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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O discurso da Performance Art: estudo semiótico dos regimes de manifestação da arte performática / The discourse of performance art: a study of the manifestation regimens of performatic art

Siviero, Maria Vitória Laurindo 23 January 2017 (has links)
A performance surgiu inicialmente como um meio no qual os vanguardistas testavam as suas ideias e passou a ser aceita como uma manifestação artística independente por volta da década de setenta. Trata-se de uma arte híbrida que mistura elementos de outras linguagens, como a poesia a música, a dança, o tetro e o cinema. Tornou-se conhecida por chocar suas plateias com apresentações espontâneas e transgressoras, colocando em cheque a concepção de arte. Assim como as demais linguagens artísticas, a performance estabelece um modo específico de atuação, o que não torna impossível analisá-la por meio da particularização de seus aspectos. A semiótica estuda os fenômenos culturais como sistemas de signos, e torna-se assim, uma ferramenta que pode fornecer a base para estes estudos, uma vez que relativiza as camadas do significado e permite que se observe os diversos níveis de articulação do sentido em diferentes atos comunicativos. Assim, através da semiótica greimasiana, cujo conceito de signo é estruturado por significante e significado, esta pesquisa pretende verificar possíveis coerções de gênero próprias à arte performática, e por meio delas, podem ser desenvolvidas novas reflexões sobre os contornos deste gênero, aparentemente espontâneo e livre. Provando falsas as aparentes diferenças irreconciliáveis que se apresentam no confronto de obras pertencentes ao gênero. Este trabalho pretende propor um modelo de organização para análise de manifestações performáticas, através do qual se pode verificar a relação entre a ação performática e o espaço onde ela é realizada. Portanto, o objetivo central desse estudo é analisar, não, a relação do performer com sua obra, mas colaborar para a análise da performance como um fenômeno que se desenvolve diante de um público e analisar as relações que comumente se estabelecem entre esse espectador de arte performática e a própria ação, utilizando para tanto, o critério do espaço onde a ação se desenvolve. / Performance Art appeared initially as a means wherewith vanguard artists tried their ideas and came to be accepted as an independent form of art in the mid seventies. It is a hybrid art, which mixes elements from other languages, such as poetry, music, dace, theater, and cinema. It became known for shocking its audiences with spontaneous and bold presentations, shaking the very foundations of art. As other artistic languages, performance art establishes a specific way of acting, which does not render impossible to analyze it by particularizing its aspects. Semiotic studies the cultural phenomena as sign systems, and becomes, thus, a tool which can supply us with the base for such studies, given that it relativizes the layers of meaning and allows for the observation of many levels of meaning articulation in different communicative acts. Thus, by applying Greimasian semiotics, whose concept for signs is composed of signified and signifiant, this research aims to verify possible genre specifications specific to performance art, and, though them, one can develop new thoughts on the outlines of the genre, apparently spontaneous and free, proving to be fake the apparent differences which appear when analyzing works of the genre. This research aims to propose an organization model for analyzing performance art works, wherewith the relationship between performatic action and its space can be verified. Thus, the main goal of this study is not to analyze the relationship between performance art and his/her works, but to collaborate to performance art analysis as a phenomenon which develops itself in front of a public and analyzing the relationship commonly established between public and the work itself, using, as an analysis criterion, the space where the action is developed.

Religiões e práticas religiosas na região do Contestado (SC): os herdeiros de um mundo reencantado / Religions and religious Practices from the Contestado region (SC): the Inheritors of a Reenchanted World

Menezes, Celso Vianna Bezerra de 16 March 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa visa analisar as práticas religiosas dos devotos de São João Maria, em uma região interiorana do sul do estado do Paraná e do planalto catarinense. A devoção e o culto ao santo são presentes na região onde, há quase um século, ocorreu a Guerra do Contestado, um movimento de cunho milenarista e messiânico. Procura-se, através de uma etnografia multi-situada, apreender estas práticas religiosas com uma proposta teórica que surge de um campo emergente na antropologia de discussões associadas aos estudos de performance. A partir dos estudos de Stanley Tambiah, intenta-se uma abordagem que privilegia os rituais das práticas de culto ao santo apoiado em um diálogo da antropologia com as perspectivas teatrais oriundas da instigante parceria de autores como Victor Turner e Richard Schechner. / This research intends to analyze the devotees of Saint João Marias religious practices, from an inland region of Paraná state´s south and from the Santa Catarina´s plateau. The devotion and the cult to the Saint can be found at the region where, almost a century ago, occurred the Contestado War, a millenialist and messianic movement. Using the multisited ethnography, we intend to understand these religious practices, through a theoretical proposal which appears by an emergent anthropology field of discussions related to the performance studies. Based on Stanley Tambiah, we propose an approach that privileges the rituals of these practices, supported by a dialogue between anthropology and theatrical perspectives coming from Victor Turner and Richard Schechner works.

