Spelling suggestions: "subject:"phase bransformation"" "subject:"phase btransformation""
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Développement d'un instrument endodontique en alliage à mémoire de forme monocristallin cuivreux / Development of an endodontic instrument based on a single-crystal shape memory alloyVincent, Marin 03 February 2017 (has links)
De nombreuses avancées ont été réalisées en termes de géométries instrumentales, mouvements de travail et procédés de fabrication des limes endodontiques. Cependant, peu de recherches se sont tournées vers l’utilisation d’alliages à mémoire de forme (AMF) autres que le Nickel-Titane (NiTi). Ce travail se propose de développer un instrument endodontique constitué d’un nouvel AMF aux propriétés mécaniques et antimicrobiennes très prometteuses : le CuAlBe monocristallin. Après une première analyse par éléments finis des paramètres géométriques adéquats pour une lime endodontique en AMF monocristallin à base de CuAlBe, plusieurs prototypes ont été fabriqués puis testés en rotation continue selon un protocole de pénétration / retrait (P/R) dans des canaux artificiels. Des limes endodontiques en NiTi, déjà commercialisées, ont été également testées avec le même protocole. L’objectif de ces recherches était de montrer que les instruments endodontiques en CuAlBe monocristallin présentaient des performances mécaniques équivalentes à ceux en NiTi, en plus de leurs propriétés antimicrobiennes / Many advances have been made in terms of instrumental geometry, working motion and manufacturing processes of endodontic files. However, since the discovery of Nickel-Titanium (NiTi) shape memory alloys (SMA), few research has been carried out on new SMAs. In this context, this work aims to develop an endodontic instrument machined from a new SMA with very promising mechanical and antimicrobial properties: the single crystal CuAlBe. Following a finite element analysis in order to determine adequate geometric parameters for a single crystal CuAlBe SMA endodontic instrument, prototypes were machined and tested following a continuous rotation penetration / removal (P/R) protocol in artificial canals. Endodontic files made of NiTi SMA, already commercialized, were also tested with the same protocol. The aim of this researches is to show that CuAlBe endodontic instruments could lead equivalent mechanical performances to NiTi instruments in addition of their antimicrobial properties
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Inomogeneidades no espaço (desordem fraca; modelos de p-spins) e representação no espaço de Fock em problemas da física estatística / Inhomogeneities in space (weak disorder; spins p models) and the Fock space representation problems in statistical physics.Paulo de Tarso Artencio Muzy 24 June 2004 (has links)
Investigamos a relevância da desordem (fraca) correlacionada ao longo de D IND. 1 dimensões, em modelos ferromagnéticos de Potts sobre diversas redes hierárquicas (de d dimensões). Mostramos que para d-d IND. 1 = 1 a aproximação de desordem fraca produz um ponto fixo não físico, indicando que o comportamento crítico não pode ser descrito por um esquema perturbativo. Para d-d IND.1>1, a desordem é relevante, produzindo um ponto fixo fisicamente aceitável. Estabelecemos um critério de relevância baseado no expoente de crossover. Em seguida examinamos modelos aleatórios com interações competitivas de p spins esféricos, na versão de Curie-Weiss, que podem ser resolvidos sem o método de réplicas. Obtemos o diagrama de fases de modelos incluindo interações de 2 e 4 spins, supondo formas simples (de acordo com os esquemas de Hopfield ou de van Hemmen para os termos aleatórios. Mostramos que as escolhas de Hopfield ou de van Hemmen não mudam a topologia dos diagramas de fase. Finalmente, apresentamos uma revisão da construção do espaço de Fock para sistemas hamiltonianos, originalmente proposta por M Schöenberg a fim de obter a mecânica estatística clássica a partir da equação de Liouville. O mesmo tipo de formalismo pode ser aplicado à equação mestra de um sistemas estocástico. Como exemplo, deduzimos o operador de evolução do modelo de Glauber linear na representação número. / Investigamos a relevância da desordem (fraca) correlacionada ao longo de D IND. 1 dimensões, em modelos ferromagnéticos de Potts sobre diversas redes hierárquicas (de d dimensões). Mostramos que para d-d IND. 1 = 1 a aproximação de desordem fraca produz um ponto fixo não físico, indicando que