Spelling suggestions: "subject:"participative"" "subject:"participatives""
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Involverande Platsgestaltning : En studie i ett bostadsområde i Sätra, GävleJensfelt, Per January 2017 (has links)
Detta arbete handlar om att utforma en mötesplats för aktivitet i ett utvalt område i stadsdelen Sätra, Gävle. Som metod används participativa designmetoder som handlar om att involvera människor så mycket som möjligt. Participativa designmetoder är socialt hållbara metoder för att utveckla stadsmiljön bl a därför att den tillkännager vikten av att engagera de personer som är närmast berörda. Metoderna tar också fasta på mjuka värden såsom platsidentitet, människors personliga drivkrafter och vilja att tillsammans etablera ett gemensamt område för alla. Sätra är en stadsdel i Gävle med över 10 000 invånare. I denna stadsdel finns ett område mellan Gråstensvägen och Jökelvägen som håller på att rustas upp av Gavlegårdarna. Lekplatserna och utomhusplatserna är i nuläget föråldrade samtidigt som det i området bor mycket barn och ungdomar som skulle kunna tänka sig att nyttja dessa om de var mer anpassade efter deras behov. I arbetet har jag därför undersökt denna problematik med hjälp av frågeställningen: Hur kan man med en designprocess som involverar medborgare utforma en plats? Hur kan man utforma denna plats på ett sådant sätt så att det lockar de boende att vistas och mötas och skapa inkluderande och trivsam miljö där platsidentitet uppehålls? I arbetet genomförs participativa designmetoder utefter frågeställningen på så sätt att djupintervjuer genomförs med de människor som bor i området för att få en djupare inblick i behov och problematik. Dessa leder i senare fas till workshops där mjuka värden etableras för att kunna jobba vidare med koncept. Platsobservationer och studie av relevant litteratur från både design och arkitekturområdet har använts för att utveckla syfte och metoder för workshops under arbetets gång. Arbetets resultat är i form av en planlösning och en klätterställning som har utformats efter behov samt workshopmodeller som utformats och testats.
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La participation aux soins : signification pour des infirmières oeuvrant en milieu hospitalier au MexiqueZúñiga Martínez, Ma. de Lourdes January 2006 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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L'évaluation de l'action préventive en contexte d'imprévisibilité : les enjeux d'un projet de prévention des MTS/VIH/SIDA par les pairs, Amazonas, BrésilLaperrière, Hélène January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Évaluation participative de l'organisation de fêtes de quartier à Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, selon une perspective d'empowermentTremblay, Jean January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Blogeři v roli profesionálních novinářů / Bloggers as professional journalistsVáňová, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the status of the blogosphere in traditional journalism. It defines blogs, describes their history, typology and audience, which has changed from passive recipients of media content to its active creators. The thesis depicts convergence as a process in which amateur journalists affect the institution of traditional journalism by publishing online. This gave rise to a new phenomenon, called participative journalism, which is a potential source of discrepancy between traditional and new media. The thesis voices mutual criticism and arguments from both professional journalists and bloggers. This need not prevail if these two media systems learn to live in symbiosis. The thesis further mentions the legal protection of bloggers in the Czech Republic and the democratizing potential of the blogosphere. The conducted qualitative research is based on twelve structured in-depth respondent interviews (both bloggers and editors) and focuses on the cooperation between lifestyle magazines (and newspapers) and bloggers. It examines motivations to take up the cooperation, its progress and its advantages and disadvantages. The research demonstrates that a symbiotic relationship is possible. It also discusses some notions introduced in the theoretical part of the thesis.
