Spelling suggestions: "subject:"heat."" "subject:"meat.""
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Avaliação das características do fango de Araxá-MG com finalidade de uso cosmético / Evaluation the characteristics of Fango from Araxá-MG with cosmetic purposesPereira, Fernanda Fialho 17 September 2008 (has links)
O tratamento cosmético facial e corporal que emprega o Fango vem sendo muito utilizado em clínicas de estética, com o intuito de melhorar a aparência da pele. A literatura científica carece de informações sobre alguns aspectos desta matéria-prima, como: as condições adequadas para sua coleta, preservando suas características químicas e microbiológicas; as especificações de qualidade da matéria-prima (física, química, microbiológica e toxicológica); e as metodologias analíticas de avaliação. A qualificação do Fango é primordial para o mesmo ser utilizado como matéria-prima de uso cosmético \"tal qual\" na pele ou veiculado em formulações cosméticas, a fim de alcançar a eficácia cosmética e garantir sua segurança de uso. Este trabalho visou a padronização do método de coleta do Fango na fonte e a das seguintes análises: física, físico-química, microbiológica, parasitológica, toxicológica do Fango provindo de Araxá-MG in natura e da lama negra (processada), com intuito de assegurar seu uso qualificado como matéria-prima em formulações cosméticas, uma vez que a literatura científica carece de estudos com este tipo de material. Os resultados obtidos quanto à segurança de uso foram satisfatórios, não ocorrendo a presença de microrganismos patogênicos tais como: Escherichia coli, coliformes fecais e totais, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans (antes e depois da maturação), larva migrans e metais pesados. Os demais ensaios realizados para a caracterização do Fango como matéria-prima justificam sua aplicação em produtos cosméticos, como por exemplo, a presença do enxofre com potencial uso em formulações antissépticas e a argila tipo \"caulinita\" em preparações para diminuir a oleosidade da pele. / The facial and body cosmetic treatments applying the \"Fango\" can be seen nowadays on esthetic clinics\' catalogues. The scientific literature up nowadays does not have sufficient informations concerning this product, the correct procedures to collect it from the soil preserving its chemical and microbiological characteristics; the specifications on its physical, chemical, microbiological e toxicological qualities and the analytical methodologies involving on the it evaluation. The Fango\'s qualification is very important because it can be used alone (raw material) or incorporated in cosmetic formulations, in order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of final product. This is the only way it may be applied on cosmetics formulations designed to be applied on human skin. The aim of this research is to standard the collect conditions in thermal springs and standard such analysis: physical aspects, physic-chemical, microbiology, parasitological and toxicological of Thermal mud and Fango from Araxá-MG. The results obtained of this study showed that the Fango from Araxá-MG is safe to be applied in cosmetic formulations or direct on the human skin. The pathogenic microorganism such as: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeuruginosa and Candida Albicans were absent on the samples, and the same to Larva migrans and heavy metais. The physic-chemical analysis of Fango from Araxá-MG demonstrated its application in cosmetic products, as its capacity to improvement the skin\'s conditions, e.g. the presence of sulphur with antiseptic proprieties and organic compounds in order to use on the oily skin.