o comportamento crítico não pode ser descrito por um esquema perturbativo. Para d-d IND.1>1, a desordem é relevante, produzindo um ponto fixo fisicamente aceitável. Estabelecemos um critério de relevância baseado no expoente de crossover. Em seguida examinamos modelos aleatórios com interações competitivas de p spins esféricos, na versão de Curie-Weiss, que podem ser resolvidos sem o método de réplicas. Obtemos o diagrama de fases de modelos incluindo interações de 2 e 4 spins, supondo formas simples (de acordo com os esquemas de Hopfield ou de van Hemmen para os termos aleatórios. Mostramos que as escolhas de Hopfield ou de van Hemmen não mudam a topologia dos diagramas de fase. Finalmente, apresentamos uma revisão da construção do espaço de Fock para sistemas hamiltonianos, originalmente proposta por M Schöenberg a fim de obter a mecânica estatística clássica a partir da equação de Liouville. O mesmo tipo de formalismo pode ser aplicado à equação mestra de um sistemas estocástico. Como exemplo, deduzimos o operador de evolução do modelo de Glauber linear na representação número.
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Estudo da transformação durante o resfriamento continuo e da microestrutura do aço microligado X80 utilizado na construção de tubos para transporte de gás natural e petróleo. / Study of the transformation during the continuous cooling and the microstructure of microalloyed steel X80 used in the building of pipelines for gas and oil transport.Mario Fernando Gonzalez Ramírez 16 June 2008 (has links)
O crescente consumo de energia produzida a partir do petróleo e do gás natural conduz a melhoria das propriedades mecânicas dos aços microligados empregados na construção dos oleodutos e gasodutos para incrementar o transporte dos recursos a menores custos e elevar a confiabilidade. O aumento do controle das diferentes fases, agregados eutetóides, microconstituintes e precipitados neste tipo de aço, garante a melhoria na resistência mecânica, tenacidade e soldabilidade. Dentro deste contexto foi realizado um trabalho de caracterização microestrutural do aço um microligado para tubos API 5L X80 em amostras de aço como recebido e em diferentes condições de resfriamento. Para o estudo da cinética das transformações de fase, o aço microligado foi submetido a ensaios de dilatometria onde foram identificadas as temperaturas e tempos de início e fim de transformação de fases, para varias velocidades de resfriamento. A partir das diferentes temperaturas e tempos obtidos, em função das taxas de resfriamento, foi possível extrair a curva de Transformação por Resfriamento Continuo (TRC). Os dados da curva TRC foram comparados com as microestruturas de cada corpo de prova por meio de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), microscopia eletrônica de varredura com Field Emission Gun (FEG) e microdureza, caracterizando a evolução morfológica da matriz ferrítica, agregados eutetóides e microconstituinte austenita/martensita (MA). Para a caracterização microestrutural das amostras também foram utilizadas técnicas de análise microestrutural como, nanodureza, análise por difração de raios X em amostras obtidas por extração de precipitados, saturação magnética e microscopia de força atômica (AFM). A técnica de saturação magnética foi desenvolvida por médio de curvas de histerese medidas em um histeresígrafo com peças polares e anel de Rowland para diversas amplitudes de intensidade de campo magnético. Esta técnica permitiu a detecção da saturação magnética do aço sem tratamento térmico e a saturação máxima nos aços com tratamento térmico, o que indicou a total transformação da austenita retida. A relação das duas saturações permitiu determinar a fração de austenita retida no MA. Para as medidas de nanodureza foi utilizado um nanodurômetro acoplado ao microscópio de força atômica (AFM). As nanodurezas obtidas em diferentes grãos foram comparadas com os valores constantes na literatura para identificar as fases, agregados eutetóides e possíveis precipitados da microestrutura. / The continuous increase of energy generated from petroleum and natural gas created the need to improve the mechanical properties of microalloyed steels used in gas and oil pipelines, in order to increase their flow with smaller costs and higher reliability. The control of the different phases, morphology of microconstituents like ferrite plus carbide aggregates and precipitates in this kind of steels is essential to the improvement of mechanical