Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pathogenesis"" "subject:"athogenesis""
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Interactions of the Treponema pallidum adhesin Tp0751 with the human vascular endotheliumLithgow, Karen V 30 July 2019 (has links)
Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum is the causative agent of syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection characterized by multi-stage disease and diverse clinical manifestations. Treponema pallidum undergoes rapid vascular dissemination to penetrate tissue, placental, and blood-brain barriers and gain access to distant tissue and organ sites. The rapidity and extent of T. pallidum dissemination is well documented, but the molecular mechanisms that underlie this process have yet to be fully elucidated. Tp0751 is a T. pallidum adhesin that interacts with vascular factors and mediates adherence to endothelial cells under shear flow. This dissertation explores the molecular interactions and functional outcomes of Tp0751-mediated vascular endothelium adhesion.
The findings presented herein demonstrate that recombinant Tp0751 adheres to human macrovascular and microvascular endothelial cells, including cerebral brain endothelial cells. This interaction is confirmed using live T. pallidum, where spirochete- endothelial cells interactions are disrupted with Tp0751-specific antiserum. Further, the 67 kDa laminin receptor (LamR) is identified as an endothelial receptor using affinity chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry to isolate and identify Tp0751-interacting proteins from endothelial cells membrane extracts. Notably, LamR is a brain endothelial cell receptor for other neurotropic invasive pathogens. Evaluation of endothelial intercellular junctions reveals that recombinant Tp0751 and live T. pallidum disrupt junctional architecture. However, transwell solute flux assays reveal that Tp0751 and T. pallidum do not alter endothelial barrier integrity. The transendothelial migration of T. pallidum can be partially abrogated with an endocytosis inhibitor, implying a transcellular route for barrier traversal. However, a subpopulation of T. pallidum localizes to intercellular junctions, indicating paracellular traversal may also be employed. These findings enhance our understanding of the mechanics of T. pallidum attachment to endothelial cells and suggest that T. pallidum may use both paracellular and transcellular mechanisms to traverse the vascular endothelium without altering barrier permeability. A more complete understanding of this process will facilitate vaccine development for syphilis. / Graduate / 2020-06-18
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Avaliação e caracterização de candidatos vacinais voltados para o controle da leptospirose. / Evaluation and characterization of vaccine candidates against leptospirosis.Teixeira, Aline Rodrigues Florencio 07 April 2016 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma doença sistêmica, causada por bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. O desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para prevenir a doença é necessário. Vacinas surgem como fortes candidatas para contornar o problema. As pesquisas atuais têm interesse em identificar antígenos conservados que estão envolvidos nas interações patógeno-hospedeiro.O presente projeto selecionou três proteínas hipotéticas de L. interrogans para serem caracterizadas quanto ao seu papel na patogênese e avaliadas quanto ao seu potencial protetor. Os genes foram amplificados por PCR e clonados no vetor de expressão PAE. As proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade e foram reconhecidas por soro de indivíduos infectados. As proteínas LIC13479 e LIC10050 foram capazes de se ligar a laminina, plasminogênio e fibronectina plasmática. Em relação à LIC10537, dois fragmentos recombinantes foram gerados. Apenas o fragmento 2 foi capaz de interagir com PLG. As proteínas que interagiram com o PLG foram capazes de gerar plasmina As proteínas foram capazes de estimular uma resposta imune e LIC13479 e LIC10050 exerceram proteção parcial no modelo de leptospirose em hamsters. / Leptospirosis is a systemic disease caused by pathogenic bacteria of genus Leptospira. The development of new strategies to prevent the disease is needed. Vaccines emerge as strong candidates to fight the problem.Currently research has focused to identify conserved antigens This project selected three hypothetical proteins of L. interrogans. Thesecoding sequences were characterized for their possible role in pathogenesis and their potential to protect animals against challenge with virulent leptospires. Genes were amplified by PCR and cloned into the expression vector pAE. The recombinant proteins were purified by metal affinity chromatography and were recognized by confirmed human leptospirosis serum samples.LIC13479 and LIC10050 proteins were able to bind with laminin, plasminogen and plasma fibronectin. The coding sequence LIC10537 was cloned in two fragments. Fragment 2was able to interact with plasminogen. All proteins were able to generate active plasmin. The recombinant proteins were able of inducing an immune response. Evaluation of immunoprotection in leptospirosis hamster model followed by challenge with virulent bacteria showed that the recombinant proteins conferred partial protection.
