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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization, Clock Tree Synthesis and Power Grid Dimensioning in SiLago Framework

Prasad, Rohit January 2019 (has links)
A hardware design methodology or platform is complete if it has the capabilities to successfully implement clock tree, predict the power consumption for cases like best and worst Parasitic Interconnect Corners (RC Corners), supply power to every standard cell, etc.This thesis has tried to solve the three unsolved engineering problems in SiLago design. First, power characterization of the flat design which was designed using the SiLago methodology. Second, designing a hierarchical clock tree and harden it inside the SiLago logic. Third, dimensioning hierarchical power grids. Out of these, clock tree illustrates some interesting characteristics as it is programmable and predictable.The tools used for digital designing are Cadence Innovus, Synopsys Design Vision, and Mentor Graphics Questasim. These are very sophisticated tools and widely accepted in industries as well as in academia.The work done in this thesis has enabled SiLago platform one step forward toward its fruition. / En hårdvarudesign metodologi eller plattform är komplett om den har kapabiliteten till att lyckas genomföra klockträdet, förutsäga strömförbrukningen för bästa och värsta fall av Parasitic Interconnect Corners (RC Corners), tillföra kraft till varje standardcell, etc. Denna avhandling har försökt lösa de tre olösta tekniska problemen i SiLago-designen. Det första är strömkvalificering av designen som designades med hjälp av SiLago metoden. Det andra problemet är att designa ett hierarkiskt klockträd och härda det inuti SiLago logik. Det tredje problemet är att dimensionera hierarkiska strömnät. Ur dessa illustrerar klockträdet några intressanta egenskaper eftersom det är programmerbart och förutsägbart. De verktyg som används för digital design är Cadence Innovus, Synopsys Design Visionoch Mentor Graphics Questasim. Dessa verktyg är mycket sofistikerade och allmänt accepterade i industrier såväl som i akademin. Arbetet i denna avhandling har gjort det möjligt för SiLago-plattformen att ta ett steg mot att realiseras.

A Design Methodology for Physical Design for Testability

Almajdoub, Salahuddin A. 01 July 1996 (has links)
Physical design for testability (PDFT) is a strategy to design circuits in a way to avoid or reduce realistic physical faults. The goal of this work is to define and establish a speci c methodology for PDFT. The proposed design methodology includes techniques to reduce potential bridging faults in complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) circuits. To compare faults, the design process utilizes a new parameter called the fault index. The fault index for a particular fault is the probability of occurrence of the fault divided by the testability of the fault. Faults with the highest fault indices are considered the worst faults and are targeted by the PDFT design process to eliminate them or reduce their probability of occurrence. An implementation of the PDFT design process is constructed using several new tools in addition to other "off-the-shelf" tools. The first tool developed in this work is a testability measure tool for bridging faults. Two other tools are developed to eliminate or reduce the probability of occurrence of bridging faults with high fault indices. The row enhancer targets faults inside the logic elements of the circuit, while the channel enhancer targets faults inside the routing part of the circuit. To demonstrate the capabilities and test the eff ectiveness of the PDFT design process, this work conducts an experiment which includes designing three CMOS circuits from the ISCAS 1985 benchmark circuits. Several layouts are generated for every circuit. Every layout, except the rst one, utilizes information from the previous layout to minimize the probability of occurrence for faults with high fault indices. Experimental results show that the PDFT design process successfully achieves two goals of PDFT, providing layouts with fewer faults and minimizing the probability of occurrence of hard-to-test faults. Improvement in the total fault index was about 40 percent in some cases, while improvement in total critical area was about 30 percent in some cases. However, virtually all the improvements came from using the row enhancer; the channel enhancer provided only marginal improvements. / Ph. D.

