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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personalisering med virkning : Emotionellt hållbara produkter genom prosumtion ochanvändarcentrerade metoder / Personalization with crochet : Emotional sustainable products through prosumption anduser-centred methods

Ekberg, Gry January 2023 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur man med virkningen kan göra det möjligt för användaren att agera somprosument, samtidigt som de kan personalisera en produkt som bidrar till emotionell hållbarhet.Anledningen var för att öka det emotionella värdet i produkten vilket leder till en längre livscykel. Teoriernasom lade grund för projektet är design för emotionell hållbarhet, design för personalisering, samtprosumtion. Vidare användes användarcentrerade metoder för att skapa stor förståelse för användarensbehov och önskemål. Intervjuer och enkäter samlade in grundinformation, medan återkopplingoch användartester med användaren gav en djup förståelse av deras behov inom det specifikaforskningsområdet. Designmetoder som skiss, prototyper, experiment, urvalsmetoder, samt produktresaformade slutkonceptet och resultatet av studien. Detta var ett avlastningsbord där användaren agerarsom prosument genom att virka två av hyllplanen samtidigt som de ytbehandlar träkonstruktionen själva.Det gör det möjligt att personalisera produkten, vilket leder till emotionell hållbarhet. I diskussionen tasdet slutligen upp förslag på vidareutveckling som lyfter vikten av användarcentrerade metoder för enlyckad emotionellt hållbar produkt. / The study explores how crochet can enable users to act as prosumers while also personalizing a productthat contributes to emotional sustainability. The reason for this is to increase the emotional value of theproduct, which leads to a longer life cycle. The theories that formed the basis of the project are designfor emotional sustainability, design for personalization, and prosumption. User-centred methods werefurther used to create a deep understanding of user needs and desires. Interviews and surveys gatheredbasic information, while feedback and user testing provided a deeper understanding of their needswithin the specific research area. Design methods such as sketching, prototypes, experiments, selectionmethods, and product journeys shaped the final concept and outcome of the study. This was a side tablewhere the user acts as a prosumer by crocheting two of the shelves while also finishing the woodenconstruction themselves. This enables personalization of the product, leading to emotional sustainability.The discussion finally presents suggestions for further development that emphasize the importance ofuser-centred methods for a successful emotionally sustainable product.

Personalization of Automotive Human Machine Interface(HMI) using Machine Learning Algorithms

Rastogi, Utkarsh 30 October 2023 (has links)
In this thesis, a context-aware, personalized virtual assistant for use in automobiles is presented. With the increasing use of technology in automobiles, there is a growing need for safer and more practical ways for drivers to access information and perform tasks while driving. Voice-based interfaces, such as natural language processing, provide a solution to this problem as they do not require visual or manual input. In this thesis, a fine-tuned model of GPT-3 is used to understand user intentions and identify the user’s needs. The voice assistant is trained to understand the environment and the actions it can perform. The use of triggers such as drowsiness detection is also implemented to make the virtual assistant proactive in ensuring the user’s safety. User testing and evaluation was conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the context-aware, personalized virtual assistant in improving the driving experience and promoting safe driving practices.

Faces of Authenticity : A Comparative Analysis of Personalization Strategies in Shaping an Authentic Image of the Politician

Sillén, Karin January 2024 (has links)
The objective of this study is to investigate what type of personalization is more successful in shaping an authentic image of the politician. Two politicians; Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have been chosen for the study. Hence, the questions that the study seeks to address are; What type of personalization is most successful in shaping an authentic image of Hillary Clinton? and What type of personalization is most successful in shaping an authentic image of Bernie Sanders? The method employed for this study is a survey experiment designed to compare perceived authenticity between the respondents for two different personalization types; privatization and emotionalization. The survey experiment, conducted during November and December 2023, had a total of 102 valid respondents. The data with perceived authenticity for the two personalization types were presented in a bivariate regression analysis. Results reveal that privatization is more successful in shaping an authentic image of Hillary Clinton, particularly among female respondents, indicating gender-based variations. For Bernie Sanders, the study finds no clear preference between privatization and emotionalization overall, but a gender-specific analysis suggests that privatization is more successful among female respondents.

