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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Överbeläggning : Konsekvenser för patienten / Overcrowding : Consequences for the patient

Bengtsson, Charlotte, Magnusson, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Vårdenheter i dagens sjukvård arbetar ofta och återkommande i överbeläggningssituationer. Detta kan innebära konsekvenser för patientsäkerheten. En litteraturstudie gjordes med granskning av 9 artiklar med syftet att belysa konsekvenser för patienter vid överbeläggningar inom somatisk slutenvård. Som största konsekvenser för patienter vid överbeläggningar identifierades brister i överrapporteringssituationer av patienternas fortsatta vård och konsekvenser av utlokalisering av patienter. För vårdpersonalen innebär utlokaliserade patienter ökade belastningar på flera nivåer, framförallt på grund av skillnader i kompetens och otillräckliga erfarenheter för att kunna tillgodose patienters omvårdnadsbehov. Kommunikationsbrist visades vara en bidragande faktor till vårdskador. Brister i basal omvårdnad kan leda till ökat lidande, förlängd vårdtid och komplikationer. Fortsatt forskning är angelägen, då det finns flera aspekter på ämnet som behöver belysas. / Health care units are frequently and repeatedly working with overcrowding situations. This can pose consequences to patient safety. A literature review was done with the review of nine articles with the aim to illuminate the consequences for patients with overcrowding wards at inpatient care units. Main consequences for patients with overcrowding wards were identified as lack of information at handoff situations regarding to the care of the patients and the consequences of the relocation of patients. Relocated patients implies increased loads on several levels for nursing staff , mainly due to differences in skills and insufficient experience to meet the care needs of patients. Lack of communication was shown to be a contributing factor to adverse events. Deficiencies in basic nursing care can lead to increased suffering, prolonged hospital stay and complications. Continued research is important, since there are several interesting aspects that need to be elucidated.

Hospital electronic prescribing and medicines administration system implementation into a district general hospital : a mixed method evaluation of discharge communication

Mills, Pamela Ruth January 2016 (has links)
Hospital electronic prescribing and medicines administration (HEPMA) system implementation is advocated by national e-health strategies to produce patient safety benefits. No previous study has evaluated HEPMA implementation impacting discharge information communication or assessed discharge prescribing errors. The aims were to assess HEPMA system implementation impact on medicines related discharge communication and prescribing errors, and to gain the perspective of hospital staff involved in the communication process. Following a narrative literature review, a convergent parallel mixed methods was selected, consisting of interpretative phenomenology and experimental before and after study design. Face-to-face semi-structured interviews of a purposive sample of hospital staff involved in discharge information communication were undertaken using the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) as a theoretical lens. In addition a quasi experimental retrospective case notes review, both before and after implementation was completed. Pre-implementation, staff described patient safety concerns with traditional discharge communication processes. They cited frequent prescribing errors, and associated adverse events and hospital readmissions. HEPMA implementation was anticipated to improve patient safety and create more efficient discharge communication. Post-implementation staff articulated improved information quality highlighting fewer omitted medicines and improved patient safety. TDF findings of behaviour change highlighted behavioural alteration including adaption of processes to improve discharge quality. Quantitative data collection (n=159 before and after) confirmed qualitative findings; increased compliance with discharge documentation, for example staff grade recorded increased from 40% to 100% (p<0.001). Prescribing error quantity and severity were reduced; errors reduced from 99% to 23% of patients (p<0.001); only 22% of identified errors likely to cause harm. Omitted medicines decreased from 42% to 11% of patients (p<0.001). The findings contribute original knowledge concerning HEPMA implementation impacting discharge information communication and prescribing errors. The study demonstrated reduced prescribing errors and improved patient safety which potentially impacted health and wellbeing. Qualitative findings and quantitative results are transferable and applicable to other NHS organisations or similar healthcare settings.

