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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Valstybės tarnautojų veiklos vertinimo sistema Lietuvoje / Public servants’wwork evaluation system in lithuania

Sapronaitė, Kristina 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama Lietuvos valstybės tarnautojų veiklos vertinimo sistema tiek teoriniu, tiek praktiniu aspektais. Remiantis teorinėmis įžvalgomis siekiama išsiaiškinti tarnybinės veiklos vertinimo reikšmę, apsibrėžti pagrindinius aspektus lemiančius tarnybinės veiklos vertinimo sistemos efektyvumą, bei aptarti valstybės tarnautojų tarnybinės veiklos vertinimo sistemos turinį ir vertinimo proceso ypatybes. Atsižvelgiant į anketinės apklausos metu surinktų duomenų analizę, siekiama identifikuoti pagrindinius tarnybinės veiklos vertinimo sistemos trūkumus bei juos sąlygojančias priežastis, pateikti pasiūlymus ir rekomendacijas tarnybinės veiklos vertinimo sistemos tobulinimui. Darbo hipotezė keliama remiantis tyrimo uždaviniais ir tiriamaisiais klausimais. Hipotezių formulavimo pagrindas - esamos valstybės tarnautojų vertinimo sistemos trūkumų analizė, veiksnių, lemiančių problemų atsiradimą, išskyrimas bei vertinimo sistemos taikymo rezultatas – grįžtamasis poveikis. Nuo grįžtamojo vertinimo ryšio tarp darbuotojo ir organizacijos užtikrinimo priklauso ir organizacijos, kaip vientiso darinio, veiksmingumas, ir atskirų darbuotojų veiklos efektyvumas. Remiantis tokiu pagrindimu, tyrimu yra siekiama patvirtinti arba paneigti išsikeltas hipotezes. Hipotezė 1: valstybės tarnautojų veiklos vertinimo sistema neužtikrina veiklos vertinimo tikslų įgyvendinimo dėl vertinimo sistemos elementų ir procedūros trūkumų. Papildoma hipotezė: veikianti veiklos vertinimo sistema nesudaro... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This study attempts to verify how performance appraisal is being applied in Lithuanian civil service personnel management in accordance with the theoretical models of performance evaluation. Civil servants performance evaluation is one of the most important element of civil service personnel management. It can tell a possibility to civil servants to reach career, to improve skills and to create solid civil service. Which could improve state’s executive public policy efficiency. Thought Civil servants performance evaluation system in Lithuania is improving almost ten years, results of analysis showed that, existing civil servants performance evaluation system can not reach evaluation targets, because of it’s practical appliance. Civil servants performance evaluation system that is organised properly and applied effectively, help the person and the organisation to get the useful information and to make an important managerial decisions on duties and responsibilities distribution, conditions of payment, promotion, needs for qualification raising and for the establishing the potential. Although the rating process instigates many problems that are connected with organisational, administrative and human resource rating aspects. To define possible imperfections and problems of the system, and to find development possibilities, the procedure of the service activity rating of the Lithuanian state service was analysed in the paper. Main point of this analysis is to identify civil... [to full text]

Personalo administravimo auditas / The audit of human recourses administration

Gadliauskaitė, Sigita 10 January 2007 (has links)
Study analyzes the question of staff documentation administration: inadequacies are detected in Lithuanian enterprises and establishments that are relative to law acts regulating labour law. Peculiarities and factors that ease or aggravate the labour of staff are also detected. Gaining the goals of study the nonfiction about staff management, administration, and audit was examined. After nonfiction and the requirements of law acts concerning labour intercourse examination a table ant the chart of data that is used in staff documents is made. Furthermore comparative analysis of administration peculiarities is accomplished in public and private sectors. The requirements of labour law acts are explored. Much attention is focused on exploring the frequent breaches in enterprises and establishments of Lithuania. Questionnaire revealed: • Factors mostly disturbing administrative work, • Factors mostly easing staff work, • Electronic devices mostly used by enterprises workers for staff needs, • Etc. The analysis of questionnaire is throughout. The matrix of factors mostly creating the risk to staff administration is made.

