Spelling suggestions: "subject:"persian"" "subject:"persiana""
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Conquest and resistance in context : a historiographical reading of Sanskrit and Persian battle narrativesBednar, Michael Boris, 1969- 18 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text
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From the scamander to syracuse: studies in ancient logisticsBarker, Peter Frederick 31 October 2005 (has links)
This dissertation discusses logistical aspects of the Persians invasion of Greece; the Athenian need for timber for building warships; supply problems in their assault on Syracuse; and the march of Alexander's army from Macedonia into Asia. The amount of cereals needed by the Persian and Greek armies and navies is calculated from modern nutritional data and an estimate of the numbers of combatants. The location and size of the Persian food dumps; the excavation of the Athos canal; and the ships and materials needed to build the bridges of boats are considered.
The Athenian need for ship-timber led to the costly occupation of Amphipolis. An assured supply of cereals was one motive for the disastrous Sicilian Expedition. The Athenian fleet was an inefficient long-range support for an army which had to protect its non-combatant sailors. This was realised by Alexander the Great, who crossed the Hellespont without naval support. / Classics and Modern European Languages / M.A. (Classics)
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Western Boundary Dynamics in the Arabian Sea / Dynamique de bord ouest en mer d'ArabieVic, Clément 12 November 2015 (has links)
Le but de cette thèse est d'analyser plusieurs phénomènes de bord ouest de la Mer d'Arabie : (i) le cycle de vie d'un tourbillon de mésoéchelle persistant, le Great Whirl; (ii) la dynamique d'un écoulement d'eau dense (outflow) formée dans une mer adjacente, l'outflow du Golfe Persique; et (iii) une remontée d'eau profonde (upwelling) saisonnière dans la zone côtière d'Oman. Le point commun entre ces phénomènes est leur localisation sur un bord ouest océanique. Ils sont donc influencés par des forçages locaux (notamment les vents de mousson) et les forçages à distance (ondes de Rossby et tourbillons dérivant vers l'ouest). En particulier, ces derniers vont jouer un rôle particulier car la Mer d'Arabie est située à basses latitudes, ce qui implique une propagation rapide des ondes longues et tourbillons. De plus, des ondes sont continuellement excitées par le régime saisonnier des moussons. Nous avons mis au point des expériences numériques de différentes complexités en utilisant un modèle aux équations primitives. Ces expériences permettent soit de simuler de manière réaliste la dynamique complexe de la Mer d'Arabie, soit d'isoler un processus en particulier. Les résultats principaux peuvent se résumer comme suit : (i) le cycle de vie du Great Whirl est significativement impacté par les ondes de Rossby annuelles. Le rotationnel de la tension de vent joue un rôle important dans le maintien, le renforcement et la barotropisation du tourbillon. (ii) La dispersion de l'Eau du Golfe Persique (Persian Gulf Water, PGW) est déterminée par le mélange induit par les tourbillons de mésoéchelle. Précisément, ces tourbillons entrent dans le Golfe d'Oman (où se déverse la PGW), et interagissent avec la topographie. Ces interactions frictionnelles produisent des bandes de vorticité très intenses dans la couche limite de fond. Celles-ci sont arrachées et forment des tourbillons de sous-mésoéchelle. Ces tourbillons capturent de la PGW initialement située sur la pente continentale et la redistribuent dans le golfe d'Oman. Ce mécanisme donne finalement lieu à du mélange, permettant d'expliquer le gradient de salinité climatologique observé en profondeur. (iii) La dynamique de l'upwelling saisonnier au large d'Oman contraste fortement avec la dynamique des upwelling de bord est (Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems, EBUS). En effet, les ondes de Rossby se propagent vers le large dans les EBUS et vers la côte dans l'upwelling de bord ouest d'Oman. Ces ondes modulent la réponse en température de l'upwelling forcé par le vent.Dans l'ensemble, ces résultats sont relativement spécifiques à la Mer d'Arabie. La faible extension zonale et la basse latitude de la Mer d'Arabie, ainsi que le régime de mousson des vents saisonniers en font une région particulière. La propagation rapide des ondes et tourbillons et leurs interactions avec le bord ouest façonnent les régimes de turbulence de la Mer d'Arabie. / This PhD aims to investigate some western boundary processes in the Arabian Sea : (i) the life cycle of the socalled Great Whirl, a persistent mesoscale eddy; (ii) the dynamics of the Persian Gulf outflow, a marginal sea dense outflow; and (iii) the seasonal Oman upwelling, a coastal upwelling forced by summermonsoonal winds. The cornerstone of all these phenomena is their locationat a western boundary, which makes then being influenced by both localforcing (e.g., monsoonal winds) and remote forcing (Rossby waves and wesward drifting eddies). Specifically, the later are expected to impact the western boundary dynamics since the low latitude of the Arabian Sea implies a fast westward propagation of long Rossby waves and eddies. Moreover, waves are continously excited by the reversing monsoonal winds. Based on a primitive equation model, we designed numerical