Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parentchild interaction"" "subject:"parentschild interaction""
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An investigation of beliefs and practices of conservative Protestant parents and the cultural applicability of child parent relationship therapy.McClung, Tracy M. 05 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey to identify the beliefs and practices of conservative Protestant parents, which assisted in clarifying the assertions in the current literature regarding conservative Protestant parenting. Additionally, this researcher sought to determine the applicability of child parent relationship therapy (CPRT), a filial therapy model based upon the principles of child centered play therapy, for conservative Protestant parents by ascertaining the need for cultural modifications. Beliefs and practices of conservative Protestants were measured using the Protestant Parenting Inventory (PPI), an original instrument developed through a series of focus groups and pilot testings. The population comprised 148 mothers and fathers from 4 Southern Baptist churches in and around the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Exploratory factor analysis was applied to the data in order to increase internal consistency estimates and percent of explained variance. Criterion coding of demographic data allowed a multiple regression analysis to determine which demographic variables were significant predictors of participant responses on the PPI. Descriptive statistics allowed the researcher to investigate the compatibility of conservative Protestants and CPRT. Results of this study both confirm and refute past findings regarding conservative Protestants. Results also revealed the need for some cultural modifications to CPRT in order to make it an acceptable parenting resource for conservative Protestant parents.
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Föräldrars frågor till barn : En analys av dialoger med 2-åringar med olika utvecklat ordförrådEdlund, Karin January 2016 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur föräldrar ställer frågor till barn i en ålder av 2;3- 2;5 år med olika utvecklat ordförråd. Ett annat syfte med uppsatsen är att undersöka om barnen ger respons på föräldrarnas frågor samt om barnen själva ställer frågor. De frågeställningar som står i fokus är: Hur många ord och yttranden säger barn och föräldrar? Vilka typer av frågor ställer föräldrarna? Ställer barnen frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Ger barnen respons på föräldrarnas frågor och i så fall i vilken omfattning? Är frågor överlag effektivt för att få barn i åldersgruppen att tala? Frågeställningarna besvaras genom språkanalyser av transkriberade dialoger mellan föräldrar och barn. Transkriptionerna omfattar tre timmar dialoger totalt och materialet har analyserats med hjälp av CLAN. Deltagarna är nio familjer från SPRINT-projektet vid Stockholms universitet. Deltagarna är utvalda för att representera barn med låg- respektive hög ordförrådsnivå baserat på SECDI data, ett svenskt normerat instrument i syfte att mäta barns ordförråd. Resultatet visar totalt cirka 2 500 yttranden från föräldrarna och drygt 900 från barnen. I ord räknat omfattar materialet totalt cirka 11 000 ord från föräldrarna och drygt 2 000 ord från barnen. Det råder stora procentuella skillnader mellan den högpresterande gruppen (höggruppen) och den lågpresterande gruppen (låggruppen) vad angår barnens antal yttranden och ordförråd till fördel för höggruppens barn. Föräldrarna visar inte på lika tydliga skillnader som barnen, men föräldrarna till barnen i höggruppen gör fler yttranden och använder ett mer varierat ordförråd än i låggruppen. Frågor är vanligt förekommande i föräldrars kommunikation med barn. Det framkommer att totalt för båda grupperna utgör frågor cirka en tredjedel av föräldrarnas yttranden. Vanligt förekommande frågor är ja/nej- frågor, produktiva frågor och frågor med hjälpverb. Barnen i höggruppen ger oftare respons på föräldrarnas frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Likaså ställer barnen i höggruppen oftare egna frågor än barnen i låggruppen. Den tydliga diskrepansen mellan grupperna indikerar att det finns samband mellan kvantitetsfaktorer i föräldrarnas och barnens tal samt att frågor är en metod som kan generera tal från barnen. Det kan finnas anledning att fundera över frågors olika