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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformação genética de maracujá amarelo visando resistência à Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae / Genetic transformation of yellow passion fruit to confer resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae

Mariza Monteiro 28 April 2005 (has links)
A bacteriose, ou mancha oleosa, doença causada por Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae, é um sério problema em muitas áreas de produção de maracujá no Brasil, especialmente se associada à antracnose. A transformação genética é uma alternativa para obter plantas resistentes. Proteínas bactericidas, como as atacinas encontradas na hemolinfa de insetos, têm sido usadas para conferir resistência a espécies vegetais. Como as atacinas têm um peptídeo sinal que as direciona para o espaço extracelular em insetos, nós iniciamos este estudo investigando o direcionamento da atacina A em plantas. A seqüência do gene da atacina A (attA) com e sem o peptídeo sinal foi fusionada com os genes repórteres uidA e gfp e epidermes de cebola foram transformadas, via biobalística, com essas construções gênicas. A atacina A, de fato, é acumulada no apoplasto onde, justamente, bactérias fitopatogênicas se multiplicam antes de invadir as células vegetais. Visando obter plantas transgênicas resistentes à bacteriose, foram transformados tecidos foliares e hipocotiledonares com as linhagens LBA 4404 e EHA 105 de Agrobacterium tumefaciens contendo o gene attA. De um total de 313 explantes infectados, foram obtidos 31 brotos PCR+, o que representa uma eficiência de transformação da ordem de 10%. A expressão do transgene foi confirmada por RT-PCR e a resistência ao patógeno foi avaliada pela inoculação de X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae em folhas destacadas de plantas mantidas in vitro. Em dez plantas não houve formação de lesão foliar, indicando uma possível resistência ao patógeno. / Bacterial spot disease caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae is a serious problem in many passion fruit production areas in Brazil, especially if associated with anthracnose. Genetic transformation provides an alternative for obtaining resistant plants. Bactericide proteins such as attacins, found in the haemolymph of insects, have been used to confer resistance on plant species. As the attacins have a sign peptide that dispatches them to extracellular space in insects, we initiated our studies investigating the attacin A directing in plants. The attacin A gene (attA) sequence, with and without the sign peptide, was fused to uidA and gfp reporter genes, and onion epidermis were transformed using bioballistics with gene constructions. The protein did accumulate in the apoplast, where bacteria multiply before attacking plant cells. With the aim of obtaining transgenic plants of yellow passion fruit resistant to bacterial disease, leaf and hypocotyl-derived tissues were transformed with LBA 4404 and EHA 105 strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing the attA gene. From a total of 313 infected explants, we obtained 31 PCR+ shoots, a transformation efficiency of 10%. Expression of the attA gene was confirmed by RT-PCR, and pathogen resistance evaluated by X. axonopodis pv. passiflorae inoculation in leaves obtained from in vitro plants. Leaf lesions were not observed in 10 shoots, suggesting a possible resistance to pathogen.

A paixão e o insólito em Horácio Quiroga e Murilo Rubião

Cândido, Reginaldo Aparecido 09 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:46:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Reginaldo Aparecido Candido.pdf: 447853 bytes, checksum: 19f2ffc8c0f05d449566a3e09f907929 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-09 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / Literature can present fantasy and passion inextricably connected by applying unusual elements that are mixed or interrelated and, thus, create the effect of a reality based on uncertainty. In order to understand the intersection of passion and fantasy, we have chosen the work of two masters of the literary art: Horacio Quiroga and Murilo Rubião. Four of their short stories, which are going to be studied in this dissertation, show the path to understanding the mechanisms through which passions are used as the basic condition to the emergence of fantasy in order to take the reader into a universe of strange responses and reactions to the real world. The unusual outcome of the stories analyzed by us reveals the relevance of the complex passion in leading the characters into a life of resignation or death, once this complicity between passion and fantasy determines the characters. reaction to elements that are foreign to reality. / A literatura pode apresentar de maneira indissociável o fantástico e a paixão, por meio de elementos insólitos que se mesclam ou se inter-relacionam, representando, assim, uma realidade pautada na incerteza. Para entendermos um pouco mais a aproximação entre paixão e fantástico, recorremos a dois ícones da literatura: Horacio Quiroga e Murilo Rubião. Quatro contos que são objeto de análise desta dissertação mostram o caminho para a compreensão dos mecanismos em que a paixão é usada como suporte para o surgimento do fantástico, com o objetivo de envolver o leitor em um universo impregnado de reações estranhas ao mundo real. O desfecho insólito dos referidos contos marca a importância da paixão, complexa na sua constituição, para conduzir as personagens no sentido de uma vida de resignação ou da morte. Toda essa cumplicidade entre paixão e fantástico culmina nas reações das personagens em relação aos elementos estranhos à realidade.