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Caracterização de uma proteína de Leptospira interrogans e avaliação do seu envolvimento na relação patógeno-hospedeiro. / Characterization of a Leptospira interrogans protein and evaluation of its involvement in the pathogen-host relationship.Rossini, Amanda Diaz 29 March 2018 (has links)
As bactérias patogênicas do gênero Leptospira são o agente causador da leptospirose, uma doença de importância global. As leptospiras patogênicas causam infecção em um amplo espectro de animais e no homem. As leptospiras podem invadir o corpo humano através de abrasões na pele e mucosa. A invasividade bacteriana depende de várias etapas, tais como: aderência, invasão e disseminação através dos tecidos do hospedeiro. Recentemente, nosso grupo identificou proteínas de membrana externa que atuam como adesinas de leptospira e/ou receptores de componentes do plasma hospedeiro, o que poderia contribuir para a patogenicidade bacteriana. Assim, o presente projeto tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades funcionais do gene LIC10920, identificado na sequência genômica de Leptospira interrogans sorovar Copenhageni, como uma proteína hipotética, predita de membrana externa. A sequência LIC10920 foi amplificada por PCR e clonada no vetor de expressão pAE. O plasmídeo pAE contendo o inserto foi introduzido em estirpes de E. coli para a expressão da proteína. A proteína recombinante rLIC10920 foi purificada por cromatografia de afinidade a níquel e sua integridade estrutural foi avaliada pela técnica de dicroísmo circular. Camundongos foram imunizados com a LIC10920 para a avaliação da sua imunogenicidade. A presença de IgG humano contra LIC10920, foi avaliada por ELISA, em amostras de soro de pacientes com leptospirose. Assim, como a sua ligação com componentes da matriz extracelular e plasma do hospedeiro. Animais imunizados apresentaram alto título de anticorpos contra LIC10920. Além disso, a proteína foi reconhecida por anticorpos presente em amostras de soro humano infectado. A proteína foi capaz de interagir com plasminogênio e laminina de maneira dose-dependente e saturável. Em ambas as interações, a participação das regiões imunogênicas se mostrou importante. rLIC10920 foi capaz de capturar o plasminogênio direto do soro humano também de maneira dose-dependente. Por fim, foi observado que o plasminogênio ligado a rLIC10920 pode ser convertido em plasmina. A proteína em estudo é expressa durante a infecção e podemos atribuir a função de adesina, com papel na patogênese da bactéria. / Pathogenic bacteria of genus Leptospira are the causative agent of leptospirosis, a disease of global importance. Pathogenic leptospires cause infection in a broad spectrum of animals and humans. Pathogenic leptospires can efficiently invade the human body through skin and mucosa and promptly spread into blood vessels, reaching target organs. Bacterial invasiveness depends on several steps, such as adherence, invasion and throughout host tissues. Recently, our group has identified outer membrane proteins that act as leptospiral adhesins and/or receptors of host plasma components, which could contribute for bacterial pathogenesis. This project aims to evaluate the functional properties of the gene LIC10920, identified in the genome sequence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni, as a predicted outer membrane protein of unknown function. The LIC10920 sequence was amplified by PCR, cloned into the expression vector pAE. Plasmids containing cloned DNA were introduced in E. coli strains for protein expression. The recombinant protein was purified by the metal affinity chromatography and its structural integrity was assessed by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Mice were subcutaneously immunized with LIC10920 for immunogenicity evaluation. The presence of IgG against LIC10920 in confirmed leptospirosis human serum samples was evaluated by ELISA. Binding of protein with extracellular matrix or plasma components was also assessed. Sera from immunized animals show that the rLIC10920 protein is capable to stimulate antibody immune response in mice. In addition, the protein is recognized by antibodies in leptospirosis human serum samples. The recombinant protein was capable of binding plasminogen and laminin. Dose-dependent and saturable binding was observed when increasing concentrations of the rLIC10920 were allowed adhere to a fixed concentration of plasminogen or of laminin, fulfilling the receptor-ligand interactions. In both cases, the participation of the immunogenic regions occurs, but in the case of laminin, the dependence is greater with structured epitopes. It has been shown that plasminogen linked to rLIC10920 can be converted to plasmin in the presence of activator. The recombinant protein was able to capture the plasminogen directly from normal human serum in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting the involvement of native protein in host-pathogen interactions. The protein under study is expressed during the infection and due to its capacity of interaction with host components, we may anticipate its role in leptospiral pathogenesis.
