Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bperformance essessment"" "subject:"bperformance bioassessment""
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An innovative design of an integrated MED-TVC and Reverse Osmosis system for seawater desalination: Process explanation and performance evaluationAl-hotmani, Omer M.A., Al-Obaidi, Mudhar A.A.R., John, Yakubu M., Patel, Rajnikant, Mujtaba, Iqbal 31 March 2022 (has links)
Yes / In recent times two or more desalination processes have been combined to form integrated systems that have been widely used to resolve the limitations of individual processes as well as producing high performance systems. In this regard, a simple integrated system of the Multi Effect Distillation (MED)/Thermal Vapour Compression (TVC) and Permeate Reprocessing Reverse Osmosis (PRRO) process was developed by the same authors and confirmed its validity after a comparison study against other developed configurations. However, this design has a considerable amount of retentate flowrate and low productivity. To resolve this issue, two novel designs of MED and double reverse osmosis (RO) processes including Permeate and Retentate Reprocessing designs (PRRP and RRRO) are developed and modelled in this paper. To systematically assess the consistency of the presented designs, the performance indicators of the novel designs are compared against previous simple designs of MED and PRRO processes at a specified set of operating conditions. Results show the superiority of the integrated MED and double permeate reprocessing design. This has specifically achieved both economic and environmental advantages where total productivity is increased by around 9% and total retentate flowrate (disposed to water bodies) is reduced by 5% with a marginally reduced energy consumption.
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Reconfiguring mining compressed air networks for cost savings / Johannes Izak Gabriël BredenkampBredenkamp, Johannes Izak Gabriël January 2014 (has links)
The world is currently experiencing major issues in the energy sector. The ever-growing human population, limited energy resources and the effect of greenhouse gas emissions have become major global concerns for the energy sector, including the electricity generation sector. This dilemma caused electricity providers to revise their generation methods and created a major need for consumers to utilise electricity more efficiently. Demand side management (DSM) is one initiative developed for consumers to efficiently utilise electricity.
Due to their high electricity consumption and technical skills, mines are ideal targets for the implementation of DSM strategies. Therefore, the focus of this study was to investigate South African mines for possible implementation of DSM strategies on their compressed air networks. Compressed air networks at South African mines are relatively old and inadequately maintained. This causes inefficient distribution and use of compressed air. The study will therefore focus on reconfiguring mining compressed air networks for cost savings. Cost savings include financial savings on electricity bills, implementation costs and decreased maintenance.
Through several investigations, the possibility of implementing energy savings strategies to reconfigure the compressed air networks of two South African mines was identified. Reconfiguring the networks would respectively entail interconnecting two shafts and relocating a compressor from an abandoned shaft to a fully productive shaft.
Theoretical simulations were developed to determine the networks’ responses to the reconfiguration strategies. The simulations assisted in exposing the viability of implementing the reconfiguration strategies on the respective compressed air networks. Positive responses were obtained from the simulations and proposals were made to the respective mines for possible implementation. The proposed initiatives were implemented on the respective mines’ compressed air networks. After implementation of the interconnection strategy, a consecutive three-month performance assessment period commenced to prove the viability of the proposed savings. An average power saving of 1 700 kW was achieved during the performance assessment period. The proposed initiative to relocate the compressor is currently being implemented.
A financial saving of approximately R8.9 million per annum was achieved by implementing the interconnection strategy. The large financial saving was due to the utilisation of the mine’s salvaged equipment. Further savings were achieved by the decreased maintenance on the mine’s compressors. Due to the successful implementation of the interconnection strategy, it is safe to state that cost savings can be achieved by reconfiguring mining compressed air networks. / MIng (Mechanical Engineering), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Palvelutaloon muuttaneiden ikääntyneiden fyysinen toimintakyky, sen muutos ja toimintakykyyn yhteydessä olevat tekijät ensimmäisen asumisvuoden aikanaLotvonen, S. (Sinikka) 19 July 2019 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to describe and evaluate the measured and self-reported physical performance of the elderly people who relocated to senior housing and their change 3 and 12 months after the relocation. Besides, the association of self-reported physical performance, social environment and psychological well-being with measured physical performance changes was examined. The objective of the research was to provide information that can be used in the design and management of practices that aim to assess and support the physical performance of those living in senior housing. Data were collected from elderly (n = 81) who moved to senior housing in northern Finland (n = 11) in 2014, and 70% of them were women. The indicators that were used were the Oldwellactive Questionnaire, the Environmental Support instrument and the Short Physical Performance Battery [SPPB]. The data were analyzed with statistical methods.