strength, toughness and weldability. In this context, a work of microestrutural characterization of a microalloyed steel for API X80 pipelines was carried out both on an as-received steel sample as in samples submitted to different cooling conditions. The kinetics of austenite transformations was investigated using dilatometric experiments, identifying start and end of the phase transformations as well as the time spent temperatures for the phase transformations at each cooling rate. The temperature and time curves obtained as a function of the cooling rates allowed the determination of a Continuous Cooling Transformation curve (CCT). The data from the CCT curve was compared with the microstructures of each sample through optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning electron microscopy with Field Emission Gun (FEG) and microhardness, characterizing the morphologic evolution of the ferritic matrix, ferrite plus carbide eutectoid aggregates (perlite and bainite) and the microconstituent martensite/austenite (MA). The microestrutural characterization of the samples was performed also using different techniques of microestrutural analysis: precipitate extraction followed by Xrays diffraction analysis, magnetic saturation and atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements. The magnetic saturation technique was developed through hysteresis curves measured with a hysteresigraph with polar pieces and Rowland ring for several ranges of magnetic field intensity. This technique allowed to detect the magnetic saturation of the steel without thermal treatment and the maximum saturation in the heat treated steels were the retained austenite has transformed. The relationship between those saturations curves allowed a determination of the retained austenite fraction in the MA microconstituent. The nanohardness was measured using a specific device coupled to a atomic force microscope (AFM). The nanohardness of different grains were compared with the hardness values from the literature in order to help identify phases and microconstituents, as well as possible precipitates.
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A presença do nióbio em um ferro fundido branco de cromo-molibdênio: traçado da curva transformação-tempo-temperatura / not availableAlberto Ibañez Ruiz 03 April 1996 (has links)
Avaliou-se experimentalmente o ferro fundido branco de alto-cromo-molibdênio ao qual foi adicionado nióbio, a respeito de sua temperabilidade. Dilatometricamente traçou-se a curva TTT desse material, bem como a de um ferro fundido branco de alto cromo para efeito comparativo. Constatou-se por essa comparação e pelos resultados da literatura a alta temperabilidade obtida pela liga experimental. A partir da temperatura de austenitização utilizada, podem-se usar taxas de resfriamento de até 0,12°C/s sem transformação de fase, enquanto que na liga comparativa essa taxa aumenta para 5,8°C/s. Foram realizadas análises de desgaste abrasivo, de dureza e microdureza, de difração por raios-X , de fase magnética e de microanálise como forma de caracterizar as transformações de fase observadas por dilatometria. As variações estruturais decorrentes dos tratamentos térmicos realizados nas duas ligas foram acompanhados por microscopia ótica. É indicativo pelo presente trabalho que tal material além de suas características inerentes de resistência à abrasão e à corrosão oferece maior flexibilidade nos projetos que envolvam paredes espessas. / In this work we studied the hardenability of high chromium- molibdenum white cast iron with niobium. By dilatometry we obtained the TTT curve of this material as well as the high chromium white cast iron for comparison. This comparison and available results in literature confirm the high temperability of experimental material. We can use slow rate cooling 0,12°C/s or higher without phase transformation, while in the comparative alloy this rate is around 5,8°C/s or higher from specific used austenitic abrasive temperature. We also realized analysis of abrasive wear, hardness and microhardness, raios-X difraction, magnetic phase and microanalyse for verifing the phase transformation as observed by dilatometry. The structure variation as function of termic treatment in both alloys is monitored by optical microscope. The present work indicate that the material under study can offer more flexibility for projects with thick materials apart from intrinsic characteristics of abrasive wear and corrosion.