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Prospects for the beneficial use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in horticulture in combination with organic and inorganic fertilizersPerner, Henrike 28 November 2006 (has links)
Aufgrund seines Nährstoffaneignungsvermögens und Stimulierung des Pflanzenmetabolismus kann der Arbuskuläre Mykorrhiza (AM) Pilz im Gartenbau nutzbringend eingesetzt werden. Der Fokus der Arbeit liegt auf den Möglichkeiten des AM Pilzes a) pflanzenernährerische Probleme zu lösen, b) die Blütenbildung bei Zierpflanzen zu steigern und c) das Gesundheitspotential von Gemüse für den Menschen zu erhöhen (sekundäre Pflanzenmetaboliten). Zur Lösung pflanzenernährerischer Probleme wurden Porree, Pelargonie und Poinsettie auf Torf-Substraten mit 20% und 40% Kompostzusatz untersucht. Ferner wurde Salat auf Torf-Substrat mit drei P Behandlungen getestet: substrateigenes P, Rohphosphat und lösliches P. Frühlingszwiebeln und Schnittknoblauch wurden in Nährlösungen auf Perlit mit niedrigem, mittlerem und hohem NH4+/NO3- Verhältnis ernährt. Gemessen wurde die AM Kolonisation, die Trockenmasse und die N, P, K, S, NO3-, Mg und Zn Konzentrationen im Spross. Die Blütenbildung von Pelargonien und Poinsettien wurde auf Torf-Kompost-Substraten untersucht. Der Einfluss auf die sekundäre Metaboliten von Frühlingszwiebeln und Schnittknoblauch wurde zusammen mit drei NH4+/NO3- Verhältnissen geprüft (s.o.). Untersucht wurden Glukose, Fruktose, Saccharose, lösliche Feststoffe und organische Schwefelverbindungen (gemessen als Pyruvat). Eine AM Kolonisation konnte die Nährstoffversorgung der Pflanze verbessern und die Blütenbildung erhöhen. Jedoch profitierten die Pflanzen unter den beschriebenen experimentellen Bedingungen nicht durchgängig in ihrem Wachstum und Metaboliten vom AM Pilz. Die Zugaben von Kompost ermöglichte die Verbesserung der Substratqualität für die Nährstoffversorgung und das Pflanzenwachstum unter ökologischen Gartenbaubedingungen. Der Ertrag von gesundheitsfördernden organischen Schwefelverbindungen konnte in Abhängigkeit von der jeweiligen Allium Spezies, durch eine Variation des Ammonium/Nitrat Verhältnissen und/oder durch einen AM Effekt auf das Wachstum gesteigert werden. / Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi can be beneficial for horticultural crops due to their nutrient acquisition properties and stimulation of the plant metabolism. The present work focuses on the prospects of AM fungi a) to solve plant nutritional problems, b) to induce flower development of ornamental plants, and c) to improve the health potential of crop plants for humans. Contribution of AM fungi to plant nutritional problems were investigated with leek, pelargonium and poinsettia plants on peat-based substrates with 20% and 40% compost additions. Moreover, lettuce plants were supplied on peat-based substrates with substrate own P, rock phosphate, or highly soluble P. Bunching onion and chinese chive were propagated on perlite in nutrient solution with low, medium and high NH4+:NO3- ratios. Mycorrhizal colonization, dry weight, and N, P, K, S, NO3-, Mg and Zn concentrations in plants were measured. Mycorrhizal effects on bud and flower development of pelargonium and poinsettia plants were investigated on peat-based compost substrates. Treatment effects on secondary metabolites in bunching onion and chinese chive were determined by exposing mycorrhizal and non mycorrhizal plants to three NH4+:NO3- supply ratios. The metabolites measured were glucose, fructose, and sucrose, total soluble solids, and organosulfur compounds (measured as pyruvic acid). Colonization improved plant nutrient status and flower development. Under the described experimental conditions, however, plants did not consistently benefit in growth or plant composition from the mycorrhizal symbiosis. Additions of compost were a means of improving the substrate quality for an increased plant nutrient acquisition and plant growth in organic horticulture. The plant quality of Allium species in respect to organosulfur compounds was increased by taking the individual Allium species into consideration, their specific requirements for an optimal NH4+:NO3- supply ratio, and a possible AM effect on plant growth.
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Hydrology, nutrient processes and vegetation in floodplain wetlandsEstrup Andersen, Hans. January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Ph.d.-afhandling. Den kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, 2002. / Haves også i trykt udg.