Teacher conceptualization of teaching: integrating the personal and the professional

Brilhart, Daniel L. 24 August 2007 (has links)
No description available.

”Jag trivs ändå i min lilla bubbla” – En studie om studenters attityder till personalisering

Hedin, Alice January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie ämnar att undersöka studenters attityder till utvecklingen av personalisering inom webbaserade tjänster och utforska skillnader och likheter mellan studenternas attityder. Studiens empiriska material är insamlat genom fem kvalitativa intervjuer och en webbenkät med 72 respondenter. Studien behandlar fördelar och nackdelar med personalisering, möjligheter att förhindra personalisering och möjliga konsekvenser av personalisering. Majoriteten av studenterna har en positiv attityd till personalisering av webbaserade tjänster. Resultatet visar att studenterna var mest positivt inställda till personalisering av streamingtjänster och minst positiva till personalisering av nyhetstjänster. Jag fann att användare i stor utsträckning inte anser att nyhetstjänster bör vara personaliserade. Det visade sig finnas en tydlig skillnad mellan studenternas kännedom om olika verktyg som kan användas för att förhindra personalisering. Ju mer teknisk utbildning som studenterna läser, desto bättre kännedom hade studenterna om verktygen. Resultatet visade även att en stor del av studenterna önskade att de kunde stänga av personaliseringsfunktionen på tjänster. Personalisering har blivit en naturlig del av användarnas vardag och att majoriteten av användarna inte har tillräcklig kunskap om fenomenet och därför intar de en passiv attityd och undviker att reflektera närmare över personaliseringen och dess möjliga konsekvenser. / This essay aims to study student’s attitudes towards web personalization and explore where the student’s attitudes differ and converge. The empirical materials of the study where assembled by the usage of five qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey with 72 respondents. The study discusses the pros and cons, the ability to constrain web personalization and possible effects and outcomes of web personalization. The majority of the students have a positive attitude towards web personalization. The students were most positive towards personalization of streaming services and least positive towards personalization of media channels that output news. There was an explicit difference between the students’ knowledge of the possibilities to constrain web personalization through the usage of different extensions and tools. Those students who studied a more technical program showed more knowledge of extensions and tools that can be used to prevent or constrain web personalization. The results also showed that the over all students desire more control over web personalization and demand a function where the personalization of web services could be turned off. The study resulted in the findings that web personalization has become a part of the users every-day life and that the students do not have enough knowledge of web personalization which have led to a passive attitude towards it.

Personalizing Online Courses / From generated Course Material to the Impact of Item Sequencing Strategies