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Papel da proteína EspFU em Escherichia coli enteropatogênica atípica. / Role of EspFU protein in atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli.Martins, Fernando Henrique 14 December 2017 (has links)
Escherichia coli enteropatogênica atípica (aEPEC) é considerada um dos principais agentes etiológicos da diarreia em várias regiões do mundo. O mecanismo central da patogenicidade de aEPEC é a capacidade de causar lesões attaching-effacing (A/E) no epitélio intestinal, uma propriedade desencadeada por proteínas codificadas pelo locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). Enquanto algumas aEPEC utilizam a via de fosforilação de Tir (Y-P) para induzir a formação de pedestais, outras cepas podem empregar a proteína efetora EspFU (TccP/TccP2) para uma eficiente polimerização de actina. Neste estudo foi avaliada a prevalência e produção de EspFU, como também o papel desempenhado por esta proteína na interação com células epiteliais e colonização intestinal, aspectos essenciais da patogênese de aEPEC. O gene espFU foi detectado em 46% das cepas de aEPEC, com uma predominância do alelo tccP2. A maioria das cepas apresentou o tir fosforilado (Y-P), sugerindo que possam utilizar diferentes mecanismos redundantes para a polimerização de actina. As cepas positivas para tccP e tccP2 foram significativamente associadas com os filogrupos E, e B1, respectivamente. A produção de EspFU (TccP/TccP2) variou de cepa-a-cepa, independentemente dos genótipos e filogrupos. A deleção do gene espFU em uma cepa de aEPEC O55:H7 (BA320) resultou em menor aderência bacteriana e comprometeu a capacidade de induzir polimerização de actina em células HeLa após 6 h de infecção. Adicionalmente, o mutante em espFU apresentou uma menor eficiência na colonização intestinal em um modelo murino de infecção. A análise da cinética da formação de pedestais por aEPEC mostrou que, de modo geral, cepas expressando EspFU foram mais aderentes e induziram polimerização de actina mais rapidamente em comparação à via de TirY-P. A adesão bacteriana e formação de pedestais mediada por EspFU regulou negativamente a expressão de LEE, além de modular a resposta transcricional epitelial por meio da ativação de genes pró-inflamatórios, como NF-kB, IL-6, IL-8, entre outros. Em suma, a proteína EspFU é ampla e filogeneticamente distribuída em cepas de aEPEC, desempenha um importante papel na adesão bacteriana e colonização intestinal, e pode contribuir direta ou indiretamente para a indução de resposta inflamatória. / Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) is one of the most important pathogen causing diarrhea disease worldwide. The hallmark of aEPEC pathogenesis is the ability to cause attaching and effacing (A/E) lesions on intestinal epithelium, a property triggered by proteins encoded on a pathogenicity island called locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE). While some aEPEC require tyrosine phosphorylation (Y-P) of Tir to trigger actin assembling, certain strains whose Tir is not tyrosine phosphorylated utilize the T3SS effector Tir-cytoskeleton coupling protein (TccP/TccP2) for efficient actin polymerization. In the present study, we evaluated the prevalence, production, and functions played by the EspFU protein on important aspects of aEPEC pathogenesis, such as interaction with epithelial cells and intestinal colonization. The tccP and/or tccP2 genes were detected in 45.8% of the aEPEC strains, with a predominance of tccP2 allele. Most of these strains carried tirY-P, suggesting that can trigger actin polymerization using both Tir tyrosine phosphorylation and TccP/TccP2 pathways. aEPEC strains carrying tccP or tccP2 were significantly associated to phylogroups E and B1, respectively. We also observed a differential production of TccP/TccP2 among the strains, regardless genotypes and phylogeny. Deletion of espFU from aEPEC BA320 (serotype O55:H7) significantly decreased bacterial adherence and impaired the ability to induce actin rearrangement in HeLa cells after 6 h of infection. Also, the espFU mutant showed lower colonization levels compared to the wild-type strain in a murine infection model. Analysis of the kinetics of pedestal formation showed EspFU-expressing strains were more adherent and induced actin rearrangement more rapidly than Tir-phosphorylated (TirY-P) producing aEPEC. Importantly, bacterial adherence and pedestal formation driven by EspFU downregulated the LEE expression, and also induced changes in the epithelial transcriptional response, specifically by activating pro-inflammatory genes such as NKFB, IL6 and IL8. In summary, our data suggest that EspFU protein is widely and phylogenetically distributed among aEPEC strains, and play an important role on bacterial attachment and intestinal colonization. Moreover, aEPEC could induce inflammation in a EspFU-dependent manner.