Caracteriza??o f?sica e qu?mica de sementes de maracuj? (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa, Deg) e seu aproveitamento integral: ?leo e torta. / Caracterization of the passionfruit?s (Passiflora edulis flavicarpa, deg) seeds? oil: hole use of this seed.

Samico, Gabriela Fernandes 13 May 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2018-04-10T15:37:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Gabriela Fernandes Samico.pdf: 726920 bytes, checksum: 6b47b0e0b5e09678a7fcd0004c798bd6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-10T15:37:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2010 - Gabriela Fernandes Samico.pdf: 726920 bytes, checksum: 6b47b0e0b5e09678a7fcd0004c798bd6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-05-13 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior, CAPES, Brasil. / The passionfruit (Passiflora edulis, F. flavicarpa, Deg) it is fruit originary of America Tropical, that deserves prominence for the sensorial characteristics of the juice that produces, traditionally consumed in natural way or industrialized, being important source of minerals and vitamins, as calcium, phosphorous and vitamin C. Brazil is the main producing and consuming country of passionfruit. The excellent acceptance of this juice has been responsible for the increment of culture of passionfruit, the industries extracting machines only use to advantage the pulp, that represents about 30% of the weight of the fruit, the remain, peel and seeds, that according to some authors, 70% of the all up weight correspond, when used in the feeding of animals are not thrown in the garbage, without no treatment, causing serious problems to the ecosystem, with consequences in the health of the bordering population. This work had objective to develop technology for oil obtention of seeds of passionfruit feeding human being and to characterize its physical and chemical properties, and to evaluate proteinic and energy the mineral content, of the defatted deeds, effluent of this process and uses it in the cookie elaboration. The analyses had disclosed that the seed of passionfruit partially dehydrated contained 1.7% of oil, consisting of 14,64% of oleic acid and 69.73% of linoleic acid. Tests of oxidation of this fraction showed that the OSI of this oil was of 11h. The defatted seeds have 8.44% of humidity on average, 0.71% of reducing carbohydrates, 1.82% of not reducing carbohydrates, 4.22% of starch, 31.42% of protein, 1.18% of lipids, 3.64% of soluble fibers, 64.30% of insoluble fibers and 1.38% of leached ashes. The sensorial tests show the preference for the formularization that contained 8% of Flour of seed taken away the fat of passionfruit. The perspective of exploitation of this residue of the manufacter process, will become the agro-industrial one of passionfruit more income-producing, since they also exist alternative viable of exploitation of the rind, with this, is possible to implant in the agroindustry of passionfruit, so dreamed clean technology. / O maracuj? (Passiflora edulis, f. flavicarpa, Deg) ? um fruto origin?rio da Am?rica Tropical, que merece destaque pelas caracter?sticas sensoriais do suco que produz,, tradicionalmente consumido ao natural ou industrializado, sendo importante fonte de minerais e vitaminas, como c?lcio, f?sforo e vitamina C. O Brasil ? o principal pa?s produtor e consumidor de maracuj?-amarelo. A excelente aceita??o desse suco tem sido respons?vel pelo incremento de cultivo de maracuj?, que para sua obten??o, as ind?strias extratoras aproveitam somente a polpa, que representa cerca de 30% do peso do fruto, o restante, casca e sementes, que segundo alguns autores, correspondem a 70% do peso total, quando n?o utilizadas na alimenta??o de animais s?o jogadas no lixo, sem nenhum tratamento, causando s?rios problemas ao ecossistema, com reflexos na sa?de das popula??es lim?trofes aos descartes. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver tecnologia para obten??o de ?leo de sementes de maracuj? para alimenta??o humana e caracterizar suas propriedades f?sicas e qu?micas, e avaliar o conte?do mineral, prot?ico e energ?tico da torta desengordurada, efluente desse processo e utiliza-lo na elabora??o de biscoito tipo ?cookie?. As an?lises revelaram que a semente de maracuj? parcialmente desidratada continha 26% de ?leo, constitu?do de 14,64% de ?cido ol?ico e 69,73% de ?cido linol?ico. Testes de oxida??o desta fra??o mostraram que o ?ndice de estabilidade oxidativa deste ?leo foi de 11horas. A torta possui em m?dia 8,44 % de umidade, 0,71% de glic?dios redutores, 1,82% de glic?dios n?o redutores, 4,22% de amido, 31,42% de prote?na, 1,18% de lip?deos, 3,64% de fibras sol?veis, 64,30% de fibras insol?veis e 1,38% de cinzas. Os testes sensoriais apresentaram a prefer?ncia pela formula??o que continha 8% de Farinha de semente desengordurada de maracuj?. A perspectiva de aproveitamento desse res?duo do processo fabril, tornar? a agroindustrial do maracuj? mais rent?vel, j? que existem tamb?m alternativas vi?veis de aproveitamento das casca, com isso, ? poss?vel implantar no agroneg?cio do maracuj?, a t?o sonhada tecnologia limpa.