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Avaliação das características do fango de Araxá-MG com finalidade de uso cosmético / Evaluation the characteristics of Fango from Araxá-MG with cosmetic purposesFernanda Fialho Pereira 17 September 2008 (has links)
O tratamento cosmético facial e corporal que emprega o Fango vem sendo muito utilizado em clínicas de estética, com o intuito de melhorar a aparência da pele. A literatura científica carece de informações sobre alguns aspectos desta matéria-prima, como: as condições adequadas para sua coleta, preservando suas características químicas e microbiológicas; as especificações de qualidade da matéria-prima (física, química, microbiológica e toxicológica); e as metodologias analíticas de avaliação. A qualificação do Fango é primordial para o mesmo ser utilizado como matéria-prima de uso cosmético \"tal qual\" na pele ou veiculado em formulações cosméticas, a fim de alcançar a eficácia cosmética e garantir sua segurança de uso. Este trabalho visou a padronização do método de coleta do Fango na fonte e a das seguintes análises: física, físico-química, microbiológica, parasitológica, toxicológica do Fango provindo de Araxá-MG in natura e da lama negra (processada), com intuito de assegurar seu uso qualificado como matéria-prima em formulações cosméticas, uma vez que a literatura científica carece de estudos com este tipo de material. Os resultados obtidos quanto à segurança de uso foram satisfatórios, não ocorrendo a presença de microrganismos patogênicos tais como: Escherichia coli, coliformes fecais e totais, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Candida albicans (antes e depois da maturação), larva migrans e metais pesados. Os demais ensaios realizados para a caracterização do Fango como matéria-prima justificam sua aplicação em produtos cosméticos, como por exemplo, a presença do enxofre com potencial uso em formulações antissépticas e a argila tipo \"caulinita\" em preparações para diminuir a oleosidade da pele. / The facial and body cosmetic treatments applying the \"Fango\" can be seen nowadays on esthetic clinics\' catalogues. The scientific literature up nowadays does not have sufficient informations concerning this product, the correct procedures to collect it from the soil preserving its chemical and microbiological characteristics; the specifications on its physical, chemical, microbiological e toxicological qualities and the analytical methodologies involving on the it evaluation. The Fango\'s qualification is very important because it can be used alone (raw material) or incorporated in cosmetic formulations, in order to evaluate the safety and efficacy of final product. This is the only way it may be applied on cosmetics formulations designed to be applied on human skin. The aim of this research is to standard the collect conditions in thermal springs and standard such analysis: physical aspects, physic-chemical, microbiology, parasitological and toxicological of Thermal mud and Fango from Araxá-MG. The results obtained of this study showed that the Fango from Araxá-MG is safe to be applied in cosmetic formulations or direct on the human skin. The pathogenic microorganism such as: Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeuruginosa and Candida Albicans were absent on the samples, and the same to Larva migrans and heavy metais. The physic-chemical analysis of Fango from Araxá-MG demonstrated its application in cosmetic products, as its capacity to improvement the skin\'s conditions, e.g. the presence of sulphur with antiseptic proprieties and organic compounds in order to use on the oily skin.
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Development of analytical methods for ultra-trace determination of total mercury and methyl mercury in natural water and peat soil samples for environmental monitoringPietilä, H. (Heidi) 28 October 2014 (has links)
