Spelling suggestions: "subject:"personalization."" "subject:"ersonalization.""
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[pt] Por uma ética mais humana - uma reflexão sobre os referenciais éticos da pós-modernidade e a proposta ética da mensagem cristã aborda a sociedade pós-moderna neste tempo de constantes evoluções técnico-científicas, a hipermodernidade. As manifestações humano-sociais assumem uma configuração própria, conseqüência de um intenso processo de personalização. As frequentes inovações nem sempre produzem os frutos esperados. Muitas de suas conquistas são responsáveis por uma flagrante carência de valores e princípios éticos, por um indiferente subjetivismo e por um generalizado sintoma de vazio existencial. Cada vez mais vigoroso, o individualismo irresponsável torna-se uma real ameaça à sobrevivência humana. Essa
situação interpela e desafia a todos, revelando a urgência de novos referenciais comportamentais que dinamizem novos relacionamentos e novas atitudes humanas, mais solidárias e mais responsáveis. Segundo Hans Kung, pelo poder de influência que ainda possuem, as grandes religiões são capazes de fomentar e dinamizar novos princípios e valores éticos. Para isso, é necessário buscar um consenso mínimo, sustentado no diálogo e no respeito mútuo. Levando em consideração a análise feita por Gilles Lipovetsky e a proposta ética ecumênica de Hans Kung, esta dissertação se propõe apresentar a mensagem cristã como uma autêntica proposta ética, capaz de dar uma significativa contribuição à humanidade nestes tempos de vulnerabilidade. Acreditamos que a Boa Nova do Evangelho se reveste de uma significativa preocupação com a dignidade humana e com a vida em todas as suas manifestações,
oferecendo as bases fundamentais para edificar um mundo mais justo e mais humano. / [en] For a ethics more human - A reflection upon postmodernity ethical references and the ethical proposition of the Christian message presentes the postmodern society at times of constant technical-scientific evolution, the hypermodernity. Being subjected by constant technical-scientific evolution, postmodern society has achieved its summit. According to Gilles Lipovetsky, we have reached hypermodernity, in which the human-social manifestations take on a particular configuration, consequence of an intense process of personalization. This society characterizes itself by frequent innovations which don t always yield the pretended purpose. Many of its achievements are responsible for flagrant shortage of ethical values and principles, indifferent subjectivism and a generalized symptom of existential emptiness. While getting more vigorous, the irresponsible individualism becomes a real threat to human survival. This situation questions e dares everyone, revealing the urgency of new behavioral references that could stimulate new relationships and human attitudes, more solidary and responsible. As stated by Hans Kung, through the power of influence that they still possess, major religions are able to promote and stimulate novel ethical values and principles. Therefore, it is necessary to search for a minimum consensus, based on dialog and mutual respect. Reflecting upon the analysis accomplished by Gilles Lipovetsky and the ecumenical ethical proposition of Hans Kung, the present dissertation means to present the Christian message as an authentic ethical proposition, capable of bestowing a significant contribution to humanity in such vulnerable times. It is believed that Gospel s Good News overlays itself with significant worry towards human dignity and life in all its manifestations, offering the fundamental basis to build a more fair and human world.