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Du quartier à l'Etat : sociologie des publics des dispositifs participatifs brésiliens : le cas des conférences municipales des femmes de Recife et de LondrinaSa Vilas Boas, Marie-Hélène 26 November 2012 (has links)
Pourquoi certains dispositifs participatifs brésiliens réunissent-ils principalement des acteurs habituellement peu participants ? Cette thèse s'attache à analyser une participation « improbable » à partir de l'étude des conférences municipales des femmes de Recife et de Londrina. A la différence des analyses « institutionnelles » qui placent le design des dispositifs en facteur explicatif des pratiques de participation, notre approche vise à mettre en évidence leur ancrage social et l'intrication entre le jeu social et le « jeu participatif ». L'hypothèse développée est que la mobilisation des déshéritées dans les conférences des femmes dépend principalement des enjeux propres à l'espace des quartiers populaires et, plus précisément, des luttes pour la représentation en leur sein. Cette thèse repose sur la combinaison de plusieurs niveaux d'analyse : une approche micro-sociologique d'abord, centrée sur les trajectoires et les pratiques de participation des habitantes et une approche méso-sociologique ensuite, visant à rendre compte de l'émergence de la démocratie participative au Brésil. Ces deux niveaux permettent de montrer que la participation des plus démunis aux dispositifs participatifs est le résultat d'une histoire singulière, au cours de laquelle la notion de participation a été associée à un territoire, les quartiers populaires, et des dynamiques individuelles et collectives de construction de leurs porte-parole légitimes / Why do several Brazilian participatory institutions gather people who usually do not participate? This thesis attempts to analyse an “improbable” participation through the case of women's municipal conferences in Recife and Londrina. Although several studies highlight the role of participatory institutions designs to explain why people participate, I argue that it is the intricacy between social and participatory games which explains this mobilization. My main hypothesis is that poor women's participation depends on issues specific to popular districts and more precisely on the competition for representation in those territories.This doctoral research combines two levels of analysis: a microlevel approach, first, based on the study of women's trajectory and their practices of participation; a mesolevel approach, then, which aims at analyzing the emergence of participatory democracy in Brazil. These two levels of analysis show that poor women participation is the result of a singular history, during which the category participation has been linked to a territory, the popular districts, as well as individuals and collective dynamics of construction of legitimate spokespersons within them
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Les modes amiables de résolution des différends - Analyse comparative des droits français, anglais et chinois / Alternative dispute resolution - Comparative analysis in french, english and chinese lawRibahi, Karim 28 November 2013 (has links)
La crise de la justice existe depuis plusieurs décennies en France, en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, et touchent de plus en plus d’autres États comme la Chine. Les mêmes causes, la libéralisation économique, politique et sociale produisent les mêmes effets : l’augmentation du contentieux, du coût du procès et de la longueur des procédures, même si le degré de la maladie est différent d’un système juridique à un autre. Régler les différends autrement est alors devenu une nécessité. Une nécessité, en terme d’accès à la justice et de garantie des droits, mais également en terme de coût non seulement pour le justiciable, mais aussi pour l’État, qui a conduit à faire évoluer le système judiciaire en favorisant l’émergence voire la réémergence d’un nouveau mode de régulation sociale : l’alternative dispute resolution (ADR) ou les modes amiables de résolution des différends (MARD) qui sont tous deux des modes informels, non judiciaires de résolution des différends. Néanmoins, les MARD sont loin d’être une copie conforme de l’ADR notamment en raison des différences culturelles juridiques et judiciaires qui existent au sein de chaque système juridique, et dans laquelle cette voie alternative évolue. Malgré des spécificités fondamentales, il existe de nombreuses convergences dans la mise en œuvre et les modalités de fonctionnement des processus amiables en France, en Angleterre, au Pays de Galles, et en Chine. Avec les modes amiables de résolution des différends ou l’alternative dispute resolution, la conception de la justice est différente de celle dictée par la justice traditionnelle. La solution n’est plus dictée par un tiers extérieur, mais par les justiciables eux-mêmes, seuls, ou avec l’aide d’un tiers qu’ils auront personnellement choisi. Cette liberté donnée aux parties constitue une caractéristique intrinsèque des modes amiables. Loin d’être isolé, ils viennent enrichir la réponse judiciaire aux différends. Ils peuvent être utilisés seuls ou en articulation avec l’institution judiciaire. / The crisis of justice existed for decades in France, England and Wales, affecting more and more countries like China. The same causes, economic, political and social liberalization, produce the same effects: increased litigation, the cost of the trial and the strength of the proceedings, even if the degree of the disease is different from a legal system to another. Resolve disputes otherwise then became a necessity. A necessity in terms of access to justice and guarantee of rights, but also in terms of cost not only for court users but for the state, which has led to change the legal system by promoting the emergence or the re-emergence of a new mode of social regulation: alternative dispute resolution (ADR) or alternative methods for resolving disputes (MARD), which are both informal methods, non-judicial dispute resolution. However, the MARD is far from being a copy of the ADR particularly because of legal and judicial cultural differences that exist in each legal system, in which the alternative phenomenon evolves. Despite these fundamental differences, there are many similarities in the implementation and operating procedures of the amicable process in France, England, Wales, and China. With ADR or MARD, the concept of justice is different from litigation. The solution is not dictated by an external third party, but by the parties, alone or with the help of a third party that they have personally selected. The freedom given to the parties is a specificity of the amicable modes. Far from being isolated, they enrich the judicial response to the dispute. They can be used alone or in coordination with the judiciary.