Physical performance of those who relocated to senior housing was weak. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living [IADL], walking speed, right hand grip strength and self-reported IADL significantly decreased during their first year of residence. Besides, self-reported IADL performance became more difficult but muscle strength training, as well as participation in hobby groups increased. Residents estimated that they can do what they want, and they can sufficiently meet their loved ones in the senior housing. Self-reported physical performance was associated with the deterioration of performing IADL and the slowdown of walking speed. Social environment and psychological well-being were associated with the deterioration of performing IADL, the slowdown of walking speed and the weakening of the dominant hand´s grip strength.
This research provides more information about the physical performance, the social environment and the psychological well-being of the elderly who relocated to senior housing. Research results will help service providers to improve the procedures that aim to the physical performance assessment and support of the residents, paying attention to the impact of the elderly’s individuality in requirements associated with the realization of the services. Research results show that organizations maintaining senior housing must organize exercise areas suitable for the residents and the means for indoors and outdoors muscle training and balance exercise. Individual factors related to physical performance, social environment and psychological well-being of the residents should be considered in the design, implementation and management of these services. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää palvelutaloon muuttaneiden ikääntyneiden mitattua ja itsearvioitua fyysistä toimintakykyä ja niiden muutosta 3 ja 12 kuukautta muuton jälkeen. Lisäksi kuvattiin itsearvioidun fyysisen toimintakyvyn, sosiaalisen ympäristön ja psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin yhteyttä mitatun fyysisen toimintakyvyn muutoksiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa tietoa, jota voidaan hyödyntää palvelutalojen asukkaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn arvioimiseen ja tukemiseen tähtäävien käytäntöjen suunnittelussa ja johtamisessa. Aineisto kerättiin pohjoissuomalaisessa kaupungissa palvelutaloihin (n = 11) vuonna 2014 muuttaneilta ikääntyneiltä (n=81), joista 70 % oli naisia. Mittareina käytettiin Hyvinvointiprofiili-kyselylomaketta, Ympäristöhyvinvointimittaria ja SPPB- toimintatestiä (Short Physical Performance Battery). Aineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin.
Palvelutaloon muuttaneiden fyysinen toimintakyky oli heikko. Päivittäisistä toiminnoista suoriutuminen [IADL], kävelynopeus, oikean käden puristusvoima ja itsearvioitu arkiaskareista suoriutuminen heikkenivät ensimmäisen asumisvuoden aikana. Lisäksi itsearvioitu IADL-suoriutuminen vaikeutui mutta lihaskuntoharjoittelu sekä harrastusryhmiin osallistuminen lisääntyivät. Asukkaat arvioivat voivansa tehdä, mitä haluavat ja tapaavansa riittävästi läheisiä ihmisiä palvelutalossa. Itsearvioitu fyysinen toimintakyky oli yhteydessä IADL-suoriutumisen vaikeutumiseen ja kävelynopeuden hidastumiseen. Sosiaalinen ympäristö ja psyykkinen hyvinvointi olivat yhteydessä IADL-suoriutumisen vaikeutumiseen, kävelynopeuden hidastumiseen ja oikean käden puristusvoiman heikkenemiseen.