Rüdian, Sylvio 26 July 2024 (has links)
Personalisierung ist ein aktuelles Thema im Bereich der Online-Lehre. Lernende sind divers, sie haben unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse, adressieren verschiedene Lernziele und variieren in ihren (Lern-)Präferenzen. Aufgrund dieser Diversität besteht die Notwendigkeit, Onlinekurse an die Bedürfnisse der Lernenden anzupassen. Dabei wird das Ziel verfolgt, Lernende so zu motivieren, dass sie ein bestmögliches Lernergebnis erzielen können. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurde die Domäne des Sprachenlernens gewählt, auf welche Methoden zur Personalisierung angewandt wurden. Eine initiale Analyse kommerzieller Sprachlern-Apps hat gezeigt, dass Personalisierung bislang nur rudimentär als Sequenzierungsstrategie umgesetzt wurde. Dabei beschränkt sich die Anwendung hauptsächlich auf das Lernen mit Karteikarten. Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der übergeordneten Forschungsfrage wie Personalisierung in automatisch generierten Online-Sprachlernkursen angewandt und mit fundamentalen und experimentellen Sequenzierungsstrategien kombiniert werden kann. Hierzu setzt die vorliegende Arbeit eine modifizierte Version der "Meshing-Hypothese" exemplarisch als Sequenzierungsstrategie um. Die Idee dieser Strategie besteht darin, dass Lernende besser lernen, wenn die Lehrmethoden mit den Präferenzen der Lernenden übereinstimmen. Diese Strategie wird in der Forschung seit Jahrzehnten kontrovers diskutiert. In mehreren Schritten wurden verschiedene Perspektiven zur Anwendung der Personalisierung mit dieser Strategie untersucht. Zunächst wurde ein Instrument zur Erfassung von Präferenzen entwickelt. Die exemplarische Auswahl beschränkt sich auf jene Präferenzen, welche durch konkrete Lehrmethoden abgebildet werden können. Anschließend wurde ein Experiment durchgeführt, um Leistungsunterschiede zwischen Lernenden mit unterschiedlichen Präferenzen zu ermitteln. Dazu wurden Lehrmethoden in einen konkreten Sprachlernkurs mit einer vordefinierten Lernprogression imitiert. Im nächsten Schritt wurde die technische Basis für adaptive Kurse vorbereitet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die Lernplattform Moodle funktional so angepasst, dass sie für Experimente zur Personalisierung von Onlinekursen genutzt werden kann. Danach wurde die inhaltliche Basis vorbereitet, welche die Generierung von Sprachlerneinheiten unter Verwendung modernster generativer Modelle ermöglicht. Die dabei entstehenden interaktiven Lernmaterialien wurden um Imitationen zu einer Auswahl von Lehrmethoden ergänzt. Das so generierte Lernmaterial musste anschließend in eine optimale Reihenfolge gebracht werden. Ein neuer Ansatz zur Kombination verschiedener Sequenzierungsstrategien wird unter der Verwendung generativer neuronaler Netze eingeführt. Darauffolgend wird ein Konzept vorgestellt, das es ermöglicht, Sequenzierungsstrategien zu verstärken, wenn sie einen positiven Effekt auf das Lernergebnis haben oder sie zu vergessen, wenn der Effekt zu gering ist oder nicht existiert. Das Konzept wurde zunächst simuliert. Anschließend wurden die generierten Lernmaterialien, die technische Basis, die Sequenzierungsstrategien und die Präferenzen der Lernenden in einem finalen Experiment kombiniert, um die modifizierte Meshing-Hypothese als Fallbeispiel umzusetzen. Hierzu wurde das vorweg simulierte Konzept des Verstärkens oder Vergessens von Sequenzierungsstrategien in einem realen Online-Sprachlernkurs praktisch angewandt. Die im Rahmen der Dissertation durchgeführten Experimente erlauben Schlussfolgerungen für die Generierung und Personalisierung von Sprachlernkursen. Darüber hinaus geben mehrere Machbarkeitsstudien (Proof-of-Concepts) Einblicke in die praktische Anwendbarkeit der Ansätze. / Recently, personalization has become a topic of some interest in the field of education. Learners possess different levels of prior knowledge, along with various learning goals and preferences. This diversity underscores the necessity of adapting online courses to suit learners’ needs, with the ultimate goal of engaging learners for optimal learning outcomes. As a representative domain, the field of language learning was chosen, to which personalization has been applied. An initial analysis of commercial language learning apps revealed the scarce realization of personalization, mainly limited to flashcard learning as an item sequencing strategy. Subsequently, the dissertation focused on the overall research question: How can personalization in auto-generated online language learning courses be utilized and combined with fundamental and experimental item sequencing strategies? Therefore, the dissertation employed a modified version of the “Meshing Hypothesis” as an example, proposing that students learn more effectively when instructional teaching methods align with their preference levels. Its original strategy has been controversially discussed in research for decades. The research unfolded in several stages to utilize personalization, commencing with the development of an instrument to collect preferences linked to instructional teaching methods. An experiment was conducted to discern performance differences among learners with varying preference levels. This involved imitating scenarios for some instructional teaching methods within an online language learning course that follows a fixed learning progression. The subsequent phase concentrated on preparing the technical groundwork for personalized courses. To this end, the Moodle learning platform was functionally adapted to facilitate experiments in personalizing online courses. Simultaneously, a contextual foundation was established, enabling the generation of template-based language learning units through cutting-edge generative models. Applied imitations of a selection of instructional methods enhanced the resulting interactive learning materials. In order to optimize the arrangement of the generated learning materials, a novel approach was introduced, combining multiple item sequencing strategies using generative neural networks. A conceptual framework was introduced, allowing for the amplification of sequencing strategies that positively impact learning outcomes or their removal if the effect is negligible. First, the concept was simulated. Then, the technical foundation, generated learning materials, item sequencing strategies, and learner preferences were combined in a final experiment to employ the modified Meshing Hypothesis and to utilize the idea of “unlearning” item sequencing strategies in a real online language learning course. The experiments conducted in this dissertation allow conclusions for generating and personalizing online language learning courses. Furthermore, several proof-of-concepts provide insights into the applicability of the approaches to be drawn for practice.