The Social Life of Steeplechase Park: Neighborhood Dog-Park as a "Third Place

Gulati, Nidhi 1986- 14 March 2013 (has links)
In the United States, there is a growing trend towards livable cities that facilitate physical, psychological, and social well-being. According to Congress of the New Urbanism, the great American suburb served by the automobile, does not fulfill all these functions. Urban sociologist Ray Oldenburg points out three realms of satisfactory life as work, home and the ‘great good place’ as the third. The third place is one that facilitates barrier free social interaction, for example the American main-street, the English pub, French coffee house etc. Despite the ever existing need for such places, greater travel distances and the ever expanding needs of the automobile era have stripped our urban fabric of these. The Charter of the New Urbanism points out that in the American suburbs, neighborhood parks have the potential to serve as ‘third places.’ The twofold purpose of this research was to examine Steeplechase dog-park using Oldenburg’s Third Place construct as a starting point; and then to operationalize third place by establishing relationships between social characteristics and physical environment. Participant observation, casual conversations and ethnographic interviews were methods used to examine how residents use Steeplechase Park. The observation phase was used to understand on-site behavior, user interests and then establish contacts with participants for recruitment. In-depth interviews were then conducted to examine user history, relationships and attitudes toward the place. Data was coded and analyzed in NVivo 10 utilizing Oldenburg’s framework as a reference, the components of which were then examined for correlations to the physical elements. The findings of suggest that Steeplechase Park functions as a somewhat unique third place in terms of user motivation, companion animal/social lubricant, neutrality and inclusiveness of the place. Findings also establish useful links between the physical design of the space and the social activity; prospect-refuge supported by vegetation and layout, topography, shade, edges and access being the most important aspects. Additionally, lack of maintenance was established as a major concern to sustained use.

Conception physique des bases de données à base ontologique : le cas des vues matérialisées / Physicaly Design of Ontology-Based Databases

Mbaiossoum, Bery Leouro 12 December 2014 (has links)
La forte volumétrie des données décrites par des ontologies a conduit à la naissance des basesde données à base ontologique (BDBO). Plusieurs communautés se sont intéressées à cette technologieet ont proposé des solutions pour persister les données sémantiques dans des SGBD.Parallèlement, la conception physique est devenue une étape primordiale dans le cycle de viede conception des bases de données (BD). Durant cette phase, des structures d’optimisation sontsélectionnées. Si de nombreux travaux ont été menés sur la conception physique dans le contexte desBD traditionnelles, peu se sont intéressés à la conception physique dans les BDBO qui est pluscomplexe. Cette complexité est due à la diversité des BDBO qui porte sur des formalismes supportés,des modèles de stockage et des architectures utilisés.Pour guider la sélection des structures d’optimisation et mesurer sa qualité, nous avonsdéveloppé un modèle de coût pour estimer le coût des requêtes dans les BDBO. Les résultatsthéoriques sont confrontés avec les résultats pratiques obtenus à partir de six BDBO dont troisindustrielles (Oracle et IBM SOR, DB2RDF) et trois académiques (Jena, Sesame et OntoDB du LIASde l'ISAE-ENSMA). Ce modèle de coût a été utilisé dans le processus de sélection des vuesmatérialisées. Nous avons proposé deux approches de matérialisation : une approche conceptuelle oùla sélection des vues matérialisées est faite sur les classes et les propriétés utilisées par les requêtes etune approche simulée où la sélection prend en compte la diversité des BDBO. Des expérimentationsont été conduites pour évaluer la qualité de nos approches en les confrontant avec les principauxtravaux existants / The high volume of data described by ontologies led to the creation of Ontology-BasedDatabase (OBDB). Many communities are interested in this technology and have proposed solutionsto persist semantic data in DBMS.Meanwhile, the physical design has become an essential step in the life cycle of databasedesign, in which optimization structures are selected. While many studies have been conducted on thephysical design in the context of traditional databases, few have focused on the physical design inOBDB which is more complex. This complexity is due to the diversity of OBDB which focuses onformalisms supported, storage models and architectures used.To guide the selection of optimization structures, we have developed a cost model to estimatethe cost of queries in OBDB. The theoretical results are compared with the practical results obtainedfrom six OBDB including three industrial (Oracle, IBM SOR and DB2RDF) and three academic (Jena,Sesame and OntoDB of the LIAS Lab of ISAE-ENSMA). This cost model was used in thematerialized views selection process. We proposed two approaches of materialized views selection: aconceptual approach where the selection of materialized views is made on the classes and propertiesused by queries and a simulated approach where the selection takes into account the diversity ofOBDB. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the quality of our approaches and compare them withthe main existing work

Skolgården - Ett rum av betydelse : En fältstudie av Karlskoga kommuns skolgårdsmiljöer / The schoolyard - A space of significance : A field study of Karlskoga municipality's schoolyards enviroments

