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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De l'apport de l'enrichissement sans cause au droit des contrats administratifs : contribution au règlement indemnitaire des situations péri-contractuelles / Of the contribution of the enrichment without cause in the law of administrative contracts : contribution to the payment indemnitaire situations péri-contract

Sion, Delphine 10 September 2016 (has links)
Les situations péri-contractuelles se caractérisent par le fait qu'une tierce personne a réalisé des prestations au profit d'une personne publique en l'absence de contrat valide. Le prestataire ne peut réclamer le paiement du service rendu à la collectivité en invoquant les obligations résultant de l'accord qu'il a passé avec l'Administration. Pour sa part, la personne publique ne bénéficie d'aucune garantie contractuelle, ou post-contractuelle, au titre des malfaçons affectant l'ouvrage livré. Afin de garantir les divers intérêts en présence, le juge administratif a progressivement élaboré une solution juridique équitable, qui permet de régler le déséquilibre entre les situations financières des parties, en combinant les fondements de responsabilité, soit quasi-contractuelle, soit quasi-délictuelle. L'indemnité d'enrichissement sans cause permettra ainsi de couvrir l'ensemble des dépenses que le prestataire a utilement exposées au profit de la personne publique et une indemnisation complémentaire pourra lui être accordée afin de compenser le manque à gagner qu'il a subi du fait de l'inexistence d'un contrat. De plus les dommages résultant pour la personne publique, de la livraison d'un ouvrage non conforme à sa destination, pour avoir été construit en méconnaissance des règles de l'art, ouvrent droit à réparation sur le fondement de la responsabilité quasi-délictuelle des entreprises / The situations peri-contract are characterized by the fact that a third person realizes services for the benefit of a public person in the absence of valid contract. The person receiving benefits cannot demand the payment of the service provided in the community by calling upon the obligations resulting from an agreement spent with the Administration. The public person does'nt benefit from any contractual guarantee, or post-contractual, in conformance for the faults affecting the delivered work. To guarantee the diverse interests in presence, the administrative judge gradually developes a legal solution which enables to adjust the imbalance between the financial situations of the parts by combining the foundations of quasi-contractual or quasi-delictual responsibility. The compensation of enrichment without cause will in that way allows to cover the total expense that the person receiving benefits usefully exposed for the benefit of the public person and a complementary compensation can be granted to him to compensate for the loss of income which he suffered because of the absence of contract. More the damage resulting for the public person, of the delivery of a work not in compliance with its destination, to have been built in misunderstanding of the rules of the art, opens straight ahead to repair on the foundation of the quasi-delictual responsibility of companies

Palavra, harmonia e o platonismo ficiano na monodia dramatica da seconda pratica / Speech, harmony and ficinian platonism in the dramatic monodies of the seconda pratica