家庭背景与中国儿童的教育成就: 现象与解释 = Family backgrounds and children's educational performance in recent China : evidence and explanations. / Family backgrounds and children's educational performance in recent China: evidence and explanations / Jia ting bei jing yu Zhongguo er tong de jiao yu cheng jiu: xian xiang yu jie shi = Family backgrounds and children's educational performance in recent China : evidence and explanations.

January 2015 (has links)
对于中国教育不平等的研究,已有文献多以成年人为研究对象、关注教育结果不平等在中国特定时期或特定制度下的表现形式,而较少从家庭层面直接关注教育不平等的实际形成过程。本论文基于最新的、具有全国代表性的儿童数据,分析家庭背景对尚处于基础教育阶段的子女教育成就的影响作用、并关注家庭为子女所投入的各种教育资源。由于早期教育阶段的学业成绩和教育投入会影响更高教育阶段的学业成绩乃至最终的教育水平,本论文是一项试图从家庭层面理解教育不平等形成机制的探索。 / 本论文以"家庭背景──教育成就"这一关系为主线,主要包括三项研究,分别对应于中国当前在两性关系(第二章)、教育体系(第三章)、家庭规模(第四章)这三个重要方面所经历的变迁。第二章探讨家庭背景与两性学业成绩差异之间的关系。数据结果显示,男孩在字词得分上的劣势随着父母教育水平和家庭收入水平的提高不断减小,而两性在数学得分上的相当则是高收入家庭的男性优势和低收入家庭的男性劣势共同作用的结果。进一步分析显示,不同社会经济地位的家庭对男孩和女孩教育的经济投入都是无差别的,但社会经济地位较低的家庭对男孩的日常关注则少于对女孩的关注。这与以往大多研究在东亚社会发现的"男性偏好"模式是不同的。第三章的发现课外辅导对儿童学业成绩的显著作用以及儿童课外辅导活动与家庭背景之间存在正向关系,这有助于我们认识校外教育在型塑教育不平等中的作用。第四章考察在当前中国低生育率背景下家庭规模的增大仍然对儿童学业成绩以及儿童在教育过程中所获得的各项家庭资源──经济投入资源、父母参与资源、家庭环境资源──具有消极作用,并且,这些家庭资源可以有效解释家庭规模对儿童学业成绩的消极作用。另外,不同类型家庭资源的解释力在不同学科上具有差异。 / Concerning the educational inequality in China, prior research generally utilized adult samples to delineate forms of educational inequality in changing historical periods or institutional contexts of China. However, little attention was paid to the concrete process through which educational inequality was generated at the household level. This dissertation draws upon recently collected, nationally representative children data to investigate the effects of family backgrounds on Chinese children’s educational performance, and stresses specific forms of educational investment in children made by Chinese families. As educational performances and parental investment in earlier educational stages could affect educational performance in later educational periods and final educational outcomes, this dissertation is an attempt to explore the mechanisms of educational inequality at the household level. / Centering on the link "family background-educational performance", this dissertation consists of three specific studies, which talk to the societal contexts of gender relationship, educational reform, and fertility decline, respectively. In terms of the gender relationship, chapter 2 examines the effects of family backgrounds on gender gap in educational performance. Empirical results show that the beneficial effects of parental education and household income are larger for boys than for girls. These results are quite contrary to the theoretical framework of son preference, but empirically support the male vulnerability hypothesis which is becoming popular in western societies. Futher, results show that family economic investment in children’s education is indifferent to gender; however, boys are disadvantaged in obtaining parental non-economic investment compared to girls when educational level of parents and income level of households are low. / With regard to the educational reform, chapter 3 investigates whether children’s tutoring behaviors are influenced by family backgrounds, and whether private tutoring benefits children’s educational performance. Analyses in this chapter show that both children’s likelihood of attending private tutoring and the exact amount of money they receive from parents for their tutoring are positively associated with parental education and family income. Results also show that controlling for family backgrounds, children who have attended private tutoring perform better in the verbal test than those who have not, but there is no significant difference in math performance between the two groups. Within the group of children who have attended private tutoring, higher monetary spending on tutoring predicts both higher verbal test scores and higher math test scores. / In examining the effects of sibship size on children’s educational performance as well as the educational resources they obtain from their families, chapter 4 divides family resources that might be beneficial to children’s education into three dimensions: financial investment resources, parental involvement resources, and family environment resources. Empirical results reconfirm that children from big family size are disadvantaged both in obtaining all these educational resources and in academic achievement. Moreover, results show that these educational resources could explain substantively the negative effect of family size on academic achievement, whereas the three types of family resources contribute differently to explaining the differences in word test and math test among children with different sibship sizes. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 張月云. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 88-101). / Abstracts also in English. / Zhang Yueyun.