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Studies of Site-Specific Dynamics of Aβ Amyloid Formation and Effect of Macromolecules on Aβ AmyloidogenesisUnknown Date (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was 1) to explore early stage aggregation kinetic
behavior of Amyloid-β 1-40 (Aβ1-40) by incorporation of unnatural amino acid pcyanophenylalanine
as a site-specific fluorescence reporter, 2) to explore the effect of
macromolecules on the aggregation of Aβ1-40.
Chapter One provides an introduction of Alzheimer’s disease as an amyloidogenic
disease, amyloidogenic peptide and amyloid formation. Details were shown about the
research progress of Aβ1-40 aggregation and Aβ1-40’s interaction with polyelectrolytes,
and how treatments studies were designed.
In Chapter two, using Aβ1-23 as a model molecule, the distinct site-specific
dynamics was identified, during amyloid formation, and the structural characteristics of
amyloid fibrils were defined by using an unnatural amino acid, p-cyanophenylalanine, as
a sensitive fluorescent and Raman probe. The results reveal distinct local environmental changes of specific residues during the aggregation of Aβ1-23. The results also suggest
that an edge-to-face aromatic interaction between the F4 and F19 residues from the
adjacent in-register β-strands plays a key role in the conformational conversion to form
and stabilize β-sheet structure.
In Chapter Three, p-cyanophenylalanine was incorporated in the full sequence of
Aβ1-40. Site-specific information from p-cyanophenylalanine fluorescence was studied
and summarized.
In Chapter Four, the inhibiting effect of an anionic polyelectrolyte poly(4-
styrenesulfonate) (PSS) on the aggregation of Aβ1-40 peptide was reported. The results
demonstrate the strong inhibition potential of PSS on the aggregation of Aβ1-40.
Additional studies indicate that the presence of both aliphatic backbone as well as
aromatic side chain group in PSS is essential for its inhibition activity.
In Chapter Five, it was investigated the effect of two polyelectrolytes, chitosan
(CHT) and N-trimethyl chitosan chloride (TMC), on the aggregation of Aβ1-40. Results
show that both CHT and TMC exhibit a concentration-dependent decrease of amyloid
aggregation suggesting their application as amyloid assembly inhibitors. Their binding
mechanism was investigated by computational modeling which shows that Aβ1-40
monomer was primarily stabilized by electrostatic interactions with charged amine and
quaternary amines of CHT and TMC respectively.
Chapter Six, describes all experimental procedures and instrument setup in detail. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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Envolvimento de proteínas de membrana de Leptospira interrogans nos mecanismos de evasão e invasão do hospedeiro. / Involvement of Leptospira interrogans membrane proteins in evasion and invasion mechanisms of the host.Siqueira, Gabriela Hase 27 June 2014 (has links)
Leptospirose é uma zoonose mundial que causa grandes prejuízos econômicos e sociais. Os mecanismos de patogenicidade da leptospira ainda não estão totalmente elucidados. Nesse trabalho foi avaliado o papel de três proteínas hipotéticas de superfície na patogenia da leptospirose: LIC11009, LIC11360 e LIC11975. Os genes foram clonados a partir do DNA da L. interrogans sorovar Copenhageni e as proteínas recombinantes foram purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade. RT-qPCR mostrou a transcrição dos genes em leptospiras. As proteínas recombinantes reagiram com soro de humanos diagnosticados com leptospirose. rLIC11009 induziu somente resposta imune Th1 em camundongos, enquanto que rLIC11360 e rLIC11975 induziram resposta Th1 e Th2. As três proteínas recombinantes se ligaram à laminina e plasminogênio, enquanto rLIC11360 e rLIC11975 também se ligaram à fibronectina plasmática e fibrinogênio. Em adição, rLIC11360 se ligou ainda aos reguladores do sistema complemento fator H e C4BP. Os resultados sugerem que as proteínas estudadas podem auxiliar a leptospira a evadir e invadir o hospedeiro. / Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis that causes great economic and social losses. The pathogenic mechanisms of leptospira are not yet fully elucidated. In this study we evaluated the role of three hypothetical surface proteins in the leptospiral pathogenesis: LIC11009, LIC11360 and LIC11975. Genes were cloned from DNA of L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni and the recombinant proteins were purified by affinity chromatography. RT - qPCR data have shown that the genes are fully transcribed in leptospires. Recombinant proteins reacted with sera from humans diagnosed with leptospirosis. rLIC11009 induced Th1 immune response in mice, whereas rLIC11360 and rLIC11975 promoted both Th1 and Th2. The three recombinant proteins interacted with laminin and plasminogen while, rLIC11360 and rLIC11975, also interacted with plasma fibronectin and fibrinogen. In addition, rLIC11360 interacted with the complement regulators factor H and C4BP. These results suggest that the proteins tested can help leptospires to evade and invade the host.