komplexitet i förhållande till barnets ålder och övriga utveckling eftersom det framkommer att föräldrar generellt ställer komplicerade frågor. / The primary purpose of this paper is to explore how parents ask questions to toddlers (in this paper 2;3-2;5 year old children) with different vocabulary development. Another purpose of this paper is to explore if the children respond to questions given by their parents, and if the children ask questions themselves. Questions in focus for this paper are: How many words and utterances are said by the children and the parents? What kind of questions do the parents ask? Do the children ask questions, and if so, to what extent? Do the children respond to the parents’ questions, and if so, to what extent? Are questions generally effective in getting children to talk? The questions are answered through language analysis by transcribed dialogues between parents and children, where the transcriptions cover three hours of dialogues in total. The material has been analyzed in CLAN. The participants are nine families from the SPRINT-project at Stockholm University. The participants are selected to represent children with low- or high vocabulary based on SECDI data, a Swedish standardized instrument for measuring children’s vocabulary. The result shows about 2 500 utterances by the parents, and more than 900 by the children, while the number of words is approximately 11 000 words by the parents and more than 2 000 by the children. Concerning the children’s utterances and vocabulary there are large differences in percentage between the groups, with an advantage for the children in the high performing group (HP group). The parents don’t show such distinct differences, but the parents in the HP group make more utterances and use more variation in their vocabulary than the parents in the low performing group (LP group). Questions are frequently used in parents’ communication with children. In total, for both groups, questions constitute one third of the parents’ utterances. Commonly occurring are yes- no questions, productive questions and questions with auxiliary verbs. The children in the HP group more frequently respond to their parents’ questions than the children in the LP group. Similarly, children in the HP group more frequently ask questions than the children in the LP group. The distinct discrepancy between the two groups indicates causality between quantity factors in parents’ and children’s speech. It also indicates that the use of questions may in general be an effective method for triggering children’s speech. In general parents ask complicated questions, and therefore it may be appropriate to consider variations in question complexity in relation to the child’s age and overall development.
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Malgré les adultes : une ethnographie des situations non scolaires d'apprentissage chez les riverains du bas-Tapajós (Amazonie brésilienne) / Apesar de você : transmissão não intencional e aprendizagem furtiva às margens do Tapajós / Despite adults : an ethnography of non scholar learning situations on the Tapajós river banksMedaets, Chantal 30 November 2015 (has links)
Dans cette étude ethnographique menée dans les villages ruraux du bas-Tapajós (commune de Santarém, Amazonie brésilienne), j'examine comment, en l'absence de transmission explicite, sont acquis les savoirs pratiques, l'art du récit, le sens de la hiérarchie et la maîtrise émotionnelle. L'observation fine des interactions entre les personnes plus expérimentées et les novices, quel que soit leur âge, permet d'établir une modalité propre à ces populations dont la pédagogie peut paraître paradoxale. Les plus expérimentés ne font rien pour faciliter la tâche aux novices, ils n'ont aucune attitude pédagogique à proprement parler, si ce n'est précisément de multiplier les obstacles de diverses manières, y compris en leur interdisant souvent de participer aux activités. En somme, le novice n'a le droit d'intégrer une activité que lorsqu'il l'a maîtrise suffisamment, aux yeux des personnes plus expérimentées qui la mènent. L'erreur est très peu tolérée. Les maladresses ou gaucheries sont immédiatement sanctionnées par le sarcasme mordant des plus expérimentés, qui se positionnent comme les « maîtres du savoir », un savoir dont ils gardent jalousement l'accès et qu'ils ne partagent qu'avec parcimonie, lorsque leur intérêt immédiat en dépend. L'hypothèse