Svensson, Elin, Adolfsson, Miriam January 2021 (has links)
Barnkonventionen blev lag i Sverige den första januari år 2020. Ett sätt att integrera barnkonvention i fysisk planering är säkerställa alla barns rätt till en god utomhusmiljö. Tidigare forskning visar att tillgång till naturen har flera positiva fördelar, såsom fysisk och psykisk hälsa. Barns möjlighet till detta kan variera beroende på olika bakgrundsförhållanden och ett sätt att jämna ut ojämlikheten är att arbeta med skolgårdens utformning och planering.  Utifrån ovanstående resonemang är syftet för den här kandidatuppsatsen att belysa skolgårdens nutida utformning och utvecklingsmöjligheter baserat på visioner och teorier om barns utemiljöer. För att uppfylla syftet har ett inventeringsprojekt av skolgårdar i samarbete med Karlskoga kommun genomförts våren 2021. Projektet ska utmynna i en nulägesbeskrivning och analys för stödja kommunens planering och prioritering av skolgårdar. Följande frågeställningar har formulerats för att uppfylla uppsatsens syfte: Vilka målsättningar och visioner för skolgården och barns utomhusmiljöer har Karlskoga kommun?  Hur är skolgårdarna i Karlskoga kommun rumsligt utformade i förhållande till visionen?  Studiens resultat har analyserats med hjälp av en teori som utgår från Grahns och Berggren-Bärrings (1995) åtta karaktärer hos parken som är betydelsefulla för människor. Teorin har anpassats och kompletterats med hjälp av andra studier om kvalitéer i barns utemiljöer. Karlskoga har en policy gällande för- och grundskolans skolgårdsmiljöer samt en översiktsplan från år 2011, som med hjälp av en dokumentanalys undersökts utifrån teorin. Teorin har med stöd av dokumentanalysen utvecklats till ett observationsschema för att möjliggöra för en inventering och analys av skolgårdarna i Karlskoga kommun. Resultatet har även analyserats med hjälp av kulturgeografiska och rumsliga perspektiv samt barns geografier för att få en djupare förståelse om skolgården som plats. Slutsatsen baserad på resultatsanalysen visar att de undersökta skolgårdarna till stor del lever upp till Karlskogas vision om barns utemiljöer. Den naturrika miljön är en genomgående utgångspunkt i analysen av empirin och förespråkas både av tidigare studier samt kommunens styrdokument. Den naturrika miljön har en så kallad polymorf egenskap som innebär att den kan ha olika användningsområden och egenskaper. Exempel på dessa egenskaper är återhämtning, kultur och artrikhet, lekvärde samt möjlighet för barn att forma sin egen plats. Däremot finns det en paradox när det gäller tillgänglighet och trygghet. Den naturrika miljön kan ge upphov till tillgänglighet då den har flera användningsområden, men kan också  hindra elever med fysisk funktionsnedsättning samt undanskymma konflikter. Därför är utformningen av den naturrika miljön betydande för att skapa en tillgänglig utomhusmiljö. De skolgårdar som bedömdes uppfylla flest kriterier enligt observationsschemat var de som hade god tillgång till vegetation och skogsliknande miljöer. / The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child became law in Sweden on the first of January in 2020. One way to integrate the Convention on the Rights of the Child into physical planning is to ensure that all children have the right to a good outdoor environment. Previous research shows that access to nature has several positive benefits, such as physical and mental health. Children's possibility to this can vary depending on different background conditions and a way to approach and even out the inequality is to work with the schoolyard's design and planning. Based on the above reasoning, the purpose of this bachelor thesis is to shed light on the schoolyard's current design and development opportunities based on visions and theories about children's outdoor environments. To fulfill the purpose, an inventory project of schoolyards in collaboration with Karlskoga municipality took place in the spring of 2021. The project will result in a current situation description and analysis to support the municipality's planning and prioritization of schoolyards. The following questions have been formulated to fulfill the purpose of the essay: What goals and visions for the schoolyard and children's outdoor environments does Karlskoga municipality have? How are the schoolyards in Karlskoga municipality spatially designed in relation to the vision? The results of the study have been analyzed with the help of a theory based on Grahn's and Berggren-Bärring's (1995) eight characteristics of the park that are important to humans. The theory has been adapted and supplemented with the help of other studies regarding qualities in children's outdoor environments. Karlskoga municipality has a policy regarding schoolyards environments as well as their long-term planning document regarding guidance on how water, land and built environment is going to be used, developed and preserved from 2011, which with the help of a document analysis was examined based on the thesis theory. With the support of the document analysis, the theory has been developed into an observation scheme to enable an inventory and analysis of the schoolyards in Karlskoga municipality. The results have also been analyzed with the help of spatial perspectives as well as children's geographies to gain a deeper understanding of the schoolyard as a place. The conclusion based on the results analysis shows that the surveyed schoolyards overall live up to Karlskoga's vision of children's outdoor environments. The natural environment is a consistent starting point in the analysis of the empirical data and is advocated both by previous studies and the municipality's governing documents. The natural environment has a so-called polymorphic quality, which means that it can have different uses and properties. Examples of these characteristics are recovery, culture, species richness, play value and the opportunity for children to shape their own place. However, there is a paradox when it comes to accessibility and safety. The natural environment can give rise to accessibility as it has several uses, but can also prevent students with physical disabilities and obscure conflicts. Therefore, the design of the natural environment is significant for creating an accessible outdoor environment. The schoolyards that were considered to meet the most criteria according to the observation schedule, were those that had good access to vegetation and forest-like environments.