An integrated framework for the next generation of Risk-Informed Performance-Based Design approach used in Fire Safety Engineering

Alvarez Rodriguez, Alberto 04 January 2013 (has links)
Review of decades of worldwide experience using standards, codes and guidelines related to performance-based fire protection design for buildings has identified shortcomings in the interpretation, application and implementation of the performance-based design process, wide variation in the resulting levels of performance achieved by such designs, and several opportunities to enhance the process. While others have highlighted shortcomings in the past, as well as some ideas to enhance the process, it is proposed that a more fundamental change is needed. First, the political and technical components of the process need to be clearly delineated to facilitate better analysis and decision-making within each component. Second, the process needs to be changed from one which focuses only on fire safety systems to one which views buildings, their occupants and their contents as integrated systems. In doing so, the activities associated with the normal operation of a building and how they might be impacted by the occurrence of a fire event become clearer, as do mitigation options which account for the behaviors and activities associated with normal use. To support these changes, a new framework for a risk-informed performance-based process for fire protection design is proposed: one which is better integrated than current processes, that treats a fire event as a disruptive event of a larger and more complex "building-occupant" system, and that provides more specific guidance for engineering analysis with the aim to achieve more complete and consistent analysis. This Ph.D. Dissertation outlines the challenges with the existing approaches, presents the "building-occupant" system paradigm, illustrates how viewing fire (or any other hazard) as a disruptive event within an holistic "building-occupant" system can benefit the overall performance of this system over its lifespan, and outlines a framework for a risk-informed performance-based process for fire protection design. Case studies are used to illustrate shortcomings in the existing processes and how the proposed process will address these. This Dissertation also includes a plan of action needed to establish guidelines to conduct each of the technical steps of the process and briefly introduces the future work about how this plan could be practically facilitated via a web-platform as a collaborative environment.

Paradoxical performance : predictors and mechanisms associated with the yips and choking

Clarke, Philip January 2017 (has links)
In sport, the ability to perform under heightened levels of pressure is one of the largest differences between those who are successful and those who are not. There are a number of phenomena associated with breakdowns in an athlete’s performance in high pressure environments, collectively known as paradoxical performances (Baumeister & Showers, 1986). The two most prevalent and researched forms of paradoxical performance are the yips and choking. Although choking has been identified as playing a key role in understanding the yips, to date, no literature has explored these phenomena simultaneously. The current literature highlights potential mechanisms which may explain the yips and choking, such as the Attentional Control Theory (Eysenck & Derekshan, 2011) and the Conscious Processing Hypothesis (Masters, 1992). However, there is limited literature on the potential predictors that may increase the susceptibility of both these paradoxical performances and those which do, focus on golf. There are three aims of this thesis. The first aim was to develop a definition that best encompasses all aspects of the yips. This was achieved by conducting a systematic review of the yips literature which supported the development of a new two dimensional yips model including individuals with both focal dystonia and choking (type-III). The second aim was to investigate potential predictors associated with both the yips and choking that was achieved by completing two studies. The first explored the lived experiences of elite level archers who have experienced both choking and the yips and revealed a number of potential predictors associated with both the yips and choking. The second study tested these predictors using online questionnaires with elite level archers and golfers, and confirmed two discrete predictive models for yips and choking. The final aim of the thesis was to investigate the potential mechanisms associated with performance under pressure. A lab-based study where golfers and archers performed under both high and low pressure found that pressure elicited a range of psychological, physiological and kinematic changes in performance. The proposed two dimensional model from the systematic review received initial support for its application. A number of participants met the criteria for each of the different classifications: type-I, those who experience focal dystonia like symptoms; type-II, those who experience choking like symptoms and; type-III, those who experience both focal dystonia and choking like symptoms. This thesis also highlights the role of social predictors of the yips and choking with perfectionistic self-presentation being the most influential for those susceptible for the yips. These findings will enable practitioners to have a better understanding to effectively classify those who experience choking and the yips. This will allow practitioners to more effectively intervene with those who experience different classifications of the yips. The thesis also highlights the issues in the current literature that surround the measurement and conceptualisation of the yips type-I, type-II and type-III behaviour and provides future directions.