experiments of different complexity that allowed to either realistically simulate the dynamics in the Arabian Sea or to isolate some processes.Major findings can be summarized as follows : (i) The Great Whirl life cycle is found to be significantly paced by annual Rossby waves, although the strong monsoonal wind stress curl is of major importance to sustain the structure. (ii) The Persian Gulf Water (PGW) spreading in the Gulf of Oman and the northern Arabian Sea can be explained by the stirring done by eddies entering the Gulf. These remotely formed surface intensifed mesoscale eddies propagate into the Gulf and interact with the topography. Frictional interactions produce intense vorticity strips at the boundary that detach and roll up in the interior, forming submesoscale coherent vortices (SCV). These SCV trap PGW initially located on the slope and redistribute it in the interior. This mechanism of transport ultimately produces mixing that explains the large-scale gradient of salinity in the gulf. (iii) We find that the dynamics of the seasonal upwelling of Oman contrasts with the more deeply studied Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS). In particular, Rossby waves, propagating offshore in EBUS vs. onshore in this western boudary upwelling, are found to modulate the wind driven upwelling and its sea surface temperature response.Overall, these results appear to be rather specific to the Arabian Sea. The short zonal extent and the low-latitude of the Arabian Sea, as well as the seasonally reversing wind forcing are the distinguishing features of this region. Fast waves and drifting eddies and their interactions with the western boundary significantly shape the turbulent regimes of the western Arabian Sea.
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Tangsîr de Sâdeq Chûbak: traduction et analyse :un nouveau regard sur la littérature persane contemporaineKhoury, Mariana January 1996 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Représentations et exercice du pouvoir : les fables du "Calila et Dimna" castillan du XIIIe siècle, un miroir animalier du monde de cour / Representations and exercise of power : The fables of the 13th century Castilian version of "Calila et Dimna", an animal mirror of the courtiers worldDalbion, Mathilde 02 December 2016 (has links)
Dans un certain nombre d’œuvres didactiques et sapientiales du Moyen Âge, l’animal est utilisé comme représentation du prince et de son entourage. L’animal est tantôt filtre, tantôt masque, un regard porté sur les cours princières par des auteurs plus ou moins impliqués dans celles-ci, et qui trouvent en l’animal l’outil le plus expressif pour exposer certaines valeurs ou dénoncer certains comportements. Notre étude se fonde sur un ensemble de sources, essentiellement le Calila et Dimna composé en Castille au milieu du XIIIe siècle pour l’infant Alphonse (futur Alphonse X) ; l’analyse inclut une étude de l’itinéraire textuel du Calila et Dimna : quelles différences présentent les versions indienne (Panchatantra), persane, arabe (Kalila wa Dimna), hébraïque, castillane, et les versions latines (Jean de Capoue et Raymond de Béziers). L’étude est étayée par une comparaison avec des textes indiens, persans et arabes qui offrent un rapport thématique avec ce traité dans la représentation du monde animalier. Textes latins et français (Roman de Renart, Roman de Fauvel accessoirement) complètent le corpus. Nous nous interrogeons aussi sur l’influence de la fable antique gréco-latine sur le traité (Ésope, Avianus), dans le choix des animaux et de leurs caractéristiques, notamment ; et sur les modalités de la transmission à l’Occident d’autres textes ayant suivi des itinéraires parallèles (Sendebar, Secret des Secrets, Roman des Sept sages de Rome). Nous nous demanderons si le Calila et Dimna n’était pas – comme le Renart ou le Fauvel – la caricature d’un certain milieu curial que les lecteurs contemporains n’avaient aucun mal à reconnaître ; et ce qu’il s’agisse de la version arabe ou de la version castillane du traité, étant entendu que chaque traducteur successif a contextualisé cette vision de la cour. Nous chercherons à comprendre la fonction et les mécanismes de ces masques animaliers : au-delà d’un bestiaire complexe, que nous nous attacherons à analyser de façon détaillée, en quoi et comment l’animal sert-il de filtre aux critiques politiques, comment constitue-t-il le miroir d’une vie de cour, et quelles images nous renvoie-t-il des courtisans ? Quels animaux sont-ils choisis (selon les versions) pour incarner tel ou tel homme de cour ? Quels préceptes moraux, traits de caractères, ou valences symboliques chaque animal « humanisé » véhicule-t-il ? Pourquoi utiliser des animaux ? Sont-ils là pour distraire les princes ou permettent-ils aux auteurs d’en dire plus qu’ils ne pourraient se l’autoriser, avec des héros humains ? L’animal est-il donc masque ou miroir ? / In a number of didactic and sapiential works of the Middle Ages, the animal is used as a representation of the prince and his entourage. The animal is sometimes a filter, sometimes a mask, looking at the princely courts by more or less involved authors. They find in the animal the most expressive tool to expose some values or to denounce some behaviours. Our study is based on a variety of sources, mainly the Calila et Dimna composed in Castile in the middle of the 13th century for the Infante Alfonso (future Alfonso X); the analysis includes