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[pt] Na sociedade chamada pós-moderna, a questão do
individualismo vem se
tornando uma realidade problemática, porque, como
conseqüência de um longo
processo iniciado na Modernidade, está se desenvolvendo,
conforme Gilles
Lipovetsky, um processo de personalização: sendo o
individualismo o fator
preponderante, o ser humano assume a imagem mitológica de
Narciso tornando-se,
assim, mais fechado em si mesmo. E o resultado disso é uma
sociedade notadamente
individualista, antifraterna e anti-solidária, em que os
indivíduos se encaminham para
o esvaziamento do sentido da vida. Mas o ser humano, homem
e mulher, imagem e
semelhança de Deus, é chamado a construir um projeto de
fraternidade, contrapondose
ao narcisismo, pernicioso à convivência humana. Nesta
dissertação, em vista da
possibilidade de superação do citado narcisismo, procuramos
desvelar o pecado
subjacente a ele e propomos o caminho salvífico da abertura
à graça de Deus como
fundamento teológico do projeto de fraternidade, na fé. Em
nossa reflexão,
fundamentamo-nos no pensamento de González Faus e, para a
realização deste
projeto, valemo-nos de mediações, algumas das quais
indicamos no presente trabalho. / [en] In the so-called postmodern society, the individualism
issue has become a
problematic reality, because, in the wake of a long process
that started in the
Modernity, - according to Gilles Lipovetsky - a
personalization process arose,
wherein individualism is a preponderant factor, and wherein
the human being adopts
the mythical image of Narcissus, increasingly becoming
closed in itself. From this
results a society marked by individualism, anti-fraternity
and anti-solidarism, wherein
the individuals go to an emptying of sense of life. But the
human being, man and
woman, image and likeness of God, has been called to work
out a project of
fraternity, counterpointing with community destroying
narcissism. In this
dissertation, having in view the possibility to overcome
the mentioned narcissism, we
try to unveil the underlying sin, and we propose the
redemptive way of openness to
the grace of God, as the theological basis of the
fraternity project, in faith. In our
reflection we base ourselves on the thoughts of González
Faus and, for the execution
of this project, we also make use of some mediations which
are indicated in this
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Från skroll till klick: Nycklarna till effektiva Instagram-annonser för unga vuxna med tekniskt intresse / From scroll to click: The keys to effective Instagram ads for young adults with a tech interestFlodin Jakobsson, Sarah, Lindblom, Clara January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker effekten av designelement samt strategier och dess påverkan av klickfrekvensen (CTR) på Instagram bland unga vuxna med ett intresse för teknik. Genom att använda både kvantitativa enkäter och kvalitativa fokusgrupper, baserade på tidigare forskning och teori inom digital marknadsföring, klickfrekvens, personanpassning, designelement samt strategier, syftar studien till att identifiera vilka designelement och strategier som kan öka användarens engagemang och därmed klickfrekvensen. Resultaten från studien bekräftar att annonser som är noggrant anpassade med fokus på visuella och interaktiva element som färgsättning, layout, text och dynamiskt innehåll, i betydande grad förbättrar användarinteraktionen. Även om studien bekräftar att välutformade, personanpassade annonser är kritiska för framgångsrik digital marknadsföring riktad mot unga vuxna med tekniskt intresse, lyfter den även fram hur avgörande noggrann analys av användardata och beteendemönster är för att optimera annonsernas effektivitet. Slutsatsen drar att personanpassade och visuellt tilltalande Instagram-annonser spelar en avgörande roll i att locka och engagera denna målgrupp trots deras begränsning. / This study looks at how elements of design and strategies affect the click-through rate (CTR) on Instagram for young adults interested in technology. Using both quantitative surveys and qualitative focus groups, based on previous research in digital marketing, click-through rates, personalization, strategies and design elements, the aim is to find out which strategies and design elements increase user engagement and click-through rates. The results show that ads tailored with visual and interactive features like color schemes, layout, text, and dynamic content greatly improve user interaction. The study confirms that well-designed, personalized ads are essential for effective digital marketing targeted at young adults with a tech interest. It also emphasizes the importance of analyzing user data and behavior patterns to make ads more effective. The conclusion is that personalized and visually appealing Instagram ads are key to attracting and engaging this audience, despite some limitations.