Mercury is a global pollutant that accumulates easily in forest soils, even in remote areas. Mercury accumulated in soils can be subsequently released into surface waters causing an increased eco-toxicological and human health risk. The most toxic form of mercury to humans and wildlife is methyl mercury (MeHg), which can be formed in the environment via methylation processes. In freshwaters, MeHg is readily accumulated in fish, which are the main source of human exposure to MeHg. The determination of both total mercury and MeHg concentrations in environmental samples, such as natural waters and soils, is important in environmental risk assessment. This study involved the development of analytical methods for the determination of ultra-trace total mercury and MeHg concentrations in humic-rich natural water and peat soil samples. Each developed method was carefully optimized and validated by using real natural water and peat soil samples, certified reference materials and/or reference methods. The cold vapor inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (CV-ICP-MS) method developed during this study was found to be a reliable method for the determination of total ultra-trace mercury concentrations in natural freshwaters. Purge and trap gas chromatography, coupled to an ICP-MS, was used in mercury speciation analysis. Together with species-specific isotope dilution this technique proved to be a reliable method in MeHg determinations. Prior to instrumental determination, MeHg was successfully isolated from humic-rich water and peat soil samples using N2-assisted distillation. The analytical methods developed in this study were successfully applied to an investigation of the effects of forest harvesting practices on the mobilization of mercury in boreal forest catchments. / Tiivistelmä
Elohopeaa pääsee ilmakehään sekä luonnollisista lähteistä (mm. tulivuorenpurkaukset ja kiviaineksen rapautuminen), että ihmisen toiminnan kautta. Elohopean viipymäaika ilmakehässä on hyvin pitkä, minkä vuoksi se voi kulkeutua kauas päästölähteestä ennen päätymistään maaperään ja vesistöihin. Ympäristössä olevasta epäorgaanisesta elohopeasta voi muodostua erittäin myrkyllistä metyylielohopeaa, joka rikastuu helposti ravintoketjussa. Metyylielohopean muodostuminen on merkittävä osa elohopean biogeokemiallista kiertoa, minkä vuoksi metyylielohopean määrittäminen näytteen kokonaiselohopeapitoisuuden ohella antaa tärkeää tietoa elohopean käyttäytymisestä ympäristössä. Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin analyysimenetelmät, joilla määritettiin ultrapieniä kokonaiselohopea- ja metyylielohopeapitoisuuksia humuspitoisista luonnonvesistä ja turvemaanäytteistä. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt näytteet oli kerätty turvemaametsien valuma-alueilta Sotkamosta. Luonnonvesinäytteiden kokonaiselohopeapitoisuuksien määrityksessä käytettiin kylmähöyrymenetelmää (CV) yhdistettynä induktiiviplasma-massaspektrometriaan (ICP-MS). Vesi- ja turvenäytteiden metyylielohopeapitoisuuksien määrityksessä elohopeaspesiekset erotettiin kaasukromatografisesti (GC) ja määritettiin isotooppilaimennus-ICP-MS:lla. Ennen GC-ICP-MS -määritystä näytteet esikäsiteltiin typpiavusteisella tislausmenetelmällä ja esikonsentroitiin ’purge and trap’ -tekniikalla. CV-ICP-MS ja ’purge and trap’ GC-ICP-MS -menetelmät optimoitiin huolellisesti sekä laiteparametrien, että reagenssimäärien suhteen. Menetelmillä saatavien tulosten oikeellisuus varmistettiin vertailumateriaalien ja/tai vertailumenetelmien avulla. Kehitettyjä analyysimenetelmiä hyödynnettiin tutkimuksessa, jossa seurattiin metsähakkuiden mahdollisia vaikutuksia elohopean huuhtoutumiseen ja metyloitumiseen ojitetuilla turvemailla.
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Vyhořívání lehčiv ve střepu šamotových žáromateriálů / The Combustion of Organic Lightweighting Agents in the Chamotte MaterialsSmékalová, Veronika January 2018 (has links)
Lightweight chamotte products are popular building material. There are many types of lightweight chamotte on the market, but the most popular lightening options are organic ingredients. This brings some problems to the production of these products. This thesis deals with the burning of various types of lighters from shards of fireclay materials. In the theoretical part are summarized raw materials, which are necessary for production of lightweight chamotte. The results of the published research studies on the topic of lightening of organic lightening products are being described here. The practical part deals with properties of products made of clay or kaolin with the addition of a certain amount of lighter. These added lighters are spruce sawdust, beech sawdust, peat, bran, paper slurry and anthracite. All these lighters are direct. For comparison, the cenospheres, which represent indirect lightweights, were also included in the research. For all specimens, the temperature interval of burnout of specimens, refractoriness, classification temperature, bulk density, thermal conductivity coefficient and other properties were defined.