Stasi, Marcello 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Helena Jank / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T16:53:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Stasi_Marcello_D.pdf: 6885248 bytes, checksum: 72213b5ac92bccddfffe802d422af700 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve por finalidade investigar a relação entre palavra e harmonia no repertório das monodias dramáticas da seconda pratica. Após considerar a alternativa da aplicação da doutrina do ethos associado ao modo, e examinar as implicações dos conceitos de pathos, mutatio e hexachordum, este trabalho situa a importância do platonismo ficiniano no contexto cultural que circundava surgimento da seconda pratica. Buscou-se então extrair diretamente da tradução latina da obra de Platão, indicada pelos cultores da seconda pratica como fonte de inspiração, a definição e as atribuições dos conceitos de melodia e suas partes constituintes: oratio, harmonia e rhythmus. A partir dos resultados desta investigação, que apontam para a importância da dialética na constituição do conceito platônico da oratio, relacionou-se este conceito à prática harmônica do repertório em questão tal como revelada pelo trabalho de Eric Chaffe. Tomando a specierum coppula como possível elemento constituinte comum entre a oratio e a harmonia, são analisados cinco exemplos de monodias dramáticas da seconda pratica, extraídos das obras de Jacopo Peri e Claudio Monteverdi baseadas no mito de Orfeu e Eurídice. Os resultados das análises sustentam a possibilidade de que estes compositores tenham buscado, através de elaborados encadeamentos harmônicos, dar forma material à relação entre as idéias expressas no texto poético, verdadeira essência do discurso para o pensamento platônico. Para tal efeito teriam tomado como pressuposto o princípio que considera contíguas duas tríades separadas por um intervalo de quinta gerando assim uma polarização do espectro harmônico sobre o eixo bemol-sustenido. O resultado dessa pesquisa aponta para um aumento da nossa percepção em relação à extensão e importância da influência do platonismo no movimento da seconda pratica. / Abstract: This research aimed to investigate the relationship between speech and harmony in the repertoire of dramatic monodies of the seconda pratica. After considering the alternative of applying the ethos doctrine associated to the modes and examining the implications of the concepts of pathos, mutatio, and hexachordum, it locates the importance of the platonic thought as advocated by Marisilius Ficino in the cultural context that surrounded the emergence of the seconda pratica. Consequently, this research aimed to extract directly from the source of inspiration indicated by the followers of the seconda pratica, the Latin translation of Plato's work, the definition and attributes of the concepts of melodia and its constituent parts: oratio, harmonia and rhythmus. Considering the results of this investigation which pointed towards the importance of dialectics in the constitution of the platonic concept of oratio, this works sought to relate this concept to the harmonic practice of the repertoire examined as revealed by the work of Eric Chaffe. Taking the specierum copula as a possible common denominator between oratio and harmonia, five examples of dramatic monodies of the seconda pratica extracted from Jacopo Peri's and Claudio Monteverdi's works based on the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice are analyzed. The results of the analyses support the possibility that these composers have aimed, by means of well elaborated harmonic progressions, to give material form to the relationship between the ideas expressed by the text, the true essence of speech according to platonic thought. This was accomplished presuming that two triads separated by a fifth are considered contiguous, generating therefore a polarization of the harmonic spectrum over the flat/sharp axis. The outcome of this research points towards an increase of our perception over the extension and significance of the influence of Platonism in the seconda pratica movement. / Doutorado / Doutor em Música

Agricultura urbana e periurbana na ótica da promoção da saúde / Urban and peri-urban agriculture in the perspective of health promotion