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Soldagem a laser e caracterização microestrutural do aço avançado de alta resistência DP1000 / Laser beam welding and microstructural characterization of advanced high strength steel DP1000Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Monteiro Alves 12 April 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento dos veículos atuais vem sendo impulsionado pela necessidade de redução de massa associada com o aumento da segurança para os passageiros. Na procura de novos materiais e processos para atender estas exigências, os aços bifásicos ferrítico-martensíticos ou DP vêm se destacando entre os aços avançados de alta resistência (AHSS), por apresentar elevada resistência mecânica e boa ductilidade. Da mesma forma, a soldagem a laser vem se mostrando promissora para junção desta classe de materiais. Este processo permite unir os aços DP com boa qualidade metalúrgica sem significativas distorções dimensionais. Embora os aços DP apresentem boa soldabilidade, um amolecimento localizado na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) também é observado, especialmente no aço DP1000, que apresenta elevada fração de martensita. Desta forma, esta Tese propõe a soldagem a laser do aço DP1000 de espessura 1,80 mm, seguida de uma sistemática caracterização microestrutural, visando a produção de juntas soldadas suficientemente resistentes. Para isto, foram produzidos cordões numa chapa de aço DP1000, variando a potência nominal de soldagem entre 0,4 e 2,0 kW e a velocidade de soldagem entre 20 e 150 mm/s. A caracterização microestrutural foi conduzida com o auxílio das técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), difração de raios X (DRX) e difração de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). As juntas soldadas mais representativas foram submetidas a ensaios de dureza Vickers e tração uniaxial. Os resultados mostram que é possível produzir juntas soldadas resistentes no aço DP1000. Todavia, é fundamental que a combinação de parâmetros gere soldas com penetração total e mínima largura de ZAC, limitando a quantidade de amolecimento da martensita prévia e a fração volumétrica de austenita retida. Na presente Tese, os melhores resultados foram obtidos para uma potência de 2,0 kW e velocidade de 150 mm/s. / The development of modern vehicles has been driven by the need of mass reduction associated with the increase of the safety of passengers. In the search for new materials and processes to meet these requirements, ferritic-martensitic dual-phase (DP) steels are potential candidates among advanced high-strength steels (AHSS), because of their high mechanical strength and good ductility. In that sense, laser beam welding has been shown promising for joining this class of materials. This process allows joining DP steels with good metallurgical quality without large dimensional distortions. Although DP steels show good weldability, a localized softening in the heat affected zone (HAZ) is also observed, especially in DP1000 steel which contains large amounts of martensite. Thus, laser beam welding has been performed in DP1000 steel with thickness of 1.80 mm, followed by a systematic microstructural characterization, aiming at the production of resistant welded joints. For this, bead-on-plate welds were carried out in DP1000 steel, varying the welding power between 0.4 and 2.0 kW and the welding speed between 20 and 150 mm/s. The microstructural characterization was conducted with the aid of light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). The most representative welded joints were tested for Vickers hardness and uniaxial tensile test. Results show that it is possible to produce sound and resistant welded joints in DP1000 steel. However, it is critical that the combination of parameters allows the obtainment of welds with full penetration and minimum HAZ width, limiting the amount of softening of prior martensite and the volume fraction of retained austenite. In the present Thesis, this was achieved using a power of 2.0 kW and a welding speed of 150 mm/s.
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TEM in-situ Untersuchungen an Ti-Ni basierten Formgedächtnislegierungen / TEM in-situ studies of Ti-Ni based shape memory alloysWuttke, Timo 05 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Selected heat conduction problems in thermomechanical treatment of steelMartin, D. C. (David Charles) 20 September 2011 (has links)
This thesis considers two related problems where heat conduction is accompanied by phase transformation during the cooling of carbon steels – phenomena which are fundamental to modern thermomechanical treatment processes.
In the first problem, a non-linear heat equation formulation is described which includes linkage between irreversible diffusive and diffusionless phase transformation processes and thermophysical properties. A family of numerical schemes using finite difference methods with diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta method integrators for solving this formulation is present. Sample calculations using these schemes are presented for a mild steel cooled under range of industrially relevant heat transfer conditions. These calculations illustrate the need for careful scheme design and solver selection when coupled heat conduction and microstructure evolution equations become non-linear and stiff.