Patientsäkerhet avseende läkemedelshantering i hemsjukvården : - En litteraturstudie / Patient safety regarding medical management in home health care - A literature study

Äretun Ulander, Amanda, Johansson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hemsjukvård är en vårdform som ökar och även fortsättningsvis förväntas göra så. Patientsäker är en nationell och internationell prioritet där läkemedelshantering är ett riskområde såväl inom hemsjukvård som slutenvård. Tidigare forskning har i högre utsträckning fokuserat på patientsäkerhet inom slutenvården och att belysa patientsäkerhet inom hemsjukvård och vad sjuksköterskor kan göra för ökad patientsäkerhet är därför av vikt. Syfte: Att undersöka patientsäkerhetsrisker avseende läkemedelshantering inom hemsjukvården samt vad sjuksköterskor kan göra för att öka patientsäkerheten inom området. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturöversikt och resultatet baseras på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar. Litteratursökning har utförts i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed och innehållsanalys användes för artiklarnas resultat. Resultat: Nio patientsäkerhetsrisker identifierades där brist på kompetens, brister i kommunikation, delegeringsprocessen, komplexa sjukdomstillstånd och informationsöverföring är några av dessa. De identifierade riskerna delades vidare in i tre olika huvudområden beroende på bakomliggande orsak: Sjuksköterskor och annan vårdpersonal; Patient och hemmiljön; Organisation och system. Konklusion: Läkemedelshantering är ett betydande riskområde inom hemsjukvården där många faktorer påverkar patientsäkerheten. Att sjuksköterskor och annan personal inom hemsjukvården är väl medvetna om dessa risker ger en bra förutsättning för att kunna arbeta preventivt och minimera att vårdskador relaterat till läkemedelshantering uppstår. / Background: The number of patients receiving medical care in their own home is increasing. Home health care is a trend that is expected to continue. Patient safety is a national and international priority, where medical management is a risk area both in home and institutional care. Previous research has focused more on patient safety in institutional care. Highlighting patient safety and what nurses can do to increase patient safety in home care is therefore important. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore patient safety risks regarding medical management in home health care and what nurses can do to increase patient safety in the area. Method: This study was conducted as a literature review and the result is based on 14 scientific articles. The searches were performed in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. Result: Nine patient safety risks were identified where lack of competence, shortcomings in communication, the delegation process, comorbidity and information transfer are some of them. The identified risks were further linked to three main areas depending on the underlying cause: Nurses and other health professionals; Patient and the home environment; Organisation and systems. Conclusion: Medical management is a significant risk area in home health care where many factors affect patient safety. That nurses and other home care professionals are well aware of these risks provide a good prerequisite for preventing and minimizing the incidence of medical related adverse events.

Faktorer i samarbetet och kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor som påverkar en patientsäker omvårdnad : En intervjustudie

Arnsäter, Olivia, Janerheim, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Patientsäkerhet är ett ämne som ständigt är aktuellt. Samarbete och kommunikation spelar en viktig roll för patientsäkerheten. Undersköterskor, sjuksköterskor och läkare arbetar ofta med varsin uppgift i tre olika spår, utan att konsultera varandra. Det finns stora risker med bristande kommunikation. Den vanligaste rapporterade orsaken till vårdskador är bristande kommunikation inom eller mellan yrkesgrupper, enheter, skift och vårdgivare. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva vilka faktorer i samarbetet och kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor som kan påverka en patientsäker omvårdnad på en vårdavdelning. Metod: Studien genomfördes med kvalitativ metod och baserades på halvstrukturerade intervjufrågor med tio sjuksköterskor, från två olika avdelningar och två olika sjukhus i Sverige. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades samt analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Vid analysen av intervjusvaren framkom fyra kategorier och sex underkategorier. Den första kategorin var Kontroll på omvårdnadsarbetet med underkategorier Tydlighet och Att ha tid. Den andra kategorin var Gemensam plattform med underkategorier Att ha samsyn och Avstämningar. Den tredje kategorin var God gruppdynamik med underkategorier Känna tillit och Teamkänsla. Den fjärde kategorin var Erfarenhet och kompetens. Slutsats: Det finns flera faktorer i samarbetet och kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor som kan påverka en patientsäker omvårdnad. Faktorer som att vara tydlig, att bidra till en god gruppdynamik och att ha rätt kompetens kan individen själv påverka. Andra faktorer som miljö, teamträning och arbetsbelastning är beroende av beslut från högre instanser. / Background: Patient safety is a constantly current subject. Collaboration and communication plays an important role for patient safety. Licensed practical nurses, registred nurses and physicians often works separately, without consulting each other. There are great risks with insufficient communication. The most commonly reported cause to adverse events are lack of communication within or between professions, units, shifts and caregivers. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe factors in the collaboration and communication between registred nurses and licensed practical nurses that can affect patient safe care on a hospital department. Method: The study was conducted using qualitative methods and based on half-structured interview questions with ten nurses, from two different departments and two different hospitals in Sweden. Interviews were recorded and transcribed as well as analyzed by qualitative content analysis. Result: The analyze of the responces gave four categories and six subcategories which was Control of care with subcategories Clarity and To have time, Common platform with subcategories Consensus and Reconciliation, Good group dynamics with subcategories Trust and Team spirit and Experience and competence. Conclusion: There are many factors in the collaboration and communication between registered nurses and licensed practical nurses that can affect a patient safe care. Factors as to have clarity, contribute to good group dynamics and to have the right competence the individual can impact. Other factors as environment, team training and work load are depending on decisions from higher instances.