Trygga torg : En studie av torg ur ett trygghetsperspektiv / Perceived safety in squares : A study of squares with a perceived safety perspective

Jarlegård, Hanna, Lacombe, Bastien January 2019 (has links)
Trygghetsarbete ärnågot som både statliga myndigheter och kommuner intresserar sig för. Kommunernämner gärna i sina översiktsplaner att trygghetsfrämjande åtgärder ska vidtasoch att områden ska utvecklas med hänsyn till tryggheten. Hur dettatrygghetsarbete tar sig form i den fysiska miljön är mindre tydligt och syftetmed denna studie har således varit att ta fram aspekter som går att arbeta medför att främja trygghet. Dessa aspekter har sedan använts för att analyseratorg i Stockholm stad, Nacka kommun och Vaxholm stad för att se hur väl torgensvarar mot dessa aspekter. Aspekterna som tagits fram med hjälp av enlitteraturstudie och den fallstudie som har utförts har sedan legat till grundför att ta fram tips för hur trygga torg kan utformas.Litteraturstudien ledde till att fem aspekter av stor betydelse för trygghetentogs fram: närhet till andra människor, synlighet och överblickbarhet,belysning, grönska och skötsel av allmän plats. Inget av de torg som omfattadesav fallstudien uppnådde samtliga trygghetsaspekter, men vissa uppfyllde fler änandra. Utöver de slutsatser som har dragits kring vilka aspekter som är trygghetsfrämjandeså ledde studien till slutsatser kring vilka torg som uppfyller vilka aspekter.Slutligen ledde studien fram till konkreta förbättringsförslag för trygghetenpå de torg som fallstudien omfattade och handfasta tips för hur torg kanutformas med hänsyn till trygghet / Working with perceived safety is something that both government agencies and municipalities are interested in. Municipalities gladly mention in their general plans that perceived safety actions is something that should be prioritised and that new areas should be developed with regard to the perceived safety. Exactly how these perceived safety actions takes shape in the physical environment is less clear and the purpose has thus been to identify aspects that are possible to work with and that promotes the perceived safety. The identified aspects have then been used to analyse squares in Stockholm stad, Nacka kommun and Vaxholm stad to see how well these places correspond to the these aspects. Tips on how squares that are perceived as safe was then formulated based on the case study and the aspects that was identified in the literature study.The literature study led to the identification of five aspects with great significance to the perceived safety: closeness to other people, visibility and overview, lightning, greenery and maintenance of public space. None of the observed squares fulfill all the aspects, but some fulfill more than others. Other than the conclusions that were drawn concerning which aspects that are promoting for the perceived safety, the study also led to conclusions regarding which squares that fulfill which aspects. Finally the study led to improvement-proposals for perceived safety on the squares of the case study and concrete tips on how squares can be designed with regard to perceived safety.