qui résulte de mon enquête est que cette modalité singulière de transmission doit se comprendre en fonction du contexte culturel du Tapajós dans lequel elle s'insère ; un contexte marqué par la hiérarchie intergénérationnelle et par un style relationnel empreint de dérision et d'antagonisme. La modalité de l'apprentissage que j'ai appelée « malgré les adultes » contribue de manière décisive à ce que le novice acquière des compétences valorisées au sein de ce groupe. Ces compétences sont indispensables à la construction de la personne chez des riverains du Tapajós, même si elles n'apparaissent pas dans les diverses représentations explicites que ces riverains se font de leur propre « culture ». / In this thesis I analyze learning practices that take place in the everyday life (outside of school or other institutional setting) of three villages in the Amazonian region of the Tapajós River basin in Brazil. I examine, particularly, the transmission of practical knowledge (hunting, fishing, agricultural tasks), the art of storytelling, the sense of hierarchy and the acquisition of emotional control. In depth observation of interactions between more experimented persons and novices, whatever their age, reveal a way of learning that can seem paradoxical. While the learners may be keen participant observers, more experimented persons, who serve as role models somewhat despite themselves, display little interest in collaborating with novices or evince much empathy for them. Mistakes are scarcely tolerated. Clumsiness or bungling immediately trigger sarcastic comments from the more experienced, who position themselves as "masters knowledge", a knowledge they share with parsimony, only when their immediate interest is at stake. The hypothesis that stems from my fieldwork is that this unusual learning modality can only be understood if we consider broader aspects of social relationships among peoples of the Tapajós ; relations that are marked by hierarchy between generations and an interactional style tinted with antagonism and mockery. The way of learning I named "despite adults" contribute decisively to the novices' acquisition of valued competences. These competences are directly implied in the construction of personhood among the river-dwellers of the Tapajós, even if they don't appear in any of the divers representations they make of themselves. / Esta tese apresenta uma etnografia de situações de aprendizagem não escolares na região do rio Tapajós (estado do Pará). Da observação das interações entre pessoas mais e menos experientes, quaisquer que sejam suas idades, é possível depreender uma modalidade de aprendizagem própria a essas populações que, à primeira vista, parece sem dúvida paradoxal. Os mais experientes não facilitam em nada o processo de aprendizagem daqueles que são, às vezes muito pouco, menos experientes que eles. Na verdade, qualquer que seja a diferença de idade ou de competência (e mesmo entre pais e filhos), o que se observa é que aqueles que têm mais traquejo e experiência impedem ou dificultam muito a participação de qualquer pessoa que eles consideram ainda "não garantir" uma performance adequada na atividade em questão. Erros são mal tolerados; nada mais distante da modalidade local de aprendizagem que a ideia de que "é errando que se aprende". Nas interações quotidianas o sarcasmo é manifesto e é nesse registro, com provocações ou com deboche, que os deslizes são recebidos. No Tapajós, as pessoas mais experientes se comportam assim como "donos" de um saber que eles partilham parcimoniosamente, sobretudo quando seus interesses imediatos estão em jogo. A hipótese que a análise do material etnográfico me permite formular, é a de que essa modalidade particular de aprendizagem deve ser entendida considerando o contexto cultural do Tapajós no qual ela se insere; um contexto marcado pela hierarquia intergeracional e por relações sociais fortemente antagônicas. A modalidade de aprendizagem que designei pela expressão "apesar dos adultos" (ou "apesar das pessoas mais experientes", e, em português, "apesar de você") contribui de maneira decisiva à apropriação de competências extremamente valorizadas localmente. São competências cuja apropriação é intrinsecamente ligada ao processo de construção da pessoa para os ribeirinhos do Tapajós (mesmo que não seja a essas competências que eles façam referência nos diversos discursos que eles têm sobre sua própria "cultura").