Tämä tutkimus lisää tietoa palvelutaloihin muuttaneiden ikääntyneiden fyysisestä toimintakyvystä, sosiaalisesta ympäristöstä ja psyykkisestä hyvinvoinnista. Tutkimustulokset auttavat ikääntyneiden asumispalveluiden tuottajia kehittämään asukkaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn arviointiin ja toimintakyvyn ylläpitämiseen tähtääviä toimintamalleja, joissa huomioidaan ikääntyneiden yksilöllisyyden vaikutus palveluiden toteuttamiseen liittyviin vaatimuksiin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että palvelutaloja ylläpitävien organisaatioiden tulee järjestää asukkaille soveltuvat liikuntatilat ja välineet sisä- ja ulkotiloihin lihaskunto- ja tasapainoharjoittelua varten. Asukkaiden yksilölliset fyysiseen toimintakykyyn, sosiaaliseen ympäristöön ja psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin liittyvät tekijät tulee ottaa huomioon palveluiden suunnittelussa, toteutuksessa ja johtamisessa.
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Gestão de empreendimentos e soluções técnicas para a realização de edifícios sustentáveis certificados pelo processo AQUA. / Project management and technical solutions to carry out sustainable buildingsRodrigo, Adriana Gouveia 12 September 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa contribui para a realização de edifícios com um maior desempenho socioambiental e em equilíbrio com as questões culturais e econômicas atuantes no contexto dos empreendimentos. Foram estudados três casos que utilizaram o referencial do Processo AQUA (método de avaliação de empreendimentos sustentáveis, de origem francesa). O escopo da pesquisa está limitado às etapas do empreendimento que vão da concepção do projeto ao término da construção. Os objetivos propostos são identificar e analisar como o processo de gestão de empreendimentos se altera para a realização de edifícios com um melhor desempenho socioambiental, e os impactos dos requisitos propostos pelo referencial do Processo AQUA na elaboração das soluções técnicas e de outras estratégias, presentes nos projetos dos edifícios estudados. Adota como método de pesquisa o estudo de caso, baseado em entrevistas e análise documental. Os resultados e conclusões apontam que deve haver a participação de todas as partes interessadas, dando especial atenção à necessidade da formação da equipe de projetos logo nas primeiras fases da realização do empreendimento; também indicam que novas competências passam a fazer parte do processo e devem ser integradas à equipe, em momentos adequados, e que as soluções técnicas se desenvolvem de forma contínua e mais acelerada nos empreendimentos de edifícios de alto desempenho socioambiental, pois estes apresentam novas proposições de projeto que demandam desenvolvimento tecnológico dos projetistas, dos fabricantes de materiais e das empresas construtoras. / This research contributes to carrying out buildings with a higher environmental performance and in harmony with economic and cultural issues that take place in the projects context. It studied three cases, which employed the reference guide of the AQUA Process (a sustainable buildings assessment method of French origin). The scope of the research is limited from the concept design phase to the end of the construction phase. The objectives are to identify and analyze how the process of project management changes in order to improve the environmental performance of the buildings, and the impacts of the AQUA Process requirements on the development of technical solutions and other strategies, in the buildings studied here. As a research methodology it makes use of the case study, based on interviews and documentary analysis. The findings and conclusions indicate the need for the participation of all stakeholders, giving special attention to the necessity of shaping the project\'s team in the very first stages of the activity; they also reveal that new skills become part of the process and should be integrated into the team, at appropriate times, and that technical solutions are developed continuously and faster in high-performance building projects due to the new proposals they present, which demand technology development of designers, material manufacturers and construction companies.