a study of the Calila et Dimna textual path: what are the differences between Indian (Panchatantra), Persian, Arabic (Kalila wa Dimna), Hebrew, Castilian and Latin (Jean de Capoue and Raymond de Béziers) versions ? The study is supported by a comparison between some Indian, Persian and Arabic texts offering a thematic relevance in the animal world with this treatise. Latin and French (Roman de Renart, Roman de Fauvel secondarily) texts complete the corpus. We are also wondering about the Greco-Latin antique fable influence on the treatise (Esope, Avianus), concerning the choice of the animals and their characteristics. The modes of transmission to the Occident of other texts that followed parallel ways (Sandbar, Secret des Secrets, Roman des Sept Sages de Rome) are reviewed. We will be wondering whether the Calila et Dimna was not, as le Roman de Renart or le Roman de Fauvel, the caricature of a certain curial milieu that contemporary readers had no difficulty to recognise; Both the Arabic and the Castilian version of the treatise are concerned, on the understanding that each successive translator contextualised this vision of court. We will seek to understand the function and the mechanisms of these animal masks: beyond the complex bestiary, which will be thoroughly analysed, how and to what extent the animal is used as a filter for political criticism, how it constitutes the mirror of a court life, and what are the reflected images of the courtiers ? What animals are chosen (depending on the version) to embody one courtier or another ? Which moral precepts, character traits or symbolic values, each « humanised » animal is transmitting ? Why use animals ? Are they there to amuse princes or to allow the authors to tell more than they could with human heroes ? Is the animal a mask or a mirror ?
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L'évolution du ministère public en droit iranienMoinian, Mohammad 29 June 2011 (has links)
La Révolution Islamique de 1979 met fin à la monarchie constitutionnelle puis au ministère public en tentant de remédier aux difficultés récurrentes rencontrées par le système judiciaire depuis le début du siècle. Les institutions, furent complètement remaniées, dans l’intérêt du nouveau régime et afin de mettre en place, en rénovant le lien historique entre religions et institutions, une version politisée de l’Islam. Les révolutionnaires, insuffisamment préparés, manquant d’expérience et de connaissances, constatèrent l’échec des nouvelles politiques en matière judiciaire. Le ministère public était indispensable à l’exécution des missions régaliennes de maintien de la sécurité intérieure et de l’ordre public ainsi qu’au fonctionnement de la justice. Cette institution, présente sous des formes archaïques depuis l’antiquité et modernisée lors de la Révolution Constitutionnelle du début du XXème siècle, fut rétablie en 2002. / The Islamic Revolution of 1979 broke up the constitutional monarchy then disbanded the public prosecution institution to make an attempt to solve the chronic issues encountered by the judicial system since the beginning of the century. The institutional system was entirely overhauled, in the interest of the new system and in the purpose to establish a new model integrating the historical link between religion and institutions with a political kind of Islam. The revolutionaries, barely prepared, lacking of experience and knowledge, noticed the failure of the new judicial politics. The public prosecution was essential to the fulfillment of the regalian functions, including the maintenance of public order and domestic security, along with the functioning of justice. This institution, existing under varied shapes since antiquity and modernized in the beginning of the century with the constitutional Revolution, has been restored in 2002.
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Post-konfliktní rekonstrukce v Afghánistánu z perspektivy teorie regionálních bezpečnostních komplexů / Post-conflict reconstruction in Afghanistan from the perspective of Regional Security Complex TheoryZahálková, Iva January 2014 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to analyze the nature of obstacles to the regional approach to Afghanistan through the lens of the Regional Security Complex Theory. I will focus on studying security dynamics within and among three security complexes surrounding Afghanistan, to see how these dynamics affect their interaction with the latter. Prospects of any regional cooperation on Afghanistan are hampered by security dynamics within these complexes whereby primary traditional political-military threats are perceived by the complex states as more threatening than the mostly transnational threats stemming from unstable Afghanitan. Particularly the Indo-Pakistani rivalry and to a lesser extent the Saudi-Iranian rivalry represent major obstacles as it is reflected also in their engagement in Afghanistan. On the other hand, weak Central Asia states are linked to Afghanistan security dynamics by mostly transnational threats and ethnic affinities but are generally too weak to extend their security dynamics beyond their respective complex. The thesis also seeks to analyze the possibility of Afghanistan's external transformation in terms of its inclusion into the South Asia complex and based on now stronger security interdependence among the Afghanistan-Pakistan-India triangle. This assumption could...