Evaluating performance management at Eskom Holdings

Maluleke, Kate 24 August 2012 (has links)
Performance Management is both a strategic and an integrated approach to delivering successful results in organizations by improving the performance and developing the capabilities of teams and individuals. The term performance management gained its importance and popularity in the1980’s when the competitive pressures in the market place started rising. This is when organizations felt the need of introducing a comprehensive performance management process into their systems for improving productivity and performance effectiveness. Performance management can be regarded as a continuous process of managing the performance of people to get desired results. Performance management is beneficial to major stakeholders of an organization by clearly describing what is supposed to be done for attaining certain desired goals. However focus on performance management may be fruitless without the existence of effective implementation, proper organizational design and management systems.

Indicadores de desempenho e sistema ABC: o uso de indicadores para uma gestão eficaz do custeio e das atividades de manutenção. / Performance metrics and ABC system: the use of performance metrics for a effectiveness maintenance and costing management.

Rosa, Eurycibiades Barra 10 May 2006 (has links)
Os rumos atuais da competição e da tecnologia justificam a crescente utilização de indicadores para a gestão dos recursos produtivos nas organizações industriais. Nesta linha de pensamento, o presente trabalho discorre sobre as principais abordagens relacionadas com gestão competitiva, construção de indicadores e métodos de custeio, disponíveis na literatura. Com base no modelo gerencial do Prof. Nigel Slack, para agregar vantagem competitiva na manufatura, é desenvolvido um sistema de indicadores integrados para a gestão do custeio e das atividades de manutenção. O modelo de gestão é validado por intermédio de um estudo de caso real e os resultados obtidos demonstram a eficácia do sistema de indicadores no monitoramento das atividades de manutenção nas empresas industriais. / The current trend in terms of world-wide competition and technological skills justify the increasing utilization of constant up-to-date information and decision-making data in manufacturing organizations. Accordingly, this work discusses the major contributions related to a world-class management, performance metrics and costing methods. Based on Nigel Slack’s management model proposed to increase competitiveness, an inter-related performance metrics system is developed, aiming to reduce maintenance cost and to improve the overall maintenance activities management. The management techniques proposed in this research is validated by its application in a real manufacturing company, selected for a case-study. This research shows that the data collected allows statistical analysis and helps a plant management team to get important conclusions about the effectiveness of the performance metrics proposed for maintenance management.

Corridas de alta velocidade e curta duração: uma abordagem biomecânica para o entendimento dos fatores determinantes de desempenho / Sprints: a biomechanical approach for the understanding of the performance determinant factors and influence of gender