Riskfaktorer vid överrapportering av kritiskt sjuka patienter – Påverkan på patientsäkerheten. : En integrerad litteraturstudie / Risk factors during handover of critically ill patients - impact on patient safety. : An integrative review

Olsson, Emmeli, Gunnarsson, Mariette January 2016 (has links)
Inledning: En patientsäker vård bygger på korrekt information och att den informationen överförs på ett tillfredsställande sätt för att inga viktiga delar ska missas. Vårdprocessen är komplex och innehåller många viktiga bitar som behövs för en patientsäker vård. Vid omhändertagandet av en kritiskt sjuk patient arbetar vårdpersonalen ofta i team bestående av olika specialiteter och yrkeskategorier, vilka är beroende av en effektiv kommunikation och god samarbetsförmåga. En kritiskt sjuk patient flyttas ofta mellan olika enheter och vårdkedjan innebär ofta många överrapporteringar utmed vägen. Vid varje överflyttning finns en risk att något missas som kan få konsekvenser för den fortsatta vården. Syftet med den här studien var att identifiera riskfaktorer för patientsäkerheten vid överrapportering av kritiskt sjuka patienter. Metod: Författarna har använt sig av integrerad litteraturstudie för att kunna använda olika typer av studier. Resultat: Studiens resultat presenteras i fyra kategorier: Störningar, Brister i organisationen, Avsaknad av struktur för överrapportering och Samarbetssvårigheter. Konklusion: Riskfaktorer för patientsäkerheten vid överrapportering innefattar olika typer av störningar såsom bullrig miljö och avbrott i rapporten. Brister i organisationen yttrade sig som ett missnöje över att det inte gavs utrymme att förbereda sig och utföra överrapporteringen optimalt. Själva överrapporteringen verkade sakna struktur, en del använde checklistor andra improviserade rapporten. Vårdpersonalen tycktes även sakna ett gemensamt språk och hade en bristande respekt och förståelse för varandras arbetsuppgifter. / Introduction: Correct information and safe transmission of information without information loss are necessary for patient safety. The care process is complex and consists of many important pieces needed for a patient safe care. While caring for a critically ill patient, the caregivers often work in teams consisting of different medical specialties and disciplines. They are depending on an effective communication and smooth cooperative ability. A critically ill patient is often transmitted to several different units along the caregiving pathway. At every transmission there is a risk of information loss that may result in consequences during further caregiving process. The Aim of this study was to identify risk factors for patient safety at the handover of critically ill patients.  Method: This is an integrative review, which is a method for literature review that allows the use of different types of studies. Result: The result of this study is presented in four categories: Interruptions, Organization flaws, Lack of structure for handover and Cooperative difficulties. Conclusion: Risk factors for patient safety during handover included interruptions such as noisy environment and disruptions. The studies showed a dissatisfaction with the lack of space and time for preparation and to perform the handover optimally. The handover seemed to lack structure. Some used checklists, others improvised the handover. They seemed to be missing a common language and also a lack of respect and understanding for each other’s work assignments.