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Joint attention and language acquisition : A longitudinal study of joint attention in parent-child interaction / Joint attention och språkutveckling : En longitudinell studie av joint attention i förälder-barninteraktionEriksson, Freya January 2019 (has links)
Joint attention (JA) is the ability to coordinate attention between a conversation partner and an outside object, while being aware of the other’s attention. This study investigates JA in 14 parent-child dyads at the ages 0;9, 1;0, 1;3, 1;6, 1;9 and 2;0, and aims to examine how the initiation of JA develops with age, as well as the relationship between JA and later vocabulary size and syntactic level. The strategies for initiating JA were recorded for both parents and children, and the total amount of JA, as well as child-initiated JA, was calculated for each age point. The results show that children with a higher language level, calculated as a composite score of vocabulary at 4;0 and syntactic level at 3;0, spent on average more time in JA than children with a lower language level. In line with previous research, the present study found a positive relationship between JA and vocabulary. Furthermore, the results suggest a relationship between JA and syntactic development. Especially the amount of child-initiated JA was related to both vocabulary size at the age of 4;0 and syntactic level at the age of 3;0, which indicates the importance of this type of interaction for language acquisition. / Joint attention (JA) är förmågan att koordinera sin uppmärksamhet mellan en konversationspartner och ett tredje objekt, och samtidigt vara medveten om den andres uppmärksamhet. Den här studien undersöker JA i 14 förälder-barndyader vid åldrarna 0;9, 1;0, 1;3, 1;6, 1;9 och 2;0, med syftet att utröna hur initieringen av JA utvecklas med åldern, och hur relationen mellan JA och senare ordförrådsstorlek och syntaktisk nivå ser ut. Strategierna för att initiera JA undersöktes för både föräldrar och barn, och den totala mängden JA och barninitierad JA räknades för varje ålderspunkt. Resultaten visar att barn med en högre språklig nivå, räknat som kompositpoängen av vokabulär vid 4;0 och syntaktisk nivå vid 3;0, i genomsnitt spenderade mer tid i JA än barn med en lägre språklig nivå. I linje med tidigare forskning påvisade denna studie ett positivt samband mellan JA och ordförråd. Därutöver tyder resultaten på ett samband mellan JA och syntaktisk utveckling. Särskilt mängden barninitierad JA var positivt relaterad till både ordförråd vid 4;0 och syntaktisk nivå vid 3;0, vilket indikerar att denna typ av interaktion är viktig för språkutveckling. / Modelling infant language acquisition from parent-child interaction (MINT)
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Children's Vocabulary Development : The role of parental input, vocabulary composition and early communicative skillsCox Eriksson, Christine January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the early vocabulary development of a sample of Swedish children in relation to parental input and early communicative skills. Three studies are situated in an overall description of early language development in children. The data analyzed in the thesis was collected within a larger project at Stockholm University (SPRINT- “Effects of enhanced parental input on young children’s vocabulary development and subsequent literacy development” [VR 2008-5094]). Data analysis was based on parental report via SECDI, the Swedish version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, and audio recordings. One study examined parental verbal interaction characteristics in three groups of children with varying vocabulary size at 18 months. The stability of vocabulary development at 18 and 24 months was investigated in a larger study, with focus on children’s vocabulary composition and grammatical abilities. The third study examined interrelations among early gestures, receptive and productive vocabulary, and grammar measured with M3L, i.e. three longest utterances, from 12 to 30 months. Overall results of the thesis highlight the importance of early language development. Variability in different characteristics in parental input is associated with variability in child vocabulary size. Children with large early vocabularies exhibit the most stability in vocabulary composition and the earliest grammatical development. Children’s vocabulary composition may reflect individual stylistic variation. Use of early gestures is associated differentially with receptive and productive vocabulary. Results of the thesis have implications for parents, child- and healthcare personnel, as well as researchers and educational practitioners. The results underscore the importance of high quality in adult-child interaction, with rich input fine-tuned to children’s developmental levels and age, together with high awareness of early language development. / SPRINT project
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父母教養態度、親子互動與幼兒情緒能力之研究 / A related study among the parents’ rearing attitudes, parent-child interaction, and children's emotional competence鍾麗儀, Chung, Li Yi Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據分析結果,提供相關建議給家長、教育工作者、教育單位及未來欲從事相同主題之研究者。 / The main purposes of this research were to analyze the data of the "Parents’ Rearing Attitudes", "Parent-Child Interaction", " Children’s Emotional Competence" between different backgrounds; explore the predictive power of the Parents’ Rearing Attitudes, Parent-Child Interaction on Children’s Emotional Competence.