Avalia??o da toler?ncia ao alum?nio em pl?ntulas de maracujazeiro e mamoeiro. / Evaluation of aluminum tolerance in seedlings of Passion fruit and Carica papaya.

Silva, Aldir Carlos 06 March 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-08-30T16:36:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Aldir Carlos Silva.pdf: 1230710 bytes, checksum: 56dbab398ff37045b73bd259ab1a15ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-30T16:36:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009 - Aldir Carlos Silva.pdf: 1230710 bytes, checksum: 56dbab398ff37045b73bd259ab1a15ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-03-06 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Aluminum tolerance studies in seedlings of Passion fruit (cvs. IAC-273/277, IACPaulista, IAC-275, FB-100) and Carica papaya (cvs.Taiung, Golden, Gran Golden, Baixinho de Santa Amalia) were performed in a growth chamber at the Laboratories of Chemistry of the Rhizosphere and Seeds of the Department of Fitotecnia, of University Federal Rural of Rio Janeiro, Institute of Agronomy. Experiments with different concentrations of Al were conducted in nutrient solution simple (with Ca) and complete, with the aims to analyze the tap root length, ratio of root lengths, relative root elongation, diameter of root and stem and effect of stains. Also were conducted experiments with seeds soaked in different concentration of Al to verify the percentage of germination, seedlings normal and abnormal. The use of simple nutrient solution was not satisfactory to shown the performance of seedlings of papaya. In passion fruit both nutrient solutions can be used in short term experiment. Over the concentration of 160?M of Al occurred effect of toxicity in root of seedlings of passion fruit and papaya, but at concentrations lower that 80?M there were stimulus of growth. The tap root length was the more efficient parameter to compare root toxicity. The soaking of seeds in the solution of aluminum did not affect the germination, root tap emission and the growth of seedlings until 1280?M. With the increased of time of contact with the Al solution, the young roots have been injured especially in papaya seedlings. The use of stains pyrocatechol violet and hematoxylin were both efficient to determinate the aluminum tolerance in papaya and passion fruit, but just pyrocatechol violet could compare the doses used, produced a color gradient with increasing concentration of aluminum. With the use of hematoxylin was only possible to separate the high concentrations of low concentrations of aluminum. The best passion fruit cultivar was IAC 273/277and papaya was Tainung / Os estudos da toler?ncia ao alum?nio em pl?ntulas de maracuj? (cvs. IAC-273/277, IACPaulista, IAC-275, FB-100) e mam?o (cvs.Tainug, Golden, Gran Golden, Baixinho de Santa Am?lia) foram realizados, em c?mara de crescimento nos Laborat?rios de Qu?mica da Rizosfera e Laborat?rio de Analise de Sementes, Departamento de Fitotecnia, Instituto de Agronomia da Universidade Federal Rural Rio de Janeiro. Foram realizados experimentos com diferentes concentra??es de alum?nio em solu??o nutritiva simples (com c?lcio) e completa, para analise do crescimento radicular utilizando os par?metros comprimento radicular, taxa de crescimento radicular, elonga??o radicular relativa, di?metro do colo, di?metro de ?pice da raiz principal bem como testes com corantes. Foi tamb?m realizado estudos do efeito da embebi??o das sementes com solu??es de alum?nio para verificar o efeito na porcentagem de germina??o, pl?ntulas normais e anormais, e n?o germinadas. O uso da solu??o nutritiva simples para realizar testes de curta dura??o de contacto ao alum?nio, n?o foi satisfat?rio para mam?o, sendo mais adequado o uso de solu??o nutritiva completa. Em maracuj?, ambas as solu??es podem ser utilizadas. As pl?ntulas de maracuj? crescidas em solu??o simples com o aumento do tempo de contacto com alum?nio na solu??o, as ra?zes ficaram endurecidas. Em concentra??es acima de 160?M de alum?nio, ocorreu efeito fitotoxico, contudo em concentra??es menores que 80?M ocorreu at? aumento do crescimento radicular para mam?o e maracuj?. O comprimento radicular foi o mais eficiente par?metro indicador da toler?ncia ao alum?nio. A embebi??o das sementes em alum?nio n?o afetou a germina??o a emiss?o da raiz principal e o crescimento da pl?ntula at? a concentra??o da solu??o de embebi??o de 1280?M, mas a medida que aumentou o tempo de contato e a concentra??o de alum?nio, as ra?zes rec?m emitidas sofreram danos, principalmente as de pl?ntulas de mam?o. O uso dos corantes qu?micos violeta de pirocatecol e hematoxilina foram eficiente na determina??o da toler?ncia ao alum?nio em maracuj? e mam?o, mais somente o violeta de pirocatecol permitiu comparar as doses entre si, gerando um gradiente de colora??o com o aumento da concentra??o de alum?nio, com o uso da hematoxilina s? foi poss?vel separar as concentra??es altas das concentra??es baixas de alum?nio. As melhores cultivares nas condi??es testadas foi a IAC 273/277 de maracuj? e a cv Tainung de mam?o