Christiane Gasparini Araujo Costa 22 April 2015 (has links)
Ainda que o cultivo de alimentos em meio urbano seja uma atividade milenar, foi na segunda metade da década de 1990 que a chamada agricultura urbana e periurbana (AUP) adquiriu destaque no cenário nacional e mundial, afirmando-se como um instrumento de integração nos processos de desenvolvimento sustentável. Alinhada aos princípios do direito humano à alimentação e da soberania alimentar, a implantação de uma Política Nacional de Agricultura Urbana constitui uma das metas do Plano Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional para o período 2012- 2015. Como uma temática ainda pouco estudada pela academia, cabe investigar mais profundamente, no âmbito da saúde pública, as conexões entre a Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana e a Promoção da Saúde. Com o objetivo geral de compreender a importância, os desafios e as possibilidades da prática da AUP, a partir da experiência do município do Embu das Artes/SP, localizado na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, o estudo se propôs a identificar os projetos de AUP no município; identificar os valores e significados atribuídos às experiências pelos participantes, membros de conselhos, técnicos e profissionais das Unidades Básicas de Saúde; explorar as conexões da agricultura urbana com as dimensões dos Serviços de Saúde no nível da Atenção Primária, do Abastecimento e do Planejamento Territorial; pesquisar as interfaces entre a agricultura urbana e as diretrizes da Promoção da Saúde. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionário sócio-demográfico junto aos participantes dos projetos, entrevistas individuais e grupos focais. Para complementar as informações, realizou-se análise documental de materiais produzidos pelo governo e pela sociedade civil. A sistematização dos dados seguiu os parâmetros da perspectiva dialética, que destaca a importância da compreensão das contradições na análise das estruturas e do caráter histórico e dinâmico das ações. Os resultados apontam uma estreita ligação entre a prática das hortas e as diretrizes da Promoção da Saúde. Foi possível identificar significados e valores, tanto no nível individual como no coletivo, convergentes com o ideário da Promoção da Saúde, associados aos seus diferentes campos e princípios, como a criação de ambientes saudáveis, o reforço da ação comunitária, o desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais, o resgate de práticas e hábitos tradicionais, o estímulo à autonomia e ao empoderamento e demandas por reorientação dos serviços. A partir do componente da multifuncionalidade da Agricultura Urbana e Periurbana aqui estudada com ênfase em suas conexões com a Atenção Básica da Saúde, com o campo do Abastecimento Alimentar e do Planejamento Territorial, um aspecto a ser aprofundado diz respeito à necessidade de definição de estratégias intra e inter setoriais, para viabilizar maior integração junto às secretarias que realizam interfaces com o tema, de forma a efetivar o comprometimento do conjunto da gestão, em parceria com as organizações sociais e referenciada no território. / Although the growing of food in urban areas is an ancient activity, it was in the second half of the 1990s that the so-called urban and peri-urban agriculture (PUA) acquired prominence in the national and world stage, asserting itself as an integration tool in sustainable development processes. Aligned with the principles of the human right to food and food sovereignty, the establishment of a National Agricultural Urban Policy is one of the goals of the National Food Security and Nutrition Plan for the period of 2012-2015. As a thematic still not appropriate by the academy, there is room for further investigation,within the public health system, to understand the connections between PUA and Health Promotion. With the overall goal to understand the importance, challenges and possibilities of the practice of PUA, from the experience of the city Embu das Artes / SP, located in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, this study aimed to identify the PUA projects in the municipality; identify the values and meanings attributed to the experiences by the participants, board members, technicians and professionals of the Basic Health Units; explore the connections of urban agriculture with the dimensions of Health Primary Care, Supply and Urban Planning; research interfaces between urban agriculture and health promotion guidelines. Data were collected by using a socio-demographic questionnaire with the participants of the projects, individual interviews and focus groups. To complement the information, a documentary analysis of materials, produced by the government and civil society, was performed. The systematization of the data followed the parameters placed by the dialectical perspective that highlights the importance of understanding the contradictions in the analysis of structures and the historic and dynamic character of the actions. The results show a close link between the practice of gardens and Health Promotion guidelines. It was possible to identify meanings and values, both individually and collectively, convergent with the ideas of Health Promotion, associated with their different fields and principles such as the creation of healthy environments, strengthening community action, developing personal skills, the rescue of traditional practices and habits, the encouragement of autonomy and empowerment and demands for reorientation of services. From the multifunctional component of Peri-Urban Agriculture, studied here, with emphasis on its connections to Primary Health, with the field of Food Supply and Urban Planning, an aspect, which deserves deeper study, concerns the need to clearly define intra- and inter-sector strategies, to enable a greater integration within the departments that perform interfaces with this theme, in order to carry out the commitment of the entire management, in partnership with social and referenced in territory organizations.

Exatidão de filtros de imagem na avaliação radiográfica do nível ósseo peri-implantar / Accuracy of enhancement filters in measuring in-vitro periimplant bone level