Andrade, Rodrigo Maciel 19 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar em atletas homens e mulheres a dinâmica do stiffness e dos parâmetros biomecânicos atrelados ao stiffness (PBAS) durante uma corrida de elevada velocidade e curta duração. Ainda, investigar possíveis discriminantes de desempenho da corrida, e a relação destes com as tarefas de salto frequentemente utilizados nos treinamentos. Para tanto, foram realizados 2 estudos, sendo que o estudo 1 caracterizou a dinâmica dos parâmetros biomecânicos atrelados ao stiffness e apontou possíveis discriminantes de desempenho (por gênero), e no estudo 2 relacionou-se estes possíveis discriminantes com as tarefas de salto. O \"Spring Mass Model\" foi utilizado para obtenção dos PBAS, ao ponto que plataformas de força (AMTI) e a cinemetria (VICON) foram utilizados para a aquisição dos dados de salto. Foi evidenciado que o stiffness não apresentou total convergência com a dinâmica da velocidade apresentada no teste de corrida de elevada velocidade e curta duração, e que a força vertical aplicada ao solo durante a fase de apoio foi o PBAS que mais se aproximou da dinâmica apresentada pela velocidade. Não houveram distinções entre os gêneros na dinâmica do stiffness e dos PBAS, porém o gênero feminino apresentou maior dependência de parâmetros temporais de passo no início do teste e complacência muscular no final do teste, e o gênero masculino maior dependência de parâmetros atrelados a incremento de força no início do teste e incremento da fase aérea no final do teste. Ainda, houve diferença com significância estatística entre os gêneros quanto à magnitude e contribuição das fases da corrida. No mais, o salto horizontal (SH) apresentou maior relação com o desempenho em ambos os gêneros. Desta forma, conclui-se que 1) o stiffness propriamente dito não pode explicar o desempenho em uma corrida de elevada velocidade e curta duração, 2) dentre os PBAS, a magnitude da força vertical aplicada ao solo durante a fase de apoio apresentou maior proximidade com a dinâmica da velocidade, 3) homens e mulheres dependem distintamente dos PBAS para melhora no desempenho na corrida, e 4) o SH é meio de maior validade ecológica a ser utilizado nas rotinas de avaliação e treinamento de atletas envolvidos em provas de elevada velocidade e curta duração / The present study aims to characterize the dynamics of stiffness and biomechanical parameters related to stiffness (BPRS) in male and female athletes during top speed short distance run. It also intends to investigate possible performance discriminative factors and their relation with jumping tasks frequently used in training. For this purpose, two studies have been developed. Study 1 has characterized the dynamics of the biomechanical parameters related to stiffness and indicated possible discriminative factors (by gender). The study 2 has related these possible discriminative factors with jumping. The \'Spring Mass Model\' has been used to obtain the BRPS and the force plate (AMTI) and cinemetry (VICON) have been used to acquire jumping data. The study showed that stiffness has not presented total convergence with velocity dynamics and the vertical force applied to the ground during the support phase has been the closest result to the velocity dynamics presented. There has not been distinctions regarding gender in stiffness and BRPS dynamics, however, females have showed more dependency on step timing parameters on the test beginning and muscle complacency at the end of the test; and males presented more dependency on to the vertical force applied to the ground during the support phase on the test beginning and parameters connected to the increase in the swing phase at the end test. Moreover, there has been a difference with statistical significance between genders regarding magnitude and contribution through the running phases. In additional, the horizontal jump (HJ) results represented a closer relation to the performance top speed short distance run. Therefore, it has been concluded that 1) stiffness itself cannot explain the performance in top speed short distance run, 2) among the BRPS, vertical force magnitude applied to the ground during support phase presents closer results to velocity dynamics, 3) males and females depend on distinct BRPS to enrich their performance and 4) HJ is the exercise with the major validity to be used for the evaluation and training routine of top speed short distance run athletes

Internacionalização e performance de firmas brasileiras

Loncan, Tiago Rodrigues January 2010 (has links)
A Internacionalização das empresas se impõe como um imperativo em tempos de globalização. O forte processo de concorrência nos mercados domésticos faz com que as empresas busquem novos mercados para competir, motivando a Internacionalização de suas operações. As empresas buscam o processo de Internacionalização visando manter e expandir suas trajetórias de crescimento, e logicamente, visando também melhorar sua performance empresarial. Este estudo analisou a relação entre o Grau de Internacionalização e a Performance de empresas brasileiras. O Grau de Internacionalização foi medido pela variável FSTS (Foreign Sales over Total Sales ou Vendas no Exterior sobre Vendas Totais). A performance foi avaliada sob duas dimensões: Performance Contábil (Retorno sobre o Ativo; Retorno sobre Vendas) e Performance de Mercado (Retorno das ações; Valor de Mercado). A relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance foi avaliada sob diversas formas, a partir de regressões simples, multivariadas e polinomiais (usando modelos de Dados em Painel e Heteroscedasticidade-Corrigida). Adicionalmente, foi investigada a relação entre o valor (força) da Base de Ativos Intangíveis (medida pelo indicador Tobin’s Q) e o Grau de Internacionalização das companhias. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem associação positiva entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance para a amostra analisada. Foram explorados modelos lineares e polinomiais. Tanto os modelos lineares quanto polinomiais demonstraram relação positiva entre as variáveis. Os modelos polinomiais Quadráticos apresentaram os melhores ajustes, indicando que a relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance (Contábil, medida pelo ROA; de Mercado, medida pelo Valor de Mercado) apresenta o formato de uma curva em “U”, com retornos negativos no início do processo de Internacionalização, até um ponto de inflexão, a partir do qual a relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance passa a ser positiva. Os resultados também sugerem relação positiva entre o valor (força) da Base de Ativos Intangíveis e o Grau de Internacionalização das firmas. / The Internationalization of firms is mandatory in an environment marked by globalization. The fierce competition in domestic markets pressures firms to find new markets to compete, motivating the Internationalization process of these firms. Firms seek Internationalization to maintain and to expand their growth trajectories, and, logically, to enhance their Business Performance. This study analyzed the relationship between Degree of Internationalization and Performance of Brazilian Firms. The Degree of Internationalization was measured by the variable FSTS (Foreign Sales over Total Sales). Performance was evaluated using two dimensions: Accounting measures (Return on Assets; Return on Sales) and Market measures (Return on Stocks; Market Value of Equity). Simple, Multivariate and Polynomial Regressions (using Panel Data and Heteroscedasticity-Corrected models) were used to analyze the relationship between variables. Additionally, it was analyzed the relationship between the value (strenght) of the Intangible Assets Base (measured by Tobin’s Q) and the Degree of Internationalization. The results suggest positive association between Degree of Internationalization and Performance for the sample studied. Both linear and polynomial models showed positive relationship between the two variables. The quadratic (second-order) polynomial models were found better adjusted than linear models, indicating that the relationship between Degree of Internationalization and Performance (measured by ROA and Market Value of Equity) is better explained by an “U-shaped” curve: at early stages of Internationalization the returns are negative. Later, at the second stage of the Internationalization process, there is an inflection point, when returns become positive. Results also suggest that there is a positive relationship between the value (strenght) of the Base of Intangible Assets and the Degree of Internationalization of firms.