Windy city, holy land: Willa Saunders Jones and black sacred music and drama

Hallstoos, Brian James 01 December 2009 (has links)
My dissertation argues that African Americans in the 20th-century connected lynching and other acts of racial violence with Christ's crucifixion, which in turn fostered hope and even interracial amity by linking his resurrection with racial uplift. To illustrate this dynamic, I focus on musician, dramatist, and church leader Willa Saunders Jones (1901-79) and her Passion play, which she wrote in Chicago during the 1920s. Over the course of six decades, Jones produced her play annually in churches and later large civic theaters. Growing in size and splendor, the play remained intimately tied with the Black church. It also bore the impress of Jones's cultural training in Little Rock, Arkansas and Chicago, the city to which her family fled after a transforming brush with racial violence. The rise of her Passion play depended upon her musical success, most notably as a choral director. By focusing on a single cultural product over time and through several disciplinary lenses, my study contributes new insights into the role of sacred music and drama within the African American community. Offering a brief overview of Jones and her play, my Introduction also articulates the dissertation's two central organizing concepts: the crucifixion trope and resurrection consciousness. Chapters One and Two explain why Americans, especially of African descent, made a link between the suffering of black men in America and the crucifixion of Christ (the crucifixion trope). Chapters Three and Four indicate why Jones considered sacred music and drama to be agents of racial uplift and interracial amity. The final chapter focuses on the theme of Christ's resurrection as a metaphor that animates certain responses to racial trauma (resurrection consciousness). In addition to a wide range of secondary sources, I draw upon personal interviews, court records, genealogical records, the Black press, visual images, song lyrics, correspondence, autobiographies, plays, playbills, school records, television footage, and church publications of the National Baptist Convention, USA. "Windy City, Holy Land" should be of special interest to scholars in African American Studies, American Studies, History, Religious Studies, Theatre Studies, and Women's Studies.

Pitch structures in K. Penderecki's "St. Luke's Passion"

Oosterbaan, André. January 1980 (has links) (PDF)
Bibliography: leaf 162.