The second section of the thesis extends this heat conduction formulation into the realm of inverse analysis. The problem of temperature reconstruction and boundary condition estimation using temperature measurements obtained thermocouples embedded into laboratory samples undergoing phase transformation is considered. A solution method based on iterative regularization is described for solving the resulting ill-posed problem. An analysis of extremely high rate cooling experiments made on a pilot-plant descaling unit using the inverse method is presented. This analysis highlights some of the practical issues associated with embedded thermocouple temperature measurements made in this fashion. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöstyössä tutkitaan kahta ongelmaa liittyen hiiliteräksen termomekaanisen käsittelyn numeeriseen mallintamiseen. Työssä tarkastellaan teräksessä tapahtuvaa lämmönsiirtoa ja faasimuutoksia jäähdytyksen aikana, eli ensisijaisen tärkeitä ilmiöitä kehittynyttä teräksen valmistusta ja prosessointia ajatellen.
Ensimmäisenä ongelmana tutkitaan epälineaarisen energiayhtälön muodostaminen huomioiden teräksen termofysikaaliset materiaaliominaisuudet, diffuusion kontrolloimat ja diffuusiosta riippumattomat irreversiibelit faasimuutokset. Lisäksi huomioidaan näiden väliset kytkennät. Yhtälöt ratkaistaan numeerisesti ja käytetyt menetelmät esitellään differenssimenetelmien ja diagonaalisesti implisiittisten Runge-Kutta-menetelmien osalta. Väitöstyössä näiden käyttöä havainnollistetaan simuloimalla niukkahiilisen teräksen käyttäytymistä teollisia olosuhteita vastaavan jäähdytyksen aikana. Laskentatulokset osoittavat ratkaisumenetelmän suunnittelun ja valinnan tärkeyden erityisesti silloin, kun lämmönjohtuminen, mikrorakenteen kehittyminen ja termofysikaaliset materiaaliominaisuudet muuttavat ratkaistavan ongelman epälineaariseksi ja jäykäksi.
Toisena ongelmana tutkitaan edellä esitetyn lämmönsiirtomallin käyttöä osanainversioanalyysiä. Laboratoriokokeiden, termopareilla suoritettujen lämpötilamittausten, työssä kehitetyn lämmönsiirtomallin ja suoritetun inversioanalyysin avulla rekonstruoidaan teräskappaleiden lämpötila- ja faasimuutoskäyttäytymistä sekä estimoidaan mallin reunaehtoja. Näin luotu inversio-ongelma on kuitenkin matemaattisesti tarkasteltuna ns. huonosti asetettu ongelma, ja sen ratkaisemiseksi käytetään iteratiiviseen säännöllistämiseen perustuvaa menetelmää. Väitöstyön inversioanalyysiä havainnollistetaan pilot-mittakaavan kokeiden avulla, joissa hilsepesuria käyttäen koekappaleen jäähtymisnopeus saadaan erittäin korkeaksi. Tulokset nostavat esille inversio-analyysiin liittyviä ongelmia ja rajoitteita nopeaan jäähtymiseen sekä lämpötilamittauksiin liittyen.