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Brincadeira dos bebês em contexto de creche: a explicitação de uma pedagogia / Babies play in the context of day care: the explanation of a pedagogyOliveira, Alessandra Giriboni de 11 March 2019 (has links)
A presente investigação de natureza qualitativa (BOGDAN; BIKLEN,1999) refere-se a um estudo de caso único (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 2011), realizada em uma creche municipal de São Bernardo do Campo, tendo como objeto de estudo o brincar dos bebês no contexto coletivo. A suposição básica orientadora da pesquisa é a definição do brincar como ação primordial dos bebês, que pode ser qualificada no âmbito das interações e de adultos sensíveis defensores da brincadeira como um dos eixos do currículo na educação infantil, nos termos das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Infantil (BRASIL, 2010). Partiu-se dos questionamentos: Quais teorias e crenças estão presentes nos discursos das gestoras e educadoras referentes ao brincar dos bebês? As ações praticadas nos berçários explicitam os conhecimentos e, portanto, a perspectiva pedagógica que sustenta a forma como se concebem as condições do brincar dos bebês no berçário? Como é possível reconhecer a presença dos conhecimentos convocados pelas educadoras em suas práticas nos processos de formação contínua que ocorrem no interior da creche? A base teórico-argumentativa da pesquisa encontra-se nos conceitos de pedagogias participativas e de pedagogias explícitas de Oliveira-Formosinho e Formosinho (2007, 2016) para discutir homologamente a educação de crianças e de professores da educação infantil e nas formulações relativas ao brincar depreendidas da proposta pedagógica de Elinor Goldschmied e Jackson (2006; MAJEM, ÒDENA, 2011), criadoras do cesto dos tesouros e do jogo heurístico, além da pedagogia do brincar livre amplamente relacionada à Abordagem Pikler (2010, FALK, 2011; SOARES, 2017a, BALOG, 2017), em diálogo com as teorizações de Kishimoto (1993, 2011, 2012) e Rossetti-Ferreira (2004, 2006). Recorreu-se à análise documental; à observação do cotidiano de duas turmas de berçário; ao acompanhamento de momentos formativos da unidade e às entrevistas semiestruturadas, envolvendo três gestoras, quatro professoras e três auxiliares em educação. O estudo empírico estendeu-se de fevereiro a novembro de 2017. As conclusões do estudo sugerem que no planejamento e concretização das brincadeiras dos bebês nos berçários, as professoras e auxiliares em educação convocam conhecimentos implícitos construídos em suas experiências como alunas e no seio familiar, nas interações com seus pares na creche e a partir de práticas difundidas na própria Rede Municipal de Educação, acomodadas sob uma pedagogia transmissiva. Contudo, nos discursos dessas profissionais identificaramse características de pedagogias participativas, primordialmente depreendidas da formação contínua, em serviço realizada na creche coordenada pelas gestoras. / This qualitative research (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1999) refers to a single case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 2011) made in a municipal nursery in São Bernardo do Campo, taking the babies play in a collective context as its object of study. The basic assumption of the research´s leader is the concept of playing as babies prime action, which can be labeled with in the scope of interactions and sensitive adults who defend play as one of the foundations of the early child education curriculum, in the terms of National Curricular Guidelines of early childhood education (BRASIL, 2010). It started from the questions: which theories and beliefs are present in the managers and educators speeches referring to the babies play? Do the actions practiced in nurseries explicit the knowledge and, therefore, the pedagogic perspective which supports the way how babies ´playing conditions in nurseries are conceived? Is it possible to meet the knowledge called upon by educators when working with the continuous formation process which happens in a nursery? This research´s theorical-argumentative foundations are the concepts of OliveiraFormosinho´s and Formosinho´s (2007; 2016) participative pedagogies and explicit pedagogies proposal made by Elinor Goldschmied and Jackson 2006; MAJEM. ÒDENA, 2011), creators of the treasure basket and heuristic play; the free play pedagogy, widely related to the Pikler Approach (2010; FALK, 2011; SOARES, 2017a; BALOG, 2017), in dialogue with Kishimoto´s (1993, 2010, 2011, 2012) and Rossetti-Ferreira´s (2004,2006) theorizing. The investigation resorted to documental analysis, observation of two nursery classes