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Identificação de proteínas secretadas por duas espécies de Leptospira, uma patogênica e uma saprófita. / Identification of secreted proteins of two species of Leptospira, one pathogenic and one saprophyte.Ricardi, Ligia Maria Piassi 26 March 2013 (has links)
A leptospirose é uma zoonose de distribuição mundial causada por espiroquetas patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. Resultados experimentais demonstraram que a patogênese pode estar relacionada com a capacidade destas bactérias em aderir a proteínas da matriz extracelular, escapar da resposta imune do hospedeiro e de produzir toxinas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar proteínas secretadas por Leptospira interrogans sorovar Pomona estirpe Fromm kennewicki (patogênica) e Leptospira biflexa sorovar Patoc estirpe Patoc I (saprófita), através de análise proteômica. As leptospiras foram cultivadas em meio EMJH suplementado com soro de coelho ou albumina bovina. Os sobrenadantes foram filtrados, dialisados e liofilizados para aplicação das tecnologias de análise proteômica utilizando gel bidimensional e análise em solução. A análise dos peptídeos obtidos, nos dois procedimentos, foi realizada utilizando-se LC/MS/MS. Foi possível a identificação de 159 proteínas diferentes nas amostras de L.interrogans, entre as quais 64 foram positivas em pelo menos uma das ferramentas usadas para a predição. Em L. biflexa, 104 proteínas diferentes foram identificadas, entre elas 43 proteínas foram positivas pela análise in silico. Entre as proteínas identificadas, estão aquelas que possuem peptídeo sinal sec ou tat dependentes. Em outras, a predição da localização celular é desconhecida ou podem ter múltiplos sítios de localização, e ainda, proteínas que não possuem peptídeo sinal e que podem ser secretadas por mecanismos não convencionais. Muitos destas são proteínas hipotéticas sem domínios conservados detectados. No que diz respeito à atividade proteolítica, foi identificada a presença de metaloproteases no secretoma de L.interrogans. Não houve detecção da presença significativa de proteases bacterianas em amostras de L. biflexa. A identificação e a caracterização funcional de proteínas secretadas poderão contribuir para a elucidação dos mecanismos patogênicos e no desenvolvimento de novas estratégias para o tratamento e prevenção de leptospirose. / Leptospirosis is a zoonosis of worldwide distribution caused by pathogenic spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. The mechanisms by which leptospires invade the host and cause the disease are not yet fully understood. Experimental results have shown that the pathogenesis may be related to the ability of these bacteria to bind to extracellular matrix proteins, to escape hosts immune responses and to produce toxins. This work aimed to identify secreted proteins by Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona strain Fromm kennewicki (pathogenic) and Leptospira biflexa serovar strain Patoc Patoc I (saprophyte) through proteomic analysis. The leptospires were grown in EMJH supplemented with rabbit serum or BSA. Supernatants were filtered, dialyzed and lyophilized to proteomic technology, two-dimensional gel and non-gel. The analysis of the obtained peptides in two procedures was performed using LC/MS/LC. It was possible to identify 159 different proteins in the samples of L.interrogans; among them, 64 were positive proteins in at least one of the tools used for prediction. In L. biflexa, 104 different proteins were identified; among them, 43 positive proteins were positive by in silico analysis. Among the identified proteins are those that possess sec or tat dependent signal peptide. In others, the prediction of the cellular location is unknown or may have multiple sites of localization, and even proteins which have no signal peptide can be secreted by unconventional mechanisms. Many of these are hypothetical proteins with no detected putative conserved domains. The presence of metalloproteases has been identified in the L.interrogans´ secretome, using proteolytic assay. There was no significant detection of the presence of bacterial proteases in samples of L. biflexa. The identification and functional characterization of secreted proteins may contribute to the elucidation of pathogenic mechanisms and in the developing of new strategies for the treatment and prevention of leptospirosis.