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Diagnóstico da tuberculose: desempenho do primeiro serviço de saúde procurado em São José do Rio Preto, SP / Tuberculosis diagnosis: first contact care performance in São José do Rio Preto, SPPonce, Maria Amélia Zanon 27 June 2012 (has links)
O estudo teve como objetivo analisar o desempenho do primeiro serviço de saúde procurado para o diagnóstico da tuberculose (TB), em São José do Rio Preto (2009), na percepção do doente. Trata-se de estudo epidemiológico descritivo, tipo inquérito, que adotou como eixo metodológico os componentes de avaliação de serviços de saúde estrutura e processo. Participaram do estudo 99 doentes de TB, maiores de 18 anos e em tratamento, entrevistados por meio de um instrumento elaborado com base no Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), adaptado para avaliar a atenção aos doentes de TB, e que contemplou questões das dimensões de porta de entrada e acesso ao diagnóstico. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de distribuição de frequência absoluta/relativa e da construção de indicadores, utilizando proporções e intervalos de confiança, de acordo com o tipo de serviço de saúde procurado pela primeira vez, quando da percepção dos sinais/sintomas, sendo esses agrupados em: Atenção Básica (AB), Pronto Atendimento (PA) e Serviços Especializados (SE). O perfil epidemiológico dos doentes entrevistados evidencia o predomínio dos casos novos de TB pulmonar entre indivíduos do sexo masculino, em idade produtiva e reprodutiva, com baixa renda e escolaridade. A principal porta de entrada no município foi o PA. Em relação ao componente estrutura, encontrou-se que o PA e, principalmente, a AB se constituíram como os serviços mais próximos ao domicílio dos doentes, entretanto, a AB não foi a mais acessível, uma vez que a maioria daqueles que a procuraram não conseguiu consulta no prazo de 24 horas. Quanto ao componente processo, houve baixa suspeição de TB nos três tipos de serviços analisados. A maior proporção de exames solicitados para o diagnóstico ocorreu no SE, seguido pelas unidades de AB. Houve baixa proporção de encaminhamento para a realização de baciloscopia de escarro, nos três tipos de serviços. O PA e a AB encaminharam a maioria dos doentes para realização de raio-x e para consulta médica em outro serviço, principalmente os casos extrapulmonares. Doentes com TB, que buscaram primeiramente a AB, necessitaram procurar mais vezes os serviços de saúde e mais de 50% desses tiveram atraso no diagnóstico. O PA foi o serviço que menos diagnosticou os usuários suspeitos, sendo o SE (especialmente os hospitais) os que apresentaram melhor desempenho, principalmente para o diagnóstico dos casos extrapulmonares. Para o controle efetivo da doença, os serviços de saúde, que se configuram como porta de entrada do sistema, devem estar preparados para a suspeição e diagnóstico e que sejam criadas estratégias de fluxo de referência e contrarreferência entre o primeiro serviço de saúde procurado e os outros serviços que compõem a rede de atenção, de modo que seja assegurada a continuidade da assistência. / The study aimed to analyze the performance of the first health care sought for the diagnosis of TB, in Sao Jose do Rio Preto (2009), according to the patients perception. A descriptive inquiry epidemiological study was conducted, which adopted as methodological framework the components of health services assessment: structure and process. The study included 99 TB patients, aged 18 years and in treatment, interviewed using a questionnaire based on the Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT), adapted to assess TB care and that included dimensions of first contact care and access to diagnosis. Data analysis was performed using absolute and relative frequency and indicators development, by ratios and confidence intervals, according to the type of health service sought by the first time when the perception of signs / symptoms, grouped as follows: Primary Health Care (PHC), Emergency Services (ES) and Specialized Services (SS). The epidemiological profile of patients interviewed shows the prevalence of new cases of TB among males, in productive and reproductive age with low income and low education. The main first contact care in the city was the ES. Regarding the structure component, we found that the ES and, especially, the PHC are identified as services closest to the patients home, however, PHC was not accessible, since most of those failed to get a medical appointment within 24 hours. Regarding the process component, there was a low suspicion of TB in the three types of services examined. The greatest proportion of diagnosis exams requirement occurred in SS, followed by PHC. There was a low proportion of referrals to performing sputum smear test, in the three types of services. ES and PHC refer the majority of patients to perform x-ray and medical examinations to another service, especially extrapulmonary cases. TB patients, who sought first the PHC, needed to look for more health services and over 50% of these had a delay in diagnosis. The ES was the one who less diagnosed TB suspect case, and the SS (especially hospitals) showed the best performance, particularly for the diagnosis of extrapulmonary cases. For effective control of this disease, first contact care should be prepared for suspicion and diagnosis, and strategies of reference between the first health care sought and other services need to be developed, building a network of care so that it ensured the continuity of it.