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An educational psychological perspective on the use of filial therapy in mother-child relationshipsArnott, Amanda Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The different reactions of parents to the discovery that their children had ADD/ADHD has an effect on the primary relationship established between mother and child. This is essential in the later involvement, experience and meaning attribution of the child with respect to all subsequent relationship formation on the child's journey towards his ultimate target, namely self-actualisation. It was felt that psychological intervention could help parents to bond, communicate with and relate to their children without experiencing negative feelings which would enhance parental acceptance. In this study, ten mothers were used to participate in an adapted group Filial Therapy
programme. This unique therapy involves parents as the primary agents to resolve child-related problems and to encourage children's healthy psycho-social development. Results were positive. The mothers felt that they had formed better relationship with their children. They were empowered with knowledge and coping mechanisms, such as reflective listening, setting limits and providing choices. For the first time they were enjoying their ADD/ADHD children. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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Germline determinants of 5-fluorouracil drug toxicity and patient survival in colorectal cancerRosmarin, Daniel Norris January 2013 (has links)
Despite a decade of publications investigating the effect of germline polymorphisms on both toxicity related to treatment with 5-fluorouracil-based (5-FU) chemotherapy and prognosis following diagnosis with colorectal cancer (CRC), few genetic biomarkers have been identified convincingly. For 5-FU toxicity and CRC prognosis, in four results chapters, this thesis aims to validate previously-reported genetic biomarkers, identify new markers, determine the mechanistic basis of associated polymorphisms, and expand upon methods in the field. The first three results chapters investigate genetic biomarkers for the prediction of toxicity caused by 5-FU-based treatment, particularly for the 5-FU prodrug capecitabine (Xeloda®, Roche). In the first, a systematic review and meta-analysis is performed for all variants that have been previously studied for an association with toxicity caused by any 5-FU-based drug regimen. 16 studies are analysed, including 36 previously-studied variants. Four variants show strong evidence of affecting a patient’s risk of global (any) 5-FU-related toxicity upon analysis of both the existing data and over 900 patients from the QUASAR2 trial of capecitabine +/- bevacizumab (Avastin®, Roche/Genentech): DPYD 2846, DPYD *2A, TYMS 5’VNTR and TYMS 3’UTR. Next, 1,456 polymorphisms in 25 genes involved in the activation, action or degradation of 5-FU are investigated in 1,046 patients from QUASAR2. At a Bonferroni-corrected p-value threshold of 3.43e-05, three novel associations with capecitabine-related toxicity are identified in DPYD (rs12132152, rs7548189, A551T) and the previously-identified TYMS 5’VNTR and 3’UTR toxicity polymorphisms are refined to a tagging SNP (rs2612091) downstream of TYMS and intronic to the adjacent ENOSF1, the latter of which appears to be functional. Finally, a genome-wide investigation of 4.77 million directly genotyped or imputed SNPs identifies one variant (rs2093152 on chr20) as significantly associated with capecitabine-related diarrhoea (p<5e-08), though no associations meet this threshold for global toxicity. In the study of CRC prognosis, a severe left truncation to the VICTOR trial is defined and shown to probably reduce statistical power but not bias effect estimates. Applying standard and novel genome-wide analysis approaches, a set of 43 SNPs are prioritised for future work. With over one million new CRC cases annually, this work helps define biomarkers that could become broadly applicable in the clinical setting.
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Représentations sociales et opérations discursives en politique : enjeux de spectacularisationLalancette, Mireille 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations sociales. Fruit d’un bricolage conceptuel, ces représentations s’inspirent en partie des travaux de Serge Moscovici et de certains auteurs plus contemporains qui s’inscrivent dans son prolongement, dits de l’école française des représentations sociales, ainsi que d’auteurs anglo-saxons qui travaillent à partir de ce concept. Les écrits d’autres chercheurs, dont Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer et Jean-Michel Berthelot, qui adoptent dans des perspectives plus particulièrement liées aux Cultural Studies et à la sociologie ont également aidé à préciser notre façon d’envisager les représentations sociales et d’appréhender leur fonctionnement. Plus précisément, à la suite de Jodelet (1989), nous envisageons les représentations comme des « formes de connaissances socialement élaborées et partagées, ayant une visée pratique et concourant à la construction d’une réalité commune à un ensemble social » (p. 36). Ces représentations possèdent également d’autres particularités. Elles sont, d’après nous, constitutives ainsi que formées par des procédés langagiers qui rendent possibles des opérations. Ce concept nous permet d’étudier les représentations du point de vue de leur effectivité, soit de leur capacité à influencer les significations, à apporter un changement dans la manière d’interpréter une situation et, ce faisant, d’affecter les pratiques et d’induire une différence dans le monde.
Ce questionnement au sujet des représentations se déploie sur un terrain qui nous semblait particulièrement riche pour en étudier le fonctionnement, soit celui de la politique qui, par ailleurs, se déroule actuellement dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Présenté comme un brouillage des genres entre divertissement et politique, ce phénomène est également lié à l’avènement de la celebrity politics, à la personnalisation et à l’évaluation, à l’importance prise par le style en politique ainsi qu’à la dramatisation, la fragmentation et la normalisation.