Proposta para desenvolvimento de indicadores de desempenho como suporte estratégico. / Proposal for design performance indicators as strategic support.

Kiyan, Fábio Makita 29 June 2001 (has links)
No cenário onde a concorrência assume escalas globais e posturas cada vez mais agressivas, as empresas são forçadas a fornecerem para seus clientes, além de preços adequados, produtos/serviços com melhores níveis de qualidade, rapidez de entrega, estética, leque de opções, dentre outras. Neste sentido, as organizações precisam contemplar estas dimensões competitivas para o desenvolvimento e entrega de seus produtos/serviços.Consequentemente, seus sistemas de medição de desempenho também precisam refletir esta mudança, fornecendo informações mais adequadas para suportar o gerenciamento do negócio. Neste contexto, esta dissertação tem por objetivo apresentar uma sistemática para desenvolver indicadores de desempenho, visando suportar esta nova postura estratégica. Na condução do presente estudo foi adotado o método de pesquisa-ação. O princípio básico que guiou esta escolha foi o refinamento, por meio de discussões com o meio empresarial, de importantes idéias que orbitam no meio acadêmico sobre medição de desempenho. Esta interação permitiu elaborar uma metodologia consistente com as necessidades da era pós Produção em Massa. Valorização da visão sistêmica/contingencial, atenção dos interesses dos stakeholders, envolvimento dos usuários durante o desenvolvimento dos indicadores, estratégias para a transformação de dados em informação, foram importantes contribuições que surgiram desta interação e que acabaram incorporadas na sistemática.Uma experimentação da proposta foi apresentada, baseada no estudo de uma organização industrial. Objetivou-se ilustrar o modelo, não havendo a pretensão de validá-lo. / The global industrial scenario, wherein concurrence assumes a growing aggressive standing, companies are pushed up to deliver their customers beyond appealing prices, more accurate products/services and higher levels of deliverance effectiveness, esthetics, and options guide. Consequently, the companies' performance measurement systems shall reflect such change, being capable of providing more accurate information, in order to support the business management. Within this context, this study aims presenting a systematic approach for performance indicators development, to support this new strategic standing.For conducting this study, the action-research method was adopted. The driving basic principle is related to the need of constant improvement, by means of recurrent workshops within the industrial environment, of academic concepts that spin around performance measurement. Such opportunity of interaction provided the chance of setting up a methodology, which showed itself coherent with the post "Mass Production Era". The systemic/contingent view, the stakeholders interests, users involvement during the indicators development, and strategies for transforming data into information were important contribution that came up from this interaction, whose were finally incorporated within the proposed approach.An experimentation of the proposal is presented, based on the study of a industrial organization. It was aimed the model's illustration ,without purposes of validating it.

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