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Caracterização de receptores de patógenos envolvidos na interação entre Paracoccidioides brasiliensis e macrófagos de camundongos resistentes e suscetíveis ao fungo. / Characterization of pathogen receptors involved in the interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and macrophages from resistant and susceptible mice.Feriotti, Claudia 15 September 2011 (has links)
A paracoccidioidomicose é uma micose sistêmica da América Latina causada pelo fungo dimórfico Paraccoccidioides brasiliensis. Os TLRs, e os CLRs são \"Receptores de Reconhecimento Padrão\" (PRRs) que reconhecem os \"Padrões Moleculares Associados aos Patógenos\" (PAMPs). O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar os receptores de macrófagos de camundongos resistentes (A/J) e susceptíveis (B10.A) ao P. brasiliensis envolvidos na interação com o fungo, através do estudo do efeito do tratamento dos macrófagos com agonistas ou antagonistas dos receptores de manose (MR), receptores do tipo Toll 4 (TLR4), receptores de beta-glucanas (dectina-1) e receptores de complemento CR3 (CD11b/CD18), na interação fungo-macrófago. O tratamento dos macrófagos com o agonista de MR (manana), ativou ambos os macrófagos A/J e B10.A. O bloqueio dos receptores MR, TLR4 e CR3 com anticorpos monoclonais específicos, induziu inibição dos macrófagos, mostrando a importância destes receptores no reconhecimento dos carboidratos presentes na parede do fungo. O tratamento com os agonistas de dectina-1 (laminarina e curdlan) induziram ativação dos macrófagos, porém de maneira distinta entre as linhagens. A laminarina pareceu ativar macrófagos B10.A e inibir A/J; curdlan por sua vez, pareceu ativar macrófagos A/J e inibir B10.A.Estes dados sugerem que diferentes perfis de ativação dos macrófagos atuem no reconhecimento do fungo. / Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis of Latin America caused by Paraccoccidioides brasiliensis, a dimorphic fungus. The TLRs and CLRs are \"Pattern Recognition Receptors\" (PRRs) which recognize \"Pathogen Associated Molecular Patterns\" (PAMPs). The aim of our work was to characterize the macrophages receptors from resistant (A/J) and susceptible (B10.A) mice to P. brasiliensis involved in the interaction with the fungus. We studied the effect of macrophages treatment with agonists or antagonists of mannose receptors (MR), Toll like receptors 4 (TLR4), <font face=\"Symbol\">b-glucans receptors (dectin-1) and complement receptors CR3 (CD11b/CD18), in the interaction fungus-macrophages. The macrophages treatment with mannan agonist of MR activated both A/J and B10.A macrophages. The blockade of MR, TLR4 and CR3 receptors with specific monoclonal antibodies, induced macrophages inhibition, showing the importance of these receptors in the recognition of common carbohydrates presents on the cell wall of the fungus. The macrophages treatment with laminarin and curdlan agonists of dectin-1, induced macrophages activation, however in the distinct manner between both macrophages lineages. Laminarin appeared to activate B10.A macrophages and inhibit A/J; whereas curdlan appeared to activate A/J macrophages and inhibit B10.A. These data suggest that a different profile of macrophages activation plays in the fungus recognition.