Timing-Driven Routing in VLSI Physical Design Under Uncertainty

Samanta, Radhamanjari January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The multi-net Global Routing Problem (GRP) in VLSI physical design is a problem of routing a set of nets subject to limited resources and delay constraints. Various state-of-the-art routers are available but their main focus is to optimize the wire length and minimize the over ow. However optimizing wire length do not necessarily meet timing constraints at the sink nodes. Also, in modern nano-meter scale VLSI process the consideration of process variations is a necessity for ensuring reasonable yield at the fab. In this work, we try to nd a fundamental strategy to address the timing-driven Steiner tree construction (i.e., the routing) problem subject to congestion constraints and process variation. For congestion mitigation, a gradient based concurrent approach (over all nets) of Erzin et. al., rather than the traditional (sequential) rip-and-reroute is adopted in or- der to propagate the timing/delay-driven property of the Steiner tree candidates. The existing sequential rip-up and reroute methods meet the over ow constraint locally but cannot propagate the timing constraint which is non-local in nature. We build on this approach to accommodate the variation-aware statistical delay/timing requirements. To further reduce the congestion, the cost function of the tree generation method is updated by adding history based congestion penalty to the base cost (delay). Iterative use of the timing-driven Steiner tree construction method and history based tree construction procedure generate a diverse pool of candidate Steiner trees for each net. The gradient algorithm picks one tree for each net from the pool of trees such that congestion is e ciently controlled. As the technology scales down, process variation makes process dependent param- eters like resistance, capacitance etc non-deterministic. As a result, Statistical Static Timing Analysis or SSTA has replaced the traditional static timing in nano-meter scale VLSI processes. However, this poses a challenge regarding the max/min-plus algebra of Dijkstra like approximation algorithm that builds the Steiner trees. A new approach based on distance between distributions for nding maximum/minimum at the nodes is presented in this thesis. Under this metric, the approximation algorithm for variation aware timing driven congestion constrained routing is shown to be provably tight and one order of magnitude faster than existing approaches (which are not tight) such as the MVERT. The results (mean value) of our variation aware router are quite close to the mean of the several thousand Monte Carlo simulations of the deterministic router, i.e the results converge in mean. Therefore, instead of running so many deterministic Monte Carlo simulations, we can generate an average design with a probability distribution reasonably close to that of the actual behaviour of the design by running the proposed statistical router only once and at a small fraction of the computational e ort involved in physical design in the nano regime VLSI. The above approximation algorithm is extended to local routing, especially non- Manhattan lambda routing which is increasingly being allowed by the recent VLSI tech- nology nodes. Here also, we can meet delay driven constraints better and keep related wire lengths reasonable.

Design of the SiLago GNOC / Design av SiLago GNOC

Tang, Weiyao January 2022 (has links)
Synchoros VLSI design style can be an alternative choice to fit the increasing complexity of embedded multi-processor architectures. SiLago Block is part of the synchoros blocks, which can effectively reduce the cost of logic and physical synthesis as it is hardened and highly centralized details from each layer of metal. Global NoCs play an essential part in system-level design and there is necessary to benchmark the SiLago global NoC against other existing NoC libraries. In this degree project, the structure of the NoC is established based on the SiLago models, including the wires and the switches. The whole structure has nine times nine grids and sixteen switches are placed inside symmetrically. The connection between two adjacent switches is built up by wires. The routing algorithm inside the switches can support the most common routing situations by destinations, routing states, and routing history. Except the routing algorithm, this essay provides some deadlock situations and also conclude some ways to solve them. The scripts developed from the NoC generator can be used to do the logical and physical synthesis for the SiLago models. The results from the synthesis can be explored to compare against other methods about the hability to estimate cost metrics from a high level of abstraction and the quality of results. The concept of partition is introduced to accomplish physical synthesis, and through this, the design can be more approach to the core idea of synchoros VLSI design. / Synchoros VLSI designstil kan vara ett alternativt val för att passa den ökande komplexiteten hos inbäddade flerprocessorarkitekturer. SiLago Block är en del av synchoros-blocken, som effektivt kan minska kostnaderna för logik och fysisk syntes eftersom det är härdat och mycket centraliserade detaljer från varje lager av metall. Globala NoC spelar en viktig roll i design på systemnivå och det är nödvändigt att jämföra SiLago globala NoC mot andra befintliga NoC-bibliotek. I detta examensarbete fastställs strukturen för NoC baserat på SiLago-modellerna, inklusive ledningarna och switcharna. Hela strukturen har nio gånger nio rutnät och sexton brytare är placerade inuti symmetriskt. Förbindelsen mellan två intilliggande brytare byggs upp av ledningar. Routingalgoritmen inuti switcharna kan stödja de vanligaste routingsituationerna efter destinationer, routingtillstånd och routinghistorik. Förutom routingalgoritmen ger den här uppsatsen några dödlägessituationer och kommer också fram till några sätt att lösa dem. Skripten som utvecklats från NoC-generatorn kan användas för att göra den logiska och fysiska syntesen för SiLago-modellerna. Resultaten från syntesen kan utforskas för att jämföras med andra metoder om förmågan att uppskatta kostnadsmått från en hög abstraktionsnivå och kvaliteten på resultaten. Begreppet partition introduceras för att åstadkomma fysisk syntes, och genom detta kan designen vara mer förhållningssätt till kärnidén med synchoros VLSI-design.