Vaz, Sergio Lins de Azevedo, 1984- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Sérgio Flores Campos / Texto do capítulo 1 em inglês / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T12:07:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Vaz_SergioLinsdeAzevedo_M.pdf: 1201820 bytes, checksum: c01a9a7bcc2ca60b934986c91f46e192 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O objetivo neste trabalho foi identificar a exatidão de alguns filtros de imagem na mensuração do nível ósseo peri-implantar, por meio da radiografia digital. Para isso, vinte implantes de titânio (Titamax, Neodent, Curitiba, PR, Brasil) foram instalados em seis fragmentos de costelas bovinas, nas quais foram criados defeitos do tipo perda óssea. Utilizando um sistema intra-bucal de placas de fósforo (Vista Scan, Dürr Dental, Beitigheim-Bissingen, Alemanha), radiografias periapicais foram realizadas posicionando os implantes segundo a técnica do paralelismo. Após a obtenção das imagens, nove filtros do software DBSWIN foram aplicados: fine, caries 1, caries 2, perio, endo, noise reduction, invert, emboss e sculpture. Um avaliador mensurou as distâncias entre o ombro do implante à porção mais apical do defeito no software Image J. Os defeitos também foram mensurados nas costelas bovinas utilizando um paquímetro digital. O teste não-paramétrico de Friedman comparou os valores obtidos nas imagens com aplicação dos filtros aos encontrados nas imagens originais e nas costelas bovinas, adotando nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes para os filtros caries1, caries2, endo e perio (P < 0.05) tanto em relação às imagens originais, quanto em relação às mensurações obtidas com o paquímetro. As mensurações obtidas com as imagens originais, filtros fine e emboss foram mais próximas às obtidas com o paquímetro. Concluiu-se que os filtros fine e emboss foram os mais exatos na mensuração do nível ósseo peri-implantar, sendo equiparáveis às imagens originais. Os filtros caries1, caries2, endo e perio foram os menos exatos, não sendo indicados para este fim / Abstract: This study aimed to identify the accuracy of some enhancement filters of an intraoral phosphor-plate system for measuring the simulated periimplant bone level. Twenty titanium implants (Titamax, Neodent, Curitiba, PR, Brazil) were placed into six fragments of bovine ribs and defects simulating bone loss were created. Periapical radiographs were taken with a phosphor-plate system (Vista Scan, Dürr Dental, Beitigheim-Bissingen, Germany) according to the paralleling standard technique, and nine enhancement filters were applied: fine, caries 1, caries 2, perio, endo, noise reduction, invert, emboss and sculpture. An oral radiologist measured on the Image J software the distance from the neck of the implant to the most apical contact of the bone with the implant. The Friedman non-parametric test compared the radiographic measurements to those obtained on the bovine ribs with a digital caliper. The significance level adopted was 5%. The caries1, caries2, endo, and perio filters resulted on measurements statistically different from both the original images and the measures of the digital caliper (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the fine and emboss filters resulted on the most precise filters, with similar measures to the original images. The caries1, caries2, endo, and perio filters were the less accurate for measuring the periimplant bone level / Mestrado / Radiologia Odontologica / Mestre em Radiologia Odontológica

Formas organizativas no quadro da intervenção da ADRA : Sofrio e Caluva - Programa de Desenvolvimento Peri-Urbano do Lubango

VIEGAS, Fernando da Cruz January 2002 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T23:15:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo9315_1.pdf: 391050 bytes, checksum: a88e9c95d1e3c8af3aae2f5c1009f47f (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002 / Esta dissertação trata do processo de emergência e empowerment de formas organizativas locais nos bairros do Sofrio e da Caluva. As formas organizativas locais, aqui analisadas, são representadas por Comissões, Grupos de Moradores e respectivas lideranças enquanto agentes constituidores de mobilização e reivindicações sociais como forma de reconhecimento social. Partindo da contextualização da realidade angolana, especificamente, da província da Huíla, são analisados os diversos atores e fatores que se relacionam, interpenetram e jogam um papel decisivo no surgimento desse tipo de organização social. A intervenção da ADRA, ONG angolana, nos bairros do Sofrio e da Caluva no Lubango, capital da província da Huíla, foi o campo empírico que estimulou este trabalho