Applications of deep learning-based image-analysis models for the personalization of radiotherapy

Starke, Sebastian 09 July 2024 (has links)
Radiotherapy treatment-response of cancer patients can vary considerably, even in patients sharing the same diagnosis. Enhancing the degree of treatment personalization might offer a way towards improving curation rates. The recent advancements in the field of deep neural networks provide new directions for the non-invasive extraction of patient-individual biomarkers when applied on diagnostic imaging data. Within this thesis, we explored the potential of image-based deep learning as an enabler for individualized therapy. In a cohort of head and neck cancer patients, we first assessed the suitability of applying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on pre-treatment computed tomography imaging data for the prediction of loco-regional tumor control in the presence of censored outcomes. We further investigated whether the predictive performance can be improved through the adoption of multitask learning strategies that combine multiple outcome prediction models and a tumor segmentation task, both for CNNs and the recently emerged vision transformer-based network architectures. Subsequently, we applied neural networks on multimodal and longitudinal imaging data collected during the course of radiotherapy and evaluated their potential to further improve outcome models. Finally, in the context of proton-beam radiotherapy of primary brain tumor patients, we applied CNNs for the prediction of the linear energy transfer and examined the feasibility of this approach for estimating treatment-related side-effects considering a variable biological effectiveness of protons.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical background 3. Convolutional neural networks for outcome prediction 4. Multitask learning and attention-based models for outcome prediction 5. Longitudinal and multimodal models for outcome prediction 6. Prediction of the linear energy transfer in proton-beam radiotherapy / Das Ansprechverhalten von Krebspatienten auf eine Strahlentherapie kann selbst zwischen Patienten mit gleicher Diagnose deutlich variieren. Eine erweiterte Personalisierung der Behandlung stellt einen möglichen Weg dar, um die Heilungschancen zu verbessern. Durch die kürzlich erzielten Fortschritte im Bereich neuronaler Netzwerke bieten sich neue Möglichkeiten zur nicht-invasiven Extraktion patientenspezifischer Merkmale aus diagnostischen Bildgebungsdaten. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Potential tiefer, bildbasierter neuronaler Netzwerke für eine individualisierte Strahlentherapie analysiert. In einer Kohorte von Patienten mit Kopf- und Halstumoren wurde zunächst die Eignung faltender neuronaler Netzwerke (CNNs) zur Vorhersage der lokoregionären Kontrolle im Beisein zensierter Beobachtungen basierend auf prätherapeutischer Computertomographie (CT) evaluiert. Außerdem wurde untersucht, ob sich die Vorhersagequalität von CNNs und den kürzlich vorgestellten vision transformer Architekturen unter Verwendung von Multitask-Lernstrategien, welche mehrere Vorhersagemodelle und eine Segmentierung des Tumors kombinieren, verbessern lässt. Anschließend wurde die Anwendbarkeit neuronaler Netzwerke zur Analyse multimodaler und longitudinaler, während des Behandlungsverlaufes aufgenommener, Bildgebungsdaten aufgezeigt und ihr Potential zur weiteren Verbesserung der Vorhersagen analysiert. Abschließend wurden CNNs im Rahmen der Protonentherapie genutzt, um den linearen Energietransfer bei Patienten mit primären Hirntumoren vorherzusagen. Die Plausibilität dieser Vorhersagen zur Risikoabschätzung behandlungsbedingter Nebenwirkungen wurde unter Berücksichtigung einer variablen relativen biologischen Wirksamkeit von Protonen untersucht.:1. Introduction 2. Theoretical background 3. Convolutional neural networks for outcome prediction 4. Multitask learning and attention-based models for outcome prediction 5. Longitudinal and multimodal models for outcome prediction 6. Prediction of the linear energy transfer in proton-beam radiotherapy

