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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Park-and-Ride Facilities Design for Special Events Using Space-Time Network Models

January 2016 (has links)
abstract: Given that more and more planned special events are hosted in urban areas, during which travel demand is considerably higher than usual, it is one of the most effective strategies opening public rapid transit lines and building park-and-ride facilities to allow visitors to park their cars and take buses to the event sites. In the meantime, special event workforce often needs to make balances among the limitations of construction budget, land use and targeted travel time budgets for visitors. As such, optimizing the park-and-ride locations and capacities is critical in this process of transportation management during planned special event. It is also known as park-and-ride facility design problem. This thesis formulates and solves the park-and-ride facility design problem for special events based on space-time network models. The general network design process with park-and-ride facilities location design is first elaborated and then mathematical programming formulation is established for special events. Meanwhile with the purpose of relax some certain hard constraints in this problem, a transformed network model which the hard park-and-ride constraints are pre-built into the new network is constructed and solved with the similar solution algorithm. In doing so, the number of hard constraints and level of complexity of the studied problem can be considerable reduced in some cases. Through two case studies, it is proven that the proposed formulation and solution algorithms can provide effective decision supports in selecting the locations and capabilities of park-and-ride facilities for special events. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016

Formulación de un modelo de equilibrio estocástico para asignación de pasajeros en sistemas de transporte público

Pineda Andradez, Cristóbal Felipe January 2014 (has links)
Magíster en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, Mención Transporte / Ingeniero Civil / En esta tesis, se desarrolla un modelo de equilibrio de pasajeros en transporte público, donde las decisiones de abordar un bus se toman en forma estocástica por parte de los usuarios. La formulación es una generalización de los modelos deterministas de equilibrio, donde uno de los supuestos fundamentales que éstos tienen es que los usuarios siempre escogen la estrategia o hiperruta mínima para realizar sus viajes, lo cual no siempre ocurre en redes de transporte público densas o de gran tamaño, donde por desconocimiento de la red, o incerteza sobre los tiempos de viaje o frecuencias, los usuarios escogen otras hiperrutas adicionales. El modelo de equilibrio estocástico incorpora la congestión, reflejado mediante tiempos de espera y de viaje crecientes en los flujos. Se propone un algoritmo de solución basado en el Método de Promedios Sucesivos para obtener los flujos de equilibrio, aplicándose a redes pequeñas para probar distintas particularidades del modelo, y también a una red real de transporte público, para analizar el rendimiento general del algoritmo. Luego, el modelo de equilbrio estocástico en transporte público se integra con un modelo similar en transporte privado, resultando en un modelo integrado de equilibrio estocástico, donde parte de los usuarios tienen la posibilidad de escoger el modo a utilizar, o incluso, combinar ambos, donde la primera parte del viaje se realiza en auto hasta un estacionamiento, y desde allí se continúa el viaje en transporte público. También se propone y se analiza un algoritmo de solución para este equilibrio. El modelo de equilibrio estocástico en transporte público tiene como finalidad entregar una herramienta de planificación urbana que, por un lado, sea capaz de reproducir los volúmenes actuales de flujo de pasajeros observados en las calles y, por otro, pueda utilizarse como un modelo de predicción del comportamiento de la demanda ante cambios relevantes en la oferta de transporte público.

Proposta de método para análise de demanda para um modo combinado de transporte associado a estacionamentos dissuasórios