The effects of bisphosphonates and COX-2 inhibitors on the bone remodelling unit

Valkealahti, M. (Maarit) 05 August 2008 (has links)
Abstract Bone remodelling occurs in humans throughout life, therefore bone is continuously renewed to better respond to changes in weightbearing circumstances. Bone remodelling is extremely vulnerable during fracture healing and integration of prostheses into the surrounding bone. Bone remodelling is a complex system in which many growth factors, cytokines and enzymes, which are essential for the differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, are involved. Some widely used drugs can affect this sensitive system of remodellation in unexpected manner. Painkillers such as cyclooxygenase (COX) inhibitors have been demonstrated in animal studies to interfere with fracture healing and a few retrospective clinical studies confirm these observations. Bisphosphonates (BP), main target of which is the bone resorbing osteoclast, have been suggested to be the drug of choice to improve periprosthetic bone density and thus prevent aseptic loosening of implants. The exact mechanism of action of clodronate (CLO), a non-amino-BP, which was selected for the study, has not been clarified thus far. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the role of the COX enzyme in the differentiation of osteoblasts we studied human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) cultures in the presence of different COX-inhibitors; indomethacine, parecoxib and NS398, a specific COX-2 inhibitor. We used the liposome encapsulated CLO metabolite (AppCCl2p) to study in detail the mechanism of BP induced apoptosis in osteoclast. The effects of different BPs CLO, pamidronate (PAM) and zoledronic acid (ZOL), on the differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts were tested in vitro. The optimal concentration for in situ CLO rinsing in clinical study was found. Finally, the effects of in situ and per oral CLO on the periimplant bone density and integration of prostheses were studied in vivo. All tested COX-inhibitors significantly inhibited osteoblast differentiation from hMSCs and stimulated the differentiation of adipocytes. It was also demonstrated that AppCCl2p inhibits mitochondrial function by a mechanism that involves competitive inhibition of ADP/ATP translocase. In the comparison of BPs, ZOL seemed to posses the properties of both non-amino- and amino-BPs and it thus belongs to a new class of BPs. Peroral and in situ CLO seemed to have different mechanisms of action. Peroral CLO delayed the integration of prosthesis to the bone and increased peri-implant osteolysis while is situ CLO accelerated integration. In conclusion, we can alter normal bone remodellation during fracture healing and prosthesis integration. On the other hand, we can also improve the circumstances for the integration of implant to the surrounding bone by in situ BP rinsing, thus creating a better environment for bone ingrowth. / Tiivistelmä Läpi elämän luustossa tapahtuu uudelleenmuotoutumista, remodelaatiota, jonka seurauksena luu pystyy paremmin vastaamaan muuttuneisiin kuormitusolosuhteisiin. Remodelaatioprosessi on hyvin haavoittuvainen murtuman luutumisen aikana sekä proteesin kiinnittyessä ympäröivään luuhun. Luun remodelaatioon osallistuvat kasvutekijät, sytokiinit ja entsyymit, jotka puolestaan ovat välttämättömiä osteoblastien ja osteoklastien erilaistumiselle. Monet lääkeaineet voivat yllättävällä tavalla vahingoittaa tätä herkkää remodelaatiosysteemiä. Kipulääkkeet, kuten syklo-oksygenaasi (COX) estäjät, voivat häiritä murtuman luutumista aikaisempien eläintöiden ja muutamien retrospektiivisten potilastutkimusten mukaan. Lisäksi bisfosfonaatit, joiden päävaikutuskohde on luuta hajoittava osteoklasti, voisivat olla lupaavia lääkkeitä myös parantamaan proteesia ympäröivän luun laatua ja siten estämään aseptista implantin irtoamista. Tutkimuksen yhtenä tarkoituksena oli selvittää klodronaatin, ensimmäisen polven typpi-ryhmää sisältämättömän bisfosfonaatin tarkka vaikutusmekanismi. Viljelemällä ihmisen luuytimen kantasoluja indometasiinia, parekoksibia tai spesifistä COX-2 estäjää NS 398:a, sisältävässä kasvatusliuoksessa selvitettiin COX-entsyymin merkitys osteoblastien erilaistumiselle. Liposomien sisälle pakattua klodronaatin metaboliittia (AppCCl2p) käytettiin tutkittaessa millä vaikutusmekanismilla klodronaatti aiheuttaa osteoklastien apoptoosin. Bisfosfonaattien; klodronaatin, pamidronaatin ja tsoledronaatin vaikutusta osteoklastien ja osteoblastien erilaistumiseen tutkittiin soluviljelmämallissa ja määritettiin kliinisessä potilastyössä paikallisesti käytettävän klodronaattiliuoksen pitoisuus. Lopuksi potilastyössä selvitettiin paikallisen klodronaattihuuhtelun ja suun kautta annostellun klodronaatin vaikutus proteesia ympäröivän luun tiheyteen ja proteesin kiinnittymiseen ympäristöönsä. Tutkimukseen valitut COX-estäjät vähensivät ihmisen kantasolujen erilaistumista osteoblasteiksi ja lisäsivät erilaistumista rasvasoluiksi. Lisäksi todettiin, että AppCCl2p estää mitokondrioissa tapahtuvaa hengitystä estämällä ADP/ATP-vaihtajan toiminnan, saaden aikaan solukuoleman. Vertailtaessa bisfosfonaatteja, tsoledronaatilla vaikutti olevan sekä ensimmäisen, että kolmannen polven (sisältää typpi-ryhmän) bispfosfonaattien vaikutuksia, joten tsoledronaatti kuuluu aivan uuteen bisfosfonaattiryhmään. Potilastutkimuksessa suun kautta ja paikallisesti reisiluun ytimeen annostellulla klodronaatilla oli täysin erilainen vaikutus. Suun kautta syötynä klodronaatti hidasti proteesin kiinnittymistä ja aiheutti osteolyysiä. Sen sijaan paikallinen klodronaatti nopeutti merkittävästi proteesin kiinnittymistä ympäröivään luuhun. Näiden tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa, että COX-estäjät, samoin kuin peroraalinen bisfosfonaatti, voivat tahattomasti häiritä luun remodelaatiota.