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Viability and characterization of the laser surface treatment of engineering ceramicsShukla, Pratik P. January 2011 (has links)
Laser surface treatment of engineering ceramics offers various advantages in comparison with conventional processing techniques and much research has been conducted to develop applications. Even so, there still remains a considerable gap in knowledge that needs to be filled to establish the process. By employing a fibre laser for the first time to process silicon nitride (Si3N4) and zirconia (ZrO2) engineering ceramics, a comparison with the CO2 and a Nd:YAG lasers was conducted to provide fundamental understanding of various aspects of the laser beam-material interaction. Changes in the morphology, microstructure, surface finish, fracture toughness parameter (K1c) were investigated, followed by thermal finite element modelling (FEM) of the laser surface treatment and the phase transformation of the two ceramics, as well as the effects of the fibre laser beam parameter - brightness (radiance). Fibre and CO2 laser surface treatment of both Si3N4 and ZrO2 engineering ceramics was performed by using various processing gases. Changes in the surface roughness, material removal, surface morphology and microstructure were observed. But the effect was particularly more remarkable when applying the reactive gases with both lasers and less significant when using the inert gases. Microcracking was also observed when the reactive gases were applied. This was due to an exothermic reaction produced during the laser-ceramic interaction which would have resulted to an increased surface temperature leading to thermal shocks. Moreover, the composition of the ceramics was modified with both laser irradiated surfaces as the ZrO2 transformed to zirconia carbides (ZrC) and Si3N4 to silicon dioxide (SiO2) respectively. The most appropriate equation identified for the determination of the fracture toughness parameter K1c of the as-received, CO2 and the fibre laser surface treated Si3N4 and ZrO2 was K1c=0.016 (E/Hv) 1/2 (P/c3/2). Surfaces of both ceramics treated with CO2 and the fibre laser irradiation produced an increased K1c under the measured conditions, but with different effects. The CO2 laser surface treatment produced a thicker and softer layer whereas the fibre laser surface treatment increased the hardness by only 4%. This is inconsiderable but a reduction in the crack lengths increased the K1c value under the applied conditions. This was through a possible transformation hardening which occurred within both engineering ceramics. Experimental findings validated the generated thermal FEM of the CO2 and the fibre laser surface treatment and showed good agreement. However, a temperature difference was found between the CO2 and fibre laser surface treatment due to the difference in absorption of the near infra-red (NIR) wavelength of the fibre laser being higher than the mid infra-red (MIR) wavelength of the CO2 laser. This in turn, generated a larger interaction zone on the surface that was not induced further into the bulk, as was the case with the fibre laser irradiation. The MIR wavelength is therefore suitable for Viability and Characterization of the Laser Surface Treatment of Engineering Ceramics 3 the surface processing of mainly oxide ceramics and surface treatments which do not require deep penetration. Phase transformation of the two ceramics occurred at various stages during the fibre laser surface treatment. The ZrO2 was transformed from the monoclinic (M) state to a mixture of tetragonal + cubic (T+C) during fibre laser irradiation and from T+C to T and then a partially liquid (L) phase followed by a possible reverse transformation to the M state during solidification. The Si3N4 transformed to a mixture of α-phase and β-phase (α→ α+β) followed by α+β and fully transforms from α+β → β-phase. What is more, is a comparison of the fibre laser-beam brightness parameter with that of the Nd:YAG laser. In particular, physical and microstructural changes due to the difference in the laser-beam brightness were observed. This research has identified the broader effects of various laser processing conditions, as well as characterization techniques, assessment and identification of a method to determine the K1c and the thermal FEM of laser surface treated engineering ceramics. Also, the contributions of laser-beam brightness as a parameter of laser processing and the influence thereof on the engineering ceramics have been identified from a fundamental viewpoint. The findings of this research can now be adopted to develop ceramic fuel cell joining techniques and applications where laser beam surface modification and characterization of engineering ceramics are necessary.
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Étude in situ des évolutions microstructurales d'un acier inoxydable martensitique à l'azote au cours d'une succession de traitements thermiques / In situ study of the microstructural evolutions of a nitrogen martensitic stainless steel during a succession of thermal treatmentsBénéteau, Adeline 14 March 2007 (has links)