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Évaluation de performance d’architecture de contrôle-commande en réseau dans un contexte incertain d’avant-vente / Performance assessment of Networked Control System (NCS) during uncertain pre-sales contextNdiaye, Moulaye A.A. 16 March 2017 (has links)
Ce mémoire, réalisé dans le cadre d’une thèse sous convention CIFRE avec la société Schneider-Electric et l’Université de Lorraine à travers le laboratoire du CRAN, porte sur l’évaluation des performances temporelles des architectures de contrôle-commande distribuées sur un réseau de communication. Le besoin industriel s’exprime sous la forme d’un outil d’aide au dimensionnement des architectures en phase d’avant-vente caractérisée par une connaissance partielle de ces dernières. Le problème scientifique sous-jacent est relatif à la génération automatique des modèles servant de support à l’évaluation. En effet, l’évaluation des performances doit être réalisée pour un ensemble important d’architectures, dans un temps court, difficilement compatible avec une construction manuelle des modèles. Notre contribution porte sur la définition formelle, à l’aide de réseaux de Petri colorés et temporisés, d’un modèle « constructeur » d’architectures embarquant des mécanismes de configuration, d’instanciation et de paramétrage. Plusieurs algorithmes sont proposés pour, d’une part, construire automatiquement le modèle d’une architecture donnée, à partir d’une description formelle de sa topologie et d’une librairie de modèles d’équipements de contrôle-commande, et, d’autre part, pour générer les observateurs requis à partir d’une description formelle des performances à évaluer. Ces différents algorithmes ont été implantés dans un outil interfacé, d’une part avec l’outil Schneider de description des architectures, et, d’autre part avec le simulateur de l’outil CPN Tools qui fournit une estimation des performances via des simulations de Monte-Carlo. L’intérêt de cette approche a été illustrée sur la base de quelques architectures types fournies par la société Schneider-Electric / This PhD dissertation, supported by CIFRE convention between the company Schneider-Electric and the University of Lorraine through the CRAN laboratory, deals with the assessment of temporal performances for a networked distributed control system. The industrial need was the development of a quotation and sizing tool of industrial control architecture during pre-sales stage. This stage is characterized by limited information about the process and the customers’ needs. The underlying scientific problematic was the ability to generate automatically models serving as support for the evaluation. In fact, performance assessment is realized for a wide range of architecture during a small amount of time, which is not compliant with a manual definition of the models. Our contribution is mainly based on a formal definition of a “builder” model with Colored and Timed Petri Nets which embeds mechanisms for configuration, instantiation and parameters setting of the architecture models. Several algorithms have been proposed for firstly build automatically the architecture Petri Nets model from a formal description of the topology and from a component model library and, secondly, for generating performance observers. Theses algorithms have been implemented on a tool gathering a user interface developed by Schneider –Electric and the Petri Nets simulator called CPN Tools which provides the performance assessment through Monte-Carlo simulation. The added value of this approach has been illustrated through case studies provided by Schneider-Electric
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Accountability horizontal nos relatórios de gestão de universidades federais brasileiras / Horizontal Accountability in the Management Reports of Brazilian Federal UniversitiesFontenele, Ricardo André Macêdo 24 September 2014 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar o nível de Accountability Horizontal dos Relatórios de Gestão das Universidades Federais Brasileiras apresentados ao Tribunal de Contas da União (TCU), como instrumento de avaliação de resultados pré-estabelecidos no orçamento da União, avaliando a adequação dos relatórios às dimensões de Accountability informacional, justificação e enforcement. Por intermédio do método de análise de conteúdo, utilizou-se de técnicas de tipologia textual da teoria linguística para classificar o nível de Accountability dos relatos das realizações da ação orçamentária 4009 dos Relatórios de Gestão das Universidades Federais em informacional (1º nível) ou em justificação (2ª nível), assim como para verificar se os normativos do TCU contribuíram com Enforcement (3º nível) para o aumento do nível de Accountability Horizontal. Análise dos RG e dos Normativos procedeu-se pela elaboração, com base na teoria revisada, e aplicação de duas matrizes: \"Matriz de Análise da Dimensão Responsabilidade da Ação 4009\" e a \"Matriz de Análise da Dimensão Enforcement dos normativos do TCU sobre os Relatórios de Gestão das Universidades Federais\". Ao final das análises, considerando os resultados da aplicação das duas matrizes, as limitações e as restrições das análises à ação 4009 e a normativos específicos do TCU, chegou-se a conclusão de que os relatos da ação orçamentária 4009 enquadram-se na dimensão informacional, embora houvesse enforcement, por parte do TCU, para que se atingisse o nível dimensional de justificação. Entretanto, mesmo que houvesse limitações e restrições quanto à generalização das análises da ação 4009 e dos normativos do TCU pelas duas matrizes, a \"Matriz de Análise da Dimensão Responsabilidade da Ação 4009\" poderia ser aplicada a outras ações orçamentárias de diferentes Entidades Públicas e exercícios financeiros e a \"Matriz de Análise