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The mechanisms underlying cognitive impairment induced by chronic intermittent hypoxia in rodents / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2014 (has links)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common breathing and sleeping disorder, characterized by repeated episodes of airway obstruction during sleep resulting in intermittent hypoxia (IH). From clinical reports, patients with OSA are associated with behavioral and neuropsychological deficits, including impaired spatial learning memory and cognitive deficiencies. Previous studies proposed that reactive oxygen species (ROS) and apoptosis caused by intermittent hypoxia (IH) contributed to this cognitive deficits. However, the exact mechanism is still poorly understood and not settled. / The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a cellular organelle in which all secretory and integral membrane proteins are folded and is also the site where proteins are post-translationally modified in ATP-dependent chaperone-mediated processes. In this study, we hypothesized that ER stress in the hippocampus is initiated in the OSA via elevated levels of ROS. Four groups of adult male mice were used, with two of them exposed to normoxia as control, and the other two exposed to IH treatment, each receiving either vehicle or tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), an ER stress inhibitor. Eight-armed radial maze was used to investigate the performance of reference memory during the whole IH/normoxia treatment. After behavior test, long-term potentiation (LTP) was measured to investigate synaptic plasticity in hippocampus. Furthermore, ER stress-associated pro-apoptotic effectors were detected by Western blotting, and ultra-structure of rough ER and the morphology of hippocampal dendritic spines and synapses in the hippocampal CA1 area were observed. / LTP was impaired in the hippocampus after IH treatment, which was rescued by TUDCA. Furthermore, ER stress-associated pro-apoptotic effectors, CHOP and caspase-12, were up-regulated after chronic IH treatment and was abolished by co-infusion of TUDCA. Meanwhile, increased cleaved-caspase-3 after chronic IH treatment was reduced by TUDCA via increased expression of Bcl-2. On the other hand, ultrastructural analysis of rough ER in the hippocampal CA1 revealed IH-induced ER luminal swelling, and was attenuated by TUDCA. In addition, the length of synaptic active zone was significantly reduced after chronic IH treatment and was partially rescued by the application of TUDCA. Golgi staining also showed a decrease in mature dendritic spines in IH group, and reversed by TUDCA. In behavioral analysis, the number of reference memory errors significantly increased after IH treatment and rescued by TUDCA injection. Overall, the data suggest a critical role of ER stress underlying the impairment of long-term synaptic plasticity and neurocognitive deficits in chronic IH. Targeting ER stress could be a potential therapeutic strategy for neural dysfunction in OSA. / On the other hand, neuronal firing, especially robust persistent activity of neuron in hippocampus, is critical role in memory formation. Increased ROS induced by IH has been implicated in long-term potentiation of neural activity. IH could be involved in a variety of K⁺ channels which eventually leads to excitotoxicity by increased Ca2⁺-dependent glutamate release. Although the results were just shown in acute IH treatment, the chronic effect of IH on the firing frequency of hippocampus is still unknown. / Therefore, to investigate the effect of chronic IH treatment on firing activities and local field potentials of hippocampal neurons, implantation of multi-channel micro-wires electrode array into