Personalo ugdymas įvairaus tipo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / The training of the staff at different schools of general training

Skliaustytė, Beata 03 January 2007 (has links)
SUMMARY Modern dynamic society constantly raises new requiremant towards existing education systems. One of the most important factors determining the implementation of alteration are both the readiness of a teacher to alter and rise of shoolmasters qualification, that is the understanding of a new role, permanent training, the ability to think, interpret and find the most proper decisions solo. In this work is analyzed the problem: What reasons determine the involvement of schoolmasters in qualification improvement events? The purpose of the work is to analyze the training of staff in at different schools of general training. To reach this purpose the following tasks are projected: 1) to fulfill the analysis of literature sources studying the training of staff; 2) to unfold the attitude of school administration towards staff training; 3) to unfold teachers attitude towards staff training. Fulfilling practical research the aim is either to deny or to confirm the hypothesis that teacher take part in qualification improvement event stimulated with their inner motivation of qualification improvement. The objects of the research are gymnasium, secondary, common and primary schools and their teachers and heads. The research has been fulfilled with the help of questionnaires and interviews. The work consist of the following parts: content, preface, 3 chapters, conclusions and offers, the list of literature and annotation. In the first chapter the analysis of literature sources... [to full text]

Darbuotojų motyvavimo sistemos valstybės tarnyboje analizė: Valstybės sienos apsaugos tarnybos Ignalinos rinktinės atvejis / The analysis of employee motivation system within the civil service: the case of State Border Guard Service Ignalina territorial unit

Cicėnaitė, Gintarė 05 February 2013 (has links)
Siekiant kokybiškai įgyvendinti valstybės sienos neliečiamumą, viešąją tvarką, visuomenės saugumą bei kitas VSAT vykdomas funkcijas, ypatingai svarbus yra šias funkcijas įgyvendinančio personalo motyvacijos pažinimas, palaikymas. Mokslinės literatūros gausoje pasigendama tiek teorinių žinių, tiek empirinių duomenų apie VSAT pareigūnų motyvaciją. Didelė personalo kaita, nepasitenkinimas tarnybos sąlygomis ir socialinėmis garantijomis, korupcijos pasireiškimas – problemos bylojančios apie VSAT motyvavimo sistemos neefektyvumą. Šio magistro darbo objektas - VSAT pareigūnų motyvavimo sistemos efektyvumas. Tikslas - Nustatyti VSAT pareigūnų motyvavimo sistemos efektyvumą. Uždaviniai: 1) atskleisti esminius personalo motyvavimo teorinius aspektus, 2) išryškinti personalo motyvacijos valstybės tarnyboje ypatybes, 3) atskleisti pareigūnų motyvavimo VSAT specifiką, 4) ištirti kaip VSAT Ignalinos rinktinėje dirbantys pareigūnai vertina VSAT motyvavimo sistemos efektyvumą, 5) išanalizuoti tyrimo rezultatus ir pateikti siūlymus motyvavimo sistemos tobulinimui. Hipotezė - VSAT pareigūnų motyvavimo sistema nėra visiškai efektyvi. Atlikus tyrimą, išanalizavus jo rezultatus bei jų pagrindu pateikus siūlymus, galėtų patobulėti pareigūnų motyvavimo sistema VSAT. Darbo metodai: 1) mokslinės literatūros šaltinių metaanalizė, 2) aprašomasis metodas, 3) atvejo analizė, 4) sintezė, 5) interpretacija, 6) prognozavimas, 7) prielaidų analizė, 8) statistinė analizė, 9) anketinė apklausa 10)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In order to qualitatively implement such functions performed by the State Border Guard Service as protection of the State Border, public order and public security, the recognition and maintenance of the motivation of officials performing these functions become highly important. The abundance of scientific literature lacks both theoretical and empirical data on the motivation of officials in the State Border Guard Service. High vicissitude of employees, dissatisfaction with service conditions and social security, corruption are the problems evidencing the inefficiency of the motivation system in the State Border Guard Service. The object of this MA thesis is the efficiency of employee motivation system in the State Border Guard Service. The aim is to determine the efficiency of employee motivation system in the State Border Guard Service The tasks: 1) to reveal the essential theoretical aspects of employee motivation, 2) to highlight the peculiarities of employee motivation in the civil service, 3) to introduce the specificity of employee motivation in the State Border Guard Service, 4) to investigate how the officials working in the State border Guard Service Ignalina Territorial Unit evaluate the efficiency of motivation system, 5) to examine the results of the investigation and to make proposals for the improvement of the motivation system. Hypothesis – the employee motivation system in the State Border Guard Service is not completely effective. The investigation, its... [to full text]

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