da Dimensão Enforcement dos normativos do TCU sobre os Relatórios de Gestão das Universidades Federais\" poderia ser aplicada a outros normativos do TCU ou de outras Agências de Accountability de diferentes esferas de governo. / The aim of this study was to verify the level of Horizontal Accountability of the Management Reports of the Brazilian Federal Universities, which were presented to the Brazilian Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), as an instrument of assessment of pre-established results in the Central government budget, by evaluating the adequacy of the reports to the informational, justification and enforcement dimensions of Accountability. Content analysis was used along with techniques of textual typology of linguistics to classify the level of Accountability of the reports of the achievements of the budget action #4009 of the Management Reports of the Federal Universities in informational (1st level) or justification (2nd level), as well as to check whether the regulations of TCU contributed with Enforcement (3rd level) to increase the level of Horizontal Accountability. The analysis of the Management Reports and of the normative acts were performed through elaboration, based on the revised theory, and application of two matrices, named \"Analysis of Dimension Responsibility of Action #4009\" matrix and \"Analysis of Dimension Enforcement of the TCU normative acts on the universities\' Management Reports\" matrix. At the end of the analysis, considering the results of the application of the two matrices, the limitations and restrictions of the analysis to the action #4009 and the specific legislation enacted by TCU, the conclusion was that the reports of the budget action #4009 fall into the informational dimension, although there was enforcement, by the TCU, in order to reach the dimensional level of justification. However, even if there were restrictions and limitations regarding the generalization of the analysis of the action #4009 and of the TCU normative acts, the \"Analisys of Dimension Responsibility of Action #4009\" matrix could be explained by other budget actions of different public entities and financial exercises; and the \"Analysis of Dimension Enforcement of the TCU normative acts on the universities\' Management Reports\" matrix could be applied to other normative acts of TCU or other agencies of Accountability in different government spheres.
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Simulation-based impact analysis for sustainable manufacturing design and managementGbededo, Mijoh Ayodele January 2018 (has links)
This research focuses on effective decision-making for sustainable manufacturing design and management. The research contributes to the decision-making tools that can enable sustainability analysts to capture the aspects of the economic, environmental and social dimensions into a common framework. The framework will enable the practitioners to conduct a sustainability impact analysis of a real or proposed manufacturing system and use the outcome to support sustainability decision. In the past, the industries had focused more on the economic aspects in gaining and sustaining their competitive positions; this has changed in the recent years following the Brundtland report which centred on incorporating the sustainability of the future generations into our decision for meeting today's needs (Brundtland, 1987). The government regulations and legislation, coupled with the changes in consumers' preference for ethical and environmentally friendly products are other factors that are challenging and changing the way companies, and organisations perceive and drive their competitive goals (Gu et al., 2015). Another challenge is the lack of adequate tools to address the dynamism of the manufacturing environment and the need to balance the business' competitive goal with sustainability requirements. The launch of the Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis (LCSA) framework further emphasised the needs for the integration and analysis of the interdependencies of the three dimensions for effective decision-making and the control of unintended consequences (UNEP, 2011). Various studies have also demonstrated the importance of interdependence impact analysis and integration of the three sustainability dimensions of the product, process and system levels of sustainability (Jayal et al., 2010; Valdivia et al., 2013; Eastwood and Haapala, 2015). Although there are tools capable of assessing the performance of either one or two of the three sustainability dimensions, the tools have not adequately integrated the three dimensions or address the holistic sustainability issues. Hence, this research proposes an approach to provide a solution for successful interdependence impact analysis and trade-off amongst the three sustainability dimensions and enable support for effective decision-making in a manufacturing environment. This novel approach explores and integrates the concepts and principles of the existing sustainability methodologies and frameworks and the simulation modelling construction process into a common descriptive framework for process level assessment. The thesis deploys Delphi study to verify and validate the descriptive framework and demonstrates its applicability in a case study of a real manufacturing system. The results of the research demonstrate the completeness, conciseness, correctness, clarity and applicability of the descriptive framework. Thus, the outcome of this research is a simulation-based impact analysis framework which provides a new way for sustainability practitioners to build an integrated and holistic computer simulation model of a real system, capable of assessing both production and sustainability performance of a dynamic manufacturing system.