To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were using a questionnaire to collect data. Three scales were used to measure the following constructs: "Parents’ Rearing Attitudes Scale", "Parent-Child Interaction Scale" and "Children’s Emotional Development Scale". The samples in this survey consisted of 217 kindergarten children with the age from 4 to 6 years old and their parents’ from public and private schools in Taipei. The data was analyzed by "Mean”, "Standard Deviation", "One-Way ANOVA" and "Multiple Regression Analysis". The main results are as follows:
1. The overall emotional competence performance of the children are at the middle-up level, the “Emotional Awareness and Recognition" level have the best performance, better than '' Emotional Understanding" and "Emotional Expression", " Emotional Regulation " has the lowest performance level.
2. Of the four types of Parents’ Rearing Attitudes, the most adopted is the "authoritarian" type, the least adopted is the "neglectful" type.
3. There are good interaction between parents and child, and the interactions tend to be "emotional".
4. There are significant differences in the Parents’ Rearing Attitude type ("authoritarian" or "neglectful") when the mother has different occupation.
Housewives tend to have a more "authoritarian" Parents’ Rearing Attitude, while mothers in the services sector tend to be more "neglectful".
5. There are significant differences in the overall Parents’ Rearing Attitude and the "authoritative" Parents’ Rearing Attitude when there are differences in monthly income. Families with higher monthly income tend to have "authoritative" Parents’ Rearing Attitude.
6. The ''Emotional Regulation Competence '' of 5 to 6 year olds is better than than 4 to 5 years olds. The overall emotional competence '' Emotional Awareness and Recognition", ''Emotional Regulation '' levels of girls are significant better than boys.
7. The emotional competence of young children could be predicted by the parents’ Rearing Attitude and ''Parent-Child Interaction''. The ''authoritative'' factor of parents’ Rearing Attitude and the ''affective" factor of Parent-Child Interaction '' Emotional Awareness and Recognition" , ''Emotional Expression" and “Emotional Regulation '' of the emotional competence of young children , and the “neglectful” factor of parents’ parenting attitude was predictive of '' Emotional Understanding” and has a negative impact.
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Children's Vocabulary Development : The role of parental input, vocabulary composition and early communicative skillsCox Eriksson, Christine January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the early vocabulary development of a sample of Swedish children in relation to parental input and early communicative skills. Three studies are situated in an overall description of early language development in children. The data analyzed in the thesis was collected within a larger project at Stockholm University (SPRINT- “Effects of enhanced parental input on young children’s vocabulary development and subsequent literacy development” [VR 2008-5094]). Data analysis was based on parental report via SECDI, the Swedish version of the MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, and audio recordings. One study examined parental verbal interaction characteristics in three groups of children with varying vocabulary size at 18 months. The stability of vocabulary development at 18 and 24 months was investigated in a larger study, with focus on children’s vocabulary composition and grammatical abilities. The third study examined interrelations among early gestures, receptive and productive vocabulary, and grammar measured with M3L, i.e. three longest utterances, from 12 to 30 months. Overall results of the thesis highlight the importance of early language development. Variability in different characteristics in parental input is associated with variability in child vocabulary size. Children with large early vocabularies exhibit the most stability in vocabulary composition and the earliest grammatical development. Children’s vocabulary composition may reflect individual stylistic variation. Use of early gestures is associated differentially with receptive and productive vocabulary. Results of the thesis have implications for parents, child- and healthcare personnel, as well as researchers and educational practitioners. The results underscore the importance of high quality in adult-child interaction, with rich input fine-tuned to children’s developmental levels and age, together with high awareness of early language development. / SPRINT project
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Gesture-speech combinations in child language : Form, function, and how they relate to language acquisition / Gest-ordkombinationer i barns språk : Form, funktion, och hur de relaterar till språkutvecklingEriksson, Freya January 2018 (has links)
