. It can be seen that, throughout the narrative, Grace will negotiate with the various borders that she delineates, and even crosses, as a means of expanding her identity through the systematic manipulation of language she engages with. In parallel fashion, Atwood creates a character that will play the role of this immigrants main interlocutor: Dr. Simon Jordan, a young American physician, whose personal trajectory was also marked by several displacements. In an anticipatory movement of the Freudian psychoanalysis, he is determined to unveil the mysteries of the human mind, revealing the truth behind Graces case in order to gain success and professional recognition. As we will demonstrate, the author establishes a criticism around masculinity, in which he will gradually lose everything that gives him status as a man of his times, within the set of expectations in that society. Furthermore, we will analyze a formal aspect employed along the pages of the novel: its paratextuality. Through this resource, we will see our reading of both the protagonists being reinforced in the constant slippery move between sources, documental and fictional, linked to that eras imaginary. In order to do that, works by Philip Wegner (2002) and Neil Smith (1993) around the notion of space, Bronwen Walter (2001), Lorna McLean and Marilyn Barber (2004) on the Irish immigration in Canada, Roland Barthes (1986), Gérard Genette (1987) and Linda Hutcheon (1990), regarding paratexts, as well as the studies by Chris Weedon (1987), Jane Flax (1990), R.W. Connell (1997), Judith Butler (1990), among others, around gender and postmodernism will serve as the theoretical apparatus for this investigation.
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