day-to-day, monitoring of formative moments in the nursery and semi structured interviews involving three nursery managers, four teachers and three education assistants. The empiric study happened between February 2017 and November 2017. The study conclusions suggest that, in babies play planning and substantiation at nurseries, teachers and education assistants call upon implicit knowledge generated in their experience as students and in their families; in the interaction with their partners at the nursery and in the practices spread in the municipal education network, which are based on transmissive pedagogies. Nevertheless, in these professionals´ speeches, some participative pedagogies features were identified, which were primarily learned by them at continuous formation moments coordinated by the nursery managers.
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Processos de governança em áreas de proteção ambiental. Análise a partir do Conselho Gestor da APA Ituparanga - SP / Governance processes of environmental protected areas: analysis from the managing board of areas of environmental protection (APA) - Itupararanga-SPVieira, Augusto Jackie do Nascimento Lopes 25 November 2011 (has links)
A crescente complexidade e interdependência dos problemas associados à expansão imobiliária, saneamento e demanda por água promoveram o aumento de conflitos entre os diversos atores sociais. Nas últimas décadas foram criados mecanismos de descentralização político-administrativa, que permitiram a participação social na gestão das políticas públicas como os comitês, colegiados e conselhos. Partindo da apresentação e discussão do conceito de Governança, investiga-se a viabilidade do emprego deste conceito na análise dos processos de gestão desenvolvidos em Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável, através dos respectivos Conselhos Gestores. Para a compreensão do tema é apresentado um levantamento do histórico, arcabouço legal e instrumentos de gestão, previstos na legislação ambiental brasileira para as áreas protegidas, dando ênfase para as Áreas de Proteção Ambiental (APA) categoria com maior extensão territorial no país. Em seguida é apresentado o estágio de desenvolvimento das APAs no Estado de São Paulo, com dados acerca dos Conselhos Gestores e Planos de Manejo. Com base no referencial teórico o texto Governance Principles for Protected Areas in the 21st Century, de Grahan, Amos e Pluptre (2003), aplicou-se uma estrutura metodológica, que emprega pesquisa documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas, aplicadas aos membros do Conselho Gestor da APA Itupararanga, para a avaliação dos processos de governança. Os resultados obtidos pretendem contribuir ao desenvolvimento e aprimoramento de ferramentas para gestão de Unidades de Conservação de Uso Sustentável e servir de subsídio para construção dos Programas de Ações instituídos no Plano de Manejo da APA Itupararanga. / The increasing complexity and interdependence of the problems associated with the real estate expansion, sanitation and waters demand, promoted a growth in the conflicts between different social actors. In the last decades, mechanisms of political and administrative decentralization were created, which allowed social participation in the management of public polices, such as committees, boards and councils. Starting from the presentation and discussion of the concept of Governance, this paper investigates the viability to use this concept in the analysis of management processes developed in the Protected Areas of Sustainable Use, through its respective Managing Councils. In order to comprehend the subject matter, a survey of the history, legal structure and management instruments as provided by the Brazilian environmental legislation for protected areas, with emphasis on Areas of Environmental Protection (APA) category with the largest territorial extension in the country is presented. Next is displayed the development stage of the APAs in the state of São Paulo, with data about Management Councils and Management Plans. With basis in the theoretical reference presented by Graham, Amos e Plumptre (2003), in the text \"Governance Principles for Protected Areas in the 21st Century\", a methodological framework that uses document researches and semi structured interviews applied to the Management Council members of the APA Itupararanga in order to evaluate the processes of Governance. The achieved results aim to contribute to the development and improvement of the management tools for Protected Areas for Sustainable Use and serve as a subsidy for construction of the Action Programs instituted in the APA Itupararangas Management Plan.