Plus précisément, nous étudions les représentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation à partir de trois corpus documentant des événements aussi distincts que les fusions municipales en 2001, la montée en popularité de Mario Dumont et de l’ADQ en 2002 et 2003 ainsi que la série Bunker, le cirque, diffusée à la télévision de Radio-Canada à l’automne 2002. Ces corpus regroupent des textes de sources et de format variés, des textes de loi aux éditoriaux en passant par des dramatiques télévisuelles et des forums électroniques. Nous y avons effectué une analyse itérative et transversale des discours afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des représentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Nos analyses ont démontré la variété des procédés et des opérations, telles que l’incontestabilisation, la projection, la localisation, l’amplification, la réduction et l’évaluation, qui permettent de modifier le sens et les enjeux des événements discutés. Les analyses ont également permis d’illustrer que les procédés et les opérations qu’ils rendent possibles balisent les frontières de l’objet et offrent un système classificateur. / This doctoral dissertation deals with social representations. Resulting from a conceptual bricolage, these representations are inspired, among others, by the work of Serge Moscovici and a number of more contemporary followers, also known as the French school of social representations, as well as some English authors exploring the same concept. The writings of other researchers, such as Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer and Jean-Michel Berthelot, which are rooted in a perspective related to Cultural Studies and to sociology, have also helped us define our own approach to social representations, and understand how they operate. More specifically, we consider representations, based on Jodelet (1989), as “socially constructed and shared forms of knowledge, having a practical goal and contributing to the production of a common reality for a social group” (p. 36). These representations also possess other characteristics. They are, according to us, constitutive, as well as shaped by language processes, which make possible a number of operations. This concept allows us to study representations from the perspective of their effectivity, meaning their capacity of influencing significations, of changing the way in which a situation is interpreted and, ultimately, of modifying practices and making a difference in the world.
These questions with regards to representations unfold in a research field, politics in a context of spectacularization, which appeared to us especially rich for studying how they work. Presented as a confusion of genre between entertainment and politics, this phenomenon is also related to the advent of celebrity politics, to personalization and to assessment, to the growing place taken by style in politics, as well as to dramatization, fragmentation and normalization.
More specifically, we have studied those representations in a context of spectacularization based on three corpuses documenting events as different from each other as city amalgamations in Quebec in 2001, the rise of Mario Dumont and the ADQ in 2002 and 2003, and the show Bunker, le cirque broadcasted on Radio-Canada television in the fall of 2002. These corpuses include texts of different formats coming from various sources, such as Acts, editorials, TV dramas and websites. We have conducted an iterative, inductive and cross-corpuses discourse analysis in order to better understand how representations work in a context of spectacularization. This analysis has demonstrated the variety of processes and operations, such as incontestabilization, projection, localization, amplification, reduction and assessment, which modify the meaning and stakes of the events selected. The analysis allowed us to illustrate that processes and operations made by representations define the limits of an object and offer a system of classification.