Moscarelli, Fabiane da Cruz January 2009 (has links)
Estacionamentos dissuasórios são locais destinados a transferência de um modo de transporte de baixa capacidade, automóvel, para um modo de transporte de alta capacidade. A principal vantagem do uso do estacionamento dissuasório, em relação às demais medidas de gerenciamento de demanda, é a manutenção da flexibilidade, associada às viagens de automóvel, no trecho inicial da viagem. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a demanda para um modo combinado de transporte composto por automóvel, estacionamento dissuasório e transporte público, obtida pela atração de viagens atualmente realizadas em automóvel. É proposto um método de previsão de demanda baseado em quatro etapas dentre as quais estão a modelagem das viagens de automóvel, que fornecerá os dados necessários para as etapas posteriores, e a aplicação de um modelo Logit para previsão da divisão modal. O método foi aplicado a um estudo de caso que consiste na construção de três estacionamentos dissuasórios, ao longo do trajeto de uma linha de transporte público atendida por BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), na cidade de Porto Alegre. Os resultados permitiram avaliar a influência dos atributos, descritivos de cada modo de transporte, na escolha do modo de viagem pelo usuário e identificar o percentual de transferência de viagens para o modo combinado, em nível agregado, considerando o total de viagens, e em nível desagregado através da análise por zonas de origem e destino das viagens. O método foi considerado adequado e os resultados foram coerentes com a literatura. / Park and rides are places to transfer from one low capacity mode of transport, car for example, to a high capacity transportation mode. The main advantage of using park and rides, when comparing to other policies of demand management, is to maintain flexibility, related to traveling by car, in the first stage of the journey. This study aims to analize the demand for a combinated transport mode composed for car, park and ride and public transport, obtained by the attraction of trips currently made by car. In this work, a method based on four steps is proposed for demand analize, and among them are the modeling of car trips, which will provide the necessary data for the subsequent stages, and the implementation of a Logit model for predicting the modal split. The method was applied to a case study, which consists in the construction of three park and rides along the route of a public transport line served by a BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), in Porto Alegre. The results allowed to evaluate the influence of the attributes that describe each mode of transport in the user’s trips mode choices and to identify the percentage of transfer of trips to the combined mode, in an aggregated level, considering the total travel, and in a disaggregated level by analyzing the origins and destination zones. The method was considered appropriated and the results were similar to the literature.

Lengvųjų automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių mieste vertinimas daugiatiksliais metodais / Evaluation of car parking lots in cities by multicriteria methods

Palevičius, Vytautas 22 December 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje atliekama automobilių stovėjimo vietų poreikio mieste analizė. Pagrindinis darbo objektas – asmeninių kelionių automobilių stovėjimo vietų didmiestyje pasiskirstymo sistema. Ekspertiniu metodu sudaryta automobilių stovėjimo vietų mieste kriterijų sistema. Taikant daugiatikslius metodus kriterijams suteikti rangai ir apskaičiuoti jų svorių koeficientai, kurie leido nustatyti kriterijų prioritetus ir parinkti racionaliausias automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių išdėstymo vietas miesto teritorijoje. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas – pasiūlyti automobilių stovėjimo vietų mieste plėtros vertinimo modelį ir pateikti originalius automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių plėtros koncepcinius sprendinius. Disertaciją sudaro įvadas, 3 skyriai, bendrosios išvados, literatūros sąrašas, publikacijų sąrašas. Įvade trumpai aptariama tiriamoji problema, darbo aktualumas, aprašomas tyrimo objektas, formuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, aprašoma mokslinis darbo naujumas, ginamieji teiginiai. Įvado pabaigoje pristatomos autoriaus paskelbtos publikacijos, pranešimai konferencijose, nurodomas dalyvavimas tarptautiniuose seminaruose ir pateikiama disertacijos struktūra. Pirmame skyriuje pateikiama mokslinės literatūros ir kitų atliktų darbų analizė nagrinėjama tematika. Taip pat atlikta Lietuvos Respublikos, Europos Sąjungos ir kitų pasaulio šalių norminių dokumentų, reglamentuojančių lengvųjų automobilių stovėjimą skirtingose miesto teritorijose, analizė. Antrajame skyriuje atliekamas automobilių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This dissertation examines the shortage of motor vehicle parking spaces in the city area. The object of this research is the allocation of passenger car parking spaces in cities. A criteria system for car parking spaces in cities was formed using the expert estimate method. By using multi-criteria methods, the criteria were grouped and their factor value was calculated, which helped to establish the priorities of the criteria and to determine the most rational places for parking lots in the city area. This research aims to suggest a model for developing an infrastructure of car parking spaces in the city and to present original conceptual solutions for the expansion of parking lots. The dissertation comprises an introduction, three chapters, general conclusions, a list of literature, and a list of publications. The introduction specifies the problem, describes the relevance of the paper, names the research object, the aim and objectives, its scientific novelty, and the defended statements. Finally, it lists publications and conference presentations of the author, describes the author’s participation in international seminars and presents the structure of the dissertation. Chapter one introduces the literature overview of the subject analysis and discusses the study of the scientific research carried out in this field. It also presents the examination of the normative documents in Lithuania, the European Union and in other countries, which regulate motor car parking in... [to full text]