Types and contributing factors of dispensing errors in hospital pharmacies

Aldhwaihi, Khaled Abdulrahman January 2015 (has links)
Background: Dispensing medication is a chain of multiple stages, and any error during the dispensing process may cause potential or actual risk for the patient. Few research studies have investigated the nature and contributory factors associated with dispensing errors in hospital pharmacies. Aim: To determine the nature and severity of dispensing errors reported in the hospital pharmacies at King Saud Medical City (KSMC) hospital in Saudi Arabia, and at Luton and Dunstable University Hospital (L&D) NHS Foundation Trust in the UK; and to explore the pharmacy staff perceptions of contributory factors to dispensing errors and strategies to reduce these errors. Materials and Methods: A mixed method approach was used and encompassed two phases. Phase I: A retrospective review of dispensing error reports for an 18-month period at the two hospitals. The potential clinical significance of unprevented dispensing errors was assessed. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics in SPSS and A Fisher's test was used to compare the findings. Phase II: Self-administered qualitative questionnaires (open-ended questions) were distributed to the dispensary teams in KSMC and L&D hospitals. Content analysis was applied to the qualitative data using NVivo qualitative analysis software. Result: Dispensing the wrong medicine or the incorrect strength were the most common dispensing error types in both hospitals. Labelling errors were also common at the L&D pharmacy dispensary. The majority of the unprevented dispensing errors were assessed to have minor or moderate potential harm to patients. Look-alike/sound-alike medicines, high workload, lack of staff experience, fatigue and loss of concentration during work, hurrying through tasks and distraction in the dispensary were the most common contributory factors suggested. Ambiguity of the prescriptions was a specified factor in the L&D pharmacy, while poor pharmacy design and unstructured dispensing process were specified contributory factors in the KSMC pharmacy. Conclusions: Decreasing distractions and enhancing the pharmacy design and the dispensing workflow are necessary to reduce dispensing errors. Furthermore, monitoring and reporting errors and educating the dispensary team about these errors is also needed. Automation and e-prescribing systems may improve dispensing efficiency and safety. The findings of this study reemphasise the fact that dispensing errors are prevalent in hospital pharmacies. Efficient interventions need to be implemented to mitigate these errors.

Building patient safety in intensive care nursing : Patient safety culture, team performance and simulation-based training

Ballangrud, Randi January 2013 (has links)
Aim: The overall aim of the thesis was to investigate patient safety culture, team performance and the use of simulation-based team training for building patient safety in intensive care nursing. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. In Study I, 220 RNs from ten ICUs responded to a patient safety culture questionnaire analysed with statistics. Studies II-IV were based on an evaluation of a simulation-based team training programme. Studies II-III included 53 RNs from seven ICUs and ten RNs from a post-graduate programme (II). The data were collected with questionnaires (II) and measurement scales (III), and analysed with statistics. In Study IV, 18 RNs were interviewed and the data were analysed with a qualitative content analysis. Main findings: The RNs had positive perceptions of the overall patient safety culture in the ICUs. Hence, a potential for improvements was identified at both the unit and hospital level. Differences between types of ICUs and between hospitals were found. The dimensions at the unit level were predictors for the outcome dimensions (I). The RNs evaluated the simulation-based team training programme in a positive way. Differences with regard to scenario roles, prior simulation experience and area of intensive care practice were found (II). The expert raters assessed the teams’ performance as advanced novice or competent. There were differences between the expert raters’ assessments and the RNs’ self-assessments (III). One main category emerged to illuminate the RNs’ perceptions of simulation-based team training for building patient safety: Regular training increases the awareness of clinical practice and acknowledges the importance of structured work in teams (IV). Conclusions: Patient safety culture measurements have the potential to identify areas in need of improvement, and simulation-based team training is appropriate to create a common understanding of structured work in teams with regard to patient safety. / Baksidestext Intensive care represents potential patient safety challenges for critically ill patients. Human errors are the most common cause of incidents, and failures in team performance are identified as contributory factors. The measurements of patient safety culture and simulation-based team training are recommended initiatives to improve patient safety. The aim of the thesis was to investigate patient safety culture, team performance and the use of simulation-based team training for building patient safety in intensive care nursing. The nurses had a positive perception of the overall patient safety culture. A potential for improvements were found in incident reporting, feedback and communication about errors and organizational learning. The RNs evaluated the simulation-based team training programme in a positive way. The assessments of nurses’ team performance with respect to communication, leadership and decision-making in a simulation-based emergency situation showed a variation in competencies from advanced novice to competent. There were differences between expert raters’ assessments and nurses’ self-assessments. The nurses perceived that simulation-based team training on a regular basis increases the awareness of clinical practice and acknowledges the importance of structured teamwork.