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Processus unifié pour la personnalisation des activités pédagogiques : méta-modèle, modèles et outils / Unified process for personalization of pedagocal activities : meta-model, models and toolsLefèvre, Marie 01 December 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse en informatique se situe dans le domaine des Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). Dans ce cadre, nous avons abordé la question de la personnalisation de l’apprentissage. Nos travaux de recherche consistaient à identifier un processus qui permette à la fois de personnaliser des séances de travail sur papier et des séances de travail sur des logiciels pédagogiques. Nous souhaitions que ce processus permette de prendre en compte les spécificités de chaque apprenant en s’appuyant sur son profil, mais qu’il prenne également en compte les buts et les habitudes pédagogiques des enseignants. Enfin, nous souhaitions que ce processus soit implémentable dans un système externe aux logiciels à personnaliser. Notre problématique s’est donc décomposée en trois points : comment exploiter les profils d’apprenants pour prendre en compte les individualités des apprenants ? Comment adapter une activité pour prendre en compte les besoins et habitudes pédagogiques d’un enseignant ? Et enfin, comment attribuer une activité à un apprenant ? Pour répondre au premier point, nous avons proposé le modèle cPMDL. Ce complément du langage de modélisation des profils PMDL permet de contraindre les profils des apprenants afin de sélectionner ceux ayant les caractéristiques requises par les contraintes. cPMDL nous permet donc d’exploiter les informations contenues dans les profils au sein du processus de personnalisation. Pour répondre au deuxième point, nous avons proposé l’approche GEPPETO. Cette approche s’appuie sur des modèles et des processus génériques permettant d’adapter les activités en fonction des intentions pédagogiques des enseignants grâce à la définition de contraintes sur les activités. Nous avons décliné cette approche pour permettre l’adaptation des activités papier (GEPPETOP), ainsi que pour l’adaptation des activités logicielles et de la configuration des environnements qui les supportent (GEPPETOS). Pour répondre au troisième point, nous avons proposé le modèle PERSUA2 qui permet de lier les contraintes sur profils de cPMDL aux contraintes sur activités de GEPPETO. Ces liens, nommés règles d’affectation, sont ensuite hiérarchisés selon leur degré de priorité pour former une stratégie pédagogique qui sera associée { un ou plusieurs contextes d’utilisation. Nous avons mis en oeuvre ces différentes contributions théoriques dans Adapte, un module de l’environnement informatique du projet PERLEA. Le rôle de cet environnement est d’assister l’enseignant dans la gestion de profils créés par l’enseignant lui-même ou issus de logiciels pédagogiques. Adapte est l’une des exploitations possibles des profils : le module réalisé permet de fournir à chaque apprenant des activités adaptées à son profil tout en respectant les choix pédagogiques de son enseignant. Ces activités peuvent être des activités papier proposées par le système ou des activités logicielles personnalisées par Adapte, mais effectuées dans un autre EIAH. Ce module, pleinement opérationnel, a montré la faisabilité technique de nos contributions théoriques et nous a permis de conduire des mises à l'essai auprès d'enseignants / This thesis in computer science belongs to the field of Interactive Learning Environments (ILE). In this context, we have addressed the issue of personalization of learning. Our research has consisted in identifying a process allowing one to personalize both paper working sessions and working sessions on educational software. Our goal was to design a process able to take into account the specificities of each learner, based on their profiles, but also to take into account the pedagogical goals and habits of teachers. Moreover, we had to design this process such as it could be easily implemented in a software external to the system being personalized. Our problem was therefore decomposed into three points: how to use learners’ profiles to take the individuality of learners into account? How to adapt a pedagogical activity to take the teaching needs and habits of a teacher into account? And finally, how to assign an activity to a learner? To answer the first point, we have proposed the cPMDL model. This complement of the profiles modelling language PMDL allows one to constrain the learners’ profiles to select those with the characteristics required by the constraints. cPMDL allows us to exploit the information contained in the profiles during the personalization process. To answer the second point, we have proposed the GEPPETO approach. This approach relies on generic models and processes to adapt activities according to the teachers' intentions, by defining constraints on activities. We have instantiated this approach to enable on the one hand the adaptation of paper activities (GEPPETOP) and on the other hand to enable the adaptation of software activities and the adaptation of configuration of environments that support them (GEPPETOS). To address the third point, we have proposed the PERSUA2 model which links cPMDL constraints on profiles with GEPPETO constraints on activities. Next, these links, called assignment rules, are organized into a hierarchy according to their priority degree in order to form a pedagogical strategy. This pedagogical strategy is then associated with one or more contexts of use. We have implemented these different theoretical contributions in Adapte, a module of the environment associated to the PERLEA project. The role of this environment is to assist teachers in the management of profiles created by themselves or coming from pedagogical software. Adapte is one of the possible uses of profiles: the module developed provides each learner with activities suited to their profiles, while respecting the teaching choices of the teacher. These activities may be paper activities proposed by the system or software activities personalized by Adapte but made within another ILE. This module, fully operational, has demonstrated the technical feasibility of our theoretical contributions and has allowed us to conduct experiment with teachers.