Att planera den fysiska miljön för trygghet

Klasson, Tim January 2023 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur det är möjligt att planera en fysisk miljö för att ge upplevelsen av trygghet. Att känna sig trygg i ett område eller längs ett stråk är viktigt för att personer ska känna att det inte finns någon risk att utsättas för brott. Studien samlar kunskap från dokument och litteratur som beskriver vad på en plats som får individen att känna trygghet, respektive vad som känns otryggt. Detta är relevant för att förstå vad som behöver förändras i den fysiska miljön och kunskapsunderlaget förklarar därefter vilka åtgärder som krävs för att öka tryggheten. Kunskapen presenteras i en teori för hur det är möjligt att planera för trygghet i en fysisk miljö. För att vidare undersöka om teorin kan användas i en praktisk situation utförs en platsanalys på stadsdelen Norrliden i Kalmar. Teorin appliceras sedan efter platsanalysen för att lära vad i området som anses otryggt för att kunna presentera åtgärder. Slutsatsen kommer fram till att det finns flera faktorer som kan påverka tryggheten i en fysisk miljö. Åtgärderna skiljs åt beroende på om det är ett nytt planområde som planeras eller om det är ett existerande planområde som behöver komplettering. / This essay examines how it is possible to plan a physical environment to provide the experience of security. Feeling safe in an area or along a route is important for people to feel that there is no risk of being exposed to crime. The study gathers knowledge from documents and literature that describe what in a place makes the individual feel safe, and what makes the individual feel unsafe. This is relevant to understanding what needs to change in the physical environment and the knowledge base then explains what measures are required to increase security. The knowledge is presented in a theory for how it is possible to plan for security in a physical environment. In order to further investigate whether the theory can be used in a practical situation, a site analysis is carried out in the Norrliden district in Kalmar. The theory is then applied after the site analysis to learn what in the area is considered unsafe in order to be able to present measures. The conclusion is that there are several factors that can affect security in a physical environment. The measures are separated depending on whether it is a new area that is being planned for or whether it is an existing area that needs completion.

Where do beginner readers read in the English, mainstream primary school and where could they read?

Dyer, Emma January 2018 (has links)
Where do beginner readers read in the English, mainstream primary school and where could they read? Emma Jane Dyer This thesis explores design for the beginner reader in Year One by evaluating existing spaces in the English primary school and imagining new ones. Three significant gaps identified in the literature of reading, the teaching of reading and school design are addressed: the impact of reading pedagogies, practices and routines on spatial arrangements for beginner readers inside and beyond the classroom; a theoretical understanding of the physical, bodily and sensory experience of the beginner reader; and the design of reading spaces by teaching staff. The study uses a design-oriented research methodology and framework proposed by Fällman. A designed artefact is a required outcome of the research: in this case, a child-sized, semi-enclosed book corner known as a nook. The research was organized in three phases. First, an initial design for the nook was created, based on multi-disciplinary, theoretical research about reading, school design and architecture. Secondly, empirical research using observation, pupil-led tours and interviews was undertaken in seven primary schools to determine the types of spaces where readers read: spaces that were often unsuitable for their needs. Thirdly, as a response to the findings of phases one and two, the nook was reconceived to offer a practical solution to poorly-designed furniture for reading in schools and to provoke further research about the ideal qualities of spaces for the beginner reader. The study demonstrates how the experience of the individual reader is affected by choices made about the national curriculum; by the size of schools and the spaces within them where readers can learn; by the design of classrooms by teachers; and by regulatory standards for teaching and non-teaching spaces. In developing a methodology that can stimulate and facilitate communication between architects, educators, policy-makers and readers, this thesis offers a valuable contribution to the ongoing challenge of improving school design for practitioners and pupils.

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