Kommunikationsverktyget SBAR : En litteraturstudie om SBAR

Wetzenstein, Odd, Carlsson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagens vårdarbete är ofta riskfyllt och komplicerat på grund av många svårt sjuka patienter, vilket i sin tur ställer höga krav på en god kommunikation. För att kunna ge patienterna en högkvalitativ god och säker vård, är kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och olika professioner i lagarbetet en viktig del. Varje gång informationen ska föras vidare från en specialistsjuksköterska till en annan riskerar informationen att omformas eller tappas bort. Idag saknas det till viss del studier som påvisar hur ett kommunikationsverktyget skulle kunna förbättra vårdarbetet och ge en mer patientsäker vård. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka sjuksköterskans upplevelse av att använda kommunikationsverktyget SBAR och hur det påverkar patientsäkerheten, kommunikation med olika professioner i lagarbetet, kommunikationen med andra sjusköterskor i vårdarbetet, kommunikationen med läkare samt arbetsflödet. Metod: Studien är en systematisk deskriptiv litteraturstudie och är baserad på totalt 27 vetenskapliga artiklar med både en kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats. Datamaterialet har analyserats med intergrativ metod. Resultat: Resultatet visar att sjusköterskan upplever att SBAR höjer patientsäkerheten. Få studier definierar och mäter patintsäkerhet objektivt. Resultatet visar även att överrapporteringar blev mer strukturerade. Efter införandet av SBAR ökar sjusköterskornas och läkarnas kommunikation sinsemellan. Slutsats: I det kliniska vårdarbetet så finns det många faktorer som både kan gynna och försvåra en säker vård, såsom kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor samt kommunikationen mellan olika professioner i ett lagarbete. Som blivande anestesisjuksköterskor anser författarna att studien ger viktiga infallsvinklar som stärker införandet av SBAR som kommunikationsverktyg inom anestesisjukvården. Däremotbehövs det forskning som ytterligare styrker detta. / Background : Today's care work is often risky and complicated due to many severely ill patients, which in turn places high demands on good communication. In order to provide patients with a high quality and safe healthcare, communication between registered nurses and different professions in the law is an important part. Each time the information is passed on from a specialist nurse to another, the information is likely to be reshaped or lost. Today there is a lack of studies that demonstrate how a communication tool could improve health care and provide patient-care care. Purpose: The purpose is to investigate the nurse's experience of using the SBAR communication tool and how it affects patient safety, communication with different professions in the team work, communication with other nurses in the care work, communication with doctors and workflow. Method: The study is a systematic descriptive literature study and is based on a total of 27 scientific articles with both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The data has been analyzed with an intergovernmental method. Result: The result shows that the nurse finds that SBAR increases patient safety. Few studies define and measure patient safety objectively. The study also shows that overreports became more structured. After the introduction of SBAR, the communication between the nurse and physicians increases. Conclusion: In the clinical care work, there are many factors that can both benefit and complicate a good and safe care, such as communication between nurses and the communication between different professions in a team work. As prospective anesthetic nurses, the authors consider that the study provides important angles of incentives that strengthen the introduction of SBAR as communication tools within anesthetic care. On the other hand, research is needed that further strengthens this.

Patientsäkerhet och sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö påakutmottagning : -En litteraturstudie / Patient safety and nurse´s work environment within the emergency department