利用和絃特徵探勘音樂旋律曲風之研究 / Melody Style Mining Using Chord Features

郭芳菲, Kuo, Fang-Fei Unknown Date (has links)
隨著數位多媒體技術的進步,越來越多的音樂以數位化的方式來儲存,數位音樂的檢索成為重要的研究領域之一。以內容為主的音樂檢索(Content-Based Music Retrieval, CBMR)能讓使用者直接利用音樂的內容做檢索,而非傳統以音樂的metadata查詢的方法。目前有關CBMR的研究,常見的查詢方式包括哼歌、唱歌或打拍子等。但是,這些方法都會因為查詢者缺乏音樂訓練而無法正確表達出想查詢的音樂,影響查詢效果。 人們常常會根據曲風將音樂分類,音樂曲風的探勘將有助於CBMR的研究。本篇論文主要目的在結合多媒體與資料探勘的技術,從大量MIDI音樂中,作音樂曲風的探勘及分類,並將曲風探勘的技術應用在個人化音樂推薦、音樂風格檢索及音樂風格瀏覽上。 在本論文的第一部份,音樂曲風探勘分類的研究,包括了三個研究議題:音樂特徵的粹取、頻繁樣式的探勘及曲風的分類。我們利用和絃作為音樂的特徵,根據和聲學的原理,從MIDI音樂中找出主旋律搭配的和絃。粹取出和絃後,我們研究不同的和絃特徵表示法與其頻繁樣式探勘演算法。針對所探勘出的頻繁樣式,我們修改associated classification演算法,以應用在音樂曲風的分類上。此外,不同的曲風,其風格的多樣性也不同。因此,為了提高分類的效果,我們提出Single-Type Variant-Support (STVS) 與Multi-Type Variant-Support (MTVS) classification演算法,使得分類規則中允許多種特徵表示與不同的最小支持度。 在本篇論文的第二部分,我們應用曲風探勘的技術,提出了個人化音樂推薦的機制。針對使用者對音樂風格的喜好,將新的音樂推薦給使用者。系統根據使用者對資料庫中音樂的存取行為,學習使用者在音樂曲風上的偏好,產生個人化的2-way preference classifier,以推薦符合使用者喜好的音樂。 第三部分為音樂曲風的檢索。目前大部分的CBMR系統中,使用者僅能尋找已經聽過的音樂。然而,使用者想查詢的很可能是沒聽過,但曲風感覺類似的音樂。針對上述的問題,我們提出了以音樂曲風作檢索的新方法。同時,我們提出四種曲風查詢的描述方式,並且利用音樂風格探勘與分類的技術產生的分類規則計算曲風的相似度,最後依照曲風的相似程度產生檢索結果。 本篇論文的最後一部分為音樂風格的分群。音樂風格的分群有助於瀏覽大量的音樂資料。我們利用和絃為特徵,針對不同的特徵表示方法,提出相似度的計算方式。我們將數種分群演算法應用於音樂風格的分群上,並比較各種分類演算法與不同的音樂特徵與表示法的分群效果。 / With the development of multimedia technology, digital music is now in widespread use. Content-based music retrieval (CBMR) has attracted much interest in recent years. CBMR allows users query by music content rather than metadata. However, even with the capability of query by humming, the effectiveness of CBMR system suffers from the ability of query content expression for people without music training. Music style is one of the features that people used to classify music. Discovery of music style is helpful for the design of content-based music retrieval systems. In this thesis, we investigate the mining techniques of music style by melody from a collection of MIDI music and apply the mining techniques to three applications, personalized music filtering, music retrieval by melody style and music style browsing. In the first part, the design issues of melody style mining and classification consist of the feature extraction, frequent pattern mining and melody style classification. We extracted the chord from the melody based on the harmony and investigated the representation of extracted features. For each extracted feature, the corresponding frequent pattern mining techniques are developed. For the melody style classification algorithm, we propose the Single-Type Uniform-Support classification (STUS) algorithm which is modified from the associated classification algorithm. To improve the performance of classification, we propose two new classification algorithms - Single-Type Variant-Support Classification (STVS) and Multi-Type Variant- Support classification (MTVS) algorithm. STVS learns the appropriate minimum supports of every category’s frequent patterns automatically. MTVS algorithm considers all types of frequent patterns for every category further and can decide the appropriate combination of frequent patterns and the corresponding minimum supports. In the second part, we present a personalized content-based music filtering system to support music recommendation based on user’s preference of melody style. The system learns the user preference by mining the melody patterns from the music access behavior of the user. A two-way melody preference classifier is therefore constructed for each user. Music recommendation is made through this melody preference classifier. Performance evaluation showed that the filtering effect of the proposed approach meets user’s preference. A new approach for CBMR by the semantic property of music – melody style is proposed in the third part of this thesis. Most CBMR systems provide users the capability to look for music that has been heard. However, sometimes, listeners are looking, not for something they already know, but for something new. Moreover, people sometimes wish to retrieve music that “feels like” another music object or a music style. We propose four types of query specification for melody style query. The output of the melody style query is a music list ranked by the degree of relevance to the query. We adopted melody style mining and classification rule learning algorithm to obtain style classification rules. The style ranking is determined by the style classification rules. In this thesis, we also investigate music clustering techniques which are useful to browse large music archives. We propose the similarity measures for the representation of the extracted chord-sets and compared the performance of different clustering algorithms with various extracted features.