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Avaliação do desempenho e sintonia de controladores de nívelAndreis, André Augusto 22 June 2017 (has links)
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André Augusto Andreis_.pdf: 7251218 bytes, checksum: 7b71c418da3bd1942b6b1bf3e213a439 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T12:28:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-06-22 / Nenhuma / Os processos industriais são de natureza dinâmica, variando continuamente no tempo devido a perturbações externas ou por alterações no processo e, portanto, a necessidade de controle automático das variáveis é uma realidade, principalmente devido ao aumento da complexidade dos sistemas instalados nas últimas décadas. Mediante a importância dos controladores, esta pesquisa traz o estudo de técnicas para avaliação do desempenho e sintonia de controladores de nível, bem como orienta quanto à escolha de índices a serem utilizados para a avaliação do desempenho de controladores de nível, segundo o objetivo de controle, apresentando a magnitude do erro obtido quando utilizado um índice de avaliação de desempenho inadequado. Aborda-se sistemas de controle de nível que têm como objetivo manter o nível na referência de forma precisa ou minimizar a variância da vazão de saída. Apresenta-se uma proposta de metodologia para a avaliação do desempenho e para a sintonia de controladores de nível através da modelagem do processo e da resolução de um problema de otimização. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a um processo de nível autorregulatório. Explora-se a eficácia dos índices de avaliação de desempenho para controladores de nível, considerando diferentes tipos de perturbação na vazão de entrada. Comparam-se técnicas tradicionais e técnicas que utilizam otimização para a sintonia de controladores, sendo que as técnicas de otimização apresentam resultados melhores que as técnicas tradicionais. Apresenta-se o impacto de incertezas no modelo utilizado para obter os parâmetros do controlador através de técnicas de otimização no qual, dependendo do objetivo de controle e do tipo de perturbação de entrada, ocorrem discrepâncias a serem consideradas em relação a necessidade de ressintonia do controlador. Analisa-se as consequências do uso de índices de avaliação de desempenho inadequados. Por meio dos resultados obtidos verificou-se que para determinar o índice adequado para a avaliação do desempenho de controladores de nível deve-se identificar o objetivo de controle de forma correta, o que nem sempre ocorre, pois em geral, sistemas de suporte à decisão disponibilizam índices de avaliação de desempenho que consideram a variável de processo, mas algumas malhas de controle podem considerar a variável manipulada. / Industrial processes are of a dynamic nature, varying continuously in time due to external disturbances or changes in the process and, therefore, the need for automatic control of variables is a reality, mainly due to the complexity increase of the systems installed in last decades. Due to the importance of controllers, this research brings the study of techniques for performance assessment and tuning of level controllers, as well as guides the choice of indexes to be used for the performance assessment of level controllers, according to the control objective, presenting the magnitude of the error obtained when used an inadequate performance assessment index. It addresses level control systems that aim to maintain the level in the reference accurately or minimize the outlet flow variance. It is presented a proposal of methodology for performance assessment and tuning of level controllers through process modeling and solving an optimization problem. The proposed methodology is applied to a self-regulatory process. The effectiveness of the performance assessment index for level controllers is explored, considering different types of perturbation in the inlet flow. Traditional techniques and optimization techniques for controller tuning are compared, being that optimization techniques present better results than traditional techniques. It is presented the uncertainties impact in the model used to obtain the controller parameters through optimization techniques in which, depending on the control objective and the type of input disturbance, there are discrepancies to be considered in relation to the need for controller retuning. The consequences of using inadequate performance assessment index are analyzed. Through the obtained results it was verified that to determine the adequate index for the performance assessment level controllers one must identify correctly the control objective, which does not always occur, since the systems of support to the decision in general provide performance assessment indexes that consider the process variable, but some control meshes may consider the manipulated variable.