Automobilių stovėjimo aikštelių "Statyk ir važiuok" plėtros Viliniuje, panaudojant GIS, analizė / Analysis of „Park and ride“ parkings developement analysis in Vilnius, using gis

Barauskaitė, Greta 16 June 2014 (has links)
Pagrindinis magistro darbo tikslas – parengti „Statyk ir važiuok“ stovėjimo aikštelių įrengimo pagrindimo metodiką ir pateikti siūlymus dėl tokių stovėjimo aikštelių plėtros Vilniaus mieste. Darbo užduotys – atlikti literatūros šaltinių apžvalgą, išanalizuoti Vilniaus miesto specialiajame plane pateiktus „Statyk ir važiuok“ stovėjimo aikštelių įrengimo variantus, atlikti studentų bei ekspertų nuomonės tyrimus aikštelių įrengimo klausimais, nustatyti, kokios aikštelės yra tinkamiausios, pasitelkus statistinę skaičiavimo metodiką. Šiame darbe taikomi trys statistiniai metodai – SAW , TOPSIS ir COPRAS. Skaičiavimų metu, pagal tam tikrus parinktus kriterijus, apskaičiuojama, kurių iš siūlomų aikštelių įrengimas yra tikslingiausias. Studentų nuomonės tyrimo metu nustatytos devynios tinkamiausios aikštelės, o ekspertų nuomonės tyrimo metu nustatyta po tris tinkamiausias aikšteles periferinėje, vidurinėje ir centrinėje miesto zonose. Gauti tyrimų rezultatai gali būti panaudoti atsižvelgiant į tolesnę aikštelių plėtrą Vilniaus mieste. Darbo tekstine dalį turi sudaryti 78 p., 1–17 pav., 1–16 lent. ir 5 priedai, taip pat turi būti išanalizuoti 34 literatūros ir informacijos šaltiniai. Grafinę baigiamojo darbo dalį turi sudaryti 1 brėžinys: 1. Tinkamiausios „Statyk ir važiuok“ aikštelės Vilniaus mieste M 1:50 000. / The main aim of this masters work is to arrange „Park and ride“ parking spots installation method and to introduce proposals for parking spots development in Vilnius. The main assignment of this work is to analyze literature sources, to analyze "Park and Ride" sites which are listed in "Vilnius city special plan", to organize student and expert opinion survey about the "Park and Ride" sites development, to identify which of the sites are the best for Vilnius city, using multi-criteria analysis. In this job, three methods were used - SAW, TOPSIS and COPRAS. During the counting, several criteria are chosen to prove which site is the bests. In the student survey nine sites were declared as the most appropriate for the Vilnius. In the expert survey, there were three most appropriate sites in every region - periphery, middle city part and the center. The results of the survey can be used for further "Park and Ride" sites development in Vilnius. The work consists of the 78 pages of text, 17 figures 16 tables and 5 annexes as well as analysis of 34 literature and information sources. The graphical part of the thesis consists of 1 drawing: 1. The most appropriate “Park and Ride” sites for Vilnius M 1:50 000.

Railway Mobility Hubs: A feature-based investment return analysis

Hidalgo González, Guillermo, Queirós, António January 2019 (has links)
While there has been considerable research regarding the role of Mobility Hubs in cities and transport networks, significant investment is required to develop these facilities. It is the correlation between investment, new users’ attraction and revenue generation that is the key for a sustainable development of Mobility Hubs and this investment must, therefore, be correctly assessed and targeted. This study aims to develop a methodology to determine the viability of investing in Mobility Hub features, weighing the investment on different Hub features and services against expected potential benefits and revenue generation, addressing the question: Can investment in Mobility Hub features be justified and, if so, which features maximize its expected positive impact? Based on a review of literature and definition of possible Hub features as variables, secondary research data was compiled to enable the analysis of expected impacts of each variable/feature in terms of new user’s attraction and revenue generation, which was then used to develop individual Net Present Value analysis of each feature. The result of these analysis demonstrates and concludes that different Hub features have the potential to generate substantially different investment outcomes, and that each feature should be analyzed individually prior to investment decision. It was also concluded by this research that the proposed assessment methodology can be used for future research on other listed Hub features, albeit with the constraint that primary data will be required when secondary research data is not available.