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Participação no espaço urbano: a arte como um modo de habitar a cidade / -Almeida, Joana Dória de 16 March 2018 (has links)
Esta dissertação examina possibilidades de ações artísticas participativas realizadas no espaço urbano operarem enquanto modos de habitar. Para tanto, articula três eixos principais: estudo teórico, análise de práticas artísticas e criação de experimentos na cidade de São Paulo. A perspectiva da arte como forma de habitar é amparada pela noção de direito à cidade que, conforme elaborada por Henri Lefebvre, consiste no direito de participar da produção do espaço social e, portanto, das relações que determinam o nosso viver. Formulações propostas por Guy Debord, David Harvey, Paola Berenstein Jacques, Vera Pallamin e Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos, sobre diferentes etapas do capitalismo e do processo de urbanização constituinte das grandes metrópoles contemporâneas, foram articuladas no desenvolvimento de uma compreensão crítica acerca da noção de habitar. Os estudos de Claire Bishop, relativos à participação em arte, e de Miwon Kwon, a respeito da arte site-specific, nortearam a reflexão sobre o movimento da arte contemporânea rumo ao espaço urbano e à transformação do papel do público de arte. Conjuntamente com a observação da prática de Ana Teixeira, grupo Contrafilé, Eleonora Fabião, grupo OPOVOEMPÉ, coletivo OPAVIVARÁ, Maurício Ianês e Sophie Calle, esses estudos permitiram a distinção, dentre os usos da participação e do espaço urbano por iniciativas artísticas, daqueles que são produtores de relações sociais não restritas aos espaços de arte. Por sua vez, os processos de criação de experimentos participativos na cidade de São Paulo tensionaram os estudos acerca do tema, contribuindo para uma produção corporal de conhecimento. O primeiro abordou diferenças de gênero na experiência do espaço urbano. E o segundo, por sua vez, teve como ponto de partida a convivência entre estranhos, característica às grandes cidades, e acabou por definir mais precisamente o horizonte para uma pesquisa futura: ações participativas em zonas de conflito. / This dissertation examines possibilities of participatory artistic actions performed in urban space to operate as ways of inhabit. Therefore, it articulates three main axes: theoretical study, analysis of artistic practices and creation of experiments in the city of São Paulo. The perspective of art as a way of inhabiting is supported by the notion of the right to the city which, as elaborated by Henri Lefebvre, consists in the right to participate in the production of the social space and therefore the relations that determine social life. Arguments by Guy Debord, David Harvey, Paola Berenstein Jacques, Vera Pallamin and Ana Fani Alessandri Carlos, on the different stages of capitalism and the process of urbanization constituting the great contemporary metropolises, were articulated in the development of a critical understanding of the notion of inhabiting. Claire Bishop\'s studies of participatory art and Miwon Kwon\'s on site-specific art guided a reflection on the movement of contemporary art towards urban space and the transformation of the role of the public of art. Together with the observation of the practice of Ana Teixeira, the group Contrafilé, Eleonora Fabião, the group OPOVOEMPÉ, collective OPAVIVARÁ, Maurício Ianês and Sophie Calle, these studies allowed the distinction between the uses by artistic initiatives of participation and the urban space, of those which are producers of social relations not restricted to art spaces. On the other hand, the processes of creating participative experiments in the city of São Paulo tensioned the studies on the subject, contributing to a corporal production of knowledge. The first, dealt with gender differences in experience of the urban space. And the second, in turn, had as its starting point the coexistence between strangers, characteristic of large cities, and ended up defining more precisely the horizon for a future research: participatory actions in conflict zones.
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