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Análise do processo de avaliação do desempenho docente nas escolas do Programa de Ensino Integral (PEI) de São José do Rio Preto / Analysis of the process of teachers performance assessment in schools of the Integral Education Program (PEI) of São José do Rio PretoSantos, Conceição Garcia Bispo dos 13 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-09-21T12:28:29Z
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Conceição Garcia Bispo dos Santos.pdf: 1474447 bytes, checksum: 2e4a6228a6b58bd58889e951c1eeb88f (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-21T12:28:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Conceição Garcia Bispo dos Santos.pdf: 1474447 bytes, checksum: 2e4a6228a6b58bd58889e951c1eeb88f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-09-13 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the 360º Assessment to know how it is understood by the principals of the schools of the Integral Education Program (PEI) of the city of São José do Rio Preto, in order to verify if it meets the objectives of the State Secretary of Education (SEE). To do that, it must verify how it is performed in the researched school units; analyze their positive and negative aspects identified by the principals, and contribute to the improvement of the teachers evaluation process, based on the suggestions identified in the research and these are their specific objectives. The 360º Assessment is an integral part of the Teachers Performance Assessment, made available biannually by the State Secretary of Education (ESS) for the school units belonging to the Integral Education Program (PEI), and its results should serve to qualify the teaching practice and the results of learning, in addition to the possible termination of assignment of the functions performed in the Program. The research was developed in four schools of the Integral Education Program (PEI) of the municipality of São José do Rio Preto and had a qualitative approach. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews with the principals of these schools. It is expected to collect and analyze the information regarding the experiences lived by the principals, to verify the effectiveness of the 360º Assessment and to investigate the difficulties encountered in order for it to achieve its real purposes of professional improvement and construction of a teaching performance of quality, reflected in better learning outcomes / O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar como a Avaliação 360º é compreendida pelos diretores das escolas do Programa de Ensino Integral (PEI) do município de São José do Rio Preto, no sentido de verificar se ela atende aos objetivos da Secretaria Estadual da Educação (SEE). Para tanto, deve verificar como ela se realiza nas unidades escolares pesquisadas; analisar seus aspectos positivos e negativos, identificados pelos diretores, e contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento do processo avaliativo docente, a partir das sugestões levantadas na pesquisa, sendo esses seus objetivos específicos. A Avaliação 360º é parte integrante da Gestão de Desempenho Docente, disponibilizada semestralmente pela Secretaria Estadual da Educação (SEE) para as unidades escolares pertencentes ao Programa de Ensino Integral (PEI), e seus resultados devem servir para a qualificação da prática docente e melhora dos índices de aprendizagem, além de possível cessação de designação das funções exercidas no Programa. A pesquisa se desenvolveu em quatro escolas do Programa de Ensino Integral (PEI) do município de São José do Rio Preto e teve uma abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas aos diretores dessas escolas. Com isso, espera-se coletar e analisar as informações referentes às experiências vivenciadas pelos diretores, para verificar a efetividade da Avaliação 360º e investigar quais as dificuldades encontradas para que ela atinja seus verdadeiros propósitos de aprimoramento profissional e construção de uma atuação docente de qualidade, desdobrada em melhores resultados de aprendizagem
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