The present study investigates children's production of gesture-speech combinations and how they relate to language acquisition. 16 children were observed at seven age points (0;9, 1;0, 1;3, 1;6, 1;9, 2;0 and 3;0), and their gesture-speech combinations were classified into the categories complementary, supplementary and discourse combinations. The results show that the production of gesture-speech combinations over time follows different patterns in children with high, average and low productive vocabulary. Furthermore, the amount of gesture-speech combinations produced at four age points predicted productive vocabulary at the age of 2;6, and the amount produced at the age of 1;6 predicted sentence complexity at 3;0. The use of complementary gesture-speech combinations at three age points was also linked to productive vocabulary. The age of onset of supplementary gesture-speech combinations predicted sentence complexity at 3;0, while the age of onset of discourse gesture-speech combinations predicted productive vocabulary at 2;6. The results support previous research suggesting that complementary and supplementary gesture-speech combinations play an important role in child language acquisition. Additionally, the results of the present study suggest that discourse gesture-speech combinations are also connected with language development. / Den här studien undersöker barns produktion av gest-ordkombinationer och hur dessa är relaterade till språkutveckling. 16 barns produktion undersöktes vid sju ålderspunkter (0;9, 1;0, 1;3, 1;6, 1;9, 2;0 och 3;0), och deras gest-ordkombinationer klassificerades i kategorierna komplementära, supplementära och diskursiva kombinationer. Resultaten visar att produktionen av gest-ordkombinationer följer olika mönster hos barn med högt, medel och lågt produktivt ordförråd. Mängden gest-ordkombinationer som producerades vid fyra ålderspunkter predicerade produktivt ordförråd vid 2;6, och mängden gest-ordkombinationer som producerades vid 1;6 predicerade meningskomplexitet vid 3;0. Användningen av komplementära gest-ordkombinationer vid tre ålderpunkter uppvisade ett samband med produktivt ordförråd vid 2;6. Tillägnandeåldern för supplementära gest-ordkombinationer predicerade meningskomplexitet vid 3;0, medan tillägnandeåldern för diskursiva gest-ordkombinationer predicerade produktivt ordförråd vid 2;6. Resultaten i den här studien ger stöd åt tidigare forskning, som har visat att komplementära och supplementära gest-ordkombinationer spelar en viktig roll i barns språkutveckling. Därutöver visar resultaten i den här studien att diskursiva gest-ordkombinationer också har ett samband med språkutveckling. / Modeling infant language acquisition from parent-child interaction (MINT)
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Avaliação da eficácia de programa de capacitação parental universal (ACT) pelo uso da observaçãoPontes, Luciana Barbalho 06 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2016-09-15T12:08:58Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-03-06 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / This thesis involves a compilation of two manuscripts, presenting a systematic review of
evaluation studies involving the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program and a pilot study evaluating
the ACT Program in Brazil. Such program consists of a universal parenting prevention
program that has reached several parents across the world since 2001. From the literature
review, the absence of observational measures was a recurrent limitation mentioned in the
evaluation studies of the program, with data exclusively based on self-reports. Faced with this
gap, a pilot evaluation study of the ACT program involving observational measures of
caregiver-child interaction before, after and three months after the intervention was
developed, to assess the effects of the intervention on the program participants, along with
self-report instruments. As a result, the participants in the Experimental Group had a
significant increase in problem-solving skills after program completion. As one of the first
studies to evaluate the ACT Program in Brazil, the study demonstrates the applicability of the
program in the country, suggesting further studies to evaluate the effectiveness of the
program in Brazil and contribute to the reinforcement of the scientific bases of the program. / A presente dissertação está redigida em formato de artigos, apresentando um estudo de
revisão sistemática da literatura de avaliação do Programa ACT para Educar Crianças em
Ambientes Seguros e um estudo piloto de avaliação do programa no Brasil. O Programa ACT
consiste em um programa parental de prevenção universal da violência contra a criança que
vem sendo aplicado em diversos países desde 2001. A partir da revisão de literatura realizada,
observou-se que a ausência de medidas observacionais era uma limitação recorrente nos
estudos de avaliação do programa, os quais se baseavam exclusivamente no autorrelato dos
participantes. Frente a essa lacuna, desenvolveu-se um estudo de avaliação do Programa ACT
envolvendo medidas de observação da interação cuidador-criança antes, após e três meses
depois da intervenção, de forma a avaliar o efeito da intervenção, juntamente com
instrumentos de autorrelato. Obteve-se como resultado da intervenção um aumento
significativo da habilidade de resolução dos participantes do Grupo Experimental. Como um
dos primeiros estudos de avaliação do Programa ACT no Brasil, o estudo demonstra a
aplicabilidade do programa no país, sugerindo novos estudos que avaliem a eficácia do
programa no Brasil e que contribuam para a consolidação das bases científicas do programa.