Expanding Water Service Delivery through Partnership between Water Utility and Small Scale Water Providers in Lusaka, Zambia : A Case of Lusaka’s Peri-Urban Areas

Mwandu Siyeni, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Zambia is a highly urbanized country with 60% of its urban population residing in low cost areas also called peri-urban, slum or informal settlements. The increase in urban population attributed to rapid migration and urbanization due to political and economic changes has taken a toll on service provision as the infrastructure development and service provision has failed to meet the demand. For the 33 peri-urban areas in Lusaka, the water supply and sanitation has been poor, inadequate and unreliable with the coverage being slightly above 50% for water while 90% of the urban population does not have access to the much needed sanitation. The low coverage is a result of lack the financial capacity on the part of the service providers to extend services to un served areas. This research focuses on the strategies to provide sustainable water and sanitation services to peri-urban areas to ensure improved accessibility through the expansion of infrastructure and attainment of full cost recovery. In this era of increasing migration to unplanned settlements where the services are inadequate, alternatives to public provision of water and sanitation services need to be put in place. One of the alternatives is the public-private partnership which encompasses the society, private and the civil society. As has been found in the study the best alternative should not only be completely bottom up but should also be more demand driven and be able to provide for greater contributions from the affected communities. The hypothesis of the study is to ascertain if provision of water supply to the Peri-Urban Areas (PUAs) can be achieved through the partnership between the water utility and the small scale water providers. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to: evaluate and compare the current service provision to the peri-urban areas by the utility and small scale providers in terms of technical, social and institutional arrangements and determine the best way of ensuring sustained service provision to peri urban areas and show how partnership can be the best solution to improving service delivery to these areas. Service provision in PUAs can not be achieved without the involvement of all the stakeholders especially the community who are also the users and whose major role is paying for the service to enhance sustainability. In this study the Small Scale Water Providers (SSWP) users were found to be satisfied with the service provided than the utility users who felt that more needed to be done. The two providers are found to have different strengths which when combined would enhance service provision. The collaboration between utility with its competence in water supply, technical installations, water quality testing and SSWP with theirs in community involvement, cost recovery, effective operation and maintenance and demand driven water schemes have to be merged to achieve the intended goal and it is also an indication that the two can complement each other. Utility should therefore consider opening investment accounts for all the areas so as to detach PUAs needs from the general plan and eventually budget as they would be self sustaining and enhance willingness to pay for the users. The SSWP should therefore be viewed as partners by all and licensing should be considered by the government for the benefit of the urban poor.