Les effets du néo-patrimonialisme sur la démocratie : de la pratique du présidentialisme et du clientélisme au Sénégal

Kane, Ismaïla 10 1900 (has links)
Le présent texte porte sur l’état de la démocratie au Sénégal depuis l’alternance politique survenue en 2000. Adoptant une définition minimale de la démocratie – respect des libertés civiles et politiques, et tenue d’élections libres et justes – à laquelle il ajoute le principe de séparation des pouvoirs, son principal objectif est de répondre à la question suivante : pourquoi le fonctionnement de la démocratie est-il entravé au Sénégal? L’hypothèse avancée pour répondre à cette interrogation est la présence du néo-patrimonialisme. Celui-ci, par l’intermédiaire de la personnalisation du pouvoir et le clientélisme, sape le respect des règles démocratiques dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Pour analyser l’impact du néo-patrimonialisme sur la démocratie au Sénégal, ce mémoire privilégie le néo-institutionnalisme sociologique comme cadre théorique. Cette approche définit les institutions de façon large : celles-ci peuvent englober non seulement des normes formelles mais également des règles informelles. En vertu de cette approche, le néo-patrimonialisme et la démocratie représentent des institutions puisque le premier englobe un ensemble de règles informelles et le second un ensemble de normes et procédures formelles. Ces deux institutions structurent et façonnent le comportement des individus. Dans cette confrontation institutionnelle, les règles néo-patrimoniales influencent davantage l’action des élites politiques sénégalaises – notamment le chef de l’État – que les normes démocratiques. La vérification de l’hypothèse s’appuie sur des études sur la démocratie et le néo-patrimonialisme aussi bien au Sénégal qu’en Afrique. Elle se base également sur l’actualité et les faits politiques saillants depuis l’alternance. L’analyse est essentiellement qualitative et se divise en deux chapitres empiriques. Le premier de ceux-ci (chapitre II dans le texte) concerne la séparation des pouvoirs. Le but de ce chapitre est d’observer la manière dont l’actuel président de la République, Abdoulaye Wade, contrôle le parlement et la justice. Le second chapitre empirique (chapitre III dans le texte) se divise en deux sections. La première s’intéresse aux libertés civiles et politiques qui subissent des restrictions dues au penchant autoritaire de Wade. La seconde section porte sur les élections dont le déroulement est entaché par de nombreuses irrégularités : violence électorale, manque de ressources de l’autorité électorale, instabilité du calendrier électoral, partialité de la justice. L’étude confirme l’hypothèse, ce qui est très problématique pour la plupart des États africains. En effet, le néo-patrimonialisme est une caractéristique fondamentale de la gouvernance en Afrique. Ainsi, beaucoup de régimes du continent noir qui enclenchent ou enclencheront un processus de démocratisation comme le Sénégal, risquent de connaître les mêmes difficultés liées à la persistance des pratiques néo-patrimoniales. / This text is about state of democracy in Senegal since the political changeover in 2000. Using a minimal definition of democracy – respect of political and civil liberties, free and fair elections – completed by the separation of state powers, it aims to answer to the following question : why is the functioning of democracy hampered in Senegal? The hypothesis is that neopatrimonialism, through personalization of power and clientelism, hinders the respect of democratic rules in this West African country. To analyze the impact of neopatrimonialism on democracy in Senegal, this text draws from the sociological institutionalism as theory. This approach provides a broad definition of institutions which includes formal norms as well as informal rules. In this perspective, neopatrimonialism and democracy embody institutions because the former has a set of informal rules and the later a set of formal norms and procedures. These two institutions structure and shape the individual behaviour. In this institutional confrontation, the neopatrimonial rules have a deeper impact on the action of Senegalese elites, particularly the president. To verify the hypothesis, one refers to studies that analyze the link between democracy and neopatrimonialism in Senegal and in Africa. This text also takes into account current events and striking political facts since 2000. The analysis is essentially qualitative and divided in two empirical chapters. The first one (chapter II in the text) studies the separation of powers and how the Senegalese president, Abdoulaye Wade, control the parliement and courts. The second empirical chapter (chapter III in the text) is subdivided in two sections. The first section examines how civil and political liberties are restricted by Wade’s inclination to authoritarianism. The second section analyses the numerous irregular situations that characterize senegalese elections : violence, lack of ressources for the electoral authority, frequent change of electoral timetable, partiality of the justice. On the whole, the hypothesis is confirmed, which is problematic to most of subsaharian African states. Neopatrimonialism is a fundamental feature of African politics. Its persistence could constitute a source of difficulty for African regimes that begin or will begin democratization like Senegal did.