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Représentations sociales et opérations discursives en politique : enjeux de spectacularisationLalancette, Mireille 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les représentations sociales. Fruit d’un bricolage conceptuel, ces représentations s’inspirent en partie des travaux de Serge Moscovici et de certains auteurs plus contemporains qui s’inscrivent dans son prolongement, dits de l’école française des représentations sociales, ainsi que d’auteurs anglo-saxons qui travaillent à partir de ce concept. Les écrits d’autres chercheurs, dont Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer et Jean-Michel Berthelot, qui adoptent dans des perspectives plus particulièrement liées aux Cultural Studies et à la sociologie ont également aidé à préciser notre façon d’envisager les représentations sociales et d’appréhender leur fonctionnement. Plus précisément, à la suite de Jodelet (1989), nous envisageons les représentations comme des « formes de connaissances socialement élaborées et partagées, ayant une visée pratique et concourant à la construction d’une réalité commune à un ensemble social » (p. 36). Ces représentations possèdent également d’autres particularités. Elles sont, d’après nous, constitutives ainsi que formées par des procédés langagiers qui rendent possibles des opérations. Ce concept nous permet d’étudier les représentations du point de vue de leur effectivité, soit de leur capacité à influencer les significations, à apporter un changement dans la manière d’interpréter une situation et, ce faisant, d’affecter les pratiques et d’induire une différence dans le monde.
Ce questionnement au sujet des représentations se déploie sur un terrain qui nous semblait particulièrement riche pour en étudier le fonctionnement, soit celui de la politique qui, par ailleurs, se déroule actuellement dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Présenté comme un brouillage des genres entre divertissement et politique, ce phénomène est également lié à l’avènement de la celebrity politics, à la personnalisation et à l’évaluation, à l’importance prise par le style en politique ainsi qu’à la dramatisation, la fragmentation et la normalisation.
Plus précisément, nous étudions les représentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation à partir de trois corpus documentant des événements aussi distincts que les fusions municipales en 2001, la montée en popularité de Mario Dumont et de l’ADQ en 2002 et 2003 ainsi que la série Bunker, le cirque, diffusée à la télévision de Radio-Canada à l’automne 2002. Ces corpus regroupent des textes de sources et de format variés, des textes de loi aux éditoriaux en passant par des dramatiques télévisuelles et des forums électroniques. Nous y avons effectué une analyse itérative et transversale des discours afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des représentations dans un contexte de spectacularisation. Nos analyses ont démontré la variété des procédés et des opérations, telles que l’incontestabilisation, la projection, la localisation, l’amplification, la réduction et l’évaluation, qui permettent de modifier le sens et les enjeux des événements discutés. Les analyses ont également permis d’illustrer que les procédés et les opérations qu’ils rendent possibles balisent les frontières de l’objet et offrent un système classificateur. / This doctoral dissertation deals with social representations. Resulting from a conceptual bricolage, these representations are inspired, among others, by the work of Serge Moscovici and a number of more contemporary followers, also known as the French school of social representations, as well as some English authors exploring the same concept. The writings of other researchers, such as Stuart Hall, Richard Dyer and Jean-Michel Berthelot, which are rooted in a perspective related to Cultural Studies and to sociology, have also helped us define our own approach to social representations, and understand how they operate. More specifically, we consider representations, based on Jodelet (1989), as “socially constructed and shared forms of knowledge, having a practical goal and contributing to the production of a common reality for a social group” (p. 36). These representations also possess other characteristics. They are, according to us, constitutive, as well as shaped by language processes, which make possible a number of operations. This concept allows us to study representations from the perspective of their effectivity, meaning their capacity of influencing significations, of changing the way in which a situation is interpreted and, ultimately, of modifying practices and making a difference in the world.
These questions with regards to representations unfold in a research field, politics in a context of spectacularization, which appeared to us especially rich for studying how they work. Presented as a confusion of genre between entertainment and politics, this phenomenon is also related to the advent of celebrity politics, to personalization and to assessment, to the growing place taken by style in politics, as well as to dramatization, fragmentation and normalization.
More specifically, we have studied those representations in a context of spectacularization based on three corpuses documenting events as different from each other as city amalgamations in Quebec in 2001, the rise of Mario Dumont and the ADQ in 2002 and 2003, and the show Bunker, le cirque broadcasted on Radio-Canada television in the fall of 2002. These corpuses include texts of different formats coming from various sources, such as Acts, editorials, TV dramas and websites. We have conducted an iterative, inductive and cross-corpuses discourse analysis in order to better understand how representations work in a context of spectacularization. This analysis has demonstrated the variety of processes and operations, such as incontestabilization, projection, localization, amplification, reduction and assessment, which modify the meaning and stakes of the events selected. The analysis allowed us to illustrate that processes and operations made by representations define the limits of an object and offer a system of classification.