Expanding Water Service Delivery through Partnership between Water Utility and Small Scale Water Providers in Lusaka, Zambia : A Case of Lusaka's Peri-Urban Areas

Mwandu Siyeni, Yvonne January 2008 (has links)
Zambia is a highly urbanized country with 60% of its urban population residing in low cost areas also called peri-urban, slum or informal settlements. The increase in urban population attributed to rapid migration and urbanization due to political and economic changes has taken a toll on service provision as the infrastructure development and service provision has failed to meet the demand. For the 33 peri-urban areas in Lusaka, the water supply and sanitation has been poor, inadequate and unreliable with the coverage being slightly above 50% for water while 90% of the urban population does not have access to the much needed sanitation. The low coverage is a result of lack the financial capacity on the part of the service providers to extend services to un served areas. This research focuses on the strategies to provide sustainable water and sanitation services to peri-urban areas to ensure improved accessibility through the expansion of infrastructure and attainment of full cost recovery. In this era of increasing migration to unplanned settlements where the services are inadequate, alternatives to public provision of water and sanitation services need to be put in place. One of the alternatives is the public-private partnership which encompasses the society, private and the civil society. As has been found in the study the best alternative should not only be completely bottom up but should also be more demand driven and be able to provide for reater contributions from the affected communities. The hypothesis of the study is to ascertain if provision of water supply to the Peri-Urban Areas (PUAs) can be achieved through the partnership between the water utility and the small scale water providers. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to: evaluate and compare the current service provision to the peri-urban areas by the utility and small scale providers in terms of technical, social and institutional arrangements and determine the best way of ensuring sustained service provision to peri urban areas and show how partnership can be the best solution to improving service delivery to these areas. Service provision in PUAs can not be achieved without the involvement of all the stakeholders especially the community who are also the users and whose major role is paying for the service to enhance sustainability. In this study the Small Scale Water Providers (SSWP) users were found to be satisfied with the service provided than the utility users who felt that more needed to be done. The two providers are found to have different strengths which when combined would enhance service provision. The collaboration between utility with its competence in water supply, technical installations, water quality testing and SSWP with theirs in community involvement, cost recovery, effective operation and maintenance and demand driven water schemes have to be merged to achieve the intended goal and it is also an indication that the two can complement each other. Utility should therefore consider opening investment accounts for all the areas so as to detach PUAs needs from the general plan and eventually budget as they would be self sustaining and enhance  illingness to pay for the users. The SSWP should therefore be viewed as partners by all and licensing should be considered by the government for the benefit of the urban poor.

Le Péri Parrhêsias de Philodème de Gadara et la parrhêsia dans les Actes des Apôtres / The Peri Parrhêsias of Philodemus of Gadara and the parrhêsia in the Acts of the Apostles

Wiener, Hélène 13 December 2017 (has links)
Le traité Péri Parrhêsias (PHerc. 1471) de Philodème de Gadara représente une source majeure pour la compréhension de la parrhêsia épicurienne. Malgré l’état fort dégradé du papyrus, cependant contrebalancé par les ébauches d’éditions transmises par Henry, l’éditeur actuel, et par les résultats de la recherche bibliologique effectuée par White, une interprétation thématique du manuel Péri Parrhêsias, Sur la franchise, a été rendue possible, de telle sorte qu’elle peut désormais servir de fondement pour examiner la place de la parrhêsia dans les Actes des apôtres. En comparant la manière dont Luc utilise la parrhêsia avec celle de Philodème, il apparaît que la première s’appuie sur la seconde, tous les thèmes philodémiens étant présents dans quasiment toutes les péricopes lucaniennes. Néanmoins, Luc adapte la parrhêsia à son propre projet narratif, tout en lui donnant un rôle stratégique pour décrire l’expansion de l’évangile jusqu’aux extrémités de la terre. / The Peri Parrhêsias treatise (PHerc. 1471) of Philodemus of Gadara represents a major source for the comprehension of Epicurean parrhêsia. In spite of the extremely deteriorated condition of the papyrus, nevertheless compensated by the draft editions transmitted by the current editor, Henry, and by the results of the bibliological research effectuated by White, a thematic interpretation of the manuel Peri Parrhêsias, On frankness, has been made possible, in such a way as to provide henceforth a basis to examine the role of parrhêsia in the Acts of the Apostles. When comparing the manner in which Luke employs parrhêsia with that of Philodemus, it is apparent that the first relies on the latter, all of the Philodemus themes being present in practically all of the Lucan pericopae. However, Luke adapts the parrhêsia to his own narrative project, all while giving it a strategic role in describing the expansion of the Gospel unto the end.