L’acier inoxydable martensitique à l’azote XD15NW (Fe–15,5%Cr–0,4%C–0,2%N–1,7%Mo–0,3%V) est un candidat attractif pour les bagues de roulement des moteurs spatiaux. Il possède de bonnes propriétés mécaniques et une bonne résistance à la corrosion grâce à l’azote qui contribue à la formation de précipités de petite taille dans une matrice à grains fins. Nous avons étudié les évolutions microstructurales de cet acier au cours d’une succession de traitements thermiques: austénitisation et trempe, revenu, traitement de surface par induction. Outre les techniques usuelles d’analyse microstructurale (MEB, MET, dilatométrie), nous avons utilisé la diffraction des rayons X de haute énergie in situ (rayonnement synchrotron). Cette technique nous a permis d’obtenir les cinétiques d’évolution des phases en fonction de la température et du temps, les gradients de microstructure au sein de pièces traitées par induction en surface et les évolutions de paramètres de maille des phases / The nitrogen martensitic stainless steel XD15NW (Fe–15,5%Cr–0,4%C–0,2%N–1,7%Mo–0,3%V) is an attractive candidate for the bearing rings of the space engines turbopumps. It owns good mechanical properties and a good corrosion resistance thanks to the nitrogen which contributes to the formation of little size precipitates in a fine grains matrix. The microstructural evolutions of this steel during a succession of thermal treatments were studied: austenitisation and quenching, tempering, induction surface heat treatment. In addition to the usual techniques of microstructural analysis (SEM, TEM, dilatometry), the in situ high energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction was used. It allowed to obtain the evolution kinetics of the phases as a function of temperature and time, the microstructural gradients in induction treated samples and the lattice parameters evolutions which are linked to the chemical composition or the internal stresses evolutions of the phases
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Etude de la rhéologie à chaud et des évolutions microstructurales de l'alliage Ti-5553 / Hot working and microstructural evolution in the Ti-5553 alloyFall, Ameth Maloum 09 November 2015 (has links)
L’alliage Ti-5553 destiné à la fabrication des trains d’atterrissage suit au cours de sa mise en forme, un schéma thermomécanique assez complexe composé par des étapes de forgeage successives dans les domaines monophasé β et biphasé α+β. Ainsi dans le but de rendre possible l’optimisation de ses gammes de forgeage, un important développement des connaissances sur la rhéologie et sur les évolutions microstructurales au cours du traitement thermomécanique est donc nécessaire pour l’entreprise Messier Bugatti Dowty. L’objectif ici est de déterminer expérimentalement la rhéologie et de modéliser le comportement mécanique ainsi que la caractérisation des microstructures de l’alliage Ti-5553 au cours des séquences de déformations dans les domaines et. La détermination expérimentale de la rhéologie à chaud de l’alliage Ti-5553 a été réalisée d’une part au moyen d’essais de compression uniaxiale dans les domaines biphasé et monophasé, ce qui a permis d’identifier une loi de comportement du matériau dans le domaine pour les deux états "billette" et "pièce forgée", de décrire le comportement rhéologique du Ti-5553 dans les domaines de température, de vitesse et de déformation comprises respectivement entre 720 et 990 °C ; 0,001 et 1 s–1 ; 0,1 et 1,2. C’est ainsi qu’un modèle rhéologique a été proposé, basé sur la Loi de Hansel et Spittle qui prend en compte l’évolution de la contrainte d’écoulement du matériau en fonction de la vitesse de déformation et de la température.Par ailleurs, les analyses microstructurales réalisées en microscopie optique, aux rayon X, au MEB et en EBSD ont permis de caractériser les tailles des grains et , des textures des états initiaux et de déformés, et de mettre en évidence un phénomène de précipitation dynamique de la phase . / Ti-5553 alloy used for landing gear manufacturing has a complex thermomechanical diagram during hot working process which consists of successive forging steps in the single phase β and the two phase α+β regions. For this purpose, in order to optimize theTi-5553 forging process in Messier-Bugatti-Dowty Company, significant development of knowledge of rheology and the microstructural evolution during thermomechanical processing is necessary. The aims of this work are: i) to find out experimentally the rheology, ii) to model the mechanical behavior, and iii) to characterize the microstructural changes during different strain sequences in theα+β and β regions.Uniaxial compression tests were carried out in order to determine the rheology of the Ti-5553 alloy in the single and the two-phase region. The latter provide the behavior of the alloy in the two initial states, “billet” and “as forget”. This information was used to determine the rheological behavior of the material in the temperature range 720 to 990 ˚C, strain rate range 0.001 to 1 s-1 and strains in the range 0.1 to 1.2. A rheological model of the material behavior based on Hansel-Spittle equations was proposed which takes into account the dependence of the flow behavior of the material with strain rate and temperature.Moreover, characterisation methods such as optical, scanning electron microscopies, X-rays and EBSD analyses were used to examine the microstructures in the initial state (undeformed) and the deformed material. These techniques allowed the measurement of alpha and beta grain sizes as well as the texture of the material at different conditions (undeformed and deformed material). The results also indicated that a dynamic α-phase precipitation phenomenon in the material can take place during the hot working process.
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