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Socialization : interactions between parents and children in everyday family life / Le processus de socialisation en tant qu’interactions entre parents et enfants dans la vie familiale quotidienneKeel, Sara 18 October 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse fait partie d’une recherche interdisciplinaire portant sur la socialisationd’enfants d’âge préscolaire. Adoptant l’approche de l’analyse de conversation (AC)d’inspiration ethnométhodologique (EM), elle porte sur le processus de socialisation,étudié sous l’angle des interactions entre parents et jeunes enfants (âgés de 2 ans et 1mois à 2 ans et 10 mois), dans le quotidien. Basée sur un large corpus audiovisuel –huit familles francophones vivant dans la région de Fribourg (Suisse) ont été filmées àleur domicile – la recherche se focalise sur les séquences interactives que les jeunesenfants initient en déployant un tour évaluatif. L’étude de ces séquences vise d’unepart à décrire et à comprendre comment les jeunes enfants parviennent à réaliser destours évaluatifs qui impliquent une réponse du parent adressé, c’est-à-dire à produireune première partie d’une paire adjacente, qui rend pertinent la production d’unedeuxième partie appartenant au même type de paire. D’autre part, elle cherche àexaminer les réponses parentales et leurs implications sur la suite des interactions. Entenant compte des ressources multimodales déployées par les interactants et ducontexte praxéologique institué par ces derniers, l’analyse permet d’appréhender avecun nouveau regard les questions de l’alignement et du désalignement et ainsi quecelles des catégories sociales endossées par les parents et les enfants au cours del’accomplissement interactif de séquences évaluatives. / This thesis is part of an interdisciplinary research project on the socialization ofpreschoolers. By adopting a Conversation Analytic (CA) approach informed byEthnomethodology (EM), it offers a study of the socialization process as it takes placewithin everyday parent-child interactions. Based on a large audio-visual corpusfeaturing footage of eight French-speaking families filmed extensively in their homes,the study focuses on recorded examples of young children initiating interactivesequences by producing evaluative turns, such as “that’s beautiful”, “(I) like that”,and “yuck”. By taking into account the interactants’ articulation of embodiedresources – talk, gaze, and gesture – the study aims, on the one hand, to describe howyoung children manage to produce evaluative turns that make a response by theaddressed parent relevant; and to evidence how, through their participation ineveryday interaction, young children acquire communicative skills and a sense ofthemselves as effective social actors. On the other hand, it seeks to examine parents’most frequent responses – agreements, disagreements, or questioning repeats – and tolook at the implications of these responses for the further course of action. Looking athow children’s evaluative actions – as attempts to communicate their normativeposition, and their affective implication with respect to the surrounding world – aretreated in turn by the parents, reveals the parents’ emic understanding of theirchildren’s participation in evaluating the world they commonly inhabit. Finally, thestudy of interactively produced evaluative sequences also allows some new light to beshed on the ways in which parents and children achieve shared understanding, andhow they deal with delicate issues of alignment/disalignment, as well as with mattersrelated to their respective membership categories.
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