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An educational psychological perspective on the use of filial therapy in mother-child relationshipsArnott, Amanda Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The different reactions of parents to the discovery that their children had ADD/ADHD has an effect on the primary relationship established between mother and child. This is essential in the later involvement, experience and meaning attribution of the child with respect to all subsequent relationship formation on the child's journey towards his ultimate target, namely self-actualisation. It was felt that psychological intervention could help parents to bond, communicate with and relate to their children without experiencing negative feelings which would enhance parental acceptance. In this study, ten mothers were used to participate in an adapted group Filial Therapy
programme. This unique therapy involves parents as the primary agents to resolve child-related problems and to encourage children's healthy psycho-social development. Results were positive. The mothers felt that they had formed better relationship with their children. They were empowered with knowledge and coping mechanisms, such as reflective listening, setting limits and providing choices. For the first time they were enjoying their ADD/ADHD children. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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Distribuição e personalização de conteúdo multimídia em ambientes educacionais ubíquosAraújo, Rafael Dias 06 August 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Ubiquitous computing is known as the third wave of computing, which aims at making
computational devices become more permeated to the users lives. It has helped people
to perform their daily activities in many areas of expertise, especially in the educational
domain where it assists instructors and students during their academic duties, achieving
knowledge anywhere and anytime, making use of unobtrusive ways of reaching the desired
content. Multimedia capture and context-awareness are two relevant subjects in ubiquitous
computing research. While the former results in large amounts of digital media (e.g.,
video, audio, slides, text comments) being automatically produced, the latter oers the
proper means to integrate and access such content. By merging the two concepts, users
may benet from tools that allow them to retrieve, view and interact with the captured
media artifacts. Thus, this work presents a communication model based on peer-to-peer
networks, used for transferring and replicating the captured content. Furthermore, a
contextual access architecture is presented for personalization and recommendation of interactive
multimedia content captured in an instrumented educational environment. This
architecture takes into account context information, user preferences and presentation
constraints in order to personalize the access experience, tailoring it to users\' needs. As
a case study, the proposals were implemented in Classroom eXperience, which is a ubiquitous
computing platform for multimedia capturing designed to automatically record
lectures and make them available to students. / Computação ubíqua é conhecida como a terceira onda da computação, a qual visa tornar
os dispositivos computacionais mais integrados à vida das pessoas. Ela tem ajudado
as pessoas a realizarem suas atividades diárias em diferentes domínios, especialmente no
domínio educacional, onde auxilia instrutores e alunos durante as suas atividades acadê-
micas obtendo conhecimento em qualquer lugar e a qualquer momento, fazendo uso de
formas não intrusivas para recuperar o conteúdo desejado. Captura e acesso multimídia
e ciência de contexto são dois importantes temas em pesquisas de computação ubíqua.
Enquanto o primeiro produz automaticamente um grande volume de mídias digitais (ex.,
vídeo, áudio, slides, comentários de texto), o segundo oferece meios adequados para integrar
e acessar tal conteúdo. Ao fundir os dois conceitos, os usuários podem se beneciar
de ferramentas que lhes permitam recuperar, visualizar e interagir com os artefatos de
mídia capturados. Assim, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicação baseado
em redes peer-to-peer, utilizado para transferência e replicação do conteúdo capturado.
Além disso, uma arquitetura de acesso contextual é apresentada para personalização e
recomendação de conteúdo multimídia interativo capturado em ambientes educacionais
instrumentados. Essa arquitetura utiliza uma abordagem que considera informações de
contexto, preferências do usuário e restrições de apresentação a m de personalizar a
experiência de acesso, adequando-a às necessidades dos usuários. Como estudo de caso,
as propostas foram implementadas no Classroom eXperience, que é uma plataforma de
computação ubíqua para captura multimídia concebida para gravar automaticamente as
aulas ministradas e disponibilizá-las posteriormente aos alunos. / Mestre em Ciência da Computação
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