Hushållningens dygder : Affektlära, hushållningslära och ekonomiskt tänkande under svensk stormaktstid / The Virtues of householding : Economic Thought and the Theories of Passions and of Householding in seventeenth-century Sweden

Runefelt, Leif January 2001 (has links)
A basic assumption in the thesis is that every economic as well as political and ethical doctrine contains a conception of man, and, thus, that this conception needs to be scrutinised in order to achieve deeper understanding of the doctrine. The purposes of the thesis is (1) to account for conceptions of man within the rarely studied Swedish seventeenth-century economic thought, (2) to examine how conceptions of man and of society influence and shape this thought, and (3) to do this from a synchronous approach, by which emphasis is laid on economic thought as an integral part of the intellectual culture of the epoch. In chapter 2 is explored the conception of man as expressed in economic thought. Man is conceived as selfish and irrational. In chapter 3, this conception is explained as it is placed within a wider context, the most common psychological theory of the epoch, the theory of the passions, which is thoroughly examined. Chapter 4 consists of an analysis of the theory of householding, as it was expressed in the literature of the epoch. It is shown that this theory, not focused on by earlier research, to a large extent is a part of ethics and a prolongation of the theory of passions. The householder or “house-father” is obliged to control his own as well as the other household-member’s passions, and to maintain the hierarchical order within the household. Chapters 5 to 8 deal with the central areas within economic thought. These areas are domestic production and trade (ch. 5), the sumptuary laws and attitudes towards luxury (ch. 6), the use of the concept of free trade (ch. 7) and the issues of idleness and employment (ch. 8). It is shown that the king or government is viewed as the “house-father” of the realm, and that the core of the theory of the passions, the taming of the passions through reason and virtue, is vital also within economic thought, in which four virtues were central: justice, diligence, temperance and frugality; the same virtues as in the theory of householding.

The study of Engineer Employee¡¦s working Passion

Huang, Hsin-yi 17 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to discuss the Engineer¡¦s working Passion and detects the inner meaning by way of inquiring senior engineering managers firstly. In this research, the inner meanings are applied to developing the framework and questionary. The inquiry result is that working passion¡¦s sources affect working passion¡¦s behaviors, and working passion behaviors bring working passion effect. In this study, working passion source is defined as independent variable, working passion effect is defined as dependent variable, and working passion behavior is defined as a mediator. Furthermore, person-organization fit and person-job fit are defined as interfered variables. The thesis adopted questionnaire survey and target on R&D dept. engineers in Taiwan high-technology industry. 388 copies of the 450 questionnaires issued are returned, among which 369 copies are valid. The data were analyzed by reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA, hierarchical regression and Canonical correlation analysis to discuss the relationships. The findings of the study are as follows. (1) A positive relationship between the working passion sources and the working passion effects. (2) A positive relationship between the working passion behaviors and the working passion effects. (3) Working passion behaviors mediate the relationship between the working passion sources and the working passion effects. (4) Person-organization fit and person-job fit interfere in each other variables. The more person-organization fit, the more motivation and leadership result in working passion behaviors. The more person-job fit, the more leadership and team birr bring working passion behaviors.

Le retour critique de l'intrigue dans le Nouveau Roman français : entre tension et passion

Najjara, Nabil 08 June 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'objet de cette recherche est de revisiter la notion d'intrigue dans le Nouveau Roman après une campagne de dénigrement théorique menée par certains nouveaux romanciers. Une reconsidération qui s'inspire essentiellement des travaux de Paul Ricoeur sur " La Mise en intrigue " et qui se fonde principalement sur les études récentes de Raphaël Baroni sur " la tension narrative ". Dans la première partie il s'agit de remettre en perspective littéraire et critique cette notion en la confrontant au roman dit " traditionnel " et en parcourant les travaux nombreux des écrivains, critiques et théoriciens qui ont abordé cette question.La deuxième partie est concrètement une mise en chantier où sont éprouvées les idées de fiction, de passion, de suspense et de tension.Enfin la dernière partie est une sorte de reprise d'un modèle précis d'intrigue qui est celui du roman policier dans la perspective de mettre en évidence son aspect passionnant et passionnel.

Metabólitos secundários de fungos da Antártica com atividade antibacteriana em Xanthomonas spp. / Secondary metabolites of Antarctic fungi with antibacterial activity in Xanthomonas spp.