La valorisation des déchets organiques dans l'agriculture "péri-urbaine" à Dakar (Sénégal) : analyse d'une multifonctionnalité stratégique / The valorization of organic waste in "peri-urban" agriculture in Dakar (Senegal) : analysis of a strategic multifunctionality

Tounkara, Sidy 24 November 2015 (has links)
L’objet de cette thèse est d’analyser la double question de l’intégration ou de l’effacement progressif de l’agriculture dans la ville de Dakar et la valorisation agricole des déchets organiques urbains. Le premier aspect pose d’emblée la question de la gouvernance territoriale de l’action publique locale. Le second aspect renvoie à la multifonctionnalité de l’agriculture dans un contexte d’écologisation des activités humaines pour protéger l’environnement. Comment les maraîchers de Dakar s’adaptent-ils à cette double préoccupation ? La multifonctionnalité agricole peut-elle contribuer au maintien et au renforcement de l’activité maraîchère ? Ces questions ont été abordées en adoptant une approche interdisciplinaire croisant en particulier la sociologie et la géographie. Nous faisons l’hypothèse que cette nouvelle fonction environnementale de l’agriculture « péri-urbaine » constitue une opportunité pour les maraîchers de Dakar pour développer des stratégies d’adaptation au contexte local et au projet d’écologisation du secteur agricole. Une approche géographique de l’espace des Niayes (de Dakar) a fait apparaître que les pratiques agricoles sont largement déterminées par les caractéristiques de ce milieu soumis à une anthropisation renforcée par l’urbanisation. Nous montrons aussi que la mise en agenda des problèmes agricoles en ville à Dakar ressemble plus à de l’affichage politique qu’à une réelle inscription dans le projet urbain. Enfin, il existe des facteurs bloquants à surmonter pour « intensifier écologiquement » les systèmes de production agricole. Certains de ces facteurs trouvent leur origine dans l’inscription des pratiques agricoles dans le système socio-culturel local et dans le rapport des maraîchers avec le « monde » scientifique et les questions d’environnement. / The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the double issue of integration or the gradual disappearance of agriculture in the city of Dakar and the agricultural use of urban organic waste. The first aspect raises immediately the question of territorial governance of local public action. The second aspect refers to the multifunctionality of agriculture in the context of greening of human activities to protect the environment. How do gardeners adapt to this double concern: to maintain agriculture in city and promote urban organic waste? How can agricultural multifunctionality contribute to maintain and strengthen gardening activity? These issues were tackled by adopting an interdisciplinary approach crossing especially sociology and geography. We suppose that this new environmental function of “peri-urban” agriculture is an opportunity for gardeners in Dakar to develop strategies for adaptation to the local context and to the project of greening of agriculture. A geographical approach of Niayes’ space (Dakar) showed that agricultural practices are largely determined by the characteristics of this environment under human transformation reinforced by urbanization. We show also that the agenda of agricultural development problems in the city Dakar is likely to display political than an actual entry in the urban project. Finally, it remains blocking factors to overcome for “environmentally intensify” the systems of production of agriculture. Some of these factors are based on the registration of agricultural practices in the local socio-cultural system and the relations that gardeners have with the scientific “world” and environmental issues.

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