Wireless privacy and personalized location-based services: the challenge of translating the legal framework into business practices

Gratton, Eloïse 08 1900 (has links)
L'avancement des communications sans-fil permet l'obtention de nouveaux services bases sur l'habileté des fournisseurs de services sans-fil à déterminer avec précision, et avec l'utilisation de technologies de pistage, la localisation et position géographiquement d'appareils sans-fil Cette habileté permet d'offrir aux utilisateurs de sans-fil de nouveaux services bases sur la localisation et la position géographique de leur appareil. Le développement des services basés sur la localisation des utilisateurs de sans-fil soulevé certains problèmes relatifs à la protection de la vie privée qui doivent être considérés. En effet, l'appareil sans-fil qui suit et enregistre les mouvements de I 'utilisateur permet un système qui enregistre et entrepose tous les mouvements et activités d'un tel utilisateur ou encore qui permet l'envoi de messages non anticipes à ce dernier. Pour ce motif et afin de protéger la vie privée des utilisateurs de sans-fil, une compagnie désirant développer ou déployer une technologie permettant d'offrir ce genre de services personnalisés devra analyser l'encadrement légal touchant la protection des données personnelles--lequel est dans certains cas vague et non approprié à ce nouveau contexte--ainsi que la position de l'industrie dans ce domaine, et ce, afin d'être en mesure de traduire cet encadrement en pratiques commerciales. Cette analyse permettra d'éclairer le fournisseur de ces services sur la façon d'établir son modèle d'affaires et sur le type de technologie à développer afin d'être en mesure de remédier aux nouveaux problèmes touchant la vie privée tout en offrant ces nouveaux services aux utilisateurs de sans-fil. / The proliferation of mobile communications is leading to new services based on the ability of service providers to determine, with increasing precision and through the use of location determination technologies, the geographic location of wireless devices and allow their users to receive services based on such location. The development of location-based services introduces new privacy risks for consumers that must be addressed. The portability of wireless devices coupled with their ability to pinpoint the location of wireless users and reveal it to others could produce a system where the everyday activities and movements of these users are tracked and recorded, and where wireless users receive unanticipated messages on their device. For this reason and in order to preserve the privacy of wireless users, a company looking to deploy a technology related to the providing of personalized location-based services ("LBS Provider") will have to analyze the privacy legal framework, coming either from legal sources--that may be in some case vague and not specific to this new context--or from the industry, and translate such framework into business practices. Such analysis may help in establishing what kind of business model and technology should be adopted and developed by LBS Providers in order to ensure the privacy of wireless users while providing this new type of service.

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