Westman, Maria, Gauermann, Fridele January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsmiljön på akutmottagningen är komplex och ständigt föränderlig. Sjuksköterskan förväntas hantera ett högt inflöde av patienter med varierande omvårdnadsbehov och allvarlighetsgrad. I takt med en allt högre arbetsbelastning, överbelagda sjukhus, långa väntetider och sjuksköterskebrist är det angeläget att tydliggöra hur sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö på akutmottagningen ser ut och vad det har betydelse för patientsäkerheten. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att sammanställa forskning om sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö på akutmottagningen med särskilt fokus på patientsäkerhet. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en beskrivande litteraturstudie baserad på 14 vetenskapliga artiklar. Artiklarna söktes i Pubmed och Cinahl samt via sekundär sökning. Resultatet: Genom att identifiera och kategorisera mönster och centrala teman i artiklarna kunde bärande aspekter passande syftet sammanställas. Analysen resulterade i två huvudområden: ”Sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö på akutmottagningen” och ”Arbetsmiljöns betydelse för patientsäkerheten”. I sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö framträdde sex faktorer som presenteras med underrubrikerna: arbetsbelastning, erfarenhet/kompetens, teamarbete, kommunikation, avbrott/störningar och ledning/organisation. Slutsats: Flera faktorer i sjuksköterskans arbetsmiljö på akutmottagningen har betydelse för patientsäkerheten. Faktorer som hög arbetsbelastning kan ses som både positivt och negativt beroende på sjuksköterskans kompetens, erfarenhet och personlighet. Vidare är tydlig organisatorisk ansvarsfördelning, ett välfungerande teamarbete med rak och riktad kommunikation av betydelse för arbetsmiljön och patientsäkerheten. När patientsäkerheten äventyras är det ofta brister i en eller flera arbetsmiljöfaktorer. Om nämnda faktorer är välfungerande finns förutsättningar för en god arbetsmiljö vilket gynnar vårdkvaliteten samt personalens arbetsglädje. / Abstract: The working environment within emergency care is complex and constantly changing. The nurse is expected to handle high inflows of patients with variety of severity and care needs. In keeping with increasing workload, overcrowded hospitals, long waiting times and lack of nurses it is important to clarify the nurse´s work environment in emergency care and its influence on patients’ safety. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to compile nurse´s working environment research within the emergency department with a particular focus on patient’s safety. Method: The study was conducted as a descriptive literature study based on 14 scientific articles. The articles referenced were searched in Pubmed and Cinahl, as well as via a secondary search. Results: By identifying and categorizing patterns and key themes in the articles, fundamental aspects could be compiled. The analysis resulted in two main areas: “Nurse´s working environment within emergency departments” and “the work environments influence on patients’ safety”. In the nurses working environment, six different influencing factors are described; workload, experience, teamwork, communication, interruptions and organization. Conclusion: Several factors in the nurse's work environment within emergency care are important for patient safety. Factors like high workload can be both positive and negative depending on the nurse's skills, experience and personality. Furthermore, clear organizational allocation of responsibilities, well-functioning teamwork and objective, direct communication is of importance to the work environment and patient safety. There are often shortcomings in one or more work environments where the patient’s safety is compromised. The presence of well - functioning factors in the work environment provide beneficial conditions for quality of patient care and staff satisfaction.

Operationssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av avvikelserapportering / Theatre nurses experiences of incident reporting

Bungerfeldt, Annika, Fors Köldal, Julia January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Varje år drabbas nästan var tionde patient av skador under vårdtiden, skador som hade kunnat undvikas. Detta leder till ett onödigt lidande för dessa patienter och deras närstående. Vårdskadorna beräknas enligt Socialstyrelsen (2008) kosta samhället sex miljarder kronor per år. Operationssjuksköterskor liksom all vårdpersonal har skyldighet att avvikelserapportera händelser som kunnat leda till eller lett till vårdskada. Syftet med att rapportera avvikelser är att dra lärdom och att med riskförebyggande insatser förhindra att händelserna uppstår igen. Syfte: Att studera vilken erfarenhet operationssjuksköterskor har av avvikelserapportering. Metod: Studien utfördes som en tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Ett studiespecifikt frågeformulär innehållande tio strukturerade frågor med möjlighet till egna kommentarer användes. Formulärets frågor behandlade erfarenheter kring avvikelserapportering. Resultat: En stor majoritet av deltagarna (85 %) hade någon gång avstått från att skriva avvikelserapport. Slutsatser: Bland annat var tidsbrist en avgörande faktor varför operationssjuksköterskorna inte dokumenterade en avvikelserapport. / Background: Each year, nearly every tenth patient suffers of injuries during hospitalization, which could have been avoidable. This leads to unnecessary suffering for the patients and their families. Health damage according to the National Board (the Swedish Socialstyrelsen) (2008) costs the society six billion Swedish kronor (SEK) every year. It is mandatory for theatre nurses to report incidents that could have coast injuries to the patient during hospitalization. The purpose with incident reports is to learn from mistakes and with preventive measurements make the healthcare safer for the patients. Aim: To evaluate theatre nurses experience with reporting incidents. Method: The study was conducted as a cross-sectional design with quantitative data. A study- specific questionnaire comprising ten structured questions with the possibility of their comments was used. The form´s questions dealt with experiences about incident reporting. Result: A large majority of respondents (85 %) had at some point refrained from writing incident reports. Conclusions: Among other things, lack of time was the decisive factor why theatre nurses were not documented an incident report.

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