hippocampus of OSA model rat was performed to monitor spontaneous discharge. The results were shown the firing frequency of pyramidal neurons (PNs) was significantly elevated after 8 hours IH in second and third days, on the other hand, interneurons (INs) seem to be more sensitive to intermittent hypoxia since the higher firing frequency was sustained from third day to seventh day after 8 hours IH, however, at the end of 14 days IH treatment, the firing frequencies of PNs and INs are all both dramatically reduced. Meanwhile, the results in this part will enable us to understand the exact change of firing pattern and local field potential during intermittent hypoxia. The percentage of complex burst spikes was decreased after 14 days IH in PNs and the power of theta rhythms was also impaired. It suggests that the disorder of neuronal pattern and the change of local field potential are associated with cognitive impairment in OSA model. After 1 week recovery, the firing frequency of PNs was rescued again, but not for that of INs. We also found that the power of theta rhythms which had an important role in memory formation was weaker after 2 weeks IH treatment, however, the precise mechanism was still unknown. From the effect of intermittent hypoxia on spontaneous discharges and LFP of hippocampal neurons in free moving rat, it may reveal some roles of IH in cognitive impairment via disorder neuronal function in CA1 region. / 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停(OSA) 是一種常見的睡眠障礙疾病,這種疾病的主要特徵是在睡眠過程中反復發作的氣道阻塞,從而導致间歇性缺氧(IH)。從臨床報導中發現,OSA患者表現出行為和神經心理缺陷,包括空間學習記憶的受損和認知缺陷。通過之前的研究表明,活性氧(ROS)的增多和細胞凋亡是間歇性缺氧所引起認知功能障礙的主要機制之一,然而,其具體的機制仍不清楚。 / 作為細胞重要的細胞器,內質網是分泌蛋白和膜蛋白折疊組裝的主要場所,同時,由ATP依賴的分子伴侶所介導的蛋白質翻譯後修飾這一過程也主要在內置網中完成。在本課題中,我們假設在OSA模型的海馬組織中,內質網應激的啟動是由於缺氧引起的與活性氧(ROS)的升高。在本課題中,我們使用了四組成年雄性小鼠,其中兩組作為正常對照組,分別接受生理鹽水和牛磺去氧膽酸(一種常用的內質網抑制劑)的腹腔注射,另外兩組接受缺氧處理,同時也分別接受照生理鹽水和牛磺去氧膽酸注射。八臂放射迷宮被用來研究參考記憶的表現。行為學結束之後,長時程增強(LTP)用來測定海馬的突觸可塑性。用免疫印跡的方法檢測內質網應激的相關凋亡蛋白的表達情況,並且觀察海馬CA1區域中,內質網超微結構和海馬樹突棘數目及突觸形態的變化。 / 從實驗結果中,LTP在缺氧後減弱,而TUDCA能夠部分恢復由於缺氧所導致的LTP的降低。除此之外,內質網應激相關的促凋亡蛋白(CHOP和caspase-12)在缺氧組中表達升高,但是在TUDCA組中有所減低,同時,我們還發現,TUDCA也能夠減低缺氧組中cleaved-caspase-3的表達,而這一作用,可能與提高Bcl-2蛋白的表達(一個可標記的抗凋亡蛋白)有關。在間歇性缺氧組的海馬CA1區域中,粗面內質網出現管腔的腫脹,這一超微結構的變化表明在內質網出現官腔中有的許多未折疊蛋白聚集,並通過TUDCA的注射能夠降解未折疊蛋白來緩解這一現象的發生。同時,在IH處理後,突觸超微結構也發生了形態上的變化。突觸活性區的長度在IH處理組中顯著減少,但是在TUDCA組中有一定程度的恢復。高爾基染色顯示,成熟樹突棘(海馬突觸可塑性的結構基礎)的數目在間歇性缺氧組中有所下降,而在TUDCA治療後,成熟樹突棘的數目有所上升。我們發現參考記憶錯誤次數在缺氧後都有明顯的升高,而在注射TUDCA後,參考記憶錯誤次數都有所降低。總之,這些結果證明,內質網應激在間歇性缺氧的所引起的長時程突觸可塑性減弱和神經認知功能的損傷起到關鍵的作用,而抑制內質網應激對OSA中的出現神經功能紊亂起到一定的預防和治療效果。 / 而另一方面,神經元的放電,特別是海馬中神經元穩定持久的放電形式,對記憶的形成起到關鍵的作用。間歇性缺氧所引起的ROS的升高對於長時程增強的神經活動存在一定的關係,因為,通過以往的研究發現,間歇性缺氧可以通過多種鉀離子通道的啟動,最終由於鈣離子依賴的谷氨酸釋放的增多从而導致興奮性毒性的神經遞質的釋放。而這些結果只在急性缺氧模型中發現,慢性的間歇性缺氧對海馬的放電頻率的影響仍是未知之數。 / 因此,為了探討長時程的間歇性缺氧對海馬神經元的放電頻率和局部場電位的影響,多管道微絲電極陣列植入OSA大鼠的海馬中來監控自發放電的影響。結果表明,錐體細胞的放電頻率在第二天和第三天的8小時的間歇性低氧後明顯的升高了。另一方面,我們觀察到中間神經元似乎對間歇性缺氧更敏感,因為,從第三天到第七天缺氧8小時後,神經元的放電頻率都明顯的增高。但是在間歇性缺氧14天后,錐體細胞和中間神經元的放電頻率都所有顯著性的減少。同時,這一部分結果準確表明了海馬神經元的放電模式和局部場電位在間歇性缺氧的模型的是如何變化的。我們發現錐體細胞所具有的複合簇狀放電的比例減少,同時,theta波(與記憶的形成有關)的能量也有所減低。而這種神經元活動和局部的場電位的異常變化可能與OSA模型中出現的總認知功能障礙有關。在恢復一周後,錐體細胞的放電頻率有所增加,基本上可以恢復到缺氧前的狀態,但是中間神經元的頻率卻沒有多大的改變, 但是,其具體機制仍不清楚。從間歇性缺氧對大鼠海馬神經元自發放電和場電位影響的結果,它揭示了間歇性缺氧通過擾亂海馬CA1區域神經元的功能從而導致認知功能損傷。 / Xu, Linhao. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 167-199). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 03, October, 2016). / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
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Genetic associations of rheumatoid arthritis in Chinese. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2011 (has links)
Li, Martin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 187-208). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.
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