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(Re)presenting Oman: A Discourse-Historical Analysis of Sultan Qaboos bin Said's (non-)alignments (1970-2020)Daga, Giulia 25 July 2023 (has links)
The Sultanate of Oman is often described by the international media as a peaceful exception in the turbulent Middle East. Most authors studying Oman’s history and politics agree that discretion, consultation, peaceful neighborhood relations and independence from the greater powers operating in the region have been the constant elements of the country’s contemporary foreign policy. Moreover, it is widely argued that Oman’s foreign policy approach derives from the country’s national identity, including its Ibadi tradition and the cosmopolitan character of the Omani maritime history. Despite the extensive use of terms like a “non-aligned” or “neutral” foreign policy deriving from a “tolerant” or “peaceful” identity, both by academics and journalists to describe the country’s behavior, a careful reflection on the appropriate application of these concepts to the Omani case is still missing. The aim of my research is to deconstruct essentialist understandings of Oman's identity and foreign policy, by looking at how discursive alignments and identity contents varied to support the government's quests for legitimacy, recognition, and status. By adopting a Discourse Historical Approach (DHA), the work compares the National Day speeches and the UN GA speeches under the entire reign of Sultan Qaboos bin Said Al Bu Saidi (1970 – 2020), to look at how discourse changed based on the time, issue, and audience of reference. More broadly, this research seeks to provide an underexplored perspective on Oman’s foreign policy, at the same time contributing both to the theoretical debate on small states’ alignments and to the discussion on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states’ foreign policies and identities.
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Pitching non-English language research: a dual-language application of the Pitching Research FrameworkFaff, R., Shao, X., Alqahtani, F., Atif, M., Bialek-Jaworska, A., Chen, A., Duppati, G., Escobar, M., Finta, M., Jeny, A., Li, Y., Machado, M., Nishi, T., Nguyen, B., Noh, J-E., Reichenecker, J-A., Sakawa, H., Vaportzis, Ria, Widyawati, L., Wijayana, S., Wijesooriya, C., Ye, G., Zhou, C. January 2018 (has links)
Yes / The global language of scholarly research is English and so the obstacle of getting noticed is montainous when the article is not written in the English language. Indeed, despite rapid advances in technology, the “tyranny of language” creates a segmentation inhibiting scholarly research and innovation generally. Mass translation of non-English language articles is neither feasible nor desirable. Our paper proposes a strategy for remedying this segmentation – such that, the work of non-English language scholars become more discoverable. The core piece of this strategy is a “reverse-engineering” [RE] application of Faff’s (2015, 2017a) “pitching research” template. More specifically, we provide access to translated versions of the “cued” template across thirty-three different languages, and most notably for this journal, including the Romanian and French languages. Further, we showcase an illustrative dual language French-English example.
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Disenchanting political theology in post-revolutionary Iran : reform, religious intellectualism and the death of utopiaSadeghi-Boroujerdi, Eskandar January 2014 (has links)
This thesis delineates the transformation of Iran’s so-called post-revolutionary ‘religious intellectuals’ (rowshanfekran-e dini) from ideological legitimators within the political class of the newly-established theocratic-populist regime to internal critics whose revised vision for the politico-religious order coalesced and converged with the growing disillusionment and frustration of the ‘Islamic left’, a constellation of political forces within the governing elite of the Islamic Republic, that following the death of Ayatollah Khomeini increasingly felt itself marginalised and on the outskirts of power. The historical evolution of this complex, quasi-institutionalised and routinized network, encompassing theologians, jurists, political strategists and journalists, which rose to prominence in the course of the 1990s, and its critical engagement with the ruling political theology of the ‘guardianship of the jurist’, the supremacy of Islamic jurisprudence, political Islamism and all forms of ‘revolutionary’ and ‘utopian’ political and social transformation, are scrutinised in detail. In this vein, the thesis examines the various issues provoked by the rowshanfekran-e dini’s strategic deployment and translation of the concepts and ideas of a number of Western thinkers, several of which played a pivotal role in the assault on the ideological foundations of Soviet-style communism in the 1950s and 1960s. It then moves to show how this network of intellectuals and politicos following the election of Mohammad Khatami to the presidency in May 1997 sought to disseminate their ideas at the popular level by means of the press and numerous party and political periodicals, and thereby achieve ideological and political hegemony. The thesis proceeds to demonstrate the intimate connection between the project of ‘religious intellectualism’ and elite-defined notions of ‘democracy’, ‘electoral participation’, ‘reform’ and ‘political development’ as part of an effort to accumulate symbolic capital and assert their intellectual and moral leadership of the polity.
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