Vieira, Gabrielle [UNESP] 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by GABRIELLE VIEIRA null (gabriellevieir@gmail.com) on 2018-04-05T12:53:30Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Metabólitos secundários de fungos da Antártica com ação antimicrobiana em Xanthomonas spp.pdf: 8795008 bytes, checksum: 0df6b298004d2d27c6a56a8a8367648b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Aparecida Puerta null (dripuerta@rc.unesp.br) on 2018-04-05T14:02:49Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 vieira_g_me_rcla.pdf: 8781866 bytes, checksum: e535d140907c0db6ece0255e817ca841 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-05T14:02:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 vieira_g_me_rcla.pdf: 8781866 bytes, checksum: e535d140907c0db6ece0255e817ca841 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / As bactérias do gênero Xanthomonas afetam culturas agrícolas de grande importância econômica no Brasil. O controle destas doenças realizado pela utilização de produtos químicos, entre outras práticas, causa impactos negativos na saúde e ao meio ambiente. Isso torna a busca de alternativas sustentáveis de combate a estas doenças cada vez mais importante. Uma possível alternativa aos produtos químicos que tem despertado grande interesse é a aplicação de metabólitos secundários. Suspeita-se que fungos que vivem em ambientes extremos como a Antártica podem produzir metabólitos secundários ainda desconhecidos. Dessa maneira, este projeto teve como objetivo principal investigar a potencial atividade de metabólitos secundários produzidos por 33 fungos isolados do solo contra três espécies de Xanthomonas economicamente importantes para a agricultura do país. Para tanto, foram utilizados fungos coletados em solo em expedição à Antártica (2013) no âmbito do INCT Criosfera, que estão preservados junto à Central de Recursos Microbianos da UNESP. Os extratos (n=66) foram testados contra Xanthomonas patogênicas das culturas de tomate (Xanthomonas euvesicatoria), frutas cítricas (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) e maracujá (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae). Do total de extratos brutos submetidos a bioensaio contra os fitopatógenos, 18 (27,27%) apresentaram taxa de inibição ≥ 90%. Os extratos com potencial inibitório tiveram origem em fungos identificados por sequenciamento da região ITS4 e ITS5 como pertencentes ao filo Ascomycota, gênero Pseudogymnoascus. Alguns extratos ativos foram purificados utilizando diversas técnicas cromatográficas por fracionamento bioguiado como cromatografia por exclusão molecular, cromatografia em coluna em fase normal, cromatografia em coluna de fase reversa e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência por interação hidrofílica. As frações obtidas foram testadas frente à Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Duas frações, obtidas por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, C2F2 e C2F5 apresentaram atividade inibitória contra o fitopatógeno. / Bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas affect agricultural crops of great economic importance in Brazil. Control of these diseases is made by the use of chemicals, among other practices, that causes negative impacts on human health and the environment. This makes the search for sustainable alternatives to combat these diseases increasingly important. A possible alternative to chemicals that have aroused great interest is the application of secondary metabolites. It is suspected that fungi living in extreme environments such as Antarctica may produce secondary metabolites as of yet unknown. Therefore this study had as main objective investigate the potential activity of secondary metabolites produced by 33 fungi isolated from the soil against three economically important Xanthomonas species. For this purpose fungi previously collected in the Antarctic expedition (2013) under the INCOS Criosfera and preserved at the Microbial Resource Center of UNESP were utillized. The extracts produced by the 33 isolates (n = 66) were tested against pathogenic Xanthomonas of tomato crops: Xanthomonas euvesicatoria; citrus: Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri; and of passion fruit culture, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae. From the total of extracts submitted to bioassay against phytopathogens, 18 (27.27%) presented inhibition rate ≥ 90%. The extracts with inhibitory potential were produced by fungi identified through sequencing of the ITS4 and ITS5 regions as belonging to the Ascomycota phylum, genus Pseudogymnoascus. Some active extracts were purified using chromatography techniques by bioguided fractionation such as solid phase chromatography by molecular exclusion, normal phase column chromatography, reverse phase column chromatography, and high performance liquid chromatography by hydrophilic interaction . The fractions obtained by cromatography were tested for antibacterial activity in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri. Two fractions, obtained by high performance liquid chromatography, C2F2 and C2F5, showed inhibitory activity against the phytopathogen. / FAPESP: 2015/20629-6.

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