Dopravní řešení brněnského výstaviště v návaznosti na VMO / Transport network for Brno Exhibition Centre and Brno City RingRoad

Josiek, David Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to design variant solution of interconnection of great city circuit and exhibition ground with secured safety of traffic without local area accesibility sacrification.

Přestupní terminál IDS JMK u žel. stanice Brno - Řečkovice / Transfer terminal IDS JMK by the railway station Brno-Řečkovice

Čmela, Libor January 2012 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is a blue-print of appropriate adjustment space by the railway station in Brno Řečkovice, in terms of road structures, so that it meets all requirements of public transfer terminal and IDS JMK. Terminal should server as a transfer station between bus service and pojected North-Southern Rail Diameter. In the terminal, there should be a continuity on systems P+R, K+R and B+R ensured. The project is dealing with a partial design of adjacent local roads. The work is processed in AutoCAD 2011, Bentley InRoads and Microsoft Office 2007.

Contribution à une méthodologie d'évaluation à priori des projets de transport urbain durable / Contribution to a methodology for a priori evaluation of sustainable urban transport projects

Cucu Graindorge, Tatiana 15 February 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de proposer aux autorités locales un outil d’aide à la décision pour formaliser une démarche participative tout au long de la conception d’un projet de transport urbain durable, dans un contexte multicritères et multi acteurs. La méthodologie développée repose sur l’évaluation a priori des impacts d’un projet local, en impliquant les acteurs dès la phase de diagnostic. Cette phase permet d’identifier des groupes d’acteurs selon leur perception des phénomènes urbains, des interactions et des préférences déclarées d’évolution. Elle permet d’établir une liste d’indicateurs communs qui seront évalués. Le choix des alternatives à étudier est le résultat de l’application conjointe de techniques de transférabilité - fondées sur l’étude de projets développés dans d’autres villes - et de l’étude des préférences déclarées des usagers locaux. La probabilité d’utilisation du service s’évalue à l’aide d’un modèle comportemental agrégé qui intègre la perception floue et l’indécision des usagers devant une situation nouvelle. Les changements de comportement des usagers sont pris en compte à l’aide d’un indicateur de robustesse qui teste les effets des paramètres exogènes sur l’évolution de la probabilité d’utilisation du service. Un micro-simulateur de trafic permet d’évaluer les impacts des différents scénarii sur le trafic, l’environnement et le bien-être des citoyens sous la forme monétarisée, afin d’illustrer les coûts et les bénéfices indirects attendus de l’implantation du projet. Une solution de compromis est proposée : elle vise à fournir la solution qui contenterait au mieux l’ensemble des représentants des groupes d’acteurs - et non la solution optimale en termes d’impacts. / The objective of this research is to provide to the local authorities a decision aid tool in order to formalize a participatory approach during the conception of a sustainable urban transport project, in a multi-criteria and multi-actors context. The methodology is based on the a priori evaluation of the impacts of a local project, involving stakeholders as soon as the diagnosis phase. This phase aims at identifying groups of actors according to their perception of urban phenomena, their interactions and their stated preferences of evolution. The diagnosis phase leads to the setting-up of a list of common indicators to be evaluated. The choice of alternatives to be studied is the result of the transferability techniques - based on the projects developed in other cities - and the stated preferences of local users. The probability of using the service is evaluated using an aggregated behavioral model that takes into account the fuzzy perception and the indecision of users in a new situation. Changes in the behaviour of the users are taken into account thanks to an indicator of robustness that tests the impact of exogenous parameters on the evolution of the probability of using a service. A traffic micro--simulator aims at assessing the impacts of the various scenarios on traffic, environment and the welfare of citizens– which is monetized. It illustrates the costs and indirect benefits expected with the implementation of project. A compromise solution is proposed: it aims at identifying an alternative that would best satisfy the representatives of the stakeholder groups – and not necessarily the optimal solution in terms of impacts.

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