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Microbe-Environment Interactions in Arctic and Subarctic SystemsZayed, Ahmed Abdelfattah 30 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Co-firing animal waste, sludge, residue wood, peat and forest fuels in a 50MWth CFB boiler : ash transformation, availability and process improvementsHagman, Henrik January 2014 (has links)
The direct variable costs for heat and electricity production based on solid biomass fuel combustion is approximately 3-5 times lower than the costs in a fossil fuel-oil based boiler in Sweden. In addition waste derived biomass fuels are typically much cheaper than biomass not classified as waste. The introduction of the waste derived fuels; wastewater treatment sludge, demolition wood, and animal waste in a 50MWth circulating fluidized bed (CFB) biomass boiler located in Perstorp, Sweden, led to rapid deposit buildup in superheaters, heavy ash accumulation in economizers and failing boiler tubes and vortex finders that forced frequent boiler shutdowns. This in turn increased the use of expensive oil (fossil fuel) in backup boilers and the CO2 footprint of the on-site energy conversion system. This work aims to increase the general mechanistic understanding of combustion systems using complex fuels, and includes: A mapping of the boiler failure and preventive maintenance statistics; elemental composition analysis of ash, deposits and fuel fractions; flue-gas composition measurements; chemical speciation analysis; an attempt to describe the overall ash transformation reactions and mass balance throughout the combustion process. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) was used to analyze the elemental composition of ash and deposits. The SEM-EDS results were used together with data from X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis, thermodynamic phase data, and equilibrium calculations in an attempt to quantify the crystalline phases and the overall ash transformation of the process. Based on the findings concerning ash transformation and the failure statistics, it has been possible to identify generic key parameters regarding boiler design and process parameters, enabling major improvements of the CFB boiler availability, a lower overall energy conversion cost and a reduced CO2 footprint. / Den direkta rörliga kostnaden för värme-och elproduktion baserad på fast biobränsle är ungefär 3-5 gånger lägre än kostnaden för fossiloljebaserad produktion. Avfallsklassade fasta biobränslen är vidare oftast betydligt billigare än fasta biobränslen som inte är klassade som avfall. Införandet av de avfallsklassade bränslena; reningsslam, rivningsvirke, och animaliskt avfall i en 50MWth cirkulerande fluidiserad bädd (CFB) -panna, ledde till kraftig beläggningstillväxt i överhettare och ackumulering av aska i ekonomisers, samt haveri av panntuber och centrumrör i cyklonerna, som tvingade fram frekventa pannstopp. Detta ökade i sin tur användningen aveldningsolja (fossilt bränsle) i reservkrafts-pannor vilket resulterade i ett större CO2 utsläpp och en högre kostnad för energiomvandlingen på siten. Detta arbete syftar till att öka den allmänna mekanistiska förståelsen av förbränningssystem som använder komplexa bränslen, och omfattar; haveri- och underhållsstatistik, elementarsammansättningsanalys av aska, beläggningar och bränslefraktioner, rökgasens sammansättning, kemisk specificering av askor och beläggningar, ett försök att beskriva de övergripande askomvandlingsreaktionerna, samt en massbalans för förbränningsprocessen. Svepelektronmikroskop (SEM) utrustat med energidispersiv röntgenspektroskopi (EDS) användes för att analysera den elementära sammansättningen av aska och beläggningar. SEM-EDS-resultaten användes tillsammans med pulverröntgendiffraktionsanalys (XRD), termodynamiska fasdata, och jämviktsberäkningar i ett försök att kvantifiera de kristallina faserna och de övergripande askomvandlingsreaktionerna i processen. Baserat på resultaten rörande askomvandling och haveristatistik, har det varit möjligt att identifiera generiska nyckelparametrar gällande panndesign och processparametrar, som möjliggjort stora förbättringar av CFB pannans tillgänglighet, en lägre totalkostnad för energiomvandlingen på siten samt ett minskat CO2-utsläpp.
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Postglazialer Anstieg des Meeresspiegels, Paläoklima und Hydrographie, aufgezeichnet in Sedimenten der Bermuda inshore waters / Postglacial rise of sea level, palaeoclimate and hydrography, recorded in sediments of the Bermuda inshore watersVollbrecht, Rüdiger Dr. 13 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Městské lázně / The Municipal BathsTunková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
"The sick body needs a doctor friend sick souls." (Menandros)
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